It's unforgivable that Volkswagen discontinued the rear-engined, rear-wheel drive Transporter, it's even more so that VW discontinued the Transporter at all. Why would they do that? :(
they had to discontinue the rear engine rear wheel drive layout because it was not safe enough for the 90s standards, and the transporter is still in production today in europe.
You really can appreciate the design of it, I mean at first, you're like "damn, that's pretty ugly". But then just try and you'll see a lot in it. I mean it can look better that what's out today. Ya'll know what I mean?
Had a Pickup work Truck like this some years ago . Blew two engines in it . Then i think it was scrapped . Sad , cause it could made more miles whit a good engine and some other fixing to it .
1988 Chevy van had a head injury criterion of 3665 in the 35 mph NHTSA frontal crash test. 3665 = you're dead instantly. 1988 VW Vanagon had a head injury criterion of 1320, which is seriously hurt, but alive. That was good for a 1988 van with a short front end. T3 is way safer. Fahrvergnugen!!!
16 ปีที่แล้ว
good vehicle for its time but it has some errors like the noisy engine and the shape off it.
@mastashaker916 Just like me whe i was young!Now i think its the prettiest car ever madeI have one white VW T3 and Ford Sierra MK1.This is my dream garage!-And damn cheap one!
Saw one guy who hat more than 1'000'000 kilometers on it. 1 Million... thats a pretty good car... and mine is still a youngster with his 180'000kms
Eighties! There, I said it. This is so 80's it makes Star Wars, big hair, and leg warmers look very un-rad.
This is the 1986-1991 iteration. This video is from circa 1987.
i just bought an 89 Vanagon... these things are hardcore.
syncro Rules. love my truck!
It's unforgivable that Volkswagen discontinued the rear-engined, rear-wheel drive Transporter, it's even more so that VW discontinued the Transporter at all. Why would they do that? :(
they had to discontinue the rear engine rear wheel drive layout because it was not safe enough for the 90s standards, and the transporter is still in production today in europe.
Everyone blames the car.
if you wanted to blame specific people for it blame the people who petitioned for safer cars.
I'm not against safe cars, hell, I'm all for safe cars; but as drivers, we're responsible for what the car does.
yeah you have a point there. iam driving a F250 pickup truck from 99' and i like it becourse of its high ground clerance.
You really can appreciate the design of it, I mean at first, you're like "damn, that's pretty ugly". But then just try and you'll see a lot in it. I mean it can look better that what's out today. Ya'll know what I mean?
yeah especially the square light ones with the fog lights after 1986
nice subwoofer test :D
Had a Pickup work Truck like this some years ago . Blew two engines in it . Then i think it was scrapped . Sad , cause it could made more miles whit a good engine and some other fixing to it .
02:36,02:38 Seems like it's pure race car!Excellent manouverability to be honest!
the video was a crash to show how dangerus it is to overload a car
vws have always seemed to have a very intelligent design, but after owning a rabbit and a T2, I wasnt impressed with their reliability.
yeah, meanwhile I think its one of the most beautiful cars... :) I love it...
I think it looks cool, in an 80s sort of way.
Translated to English: A grey 1990 Vanagon.
Cool cars, albeit they dont have ABS or something like that, But they are very strong cars.
Did you?
I would and I do rely on the construction.
1988 Chevy van had a head injury criterion of 3665 in the 35 mph NHTSA frontal crash test. 3665 = you're dead instantly. 1988 VW Vanagon had a head injury criterion of 1320, which is seriously hurt, but alive. That was good for a 1988 van with a short front end.
T3 is way safer.
good vehicle for its time but it has some errors like the noisy engine and the shape off it.
Super! Ein fahrzeug ein mann. Meiner ist bald oldtimer
at 2:46 he's about to loose it he he
Crazy lol I heard that dude forrealee loves to go shrimpin ;) ;)
lol safety? u saw the T3 crash test video?
Which one? The Orange doka(pick up)? THAT'S NOT A T3 CRASH TEST, THAT'S A TEST OF THE WALL.
Wall test
i agree, i like vws but from the experiances of my friends and family they are noticeably less reliable and fuel efficient than japanese cars.
It'stil good for now!!!
ill probably ride in a t3 for the first time this month :) february 2010
whattheheck1000 did it went well ?
It actually happened April 7, 2010. 8 years ago, damn. I was 17 years old at the time. And yes, it was quite awesome.
March 27, 2018 3:18 am
3:22, i would not call that rough terrain
oh dear, it's march 19 now. sorry.
classic 80s
i wouldnt go in that thing. i don`t reliy on the counstrution
@mastashaker916 Just like me whe i was young!Now i think its the prettiest car ever madeI have one white VW T3 and Ford Sierra MK1.This is my dream garage!-And damn cheap one!