free e-book FLYING SAUCERS ARE REAL, Donald E. Keyhoe
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ม.ค. 2025
- free e-book FLYING SAUCERS ARE REAL, Donald Keyhoe
Donald Keyhoe's The Flying Saucers Are Real was a book that investigated reports of dirty UFOs, personnel, and other aircraft from the United States Air Force between 1947 and 1950.
"The Flying Saucers Are Real" was printed in paperback by Gold Medal Books in 1950 and sold for $0.25. In December 1949, before the book was published, Keyhoe published an article of the same name in True magazine, with similar material. The book was a huge success and popularized many ideas in ufology that are still widely believed today. According to Edward J. Ruppelt, the article was 'one of the most widely read and discussed magazine articles in history'.
In "The Flying Saucers Are Real", Keyhoe argued that the Air Force was investigating these cases, with a policy of concealing their existence from the public until 1949. He claimed that this policy was then replaced by one of cautious and progressive disclosure.
Keyhoe further claimed that Earth had been visited by extraterrestrials for two centuries, with the frequency of these visits increasing sharply after the first atomic weapon test in 1945. Citing anecdotal evidence, he hinted that the Air Force may have obtained and adapted some aspect of the technology. alien, its method of propulsion and perhaps its power source. He believed that the United States Air Force or federal government would eventually reveal these technologies to the public when the Soviet Union was no longer a threat.
The text presents a compendium of reports and investigations into UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) sightings in the 1940s, mainly in the USA. Donald E. Keyhoe's book "The Flying Saucers are Real" compiles several testimonies from pilots, both military and civilian, describing detailed sightings and analyzing possible explanations, such as secret missiles or meteorological phenomena. Keyhoe questions the transparency of the Air Force, which initially tried to deny or downplay the sightings but later hinted at the possibility of extraterrestrial visitors. The narrative explores the tension between the need for national security and the search for truth, culminating in an article in "True" magazine that caused great public repercussion. Finally, the text speculates on the possibility that UFOs are ships from other extraterrestrial civilizations.
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