You’ve completely hit the nail on the head here. Saying you want to explore new options whilst also saying you love the person you are with is beyond me, i don’t get why people date nowadays as a means to an end to find something better, i want to be in it for the long run and i think once i find that person my standards shouldnt be important anymore if they are treating you kindly, that attitude of there’s always something better gets good people hurt all the time
I agree with all of this wholeheartedly. I do feel that in society these days in some senses it's harder to actually connect with people in general, however.
i'm a male in my 30s i don't like to be force to be cartin way just to be someone that i'm not improve just to impress others please them i don't want to be someone that i'm not be force to do certain things i don't wanna do how i should or shouldn't live my life this is why i rather stay single forever so i have the real true freedom to do whatever i wanna do that make me happy like i love embrace being lazy, weak, shy, addction to technology, be in my comfort zone and being too nice friendly because that's what makes me happy i don't like that it gets demonized judgmental ego mindset is a bad thing i'm the only one in the miniroty i think there is nothing wrong if some of us love to be lazy, weak, shy, addcited to technology, comfort zone and too nice i think it's a good natural thing to me that's just me my honest unpopular point of view mindset as long if makes some of us happy than that's all that matters i'm open minded respect that it's ok to be difference that's what makes us unique
''everyone will find a person they want'' i wish it would be like that but the chances of meeting a perfect match is very low. especially if u are an introvert
Yeah love is super messed up nowadays. That's why I like the Philippines (I know you aren't from there) because so many women there still dream about love and love with their whole hearts like you. I think anyone can find a nearly perfect fit person too, but you have to meet a loooot of people. Think about it, if you want a 1 in a million guy you'd have to meet 1 million guys, or at least hundreds of pre-filtered good fit guys. I'm not ambitious though, I'm lazy but responsible 😂 I work smart instead of hard 🤷♂ I'm very ambitious in finding my own perfect fit and traveling the world with her though. Knowing love exists because you see it in yourself is very powerful! I grew up with abusive parents and was bullied in school so I didn't really know love existed, but that belief pulled me through.
It was great to know your thoughts ✨
A privilege actually, to know like minded people exist who are still holding on to hope ❤
You’ve completely hit the nail on the head here. Saying you want to explore new options whilst also saying you love the person you are with is beyond me, i don’t get why people date nowadays as a means to an end to find something better, i want to be in it for the long run and i think once i find that person my standards shouldnt be important anymore if they are treating you kindly, that attitude of there’s always something better gets good people hurt all the time
I agree! ^^ Also ur voice is so cute and so is your room and style! :D
I agree with all of this wholeheartedly. I do feel that in society these days in some senses it's harder to actually connect with people in general, however.
i'm a male in my 30s i don't like to be force to be cartin way just to be someone that i'm not improve just to impress others please them i don't want to be someone that i'm not be force to do certain things i don't wanna do how i should or shouldn't live my life this is why i rather stay single forever so i have the real true freedom to do whatever i wanna do that make me happy like i love embrace being lazy, weak, shy, addction to technology, be in my comfort zone and being too nice friendly because that's what makes me happy i don't like that it gets demonized judgmental ego mindset is a bad thing i'm the only one in the miniroty i think there is nothing wrong if some of us love to be lazy, weak, shy, addcited to technology, comfort zone and too nice i think it's a good natural thing to me that's just me my honest unpopular point of view mindset as long if makes some of us happy than that's all that matters i'm open minded respect that it's ok to be difference that's what makes us unique
''everyone will find a person they want'' i wish it would be like that but the chances of meeting a perfect match is very low. especially if u are an introvert
Yeah love is super messed up nowadays. That's why I like the Philippines (I know you aren't from there) because so many women there still dream about love and love with their whole hearts like you.
I think anyone can find a nearly perfect fit person too, but you have to meet a loooot of people. Think about it, if you want a 1 in a million guy you'd have to meet 1 million guys, or at least hundreds of pre-filtered good fit guys.
I'm not ambitious though, I'm lazy but responsible 😂
I work smart instead of hard 🤷♂
I'm very ambitious in finding my own perfect fit and traveling the world with her though.
Knowing love exists because you see it in yourself is very powerful! I grew up with abusive parents and was bullied in school so I didn't really know love existed, but that belief pulled me through.
I want to recommend a song to you I think you will like it ❤ ✨
ooo what is it? :0
Do you know the Red string theory? I think its real, not in a astrology type way but more like a probability way
a part of me believes in the red string theory but maybe that’s bcs i watched a lot of red string anime as a kid growing up lol