🚨ALERT!🚨 Please do not fall for scams. If someone replies to your comment pretending to be me and offers “prizes,” “gifts,” or “money,” please report them using the 3 little dots next to the reply. They usually mention contacting them through the apps “Telegram” or “WhatsApp.” Also, if a reply looks odd, please report it. We're all in this together.
I love Rosaria Butterfield and I always learn so much from her. She disciples me. I love you, Becket and learn so much from you as well. Thank you, Becket and thank you for having Rosaria on your show.
Excellent helpful Biblical insight, clarifies, and renounces loosely malpracticed misconstrued interpretations. Thank you for your teamwork of sharing!
@jasperrahbar-dehghan9744 I'll come back to answer you in a few hours if that's ok! 🙏🏼🙂 Hi again! 🤗 I'm just going to edit this comment, if that's ok. Basically, I think Rosaria is off-base on how she is dealing with her disagreements with Preston Sprinkle (and possibly others she disagrees with). She is very dismissive of his opinions and she basically quite aggressively "names and shames" him in public speaking engagements. An example of it on this livestream is when it feels like she mocks Preston (maybe 17.20?) for saying he's not the one to say whether a gay identifying believer is saved or not, because he says that's for God to say. The Bible says *precisely* that God is the only one who can judge the heart. But Rosaria dismisses not only his point, but - it seems to me - him as a person. I find this very very unhelpful and wrong, especially if she hasn't spoken to *him* about it. My understanding is that Preston Sprinkle has attempted to contact Rosaria to discuss her issues with him, but she hasn't responded and, I believe, has refused to engage with him. I may be wrong, but that is my understanding. If that's the case, as far as I understand our Biblical responsibilities, that is very wrong. If Rosaria has issues of contention with him, she should have approached Preston personally to discuss those things. I don't believe she did. The fact that she has refused to engage with him at all leaves me very concerned: particularly because, to the best of my knowledge, *he is our brother-in-Christ.* I *love* Becket, his testimony and his livestreams. I think he's amazing. I also love Rosaria and respect her tremendously. But I really deeply feel she's got this wrong and needs to examine it. Hope that helps. 🙏🏼
@ji8044 that's really interesting!! I couldn't listen after about 17mins, because I find it so disheartening the way she publicly mocks brothers and sisters in Christ, and their opinions.
@@ji8044 Apparently, my post has been deleted. Did you "report" it or some such censorious thing? The side that uses force to settle a question of fact is the obscurantist side, every time. That's how you know you're the bad guy.
Rosaria is one of those people that when she speaks I am so drawn in! She is so eloquent! She has ministered to me so well throughout the years! Thank you Becket and Rosaria!
@RebekkaMH13 ok. I find her tone and approach in making categoric statements when issues are contentious shows a lack of said awareness. I also think she's very wrong to speak about some siblings-in-Christ the way she does (e.g. Preston Sprinkle) - especially when my understanding is that she has refused to engage with him privately on issues she disagrees with.
I think there's some really thoughtful comments here and this is a really interesting topic to discuss. I think there's room on the internet/podcasts for black and white people like Rosaria because, let's face it, there's an awful lot of grey to wade through! She may be too black and white for some people, which I understand ( I'm fairly black and white and am always trying to tone myself down) but there's a place for her. I've only heard her a couple of times and I love her speech. This is a quality interview, and I think spiritually she's spot on. I think she's being prophetic in saying what she's saying about repentance, the need for it and the remark she made about the next 10 years caught my attention. God bless her and Beckett and the refining of our faiths through robust conversation!
Oh THANK YOU IN SPADES Rosaria! I'm a retired RN & feel so strongly about the horrific virtue signaling with the jab. I deeply appreciate what you said. If those bandaid toting boasting pastors have woken up & come out of their deception, & they need to publicly repent & MEAN IT!!
( Wife here) .I am a retired RN too. not jabbed. Tried to warn my family but I knew it was over their head. Thought that the church should have stood against that rather than promote it. But that is my opinion. My family have been jabbed and now get covid almost yearly. I am not anti Vax but I am now cautious about vaccines for children as they are now becoming mRNA vacinnes which I believe are dangerous. Becket and his guests are dealing with real problems and their dialogue is so informative.
I just love seeing the dynamic duo together -- we're just missing Dr. Christopher Yuan! I've been profoundly impacted by your stories and teaching and respective ministries, online and in print. Thank you for putting out such excellent, Biblical content. God bless you both, Becket and Dr. Butterfield!
I think I’m going to call this The BUCKET Cook Show because you, dear Becket, are the vessel that brings up these deep Living waters to our thirsting souls!! BLESS YOU, Brother❤
I am so encouraged by this episode. I am looking forward to meeting both of them in Heaven. It is hard fighting for the truth while having a smile on your face and a light heart. Both Becket and Rosario do it so well. Thank you.
About 5 years ago when I was praying about the church I was in, these words came into my mind - "the days of playing church are over". It was simply a statement, no ifs or buts. Since then I've prayed and wept a lot, I often feel like I'm the only one but I know I can't be. I believe the Lord is calling, I just don't know how many are listening.
There are many good Christians with solid biblical foundations all around the world. Remember, Elijah thought he was the only prophet left in Israel when he fled in fear from Jezebel. We are never the only ones. And even if we were, we're still not alone.
@NicholaWallace Amen NicolaWallace, we must always remember this. Regardless of what we may see, God always has His remnant and with the Lord Jesus Christ we are never ever alone. I understand what the poster meant though, I think the Lord is purifying the Church and bringing many out of the false ones that abound in these days. ❤️🇦🇺
Your discussion captivated me! You explained many of my Christian beliefs from different angles. I am a woman married to my husband, the same man, for 50 years (THIS year). We have 2 children leading traditional lives, our son a Christian and our daughter in the secular life. I encountered Christ QUITE unexpectedly. From that single point in time I was on a faith journey leading through many different churches...eventually...into the Catholic Church. I do not write for the purpose of conversion. But your discussion touches on many challenges friends have shared with me against Catholics. Here goes. 22:50 Jesus said, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." This makes me think right away about Luther's dismissal of "works...all you need is faith." I can never judge a person from God's vantage point. But I can evaluate their actions (works?) according to the Gospel and teachings of Christ. 24:00 "You don't have to choose your sin in order for it to be sin." Sure, we choose things we like. But liking something does not compel God to like it. Christ explained what God/Christ likes-in emphatic terms. 26:00 "I don't have to deal with repentance and belief, I can just have faith." (Preston Sprinkle) Matthew 25 (the entire chapter) 41:30 "It's increasingly important to speak in our own theological voice." I don't want "my own" theological voice. I want to HEAR God's theological voice/teaching...and obey...to the best of my ability. 43:00 "Only a Christian can repent." Which brings me to your thesis - REPENTANCE. It's easy to consign OTHERS to repentance for the "big" sins. But sin is sin. Catholic confession is not condemnation. It is liberation. It allows me to confront my shortcomings (sins) and work to come closer to God. I always feel loved by God. But I am not free of sin. Of late, I am focusing on my thought life, a life nobody can see or know, but a life in need of confession and renewal. FINAL THOUGHT - A major feature of Christianity that drew me to attend to Catholicism was the love of the Church for scripture - both the OT and the NT. It did not look for "escape" from the "hard teachings." Christ gave his life for the hard teachings, letting us know faith can cost us on earth. But we have a life with Christ to celebrate. I got tired of all the different "variations" of Christian "doctrine" in the many protestant churches we attended...all of it "unhitched from the Word." THANK YOU so very much for this discussion. I will listen to it again and read Rosaria's article. As Rosaria aptly concluded...the Gospel is for the "people who don't think they need it." PS If this is too much for a comment I understand. At least it has helped me frame your discussion for the next time I listen.
I have just discovered Becket’s channel and your testimony and all your videos are addicting and can’t get enough of. May God continue to bless you and bless others through you.
@@ji8044Whenever Puritans and witches are invoked, you’re hearing a Progressive argument. At least get the analogy right. Butterfield’s essay contains far too much repentance for her to be cast as “a Puritan judge”. The proper analogy would be a former witch calling other witches to repentance.
@@ji8044 You slanderously introduce violence to a non-violent message. It is the "progressives" who have always tried to settle a question of fact by the use of force. That's how you know you're the bad guy. The Salem witch trials are wrong only if the defendants weren't witches. That seems to be the case that they weren't, but if so the error of the court is an error of fact. If the defendants HAD BEEN filthy quislings who made a deal with the Devil to harm their neighbors, then they were certainly criminals. I don't see how this analogy helps your case, or how it is a valid analogy. Rebuking sin is not hate. We sinners sometimes hate such a rebuke, but that is no reason to project our hate onto it. You are exemplifying the message of the video "Progressivism hates repentance."
@@ji8044 Apparently, my post has been deleted. Did you "report" it or some such censorious thing? The side that uses force to settle a question of fact is the obscurantist side, every time. That's how you know you're the bad guy. I believe I argued that the witch trials have been rejected by an advance in knowledge, and you have not engaged my argument. I am certain I did not defend "hate".
Becket and Rosaria, thank you for this. I"m Orthodox Christian but I enjoy your podcasts. In our Churches we don't necessarily have the same issue, but there is still the constant debate about getting people in the Church. I think among young people (especially young men for some reason) there is a great desire for the traditions they want to inherit, not to lose them, even on the level of what are civilizational norms and foundations. But this was very helpful for me today, the words about being rooted in the truth and that love does not preclude the truth. I write a Bible Study blog and today's passage was the one from Luke in which Jesus said He came to bring division
Blessings! I absolutely love Ms. Rosaria -thank you for this content and always having amazing guests! These commercials that have been made -I find to be a PERFECT example of what Ms. Rosaria is saying. (Jesus washes feet….Jesus gets us…) I think its a clever covert message that Jesus just accepts all sinfulness.
Woo, a new rosaria episode! Rosaria has had such a profound impact on my life, so I’m always willing to learn more from her. (Also, I wasn’t the first comment, but that’s because I was busy early voting! Lol)
11:48 plus it is totally illogical because if the jab did its job, it would protect those who take it! So in no way would it be wronging your neighbour not to take it.
Wow. If she was insinuating that it didn't do its job, I *c o m p l e t e l y* disagree with her. Vaccines weren't foolproof, but they disarmed the virus *substantially!!*
So, I'm gonna try again n see if the comment stays. The vaccines weren't foolproof. But generally speaking, they substially disarmed the virus. So although they weren't a guarantee of immunity, they definitely helped protect *and* refuce the spread. Ergo, having a vaccine was likely to protect you *and* your neighbour. =》 "Love your neighbour" was a perfectly valid thing to say, imo.
@RCGWho I don't mean to be flippant, dismissive or disrespectful, but really, "it's does what it says on the tin," as a recent advertising campaign here said (not regarding the vaccine). There are a no. of vaccines which require regular boosters. I would argue that that doesn't imply they don't work. It's just *the way* they work. Tetanus, flu, BCG, hepatitis, to name but a few.
I do really find it a shame that some comments - which, as far as I can tell, are not offensive or abusive - seem to be being deleted. Very disappointing. 😕
Hi Beckett - love your ministry - it is so needed and so encouraging! I would love to hear your water baptism story! I've heard your powerful testimony and was so encouraged by it. It is so powerful and just speaks to the infinite love, grace and mercy of our God! Love you and praying for your continued work for the Lord.
You both are always clear, solid, and informative. There's always something I can use when talking to Brothers and Sisters. You both are an inspiration to me. Bless you.
Thank you Becket and Rosaria, your videos apply to everyone. The richness and depth of teaching and challenge are wonderful. I especially love when Rosaria makes Becket burst out laughing! Continue to change the world you two!
Brah, Beckett I learn so much from you. I’m a swim coach and teacher these kids are dealing with so many lies it hurts my heart. These vids help me minister. Appreciate you homie 🤙🏾
It’s quite sad how messed up YOU, this lady and the overwhelming vast majority of Christendom is about nearly every issue. You guys spew nothing but chaos, confusion and utter nonsense. The only thing that will separate you and Christendom in general from your ignorance is death => and thankfully at that time you will be TOMB BORN => saved from death and the grave => born again, in Jesus, the second Adam who will give you an imperishable, incorruptible, immortal body……resurrected and in the BOC.
@@enudretheinsult Absolutely God hates sin. However, He doesn’t hate classes of people. God loves all of His people, unlike Butterfield who totally hates celibate gay Christians.
@@KevinBrowneenjoyinglife I like beautiful young Women, but I don't define myself by my carnal desires, that would be demeaning and humiliating. The way we show our Love for God is to follow his commands. 6th commandment don't hate your sister!
My sister has been with Youth For Christ in Toronto, Ontario Canada for 45 years. She was given the task of creating the "sexuality" Covent for the whole of YFC in Canada. They are an organization who are Biblical in their mission statement. Her biggest hurdle was with staffers who thought the statement was too restrictive. Cynthia Davey central Ont Canada. Blessings on your channel. Keep up the good work.
This is amazing and hits “God’s nail”on the head. “….the litmus test for true Bible believing Christians…..public sin requires public repentance.” Amen. I first learned, a few years ago via John Piper, that repentance was NOT just for the minute you come to the Lord. No, it is something we must do often and it is a part of “our fruit.”
I so enjoy every time you have Rosaria on your show. I have a daughter who has so many similarities to Rosaria’s old nature. I love to learn from Rosaria. Thanks, Beckett! I appreciate you and your show so much!
I just love your mutual friendship and respect. There is so much fellowship in ur conversations. Thank you for ur clarity and straighfowardness. God is good!💕🙏
Thank you so much both of you for your faithfulness. Your explanation of true love repentance and humility etc so helpful. Gods protection and full blessing to you. ❤
loved this conversation. Rosaria is one of my favorite guests and what an incredible testimony you both have of God's grace and great mercy toward us sinners.
Public repentance is required of those who “carried the water” (so to speak) would mean so much to those of us who were condemned for “not loving our neighbor” because we didn’t take the jab. It would bring healing! ❤ Thanks for telling the truth!
Yes Rosaria!! Thank you for your wisdom. Somehow the way you explain things, it goes straight in to my heart and my mind. After hearing you, I want to do better and be better and you give me tools to fight my sin and all of the sin around me. You’re deep faith comforts me And redirects my walk with God. Always falling into potholes here and there, but you are very inspiring and full of love.
I love both of you so very much… What a wonderful treat to have both of you together in one video. I believe that what Rosario said is for everyone……gay, straight, etc - you have to have repentance. A 180° turn and go the other way. As always, thank you Becket… You were just the best !!!
Almost did not listen because I thought the subject was about political progressives. Happy I took the time. This was stimulating and very informative.
For clarification: At 6:43, Rosaria Butterfield references the Obergefell decision. Obergefell v. Hodges was a landmark 2015 Supreme Court case that legalized same-sex marriage in the United States
Thanks both of you. Rosaria, you’re honest but still loving, and appropriately offended by those in leadership not promoting God’s truth. Becket, look forward to seeing you Saturday in Artesia.
We have been asked by our church leaders to now more than ever, to study, ponder and pray about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. This asserted effort on my part since then has been nothing short of miraculous even though I have been a devoted Christian since age of 16 - now 70. HIS Atonement and our repentance and letting God prevail in our lives brings such great joy and truth Thank you for this most important conversation. So much love and appreciation for you both 🙏❤️
🚨ALERT!🚨 Please do not fall for scams. If someone replies to your comment pretending to be me and offers “prizes,” “gifts,” or “money,” please report them using the 3 little dots next to the reply. They usually mention contacting them through the apps “Telegram” or “WhatsApp.” Also, if a reply looks odd, please report it. We're all in this together.
One of the things I most admire about Rosaria: being solidly unafraid to say someone is wrong when they're wrong.
And the humility to confess publicly when she's been wrong.
She will pay for how she represents the Lord. We all will!⚔️✝️⚔️
@laurthisw those are interconnected actually.Once you Are So Pure you love the truth more then yourself, you would. enshannon2703
I love Rosaria Butterfield and I always learn so much from her. She disciples me. I love you, Becket and learn so much from you as well. Thank you, Becket and thank you for having Rosaria on your show.
Thank you! God Bless
Yes, Thank God He saved her and finally put her sharp mind to good use for the truth!
Excellent helpful Biblical insight, clarifies, and renounces loosely malpracticed misconstrued interpretations. Thank you for your teamwork of sharing!
"Public sin requires public repentance".
Rosaria Butterfield.
It's always good to listen to her.
God bless both of you.
Yes, it does.
Personally, I think Rosaria has work to do here.
@@elizabethryan2217Hello, forgive me please if I misunderstand you, can you clarify what you mean on work to do here?
@jasperrahbar-dehghan9744 I'll come back to answer you in a few hours if that's ok! 🙏🏼🙂
Hi again! 🤗 I'm just going to edit this comment, if that's ok.
Basically, I think Rosaria is off-base on how she is dealing with her disagreements with Preston Sprinkle (and possibly others she disagrees with). She is very dismissive of his opinions and she basically quite aggressively "names and shames" him in public speaking engagements. An example of it on this livestream is when it feels like she mocks Preston (maybe 17.20?) for saying he's not the one to say whether a gay identifying believer is saved or not, because he says that's for God to say. The Bible says *precisely* that God is the only one who can judge the heart. But Rosaria dismisses not only his point, but - it seems to me - him as a person. I find this very very unhelpful and wrong, especially if she hasn't spoken to *him* about it.
My understanding is that Preston Sprinkle has attempted to contact Rosaria to discuss her issues with him, but she hasn't responded and, I believe, has refused to engage with him. I may be wrong, but that is my understanding. If that's the case, as far as I understand our Biblical responsibilities, that is very wrong. If Rosaria has issues of contention with him, she should have approached Preston personally to discuss those things. I don't believe she did. The fact that she has refused to engage with him at all leaves me very concerned: particularly because, to the best of my knowledge, *he is our brother-in-Christ.*
I *love* Becket, his testimony and his livestreams. I think he's amazing. I also love Rosaria and respect her tremendously. But I really deeply feel she's got this wrong and needs to examine it. Hope that helps. 🙏🏼
@@elizabethryan2217 She's not discussing hearts. She's discussing doctrines.
Rosaria and Becket reflect the incredible, HUGE power of Jesus Christ when we let Him in!
Mary, agreed! God is good!🏵
@@ji8044 "read into"
@ji8044 that's really interesting!! I couldn't listen after about 17mins, because I find it so disheartening the way she publicly mocks brothers and sisters in Christ, and their opinions.
@@ji8044 Apparently, my post has been deleted. Did you "report" it or some such censorious thing? The side that uses force to settle a question of fact is the obscurantist side, every time. That's how you know you're the bad guy.
I always appreciate what Rosaria and Beckett have to say. They are two genuine trophies of God’s grace.
Rosaria is one of those people that when she speaks I am so drawn in! She is so eloquent! She has ministered to me so well throughout the years! Thank you Becket and Rosaria!
I love Rosario's frankness and boldness.
Me too - goals
I think she needs to temper it with some awareness that she's not always right, though.
@@elizabethryan2217 I think her repeated public repentance for past mistakes makes obvious that she is very aware of that.
@RebekkaMH13 ok. I find her tone and approach in making categoric statements when issues are contentious shows a lack of said awareness.
I also think she's very wrong to speak about some siblings-in-Christ the way she does (e.g. Preston Sprinkle) - especially when my understanding is that she has refused to engage with him privately on issues she disagrees with.
I think there's some really thoughtful comments here and this is a really interesting topic to discuss.
I think there's room on the internet/podcasts for black and white people like Rosaria because, let's face it, there's an awful lot of grey to wade through! She may be too black and white for some people, which I understand ( I'm fairly black and white and am always trying to tone myself down) but there's a place for her. I've only heard her a couple of times and I love her speech. This is a quality interview, and I think spiritually she's spot on. I think she's being prophetic in saying what she's saying about repentance, the need for it and the remark she made about the next 10 years caught my attention. God bless her and Beckett and the refining of our faiths through robust conversation!
I love your Beckett how you allow her speak with minimum interruption!! ❤❤
"Love does not approve of what God hates" PREACH!
You two are such a wonderful team! It is a joy to see your deep friendship as you share the truth with us❣️
Repentance will always involve a change of mind (affection). So good!
Thank you LORD Jesus for taking my sins away. Sin is always selfish, always sad, and always destructive.
Oh THANK YOU IN SPADES Rosaria! I'm a retired RN & feel so strongly about the horrific virtue signaling with the jab. I deeply appreciate what you said. If those bandaid toting boasting pastors have woken up & come out of their deception, & they need to publicly repent & MEAN IT!!
( Wife here) .I am a retired RN too. not jabbed. Tried to warn my family but I knew it was over their head. Thought that the church should have stood against that rather than promote it. But that is my opinion. My family have been jabbed and now get covid almost yearly. I am not anti Vax but I am now cautious about vaccines for children as they are now becoming mRNA vacinnes which I believe are dangerous. Becket and his guests are dealing with real problems and their dialogue is so informative.
I always love listening to you, Becket, and particularly when you have the amazing Rosario Butterfield!!
I just love seeing the dynamic duo together -- we're just missing Dr. Christopher Yuan! I've been profoundly impacted by your stories and teaching and respective ministries, online and in print. Thank you for putting out such excellent, Biblical content. God bless you both, Becket and Dr. Butterfield!
Thank you! God Bless
I think I’m going to call this The BUCKET Cook Show because you, dear Becket, are the vessel that brings up these deep Living waters to our thirsting souls!! BLESS YOU, Brother❤
Thank you! God Bless
I am so encouraged by this episode. I am looking forward to meeting both of them in Heaven. It is hard fighting for the truth while having a smile on your face and a light heart. Both Becket and Rosario do it so well. Thank you.
About 5 years ago when I was praying about the church I was in, these words came into my mind - "the days of playing church are over". It was simply a statement, no ifs or buts.
Since then I've prayed and wept a lot, I often feel like I'm the only one but I know I can't be. I believe the Lord is calling, I just don't know how many are listening.
Acts 2:37-39 is what everybody needs to live by.
There are many good Christians with solid biblical foundations all around the world. Remember, Elijah thought he was the only prophet left in Israel when he fled in fear from Jezebel. We are never the only ones. And even if we were, we're still not alone.
@@NicholaWallace Yes, one of my favourites! “I have reserved for Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.”
@NicholaWallace Amen NicolaWallace, we must always remember this. Regardless of what we may see, God always has His remnant and with the Lord Jesus Christ we are never ever alone.
I understand what the poster meant though, I think the Lord is purifying the Church and bringing many out of the false ones that abound in these days. ❤️🇦🇺
thank you to Becket and Rosaria for your mentorship and for continuing to uphold gospel Truth. Praise the Lord.
Thank you! God Bless
Becket, you should narrate The Bible. Your voice is so soothing.
Absolutely!! I second the suggestion!!
Yes! I wonder if he could work in his lovable giggle?☺️
I love that!!! “Homosexuality is forbidden in the moral law of God and OVERCOME in the Savior”!! BEAUTIFUL ❤
Your discussion captivated me! You explained many of my Christian beliefs from different angles. I am a woman married to my husband, the same man, for 50 years (THIS year). We have 2 children leading traditional lives, our son a Christian and our daughter in the secular life. I encountered Christ QUITE unexpectedly. From that single point in time I was on a faith journey leading through many different churches...eventually...into the Catholic Church.
I do not write for the purpose of conversion. But your discussion touches on many challenges friends have shared with me against Catholics. Here goes.
22:50 Jesus said, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments."
This makes me think right away about Luther's dismissal of "works...all you need is faith." I can never judge a person from God's vantage point. But I can evaluate their actions (works?) according to the Gospel and teachings of Christ.
24:00 "You don't have to choose your sin in order for it to be sin."
Sure, we choose things we like. But liking something does not compel God to like it. Christ explained what God/Christ likes-in emphatic terms.
26:00 "I don't have to deal with repentance and belief, I can just have faith." (Preston Sprinkle)
Matthew 25 (the entire chapter)
41:30 "It's increasingly important to speak in our own theological voice."
I don't want "my own" theological voice. I want to HEAR God's theological voice/teaching...and obey...to the best of my ability.
43:00 "Only a Christian can repent."
Which brings me to your thesis - REPENTANCE. It's easy to consign OTHERS to repentance for the "big" sins. But sin is sin. Catholic confession is not condemnation. It is liberation. It allows me to confront my shortcomings (sins) and work to come closer to God. I always feel loved by God. But I am not free of sin. Of late, I am focusing on my thought life, a life nobody can see or know, but a life in need of confession and renewal.
FINAL THOUGHT - A major feature of Christianity that drew me to attend to Catholicism was the love of the Church for scripture - both the OT and the NT. It did not look for "escape" from the "hard teachings." Christ gave his life for the hard teachings, letting us know faith can cost us on earth. But we have a life with Christ to celebrate. I got tired of all the different "variations" of Christian "doctrine" in the many protestant churches we attended...all of it "unhitched from the Word."
THANK YOU so very much for this discussion. I will listen to it again and read Rosaria's article.
As Rosaria aptly concluded...the Gospel is for the "people who don't think they need it."
PS If this is too much for a comment I understand. At least it has helped me frame your discussion for the next time I listen.
I have just discovered Becket’s channel and your testimony and all your videos are addicting and can’t get enough of. May God continue to bless you and bless others through you.
Thank you! God Bless
"The gospel is not easy but simple".
I love that.
Thank you again Becket!! Praying for you, your ministry and all that concerns you. God bless and keep you.
I would listen to Rosaria and Becket for a whole day! Praise God for your testimonies and for impacting others' lives.
Thank you! God Bless
I love the discussions between Rosario and Beckett. I learn so much, and they are so straightforward.
Fantastic teaching from Rosaria, who is so talented. Heartfelt thanks to Beckett for hosting her.
I always enjoy when Rosaria is a guest.
@@ji8044Whenever Puritans and witches are invoked, you’re hearing a Progressive argument. At least get the analogy right. Butterfield’s essay contains far too much repentance for her to be cast as “a Puritan judge”. The proper analogy would be a former witch calling other witches to repentance.
@@ji8044 You slanderously introduce violence to a non-violent message. It is the "progressives" who have always tried to settle a question of fact by the use of force. That's how you know you're the bad guy.
The Salem witch trials are wrong only if the defendants weren't witches. That seems to be the case that they weren't, but if so the error of the court is an error of fact. If the defendants HAD BEEN filthy quislings who made a deal with the Devil to harm their neighbors, then they were certainly criminals. I don't see how this analogy helps your case, or how it is a valid analogy. Rebuking sin is not hate. We sinners sometimes hate such a rebuke, but that is no reason to project our hate onto it. You are exemplifying the message of the video "Progressivism hates repentance."
@@ji8044 Apparently, my post has been deleted. Did you "report" it or some such censorious thing? The side that uses force to settle a question of fact is the obscurantist side, every time. That's how you know you're the bad guy. I believe I argued that the witch trials have been rejected by an advance in knowledge, and you have not engaged my argument. I am certain I did not defend "hate".
Outstanding wisdom and truth… thank you Rosaria and Becket…
Becket and Rosaria, thank you for this. I"m Orthodox Christian but I enjoy your podcasts. In our Churches we don't necessarily have the same issue, but there is still the constant debate about getting people in the Church. I think among young people (especially young men for some reason) there is a great desire for the traditions they want to inherit, not to lose them, even on the level of what are civilizational norms and foundations. But this was very helpful for me today, the words about being rooted in the truth and that love does not preclude the truth. I write a Bible Study blog and today's passage was the one from Luke in which Jesus said He came to bring division
Wonderful podcast as always. Clearing up the murkiness that has crept into Christianity !!! 🙏🏻🙌
I re listened and that way it is written on my heart and I can repent in my spirit. I need this before it reaches my flesh.
I was just thinking a few days ago that it was about time to have Rosaria on the show again. 😁
Rosario’s obedience to the Scriptures is a beautiful thing.
Blessings! I absolutely love Ms. Rosaria -thank you for this content and always having amazing guests!
These commercials that have been made -I find to be a PERFECT example of what Ms. Rosaria is saying. (Jesus washes feet….Jesus gets us…) I think its a clever covert message that Jesus just accepts all sinfulness.
Woo, a new rosaria episode! Rosaria has had such a profound impact on my life, so I’m always willing to learn more from her. (Also, I wasn’t the first comment, but that’s because I was busy early voting! Lol)
God Bless
Rosaria, you're awesome! Thanks for hosting this conversation, Beckett.
Thank you, both. Wonderful conversation opening scripture to chamge us all.
11:48 plus it is totally illogical because if the jab did its job, it would protect those who take it! So in no way would it be wronging your neighbour not to take it.
Wow. If she was insinuating that it didn't do its job, I
*c o m p l e t e l y* disagree with her. Vaccines weren't foolproof, but they disarmed the virus *substantially!!*
So, I'm gonna try again n see if the comment stays.
The vaccines weren't foolproof. But generally speaking, they substially disarmed the virus. So although they weren't a guarantee of immunity, they definitely helped protect *and* refuce the spread.
Ergo, having a vaccine was likely to protect you *and* your neighbour.
=》 "Love your neighbour" was a perfectly valid thing to say, imo.
@elizabethryan2217 Then why are there endless boosters as well?
@RCGWho I don't mean to be flippant, dismissive or disrespectful, but really, "it's does what it says on the tin," as a recent advertising campaign here said (not regarding the vaccine).
There are a no. of vaccines which require regular boosters. I would argue that that doesn't imply they don't work. It's just *the way* they work.
Tetanus, flu, BCG, hepatitis, to name but a few.
I do really find it a shame that some comments - which, as far as I can tell, are not offensive or abusive - seem to be being deleted.
Very disappointing. 😕
Rosaria is awesome! Wow she is sharp. Becket you are too, what a blessing this show is!
Yes, Rosaria is back!
I always look forward to your podcasts with Rosario. I would love to be her neighbor and you to Becket.
Hi Beckett - love your ministry - it is so needed and so encouraging! I would love to hear your water baptism story! I've heard your powerful testimony and was so encouraged by it. It is so powerful and just speaks to the infinite love, grace and mercy of our God! Love you and praying for your continued work for the Lord.
Another great interview! I agree that Rosaria always speaks with clarity. Thank you both!
Rosaria is so awesome. I love the episodes when she & Beckett chat.
God is Love, love is not God….
Thank you for your excellent interviews Becket! Love Rosaria’s God given wisdom.
Love you both. My prayers are for you. All in for and with Jesus.
You both are always clear, solid, and informative. There's always something I can use when talking to Brothers and Sisters. You both are an inspiration to me. Bless you.
Thank you! God Bless
That was so edifying!! I loved the part at the end- we get eternity together!!
Except that Rosaria hates gay people and excludes them from heaven.
I’m grateful for your channel Becket❤🙏🏽
Second time listening to this episode…So good!
It's always a good episode with Dr. Butterfield in the house. ❤
Thank you Becket and Rosaria, your videos apply to everyone. The richness and depth of teaching and challenge are wonderful. I especially love when Rosaria makes Becket burst out laughing! Continue to change the world you two!
I see Rosaria, I click
I see Rosaria, I chuck 🤢🤮
Thanks Becket and Rosaria!!
Another great conversation Becket!
Wonderful interview! So many things to chew on, no matter who we're attracted to. Thanks, you two
I HIGHLY recommend the book by Andrew Murray called Humility!
Brah, Beckett I learn so much from you. I’m a swim coach and teacher these kids are dealing with so many lies it hurts my heart. These vids help me minister. Appreciate you homie 🤙🏾
Always love when you two collaborate!
Yes Rosaria speaks with such clarity & wisdom! I love & appreciate you both so much!❤
This issue is complicated sometimes. Is every single individual supposd to be the Same? I'm not convinced...but I appreciate the conversation.
Catherine Herridge is THE BEST!. Thank God for her, and the few others who have bravely told the truth in this perilous time we are living in.
Repent! Repentance! Without it we can't be born again! Good chat on your book
It’s quite sad how messed up YOU, this lady and the overwhelming vast majority of Christendom is about nearly every issue.
You guys spew nothing but chaos, confusion and utter nonsense.
The only thing that will separate you and Christendom in general from your ignorance is death => and thankfully at that time you will be TOMB BORN => saved from death and the grave => born again, in Jesus, the second Adam who will give you an imperishable, incorruptible, immortal body……resurrected and in the BOC.
Master class in Gods teaching of Love!
Thank you! God Bless
A master class in hate.
@@KevinBrowneenjoyinglife A loving God Hates Sin and will bring Justice whether we like it or not.
@@enudretheinsult Absolutely God hates sin. However, He doesn’t hate classes of people. God loves all of His people, unlike Butterfield who totally hates celibate gay Christians.
@@KevinBrowneenjoyinglife I like beautiful young Women, but I don't define myself by my carnal desires, that would be demeaning and humiliating. The way we show our Love for God is to follow his commands. 6th commandment don't hate your sister!
Rosaria truly does have a gift of clarity, and is obedient to the Lord in the use of it. Thank you both for being lights and obedient servants!
Becket and Butterfield - awesome combo!
Yes, Clarity Beckett💡💡💡please you two talk again soon! Thank you💟
My sister has been with Youth For Christ in Toronto, Ontario Canada for 45 years. She was given the task of creating the "sexuality" Covent for the whole of YFC in Canada. They are an organization who are Biblical in their mission statement. Her biggest hurdle was with staffers
who thought the statement was too restrictive. Cynthia Davey central Ont Canada.
Blessings on your channel. Keep up the good work.
This is amazing and hits “God’s nail”on the head. “….the litmus test for true Bible believing Christians…..public sin requires public repentance.” Amen. I first learned, a few years ago via John Piper, that repentance was NOT just for the minute you come to the Lord. No, it is something we must do often and it is a part of “our fruit.”
I so enjoy every time you have Rosaria on your show. I have a daughter who has so many similarities to Rosaria’s old nature. I love to learn from Rosaria. Thanks, Beckett! I appreciate you and your show so much!
Good to see Rosaria back, she's excellent!
Thank you ❤
Thank you, Rosaria and Becket!
I love you both so much and your work!! God Bless
I just loved this all so much! You both are doing such great work. ❤
I just love your mutual friendship and respect. There is so much fellowship in ur conversations.
Thank you for ur clarity and straighfowardness. God is good!💕🙏
Thank you so much both of you for your faithfulness. Your explanation of true love repentance and humility etc so helpful. Gods protection and full blessing to you. ❤
I always learn so much when she’s on. What an amazing episode.
loved this conversation. Rosaria is one of my favorite guests and what an incredible testimony you both have of God's grace and great mercy toward us sinners.
I really love hearing you both talk together. Great examples for us all of Christian encouragement and friendship.
God Bless
Public repentance is required of those who “carried the water” (so to speak) would mean so much to those of us who were condemned for “not loving our neighbor” because we didn’t take the jab. It would bring healing! ❤ Thanks for telling the truth!
Keep up the good wok. God bless you.
What is good about hate ?
Wow the lord is using you . Thank you Hesus for your life.Praise the lord
❤ Rosaria.......and Becket, of course.
Yes Rosaria!! Thank you for your wisdom. Somehow the way you explain things, it goes straight in to my heart and my mind. After hearing you, I want to do better and be better and you give me tools to fight my sin and all of the sin around me. You’re deep faith comforts me And redirects my walk with God. Always falling into potholes here and there, but you are very inspiring and full of love.
God Bless
@@BecketCook ♥️
What is wise about hate ?
I love both of you so very much… What a wonderful treat to have both of you together in one video.
I believe that what Rosario said is for everyone……gay, straight, etc - you have to have repentance. A 180° turn and go the other way.
As always, thank you Becket… You were just the best !!!
😊such clarity and courage
Thank you . Becket you are a blessing to us.
So well said. Thank you for this conversation. Very helpful. ✝️❤️
Almost did not listen because I thought the subject was about political progressives. Happy I took the time. This was stimulating and very informative.
For clarification: At 6:43, Rosaria Butterfield references the Obergefell decision.
Obergefell v. Hodges was a landmark 2015 Supreme Court case that legalized same-sex marriage in the United States
i alwsys think there must be something wrong with something if you must keep it secret
Always Enjoy Rosaria so candid and straightforward!
Thanks both of you. Rosaria, you’re honest but still loving, and appropriately offended by those in leadership not promoting God’s truth. Becket, look forward to seeing you Saturday in Artesia.
Rosaria is anything but loving. She hates gay Christians.
We have been asked by our church leaders to now more than ever, to study, ponder and pray about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. This asserted effort on my part since then has been nothing short of miraculous even though I have been a devoted Christian since age of 16 - now 70. HIS Atonement and our repentance and letting God prevail in our lives
brings such great joy and truth
Thank you for this most important conversation. So much love and appreciation for you both 🙏❤️
Great conversation! Blessings to you both from the ends of the earth.