It's just because in Denmark is not important, who You are by profession, how high position You work at, neither how educated and skilled You are, but what's really essential ; is how You are deeply in Your heart, how good human being You are. That counts the most.
I often joke that when two americans meet, they will be competing about who has the best life, while two danes meeting will be competing about who had the worse day :)
As a Danish person, I can say this is absolutely true, nothing turns me off more, than listening to someone telling me how great they are. If you're really great, I'll notice it on my own, I don't need you to tell me. Another side of this, at least among the people in my social circle, is a general discomfort with compliments. Sure it's nice to hear someone point out your finer qualities, but I always get uncomfortable and unsure how to respond, because acknowledging a compliment feels like bragging.
LOL! I am Danish and I was thinking: “Come on! Danish people are very tolerant and down to Earth. What can you possibly do that is bad?”, but you are spot on! Good to have other eyes on our culture. Thank you for sharing! It made me laugh at ourselves because it is generally true 😊
Hej Jesper! Hur har du det? Jag älskar Skandinavien och jag en dag vill flytta till Sverige. Jag är amerikansk och kan snacka Svenska. Jag kan läsa danska inga problem, men jag träffade en dansk kille, och medan jag förstod inte vad han sagt till mig, han verkade som en cool kille. Hans namn var Stig.
Jante loven is the parody version of the concept of equality, we are all humans, so I'm not less or more than the person next to me, doesn't matter if it is a man or women, black or white, rich or poor, Neither I or they are better than the other. It's a sickness in a society when I can claim some people is lesser than me.
We Danes are not so interested in small talk - on the other hand we LOVE to talk to foreigners about where you come from, how you are, your and my culture. And who you are inside. Your videos reveal that you understood that :-)
I love that Danes genuinely get to know your interests. As a woman living in LA, there's a weird constant unwritten competition people have with how much money they make. It's so nice to not talk about working haha. 😀
There is a similé to that effect: Friends will ridicule you to your face, and tell good stories about you behind your back; Enemies will do the opposite.
It's cool to stay grounded and not brag. I also read that the Danes have a sense of the community and value quality of life (not necessarily to have riches and material possessions) - values which appeal to me. Hope to visit and learn more from the Danes.
Jante's law is actually: "Do not believe you are anybody or anything, when you are drunk!" The when you are drunk part, often gets lost. It's from a novel by Aksel Sandemose, "A refugee crosses his trail"
Janteloven is not a part of danish culture or a real law. It comes from a book by Aksel Sandemose called En flygtning krydser sit spor from 1933. I think very few danes know about this book. But the Jantelov is a good reminder about not putting other people down who has big dreams and ambitions, how some feels better by holding others down so they feel better. Interesting thing is you can make an opposite of the jantelov and it is just as bad. Mindsets described in Jante's law does exists among danes but i am sure it does so in other cultures to.
@@JCboerlum that's actually not true... there are 10 commandments of Jante's Law and that one is not one of them. They go like this and are publicly displayed on the memorial tablet near Sandemose's home...: "Du skal ikke tro, du er noget." "Du skal ikke tro, at du er lige så meget som os." "Du skal ikke tro, at du er klogere end os." "Du skal ikke bilde dig ind, at du er bedre end os." "Du skal ikke tro, at du ved mere end os." "Du skal ikke tro, at du er mere end os." "Du skal ikke tro, at du dur til noget." "Du skal ikke le ad os." "Du skal ikke tro, at nogen bryder sig om dig." "Du skal ikke tro, at du kan lære os noget." And it wasnt about the Danes or something he said we should use as a guidance... it was his depiction of the human race.
Could not find your video about "Janteloven". I totally disagree with most of the comments about "Janteloven". Truely the term comes from a book by Axel Sandemose. And ever since he wrote this book the term has been used to degrade danes and danish culture. I truely believes danes admires people who really stand out. We are just realy sceptic toward people who brags. "Seeing is believing". We simply want to see some facts before we trust your words.
Personally, I’m interested in the person, not what they do for a living. If people are succesful and make a lot of money, good for them, if that’s what’s important to them. To me, being succesful is about being a kind, complete, and considerate person, and about being there for friends and family when they need you.
Well I'm persian and as a persian we are very Respectful and persians are what you described we friendly inviting Funny Persians are Great People and Healthy and Have big Families and Close Friends and Polite but as a Persian myself i have experienced bad Manners from Danes both Racist/rude/Evil or else in my early teen years has just been friendly Danes mostly or else From my experience growing up in DK have Danes been rather Toxic
@@FullCanoe Yup, that would definitely be considered either bragging, if u had something to brag about, or pathetic. And extremely bad taste either way.
I love this ... I think I like Danish people already! That's exactly the right attitude to have 💗 who cares about what job you have, address you live at, car you drive and all the rest ... so unbelievably boring zzz
i don't mind that but bragging is just borring to us. in fact i just smile 'cus the guy who's bragging clearly needs some kind of acknowledgement which is sad
The difference as @Tobias Høier poits out is very important. I'm from Jutland, so the "humble-pie" is a wellknown and strong culturally cultivated perspective, almost instinctive. However, a job welldone - is admired as well, but the wording soo understated, as to not actually express admiration at all: "..damn...that could be worse!" etc. I think it's because Danes generally infer something directly challenging and aggressive in explicit and continued selfpromotion, that we feel somehow has to meet and live up to - and most Danes don't want too open a competitive edge in relations. They want a relaxed good time with people close and competition for outsiders, you know - "hygge". In reality though, I actually don't think Danes are really humble - we are quite proud of whatever we value, but simply a bit uncomfortable sticking out too much ;-). Also due to the infeered judging of selfpromotion/suspision of bragging, we kind of miss the aspect of healthy celebration of one self and achievements and thats quite a loss. It took me a long time to not get instinctively triggered myself in relations with friends from other cultures. Friends from the US especially were downright exhausting to be around with their constant stream of amaizing! fantastic! perfect! Lol! When everything up there, nothing really is - so it came across as just untrustworthy noise. Thank God for travels, the internet and human capacity to learn :-D. Ahh well..that ran a bit away, he.
It's not that danes can't brag, but when we do, we always feel there isn't anything to brag about. It's like a selfdefenssive mechanism, where everything you say, shall be garnered with salt, because Denmark isn't the "greatest nation in the world" and I think you'd find it hard to find anyone who thought so..
Mostly Danes don't look down on you for your job. No-one looks down on sanitation workers for example. It's honorable as long as you are doing something useful to society. However, when you are doing a job that is considered more an annoyance than something useful, then we are much less appreciative. Ask a Dane what they think of telemarketers or traffic wardens (parkerings vagter).
@@Valjean666dk Nope, no hugs for telemarketers. They are just a nuisance no matter what. The traffic warden may be excused as they only act on your personal mistakes.
Agree, as long as you provide for yourself in a legal manor, you'll have the my full respect. Also telemarketing people, as long as you dont call my number.
Many French and US-American people love bragging and they often do brag, so this is is a much needed tip for them (esp when in Denmark or when interacting with Danes).
It is okay to be proud of what you have achieved. It is true, we don't like people bragging, it is pretty off putting. But there is a differens in presenting yourself as a CEO of a big company, and bragging about being a CEO of a big company. I guess the difference is relevance within the context, and if you think it makes you feel better and more important then others. The CEO might be the big guy in many ways. But in general, the company will run just fine if he is gone for 2 weeks with no replacement. But is the cleaning staff is gone for 2 weeks, with no one to stand in for them, that will be a completely different story
okay lemme try to make you understand some things about danish people. there are a difference between bragging and acknowledging what you have accomplished. we'll never be negative about something you did accomplish.
I agree, the difference is very much in the presentation. It is okay to be proud of what you have achieved. It is true, we don't like people bragging, it is pretty off putting. But there is a differens in presenting yourself as a CEO of a big company, and bragging about being a CEO of a big company. I guess the difference is relevance within the context, and if you think it makes you feel better and more important then others. The CEO might be the big guy in many ways. But in general, the company will run just fine if he is gone for 2 weeks with no replacement. But is the cleaning staff is gone for 2 weeks, with no one to stand in for them, that will be a completely different story
I agree we are bad at handling people saying they a best but’s a problem. My family and I had an Audi Q5 witch is a suv but this one was green. I don’t know why but so many people looked angry or was driving so idiotic stupid dangerous . But when we had the same car just grey people was completely normal. I which wee could stop being that angry when someone trying to say that he/her is better then other. That one of the problems generally.
talking about Danes don't carrying about hierarchy or what people make a year, i lived in a rental apartment next to a couple for 10 years, they where always extremely nice despite im an early retiree handicapped man making not a lot, I've been over to there place plenty of times i had a key to there place i used to take care of there 2 dogs when they worked late or business trips, i only by accident found out they make well over 2mill a year, but they and i didn't care, they where happy living in a small*ish apartment with there dogs doing what they wanted
Exactly right. The Danes get it right. Balancing honesty, respect for others and modest self-respect perfectly. We hope we will be able to spend our summer there for the 27th time this year.
When you say that we generally are sweet is it when talking ore when walking and someone is smelling back ore saying hallo because when walking against someone we’re not smiling that much I think
Ouch you nailed that one straight on. As a Dane I can agree to this. If someone brags like described or in similare fashion, then I would find them shallow, uninnteresting and insecure about themselves. I would absolutely be polite, and me personally would turn it up to a sickly degree and most likely garnish that polite with some sarcasm and then see how fast I could get away from the person and never see them again. So yes. I'd avoid such a person and situation.
We just Think we are all needed as humans... we nede sove to clean, sove to lead, sove to teach and so on... But we need all people and no one is worth more than the other... If you don’t get trash picked up or no one cleans in a restaurant well then the manager or chefs are worthless asswell... so we need all people, we just have different tasks 😊
True, but honestly. Does any person in the world like a bragging person? I mean, what am i as the "receiver" of the bragging supposed to do with the information? To me - and I guess a lot of ppl around the world - money, job and status does not define your worth as a person.
We have an unofficial 10 point list of things not to do, inspired by The 10 Commandments. We call them the "Jante Law". Here are 10 things listed, that you just may not do. Among other things, do not think you are anything more or better, compared to others. We live with it for better or worse. but it must also be taken a bit for fun. It is written by a guy called Aksel Sandemose, and I think you should read it or let your boyfriend tell you about it. Thank you, for your feed-back to being a dane. And welcome to this pancake country!
Best video I have seen about do not brag, you almost make us seem better then other, haha just kidding around, most do not brag Infront of a Dane, do not go into some of the things you mention like they will still respect you, hmm now I forgot the last two things you mentioned, that I rarely see did and never in over and the same video, will explained and big thanks for making it so clear that we are fairly(yes very compared to some) down to earth and respectful. Again thank you
En pralrøv - an bragging-ass, is a danish expression that really point to how how people view bragging people. However it is important to see the difference between bragging and being proud of achievements
Interesting. Guess the Danes never forgot about Scania and the other lost territories from 1650 ,or thereabout. I guess we Norwegians are considered otherwise.
I think the best way to put it is: The danes are a very humble and proud people. We are proud of what we do etc, but also very humble to others. and people bragging, it kinda hits our pride a bit. so we tend to say, sure good for you. But mostly it comes down to people bragging, fair enough, but let us see then, one thing is you are bragging about it, but show us. But mostly dont brag. The danes really hate people bragging and will find the dumbest ways just to stop talking to you. you can brag if you are a friend, but a complete stranger, no thank you.
I need to say something about this. When a child excels at school, even without bragging, he is slowly left out. Danes don't really like someone who is above the average of the rest (as a unit, for example the whole class, not just themselves). I am facing the same situation at work, from some of my colleagues who seem to see me competitively (although I work in a different field than them). The rest embrace me and even recognize that I am really good at my job (although it took them a year). Despite that everyone is friendly (most of the time).
When meeting someone in denmark it wont take long before asking what sort of job you have. Why is that so important? Like you are your job. I cant see that it is for anything else than ranking oneanother. How much they are Worth.
I believe it is a great information about a person. Their job teaches you about their dreams, family, hobbies, present situation, what they like to do, sometimes how much they like to work, what their deferent believes and opinions are, and so on
Braggring is considered negative.. However mentioning facts in context is not bragging - thats where I feel the difference lies. Bragging is in my opinion often related with: "Arrogance, not interested in other people, greed". Mentioning facts in context could be: "I can't really speak to that as I am CEO and make a good living. Please elaborate on your opinion... ". Danish people do respect status and are generally willing to learn from the best. However that dosen't trump awful maners or rude behavior (most of the time). I also want to believe that this is'nt unique to Danish people :) Have a nice day folks!
Why should you mention your salary in the first place? I mean, this MAY come up as a subject after a while..once you have known this person for a while, not something that most people would mention right away.
what about their bodycount 🤔 i hear hook up culture is top on the list. is that their default to always chase instant pleasure outside even when their in relationship?
So True !, Don´t me a "show-off", or I will walk away, and not talk to you again :-). Welcome to Denmark!, Hope you will find love, peace and a good life here, just don´t brag about it !!........hahaha Btw, you need to cut your intro down to half size sweety, 20 sec is to long......
From you statement about that Danish people are always smiling and saying hello - you can not believe in Nordjylland 😉 Everytime i travle outside of Nordjylland i feel i have entered another country 😂
I have been living in Denmark for 8 years, but I certainly do not agree with the statement of this video. I hear people brag all the time, and people giving their compliments to the achievements.
It has nothing to do with confidence, it is because of what it means in Denmark. So if you come up and say to a Dane and say: I am super good at tennis and I own my own restaurant. Are you actually saying: Ha! I'm super good at tennis and you are not, I own my own restaurant and make more money than you! Would you make friends with such a person?
A dane and american meet at a party and start a conversation. American say My farm is so big that if i take my car in the morning and drive i hit the fence of my property when the sun goes down. Dane: Dont worry my friend, a few years ago i had a car like that too....
🙋♀️ i am learning danish every day, i understand better than i speak and im far from fluent but i hope to be one day 🙂 so my level would be between notions and intermediate for now 🙈
It is of course perfectly fine to to "brag" to ur friends/family if u worked hard and acomplished something u struggled with. Hell there's even a danish song about "clapping yourself on the back", it really all depends on whether ur being arrogant about it. Are there Danish braggarts? Of course, every country has them, but they aren't generally well liked.
It's just because in Denmark is not important, who You are by profession, how high position You work at, neither how educated and skilled You are, but what's really essential ; is how You are deeply in Your heart, how good human being You are. That counts the most.
thats thinking to pack up and try to live in Denmark...peoples faces are so bright up :) in my imagionation they are very positive people :)
@@KingQfSouth in your imagination... Just don't overimagine 😏
as an average person born and raised in denmark, i can agree with that
tEaM woRK❤ maKes The DrAMworK
I often joke that when two americans meet, they will be competing about who has the best life, while two danes meeting will be competing about who had the worse day :)
Lol so true xD
😁I’ll pretty much say the same thing about Chinese people
I know that's a joke. But not all Americans are like that. We are very open and willing to talk about anything.
@@LittleImpaler I am sure. But jokes often generalize over stereotypes. And stereotypes always has some truth to them.
Haha this is unexpectedly charming!
As a Danish person, I can say this is absolutely true, nothing turns me off more, than listening to someone telling me how great they are. If you're really great, I'll notice it on my own, I don't need you to tell me.
Another side of this, at least among the people in my social circle, is a general discomfort with compliments. Sure it's nice to hear someone point out your finer qualities, but I always get uncomfortable and unsure how to respond, because acknowledging a compliment feels like bragging.
I can totally relate to that xD
Mee too, completly agree!
Me as well, compliments are hard and i'd much rather give than receive them.
It’s called Jantelöven. Jantes law. And it’s total bs
@@huwleonard2775 Which part is jantelov?
LOL! I am Danish and I was thinking: “Come on! Danish people are very tolerant and down to Earth. What can you possibly do that is bad?”, but you are spot on! Good to have other eyes on our culture. Thank you for sharing! It made me laugh at ourselves because it is generally true 😊
Hej Jesper! Hur har du det? Jag älskar Skandinavien och jag en dag vill flytta till Sverige. Jag är amerikansk och kan snacka Svenska. Jag kan läsa danska inga problem, men jag träffade en dansk kille, och medan jag förstod inte vad han sagt till mig, han verkade som en cool kille. Hans namn var Stig.
Yes it's true i am danish btw
The "don't brag" part comes down to "Jante loven" which in Denmark basically means that you shouldn't think you are better than everyone else.
Jante loven is the parody version of the concept of equality, we are all humans, so I'm not less or more than the person next to me, doesn't matter if it is a man or women, black or white, rich or poor, Neither I or they are better than the other. It's a sickness in a society when I can claim some people is lesser than me.
We Danes are not so interested in small talk - on the other hand we LOVE to talk to foreigners about where you come from, how you are, your and my culture. And who you are inside. Your videos reveal that you understood that :-)
And we will always explain to you why our way is better ;)
and this is correct but them you know this one with the birds rocket and skirts they're like to talk
I love that Danes genuinely get to know your interests. As a woman living in LA, there's a weird constant unwritten competition people have with how much money they make. It's so nice to not talk about working haha. 😀
New subscriber here. 🤗
I'm glad you're enjoying life in Scandinavia !
Can't wait to hear more...
Stay safe and well.
Love from Oslo, Norway 💖
Thanks a lot ! 😃😊✨
If you're good at something, you do not have to brag about it. Others will (probably) tell it!
There is a similé to that effect: Friends will ridicule you to your face, and tell good stories about you behind your back; Enemies will do the opposite.
Welcome to Denmark! Hope you’ll be happy here. So true, we do not like show-offs.
It's cool to stay grounded and not brag. I also read that the Danes have a sense of the community and value quality of life (not necessarily to have riches and material possessions) - values which appeal to me. Hope to visit and learn more from the Danes.
Please come and visit. We would love to have you.
So true about bragging! I made a similar video where I discuss the Janteloven - the reason behind why they don't like to brag or be bragged at!
I hate janteloven
Jante's law is actually: "Do not believe you are anybody or anything, when you are drunk!"
The when you are drunk part, often gets lost.
It's from a novel by Aksel Sandemose, "A refugee crosses his trail"
Janteloven is not a part of danish culture or a real law. It comes from a book by Aksel Sandemose called En flygtning krydser sit spor from 1933. I think very few danes know about this book. But the Jantelov is a good reminder about not putting other people down who has big dreams and ambitions, how some feels better by holding others down so they feel better. Interesting thing is you can make an opposite of the jantelov and it is just as bad. Mindsets described in Jante's law does exists among danes but i am sure it does so in other cultures to.
@@JCboerlum that's actually not true... there are 10 commandments of Jante's Law and that one is not one of them. They go like this and are publicly displayed on the memorial tablet near Sandemose's home...:
"Du skal ikke tro, du er noget."
"Du skal ikke tro, at du er lige så meget som os."
"Du skal ikke tro, at du er klogere end os."
"Du skal ikke bilde dig ind, at du er bedre end os."
"Du skal ikke tro, at du ved mere end os."
"Du skal ikke tro, at du er mere end os."
"Du skal ikke tro, at du dur til noget."
"Du skal ikke le ad os."
"Du skal ikke tro, at nogen bryder sig om dig."
"Du skal ikke tro, at du kan lære os noget."
And it wasnt about the Danes or something he said we should use as a guidance... it was his depiction of the human race.
Could not find your video about "Janteloven". I totally disagree with most of the comments about "Janteloven". Truely the term comes from a book by Axel Sandemose. And ever since he wrote this book the term has been used to degrade danes and danish culture. I truely believes danes admires people who really stand out. We are just realy sceptic toward people who brags. "Seeing is believing". We simply want to see some facts before we trust your words.
Personally, I’m interested in the person, not what they do for a living. If people are succesful and make a lot of money, good for them, if that’s what’s important to them. To me, being succesful is about being a kind, complete, and considerate person, and about being there for friends and family when they need you.
Yes i definitely share the same point of view 😊👍🏻 thanks for your comments ! 😊
Well I'm persian and as a persian we are very Respectful and persians are what you described we friendly inviting Funny Persians are Great People and Healthy and Have big Families and Close Friends and Polite but as a Persian myself i have experienced bad Manners from Danes both Racist/rude/Evil or else in my early teen years has just been friendly Danes mostly or else From my experience growing up in DK have Danes been rather Toxic
Here in Denmark it’s like. If you have something to brag about - show it instead of saying it.
Tried it... and apparently whipping out your junk in the candy isle in Føtex wasn't a great idea......
@@FullCanoe HAHAHhahaha
@@FullCanoe Yup, that would definitely be considered either bragging, if u had something to brag about, or pathetic. And extremely bad taste either way.
@@dfuher968 Or an obvious joke that went - entirely - over your head.......
Fullcanoe, was it a joke, or are you just happy to see me?
I love this ... I think I like Danish people already! That's exactly the right attitude to have 💗 who cares about what job you have, address you live at, car you drive and all the rest ... so unbelievably boring zzz
There is one excuse for being a braggart in Denmark, and that is if you can actually back it up.
But still it's not advised.
There's a fine line between bragging and being proud of one self/achievements.
Nothing urges a man to brag unless he has a viable reason to do so, and then it's almost revered.
I am Danish , and you are so right . Thank you and i hope you and your love ones have a nice day .
a dane would meet ur bragging with "aha..thats nice, but u still have to put ur pants one one leg at atime like me. "
i don't mind that but bragging is just borring to us. in fact i just smile 'cus the guy who's bragging clearly needs some kind of acknowledgement which is sad
so true.
Yes, Danes are damn straight forward, and crazy about fitness. Love to live in Denmark.
You are spot on .
Greetings from Denmark 🇩🇰🇩🇰
Thank you for your kind words 💖💖💖
Hey, valvable tips, good luck for your new chanel 🍀
i am danish its nice to know that you guys like us and say that were sweet!! :)
This is one of The best channels talking about us danes. Btw thanks for The compliments
Thank you!
The difference as @Tobias Høier poits out is very important.
I'm from Jutland, so the "humble-pie" is a wellknown and strong culturally cultivated perspective, almost instinctive. However, a job welldone - is admired as well, but the wording soo understated, as to not actually express admiration at all: "..damn...that could be worse!" etc.
I think it's because Danes generally infer something directly challenging and aggressive in explicit and continued selfpromotion, that we feel somehow has to meet and live up to - and most Danes don't want too open a competitive edge in relations. They want a relaxed good time with people close and competition for outsiders, you know - "hygge".
In reality though, I actually don't think Danes are really humble - we are quite proud of whatever we value, but simply a bit uncomfortable sticking out too much ;-).
Also due to the infeered judging of selfpromotion/suspision of bragging, we kind of miss the aspect of healthy celebration of one self and achievements and thats quite a loss. It took me a long time to not get instinctively triggered myself in relations with friends from other cultures. Friends from the US especially were downright exhausting to be around with their constant stream of amaizing! fantastic! perfect! Lol! When everything up there, nothing really is - so it came across as just untrustworthy noise. Thank God for travels, the internet and human capacity to learn :-D.
Ahh well..that ran a bit away, he.
Thanks for your comment ! 😃
It's not that danes can't brag, but when we do, we always feel there isn't anything to brag about. It's like a selfdefenssive mechanism, where everything you say, shall be garnered with salt, because Denmark isn't the "greatest nation in the world" and I think you'd find it hard to find anyone who thought so..
Also never say that you are Swedish... :)
Aaahhh... You could say you are Swedish... just don't say to a Dane you think he is Swedish :D
with love to you Swedish - we love you despite a little bullying :-)
Who wouldn't give her a smile?
But she's probably right.
Mostly Danes don't look down on you for your job.
No-one looks down on sanitation workers for example.
It's honorable as long as you are doing something useful to society.
However, when you are doing a job that is considered more an annoyance than something useful, then we are much less appreciative.
Ask a Dane what they think of telemarketers or traffic wardens (parkerings vagter).
Oh yeah you got a point 😄 thank you for your feedback ! ✨
@Lasse Givoni No hugs for the telemarketers then? :p
@Lasse Givoni I would have a lot more sympathy for them if they worked outside in the rain.
I see your point.
Nope, no hugs for telemarketers. They are just a nuisance no matter what.
The traffic warden may be excused as they only act on your personal mistakes.
Agree, as long as you provide for yourself in a legal manor, you'll have the my full respect. Also telemarketing people, as long as you dont call my number.
All the best. Thanks for the video
Many French and US-American people love bragging and they often do brag, so this is is a much needed tip for them (esp when in Denmark or when interacting with Danes).
On the other hand, if they want to get rid of a Dane really quick, just start bragging, and we'll be out of there post haste!
yup no Bragging allowed we usually let you discover if we have a talent or not.
It is okay to be proud of what you have achieved.
It is true, we don't like people bragging, it is pretty off putting. But there is a differens in presenting yourself as a CEO of a big company, and bragging about being a CEO of a big company. I guess the difference is relevance within the context, and if you think it makes you feel better and more important then others.
The CEO might be the big guy in many ways. But in general, the company will run just fine if he is gone for 2 weeks with no replacement. But is the cleaning staff is gone for 2 weeks, with no one to stand in for them, that will be a completely different story
okay lemme try to make you understand some things about danish people. there are a difference between bragging and acknowledging what you have accomplished.
we'll never be negative about something you did accomplish.
I agree, the difference is very much in the presentation.
It is okay to be proud of what you have achieved.
It is true, we don't like people bragging, it is pretty off putting. But there is a differens in presenting yourself as a CEO of a big company, and bragging about being a CEO of a big company. I guess the difference is relevance within the context, and if you think it makes you feel better and more important then others.
The CEO might be the big guy in many ways. But in general, the company will run just fine if he is gone for 2 weeks with no replacement. But is the cleaning staff is gone for 2 weeks, with no one to stand in for them, that will be a completely different story
I agree we are bad at handling people saying they a best but’s a problem.
My family and I had an Audi Q5 witch is a suv but this one was green. I don’t know why but so many people looked angry or was driving so idiotic stupid dangerous . But when we had the same car just grey people was completely normal.
I which wee could stop being that angry when someone trying to say that he/her is better then other.
That one of the problems generally.
talking about Danes don't carrying about hierarchy or what people make a year, i lived in a rental apartment next to a couple for 10 years, they where always extremely nice despite im an early retiree handicapped man making not a lot, I've been over to there place plenty of times i had a key to there place i used to take care of there 2 dogs when they worked late or business trips, i only by accident found out they make well over 2mill a year, but they and i didn't care, they where happy living in a small*ish apartment with there dogs doing what they wanted
That sounds like something that not only happens in Denmark, but also places like the UK.
This is the same in Norway. The law of Jante apply here also. Many negative things about this "law", but when it comes to bragging. The law good.
I don't mind people bragging as it shows they are compensating for low self esteem, so I see 1500 kr. / hour in therapy 😂
So, if you visit a therapist once a week: 6k/ month ... How expensive 😶 it's similar to a small student home rent price, I guess... not?
Yup, that's the price for good therapi 🙂
@@farzanehhhf1333 And and that price you will quickly learn not to brag anymore 😅
Graced with your beauty, smiling faces would often bless you
Vous avez un merveilleux anglais..wauu
Je n'ai jamais entendu une personne de France parler aussi bien l'anglais que toi..bravo
Oh merci beaucoup ! Ça me va droit au cœur! 😊😊😊✨
Du har fuldstændig ret, hvis ikke hun siger hun er fransk ville jeg nægte at tro det!! Tres bién Madame!
@@erikskov8759 mange tak! ☺️
Exactly right. The Danes get it right. Balancing honesty, respect for others and modest self-respect perfectly. We hope we will be able to spend our summer there for the 27th time this year.
Nice video, good luck for your channel!
Waiting for new tips)
No one from any country is going to try and be friends with a bragger.
When you say that we generally are sweet is it when talking ore when walking and someone is smelling back ore saying hallo because when walking against someone we’re not smiling that much I think
Try again as a man from the Middle East. And then see how open and welcoming Danes are to strangers.
Du er meget smuk, faktisk!❤
Now, Denmark is more than just Copenhagen and the countryside. There are actually more cities than just Copenhagen in this country.
I know 😊 i don’t live on Sjælland myself but on Fyn and i agree 100% that one capital city does not make a country! ✨
Ouch you nailed that one straight on. As a Dane I can agree to this. If someone brags like described or in similare fashion, then I would find them shallow, uninnteresting and insecure about themselves. I would absolutely be polite, and me personally would turn it up to a sickly degree and most likely garnish that polite with some sarcasm and then see how fast I could get away from the person and never see them again.
So yes. I'd avoid such a person and situation.
"A French Woman", I can only concur!
I`m a swede and my obnoxious Danish brother/cousin is annoying..
But at the end of the day, I love him!
We just Think we are all needed as humans... we nede sove to clean, sove to lead, sove to teach and so on... But we need all people and no one is worth more than the other... If you don’t get trash picked up or no one cleans in a restaurant well then the manager or chefs are worthless asswell... so we need all people, we just have different tasks 😊
Dane here
You are so right 🤣🤗
I love to know these danes qualities 😍😍😍 I hope to be there soon 😉
Denmark sounds like the perfect country to me.I'm so happy i will move there in some weeks.
Nice to hear that you like Denmark! You are very welcome😁
Velkommen til Danmark
True, but honestly. Does any person in the world like a bragging person? I mean, what am i as the "receiver" of the bragging supposed to do with the information? To me - and I guess a lot of ppl around the world - money, job and status does not define your worth as a person.
We have an unofficial 10 point list of things not to do, inspired by The 10 Commandments. We call them the "Jante Law". Here are 10 things listed, that you just may not do. Among other things, do not think you are anything more or better, compared to others. We live with it for better or worse. but it must also be taken a bit for fun. It is written by a guy called Aksel Sandemose, and I think you should read it or let your boyfriend tell you about it. Thank you, for your feed-back to being a dane. And welcome to this pancake country!
Thanks a lot i will check it out ! I’ve heard of it but i’ve never read it 😃
If I took the time, I would see that others are refering to it. So that just emphasize that it is a well known part of our cultur. ☺️
Best video I have seen about do not brag, you almost make us seem better then other, haha just kidding around, most do not brag Infront of a Dane, do not go into some of the things you mention like they will still respect you, hmm now I forgot the last two things you mentioned, that I rarely see did and never in over and the same video, will explained and big thanks for making it so clear that we are fairly(yes very compared to some) down to earth and respectful.
Again thank you
Thank you for your comment ! I’m happy to read you enjoyed it ! And I’m really just telling the truth 😊
True! I hate bragging people. They are so yawn-yawn!
En pralrøv - an bragging-ass, is a danish expression that really point to how how people view bragging people. However it is important to see the difference between bragging and being proud of achievements
Thanks for the danish expression i didn’t know about! 😃😊
Damned, maybe I should take the phrase “We Piss Excellence” off the business card.
The worst thing you can do infront of a Danish person : tell them you are swedish :-) LOL
Not true, they may be swedish, it's once the swede starts bashing danes, we don't like them then.
Interesting. Guess the Danes never forgot about Scania and the other lost territories from 1650 ,or thereabout. I guess we Norwegians are considered otherwise.
Thank you for sharing
I think the best way to put it is: The danes are a very humble and proud people. We are proud of what we do etc, but also very humble to others. and people bragging, it kinda hits our pride a bit. so we tend to say, sure good for you. But mostly it comes down to people bragging, fair enough, but let us see then, one thing is you are bragging about it, but show us. But mostly dont brag. The danes really hate people bragging and will find the dumbest ways just to stop talking to you. you can brag if you are a friend, but a complete stranger, no thank you.
Superb video .Bravo .warm greetings from beautiful tropical garden island 🏝 of Kauai Thank you for the video
I need to say something about this. When a child excels at school, even without bragging, he is slowly left out. Danes don't really like someone who is above the average of the rest (as a unit, for example the whole class, not just themselves).
I am facing the same situation at work, from some of my colleagues who seem to see me competitively (although I work in a different field than them). The rest embrace me and even recognize that I am really good at my job (although it took them a year).
Despite that everyone is friendly (most of the time).
Spot on
When meeting someone in denmark it wont take long before asking what sort of job you have. Why is that so important? Like you are your job. I cant see that it is for anything else than ranking oneanother. How much they are Worth.
I see what you mean 🤔, it’s the same in France , they ask rather quickly what you do for a living 🤷🏼♀️
Its a safe topic that opens up a lot of talking points
Its just an easy topic for small talk i think🤷♀️😊
I believe it is a great information about a person. Their job teaches you about their dreams, family, hobbies, present situation, what they like to do, sometimes how much they like to work, what their deferent believes and opinions are, and so on
bruh im danish and this is right dont do this to a danish person
1:24 i am from Denmark and that is true
I’m retired here in Denmark, living in a small town. Not enough people to brag about.
Why would you brag ?
Why do you have the need to brag...?
It's only for your own ego, not for anyone else ...
That's the way we think.. 😉
Im a danish guy and the second i saw this video i wanted to see how people from other country’s.
Hahaha! This is funny! Don't brag is - unfortunately true - in our magnificent country! :)
Braggring is considered negative..
However mentioning facts in context is not bragging - thats where I feel the difference lies.
Bragging is in my opinion often related with: "Arrogance, not interested in other people, greed".
Mentioning facts in context could be: "I can't really speak to that as I am CEO and make a good living. Please elaborate on your opinion... ".
Danish people do respect status and are generally willing to learn from the best. However that dosen't trump awful maners or rude behavior (most of the time).
I also want to believe that this is'nt unique to Danish people :)
Have a nice day folks!
Some danish doctors and nurses behaviour are like Angel on the earth. People are more friendly than Asian People. Being an Asian I know it.
Why should you mention your salary in the first place? I mean, this MAY come up as a subject after a while..once you have known this person for a while, not something that most people would mention right away.
It depends. If you are a danish rapper, it is OK to brag :D
what about their bodycount 🤔 i hear hook up culture is top on the list. is that their default to always chase instant pleasure outside even when their in relationship?
you mean sex Clubs? Let a man and women have that if they are okay on it.
Qué bueno un vídeo. Creo tienes razón con el humildad. 🙂
ty for this vid isn’t a hate video:D
Will be moving to Copenhagen in a short while
Where u from?
I'm from denmark
So True !, Don´t me a "show-off", or I will walk away, and not talk to you again :-). Welcome to Denmark!, Hope you will find love, peace and a good life here, just don´t brag about it !!........hahaha
Btw, you need to cut your intro down to half size sweety, 20 sec is to long......
@CB Asgeir Well said :-)
im from Denmark and she´s right
I haven’t lived in another country so I never had thought about that. Is it normal to brag in other countries?
Oh yes ! 😄 or should i say maybe not normal but more common than in dk for sure 😅
Wasn’t aware of that.
Merci beaucoup pour cette vidéo
From you statement about that Danish people are always smiling and saying hello - you can not believe in Nordjylland 😉 Everytime i travle outside of Nordjylland i feel i have entered another country 😂
Really ? 😄😅 i didn’t know that! Haven’t been there yet 🙂
Tre bien, mercy - ..... hope I got that right in french ;)
Super. I m impressed. Bravo
I have been living in Denmark for 8 years, but I certainly do not agree with the statement of this video. I hear people brag all the time, and people giving their compliments to the achievements.
So true about the bragging 😅
True - that's because of the law of Jante (Janteloven). People that brag are so BORING.
It has nothing to do with confidence, it is because of what it means in Denmark. So if you come up and say to a Dane and say: I am super good at tennis and I own my own restaurant. Are you actually saying: Ha! I'm super good at tennis and you are not, I own my own restaurant and make more money than you! Would you make friends with such a person?
Never say you hate licorice to a Dane
A dane and american meet at a party and start a conversation. American say My farm is so big that if i take my car in the morning and drive i hit the fence of my property when the sun goes down. Dane: Dont worry my friend, a few years ago i had a car like that too....
Have you learnt Danish ? What kind of level in the langage did you reach ? :)
Thank you
🙋♀️ i am learning danish every day, i understand better than i speak and im far from fluent but i hope to be one day 🙂 so my level would be between notions and intermediate for now 🙈
It is of course perfectly fine to to "brag" to ur friends/family if u worked hard and acomplished something u struggled with. Hell there's even a danish song about "clapping yourself on the back", it really all depends on whether ur being arrogant about it.
Are there Danish braggarts? Of course, every country has them, but they aren't generally well liked.
I'm just curious. Do u know how to speak Danish??
Im learning it ! Im far from fluent at the moment but i want to be one day 😊 i love this language , it fascinates me 😃☀️
@@AFrenchWomanLivingInDenmark good luck 😅
That is very well spotted :-)
Don't most people find bragging off putting? That I'm so wonderful attitude just don't fly for most people if the truth is told.
thats why Donald Trump is "no go" in Denmark,,,too big ego :)
💯% !
@@AFrenchWomanLivingInDenmark 100% Wrong!
Wrong Henrik! Trump er oprigtig og ligetil, netop derfor kan mange danskere godt lide ham.
Ha ha
@@grateful3341 100 % FAKE NEWS !
Hope you enjoy life here :)
Thanks! I do ! 😃😊👍🏻