Sri Ramana reveals the best kind of karma and best Bhakti | Upadesa Sara |

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024
  • Upadesa Saram Verses 2, 3 & 5
    कृति-महोदधौ पतन कारणम् |
    फलमशाश्वतं गति-निरोधकम् || २ ||
    krti-maho-dadhau patana-kāranam |
    phalam-ashāshvatam gati nirodhakam || 2 ||
    Engaging in this vast ocean of activities only produces results that are perishable and are a hindrance to spiritual progress.
    Action can't destroy ignorance for it doesn't conflict with ignorance. Just as light destroys darkness, knowledge alone destroys ignorance.
    Verse 3 | Atma Bodha
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    ईश्वरार्पितं नेच्छया कृतम् |
    चित्तशोधकम् मुक्ति साधकम् || ३ ||
    ishvar-ārpitam necchayā kritam |
    citta-shodhakam mukti-sādhakam || 3 ||
    Action performed without desire purifies the mind that leads to Liberation.
    जगत ईशधी युक्त सेवनम् |
    अष्ट मूर्तिभृ द्देव पूजनम् || ५ ||
    jagata ishadhee yūkta sevanam
    ashta-mūrti brhd deva-pūjanam || 5 ||
    Serving the world as a manifestation of, and by the Lord with its Eight Forms, is the worship of the Lord.

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