WhiteCat shares his views on osu! improvement ㅡ osu! Improvement Month

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ต.ค. 2022
  • This interview was a part of osu! Improvement Month, a month-long event in October 2022 that featured top player interviews, giveaways, and many different events that focused on bringing the community together.
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  • เกม

ความคิดเห็น • 205

  • @Ramenezi
    @Ramenezi ปีที่แล้ว +41

    Q:What is good mindset versus bad mindset?
    A: So you acknowledge that you can have bad days but you don't let it like this you just keep going for example when I have a bad day I just wait a focus on something else like reading maybe which gets to help me improve in the game so like accepting bad days and not too hard on yourself.
    Q:Team magma is most popular right? I am most curious about your mindset, when you got banned did you learn anything from that process.
    A: Yeah I would just say that you have to do your own thing I guess what I noticed was one of a fans they gave you but they were s******* on me and just kind of tough but I just kept playing because the game was fun to me and in that worked out for me so just keep on doing your own thing and this people are giving you fit for it so what do i say.
    Q:Should you pass yourself the limit?
    A: I would just do it like gradually and not push too hard but I noticed when I said is that playing hard rock really didn't prove because of the it wasn't comfortable for me at some point I'd like to high AR and then the small circles and I think that's what maybe improved like and stumbled as it sounds and going out of your comfort zone you're playing and therefore pushing yourself.
    Q:What would you say relationship between Reading and aiming?
    A: aim and reading do closely because I mean a few around you with a pattern you can't aim it's so like a you to aim a pattern correctly you have to have read it quickly then beforehand so i think reading is really important and i can only recommend low ar
    Q:All the top aim player also can play EZ relatively well you think that's something that's actually important necessarily or do you think it's coincidence.
    A: It depends on what you play if you only play double time you probably won't need a good low ar reading to have good aim on doubletime but if you generally want to be a good aim player I think having improved reading can really help so not easy to read patterns.
    Q:Pen grip
    A: I wouldn't copy anybody's grip if I was new player I think everybody has to find their own grip and which works for them because and yet everybody's different and regarding group slipping for me personally it's not a problem that grip slipping like I can't do it and therefore it's sliping a bit the only problem I have like I have talked a lot about it in the recent weeks except for worst sliping and I keep sliding into my pen buttons that's sort of sliding itself what is sliping isn't a problem for me but I guess for keep it with a normal grip so to say and I heard a lot of figures improvements by using crooked tape oh but I tried it and it doesn't figure it out for me and yeah.
    A: You have to go more detail I think you should find a good area beforehand and then you should not change it OK I believe if you are not comfortable with the area then I would change it but im big fan of not changing it everytime cause thats what it makes you consistent.
    Q:Who wants to be high level-player and also well rounded in every skillset
    A:Only regarding tournament play? (Yeah) Um i would say badeu I would just play tournament play Try to nerves off play Whole map pool so you can increase your skillset.
    Q:When they work on one skillset they ended up losing it and Is there any way you know a way to avoid that.
    A:I would just combine it in 1 skillset its okay so like if you want to practice aim i would like rather than only playing decent aim training packs I would play something like Atlas other maps so you have a really different diffcult method sent so I wouldn't ye hyperfocus on single skillset
    Q:Was it long and tedious grind to slowly get better?
    A:I think it was grind i did slightly adjust the way i tap and also playing a lot of stream therefore pushing the skillset.
    Q:Index, middle finger wasnt working for you? Can you like expand on that?
    A: So I just wanted to try something different and I noticed that in the exact same way I used to finger lock a lot and so i tried my ring index and
    It really helped me with like finger control and i could tap lighter and yeah continue using that.
    Q:Is there any skillset you are working on now?
    A:Yes im working on tech maps
    Especially with sliders thats kinda of my weak skillset cause i never played it a lot.
    Rapper Levi
    Q:Where do you keep your eyes Do you keep your eyes in middle or
    A: Yes I can say I do not look at every note no way that's not really possible and I keep my eyes in the middle somewhere in the middle over yeah but I don't think it's every single note i dont really think its possible.
    Q:What is your opinion on wooting keyboard?
    A: Okay so if you want to alternate I'll take a week ago and I can say in some ways it really does make a difference when I was playing streams I often used to finger lock it's like I didn't tap the key down completely and the wooting kind of eliminates it does if you are speed player and you want to push yourself i recommend it.
    Q:Opinion Every player on being DT/Speed player
    A:But yeah i would really like to see some changes in the pp systems too especially with like low bpm jumps um but yeah in the end i think everybody should play whats fun to them.
    Q:Opinion on Full area players.
    A:They have my utmost respect The big movements you have to do with your pens if you play full area yeah i definitely agree.
    Q:What made you become Jump player
    A:Um i would say i can never really actively planned on being a jump player back in the day jump were just the thing that was most fun to me and that
    improved it quickly so i guess it developed on its own.
    Q:How often do you Warm up
    A:I do warm up like 15 to 25 minutes maybe but what i do is just like to play easy, double time to get my tapping warm up and then some point.
    Q:Opinion on hidden players
    A:Personally I dont really play a lot of Hidden anymore because i dont like it much anymore.
    Q:What kept you going when you got banned from osu
    A:I was yearning for justice i dont know seriously I just try to keep having fun playing the game and like i said shit on what other people think and improve for myself sorta to say so that's what kept me going
    Q:Some players feel like their mindset is the thing thats really holding back
    Or they generally struggle with mindset or comparing themselves to other player
    A:So dont be too hard on yourself Everybody has bad days and everybody is improving on their own rate most important thing to improve is having fun playing the game.
    Q:Peope who just feel like they dont think something is possible so they kind of dont go for it in the first place
    A:Yeah so my belief is that if you put your mind to it you can achieve a lot of things.
    A:Never thought of that in general but i do think ego is good concept.
    Q:Yeah do you find that start of you session you try to kind of figure out how your feeling sort of expectations as you play like if you get on your aim is little bit better than usual.
    A:Yeah basically
    Q:Do you blink While playing ar11 maps?
    A: I definitely do blink alot less when playing higher ar i blink when its possible so when theres slow part i just blink.
    Q: ar 11 do you think there's any different strategies you need to use once you get to really high ARs or is it the same concept that you might use to learn ar 10 for example where you just kind of played a bunch until you kind of just get used to it.
    A:Just play a bunch.
    Q:How much does hand position and technique matters.
    A:Think it matters a lot.
    Q:What do you do to control your nerves.
    A:Pretty steep but im fan of breathing shallow If you fc bunch Your just like Holy shit Really focus on playing, like not hyper focus on the potential skill you could do if that makes any sense.
    Q:How do you improve your flow aim while streaming.
    A:Its learning by doing I wouldn't overthink its just play the game as dumb as it sounds Play space stream in that matter and i think you will improve.
    Q:In Twitter or youtube is there any common question you want to answer publicly.
    A:On one hand Play more but on other hand you have to get most out of the sessions play through the map.

    • @Ramenezi
      @Ramenezi ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Q:How do you figure what skillset to focus on.
      A:In terms of Efficient practice Or whatever you want to focus on and not retry spamming.
      Q:Do you see common mistakes that newer players are doing or in general.
      A:But what i think what new player get into bad habit is play DT play early on get down to basic in terms of nomod then get top of that.
      Q:Hows life in Switzerland.
      A:Expensive lol.
      Q:Do you prefer alternating or single tapping or does it depends on the map
      A:I got lazy and start alternating
      Q:People who want to imrpove have Specific days dedicated to different skillset is that something you want to recommend or do you have any thoughts on practicing that way only focusing on 1 skillset.
      A:I never practiced like that I think its kinda overthinking it at some point what would be better is just playing and playing on what good what you are good on that day like if your good on aim that day play aim.
      Q:Are you taking global rank 1 again
      Q:Do you have any end game goals.
      A:I do have a lot of scores to get done example would be happy song.
      Rapper Levi
      Q:is Playing offline good for getting better mindset.
      A:I guess it depends like your mindset is bad because your comparing yourself to leaderboard maybe.
      Couple non Osu related questions
      Q:Favorite food
      Q:U still play CSGO?
      A:no im only playing is rocket league,osu and civilization six
      But apart from that im not really playing anything rn
      Q:Do you have uh favorite tic tac flavor
      A:Orange flavor
      Q:Favorite type of cheese
      A:Gouda cheese but i do like cheese in general
      Back to osu questions
      Q:Do you feel anything when you set scores.
      A: Yeah Im definitely not the most reactive osu player but i do feel something when i set scores im happy thats about it.
      Q:Does OD matters when it comes to wooting
      A:OD and reading i wouldn’t see the connection.
      Q:Some people say that when they push really high star ratings they start to lose ability to play low stars is that something you experienced or anything you can comment on there.
      A:Its not something i experienced I figured when you push your star rating a lot i think you should definitely push yourself gradually and not go overboard with it.
      Q:Someone asked about smoothing filters, First of all do you filters at all and do you really think it matters a lot?
      A:I do use smoothing filters and do they really matter probably not no but they feel pretty nice so thats why im using it on 12 MS and 1000 hertz but i dont think you need it.
      Q:Do you have any thoughts on lazer?
      A:Um nope lol i havent informed myself about osu lazer.
      Q:What is your important skillset to practice.
      A:I think the most important skillset is whats fun to you
      Yeah i guess basis of skills is reading so you could argue that its most important skillset.
      Q:Some people also ask that like is there skillset you feel like if you learn that skillset it makes other skillset easier?
      A:Probably reading
      Q:What is your most biggest hurdle to get over
      A:Biggest hurdle was getting unbanned it was like most diffcult task because at the time it wasn't helping i was write a appeal and appeal it wasnt helping.
      Q:Do you feel like they been doing good at osu support or do they kinda have problems.
      A:I cant really tell because i didnt have anything to do with them after my unban
      Q:How do you feel yourself now compare to the past
      A:Um yeah i do think im a lot better which im not better at is 3mod and i think thats cause im not playing it but i think i definitely got better after all l.
      Q:Someone asked do you use different techniques for 240+ bpm or is it the same no matter what you play.
      A:It is the same no matter what you play i just try to tap lighter but still work in progress.
      Q:How does single tapping improve speed.
      A:Its actually something I heard from sinmon but by focusing on single tapping does improve the speed a lot and its something i notice as well so i cant explain the mechanism.
      Q:You asked merami about his techniques in one of your streams what was your question and what was his answer and how did you define techniques.
      A: So i did ask merami what his techniques is and he said he raises his wrists and elbow packing his thumping so yeah.
      Q:Tips to avoid mindblock
      A:Yup something I said earlier Dont retry spam play through the whole map you will mind block much less.
      Q: How do you know if you're pushing too hard do you determine it on combo,accuracy or the letter rank or how do how do you know if you're pushing too hard.
      A:Uh accuracy maybe So i think you should stay above 90% its hard to generalize it cause it depends on the map like if you push speed it would be less.
      Q:Opinion on AP and RX
      A:Um im not fan of either Aiming and tapping you have to connect it You cant do it separately.
      Q:What did you do to get low unstable rate.
      A:It came pretty naturally but thing you can do is focus on the song.
      Q:Tournament practice Whats your streagy
      A:and Yes im siding with bubbleman i think over Practicing is bad idea so what i like to do is play the map full once and then im looking at individual maps i need to practice more afterwards but i play through the map full only once.
      Q:Do you play older maps to improve reading and things like that do you think theres any values playing that maps.
      A:Yes? If they are fun to you to improve skillset idk.
      Q:How to reset your mental when your tilted or multiple points down.
      A:Thats definitely not easy um i think you should just mentally reset yourself but how to do that is exactly i think its very individual.
      Q:Do you have any inspiration These days I know in previous interview you said players like atrik and cookiezi were inspiration due to their high skill but is there anyone these days is really big inspiration.
      A:Probably vaxei and cookiezi on some maps And for incoming players criller
      Q:Time management

    • @Ramenezi
      @Ramenezi ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Q:Major roadblocks when it comes to improving that you feel like it took you long time to figure out and i guess what did you learn to overcome those things.
      A:I dont think there was anything especially i think that could keep you down and again your mindset but i never struggled with my mindset i didnt have big hurdle to overcome i just play i guess.
      Q:Do u think btmc will be future rank 1
      A:no But you know ed is known as content creator i think he really has his moment where he finds himself in the game and i thjnk he does have a lot of potential but i dont think he can compete with against he can compete with 2 digits whos at the top right now.
      Q:They feel like they been skipping ahead a lot with different skillset and they are wondering what they should do to sort of fix that if they feel like inconsistent because they kinda of skipped ahead a lot.
      A:Yeah go to the basics like do reading, nomods.
      (Q:When do you want to 1v1 btmc again
      A:Im down but i dont have any date)
      Q:Do you think reading under AR8 is even necessary
      A:Yeah i think so Because i think you can read lower and really help again with your aim and general pattern reading so i do think its worth putting in, time.
      Q:Do you think EZ mod is weighted fairly?
      A:its probbaly bit under weighted but again it depends on the map so its tough to say.
      Q:Thoughts on improving high bpm jumps like 270 to 300 bpm
      A:again dont over think it and just play high bpm jumps.
      Q:How to slow down when you find slow maps boring like how do you deal with being impatient.
      A:I don't know
      Q:Do you think justice will return next year.
      A:i dont know maybe.
      Q:What is going on your head when playing tournament.
      A:Definitely pressure to perform.
      Q:Are there any tips i feel like new player have to sort of new to deal with in tournaments is there any thing you can say who kind of struggling with something similar.
      A:Pattern? Yeah i think its normal dont be too hard on yourself and then if you accumulate more tournament experience then problems with nerves will better itself.
      Q:Do you feel the same type of pressure when your streaming to large audience or is it pretty unique to just tournament
      A:Um Yeah I would say the same pressure Yeah ofc when i stream i want to play my best and if i have bad day its not really fun to me but you have to integrate it you have to integrate the bad days but yeah i definitely do feel better to perform when im streaming and thats one of the reason i dont stream as much because when i stream i have to play my best.
      72(7 haha funny number)
      Q:Thoughts on skins
      A:Just recommend to use the skill you can read good and for easy i think different combo colors are important but apart from that i dont think skins matters too much in general playing.
      Q:Do you read differently on like really low ar like easy mod vs normal nomod and high ar maps? Is there any different way you process the patterns.
      A:no i just read it the same.
      Q:Loud hitsounds vs quieter hit sounds
      A:I think its preference but what i did notice is some maps is that specific it can be weird at times and disabling them can help on some maps but like loud or quiet hit sounds its just preference.
      (Q:Tips on getting ladies
      A:Dont forcus on getting ladies just focus on yourself lol dont be weirdos and have your own life thats understandable like if you're dependence on anybody else i think thats unattractive to everybody.)
      Q:Face reveal when
      A:Osu is only hobby for me but i do enjoy my privacy but at some point i would face reveal next year osu cover nothing comes in between.
      Small talk
      DigialHypno: Share and thoughts you want to tell on world
      Whitecat:Thanks for having me and yeah have fun playing and dont overthink everything and yeah.
      DigitalHypno:Is there any place you are most active at or any shoutout
      Whitecat:Im try to be more active at twitter
      DigitalHypno:Your twitter is Whitecatosu Im pretty sure?
      DigitalHypno:Thank you everyone for listening and tuning in and again thank you whitecat for joining in.
      Whitecat:Okay bye bye have a nice day.
      Finally im done

    • @Ramenezi
      @Ramenezi ปีที่แล้ว +3


    • @chihaya89k
      @chihaya89k ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Our hero

    • @guillermoratou
      @guillermoratou ปีที่แล้ว

      OMG thanks soo much!

  • @C0ck_team
    @C0ck_team ปีที่แล้ว +372

    I love whitecat so much his voice his accent even his personality is greatest

    • @dyzosim
      @dyzosim ปีที่แล้ว +3

      🥰 Same!!! 🥰

    • @gunby9322
      @gunby9322 ปีที่แล้ว +31


    • @oba1637
      @oba1637 ปีที่แล้ว

      nahhh the dickeating is crazy

    • @axirial
      @axirial ปีที่แล้ว


    • @axirial
      @axirial ปีที่แล้ว

      also he not going to fck you

  • @Insect_TW
    @Insect_TW ปีที่แล้ว +262

    Important part: He likes sushi

    • @RoastedSushii
      @RoastedSushii ปีที่แล้ว +12


    • @tyhlehr
      @tyhlehr ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I’m taking notes

    • @Antside
      @Antside ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Who doesnt

    • @sricknal2689
      @sricknal2689 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@Antside sushi mid

    • @Antside
      @Antside ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@sricknal2689 bro WHAT

  • @grafoggy8026
    @grafoggy8026 ปีที่แล้ว +117

    bro spent 6.000.000 channelpoints for that interview

  • @leverball3357
    @leverball3357 ปีที่แล้ว +168

    After This video i immediately Started deathstreaming 330 Bpm and propelled into the Top 5. Very Helpful Video.

  • @grasstoucher779
    @grasstoucher779 ปีที่แล้ว +221

    After listening to this i got 5 top plays in less than 15 mins

    • @мустаз
      @мустаз ปีที่แล้ว +1

      1 2 3 4 and 5 pp?

    • @Akaseyo
      @Akaseyo ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@мустаз ur 6 digit

    • @мустаз
      @мустаз ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Akaseyo so? What is your problem? Or you need some advices to improve your 7 digit skill?

    • @Akaseyo
      @Akaseyo ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@мустаз im 22x better than ur rank

    • @мустаз
      @мустаз ปีที่แล้ว +11

      @@Akaseyo I don't really care

  • @Arekx6660
    @Arekx6660 ปีที่แล้ว +53

    35:00 that long pause killed me

  • @Dawgfrfr
    @Dawgfrfr ปีที่แล้ว +137

    WhiteCat Top G

    • @C0ck_team
      @C0ck_team ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I 100% agree with you

    • @wishing_pearl
      @wishing_pearl ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I third this

    • @haki9438
      @haki9438 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      so true

    • @skytax_
      @skytax_ ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @Nico-zq6bz
    @Nico-zq6bz ปีที่แล้ว +86

    he forgot to say that for each plushi u have u get a 10% aimboost in osu

    • @lollmaonice
      @lollmaonice ปีที่แล้ว

      No wonder cookiezi was so good back in 2017

  • @LeviTheFoxx
    @LeviTheFoxx ปีที่แล้ว +41

    now i can fc happy song

  • @xo6a
    @xo6a ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Am I the only one who see this?
    DigitalHypno: *asking a question*
    Whitecat: ERRRRMMM
    Nice interview also, really like it

  • @flexibilityosu
    @flexibilityosu ปีที่แล้ว +40

    watched the entire interview and the most time i spent focusing on was how there was less dots on the left than the right and trying to figure out a way to sort it out to both have the same pattern xD

    • @crayp9884
      @crayp9884 ปีที่แล้ว

      -RyuK: Yo thanks for the one dollar "do you have autism?" thank you

  • @inoataratusca
    @inoataratusca ปีที่แล้ว +8

    it was fun to see a 1h improvement from white cat W

  • @Koreeeza
    @Koreeeza ปีที่แล้ว +17

    The voice crack at 26:16 had me dying 😂

  • @flammideEMT
    @flammideEMT ปีที่แล้ว +5

    The legendary whitecat's "helloo"

  • @ToiletDrinker
    @ToiletDrinker ปีที่แล้ว +11

    WhiteCat a playa fr

  • @aimtenshi
    @aimtenshi ปีที่แล้ว +22

    cant wait for shigetora live chatting text interview

    • @riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
      @riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Is this confirmed?

    • @aimtenshi
      @aimtenshi ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii no

    • @osuuniversity
      @osuuniversity  ปีที่แล้ว +22

      shige has been asked for an interview already and declined, so it's very unlikely we'll have an interview with him here

    • @kimkimcard6835
      @kimkimcard6835 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      He doesn't like talking, at least with people on the internet I believe.

  • @remyy6
    @remyy6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    whitecat after being asked a question: EHMMMM *begins to answer the question*

  • @berserker5313
    @berserker5313 ปีที่แล้ว

    very nice

  • @_Inzane
    @_Inzane ปีที่แล้ว +5

    whitecat woo

  • @Bestou2
    @Bestou2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Whitecat :DD

  • @doworian
    @doworian ปีที่แล้ว +9

    top G WhiteCat

  • @tuzzivlr
    @tuzzivlr ปีที่แล้ว


  • @ashtonskiiii5156
    @ashtonskiiii5156 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You see i learned alot of things from this, first i learned that i am now #1 in the world on global leaderboards, gooday

  • @YSoAggressive
    @YSoAggressive ปีที่แล้ว

    The goat himself 🫢

  • @prodbychay
    @prodbychay ปีที่แล้ว +6


  • @cgkz0901
    @cgkz0901 ปีที่แล้ว

    this is good to fall as sleep with

  • @danzyz5129
    @danzyz5129 ปีที่แล้ว

    really cool that he plays rl on the side

  • @Parallaxxx
    @Parallaxxx ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Whitecat buff

  • @yuyenbruh
    @yuyenbruh ปีที่แล้ว +4

    When WhiteCat mentions that you should not copy someone else's grip in 5:35-5:42-ish, I'd like to add that yes, you shouldn't copy people's grips down to the very position and angle of each finger, BUT I believe you should consider available/known grip *styles* like Vaxei's or mrekk's (of course).
    Top players generally seem to have grips that are somewhat comfortable overall, and I think you should give their grip styles a try so you could also possibly achieve a comfortable grip without going through the burden of coming up with a grip from total scratch. It's not a guarantee you will find your grip, but it is worth trying out and spending a week or two on each.
    I spent 7 months using a grip that hurt me in the end, and I just switched to another one, which was derived from a top player's known grip (Vaxei's, I think). I have been satisfied with it until now (4-5 months now + plays variety of 5-6* maps)

    • @KinGRs3123
      @KinGRs3123 ปีที่แล้ว

      you're absoloutely correct

  • @potatoplayer6475
    @potatoplayer6475 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @OrigamiILY
    @OrigamiILY ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Gigachad cat

  • @purpleflower1475
    @purpleflower1475 ปีที่แล้ว

    i was there

  • @anonymousbanana204
    @anonymousbanana204 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm now the greatest osu! player and I'm on my way to destroy BTMC

  • @cranky7742
    @cranky7742 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    That will be 200 bucks! thanks

    • @R1L1.
      @R1L1. ปีที่แล้ว


    • @YSoAggressive
      @YSoAggressive ปีที่แล้ว

      Sad part is that he probably did have to pay to be on here when he should be charging osu university to talk about his insight on the game. Getting valuable information from a legend himself.

    • @Garfield_Osu
      @Garfield_Osu ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@YSoAggressive Whitecat absolutely did not have to pay money to take part in this interview lmfao. Some of y'all still have a massive hate boner after the coaching drama for no reason

  • @Shiba_osu
    @Shiba_osu ปีที่แล้ว +52

    this cost whitecat 300 euros XD

    • @recreational_fish
      @recreational_fish ปีที่แล้ว +3

      wait how-

    • @abcdefg.616
      @abcdefg.616 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      why is he paying anything

    • @user-yu8oj3vi9d
      @user-yu8oj3vi9d ปีที่แล้ว

      i dont understand

    • @R1L1.
      @R1L1. ปีที่แล้ว +19

      @@user-yu8oj3vi9d its a joke btmc spent like 300$ on osu coaching for 3 hours when he did the subathon thing which was super useless and a scam

    • @SifuNero
      @SifuNero ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@R1L1. even if he was serious can you imagine hypno teaching whitecat💀

  • @notappfarmer
    @notappfarmer ปีที่แล้ว +5

    thank you! I played osu! for 2/3 years and always tried higher star rating than usual (I don't mean I always played like 8/9 stars) but I tried sometimes and my aim is now way better, I'm a 170k and I can pass 8 stars lul

    • @jantski5084
      @jantski5084 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      How in the world are you passing 8 stars when you're a high 6 digit. I'm 40k and just started passing 8-9 stars

    • @sander152
      @sander152 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@jantski5084 had a friend who is like 200k he passed image material its stupid the amount of speed that he has

    • @saturn_illus
      @saturn_illus ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@jantski5084 never underestimated players who only play for pass lol. Also some people just are crazy good at certain skill sets and will be able to pass certain things. Like my first 7 star pass was A-rank on yomi yori of all fking maps you could pass for 7 stars lol

    • @notappfarmer
      @notappfarmer ปีที่แล้ว

      @@saturn_illus i dont only play for passes, I set good scores, but I have good speed and I read ar10.

    • @YSoAggressive
      @YSoAggressive ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sander152 yeah there are a lot of speed based 5 - 6 digits. Can play dummy speed maps, pass speed maps that don’t require too much aim. Only problem is they have absolutely no aim or standard reading. They can only play ar 10+ efficiently and any consistency is thrown completely out the window. The speed players who pick up those aspects are the ones who become top players and that’s the difference between the top and 6 digit speed players

  • @wildrea
    @wildrea ปีที่แล้ว


  • @Electrified727
    @Electrified727 ปีที่แล้ว +12


  • @joegesus4422
    @joegesus4422 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    i wonder how many times whitecat said “ummm” during this interview. it had me dying

    • @joegesus4422
      @joegesus4422 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      i am whitecat stan tho true #1

  • @hilstrip3611
    @hilstrip3611 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    please add auto subtitles :( many people can't understand english only be hearing it

    • @osuuniversity
      @osuuniversity  ปีที่แล้ว +4

      it's still processing, the subtitles should be there in a few days. sorry for the trouble. I'm not sure if auto subtitles would work well with whitecat's accent, so if someone wants to make manual subtitles, please message DigitalHypno on discord !!

  • @agaed7676
    @agaed7676 ปีที่แล้ว

    Stan FA

  • @lait2chevre781
    @lait2chevre781 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    IT’S LITERALLY 1 HOUR ☠️☠️☠️

    • @saatuxx
      @saatuxx ปีที่แล้ว


    • @lait2chevre781
      @lait2chevre781 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@saatuxx I said that IT’S LITERALLY 1 HOUR ☠️☠️☠️, I mean that it’s so easy to understand

    • @saatuxx
      @saatuxx ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@lait2chevre781 Dude, almost every video on this channel is 1 hour. That is why I wrote "?" because I don't understand why you would post your comment. I mean it is nothing special that the interview is one hour long in my opinion.

    • @lait2chevre781
      @lait2chevre781 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@saatuxx oh ok ikr

    • @lexifyosu643
      @lexifyosu643 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@lait2chevre781 no shit it’s easy to understand it was just a useless comment

  • @Senseyyxd
    @Senseyyxd ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @messironaldofaker
    @messironaldofaker ปีที่แล้ว


  • @katharsis8571
    @katharsis8571 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    50:25 doing my man dirty lmao

    • @KuraiCh
      @KuraiCh ปีที่แล้ว

      I believe in BTMC. He will accomplish it.

  • @hentaitohru1914
    @hentaitohru1914 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    after i watched this video i learned speaking german in 2 seconds

  • @NIMKAOriginal
    @NIMKAOriginal ปีที่แล้ว +1

    please turn on TH-cam auto caption
    my English is pretty bad for listening

    • @osuuniversity
      @osuuniversity  ปีที่แล้ว

      the subtitles are still processing, please wait 1-2 days!

    • @NIMKAOriginal
      @NIMKAOriginal ปีที่แล้ว

      @@osuuniversity oh, I didn't notice that the video was uploaded 5 hours ago, thanks for the answer)

  • @Zexia
    @Zexia ปีที่แล้ว +8

    i hope somebody provides timestamp for each question

    • @hikariosu5736
      @hikariosu5736 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      maybe if you pay me $5

    • @riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
      @riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@hikariosu5736 just 5? Or 50?

    • @hikariosu5736
      @hikariosu5736 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii just 5 cuz i am broke

    • @riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
      @riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@hikariosu5736 hey man im unfortunately unable to drop that 5 bucks cuz i dont even have a bank account yet but i wish you all the best

    • @hikariosu5736
      @hikariosu5736 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ok

  • @goosiefel
    @goosiefel ปีที่แล้ว +5

    One of my fav quotes (by me) is "the more improvement grindset you have the less you improve"

    • @nopengoo
      @nopengoo ปีที่แล้ว

      can you elaborate?

    • @goosiefel
      @goosiefel ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@nopengoo if you want to improve stop focusing on improvement just have fun
      Plz enjoy game

    • @Garfield_Osu
      @Garfield_Osu ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@goosiefel Kinda works until a certain point. Eventually you'll hit a wall if you only play for fun, because the most effective practice methods aren't always fun. Not a single person enjoys playing long stream practice but those maps have certainly contributed to the improvement of many

    • @goosiefel
      @goosiefel ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Garfield_Osu well depends on ones feeling of fun. My type of fun is playing for cool passes and playing literally all the skill sets and either way you don't need to force yourself to improve and its not always a chore just have good mindset and plz enjoy game

    • @kujubuo
      @kujubuo ปีที่แล้ว

      Mf i improved when i actually had the improvement grindset

  • @LOLzum101
    @LOLzum101 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Some of his answers are so adorable ahaha

  • @mikee7041
    @mikee7041 ปีที่แล้ว

    where was the real whitecat interviews that happened on the 7th? :hmm:

    • @osuuniversity
      @osuuniversity  ปีที่แล้ว

      it got rescheduled, this is the only one

    • @mikee7041
      @mikee7041 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@osuuniversity you misread it, interviewS plural, we had 5 whitecat interviews when he didnt show up we need those so much valuable information :Kappa:

  • @randymarsh4748
    @randymarsh4748 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    thats so random but whitecat reminds me of football Player erling haaland

  • @Fixer_0
    @Fixer_0 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Does the whitecat like pineapple pizza?

  • @kimkimcard6835
    @kimkimcard6835 ปีที่แล้ว

    Any timestamps??

  • @saltslug1386
    @saltslug1386 ปีที่แล้ว

    cant beat lil jit

  • @Pallid3_osu
    @Pallid3_osu ปีที่แล้ว


  • @unknownceres5714
    @unknownceres5714 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    asking **talented** players on improving j ust doesn't work

    • @thefakebazuso1280
      @thefakebazuso1280 ปีที่แล้ว

      Spitting facts

    • @devaxionrl8189
      @devaxionrl8189 ปีที่แล้ว

      Exactly. They don’t have the memory to realize what they did in the past to vastly improve not to mention genetically they’re just better. They already built these techniques, skills, tapping, aiming, etc. by muscle memory

    • @party-chocomint
      @party-chocomint ปีที่แล้ว

      How do you differentiate between a talented player and a non talented top player then

    • @lastlyhi
      @lastlyhi ปีที่แล้ว

      @@devaxionrl8189 you got something against asking top players how they play?

    • @LOLzum101
      @LOLzum101 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ur such a loser holy shit

  • @user-yu8oj3vi9d
    @user-yu8oj3vi9d ปีที่แล้ว

    He wasn't very talkative in this interview.

    • @lastlyhi
      @lastlyhi ปีที่แล้ว +7

      He is shy when it comes to publicity, even on his own streams lol

  • @juinorgaming3417
    @juinorgaming3417 ปีที่แล้ว

    I ain’t watching allat 😂