Temtem sucks tho. It had so much potential. Personally, none of these other monster taming games come close to the experience I want from a monster tamer. Pokemon is the best one. Some indie games may have some nice ideas that I’ll like, but then the monsters are lame. Or some won’t have any sort of real world I can fall in love with. Very rarely do some hit both. Only Pokémon really hits that spot for me. I can explain more, but I doubt you’d want to read an essay
by all means explain more, I understand you opinion about Temtem. It not for everyone and some people dont like monster designs because it looks like Pokemon. Some indies does repicate Pokemon with new ideas and concepts but sometimes hit the mark. I don't mind a pokemon like game but I haven't played the series in years lol.
I'm glad to see you enjoy Monster Taming Games. Let me know if you want any recommendations.
I will let you know, thanks for the offer!
I played Temtem, its a fun pokemon alternative if you're bored of pokemon or its unavailable to you.
so true
Temtem sucks tho. It had so much potential.
Personally, none of these other monster taming games come close to the experience I want from a monster tamer. Pokemon is the best one.
Some indie games may have some nice ideas that I’ll like, but then the monsters are lame. Or some won’t have any sort of real world I can fall in love with. Very rarely do some hit both. Only Pokémon really hits that spot for me. I can explain more, but I doubt you’d want to read an essay
by all means explain more, I understand you opinion about Temtem. It not for everyone and some people dont like monster designs because it looks like Pokemon. Some indies does repicate Pokemon with new ideas and concepts but sometimes hit the mark. I don't mind a pokemon like game but I haven't played the series in years lol.