Grand Opening Of The Blue Mosque | Magnificent Century: Kosem

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ก.ย. 2024
  • Grand Opening Of The Blue Mosque | Magnificent Century: Kosem
    Click The Watch The Whole Episode! : • Video
    Sultan Murad (Metin Akdülger) learns that Kösem Sultan wanted to kill him. Sultan Murad learns that his governor has agreed with the physician and sends Emir Çelebi's head to Kösem Sultan (Nurgül Yeşilçay). Valide Kösem Sultan, who learned that Sinan Pasha was a traitor, realizes that he has been exposed. Helpless corners. Knowing that Sultan Murad will not stop anymore, Kösem Sultan takes measures to protect Şehzade İbrahim.
    Sultan Murad IV conquers Baghdad, despite all the measures of the novices. Kemankeş appointed Mustafa Pasha as the Grand Vizier and sent him to Shah Safi.
    Returning from Baghdad, Sultan Murad falls out of touch with his war wounds. Sultan Murad, whose disease progresses well, falls to bed. Learning that the situation of Sultan Murad is bad Kösem Sultan waits at the beginning of his son. Mother settles son in sick bed.
    Sultan Murad decides not to leave the state to the governor. It will destroy the dynasty if necessary. He then determines a bounty that will pass to the throne. Will Kösem Sultan allow Sultan Murad to destroy the dynasty?
    Sultan Murad (Metin Akdülger), Kösem Sultan’ın kendisini öldürmek istediğini öğrenir. Validesinin hekimbaşıyla anlaştığını öğrenen Sultan Murad, Emir Çelebi’nin kellesini Kösem Sultan’a (Nurgül Yeşilçay) gönderir. Sinan Paşa’nın hain olduğunu öğrenen Valide Kösem Sultan, ifşa edildiğini anlar. Çaresiz bir biçimde köşeye sıkışır. Sultan Murad’ın artık durmayacağını bilen Kösem Sultan, Şehzade İbrahim’i korumak için tedbir alır.
    Sultan 4.Murad Acemlerin tüm tedbirlerine rağmen, Bağdat’ı fetheder. Kemankeş Mustafa Paşa’yı veziri azam tayin eder ve Şah Safi’nin üzerine gönderir…
    Bağdat’tan dönen Sultan Murad, aldığı savaş yaralarıyla iyice takatten düşer. Hastalığı iyice ilerleyen Sultan Murad yatağa düşer. Sultan Murad’ın vaziyetinin kötü olduğunu öğrenen Kösem Sultan oğlunun başında bekler. Ana oğul hasta yatağında hesaplaşır.
    El sultán Murad (Metin Akdülger) descubre que Kösem Sultan quería matarlo. El sultán Murad se entera de que su gobernador estuvo de acuerdo con el médico y envía la cabeza de Emir Çelebi a Kösem Sultan (Nurgül Yeşilçay). Valide Kösem Sultan, quien se enteró de que Sinan Pasha era un traidor, se da cuenta de que ha sido expuesto. Esquinas indefensas. Sabiendo que el sultán Murad ya no se detendrá, Kösem Sultan toma medidas para proteger a Şehzade İbrahim.
    El sultán Murad IV conquista Bagdad, a pesar de todas las medidas de los novicios. Kemankeş designó a Mustafa Pasha como Gran Visir y lo envió a Shah Safi.
    Al regresar de Bagdad, el sultán Murad no está en contacto con sus heridas de guerra. El sultán Murad, cuya enfermedad progresa bien, se acuesta. Al enterarse de que la situación del sultán Murad es mala, Kösem Sultan espera al comienzo de su hijo. La madre acuesta al hijo en la cama enferma.
    El sultán Murad decide no dejar el estado al gobernador. Destruirá la dinastía si es necesario. Luego determina una recompensa que pasará al trono. ¿Permitirá Kösem Sultan permitir al sultán Murad destruir la dinastía?
    Султан Мурад (Метин Акдюлгер) узнает, что Кёсем Султан хотел убить его. Султан Мурад, который узнал, что его губернатор согласился с доктором, отправил голову Эмира Челеби в Кёсем Султан (Нургюль Йешилчай). Валиде Кёсем Султан, который узнал, что Синан Паша был предателем, понимает, что его разоблачили. Беспомощные углы. Зная, что султан Мурад больше не остановится, Кёсем Султан принимает меры для защиты Шехзаде Ибрагима.
    Султан Мурад IV покоряет Багдад, несмотря на все меры новичков. Кеманкеш Мустафа-паша назначает своего визиря максимум и отправляет его Шах-Сафи…
    Вернувшись из Багдада, султан Мурад теряет связь со своими военными ранами. Султан Мурад, чья болезнь хорошо прогрессирует, ложится спать. Узнав, что положение султана Мурада плохое, Кёсем Султан ждет в начале своего сына. Мать устраивает сына в больничной койке.
    Султан Мурад решает не оставлять государство губернатору. Это уничтожит династию в случае необходимости. Затем он определяет награду, которая перейдет на трон. Позволит ли Kösem Sultan султану Мураду уничтожить династию?
    السلطان مراد الرابع يغزو بغداد رغم كل مقاييس المبتدئين. Kemankeş عين مصطفى باشا كوزير كبير وأرسله إلى شاه صافي.
    بعد عودته من بغداد ، لم يعد السلطان مراد متأثراً بجراح الحرب. السلطان مراد ، الذي يتطور مرضه بشكل جيد ، يقع في الفراش. علمًا أن وضع السلطان مراد سيء ، ينتظر سلطان سلطان في بداية ابنه. الأم يستقر الابن في سرير مريض.
    السلطان مراد يقرر عدم ترك الولاية للحاكم. وسوف تدمر سلالة إذا لزم الأمر. ثم يحدد مكافأة ستنتقل إلى العرش. هل سيسمح سلطان سلطان للسلطان مراد بتدمير السلالة؟
    #MagnificentCenturyKosem #Magnificent Century #MuhteşemYüzyılKösem

ความคิดเห็น • 43

  • @sintasagita2048
    @sintasagita2048 4 ปีที่แล้ว +51

    Wish I can go to Turkey n visit sultan Ahmed mosque soon...insha Allah... ❤

  • @CiimCiime
    @CiimCiime 4 ปีที่แล้ว +54

    This mosque is way prettier in real life :)

    • @sadafnaurin4350
      @sadafnaurin4350 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      very pretty

    • @orwellianyoutube8978
      @orwellianyoutube8978 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I wonder why they used CGI in these shots. The mosque is still there.

    • @bumin6451
      @bumin6451 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@orwellianyoutube8978 there are modern elements nowadays which wasn’t discovered back then

    • @theduchessofkitty4107
      @theduchessofkitty4107 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@CiimCiime my husband has been inside that mosque. He still talks about it.

  • @Redwan38
    @Redwan38 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    The music remained me death of mustafa 😞

  • @abubakarqureshi7525
    @abubakarqureshi7525 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    2:58 .. beautiful Scene ♥️

  • @evendrithekid101
    @evendrithekid101 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Who built a mosque on the earth. Allah will give / grant to him / her a palace in the heaven.. and Sultan Ahmed I has got it from Allah (God). May Allah always give him soul the peace in Jannah.. Ameen

  • @yousafgujjar6193
    @yousafgujjar6193 3 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    I love this mosque

    • @jonkras2737
      @jonkras2737 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Yes it beautiful, it was architected by an Ottoman Albanian named Sedefkar Mehmed Agha 🇦🇱

  • @captainroastabotch5300
    @captainroastabotch5300 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This Place is Absolutley Stunning. The Architectural Beauty is Amazing & You just dont see that skill of Craftmanship Anymore.

  • @yousafgujjar6193
    @yousafgujjar6193 3 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I like sultan ahmed

  • @arshadbasha2564
    @arshadbasha2564 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Very beautiful mosque mashaallah

  • @munaaljannah
    @munaaljannah ปีที่แล้ว +1

    MasyaAllah. Beautiful mosque.

  • @sarkalakoma2228
    @sarkalakoma2228 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Ps.: according to historian baki tezcan. was mahfiruz, mother of ahmed´s first born son - osman,she was burriet in eyup because she died infront of built blue mosque, so she must lived to the 1610 but blue mosque began to built in 1609-1616 which mean that mahfiruz wasn´t a live at the moment. according to ulucay she died in 1620 and she was built in eyup but perci found that source who ulucay quotes as a source be doesn´t found yet.
    which mean that mahfiruz wasn´t valide sultan.
    there is compelling evidence that the Ottoman mother may have died in 1605:
    thomas shirley english traveles records the death of a woman in harem august 1605.according to achile de harley it could be mahfiruz. because he said that "not son living sultana but eldest name osman, orphan of his mother for the ten years." date 1618, but achile de harley wrote this letter afther executed nasuv pasha 1614-1615, and letter was send march,5 1616.
    achile de harley said that she´s dead 10 years betwen years 1614-1615 executed nasuv pasha.which mean that she died the most posibility 1605 if was letter wrote 1615 according to thomas shirley august 1605. another interesting thing pecevi said that 3,august 1605 had mahfiruze second son (but it was not mehmed).
    christophoro vallier 1612/1615-the king has four sons. two by the sultana who died and two by the sultana who lives.
    so pecevi said that when acording to source mahfiruz died august 1605 had second son, but according to de harley was osman afther executed nasuv pasha orphan which mean that osman´s brother died in yong age. so mehmed can´t be osman´s full brother. it is possible that nurse was osman´s brother nurse not osman´s.
    tezcan also said that mahfiruz could died infront of death handan valide sultan afther diffucul birth of her child, (3)august 1605, and her child died soon mayby afther his born because ambassadors record of two sehzadeler but one of them died because achile de harley said that osman was orphan which mean that he didn´t had anny other full sibling. which suggest that gevherhan and beazid could´nt be child of mahfiruz. according to ambassadors bayezid was born foure years afther dead mahfiruz as far as gevherhan modern source sugguest that gevherhan was eldest child according to source she was born when ahmed likde sehzade sadducced yong mahpeyker during the father´s reign. so, while beyazid was born 4 year afther death mahfiruz so gevherhan was born infront mahfiruz came to the harem. gevherhan and beyazid are as a children mahfiruz disputed. I don´t belived that theyre children of mahfiruz.

  • @yousafgujjar6193
    @yousafgujjar6193 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    So beautiful

  • @pepesale968
    @pepesale968 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Il blu è il colore della spiritualità,della morte alla carne per un colloquio conoscitivo e diretto con il bene supremo eassoluto

  • @danielharrison1065
    @danielharrison1065 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Mashallah 🇵🇸

  • @theduchessofkitty4107
    @theduchessofkitty4107 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Is this mosque where he’s buried as well?

  • @lucieelizabethannwesson7016
    @lucieelizabethannwesson7016 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It is magnificent

  • @abc..6533
    @abc..6533 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wrong subtitles at 2:06

  • @suhantadvi9016
    @suhantadvi9016 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @brindade5480
    @brindade5480 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Did Ahmed ever know that Iskender was in love with his wife Kosem?

  • @pepesale968
    @pepesale968 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @omarferrario5040
    @omarferrario5040 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Transazione is uncorrect

  • @hasanullalhasansaff4524
    @hasanullalhasansaff4524 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @ampbiotechfertilizer8490
    @ampbiotechfertilizer8490 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Who build a Mosque in the earth, Allah SWT will build to him a House (Palace) in the Jannah Firdaus (Paradise)

  • @yutimushi3056
    @yutimushi3056 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @injamamulhasantahsin131
    @injamamulhasantahsin131 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Peace be upon all of Turkey sultans

  • @mdaadilsiddiquipersonallife
    @mdaadilsiddiquipersonallife 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    What is name of this music

    • @ahmadi9350
      @ahmadi9350 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Talismanic Shirt - Aytekin Ataş

  • @Mr.Muslim174
    @Mr.Muslim174 ปีที่แล้ว

    So behind sultan ahmad its hagia sophia

  • @izharahmed7061
    @izharahmed7061 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Beautiful mosque

  • @skadush4234
    @skadush4234 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Sultan was very young at that time

  • @farhaamreen5099
    @farhaamreen5099 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Mashallah 👌👌👌