1:04:05 Hey, JD: I also know this as part of something we called the Kelly series. Do you know the crusher? It's when your opponent blocks the inside of your knee to prevent the dump, so you use your off-fireman's arm to reverse hook the arm on the knee (Hobbes hook), then reverse the direction of the dump and if it works properly, you crush your opponent's chest with your shoulder for the pin.
1:04:05 Hey, JD: I also know this as part of something we called the Kelly series. Do you know the crusher? It's when your opponent blocks the inside of your knee to prevent the dump, so you use your off-fireman's arm to reverse hook the arm on the knee (Hobbes hook), then reverse the direction of the dump and if it works properly, you crush your opponent's chest with your shoulder for the pin.
why are they wrestling some 1a school in illinois
They are a small school from kentucky probably smaller than the 1a school from illinois