It’s Jesse from Jesse’s Teahouse here - so glad you enjoyed the tea resins!! I will tell the farmers we work with that you liked them - hit me up if you ever want to do more collabs on Chinese tea and tea culture 🎉🎉
The moment that Mike pauses for Jamie to math it up for him is the most gorgeous display of lifelong friendship and it's moments like that, that are the reason this channel has weathered every storm and always will. It follows the colourblind double check so swiftly and it just shows that you know each other so well that you're aware of strengths and support each other with them in every way and it's effing beautiful.
@@brianyaeger8209 It has the large plastic container instead of the metal mess kit you need to complement your MRE. Of course, the disadvantage of multiuse is that you have to take care of it. The main disadvantage (apart from being quite expensive and resource hungry) of the self heating MRE with plastic mess kit is the size of it. There is a lof of air in that package to allow for the steam to do its work.
@@57thorns you don't need a "mess kit" for MREs either - you cook them in the bag they come in. The military MREs were packaged with the idea you'd be in the woods with minimal gear - theyre already better than this "fancy" bulky re-branded nonsense
Pretty much! It sounded pretty familiar when they mentioned a water activated heating pack. It’s the first thing I thought of, but I didn’t heat my MRE’s that often
In Japan, self heating ikeben (bento box to eat on the train) are sold at the train stations. These have a string which you have to pull. No need for adding water. Less bulky and they heat up instantly once you've pulled the string.
I instantly thought about hiking, too. Guess you could do the same with coffee. This would take much less space than instant coffee. Through hikers would love it. Especially those who like a quality coffee but need to take all the brewing gear to make it.
I was wondering if they had edited out where they were told it was safe to eat. But nope, they just chomped away on random leaves 😂😂😂 Gave golden retriever vibes.
If you’re going to heat it up at your desk, there are little electric cookers that can do that sort of thing. I couldn’t deal with throwing out that much packaging daily, but it could be handy for occasional use. I could definitely justify having a couple in the pantry for use during a power outage. You should be able to buy more of those heat packs from a camping/hiking store too.
Those electric cookers are increasingly being banned from offices due to safety concerns and probably electricity usage. I agree with the sustainability issue here. Way more plastic that in single microwave meals.
As a former tea blogger and forever tea lover I'm jazzed about those tea resins for portability and especially because high-quality tea is used. Usually watch you on one of my other profiles and have learned about a lot of gadgets, international cooking methods and recipes all while having a smile and a laugh. Love your channel🙏
Jesse here who makes the resin - yes definitely give it a try! In my opinion it’s not as good as fresh brewed but better than any other way I know of to take that much tea around so conveniently and make it so quickly
@@jessesteahouse is there any particular difference between the process you use and the volatile compounds/aromatic compounds that is lost during, say, freeze drying instant coffee for example?
I love the idea because I've always been a bit scared off by fiddlier high-end teas with small margins of error. With these resins it sounds like all the work has been done for us by folks who have the skills to get it right.
As a new viewer I'm blown away by the amount of content you guys put out !!! I don't know how you been doing it so long. Also I just adore Mike, he seems so nice and is a fantastic host/whatever you call the job y'all do haa
Welcome! Just a suggestion but you should check out the old build battles where they dress up! Some of my favourite videos, and they did a whole series where they did different challenges for badges. Have fun watching!
If there were traces of radioactive material in the produce but not the end product then it would be interesting to know how they are disposing of the waste safely, since the contaminated material has to go somewhere. But at the same time that means that they are extracting waste from the soil in the exclusion zone, contributing to the recovery of the area.
I'm no scientist but I'd guess the radioactivity would pass to the water used in the distillation process. And once it's on the water it can be diluted to safe levels.
Yay, So glad to know that Atomik is now actually producing enough to sell. We heard about it when he made the first bottle, and he was sad to let people know this wasn't for sale, but was a proof of concept. We so wanted to get some, just to have it. So cool. And glad it's also doing good for the region. Gonna get some of this.
The self heating pack is very "available", but I very much share Jamie's concern over plastic waste, and the more popular it becomes, the more waste there will be. So either reusable pots or biodegradable packaging.
I also think it would be much better if you could just reuse the containers and simply buy more of the heating pouches. Regarding the users though, it totally makes sense as a workplace/school lunch, but I just imagine that in disaster relief ! Like in situations where there’s no power. You’d normally turn to a standard fire to prepare hot meals, but I could see that as an alternative. Either as kits for individuals or maybe an upscaled version for groups. I wonder if that’s feasible. It might already exist 😅
i think the reason behind the "one use only" does have the environmental warning aspect but its mainly because of the heating packet itself, the brand haidilao does sell bigger packets of soup for home use that u can cook at home with ur own hotpot pots etc. and u can obv eat at their restaurants as well, the only reason to opt for self heating is if u are at a place without much convienience other than water (like mountains or outskirts)
I highly doubt the plastic is the biggest issue with those. The self-heating contraption itself seems quite wasteful. I think it's a good idea for emergency meals, but for an office I'll stick to the break room microwave oven.
I kept thinking OMG 16oz is literally a pint, and they *know* what a pint is! I feel pretty certain that if Ben had just said "that's a pint of tea there in that drop" there would have been no confusion.
That’s exactly what happens, we get sent through gadgets and foodie things from the community, they then get passed onto the production team, and then they usually end up in a video 🙌
I agree. I also think the self-heating packet might find a market for campers and backpackers doing a short hike, if they work out the reusable bowl / pot scenario.
Jamie asking for the imperial measurements in English was way too funny to me. My brother, the imperial measurement is the most English measurement system out there, yall invented it
@@Dan_Gyros Really? Why? I am biased for having grown up with Celsius, but to me the 0 and 100 points of Celsius are very logically chosen (water freezes, water boils) and those of Fahrenheit... I looked them up and apparently it's the freezing point of a complicated brine mixture (not exactly intuitive) and a bit above body temperature?
@@Snowshowslow I feel like farenheit is how temperature feels to humans, and celsius is how temperature feels from water. idk, I just feel like its better cause its more graduated
I remember when self-heating canned soups and lattes appeared a while ago, and were quickly discontinued due to packaging issues. There were reports of the cans not getting hot enough, getting too hot, and expelling soup out of the cans. And the lattes had a weird taste as if the chemical was mixed into the latte.
I tried one of those on my first trip to Japan, I quickly learned not to trust them with black tea. The can was 50/50 milk/tea and loads of sugar and tasted horrible, and the one time I ordered black tea is was bitter from beeing steeped for way to long. But the green teas, even the free one you got from a machine at the hotel, were all delicious.
I tried all them circa 2004 (shout-out to the hot chocolate and tomato soup) and yup. Either boiled out the lid and scalded you for daring to take a sip 30 minutes later or was just kinda warm
OMG Hai Di Lao's instant hot pot is sooooooo good! They're a good sick time food and I even took it to the freezing Mojave Desert while camping. It was so good and well needed.
6:00 I’ve been watching Jesse’s videos for a while now. I’m not a massive tea fan but his videos are interesting. It’s cool to see one of his products here
Jesse also as a full video on how the tea resin is made. Really good video called Making Cha Gao in Yunnan, China: The Travel-Friendly Tea Resin That Lasts for Months!
Ben mentioning coffee bags as a "relatively new thing" made me chuckle. They've been around for about 70 years. I recall them being provided for morning coffee in my hotel room about 40 years ago and I thought "Hunh, what a great idea. Where can I get some?" Never could find them. Wonder how good they are now?
@@MattTheSith Yes, quite new. I've been taking them to work for about 15 years because I can't stand coffee from a jar. When they began, I believe Lyon's were the only brand. There are still very few to choose from.
I’ve been buying coffee bags for years. Hated work kitchen coffee before espresso machines were more accessible., so a long time. Good for camping too.
I don't know where you live, but in the UK the Yorkshire Tea company makes coffee bags that are almost as good as fresh filter coffee. I was pleasantly surprised.
I already have the tea resin! I’m ahead on one of these videos. Been loving it. Great for work where they don’t have tea available, but have coffee machines. Happy to see it here. Highly recommend it.
That tea resin cube is an interesting idea. I wonder if it could be used in cooking just like as a stock cube. Maybe for poaching or something similar. I regularly brew beer, and there are some interesting ways to add flavour to beer in the form of tea. It would be definitelly much easier to do it with this cube, I believe it has much less residue than boiling actual tea leaves, so it would be a cleaner process.
I have been using this brand of tea resin for quite some time now and I will attest that there is nothing left in the cup after drinking my tea. Many "instant teas" leave behind stuff in the bottom of the glass but these tea resins do not. I am very excited about the idea of using these to brew beer. I haven't made beer in ages. I am going to have to break out my kit and give it a go.
The techers for the self heating food has been around for decades. The army uses it on MRE's, it's used in mountaineering situations as instant hand warming pads and has been used for on the go food for as long as it's been available. It became popular in Japan in the early 90s.
My parents are both foodies (where I get it from) and I keep getting fantastic gift ideas from you guys trying things! I also feel like a new gardening box idea was just unlocked with the succulents 😄
13:21 these kind of things are very common in my region. We cook with avocado and radish leaves and cilantro (coriander) roots, for example; chop and use cilantro stalks, not only the leaves, and use many leaves and flowers in our soups and many other dishes. I’m glad to see the rest of the world is becoming more aware of nature’s bounty, beyond fruits and vegetables.
As a retired Chef, I find all your videos great to watch. This episode I am on board with all the products. I do agree tho, that the hot pot needs to have a 2 to 4 meal kit. I am saddened by the one and done then toss concept.
This is super cool. One of the founders of the Atomik vodka was one of my lecturers at university. Never actually got to meet him in person as he lived in Chernobyl lol
Exactly. Might be more flavorful if we judge from their reaction, otherwise it's the exact same thing technically. It's only about 1/3 of the price of a MRE tho, because it's only the main course, while the MRE includes all the other stuff for a full day.
I love these videos where they enjoy or are at least more interested in all of the stuff. I love learning about stuff I didn't really know about in this video and the guys' enjoyment and enthusiasm about stuff like this is one of the things I love about this channel.
There are two kinds of cardamom- green and black. They taste very different. Green cardamom is much milder and sweeter, and used in Scandinavian bread a lot. (Where it’s delicious).
Coffee bags have been around for at least a couple of decades (I used to buy the Lyon’s ones in the early 2000’s) and instant tea was available in the 80’s (it was granulated and came in a jar with versions available that had milk and sugar included). It didn’t take off to any great extent and most people bought it as either a gimmick or something to have in the cupboard in case of an emergency.
They have had these self heating meals in Japan for a long time. I hope they make it to the states. For emergency/ disaster food when power goes out these would be great to have on hand.
The vegetarian MRE's minus things with eggs are decent with this tech in the US. Armed Forces Supply store has them in bulk for the most reasonable price as a New Englander who gets snowed in I have between 10 and 20 every winter.
I will say, as a guy who works at a shop that sells Japanese snacks, we've been able to get those kind of hot pots for several years. They're just a relatively niche product, and production can be a little spotty. But if you look up, for instance, Asian Food Grocer, you can probably order a couple.
I love that you guys are posting so many videos! I am loving it - much appreciated! It feels like your advent calendar - only it's extended into January! ❤
Ahh, the tea resin is very cool!! The process sounds a lot like the method to make portable soup, which was common survival food/rations in the 1700. (Thank you, Townsends!) It also reminds me of my mother-in-law-emerita's pu er tea cakes, insofar as they also aren't your traditional teabags/loose-leaf tea.
The way the FRH works (which is, as other commenters have noted, exactly the same thing as in MREs) is that it's basically a chemical battery that is mostly inert while dry, but once you add water, it generates heat by shorting out and releasing all of its energy very quickly, rather than slowly like you'd normally want. I say _mostly_ inert because they can lose potency over time, but if you try one and it's not really heating, sprinkling in a bit of salt (i.e. increasing the concentration of electrolytes) can help it go. As far as I know, there's no simple way to "recharge" it: the reaction is exothermic, and that means that whatever chemical process would turn it back into those compounds Ben listed would involve heating it, but I'm not a chemist and wouldn't know how to go about doing so. NileRed probably could figure it out.
You cannot "recharge" these. Once the chemical reaction is finished, the resultant chemicals are consumed, and turned into other compounds. Which is why they are extremely wasteful. Exothermic simply means that the reaction generates heat. Not that heat reverses it.
@jeromethiel4323 Yeah, I was using "recharge" in the sense of using chemical reactions to turn the reaction products back into the original compounds, and I was speculating that since this reaction is exothermic, i.e. it releases energy, if there's a straightforward way to turn the reaction products back onto aluminum oxide and sodium bicarbonate and whatever else is in it, it would somehow or another consume more energy than is released by the FRH because that's how physics works. There's no such thing as free energy, after all. But you answered the question, in any event. I do agree that this specific packaging is quite wasteful, although none of the reactants are anything other than hilariously abundant and if I found this sort of lunch preparation personally appealing I'd just get freeze dried veggies & protein, bulk instant noodles, and a container, and buy a bunch of FRHs.
@@Serenity_Dee hell we even got thermite generators (essentially what a FRH is) on canned espresso drinks and hotdog warmers... I guess it has "trickled" down to be such a viral sensaion I guess
Also, the chemicals used are fine metal powders and salt, so the reaction is quite literally high-speed rust. Metal fires are also high-speed rusting thought, so maybe medium-speed rusting is more accurate.
16oz is a standard bottle of water in the US (unless you're buying soda name brands like Dasani, then it's 20). So I don't feel like it's a lot. Just a hot version of the ice teas you'd buy in a store.
Atomik is one I’ve actually heard of, you’re lucky to get it in the UK, when I tried to get it shipped to the US a year or 2 ago I couldn’t get it! You can get it in the Us now but it’s nearly double the price of getting it in the UK.
I've seen been using self heating meals & drinks for years. Mainly military MRE's but also things like hot chocolate. Great kept in the boot (trunk) if you're car gets stuck in the snow (or your Land Rover breaks down - again). But kits like that, if less bulky would be good for disaster relief packages as power & clean water are often the first thing to breakdown in a disaster situation. Also hand to keep in the house for power cuts. (As someone who lives rurally & was brought up during the "3 Day Week").
@@nancymollette2294 As long as unclean water doesn't contaminate your food you should be okay. In fact with old FRH's (Flameless Ration Heaters) adding a little salt, or using sea water can make them work better. I wouldn't use really dirty water/sewage though. Oddly I just ordered some British Forces 24 ration packs the other day as they were on sale. Keeps my emergency larder topped up as I follow the old “Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe” (federal agency for civilian protection and emergency relief) policy of keeping a certain amount (they said 10 days - I've nearer a month) of water/food/medicine/candles on hand for emergencies.
I think they’d be excellent in an emergency situation as they provide heat without fire. I bet using one of those in a car would warm up the inside of that car for a couple of hours.
That's some really good timing on the tea resin discussion, I was seriously considering buying those already so hearing that it's something the guys enjoyed as well is awesome.
Highly recommend them. I got some and they are great. I use them on the go. Feels funny that I’m often drinking this high quality tea out of a paper cup in a warehouse break room, but it is warming and calming.
that first one is wideley used in japan for bentos on the go and other instant meals some places even have water specifically for those kind of meals directly in the shop you buy it from! i love watching people discover them! (plus its been used by the u.s military for MRE's) its such a handy thing!
@@borttorbbq2556 UTC+8:00: Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) UTC+8:45: Australian Central Western Standard Time (ACWST) UTC+9:30: Australian Central Standard Time (ACST) UTC+10:00: Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) UTC+10:30: Lord Howe Standard Time (LHST)
4:09 Popularity of these single-use hot pots in China is decreasing. The pots simply aren't safe enough. The plastic is thin, people accidentally cover up vent holes, the cheap hot pot brands use subpar ingredients and reconstituted rice. Worst of all is the noxious gas that escapes. Most of the gas produced is hydrogen, which is flammable. The other gases have been able to set off air pollution alarms.
The reaction used in most of these self-heating products is based on calcium oxide, also known as quicklime. When you combine it with water you get heat and calcium hydroxide, a granular solid. The chemical equation is CaO(s)+ H2O(l) → Ca(OH)2(s). No hydrogen, no noxious gases; the only gaseous product is water vapor from the leftover water that is boiled by the heat of the reaction. Which is not to say the product is perfectly harmless and innocuous. Unreacted quicklime is highly caustic and can cause chemical burns if it’s removed from the package (which isn’t supposed to happen, but people do stupid things sometimes). A poor quality plastic container might melt, spilling hot liquid plastic and boiling water. And the whole thing is single-use plastic waste, pretty much an ecological disaster. What it doesn’t do, though, is spew toxic vapor.
Try Hong Yuan candies, the most intense fruit flavoured sweets I've ever tried. The guava and lychee flavours are like the best fruits of their kind I've ever had.
I use these tea resins when traveling. They are tasty and easy to use. I use hot tap water at the airport and then tip it in my cold water bottle. It’s lovely!!
During COVID when I was workign in China, I had to live in my office for a whole week, and that self heating pot was our only food supply. And let me tell you all those ultra processed MSG infused industrial ingredients really takes a toll on your body if you eat them exclusively for a long period of time.
Haha the second item feels like you have it a rave but it’s a tea lover’s party. It’ll be a great hit in my part of the world. If only Tea Resin could make 16 cups of tea. Jamie could teach me maths 😂 P.S. LIVING for the Editor’s Notes. Mad respect 🫡
Loved the editor's additions re: tea quantity. Also I knew someone was going to make a shower vs grower comment as soon as slow grower was said, even if ahem, a sizeable portion of your audience won't quite understand.
Great episode!!! You guys are always good for a laugh while sharing really interesting and useful content. I would love to see you bring back the bloopers at the end of your videos. 😉😆
I like the idea from Jamie, buy a reusable pot, and you just buy the ingredients to add to the pot, maybe have them in the white bowl, so the big pot, you have in the office or at the cabin, so you don't throw it all out every time, but for on the go have this one.
Great video!!! And thank you for the subtitles! I'd love to know whether there's a pattern you already have set around which of your videos come out with subtitles vs. not.
No matter how producer tries to sell it as, for me it is just camping/survival kind of food. Should be used only in places where there is no electricity. Not much harm done if you use it few times a year during tent trip. 100% against using it as office lunch or anything like that, there are plenty of alternatives and most offices have microwave or other appliances. If there are noone then even buying small electrical heating pot or single electric stove to use in the office will save up on packaging waste and food cost in the long run...
@@Miss_Kisa94 It has a lot of initial appeal for camping, or disasters. But I've done a lot of hiking on the John Muir trail, and this is just a no. Takes up way too much space/weight for just one meal. Maybe for people who drive in to campsites? But they have other resources. As an old lady, I've been in hurricanes/floods, one tornado, several small earthquakes and one very large one, and umpteen fire emergency evacuations. The last thing I'd ever pack is a container for one hot meal. I've never been in a tsunami, though, so maybe it has uses I can't envision
@SadieMccollough-mf3jl I've also been in the same situation almost sounds like you live in Texas too. But after awhile canned tuna gets old really fast. I'd like a hot meal in my emergency kit.
Timestamp 4:00 Having spent the better part of 15 years over the last 24 in China, can say two things. 1) It works, and the variety of options is good; 2) Single use, too much packaging waste for my liking and ultimately not value for money, imo. That said, there are many workers in China that scrimp and save for these (10-12 cny is expensive for this sort of meal) in order to have a hot meal without having to have a basic kitchen in their dorm room, office desks, one room shop with loft bedding etc. work arrangements. You DO know that many Chinese workers sleep on premises, and rarely leave their workplaces, don't you? BUT... Excuse Me! 12 Pounds for one pack?!? Are you f$%#ing mad?
You guys should try CrioBru! Its a cacao drink that is a descent substitute for coffee for those who are looking for an alternative. Brews like coffee, but just roasted cacao beans!
There is a lot of packaging for those self-heating pots but in Japan and Taiwan especially, where they are common, there are also very strict and robust recycling programs.
For the 1st item, I believe they use the same heating packs like they use in the US MRE field rations. But also on that topic, I found that a travel kettle exists (got mine from a widely known chinese company) and it operates as kettle/thermos and can't wait to test it on the go next month
The first one is literally what US and Asian military uses for warmed foods. It’s offered with multiple retort pouch options in US but each pack is expensive
Also, why does the Yank know more about tea? And coffee bags are not new, maybe marketing guys convincing folks they’re new but used to take them camping in the 80s
I don;t know if I'm sold on the instant meal but I can definitely get behind products 3 and 4 as ways to reduce food waste (as long as the packaging is sustainable/recyclable as well) and I'd probably go out the buy the second one as it seems like excellent value for money and a good way to explore tea.
They're missing a trick with the more morbid/Sci-i/Trauma movie fan market in not having the bottle/packaging of the ATOMIK booze glow in the dark, or at least an LED light on the bottom of the bottle to make it light up an atomic blue.☢🔘😆
If you keep the box and empty bottle for display after, that could likely easily be added user-side. There looks to be enough room for it in the shreddy padding.
That is brilliant. The little tiny concentrated tea cubes or whatever. So inventive basically similar to stock cubes buoyant cube. Anything that's reduced LOL. That will save you a lot of room like Michael said he could take that whole container and can make so many cups of tea from his pocket LOL.
First trend: If they can make it sustainable or reusable (like Jamie said with 5 or more Pouches sold per cooking container) i can see this being extremely nice for a 40h work week. 1 Meal from the Sellers, 4 more Pouches to make my own Meals for Lunch at the Office or Construction Site. I would pay up to 20 Quid for that.
The tea resin seems perfect for a particular camping crowd. It’s smaller and lighter than the same amount of teabags and probably tastes better than a lot of teabags too. Given the price some outdoors enthusiasts will pay for camp meals or on the go coffee (like the coffee you guys covered in your last video like this actually!) I think they’d also enjoy a boujie tea out on a superlight hike
I agree with Jamie, way too much packaging for a one time use, was any of it recyclable? edit to say that the base is probably recyclable BUT because it is black it will blend in with the transport belt in the recycling plant and not be recognized so therefore likely ends up in garbage instead ~ we need to stop using black plastic … based on our recycling plant
@Miss_Kisa94 it's an issue everywhere because black isn't a color that's picked because it looks good. It's picked because it's the only pigment that can properly hide the source of mixed plastics which might have pigment og their own. And because it looks stylish, we often use it for "furniture" like computers and televisions. And those have toxic fireretardants in them. And when those gets recycled and mixed into food containers, it's not exactly a nice mix. There are studies on the topic that point it might not be very good for you, but nothing alarming.
@@Miss_Kisa94its going to be an issue everywhere. Not all plastics are recycled even if they say they are recyclable and I bet thats no different in those countries you mentioned. They say they recycle everything like they say that they have contained all the radioactivity in Fukushima. I know thats a strange comparison but I am convinced that both those claims are utter bs.
I wish the concept of #1 was more accessible to the general population. This would absolutely be a game-changer for many homeless people. I can't tell you how many people donate food that, if it isn't clearly spoiled or expired, still often requires access to appliances (usually a microwave) to prepare safely, or cannot be assembled/eaten without specific utensils or dishes. I know that one-time-use isn't ideal, but when someone is living within the span of one meal to the next, this would be incredible to be able to give to them.
I was interested in the Atomik story. 47 GBP is about 58 USD. In the US, it's only available through another retailer that wants 105 USD. Yikes! I doubt any of that double-price is going to the Ukrainian producers or their good cause.
It's called a retailer. They buy stuff from suppliers then sell them at a markup to pay for expenses. Them buying from suppliers means the money goes to the producers Duh. That's how they buy it. If you'd like, you can fly there and buy it yourself.
I don’t know how. I don’t know when. But I will be getting those tea resins. I like to make 16 ounces (often about two cups) of tea at a time normally because I really like tea.
It’s Jesse from Jesse’s Teahouse here - so glad you enjoyed the tea resins!! I will tell the farmers we work with that you liked them - hit me up if you ever want to do more collabs on Chinese tea and tea culture 🎉🎉
Ayyyyy would such a cool crossover
Congrats on the share, Jesse! I'd love to see these amazing Brits sit down for a tea tasting with you. 🍵
That would be awesome. I love the concept and I definitely want to see more, and see how creative Kush could get with your stuff.
Tea fam represent ❤🎉
Yeahhh my boi Jesseeeeee!!
The moment that Mike pauses for Jamie to math it up for him is the most gorgeous display of lifelong friendship and it's moments like that, that are the reason this channel has weathered every storm and always will. It follows the colourblind double check so swiftly and it just shows that you know each other so well that you're aware of strengths and support each other with them in every way and it's effing beautiful.
Beautifully said and wholeheartedly agree
Funny thing is that technology for that instant hot meal has been around for over 30 years. All that instant meal is just a fancy MRE.
Coming to say the same thing lol
This is just a fancy MRE
And MRE has already switched to new "heat elements", because these old ones poison you with magnesium or something, lol
@@brianyaeger8209 It has the large plastic container instead of the metal mess kit you need to complement your MRE.
Of course, the disadvantage of multiuse is that you have to take care of it.
The main disadvantage (apart from being quite expensive and resource hungry) of the self heating MRE with plastic mess kit is the size of it. There is a lof of air in that package to allow for the steam to do its work.
@@57thorns you don't need a "mess kit" for MREs either - you cook them in the bag they come in. The military MREs were packaged with the idea you'd be in the woods with minimal gear - theyre already better than this "fancy" bulky re-branded nonsense
Pretty much! It sounded pretty familiar when they mentioned a water activated heating pack. It’s the first thing I thought of, but I didn’t heat my MRE’s that often
I loved the "Thats the 1st time in 15 years youve used your degree" also because listing to J ramble was fun
What is his degree
@@BelladonnaHarker Considering what he was talking about, i assume marketing.
@@BelladonnaHarkersounds like economics or marketing.
He looked just as surprised to hear himself say it as Mike was 😄
Glad we ain't doing funnies and crowd laughs ever 3 minutes.
Jesse's Teahouse!! I love his tea selections!!
Also...the poor editor fought for their life during that segment xD
Ran to the comments to see if anyone else reconiced it
@@magicpensel9548 I did instantly. I have ordered that tin of resin many times. I love it. I was shocked when I saw my tea in the bowl
Ran to the video to see how I could’ve missed that
I'm so glad I've seen him in my reels, I love his stuff
Thanks!! If I find who the editor is I’ll send them some tea resins as a thank you 😂
In Japan, self heating ikeben (bento box to eat on the train) are sold at the train stations. These have a string which you have to pull. No need for adding water. Less bulky and they heat up instantly once you've pulled the string.
*ekiben = station bento
What happens when you pull that string?
And the amount of plastic that the Japanese use would make this disastrous product a hit, I expect.
@@crapparcheat up yr food
@ ... ... Yes, I gathered that. BUT WHAT DOES IT DO. HOW DOES IT HEAT UP?
That tea resin would be fantastic for going hiking. Takes way less space and you get to have a good quality tea. I love that!
Was thinking exactly the same, but coffee. :-)
I instantly thought about hiking, too. Guess you could do the same with coffee. This would take much less space than instant coffee. Through hikers would love it. Especially those who like a quality coffee but need to take all the brewing gear to make it.
It was meant for long distance travel, usually itinerant merchants or migratory labourers then. So hiking or any other outdoor activities will work.
Definitely thinking for my next camping trip
Does tea offer that much weight that need to be reduced so much that the cost premium is worth it?
Its so funny how the normals got trained to put everything straight in their mouth and ben just getting shocked they just did that😂😂
They are very used to mystery ingredients under a cloche
Especially given many succulents are highly poisonous or psychoactive!
I was wondering if they had edited out where they were told it was safe to eat. But nope, they just chomped away on random leaves 😂😂😂 Gave golden retriever vibes.
@@samdenton821 maybe thats why they started giggling so much🤣
I am always amazed how much stuff they just eat without hesitation.
If you’re going to heat it up at your desk, there are little electric cookers that can do that sort of thing. I couldn’t deal with throwing out that much packaging daily, but it could be handy for occasional use. I could definitely justify having a couple in the pantry for use during a power outage.
You should be able to buy more of those heat packs from a camping/hiking store too.
I was thinking they could just sell pouches with various bags of ingredients and a heater for the people that have the big bowl.
i wasnt thinking desk, but I WAS thinking camping. could reuse the containers to hold water etc afterwards
Those electric cookers are increasingly being banned from offices due to safety concerns and probably electricity usage.
I agree with the sustainability issue here. Way more plastic that in single microwave meals.
I got my goddaughter a little electric pot for her dorm room that could easily do this sort of thing.
Or you could just use the kettle or microwave that most desk jobs provide.
As a former tea blogger and forever tea lover I'm jazzed about those tea resins for portability and especially because high-quality tea is used. Usually watch you on one of my other profiles and have learned about a lot of gadgets, international cooking methods and recipes all while having a smile and a laugh. Love your channel🙏
Jesse here who makes the resin - yes definitely give it a try! In my opinion it’s not as good as fresh brewed but better than any other way I know of to take that much tea around so conveniently and make it so quickly
@@jessesteahouse is there any particular difference between the process you use and the volatile compounds/aromatic compounds that is lost during, say, freeze drying instant coffee for example?
I love the idea because I've always been a bit scared off by fiddlier high-end teas with small margins of error. With these resins it sounds like all the work has been done for us by folks who have the skills to get it right.
Thanks so much for watching….. we’re glad you’ve learnt a lot 😁
As a new viewer I'm blown away by the amount of content you guys put out !!! I don't know how you been doing it so long. Also I just adore Mike, he seems so nice and is a fantastic host/whatever you call the job y'all do haa
Welcome to the sorted community 💐
Job??? Maybe.
Welcome, Sorted is wonderful. They work very hard you get a lot of content. Mike is my favorite also.
Welcome! You have a very good backlog to go through. I reccomend everything but adore the Kush unleashed, Pass it on and the A-Z of global cuisine!
Welcome! Just a suggestion but you should check out the old build battles where they dress up! Some of my favourite videos, and they did a whole series where they did different challenges for badges. Have fun watching!
If there were traces of radioactive material in the produce but not the end product then it would be interesting to know how they are disposing of the waste safely, since the contaminated material has to go somewhere. But at the same time that means that they are extracting waste from the soil in the exclusion zone, contributing to the recovery of the area.
I'm no scientist but I'd guess the radioactivity would pass to the water used in the distillation process.
And once it's on the water it can be diluted to safe levels.
Yay, So glad to know that Atomik is now actually producing enough to sell. We heard about it when he made the first bottle, and he was sad to let people know this wasn't for sale, but was a proof of concept. We so wanted to get some, just to have it. So cool. And glad it's also doing good for the region. Gonna get some of this.
The self heating pack is very "available", but I very much share Jamie's concern over plastic waste, and the more popular it becomes, the more waste there will be. So either reusable pots or biodegradable packaging.
I also think it would be much better if you could just reuse the containers and simply buy more of the heating pouches.
Regarding the users though, it totally makes sense as a workplace/school lunch, but I just imagine that in disaster relief ! Like in situations where there’s no power. You’d normally turn to a standard fire to prepare hot meals, but I could see that as an alternative. Either as kits for individuals or maybe an upscaled version for groups. I wonder if that’s feasible. It might already exist 😅
i think the reason behind the "one use only" does have the environmental warning aspect but its mainly because of the heating packet itself, the brand haidilao does sell bigger packets of soup for home use that u can cook at home with ur own hotpot pots etc. and u can obv eat at their restaurants as well, the only reason to opt for self heating is if u are at a place without much convienience other than water (like mountains or outskirts)
I highly doubt the plastic is the biggest issue with those. The self-heating contraption itself seems quite wasteful. I think it's a good idea for emergency meals, but for an office I'll stick to the break room microwave oven.
You don’t have to use them if you don’t want to. But save your “concerns” about people wanting basic things like warm food.
I love how the editors notes just get more mad at the boys as the speak
Yes it is hilarious. As long as it is not overused it is often fun to see some funny comments from a video editor.
I kept thinking OMG 16oz is literally a pint, and they *know* what a pint is! I feel pretty certain that if Ben had just said "that's a pint of tea there in that drop" there would have been no confusion.
@@OrigamiMarieThere are 20 ounces in a pint in the UK
it’s one thing to have standard vs metric measurements( it’s quite another to use the same word on both sides for different amounts
And still got it wrong😅
I love to think that Mike saw this really cool thing on Instagram and send it to someone else on the team and then was presented with it in an episode
That’s exactly what happens, we get sent through gadgets and foodie things from the community, they then get passed onto the production team, and then they usually end up in a video 🙌
I so appreciate Jamie mentioning packaging and sustainability. Thanks Jamie!
I came here to say the same thing. Thank you, Jamie!
I agree. I also think the self-heating packet might find a market for campers and backpackers doing a short hike, if they work out the reusable bowl / pot scenario.
Same. That was so much packaging!
@@monicasantos2216 yep Jamie got the gold 🏅 for the best future for the kids and planet comment today.
Jamie asking for the imperial measurements in English was way too funny to me. My brother, the imperial measurement is the most English measurement system out there, yall invented it
it's still confusing as hell, that's why most people don't use it anymore
You're not wrong, though I do think Fahrenheit is better than Celsius, everything else though should be metric
@@Dan_Gyros Really? Why? I am biased for having grown up with Celsius, but to me the 0 and 100 points of Celsius are very logically chosen (water freezes, water boils) and those of Fahrenheit... I looked them up and apparently it's the freezing point of a complicated brine mixture (not exactly intuitive) and a bit above body temperature?
@@Snowshowslow I feel like farenheit is how temperature feels to humans, and celsius is how temperature feels from water. idk, I just feel like its better cause its more graduated
@@Dan_Gyrosdepends on what you grew up with I guess. To me zero sounds icy cold
I remember when self-heating canned soups and lattes appeared a while ago, and were quickly discontinued due to packaging issues. There were reports of the cans not getting hot enough, getting too hot, and expelling soup out of the cans. And the lattes had a weird taste as if the chemical was mixed into the latte.
I tried one of those on my first trip to Japan, I quickly learned not to trust them with black tea. The can was 50/50 milk/tea and loads of sugar and tasted horrible, and the one time I ordered black tea is was bitter from beeing steeped for way to long. But the green teas, even the free one you got from a machine at the hotel, were all delicious.
I tried all them circa 2004 (shout-out to the hot chocolate and tomato soup) and yup. Either boiled out the lid and scalded you for daring to take a sip 30 minutes later or was just kinda warm
I had self heating coffee and cocoa cans from a dollar store over 15 years ago. Seemed fun, but the waste was a big turn off.
I love, love, love the cheeky editors notes. I would love to see these pop up from time to time.
OMG Hai Di Lao's instant hot pot is sooooooo good! They're a good sick time food and I even took it to the freezing Mojave Desert while camping. It was so good and well needed.
GO JAMIE GO!!!! Love your “rant”. That applies to SO many areas, food, fashion etc.
6:00 I’ve been watching Jesse’s videos for a while now. I’m not a massive tea fan but his videos are interesting. It’s cool to see one of his products here
Jesse also as a full video on how the tea resin is made. Really good video called Making Cha Gao in Yunnan, China: The Travel-Friendly Tea Resin That Lasts for Months!
@ That video is awesome, probably one of the most interesting and unique videos I’ve seen
Thanks for the support!! I had no idea they would be featuring the tea resins, just seeing this myself for the first time 😂
06:55 let’s watch the colourblind guy sort through a tin with two different shades of red 🤣
Ben mentioning coffee bags as a "relatively new thing" made me chuckle. They've been around for about 70 years. I recall them being provided for morning coffee in my hotel room about 40 years ago and I thought "Hunh, what a great idea. Where can I get some?" Never could find them. Wonder how good they are now?
Relatively new, commercially
@@MattTheSith Yes, quite new. I've been taking them to work for about 15 years because I can't stand coffee from a jar. When they began, I believe Lyon's were the only brand. There are still very few to choose from.
I've never seen them.
I’ve been buying coffee bags for years. Hated work kitchen coffee before espresso machines were more accessible., so a long time. Good for camping too.
I don't know where you live, but in the UK the Yorkshire Tea company makes coffee bags that are almost as good as fresh filter coffee. I was pleasantly surprised.
I already have the tea resin! I’m ahead on one of these videos. Been loving it. Great for work where they don’t have tea available, but have coffee machines.
Happy to see it here. Highly recommend it.
Lol loved the editors notes with the whole cup/ounce situation 😂
The “what’s that in English?” response was funny. I wouldn’t know it the other way round either
Thanks for featuring Sister Ai!! Jesse’s Teahouse has been working directly with her for a few years. Shes so cool!
Can’t wait to let her know her resins were featured 🎉
That tea resin cube is an interesting idea. I wonder if it could be used in cooking just like as a stock cube. Maybe for poaching or something similar.
I regularly brew beer, and there are some interesting ways to add flavour to beer in the form of tea. It would be definitelly much easier to do it with this cube, I believe it has much less residue than boiling actual tea leaves, so it would be a cleaner process.
I'm just here waiting for the coffee resin.... :)
@@richbuilds_comthere’s a coffee paste in a little tube…
Same with ice cream! You could dissolve it directly into the cream!
@@karenneill9109 yeah, my other idea was to use it in bakery to flavour creams and such.
I have been using this brand of tea resin for quite some time now and I will attest that there is nothing left in the cup after drinking my tea. Many "instant teas" leave behind stuff in the bottom of the glass but these tea resins do not. I am very excited about the idea of using these to brew beer. I haven't made beer in ages. I am going to have to break out my kit and give it a go.
It was fun hearing Jamie going off on a marketing tangent 😄 he looked just as surprised to hear it come from his own mouth as Mike was 😂
The techers for the self heating food has been around for decades.
The army uses it on MRE's, it's used in mountaineering situations as instant hand warming pads and has been used for on the go food for as long as it's been available. It became popular in Japan in the early 90s.
My parents are both foodies (where I get it from) and I keep getting fantastic gift ideas from you guys trying things! I also feel like a new gardening box idea was just unlocked with the succulents 😄
13:21 these kind of things are very common in my region. We cook with avocado and radish leaves and cilantro (coriander) roots, for example; chop and use cilantro stalks, not only the leaves, and use many leaves and flowers in our soups and many other dishes. I’m glad to see the rest of the world is becoming more aware of nature’s bounty, beyond fruits and vegetables.
As a retired Chef, I find all your videos great to watch. This episode I am on board with all the products. I do agree tho, that the hot pot needs to have a 2 to 4 meal kit. I am saddened by the one and done then toss concept.
My brain: "ITS AN MRE"
It is
My brain: MRE means "meal ready to eat"
Yup. My retired marine husband was so mad that they said it was new in the western world haha
The children yearn for the vegetarian tortellini
@@LokificentsLairis it not ‘new’ in the wider commercial sense though? Don’t recall seeing any non MRE products being sold as an everyday item
This is super cool. One of the founders of the Atomik vodka was one of my lecturers at university. Never actually got to meet him in person as he lived in Chernobyl lol
So number 1 is basically a fancy bulky MRE
That's what I thought
Exactly. Might be more flavorful if we judge from their reaction, otherwise it's the exact same thing technically. It's only about 1/3 of the price of a MRE tho, because it's only the main course, while the MRE includes all the other stuff for a full day.
Saw this about 5 years ago, precisely on a channel about MRE.
Nice hiss
It’d be great as gifts for homeless people, depending on the price. Especially during winter
Jamie using his degree - for the first time in 15 years - was super cool! I watched it twice (if only for Mike's comment at the end lol)
That first thing is neat, but there's so much packaging
You're right, that is a downside.
It’s MRE tech in full production, it’s not allowed on US mass transit
Yeah it feels like an incredible waste of plastic just to heat up some food.
And the microplastic you're consuming
He. And you’d look like an asshole opening one of them on a train 🤷
I love these videos where they enjoy or are at least more interested in all of the stuff. I love learning about stuff I didn't really know about in this video and the guys' enjoyment and enthusiasm about stuff like this is one of the things I love about this channel.
13:02 As a certified Cardamom pod hater (if it’s in rice), I didn’t even know about the benefits of the leaf. Very interesting.
There are two kinds of cardamom- green and black. They taste very different. Green cardamom is much milder and sweeter, and used in Scandinavian bread a lot. (Where it’s delicious).
@@karenneill9109 cardamon can also be used in short breads but then again so is caraway seed cookies
Coffee bags have been around for at least a couple of decades (I used to buy the Lyon’s ones in the early 2000’s) and instant tea was available in the 80’s (it was granulated and came in a jar with versions available that had milk and sugar included). It didn’t take off to any great extent and most people bought it as either a gimmick or something to have in the cupboard in case of an emergency.
They have had these self heating meals in Japan for a long time. I hope they make it to the states. For emergency/ disaster food when power goes out these would be great to have on hand.
That would be a great use for them!
It’s MRE tech, it’s been made for years now
The vegetarian MRE's minus things with eggs are decent with this tech in the US. Armed Forces Supply store has them in bulk for the most reasonable price as a New Englander who gets snowed in I have between 10 and 20 every winter.
That's an excellent thought!
I will say, as a guy who works at a shop that sells Japanese snacks, we've been able to get those kind of hot pots for several years. They're just a relatively niche product, and production can be a little spotty. But if you look up, for instance, Asian Food Grocer, you can probably order a couple.
I love that you guys are posting so many videos! I am loving it - much appreciated! It feels like your advent calendar - only it's extended into January! ❤
Ahh, the tea resin is very cool!! The process sounds a lot like the method to make portable soup, which was common survival food/rations in the 1700. (Thank you, Townsends!) It also reminds me of my mother-in-law-emerita's pu er tea cakes, insofar as they also aren't your traditional teabags/loose-leaf tea.
The way the FRH works (which is, as other commenters have noted, exactly the same thing as in MREs) is that it's basically a chemical battery that is mostly inert while dry, but once you add water, it generates heat by shorting out and releasing all of its energy very quickly, rather than slowly like you'd normally want.
I say _mostly_ inert because they can lose potency over time, but if you try one and it's not really heating, sprinkling in a bit of salt (i.e. increasing the concentration of electrolytes) can help it go. As far as I know, there's no simple way to "recharge" it: the reaction is exothermic, and that means that whatever chemical process would turn it back into those compounds Ben listed would involve heating it, but I'm not a chemist and wouldn't know how to go about doing so. NileRed probably could figure it out.
You cannot "recharge" these. Once the chemical reaction is finished, the resultant chemicals are consumed, and turned into other compounds. Which is why they are extremely wasteful.
Exothermic simply means that the reaction generates heat. Not that heat reverses it.
@jeromethiel4323 Yeah, I was using "recharge" in the sense of using chemical reactions to turn the reaction products back into the original compounds, and I was speculating that since this reaction is exothermic, i.e. it releases energy, if there's a straightforward way to turn the reaction products back onto aluminum oxide and sodium bicarbonate and whatever else is in it, it would somehow or another consume more energy than is released by the FRH because that's how physics works. There's no such thing as free energy, after all.
But you answered the question, in any event. I do agree that this specific packaging is quite wasteful, although none of the reactants are anything other than hilariously abundant and if I found this sort of lunch preparation personally appealing I'd just get freeze dried veggies & protein, bulk instant noodles, and a container, and buy a bunch of FRHs.
@@Serenity_Dee hell we even got thermite generators (essentially what a FRH is) on canned espresso drinks and hotdog warmers... I guess it has "trickled" down to be such a viral sensaion I guess
Also, the chemicals used are fine metal powders and salt, so the reaction is quite literally high-speed rust. Metal fires are also high-speed rusting thought, so maybe medium-speed rusting is more accurate.
2nd one is a tea stock cube, my only issue is its a lot if you want just 1 cup of tea.
16 oz converts to about 473 ml so it's more like 2 cups. If you had a 500 ml thermos, you'd be good for a couple of hours
You could just use half a cube.
You share. Good tea is always meant to be shared
16oz is a standard bottle of water in the US (unless you're buying soda name brands like Dasani, then it's 20). So I don't feel like it's a lot. Just a hot version of the ice teas you'd buy in a store.
Atomik is one I’ve actually heard of, you’re lucky to get it in the UK, when I tried to get it shipped to the US a year or 2 ago I couldn’t get it! You can get it in the Us now but it’s nearly double the price of getting it in the UK.
Where are you seeing that you can buy it in the states? I went to their American page and it’s not on there.
@ it was through a website called the Whiskey Barrel, not sure if it’s there anymore
I've seen been using self heating meals & drinks for years. Mainly military MRE's but also things like hot chocolate. Great kept in the boot (trunk) if you're car gets stuck in the snow (or your Land Rover breaks down - again). But kits like that, if less bulky would be good for disaster relief packages as power & clean water are often the first thing to breakdown in a disaster situation. Also hand to keep in the house for power cuts. (As someone who lives rurally & was brought up during the "3 Day Week").
Don't they need clean water, though? Off to get some MREs for this winter weather.
@@nancymollette2294 As long as unclean water doesn't contaminate your food you should be okay. In fact with old FRH's (Flameless Ration Heaters) adding a little salt, or using sea water can make them work better. I wouldn't use really dirty water/sewage though.
Oddly I just ordered some British Forces 24 ration packs the other day as they were on sale. Keeps my emergency larder topped up as I follow the old “Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe” (federal agency for civilian protection and emergency relief) policy of keeping a certain amount (they said 10 days - I've nearer a month) of water/food/medicine/candles on hand for emergencies.
I think they’d be excellent in an emergency situation as they provide heat without fire. I bet using one of those in a car would warm up the inside of that car for a couple of hours.
That's some really good timing on the tea resin discussion, I was seriously considering buying those already so hearing that it's something the guys enjoyed as well is awesome.
Highly recommend them. I got some and they are great. I use them on the go. Feels funny that I’m often drinking this high quality tea out of a paper cup in a warehouse break room, but it is warming and calming.
Really like the Sister Ai's Tea Resin idea. Great for travel as you don't have to deal with getting rid of a wet tea bag. 🍵
I think the ‘Atomik’ drink is amazing, what a story piece that is as you feed your friends your homemade cocktails they already had doubts about!
Now the tea thingies, those are genius! Less waste than a teabag. Not quite as good as loose leaf, but portable and convenient.
How about matcha?
that first one is wideley used in japan for bentos on the go and other instant meals some places even have water specifically for those kind of meals directly in the shop you buy it from! i love watching people discover them! (plus its been used by the u.s military for MRE's) its such a handy thing!
4am here in Australia. It's always a good time to watch Sorted. 😆 Great picks Ben but that hotpot is incredibly wasteful.
Nothing wrong with that 9:00 a.m. here on the Pacific Northwest of USA.
How many time zones does Australia have?
UTC+8:00: Australian Western Standard Time (AWST)
UTC+8:45: Australian Central Western Standard Time (ACWST)
UTC+9:30: Australian Central Standard Time (ACST)
UTC+10:00: Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
UTC+10:30: Lord Howe Standard Time (LHST)
Whereas I’m watching this at about 1am EST in the states because I work nights heh
4:09 Popularity of these single-use hot pots in China is decreasing. The pots simply aren't safe enough. The plastic is thin, people accidentally cover up vent holes, the cheap hot pot brands use subpar ingredients and reconstituted rice. Worst of all is the noxious gas that escapes. Most of the gas produced is hydrogen, which is flammable. The other gases have been able to set off air pollution alarms.
The reaction used in most of these self-heating products is based on calcium oxide, also known as quicklime. When you combine it with water you get heat and calcium hydroxide, a granular solid. The chemical equation is CaO(s)+ H2O(l) → Ca(OH)2(s). No hydrogen, no noxious gases; the only gaseous product is water vapor from the leftover water that is boiled by the heat of the reaction.
Which is not to say the product is perfectly harmless and innocuous. Unreacted quicklime is highly caustic and can cause chemical burns if it’s removed from the package (which isn’t supposed to happen, but people do stupid things sometimes). A poor quality plastic container might melt, spilling hot liquid plastic and boiling water. And the whole thing is single-use plastic waste, pretty much an ecological disaster. What it doesn’t do, though, is spew toxic vapor.
Try Hong Yuan candies, the most intense fruit flavoured sweets I've ever tried. The guava and lychee flavours are like the best fruits of their kind I've ever had.
I use these tea resins when traveling. They are tasty and easy to use. I use hot tap water at the airport and then tip it in my cold water bottle. It’s lovely!!
During COVID when I was workign in China, I had to live in my office for a whole week, and that self heating pot was our only food supply. And let me tell you all those ultra processed MSG infused industrial ingredients really takes a toll on your body if you eat them exclusively for a long period of time.
Better than bat soup.
Would love to see you exploring the 30 plants a week thing, either in this format or another.
Haha the second item feels like you have it a rave but it’s a tea lover’s party. It’ll be a great hit in my part of the world.
If only Tea Resin could make 16 cups of tea. Jamie could teach me maths 😂
P.S. LIVING for the Editor’s Notes. Mad respect 🫡
Loved the editor's additions re: tea quantity.
Also I knew someone was going to make a shower vs grower comment as soon as slow grower was said, even if ahem, a sizeable portion of your audience won't quite understand.
ATOMIK - what a lovely idea on so many levels! ❤️
It really is!
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. approved!
"It's perfectly safe, no radioactive elements to it"
* serves it as a fluorescent cocktail
It's a good thing I don't like alcohol. Atomic is $104 or $117 to get it here in the US.
It's a civilian I want the sorted guys to try MREs if they haven't already
We have tried a few before.... when we were in a ski resort in France up in the mountains :)
have you seen Emmymade's episodes?
@@SortedFood Try Military MRE!
Kush taking MRE pack, cheffing it up & making it super gourmet would be good.
Great episode!!! You guys are always good for a laugh while sharing really interesting and useful content. I would love to see you bring back the bloopers at the end of your videos. 😉😆
I like the idea from Jamie, buy a reusable pot, and you just buy the ingredients to add to the pot, maybe have them in the white bowl, so the big pot, you have in the office or at the cabin, so you don't throw it all out every time, but for on the go have this one.
That's called cooking
@@7792pnaurfr So is what the instant hot pot container is doing.
Great video!!! And thank you for the subtitles! I'd love to know whether there's a pattern you already have set around which of your videos come out with subtitles vs. not.
Hard no on the self-heating pot. SO much single use waste.
We'll it's not for every day like they claim
No matter how producer tries to sell it as, for me it is just camping/survival kind of food. Should be used only in places where there is no electricity. Not much harm done if you use it few times a year during tent trip. 100% against using it as office lunch or anything like that, there are plenty of alternatives and most offices have microwave or other appliances. If there are noone then even buying small electrical heating pot or single electric stove to use in the office will save up on packaging waste and food cost in the long run...
@ That's exactly what it's for. Camping and disaster kits like in the case of a tsunami or earthquake.
It has a lot of initial appeal for camping, or disasters. But I've done a lot of hiking on the John Muir trail, and this is just a no. Takes up way too much space/weight for just one meal. Maybe for people who drive in to campsites? But they have other resources. As an old lady, I've been in hurricanes/floods, one tornado, several small earthquakes and one very large one, and umpteen fire emergency evacuations. The last thing I'd ever pack is a container for one hot meal. I've never been in a tsunami, though, so maybe it has uses I can't envision
@SadieMccollough-mf3jl I've also been in the same situation almost sounds like you live in Texas too. But after awhile canned tuna gets old really fast. I'd like a hot meal in my emergency kit.
Met the leaf people at a food show a couple of years ago, they do some incredible micro greens (and reds and purples!) for garnishes.
I was working in Shangai in 2019 and its genuinely quite funny seeing the things I saw there taking so long to spread back here.
Wait until luosifen hits the market....
"It's the first time in 15 years that you have used your degree" I laughed so hard I snorted
Timestamp 4:00 Having spent the better part of 15 years over the last 24 in China, can say two things. 1) It works, and the variety of options is good; 2) Single use, too much packaging waste for my liking and ultimately not value for money, imo. That said, there are many workers in China that scrimp and save for these (10-12 cny is expensive for this sort of meal) in order to have a hot meal without having to have a basic kitchen in their dorm room, office desks, one room shop with loft bedding etc. work arrangements. You DO know that many Chinese workers sleep on premises, and rarely leave their workplaces, don't you? BUT... Excuse Me! 12 Pounds for one pack?!? Are you f$%#ing mad?
Yeah 12 pounds is insane. They're about $5-10 in Ontario
😂 I literally heard the last two sentences in stereotypical British angry voice.
Super cool products/ trends which I've never heard of being used this way before. And excellent puns in all the final questions!
Love the dedication of the boys just biting directly into the leaves. 😂
Ben letting them put everything in their mouths and then going ‘not like that’ 😂
5:55 :D :D :D Finally a product I've actually bought and used before. so exciting.
You guys should try CrioBru! Its a cacao drink that is a descent substitute for coffee for those who are looking for an alternative. Brews like coffee, but just roasted cacao beans!
The Spanish dark roast is the one to try! Although their sampler pack is a very good deal!
This tea resin is like bouillon cube. I love it.
There is a lot of packaging for those self-heating pots but in Japan and Taiwan especially, where they are common, there are also very strict and robust recycling programs.
Been watching for a few years now... The amount of innuendo y'all are allowed to get away with, blows my mind. And I'm here for it. Lol 🤣
For the 1st item, I believe they use the same heating packs like they use in the US MRE field rations. But also on that topic, I found that a travel kettle exists (got mine from a widely known chinese company) and it operates as kettle/thermos and can't wait to test it on the go next month
The first one is literally what US and Asian military uses for warmed foods. It’s offered with multiple retort pouch options in US but each pack is expensive
Also, why does the Yank know more about tea? And coffee bags are not new, maybe marketing guys convincing folks they’re new but used to take them camping in the 80s
US price of Atomik is 85-125 bucks.
@@Gapines23 cuz the US invented tea bags?
Let’s put this all on a tray. Nice!
@@santiagoperez5431 they patented it, but there's a lack of proper history regarding tea bags
I don;t know if I'm sold on the instant meal but I can definitely get behind products 3 and 4 as ways to reduce food waste (as long as the packaging is sustainable/recyclable as well) and I'd probably go out the buy the second one as it seems like excellent value for money and a good way to explore tea.
They're missing a trick with the more morbid/Sci-i/Trauma movie fan market in not having the bottle/packaging of the ATOMIK booze glow in the dark, or at least an LED light on the bottom of the bottle to make it light up an atomic blue.☢🔘😆
If you keep the box and empty bottle for display after, that could likely easily be added user-side. There looks to be enough room for it in the shreddy padding.
That is brilliant. The little tiny concentrated tea cubes or whatever. So inventive basically similar to stock cubes buoyant cube. Anything that's reduced LOL. That will save you a lot of room like Michael said he could take that whole container and can make so many cups of tea from his pocket LOL.
First trend:
If they can make it sustainable or reusable (like Jamie said with 5 or more Pouches sold per cooking container) i can see this being extremely nice for a 40h work week. 1 Meal from the Sellers, 4 more Pouches to make my own Meals for Lunch at the Office or Construction Site. I would pay up to 20 Quid for that.
It's typically used for disaster meal kits and camping not every day use
Great idea whether it's for office use, camping or disaster relief
The first one is handy as you could pack different stuff to your liking would be good for camping or back packing
I love Ben’s bluntness of “no” on number 2!
The tea resin seems perfect for a particular camping crowd. It’s smaller and lighter than the same amount of teabags and probably tastes better than a lot of teabags too. Given the price some outdoors enthusiasts will pay for camp meals or on the go coffee (like the coffee you guys covered in your last video like this actually!) I think they’d also enjoy a boujie tea out on a superlight hike
I agree with Jamie, way too much packaging for a one time use, was any of it recyclable?
edit to say that the base is probably recyclable BUT because it is black it will blend in with the transport belt in the recycling plant and not be recognized so therefore likely ends up in garbage instead ~ we need to stop using black plastic … based on our recycling plant
That's not really an issue in Japan and Korea but yes I agree
@Miss_Kisa94 it's an issue everywhere because black isn't a color that's picked because it looks good. It's picked because it's the only pigment that can properly hide the source of mixed plastics which might have pigment og their own. And because it looks stylish, we often use it for "furniture" like computers and televisions. And those have toxic fireretardants in them. And when those gets recycled and mixed into food containers, it's not exactly a nice mix. There are studies on the topic that point it might not be very good for you, but nothing alarming.
@@Miss_Kisa94its going to be an issue everywhere. Not all plastics are recycled even if they say they are recyclable and I bet thats no different in those countries you mentioned. They say they recycle everything like they say that they have contained all the radioactivity in Fukushima. I know thats a strange comparison but I am convinced that both those claims are utter bs.
@metalpuppet5798 I mean Korea recycles around 87% of their waste but go off king
@@Miss_Kisa94 is there independent proof of that or do they just say it? THAT is the issue
I wish the concept of #1 was more accessible to the general population. This would absolutely be a game-changer for many homeless people. I can't tell you how many people donate food that, if it isn't clearly spoiled or expired, still often requires access to appliances (usually a microwave) to prepare safely, or cannot be assembled/eaten without specific utensils or dishes.
I know that one-time-use isn't ideal, but when someone is living within the span of one meal to the next, this would be incredible to be able to give to them.
I was interested in the Atomik story. 47 GBP is about 58 USD. In the US, it's only available through another retailer that wants 105 USD. Yikes! I doubt any of that double-price is going to the Ukrainian producers or their good cause.
It's called a retailer. They buy stuff from suppliers then sell them at a markup to pay for expenses. Them buying from suppliers means the money goes to the producers Duh. That's how they buy it. If you'd like, you can fly there and buy it yourself.
I don’t know how. I don’t know when. But I will be getting those tea resins. I like to make 16 ounces (often about two cups) of tea at a time normally because I really like tea.
2:23 id like a reusable one without all the plastic. Just a new heating pack.
The tea resins are delicious and convenient... The rose tea is my favorite...
Learned alot from this episode! who knew you could distill radioactive material and have it safe to consume?? MIND BLOWN!
For what it's worth, there are a few reusable self-heating food boxes that use the same principle on Amazon.
Ooooh interesting. Thanks for letting us know!
Future gadget to review
Stop supporting Amazon. I am SURE you can find another company to support.
I did not expect S.T.A.L.K.E.R. calvados!