Negative Influence of Philosophy on Christianity (2.) - Joel Hemphill - Germany

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 ม.ค. 2025
  • More of the One God message in Germany, Joel Hemphill talks about the negative influences of philosophy on Christianity. God is not two or three persons - He is truly one. Only the Father of Jesus Christ is the true God of heaven and earth (John 17:3). This Christian Video produced by J. Dan Gill, 21st Century Reformation This video reflects on: What is Truth? Joel Hemphill believes that traditional views about "God" as found in the Doctrine of the Trinity & in Oneness (UPCI) Apostolic, Arian & Mormon perspectives are inaccurate according to the Bible: that the truth about the "One God," faith & the gospel is not reflected in any of those traditional church doctrines. He teaches that all of those positions represent variations on Christian tradition rather than Biblical truth. In his teaching you will find Hemphill preaching that: Yahweh is One & only One (Deut. 6:4) and that Jesus is the Christ (John 17:3), God's only begotten human son born of the virgin Mary. Joel Hemphill challenges us to choose either truth or tradition about God. Joel Hemphill is a respected Bible teacher; author of the book "To God be the Glory" and writer of over 350 recorded gospel songs including many of the best known songs in southern gospel. To find preaching and gospel music from Joel Hemphill go to www.thehemphill....

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