If they want to do this in the name of safety, then also ban the use of headphones by any trail users, because not being able to hear someone else’s verbal warning of approaching is just as much at fault.
That’s why I have both a bell and an electronic horn. The bell is for a polite notice. If the person is wearing headphones or buds and don’t respond to the bell, it’s time for the 110dB horn! The horn is mostly for drivers when I have to ride in the road or a painted bike gutter. They never hear a bell. But I will use it for people who are tuned out and weaving side-to-side across the path and don’t seem to hear the bell or my voice, and there’s no way around them.
I have never understood why someone out in public...walking, running, or bicycling...would willingly wear earphones/earbuds. It's massive stupidity as it easily and *_needlessly_* renders one incapable of being situationally aware of either traffic or criminals coming from blind spots to assault you (or as mentioned here...simple courtesy signaling).
I ride like I drive my car. I stop at stop signs and ride to be safe. I am disabled so I dont pedal much. I ride to save the earth and not drive my car. And I live on a 20 mph road, that people drive 60 mph plus. DO Something about that. I digress. I am in Oregon. People do not let me ride with traffic, they pass me when I do the speed limit.
I have seen many pedestrians killed by cars oh ya Im in oregon too. People on pevs being harrased by cars people going out of their way ro cut you off. Yet nobody complains about rhe junkies dancing barefoot in the middle of the road. No love for the pevs.
Partially disabled here in Oregon to. Sometimes my knees lock up and I need the throttle to get back home. I have a feeling this is being pushed by the bicycle Nazis. You know who I'm talking about the purest, in their skin tight brightly colored fluorescent spandex. They think people that ride motorized bicycles are the devil incarnate
This is infuriating. I live in Oregon and I will make my concern known. There are seniors who ride ebikes on bike paths and they do so respectfully keeping to the posted speed on the paths. They ride more slowly than many push bikes in these same conditions. There are mothers with children on cargo ebikes that use bike paths to get to shopping areas. This is a reckless bill promoted by a politician trying to fix a problem that is misrepresented. Following this logic they should ban automobiles which can exceed 30 mph on city streets. Far more lives are threatened by pickup trucks, SUVs and cars than by ebikes.
If someone proposes cars to automatically adjust the speed limit based on the location, they would call it "Orwellian". Yet legitimate bikes were already capped at 20 and 28 but that's fine for them.
If it's "full throttle non assist" meaning no pedals, it's not an e-bike. It therefore already disqualifies for the "bicycle" rule that allows it the same privileges as a bicycle that can be ridden on bike paths and bike lanes. Only class 1 and 2 e-bikes have the same privileges as bicycles. Class 3 has never been allowed on bike paths or bike lanes, throttle or not. What needs to be focused on here is accountability for your actions. You can be just as much of a jerk whether you're on a class 1, 2, or 3 e-bike, scooter, or regular non assisted bicycle. They need to stop punishing responsible people for what the idiots do.
I’m glad my local rail-to-trail and parks only post a 20mph speed limit and a reminder of which users get priority as I need to ride my class 3 to and from the trail. That, or DRIVE to ride my bike on the trail. Since I’m there for the scenery, I ride 12-16mph on the trail itself, slower if I’m passing young kids or dogs or horses. It’s the Lycra crowd trying to beat some time goal and the groups of pedestrians who take up the entire width of the trail and won’t move over when asked who are the worst offenders.
if ebikes loose there right to use bike lanes, bike paths, then they have a right to take up an entire lane according to the law.. if there is an obstruction in a bike lane the bike has full right-of-way in the car lane.. if that slows down all cars to 20mph, then so be it.. cyclist have right to use the road.. We are taxpayers that helped create the roads and therefore have a right to use it.
@@ConsilienceDVO In the 70s when BMX blew up and skateboarding there was accidents and a death or two, but education and safety was pushed not banning things outright.
If riding a non ebike there still can be a chance of a near miss ,it's all about who's riding the bike that shows caution when passing people, get the people who's breaking the law not everyone
If you are going to wear headphones while using a multi-use path or riding in public, consider a bone-conduction type that leave the ears open and uncovered. They loop over the ears, with the transducer pressing against your skull a little bit in front of or just behind the ear. You can clearly hear what’s going on around you, even if your attention is focused on what you’re listening to.
Surrons probably only make up 2%or 3% , but at least they seem fast enough to keep up with traffic. Its the slow ebikers that disrupt traffic , popping wheelies, and other vehicles are constantly passing slow ebikers, and that is causing accidents. In my opinion, if your not keeping up with traffic, your at great danger of getting hit.
They go after ebikes but have cars going 80 mph in thirty and killing thousands of people but have not limited cars from going over 50 the people are stupid
I live in Washington, but am an ebike bike rider (class 1). Class 3 ebikes do not have a throttle, but are pedal assist up to 28mph. Full throttle ebikes are not class 3. SurRons, etc, are eMotorcycles. I do not disagree with preventing those bikes on multiuse paths and trails, but they need to make sure they are targeting the correct class of ebike. Class 1 E-bikes: These e-bikes are equipped with a pedal-assist system that operates only when the rider is pedaling, ceasing to provide assistance when the bike reaches 20 mph. Class 2 E-bikes: Featuring a throttle-actuated motor, Class 2 e-bikes can propel the bike without pedaling but also stop assisting at speeds above 20 mph. Class 3 E-bikes: These are pedal-assist e-bikes as well, but they offer assistance up to a higher speed of 28 mph, catering to those looking for a bit more zip in their ride. Also, most urban trails have speed limits. The speedlimit for cars is 70mph, do we outlaw cars that can go over 70mph?
How would you prevent them from using the paths though? If you just say anything without peddles then what about those electric lime scooters and EUCs? And what about sur-rons with peddles? How is law enforcement going to measure the power output in the field? and an electric vehicle owner can simply change the mode to a legal mode anyway (many ebikes can do the same, allowing 34+ mph in an unlocked mode) Enforcing the speed limits seems like the only way to me. I mean who cares if it's a sur-ron on a bike path if they are just going bicycle speeds? It's a lot safer for them than forcing them into car traffic.
Punish the individual rider violating existing traffic laws instead of the community because of paranoia and ignorance. I'm a CA "fast rider"... doing so within the relevant traffic laws (with my safety, and those around me, being paramount). Most days I'm going 20mph of slower. Yet, when in traffic (because it's safer than being in either a narrow, and/or debris/obstacle filled bike path/lane), I'll up my speed to something better suited to what's around me. As we're living the nightmare of this kind of unwanted and unneeded legislation, I can only hope that the riders of Oregon (and other states in similar circumstances) educate their fellow citizens and local/state officials, and fight to stop this ill-conceived bill from passage.
In oregon-are you kidding? They won't stop until you have to attend a class on ebike riding, a special license or permit, registration, and insurance. Then, eventually, they'll look for a way to just ban them!
It's never going to happen. How can or could they enforce a law like that? How many traffic or cops in general does a cesspool like Portland have they will end the use of electric bikes just as they have ended homelessness is never going to happen. Maybe they should restrict the use of the motorcycle style electric bikes that the younger crowd ride.. But I don't see cops pulling over electric bikes especially since they have a lot more pressing issues like homelessness and drug use. How many traffic cops does Portland have I'm thinking stopping a electric bike will be the last thing the cops would be thinking of or actually want to do waste his time while drunk high and unlicensed people are on the roads ban electric bikes from trail paths and bike lanes only to have more accidents WTF More Oregon stupidity
Yes, I suspect most regular bike riders have done that. It's not a good idea to do it on a bike trail, bike path or lane. There could be other riders around or pedestrians you could run down. If you're on a road, go as fast as you want I guess. If you're over the speed limit the police might have something to say though. If you cream out at 40 without a helmet, well, it your brain.
@ yeah a good helmet is mandatory when doing anything remotely stupid! I’d also recommend long sleeves and long pants… I’ve had gravel road rash before… wiped out and slid several feet on my back… had to spend a couple hours on my stomach getting plastic and gravel picked out… and it hurts… real bad.
I think it's stupid. No one is actually measuring the output of an ebike on the paths anyway and the output and speed of an ebike is just governed by some software settings that can often be easily changed on the fly. For example many bikes will ship with Class 1, 2, 3 and off-road modes even preset. If they care about the speeds on bike paths then just enforce the speeds. We don't do this for cars and we let 1000 horse power, 200 mph capable cars drive around. Plus I'd contend that a class 3 ebike can often be SAFER. Where I live the road my house is on is a 35 mph speed limit road... it has no bike lane, it has a shoulder, but the shoulder is often blocked with debris and it's a lot safer if I can go closer to the speed of traffic aka 30+ mph than 20 mph. We all know it's the speed differential that causes problems it's been well studied and it's great when we can have bikes that can help us close the speed differential and make us safer because often we are forced to ride with 35-45 mph traffic anyway and then we can simply slow down for bike paths etc just like cars need to do for different streets.
If its got pedals them regardless of the power output its a bicycle. If there's no pedals, then its a scooter or moped if its a moped, then there not aloud no bicycle paths its no different then a 50cc or less and your required to observe traffic laws just like a car
Sad thing about it, it's mainly the youngins' (12-16) who are out there wild'n out and being reckless. Messing it up for everyone else. But I agree, insurance should be required; with driver licenses
They the law makers don't think about the disability of some riders Not all riders can peddle especially if they live in a hilly area. They can't even enforce the traffic laws here in Portland how could they enforce a electric bike Throttle ban? Banning electric bikes from bike paths trails and bike lanes only to put more rides and autos in Jeopardy sounds like a good idea until it actually happens and you get more injured.
The cities already do not let scooters park on the sidewalk.. So if they reclassify ebikes as somthing other than a pedal vehicle. the city will have to take away car parking spots to accommodate ebikes with bike racks to lock up.. Otherwise it is discrimination against cyclist.. We were here before cars.. We paved the first roads, We have rights to use the road..
My experience is extensive both bike racing and building ebikes living in Florida. This man with his draconian rules is a menace to America. I ride a famous bike trail in Florida on the gulf coast daily. There is every type of cyclist on this paved trail from CAT 1 racer on $10K carbon race bike with no motor to grandpa and grandma on their ebikes and every gradation in between. There is NEVER a problem. Many are on ebikes because they are physically limited if not disabled. Throttles help many. Let me give you an analogy. A Chevy Corvette stock from the factory non Z06 has 495 hp and will do 160mph. Does that mean that a 60 year old man who buys a new Corvette is going to drive it 160mph through town? The absurdity of this man wanting to punish an entire society of ebikers because there are a couple of bad apples is absolutely shameful. If this type of legislation ever makes is to the 'right' coast aka conservative Florida, there will be a revolt restricting ebikes from oldsters that want their throttles and wind in their hair only keeping up with physically fit riders on road bikes with no motors. This demented old man makes me sick.
You said statistics were vital. I went to the ODOT website myself to look up the statistics. In 2022, there were 125 pedestrian fatalities and 703 pedestrian nonfatal injuries. In 2022, there were 12 pedal cyclist fatalities and 487 pedal cyclist nonfatal injuries. According to the statistics cited from ODOT, there were two fatal e-bike crashes and 83 nonfatal e-bike accidents in 2022. 2023 is not yet available to the public on ODOT, but according to the reporting, the e-bike numbers went down in 2023. Since there were 6,250% more fatal pedestrian accidents and 847% more nonfatal pedestrian accidents, if they were really concerned with "public safety," as Mr. Prozanski stated, wouldn't the sensible thing to do be to ban pedestrians from multi-use paths? Just saying.
its my experence people in cars rush to where ever there going and dont care .if any one on the road is slower . they cause more crases then any vihicle you should ban them to along with the class 3 . your being morons oregon need to go back and think these rules thru .with some common since
I think they just want to make money through registering the bikes, paying insurance, charging traffic fines, adding tolls for ebikes, etc. it all comes down to money, they don’t care about people.
I actually have a ebike now. Because it is just ridiculous paying a subscription for something you already bought. When I say "subscription" I mean registration and taxes. For the people that say it's for the road fixures bullshit, that just saying the politicians are overpaying themselves or over staff, spending on luxury. Yes, you are correct its all about the money, but going to the wrong places.
I am sick of the blanket bans or the idea of a license for my bicycle just because some idiot is going to be just that no matter what they do why should those of us who actually know how to ride suffer because they are morons
I am here in fla. and my first ebike kit cost me $2000.00 and I put it on a $800.00 29er and it only did 22mph and had a throttle, and the law was 20 mph PAS only. Now I got a Himiway Zebra ST with is so much better of a bike and for less and the law is 28mph PAS only and I think it is okay for a 20mph throttle! But people fly around here on all types of Ebikes, which I don't care about because I was young once, but I am 64 now. What I am worried about is the people fying around Throttle only are going to piss off too many KARENS and ruin it for everybody else, I like the way the laws are now! I have cadence sensor and the only time I use Throttle is to get started because of the lag in the sensor! plus, I need the exercise!
Driving 30 miles up to the mountains produces enough heat to briefly warm 139 bed rooms from 30°F to 70°F, but instead, we dump that heat into the atmosphere while a single person commutes.
Im 68 years old in Oregon. I have 2 ebikes and a scooter all capable of doing 35+mph. I ride where ever I want but always go slow on walking trails or where its a safety concern. We dont need a bunch of gov. law makers pushing their stupid nanny state rules on us.
Good article. I have commented to federal legislation via REI invites to make comments. Throttles are on Class 2 e-bikes. Class 3 is like class 1 other than 28 mph limit and beefier components. E-bikes in Classes 1, 2 & 3 have long understood specifications that limit use and the internal function types. If speed is the issue, and it generally is the concern, then mechanical assist bikes (traditional road and mountain bikes with gear cassette and derailer) can go very fast due to mechanical gearing magnification of the human effort. An electro mechanical e-bike isn’t any different for magnifying the human effort. E-bikes makes biking fun again and regular geared bikes are for teenagers and endurance riders.
I'm an e-bike owner, I am disabled and have limited use of my legs. I NEED to use my throttle while riding around town. I ride my e-bike the same ways that I drive my car...I obey all traffic laws as if there were a cop behind me. The throttle on my e-bike is nobody's Goddamned business!
I don't think you'll have to worry about the police. Like in a city like your in. How can or could they actually enforce the electricit bike laws when they barely have enough cops to enforce any laws or rules? You'd have to be a complete moron to be stopped by any cop because they have a lot more pressing issues to deal with. You have to ride like a complete moron to actually get pulled over and get a ticket. I'm thinking you have nothing to worry about but getting enough money for a extremely fast electric bike
What he considers a "full throttle e-bike" apparently has no pedals and has a powerful motor capable of high speed, likely over 30mph. These bikes should be considered motorcycles and licensed as such. We don't need to classify e-bikes. Bike paths, bike lanes and other bike routes should have speed limits, likely in the 15 to 20mph range and be posted as such. A 50cc gas engine has roughly 3 hp or about 2000 watts. I would suggest any e-bike with a power over the range of 1000-2000 watts be considered a motorcycle and be licensed as such and not be allowed on bike paths, lanes and trails. Forget about class 1, 2, or 3. With the rapidly increasing technology seen in these bikes they are becoming meaningless anyway. I saw an ad for one e-bike where you can select the level of class you want to ride at. It's really about getting fast, heavy e-bikes off of bikes paths, lanes and trails and slowing e-bikes down to safe speeds. The same could be said for slowing regular bike riders down also. I've been almost run down by them.
I’m in Oregon and am an avid mountain biker, gas dirt biker, e-biker, and e-moto rider. Full throttle no pedal bikes don’t belong on bike paths or non motorized trails. If it has pedals and a throttle then I would support a speed limit on public urban paths not a complete ban.
This popped up in my suggestions. I can only hope for you guys that your ebike rules do not become as ridiculous as the UK and EU ebike laws. Our pedal assist speed limit is a measly 15.5 mph. Many of us are trying to get it increased to 20mph as most suburban streets have a 20mph speed limit. Throttles are pretty much a no-go. Which I feel is detrimental to those less able bodied individuals who may wish to use an ebike. Only from certain vendors can we get a throttle ebike that goes to 15.5 mph (they are certified by the department for motor vehicles to make them legal. Older bikes (pre-2016) with throttle are legal up to 15.5 mph. If I want a throttle on my current bike, I'd have to pay to get it certified, which can take 6-8 weeks, so I could be bikeless for 2 months unless it's limited to a pitiful 4 mph. It's insane. Even our batteries are limited to a low wattage. Thankfully that looks to be increasing. They want us to use cars less and go green, etc, yet they punish us for making that choice and punish us legal users for the actions of a few irresponsible people. The Suron here is classed differently. It's an Emoto, not an Ebike, and is supposed to be registered, but there are many unregistered users that give all ebike users in general a bad name. They use them in London to rob people, snatching phones, etc, as they pass someone. The average person doesn't seem to know the difference between an Ebike and Emoto.
"Full-throttle ebike" is eerily reminiscent of "assault weapon." We have to stop allowing people who have no real knowledge on these subjects to create language around the subjects, and then base legislation around that language.
I’m in California and I have a few Ebike’s and when I ride in bike trails and other things that have pedestrians I don’t ride with full speed I agree with you
If they ban fast ebikes from multi-use trails, but don't allow those vehicles a way to ride on public roads, they create a bigger problem. You have to provide a solution, not just a ban. E-motos, ebikes, escooters, PEVs, EUCs, eskates - they are all moped-comparable in power. DOT needs to provide a means for bicycles and PEVs to operate on public transportation infrastructure. They're not going away, they are all over the place because they are so cheap, efficient, and convenient. Nothing is said about the hotrod analog "full throttle" bicyclists that are buzzing families, they are just as inconsiderate on multi-use paths. Maybe speeding, talking on cellphones, and headphones should be illegal on public roads / paths and then pedestrians and cyclists could share the streets safely. Maybe passing pedestrians should always reduce roadway speeds to 10 mph, as is done on military bases. An analog cyclist like the Senator should understand how to "share the road", not pass off an ebike ban as a safety law. I'm an Oregonian. I bicycle, walk, jog, drive, and EUC. The safe speed used to overtake, or pass another path / road user, should be reasonable - perhaps 10 mph faster than the other user. Banning specific equipment like Class 3 bikes will be just as worthless as the speed limits, cellphone law, and moped law that are rarely enforced. Do we really want to train police officers on how to differentiate between class 1,2,3 ebikes instead of just enforcing safety?
I virtually never use the throttle on my ebike but I really like knowing it is there in case of an injury or mechanical problem. The throttle might allow me to get home or to safety. If excess speed on bike paths is the problem, I guarantee you would ticket more analog bike guys than old guys like me on Radrovers.
. people dont die of speed they die because there reckless with the bike . there good as a car if you obey the rules of the road . just flat out banning them is unfair and wrong because of safty .its the person rideing resposablity to be safe . its there fault if they get hurt .
Trying to regulate by class is a fools game anyway. The technology is changing so fast that classes are essentially meaningless. I saw an ad for an e-bike that let you select which class you wanted to ride it as, be it 1, 2, or 3. Batteries will get lighter and e-bikes will also (they probably have, I haven't paid much attention). You can't tell if some e-bikes are regular bikes are electric. Who the heck is going to enforce the rules in some areas? The police a spread pretty thin as it is and they won't bother unless someone blatantly does something they shouldn't, like go 60 down a bike path with pedestrians on it and garners a lot of complaints. The likely scenario will be charges only at accidents. Just post speed limits on bike lanes, paths and trails. Decide what power in watts an e-bike should be considered a motorcycle and get them registered as such to keep them on the roads and off bike pathways.
Do we need to ban cars that are capable of going faster than the speed limit because they might not be respectful? This seems like a law that is designed to ban jerks but will ban a lot of nice, responsible people.
I am a committed human powered cyclist. I ride a recumbent trike. I have had many near collisions with e-bikes piloted by novice on a bike that weighs 75+ lbs without rider at excessive speeds. That said, a ban looks like another dumb idea from legislators with too much time on their hands. The only sort of vehicle that could enforce such a ban would be…wait for it, an e-bike with a police officer. They have more important things to do.
They act like a class 3 e-bike is some kind of rocket. It's really no different than a class 2 except it caps out 28 mph instead of 20. I have a class 2 e-bike that was software upgradeable to class 3, which I did. My e-bike has a throttle that can take it to 20 mph still, but I can get pedal assist to 28 mph now. Do I have to ride it at 28 mph? No. Why? Because I have a brain and know when and where it is safe to do so. I feel it is safer when I can clip along at 25 mph with the traffic so I can keep up with them better so as not be as much of a burden to them. That's why I uncapped the 20 mph pedal assist restriction the class 2 rating imposed. But when I get to the bike path, I slow way down so I don't hurt or scare anyone on the trail. And always use an audible warning if I'm going to go around someone, carefully and slowly. It's no different than having a car that can exceed the speed limit. You just have to be responsible and considerate of others.
Oregon resident here, on the rural side of the state, well outside the metropolitan areas. We have class 2 & class 3 e-bikes and would like to get more involved. We use one of our bikes as a car replacement, with small trips to the store or quick errands. We always try to ride respectfully in shared spaces, so we don't send up flares for outrage. I guess it's going to happen anyway.
Only if you capitulate. I will not. Enough restrictions. Oregon is a Free State, With Free Citizens, We always were, and We're not going to stop! Leave us alone! We will govern ourselves without restricting everything remotely fun or dangerous. Life is Risky, doesn't mean you don't live it to its fullest. Its not about safety, its about control! We have it, they want it! Sorry, not for sale!
@@TrueSighted Please don't mistake my acknowledgement of the facts as compliance. "One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws."
Because the person who is not following the rules and riding at 28mph on a shared bike path or trail now is suddenly going to follow the rules and not take a class 3 ebike out on the shared bike path or trail. If you want to stop people from speeding on bike trails, enforce the EXISTING rules, don't keep making new ones that do nothing to stop people who are already breaking the rules. Derp. If you wanted to limit the weight of bikes on shared paths, that would at least make sense in terms of risk mitigation -- a 200lb OP "e bike" carries much more kinetic force than a 100lb bike. But arbitrarily banning bikes that can do 28mph from riding on a trail that already has (or should have) a 10mph or 15mph speed limit is like banning a Ferrari that can reach 150mph from driving on the freeway because the speed limit is 65mph. Law makers are such idiots.
In Portland Oregon they will have no way to enforce this law if they pass it. Portland can't keep it's sidewalks clean of tents and human waste if the homeless where speeding around it would be totally ok with the city leaders. Ban on electric bikes on trails paths and bike lanes So you'll have more accidents more deaths more people in the hospitals. Look at how many rental scooter accidents happen and how people on the rental scooters ride they are a lot more dangerous to ride than any electric bike is I'm thinking pass a law that requires helmets on all electric scooters or bikes at any age. How is that law going to be enforced? It's not going to
@ not to get too far off topic, but what exactly do you propose the city do about homeless people? Clearing the tents doesn’t solve the problem. The people are still homeless. And they are going to go somewhere. So clearing the tents is just whack a mole, because homeless people are going to setup camp again somewhere because what other choice do they even have? It’s not a real solution unless it provides homeless people somewhere to go other than another sidewalk and resources to climb out of homelessness, but that costs money. Until we as a country are willing to demand that the obscenely wealthy need to be a little less obscenely wealthy so that we can put some of that excess wealth into solving problems like homelessness, exactly what else are they supposed to do about it? I don’t like seeing the tents around here either, but shaking down people who already have nothing just to make them migrate a couple blocks and then repeat the cycle is not productive, and frankly is just cruel at that point since it doesn’t accomplish anything else. Back to the e-bike point, I’ve said many times in these threads that unless these new rules are enforced more vigorously than the old ones, nothing has really changed. The only thing they are doing is making it more painful for those who were already trying to follow the rules.
The increasing availability of high powered e-bikes/e-motos and abuse of such on public roadways/paths is bound to have a reaction. I don't see any need for class 3 e-bikes to be on a path and believe for the most part they're already banned but then even if your bike started out in such a class, its not hard to modify it and use a sticker saying otherwise. OTOH if you ride it sanely it won't get much notice. Police are poorly equipped to analyze such in any case. I think simply policing existing bikes/rules is a better move, but not likely the funding will happen for that let alone additional detailed enforcement from more laws. E-motos are already not legal on roadways and paths and are sold as off-road dirt bikes for the most part. I live in rural Oregon so paths aren't even a thing here, and the major road (hwy 58) is really too dangerous for any of them aside from legality. I ride both a class 1 e-mtnbike (where permitted) as well as an e-moto (as permitted). The rules vary quite a bit already and classifications don't fit a lot of bikes let alone their use.
Oregon is proposing that a bicycle solely pedaled with basically any speed limit, easily 40-50 mph when peddling, & a Class 3 bicycle with no throttle allowed in Federal Codes since around 2005, when they were passed into law as bicycles, not be allowed to use bicycle lanes. Oregon's proposed law would ban bicycles from bicycle lanes & would clearly be unconstitutional & violate our Right to travel unencumbered by any state or federal government. Thus the Oregon "law" would be null & void even if unconstitutionally tried to usurp Federal bicycle classifications. CA pilot programs are also unconstitutional & will automatically sunset in 2029 or when confirmed as null & void as written.
Honestly how stupid are these politicians. You just killed e bike sales in these states. 90% of e bike riders just quit. They ride for fun and you just took the fun out of it.
As long as law enforcement ebikes abide by the same laws...it's really not that big of a deal until people start getting in accidents...I think it's funny that people are offended by laws. ...😂🚲❣️
Javier good work. Take control of the throttle. I am truely sorry for some that have unclassified bikes. I have a cargo bike and i don't want them coming after my throttle. i don't live in any of these strict states fortunately but my city is still a popular location. You have my support for classified bikes. Cities should prioritize a cyclist like pedestrian. Make citations for reckless riding. It's not difficult. I recommend getting a body camera while riding because they will say and do anything to make the cyclist look bad. Take care, ebikers
@chow-chihuang4903 Gomer thinks because he hasn't taken the time to read any of the laws there must not be any. Unfortunately there are tens of thousands of e-bikes just like him and most of them post on this channel
Ebike riders live in a world all their own with no rules. They justify it with "they are saving the planet". Stop signs and traffic lights are for others, while sidewalks and empty lots are all fair game.
I think if you're on the road and the speed limit says 30 Mi an hour then that's what you should be able to go up to .now if you're doing 30 in a 20 and a cop sees you you get a ticket just like a vehicle on the road
I think the ebike with pedals should be able to do the street (40mph max) speed limit, and reduce if you want to use the bike lane. To (20mph ). Riding on trails. There shouldn't be no throttle. speed should be reduce to only pedals assist. Traditional (bike) ebike should have front and back turn signals front light and horn. Note some states the street max speed limit is 40 to 45mph. Some max 50mph. Anything over 50 should be classified as something else. 60mph to 70mph is highways mph. Sidewalk should be use in emergency.. like, bike is broken, flats tire, etc. Note. There are bikes with no alternator Traditional bike that can do 50 to 60mph. I personally seen it. What do you think? ( add and take notes) Respect everyone on the road ride safe.
everyone, cyclist or pedestrian, are required to "Keep to the Right Side".. Cars do this on the road.. and keeping to the right avoids collisions.. If you are driving on the wrong side of the road, and there is a collision, it is YOUR FAULT. Period..
A throttle has nothing to do with any of the accidents on the trails or the roads, it's the "NUT Behind The Wheel" not abiding by a speed limit on a trail and riding recklessly with a Scooter, motor assisted vehicle, golf cart, Ebike and even a bicycle. I would bet that car and truck motorists have no understanding of hand signals on bicycles and even when those questions were presented in motor vehicle licensing tests. Common sense requires a Person to be careful and respectful of pedestrians and slow moving vehicles when riding any vehicle on a road, trail, sidewalks and where other traffic is. A Person pulling wheelies on the road with other traffic present should be ticketed no different than a Person doing it on a motorcycle. The simple solution would be to post speed limits on the trails and as far as the roads are concerned, a vehicle is much safer running with the speed of the current traffic speed. These laws being proposed are Moron laws passed by Lawyers that have never owned or ridden a Ebike or motorized scooter. The current laws with 3-classifications work and speed limit laws work. Compare the laws to cars and trucks, break the speed limit laws and you get cited. I don't see laws limiting engine sizes and horsepower limits on cars limiting the type of equipment! More Stupid legislation being passed since the Police have more important things to attend to. Most of the States have age limits on the operation of Ebikes and all it took was one Karen to stir up the legal system to make the lawmakers have something to do to pass more legislation, to harass the Public and make themselves feel important with a knee-jerk Stupid solution passing new laws that have absolutely nothing to do with safety. Underage kids are not responsible enough to be on a Ebike, Scooter and riding in Public on the trails, roads and anywhere there are pedestrians or traffic. A average Person can break the speed limit on a good bicycle running faster than a Class-3 Ebike just pedaling. That just shows us how Stupid the new Legislation is and that takes Stupid People to Pass Stupid Laws that are illogical and have nothing to do with safety.
Class 3 definition literally exists to curtail scooters going at 40+mph to be no longer considered as bikes. Wasn't 28mph enough??? Some people, not necessarily professional racers, can pedal that fast on an acoustic road bike. What kind of dumb law is this? Are we aiming to become like the EU and make ebikes crawl at 15mph???
If it doesnt have pedals it doesnt belong on the multiuse paths. The throttle should have nothing to do with it. Just ride respectfully. They have to put some law into effect just so they can site the ones that act like fools.
My e-bike I can ride on the bike lane up to 28mph and be self and I ride on trails that have people walking and there kids and I slow down to 4 to 6mph or less sometimes, depending on safety. It's out of respect and sharing the path with others. I dont live in Oregon. But, I believe we all need to look out for the other people and share the space.
No ebike bans, just expecting the people to adhere to the actual ebike classifications and regulations and standards that have been there for over a decade at the Fed level and none of the buyers or companies followed the reasonable limitations so now they are gonna absolutely d story the cheaters, speed freaks and power freaks. Been coming for a while. I'll be riding my legal class two with a throttle chuckling at all the peeps trying to ride e dirt bikes and motorcycles as bikes getting ticketed and impounded. If your past power, speed, and weight limits you not riding an ebike, your riding an unregistered uninsured motor vehicle.
If they want to do this in the name of safety, then also ban the use of headphones by any trail users, because not being able to hear someone else’s verbal warning of approaching is just as much at fault.
That’s why I have both a bell and an electronic horn. The bell is for a polite notice. If the person is wearing headphones or buds and don’t respond to the bell, it’s time for the 110dB horn!
The horn is mostly for drivers when I have to ride in the road or a painted bike gutter. They never hear a bell. But I will use it for people who are tuned out and weaving side-to-side across the path and don’t seem to hear the bell or my voice, and there’s no way around them.
Yes. It's not all about you. When you're on a public path you need to be aware of your surroundings.
Drive carefully, beep beep
I totally agree I got ran iff the road by a guy with headphones on who just turned when I whent for a pass. No harm done I mean its only 20mph
I have never understood why someone out in public...walking, running, or bicycling...would willingly wear earphones/earbuds. It's massive stupidity as it easily and *_needlessly_* renders one incapable of being situationally aware of either traffic or criminals coming from blind spots to assault you (or as mentioned here...simple courtesy signaling).
I ride like I drive my car. I stop at stop signs and ride to be safe. I am disabled so I dont pedal much. I ride to save the earth and not drive my car. And I live on a 20 mph road, that people drive 60 mph plus. DO Something about that. I digress. I am in Oregon. People do not let me ride with traffic, they pass me when I do the speed limit.
He's endorsed by big car manufacturers, this whole country is.. like come on more people are hit by cars every day..
I have seen many pedestrians killed by cars oh ya Im in oregon too. People on pevs being harrased by cars people going out of their way ro cut you off. Yet nobody complains about rhe junkies dancing barefoot in the middle of the road. No love for the pevs.
Laws need to address all issues
Partially disabled here in Oregon to. Sometimes my knees lock up and I need the throttle to get back home. I have a feeling this is being pushed by the bicycle Nazis. You know who I'm talking about the purest, in their skin tight brightly colored fluorescent spandex. They think people that ride motorized bicycles are the devil incarnate
You can't punish the bikes.bikes do not make a poor judgement call it was the writer
This is infuriating. I live in Oregon and I will make my concern known. There are seniors who ride ebikes on bike paths and they do so respectfully keeping to the posted speed on the paths. They ride more slowly than many push bikes in these same conditions. There are mothers with children on cargo ebikes that use bike paths to get to shopping areas. This is a reckless bill promoted by a politician trying to fix a problem that is misrepresented. Following this logic they should ban automobiles which can exceed 30 mph on city streets. Far more lives are threatened by pickup trucks, SUVs and cars than by ebikes.
If someone proposes cars to automatically adjust the speed limit based on the location, they would call it "Orwellian". Yet legitimate bikes were already capped at 20 and 28 but that's fine for them.
28mph is enough for most people but not for myself that is why my electric bike goes 37 mph but I don't ride it that fast
Those laws are getting out of hand.
If it's "full throttle non assist" meaning no pedals, it's not an e-bike. It therefore already disqualifies for the "bicycle" rule that allows it the same privileges as a bicycle that can be ridden on bike paths and bike lanes. Only class 1 and 2 e-bikes have the same privileges as bicycles. Class 3 has never been allowed on bike paths or bike lanes, throttle or not. What needs to be focused on here is accountability for your actions. You can be just as much of a jerk whether you're on a class 1, 2, or 3 e-bike, scooter, or regular non assisted bicycle. They need to stop punishing responsible people for what the idiots do.
I have a full throttle e-bike with pedals, don’t go full speed on paths, it’s common sense.
I’m glad my local rail-to-trail and parks only post a 20mph speed limit and a reminder of which users get priority as I need to ride my class 3 to and from the trail. That, or DRIVE to ride my bike on the trail.
Since I’m there for the scenery, I ride 12-16mph on the trail itself, slower if I’m passing young kids or dogs or horses. It’s the Lycra crowd trying to beat some time goal and the groups of pedestrians who take up the entire width of the trail and won’t move over when asked who are the worst offenders.
@@TeslaNewsAndh22Vlog Yes. It should boil down to common sense, being safe, and courtesy.
For an "ebike" to be defined as an ebike, it must be pedal assist. If it's throttle only, it is a moped or motorcycle.
@@howardlee8337 then what’s the point of this law if it’s already illegal?
if ebikes loose there right to use bike lanes, bike paths, then they have a right to take up an entire lane according to the law.. if there is an obstruction in a bike lane the bike has full right-of-way in the car lane.. if that slows down all cars to 20mph, then so be it.. cyclist have right to use the road.. We are taxpayers that helped create the roads and therefore have a right to use it.
The bike will either be illegal on any roadway or will have to be registered with plates, signals Etc.
This is like when they wanted to ban skateboarding. Ebiking is not a crime.
Being brown isnt a crime either yet here we are.
Rhis has nothing to do with safety crime or national security, its a political move for people with money.
No it's not, but the way a lot of e bikers ride it is. Your own fault
@@ConsilienceDVO In the 70s when BMX blew up and skateboarding there was accidents and a death or two, but education and safety was pushed not banning things outright.
They tell everyone to go electric. Then you do and get in trouble. People will just ride 250cc or 450cc instead. What a joke
If riding a non ebike there still can be a chance of a near miss ,it's all about who's riding the bike that shows caution when passing people, get the people who's breaking the law not everyone
If you are going to wear headphones while using a multi-use path or riding in public, consider a bone-conduction type that leave the ears open and uncovered. They loop over the ears, with the transducer pressing against your skull a little bit in front of or just behind the ear.
You can clearly hear what’s going on around you, even if your attention is focused on what you’re listening to.
Shockz and other bone conduction headphones are a must for riding. Will never understand Airpod users.
This is the Suron crowd...they've got this all wrong they a confusing the types of ebikes.
Surrons probably only make up 2%or 3% , but at least they seem fast enough to keep up with traffic. Its the slow ebikers that disrupt traffic , popping wheelies, and other vehicles are constantly passing slow ebikers, and that is causing accidents. In my opinion, if your not keeping up with traffic, your at great danger of getting hit.
They go after ebikes but have cars going 80 mph in thirty and killing thousands of people but have not limited cars from going over 50 the people are stupid
they want to get rid of cars too, but they will fail!
I live in Washington, but am an ebike bike rider (class 1). Class 3 ebikes do not have a throttle, but are pedal assist up to 28mph. Full throttle ebikes are not class 3. SurRons, etc, are eMotorcycles. I do not disagree with preventing those bikes on multiuse paths and trails, but they need to make sure they are targeting the correct class of ebike.
Class 1 E-bikes: These e-bikes are equipped with a pedal-assist system that operates only when the rider is pedaling, ceasing to provide assistance when the bike reaches 20 mph.
Class 2 E-bikes: Featuring a throttle-actuated motor, Class 2 e-bikes can propel the bike without pedaling but also stop assisting at speeds above 20 mph.
Class 3 E-bikes: These are pedal-assist e-bikes as well, but they offer assistance up to a higher speed of 28 mph, catering to those looking for a bit more zip in their ride.
Also, most urban trails have speed limits. The speedlimit for cars is 70mph, do we outlaw cars that can go over 70mph?
How would you prevent them from using the paths though? If you just say anything without peddles then what about those electric lime scooters and EUCs? And what about sur-rons with peddles? How is law enforcement going to measure the power output in the field? and an electric vehicle owner can simply change the mode to a legal mode anyway (many ebikes can do the same, allowing 34+ mph in an unlocked mode)
Enforcing the speed limits seems like the only way to me. I mean who cares if it's a sur-ron on a bike path if they are just going bicycle speeds? It's a lot safer for them than forcing them into car traffic.
Punish the individual rider violating existing traffic laws instead of the community because of paranoia and ignorance.
I'm a CA "fast rider"... doing so within the relevant traffic laws (with my safety, and those around me, being paramount). Most days I'm going 20mph of slower. Yet, when in traffic (because it's safer than being in either a narrow, and/or debris/obstacle filled bike path/lane), I'll up my speed to something better suited to what's around me.
As we're living the nightmare of this kind of unwanted and unneeded legislation, I can only hope that the riders of Oregon (and other states in similar circumstances) educate their fellow citizens and local/state officials, and fight to stop this ill-conceived bill from passage.
Pedestrians aren't conscious or aware they're standing in middle of the path.
Get a bell.
I've found that, unfortunately, they're mostly "distracted walkers". Completely detached from reality. I think of it as an entertaining challenge.
Y’all better off forming a PAC or lobby to combat these Karen’s, otherwise they’re going to ban e-bikes out of existence.
Thank Mike for some clarity on this issue.
Sounds like they just need to enforce the existing laws.
The real reason the bill is being brought forward is that politicians can't resist regulating EVERYTHING!
Welcome to the club! Real motorcyclist have been dealing with anti-motorcycle laws/people for years!
In oregon-are you kidding? They won't stop until you have to attend a class on ebike riding, a special license or permit, registration, and insurance. Then, eventually, they'll look for a way to just ban them!
It's never going to happen.
How can or could they enforce a law like that?
How many traffic or cops in general does a cesspool like Portland have they will end the use of electric bikes just as they have ended homelessness is never going to happen.
Maybe they should restrict the use of the motorcycle style electric bikes that the younger crowd ride..
But I don't see cops pulling over electric bikes especially since they have a lot more pressing issues like homelessness and drug use.
How many traffic cops does Portland have I'm thinking stopping a electric bike will be the last thing the cops would be thinking of or actually want to do waste his time while drunk high and unlicensed people are on the roads ban electric bikes from trail paths and bike lanes only to have more accidents WTF
More Oregon stupidity
Its car companies and oil companies .. there losing money ..
And they all get together against electric bikes?
I'm thinking you feel of something extremely high and didn't have a helmet
Safety my ass, I've gone well over 40 on my BMX bombing down a really long hill...here in Oregon...
Yes, I suspect most regular bike riders have done that. It's not a good idea to do it on a bike trail, bike path or lane. There could be other riders around or pedestrians you could run down. If you're on a road, go as fast as you want I guess. If you're over the speed limit the police might have something to say though. If you cream out at 40 without a helmet, well, it your brain.
@ yeah a good helmet is mandatory when doing anything remotely stupid!
I’d also recommend long sleeves and long pants… I’ve had gravel road rash before… wiped out and slid several feet on my back… had to spend a couple hours on my stomach getting plastic and gravel picked out… and it hurts… real bad.
Thanks Surronster.
I think it's stupid. No one is actually measuring the output of an ebike on the paths anyway and the output and speed of an ebike is just governed by some software settings that can often be easily changed on the fly. For example many bikes will ship with Class 1, 2, 3 and off-road modes even preset. If they care about the speeds on bike paths then just enforce the speeds. We don't do this for cars and we let 1000 horse power, 200 mph capable cars drive around.
Plus I'd contend that a class 3 ebike can often be SAFER. Where I live the road my house is on is a 35 mph speed limit road... it has no bike lane, it has a shoulder, but the shoulder is often blocked with debris and it's a lot safer if I can go closer to the speed of traffic aka 30+ mph than 20 mph. We all know it's the speed differential that causes problems it's been well studied and it's great when we can have bikes that can help us close the speed differential and make us safer because often we are forced to ride with 35-45 mph traffic anyway and then we can simply slow down for bike paths etc just like cars need to do for different streets.
In New Hampshire, our multi use paths have a speed limit of 25mph. You can take dirtbikes, quads electric bikes. No cars.
If its got pedals them regardless of the power output its a bicycle. If there's no pedals, then its a scooter or moped if its a moped, then there not aloud no bicycle paths its no different then a 50cc or less and your required to observe traffic laws just like a car
Sad thing about it, it's mainly the youngins' (12-16) who are out there wild'n out and being reckless. Messing it up for everyone else. But I agree, insurance should be required; with driver licenses
Disabled people like myself need a throttle
They the law makers don't think about the disability of some riders
Not all riders can peddle especially if they live in a hilly area.
They can't even enforce the traffic laws here in Portland how could they enforce a electric bike Throttle ban?
Banning electric bikes from bike paths trails and bike lanes only to put more rides and autos in Jeopardy sounds like a good idea until it actually happens and you get more injured.
I only go 30mph on the road not the paths. Don’t band it for the people that ride safely.
The cities already do not let scooters park on the sidewalk.. So if they reclassify ebikes as somthing other than a pedal vehicle. the city will have to take away car parking spots to accommodate ebikes with bike racks to lock up..
Otherwise it is discrimination against cyclist.. We were here before cars.. We paved the first roads, We have rights to use the road..
My experience is extensive both bike racing and building ebikes living in Florida.
This man with his draconian rules is a menace to America. I ride a famous bike trail in Florida on the gulf coast daily.
There is every type of cyclist on this paved trail from CAT 1 racer on $10K carbon race bike with no motor to grandpa and grandma on their ebikes and every gradation in between. There is NEVER a problem. Many are on ebikes because they are physically limited if not disabled. Throttles help many.
Let me give you an analogy. A Chevy Corvette stock from the factory non Z06 has 495 hp and will do 160mph. Does that mean that a 60 year old man who buys a new Corvette is going to drive it 160mph through town?
The absurdity of this man wanting to punish an entire society of ebikers because there are a couple of bad apples is absolutely shameful. If this type of legislation ever makes is to the 'right' coast aka conservative Florida, there will be a revolt restricting ebikes from oldsters that want their throttles and wind in their hair only keeping up with physically fit riders on road bikes with no motors. This demented old man makes me sick.
You said statistics were vital. I went to the ODOT website myself to look up the statistics. In 2022, there were 125 pedestrian fatalities and 703 pedestrian nonfatal injuries. In 2022, there were 12 pedal cyclist fatalities and 487 pedal cyclist nonfatal injuries. According to the statistics cited from ODOT, there were two fatal e-bike crashes and 83 nonfatal e-bike accidents in 2022. 2023 is not yet available to the public on ODOT, but according to the reporting, the e-bike numbers went down in 2023. Since there were 6,250% more fatal pedestrian accidents and 847% more nonfatal pedestrian accidents, if they were really concerned with "public safety," as Mr. Prozanski stated, wouldn't the sensible thing to do be to ban pedestrians from multi-use paths? Just saying.
Awesome post.
Public safety enforce the traffic laws get the none licensed none insuranced none registered none tagged cars and trucks off the roads first
CA.,OR, IL., and NY = goofy laws, and goofy governors.
its my experence people in cars rush to where ever there going and dont care .if any one on the road is slower . they cause more crases then any vihicle you should ban them to along with the class 3 . your being morons oregon need to go back and think these rules thru .with some common since
I think they just want to make money through registering the bikes, paying insurance, charging traffic fines, adding tolls for ebikes, etc. it all comes down to money, they don’t care about people.
I actually have a ebike now. Because it is just ridiculous paying a subscription for something you already bought. When I say "subscription" I mean registration and taxes. For the people that say it's for the road fixures bullshit, that just saying the politicians are overpaying themselves or over staff, spending on luxury. Yes, you are correct its all about the money, but going to the wrong places.
How many people did they kill riding their ebikes? How many people did your cars kill speeding?
simple put a speed limit on padestrian, jogging and bicycle path.
They already do it's like a 15mph limit
I am sick of the blanket bans or the idea of a license for my bicycle just because some idiot is going to be just that no matter what they do why should those of us who actually know how to ride suffer because they are morons
I am here in fla. and my first ebike kit cost me $2000.00 and I put it on a $800.00 29er and it only did 22mph and had a throttle, and the law was 20 mph PAS only. Now I got a Himiway Zebra ST with is so much better of a bike and for less and the law is 28mph PAS only and I think it is okay for a 20mph throttle! But people fly around here on all types of Ebikes, which I don't care about because I was young once, but I am 64 now. What I am worried about is the people fying around Throttle only are going to piss off too many KARENS and ruin it for everybody else, I like the way the laws are now! I have cadence sensor and the only time I use Throttle is to get started because of the lag in the sensor! plus, I need the exercise!
It is not the bike its the person riding it. We should take all the cars of the road that can go faster than the speed limit. Simple !!!!
This is all bs the road bike guys do at least 30 35 miles an hour in a group of nine
But pedal byciclist can go 20mph+ because pedals
Driving 30 miles up to the mountains produces enough heat to briefly warm 139 bed rooms from 30°F to 70°F, but instead, we dump that heat into the atmosphere while a single person commutes.
Bring back the US Constitution 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Im 68 years old in Oregon. I have 2 ebikes and a scooter all capable of doing 35+mph. I ride where ever I want but always go slow on walking trails or where its a safety concern. We dont need a bunch of gov. law makers pushing their stupid nanny state rules on us.
Just put a speed limit on the path, good thing I already moved out of Oregon
Good article. I have commented to federal legislation via REI invites to make comments. Throttles are on Class 2 e-bikes. Class 3 is like class 1 other than 28 mph limit and beefier components. E-bikes in Classes 1, 2 & 3 have long understood specifications that limit use and the internal function types. If speed is the issue, and it generally is the concern, then mechanical assist bikes (traditional road and mountain bikes with gear cassette and derailer) can go very fast due to mechanical gearing magnification of the human effort. An electro mechanical e-bike isn’t any different for magnifying the human effort. E-bikes makes biking fun again and regular geared bikes are for teenagers and endurance riders.
I'm an e-bike owner, I am disabled and have limited use of my legs. I NEED to use my throttle while riding around town. I ride my e-bike the same ways that I drive my car...I obey all traffic laws as if there were a cop behind me. The throttle on my e-bike is nobody's Goddamned business!
Speeding, drunk driving, and distracted driving are all out of control, but we can't let people ride ebikes. That's dangerous!
Just gonna have to run a throttle with a quick disconnect 😅
Damn I’m out here in Beaverton Oregon 😢
I don't think you'll have to worry about the police.
Like in a city like your in.
How can or could they actually enforce the electricit bike laws when they barely have enough cops to enforce any laws or rules?
You'd have to be a complete moron to be stopped by any cop because they have a lot more pressing issues to deal with.
You have to ride like a complete moron to actually get pulled over and get a ticket.
I'm thinking you have nothing to worry about but getting enough money for a extremely fast electric bike
So... e-bikes are banned, but drugs aren't?
If it isn't the old classic, "it's for safety." The go-to excuse to take everyone's stuff.
What he considers a "full throttle e-bike" apparently has no pedals and has a powerful motor capable of high speed, likely over 30mph. These bikes should be considered motorcycles and licensed as such. We don't need to classify e-bikes. Bike paths, bike lanes and other bike routes should have speed limits, likely in the 15 to 20mph range and be posted as such. A 50cc gas engine has roughly 3 hp or about 2000 watts. I would suggest any e-bike with a power over the range of 1000-2000 watts be considered a motorcycle and be licensed as such and not be allowed on bike paths, lanes and trails. Forget about class 1, 2, or 3. With the rapidly increasing technology seen in these bikes they are becoming meaningless anyway. I saw an ad for one e-bike where you can select the level of class you want to ride at. It's really about getting fast, heavy e-bikes off of bikes paths, lanes and trails and slowing e-bikes down to safe speeds. The same could be said for slowing regular bike riders down also. I've been almost run down by them.
In addition, everyone needs bells.
I’m in Oregon and am an avid mountain biker, gas dirt biker, e-biker, and e-moto rider. Full throttle no pedal bikes don’t belong on bike paths or non motorized trails. If it has pedals and a throttle then I would support a speed limit on public urban paths not a complete ban.
Nobody comply
Let's regulate and restrict cars on their speed. If the engine can power the car, surpassing the highway speed limit, ban those.
This popped up in my suggestions.
I can only hope for you guys that your ebike rules do not become as ridiculous as the UK and EU ebike laws.
Our pedal assist speed limit is a measly 15.5 mph. Many of us are trying to get it increased to 20mph as most suburban streets have a 20mph speed limit.
Throttles are pretty much a no-go. Which I feel is detrimental to those less able bodied individuals who may wish to use an ebike.
Only from certain vendors can we get a throttle ebike that goes to 15.5 mph (they are certified by the department for motor vehicles to make them legal.
Older bikes (pre-2016) with throttle are legal up to 15.5 mph.
If I want a throttle on my current bike, I'd have to pay to get it certified, which can take 6-8 weeks, so I could be bikeless for 2 months unless it's limited to a pitiful 4 mph. It's insane.
Even our batteries are limited to a low wattage. Thankfully that looks to be increasing.
They want us to use cars less and go green, etc, yet they punish us for making that choice and punish us legal users for the actions of a few irresponsible people.
The Suron here is classed differently. It's an Emoto, not an Ebike, and is supposed to be registered, but there are many unregistered users that give all ebike users in general a bad name.
They use them in London to rob people, snatching phones, etc, as they pass someone.
The average person doesn't seem to know the difference between an Ebike and Emoto.
"Full-throttle ebike" is eerily reminiscent of "assault weapon."
We have to stop allowing people who have no real knowledge on these subjects to create language around the subjects, and then base legislation around that language.
I’m in California and I have a few Ebike’s and when I ride in bike trails and other things that have pedestrians I don’t ride with full speed I agree with you
Are they including EUCs???? The lastest models are doing 60 mph!!!
Absurd! Cars are the most dangerous thing in every city, not e-bikes.
A moped IS the same as an e-bike with pedals. Just classify non-pedals as motorcycles like she said
If they ban fast ebikes from multi-use trails, but don't allow those vehicles a way to ride on public roads, they create a bigger problem. You have to provide a solution, not just a ban. E-motos, ebikes, escooters, PEVs, EUCs, eskates - they are all moped-comparable in power. DOT needs to provide a means for bicycles and PEVs to operate on public transportation infrastructure. They're not going away, they are all over the place because they are so cheap, efficient, and convenient. Nothing is said about the hotrod analog "full throttle" bicyclists that are buzzing families, they are just as inconsiderate on multi-use paths. Maybe speeding, talking on cellphones, and headphones should be illegal on public roads / paths and then pedestrians and cyclists could share the streets safely. Maybe passing pedestrians should always reduce roadway speeds to 10 mph, as is done on military bases. An analog cyclist like the Senator should understand how to "share the road", not pass off an ebike ban as a safety law. I'm an Oregonian. I bicycle, walk, jog, drive, and EUC. The safe speed used to overtake, or pass another path / road user, should be reasonable - perhaps 10 mph faster than the other user. Banning specific equipment like Class 3 bikes will be just as worthless as the speed limits, cellphone law, and moped law that are rarely enforced. Do we really want to train police officers on how to differentiate between class 1,2,3 ebikes instead of just enforcing safety?
I virtually never use the throttle on my ebike but I really like knowing it is there in case of an injury or mechanical problem. The throttle might allow me to get home or to safety.
If excess speed on bike paths is the problem, I guarantee you would ticket more analog bike guys than old guys like me on Radrovers.
. people dont die of speed they die because there reckless with the bike . there good as a car if you obey the rules of the road . just flat out banning them is unfair and wrong because of safty .its the person rideing resposablity to be safe . its there fault if they get hurt .
Most dead ebikers get hit by cars.
Trying to regulate by class is a fools game anyway. The technology is changing so fast that classes are essentially meaningless. I saw an ad for an e-bike that let you select which class you wanted to ride it as, be it 1, 2, or 3. Batteries will get lighter and e-bikes will also (they probably have, I haven't paid much attention). You can't tell if some e-bikes are regular bikes are electric. Who the heck is going to enforce the rules in some areas? The police a spread pretty thin as it is and they won't bother unless someone blatantly does something they shouldn't, like go 60 down a bike path with pedestrians on it and garners a lot of complaints. The likely scenario will be charges only at accidents.
Just post speed limits on bike lanes, paths and trails. Decide what power in watts an e-bike should be considered a motorcycle and get them registered as such to keep them on the roads and off bike pathways.
@donadams8345 this is one of the dumbest responses on this thread and that's really saying something if you go through and read them
@@johnrob3215 every one is a credic . your reply has been most enlighting . very liberal
@@jamieturnage9511 is English your 4th language?
Do we need to ban cars that are capable of going faster than the speed limit because they might not be respectful? This seems like a law that is designed to ban jerks but will ban a lot of nice, responsible people.
I am a committed human powered cyclist. I ride a recumbent trike. I have had many near collisions with e-bikes piloted by novice on a bike that weighs 75+ lbs without rider at excessive speeds. That said, a ban looks like another dumb idea from legislators with too much time on their hands. The only sort of vehicle that could enforce such a ban would be…wait for it, an e-bike with a police officer. They have more important things to do.
They act like a class 3 e-bike is some kind of rocket. It's really no different than a class 2 except it caps out 28 mph instead of 20. I have a class 2 e-bike that was software upgradeable to class 3, which I did. My e-bike has a throttle that can take it to 20 mph still, but I can get pedal assist to 28 mph now. Do I have to ride it at 28 mph? No. Why? Because I have a brain and know when and where it is safe to do so. I feel it is safer when I can clip along at 25 mph with the traffic so I can keep up with them better so as not be as much of a burden to them. That's why I uncapped the 20 mph pedal assist restriction the class 2 rating imposed. But when I get to the bike path, I slow way down so I don't hurt or scare anyone on the trail. And always use an audible warning if I'm going to go around someone, carefully and slowly. It's no different than having a car that can exceed the speed limit. You just have to be responsible and considerate of others.
Oregon resident here, on the rural side of the state, well outside the metropolitan areas. We have class 2 & class 3 e-bikes and would like to get more involved. We use one of our bikes as a car replacement, with small trips to the store or quick errands. We always try to ride respectfully in shared spaces, so we don't send up flares for outrage. I guess it's going to happen anyway.
Only if you capitulate. I will not. Enough restrictions. Oregon is a Free State, With Free Citizens, We always were, and We're not going to stop! Leave us alone! We will govern ourselves without restricting everything remotely fun or dangerous. Life is Risky, doesn't mean you don't live it to its fullest. Its not about safety, its about control! We have it, they want it! Sorry, not for sale!
@@TrueSighted Please don't mistake my acknowledgement of the facts as compliance.
"One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws."
Speed limits make sense for ebikes in the bike lane or sidewalk. Banning items bought legally is ridiculous.
Wow, a near miss. I hope you’re okay.
Guess we should ban cars
Because the person who is not following the rules and riding at 28mph on a shared bike path or trail now is suddenly going to follow the rules and not take a class 3 ebike out on the shared bike path or trail. If you want to stop people from speeding on bike trails, enforce the EXISTING rules, don't keep making new ones that do nothing to stop people who are already breaking the rules. Derp. If you wanted to limit the weight of bikes on shared paths, that would at least make sense in terms of risk mitigation -- a 200lb OP "e bike" carries much more kinetic force than a 100lb bike. But arbitrarily banning bikes that can do 28mph from riding on a trail that already has (or should have) a 10mph or 15mph speed limit is like banning a Ferrari that can reach 150mph from driving on the freeway because the speed limit is 65mph. Law makers are such idiots.
In Portland Oregon they will have no way to enforce this law if they pass it.
Portland can't keep it's sidewalks clean of tents and human waste if the homeless where speeding around it would be totally ok with the city leaders.
Ban on electric bikes on trails paths and bike lanes
So you'll have more accidents more deaths more people in the hospitals.
Look at how many rental scooter accidents happen and how people on the rental scooters ride they are a lot more dangerous to ride than any electric bike is
I'm thinking pass a law that requires helmets on all electric scooters or bikes at any age.
How is that law going to be enforced?
It's not going to
@ not to get too far off topic, but what exactly do you propose the city do about homeless people? Clearing the tents doesn’t solve the problem. The people are still homeless. And they are going to go somewhere. So clearing the tents is just whack a mole, because homeless people are going to setup camp again somewhere because what other choice do they even have? It’s not a real solution unless it provides homeless people somewhere to go other than another sidewalk and resources to climb out of homelessness, but that costs money. Until we as a country are willing to demand that the obscenely wealthy need to be a little less obscenely wealthy so that we can put some of that excess wealth into solving problems like homelessness, exactly what else are they supposed to do about it? I don’t like seeing the tents around here either, but shaking down people who already have nothing just to make them migrate a couple blocks and then repeat the cycle is not productive, and frankly is just cruel at that point since it doesn’t accomplish anything else.
Back to the e-bike point, I’ve said many times in these threads that unless these new rules are enforced more vigorously than the old ones, nothing has really changed. The only thing they are doing is making it more painful for those who were already trying to follow the rules.
u should ban cars that go above 20mph too
I think if they're wanting to do something don't try to ban bikes but if somebody sees somebody doing something illegal yes give them a ticket.
The increasing availability of high powered e-bikes/e-motos and abuse of such on public roadways/paths is bound to have a reaction. I don't see any need for class 3 e-bikes to be on a path and believe for the most part they're already banned but then even if your bike started out in such a class, its not hard to modify it and use a sticker saying otherwise. OTOH if you ride it sanely it won't get much notice. Police are poorly equipped to analyze such in any case. I think simply policing existing bikes/rules is a better move, but not likely the funding will happen for that let alone additional detailed enforcement from more laws. E-motos are already not legal on roadways and paths and are sold as off-road dirt bikes for the most part. I live in rural Oregon so paths aren't even a thing here, and the major road (hwy 58) is really too dangerous for any of them aside from legality. I ride both a class 1 e-mtnbike (where permitted) as well as an e-moto (as permitted). The rules vary quite a bit already and classifications don't fit a lot of bikes let alone their use.
Oregon is proposing that a bicycle solely pedaled with basically any speed limit, easily 40-50 mph when peddling, & a Class 3 bicycle with no throttle allowed in Federal Codes since around 2005, when they were passed into law as bicycles, not be allowed to use bicycle lanes. Oregon's proposed law would ban bicycles from bicycle lanes & would clearly be unconstitutional & violate our Right to travel unencumbered by any state or federal government. Thus the Oregon "law" would be null & void even if unconstitutionally tried to usurp Federal bicycle classifications. CA pilot programs are also unconstitutional & will automatically sunset in 2029 or when confirmed as null & void as written.
Honestly how stupid are these politicians. You just killed e bike sales in these states. 90% of e bike riders just quit. They ride for fun and you just took the fun out of it.
Is the oregon legislation anti GREEN..?
Big Oil killing off electric competition
This is a slave law
As long as law enforcement ebikes abide by the same laws...it's really not that big of a deal until people start getting in accidents...I think it's funny that people are offended by laws. ...😂🚲❣️
Javier good work. Take control of the throttle. I am truely sorry for some that have unclassified bikes. I have a cargo bike and i don't want them coming after my throttle. i don't live in any of these strict states fortunately but my city is still a popular location. You have my support for classified bikes. Cities should prioritize a cyclist like pedestrian. Make citations for reckless riding. It's not difficult. I recommend getting a body camera while riding because they will say and do anything to make the cyclist look bad. Take care, ebikers
I live in the free state of Florida....no ebike laws
Florida has most of the same laws as other states.
And one town or village that banned all e-bikes, at least for several months as a trial.
@chow-chihuang4903 Gomer thinks because he hasn't taken the time to read any of the laws there must not be any. Unfortunately there are tens of thousands of e-bikes just like him and most of them post on this channel
@@johnrob3215 Thats not true at all!
@@Alan-l3i7d which one...
Ebike riders live in a world all their own with no rules. They justify it with "they are saving the planet". Stop signs and traffic lights are for others, while sidewalks and empty lots are all fair game.
If people want to speed on their bike up and down the road then that should be enforced to give them a ticket
I think if you're on the road and the speed limit says 30 Mi an hour then that's what you should be able to go up to .now if you're doing 30 in a 20 and a cop sees you you get a ticket just like a vehicle on the road
I agree with the dirtbike e-motorcyle ban on oublic roads.
Not so much on anything else.
I think the ebike with pedals should be able to do the street (40mph max) speed limit, and reduce if you want to use the bike lane. To (20mph ). Riding on trails. There shouldn't be no throttle. speed should be reduce to only pedals assist. Traditional (bike) ebike should have front and back turn signals front light and horn. Note some states the street max speed limit is 40 to 45mph. Some max 50mph. Anything over 50 should be classified as something else. 60mph to 70mph is highways mph. Sidewalk should be use in emergency.. like, bike is broken, flats tire, etc. Note. There are bikes with no alternator Traditional bike that can do 50 to 60mph. I personally seen it. What do you think? ( add and take notes)
Respect everyone on the road ride safe.
everyone, cyclist or pedestrian, are required to "Keep to the Right Side".. Cars do this on the road.. and keeping to the right avoids collisions.. If you are driving on the wrong side of the road, and there is a collision, it is YOUR FAULT. Period..
A throttle has nothing to do with any of the accidents on the trails or the roads, it's the "NUT Behind The Wheel" not abiding by a speed limit on a trail and riding recklessly with a
Scooter, motor assisted vehicle, golf cart, Ebike and even a bicycle. I would bet that car and truck motorists have no understanding of hand signals on bicycles and even when
those questions were presented in motor vehicle licensing tests. Common sense requires a Person to be careful and respectful of pedestrians and slow moving vehicles when
riding any vehicle on a road, trail, sidewalks and where other traffic is.
A Person pulling wheelies on the road with other traffic present should be ticketed no different than a Person doing it on a motorcycle. The simple solution would be to post
speed limits on the trails and as far as the roads are concerned, a vehicle is much safer running with the speed of the current traffic speed. These laws being proposed are
Moron laws passed by Lawyers that have never owned or ridden a Ebike or motorized scooter. The current laws with 3-classifications work and speed limit laws work.
Compare the laws to cars and trucks, break the speed limit laws and you get cited. I don't see laws limiting engine sizes and horsepower limits on cars limiting the type of
equipment! More Stupid legislation being passed since the Police have more important things to attend to.
Most of the States have age limits on the operation of Ebikes and all it took was one Karen to stir up the legal system to make the lawmakers have something to do to pass
more legislation, to harass the Public and make themselves feel important with a knee-jerk Stupid solution passing new laws that have absolutely nothing to do with safety.
Underage kids are not responsible enough to be on a Ebike, Scooter and riding in Public on the trails, roads and anywhere there are pedestrians or traffic. A average Person
can break the speed limit on a good bicycle running faster than a Class-3 Ebike just pedaling. That just shows us how Stupid the new Legislation is and that takes Stupid
People to Pass Stupid Laws that are illogical and have nothing to do with safety.
Well since speed is a factor on e-bikes maybe we should get rid of fast cars and alcohol because we have DUI drivers
Yes I have a lot to say because I am part of the e-bike community. And I feel like I speak for a lot of e-bike riders
Class 3 definition literally exists to curtail scooters going at 40+mph to be no longer considered as bikes. Wasn't 28mph enough??? Some people, not necessarily professional racers, can pedal that fast on an acoustic road bike. What kind of dumb law is this? Are we aiming to become like the EU and make ebikes crawl at 15mph???
If it doesnt have pedals it doesnt belong on the multiuse paths. The throttle should have nothing to do with it. Just ride respectfully. They have to put some law into effect just so they can site the ones that act like fools.
I thought Oregon might be outlawing smoking fentanyl on the sidewalk. As it turns out, that's still cool. They are only going after E bikes.
Make the manual peddle bike great again❤❤
My e-bike I can ride on the bike lane up to 28mph and be self and I ride on trails that have people walking and there kids and I slow down to 4 to 6mph or less sometimes, depending on safety. It's out of respect and sharing the path with others. I dont live in Oregon. But, I believe we all need to look out for the other people and share the space.
No ebike bans, just expecting the people to adhere to the actual ebike classifications and regulations and standards that have been there for over a decade at the Fed level and none of the buyers or companies followed the reasonable limitations so now they are gonna absolutely d story the cheaters, speed freaks and power freaks. Been coming for a while. I'll be riding my legal class two with a throttle chuckling at all the peeps trying to ride e dirt bikes and motorcycles as bikes getting ticketed and impounded. If your past power, speed, and weight limits you not riding an ebike, your riding an unregistered uninsured motor vehicle.