What is CPTED?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ก.ค. 2021
  • Dewberry Design Professional Scott Bennett explains CPTED in about 90 seconds.
    Hi, I'm Scott Bennett. Crime prevention through environmental design, or CTPED, is a term originally coined in 1971 by Dr. C Ray Jeffery. The National Institute of Crime Prevention is currently offering courses to designers and law enforcement with the goal of bringing together communities, law enforcement, designers, and local officials to create safer buildings and communities. CPTED is most effective when used early on in the design process since CPTED focuses on passive elements, rather than target hardening or the use of cameras and other security measures. CPTED professionals can make an impact in a large variety of ways. Site review can assist the client in selecting the right location of a project, where design review if done during schematic or design development can identify any issues or opportunities early on in the design process. CPTED review can also be done on an existing building for any adjustments that can be made on the site or building. CPTED principles can be implemented in a variety of ways. For example, in this project, benches define the path to the main entry as well as offer some anti-vehicle protection. In this example, landscaping can be used to define where people can go and deter them from places they're not supposed to be. CPTED applies to all projects, from master plans, to new construction, to existing renovations. Since CPTED uses a wholistic approach to design it is important to get as many groups and individuals involved as early as possible. Everyone from your designers, landscape architects, engineers, end-users and the community your project impacts, all have a role to play.

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