The day men understands we aren't owners of the world, but rather co-workers of the greatest enterprise, Planet Earth, we will finally be in peace with ourselves and with nature.
Mai cautati Rangers? As fi si eu acolo sa protejez cu voi impreuna natura ai Animalele alea frumoase, sunt Animalele care imi plac mult de tot. M-as intoarce inapoi in Tara mea sa ajut cu tot ce pot.
Now they have bisons they need some woolly mamooths, woolly rhinos, cave lions, cave bears, spotted hyenas, giant deer and the ice age is back in Romania
What a lovely short documentary.
Frumos pana la lacrimi!
Inmulteste-i Doamne!
The day men understands we aren't owners of the world, but rather co-workers of the greatest enterprise, Planet Earth, we will finally be in peace with ourselves and with nature.
Beautiful little movie! The Spirit of Rewilding.
Great news! Thank you!
I wish Slovenian farmers would be as wise as these! It would never be excepted! No matter what!
Mai cautati Rangers? As fi si eu acolo sa protejez cu voi impreuna natura ai Animalele alea frumoase, sunt Animalele care imi plac mult de tot. M-as intoarce inapoi in Tara mea sa ajut cu tot ce pot.
Doar de curiozitate; te-ai intors in tara?
Now they have bisons they need some woolly mamooths, woolly rhinos, cave lions, cave bears, spotted hyenas, giant deer and the ice age is back in Romania
Ice Age without ice ,pacala.