陣頭: 鍾馗收五鬼 (板橋北安會) - Zhong Kui the Ghost Catcher - 阵头: 钟馗收五鬼

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 เม.ย. 2012
  • A 陣頭 troupe 板橋北安會 performs 鍾馗收五鬼 outside a Tudi Gong temple in Banqiao in New Taipei City. In this ritual, a play of Zhong Kui subduing five ghosts is performed in front of the temple - 在這個儀式中, 廟前上演著鍾馗五鬼陣. The purpose of this is to let the temple know that Zhong Kui in spirit has visited, and to clear the area of malevolent spirits - 這個目地是讓廟裡的神明知道鍾馗來此拜訪, 並且驅除了這個區域的邪魔惡鬼. The full performance of this epic tale takes 25 minutes. The highlights have been edited into this short video - 對於這個故事的完整表演一共有25分鐘,這段影片是將重點部份經過剪輯而成. The ritual ends with Zhong Kui paying respects to the deities in the temple -
    在儀式的最後鐘馗對廟裡的神明致敬. This is one of the best performaces I have seen - 非常非常好.

ความคิดเห็น • 2

  • @scott12201
    @scott12201 11 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @bobocat0524
    @bobocat0524 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1
