11:00 if you had your regular constructor tool active instead of de-construct, you'd discover that the broken satellite is actually a SUPER LOOT CHEST full of fun treasure for you. :)
The destructible wall referred to in the bunker is in the big ship in the middle of all the sand dunes. There's a room with a lot of screens in there and one wall can be destructed for some great loot.
the location of the miners is important you just cant get uranium or osmium with a t1 but if you put them in a cave with aluminum or the sulfer area you will get those ores in those areas and so on
@@freeportkid Go to the big crashed ship past the Iridium cave and keep yourself to that wall. Between the Iridium cave and the Super Alloy cave you may also find another underground "base".
i still have some t3 vegetubes ... one for each type of flower seeds, just for display :-) all other seeds are used for rockets or the highest level of flower (or later tree) spreaders, because they give a lot more oxygen or biomass.
I was going to comment on that. He's celebrating on how broken the T1 flower spreader is after he commented earlier about unlocking the T2 just nonchalantly.
Kibz, you might want to consider "recycling" the lower tiers into higher tiers. Sure, you'll have less machines that are made from more and rarer/expensive materials, and consume more energy, but!: higher tiers are just way better, so there's no point in keeping the lower tiers around (except aesthetics - like, keep one of each tier and multiples of the highest just for comarison or something, or contrast, you see... Like you really don't need the lower vegetubes now that you have flower spreader tier 2 - so why you make flower spreaders tier 1 still?! Plop the golden seeds in those tier 2 flower spreaders ASAP for MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY! The huge "spider drill" makes pressure AND heat, so the lower tier heaters, the indoor ones, are useless, unless you want to make your martian cabin cozy... Just replace the lower tiers with the higher ones as soon as you can afford to do so, OK? OK!) [only low tier stuff worth keeping around is obviously the fabricator tier 1, and the ore extractor... oh and the food grower, too, the tier 2 just grows food slightly faster, but not that much] Also: try riding the rocket or nudging it, it's hilarious!
@12thealchemist i don't know if there is actually a stack limit for the storms. I have launched 5 rockets in rapid succession and got 5 different storms. I did collect during them, so I am not sure if they will despawn like the super alloy storms.
@@YipperX5 direct hits on you can cost a bit of health, thus be careful when starting to collect while more meteors are coming, especially in hardmode. each rocket should give 40+ resources, thus 3-5 is the maximum amount i do. more rockets at once also can cause the meteors and boulders to stack on top of each other and make them inaccessible at first, or difficult to reach later after boulders have despawned. Alloy-meteors despawn very quickly while uranium, iridium and osmium seem to last a while longer although not forever. if you relog/reload, they all seem to be gone immediately, including meteors that are only queued yet.
The tier upping that was a big boost for me was the uranium generator t2, you deconstruct 3 t1 to get the uranium rods and build a t2 for a massive boost in energy production.
@@topgundk the largest one... like in the starting area (I know that you can spawn in different places, but I mean the "main/hub" area, the one that's green with moss when you get to that point... It's easiest to find the body right at the beginning - when there's no water)
It is on the left side in the main lake where you start. It actually has better loot if you wait till it is under water. Set you tool to deconstruct and walk along the side under water and you will find it fairly quickly.
And 9:03 No, placing the T2 Ore Extractors won’t just give you automatically the nice stuff. Think of the Ore Caves as Ore Deposits, like in Satisfactory, they’re only available at that specific location and can only be extracted there. To such Luxurious Ores count: Uranium and Osmium. Everything should be able to be extracted by T1 Ore Extractors.
the T2 extractor just has a bigger inventory and can pull up the "lux" ores as you said... other than that, it's the same (maybe it mines the basic stuff faster, too, but I'm not sure)
12:30 Come back to that big fusion reactor later, with a fusion energy core that you'll unlock the blueprint for it MUCH MUCH later... fire up the reactor and it opens some of the doors in the shipwreck that are currently locked while the power is off. But at the current phase of early access development, that energy core is the LAST blueprint you'll unlock and it takes FOREVER to get enough T.I. for it.
*You can't extract Uranium or Osmium with an Ore Extractor T1. You must get the Ore Extractor T2, which you can get by reaching a Pressure goal (blueprint).*
T1 miners: Sulphur can be mined in the weird yellowy smokey area behind the iridium cave/ by the sandfall. Iridium can be mined in the iridium caves. Aluminium can be mined in the weird spikey area. T2 does the same, but with a bigger chest, and can also do Osium, Uranium, and Super Alloyium. They all also produce Iron, Magnesium, Titanium and Silicon.
8:30 you asked about the guy. Yes, he's still around, and you can find him under that lake you built your base beside. Go along the wall with your deconstruct tool on. It will look like a large rock face, if you find it, and deconstruct it. You will find him inside. Along with a lot of end game loot.
if you want to find XiaoDan body he is on a hidden cave at the back of your base, basically inside the lake go around there with the dismantle option activated
The cool thing about ore extractors is that almost nearly everything can be mined. Placement of where they go matters. If you find certain ores grouped together you are likely to get that ore with the T2 extractor.
At this time in the game, the only thing that can't be mined is Zeolite - all of the other ores can be mined with T1 or T2 extractors. T1 Miners: Iron/Cobalt/Silicon/Magnesium/Titanium are minable anywhere Aluminum is in the sparkly spires area Iridium is in the big red cave near where Kibs has his base Sulfur is in the Sulfur hills area behind the big red cave T2 Miners: Uranium: In the green cave where Kibs put his miner Osmium: almost all of the Osmium caves Super Alloy: the "golden" cave that's directly southwest of the dunes wreckage
@@lapdragon yeah I know, why I said nearly and also wanted to avoid spoiling stuff out by direct answer when a lot of the fun is finding it out on your own.
Not sure if you know this, you keep looking at your power production and your power consumption and seem to be doing the math in your head but there is a big "Available" display at the bottom right of the power screen that tells you exactly how much power you haven't used yet.
Just FYI, 1 tier 2 reactor puts out more energy then 3 tier 1 reactors. Its also worth getting rid of the lower level pressure drills and heaters as tier 4 puts out more then 3 tier 3.
Ore Extractors: There are different locations for every ore which can be mined. Means you can still find Aluminum, Iridium, Osmium, Sulfur and Superalloy locations. Uranium, Osmium and Superalloy need the Tier 2 Extractor though. The Iron Extractor will become useless quite soon as it gets mined along with the other junk in every location. You will have multiple mining bases with the shredders to get rid of all the other lowtier resources which constantly clog up the miner storages.
@not tellin blue and golden chests can be deconstructed yes. the satalites are like chests in that they are loot containers but they cannot be deconstructed.
So you can get the 6 normal ores from placing a teir one drill on the normal ground, the iridium cave with the falling sand near the top, and the shiny rocks for aluminum. Teir 2 drills are for super alloy near the super alloy cave, uranium at its cave, and ozium at the cave near the sulfur field. Teir one drills will also collect sulfur. Also all drills will collect the normal ores, so building a little shed near the drill locations with a big crafter and an item destroyer. Also also, beacons and color coding are super cool!
@@Dumber0 I've gone back over stuff and not noticed it... The deconstruct tool doesn't give the loot warning on things you can't deconstruct... I've gotten in the habit of switching between both modes to be safe 😂
8:28, there an hiden cave behind some rock that you can deconstruct in the lake infront of your base, there is some very good loot there And BTW you have unlocked the flower spreader t2, so more flowers
Kibitz, here's some important info for the T1 Ore Extractor: The Icon in the bottom right corner under the inventory slots shows the BEST item it can mine for where it is, if you place it in the Aluminium Fields, it will show Aluminium. Same for the Sulfur Fields, Iridium Cave. The T2 Extractor can do Osmium, Uranium and Super Alloy in their respective caves. Iron is one of the common ores it can extract ontop of the best ore. The common ores are: Iron, Silicon, Titanium, Cobalt
I was watching another streamer play this game, and apparently there are walls you can deconstruct to find hidden caches. Also, in late game, the ships with a nuclear generator, if you return and power that generator up, it reveals more sections of the ship crash
basically walk around with the deconstruct tool (the generator just opens some doors is all, there's normal loot behind, nothing really special, late game)
It was funny how you were building all those T2 flower spreaders when T3 was available. Other then Iron the ore extractors can mine aluminum, sulfur and iridium. The rare extractor does the osmium, uranium and it has a bigger storage. Highest tier is always biggest bang for resource / power so recycling lower tiers is ideal.. other then aesthetics. The fusion reactors are super OP I wouldn't obsess too much about uranium, I did the same.
but fusion reactors require the same limited(!) resource that also tree spreaders need. thus i am building lots of nuclear reactors now (mostly from unlimited uranium rockets that also give some other bonus) to recover those limited resources.
2:30 T1 Ore Miner cannot dig for uranium, it gives you IRON instead. You need T2 for uranium. Same for the osmium and super-alloy. T1 is only good for aluminum, iridium, sulfur, and anywhere else you put it will generate iron. You will get basic minerals with ANY of them though, you might get about 20-30% of the ore that you WANT, the rest will be things like silicon, magnesium, cobalt, titanium, and iron. The T2 ore miner requires ALL THE PRESSURE to unlock it so build more drills. :)
The secret room is in the big ship crash site that’s off in the distance of you base. You need to climb up the ladder and deconstruct one of the walls.
T2 miner really breaks the game. Have a couple in aluminum and a bunch in iridium cave. Anything you collect that is not those gets turned into super alloy = INFINITE rockets!
That nuclear power island looks cool! A little tip for later: Don't plant your trees too close to your base and not to dense also... or you'll get a jungle like I did and have to hover into your buildings -.- Thanks for the videos 🙂
i took down all tree spreaders and built them at the shore next to each other, still getting the same amounts of oxygen and biomass, but making them into a tiny and very unpassable jungle with the tree spreaders still being accessible from the water, and lots of free areas in all other places to travel easier and faster. of course, that doesn't look as nice, but speeds up terraforming+traveling.
Kibitz, the wall they mention is in the really big ship wreck. In the lake, there is a rock face on the ground level that can be deconstructed and there is a body and a chest in there. If ya wanna see something peculiar, go into the are where the giant ship is, and explore the caves out there, there is some kind of alien structure/wall that currently has no purpose. There is also more underground stuff out there
1. You can mine specific ores with the T1 ore extractor, but not all of them 2. Check again the satellite, you were using the deconstruct mode 3. You have not find yet the secret room that was mentioned in the clue 4. You were so exited with the flower spreader that you didn't see that you already had the T2 unlocked
at the bottom of the lake you're building your artificial island on, if you swim along the wall opposite near the cliffs, you'll find a "Deconstruct Wreck" prompt leading to a hidden cave with some goodies inside.
solar panels are so last year (they better add wind turbines, and make it so that the solar panels don't work at night, and that it matters where you put them, too) the big nuclear is good, the fusion is expensive AF
@@ArinJager1 nuclear T2 is best since the fusion reactor seems to be better at first while really using the same (limited!) resources that are needed for tree spreaders, and thus slows you down overall. luckily, there are machines (by researching chips) to convert any crafted resources back into their components when needed later.
If you launch a few asteroid rockets at one it causes the rocks to despawn when they've finished. Also the closest aluminum is the area with the crystals above ground where you found the golden chest. And you can mine iridium with T1 No where near enough power, I'm running on 10,000+ pushing towards fish mestone
old rules from other games: never enough power and never enough iron (or some other resources). i have 7.5 MW from nuclear (and expanding on it) and 7.5 MW from fusion (soon to be replaced with nuclear, to build more trees) and use all that energy :-)
four game modes ... easy loses nothing, two medium lose part or all of the items to such chests, and hard loses the entire savegame. and yes, there seem to have been many prisoners playing the game on medium mode, LOL.
Firing multiple rockets are the best thing for pressure as it stacks cumulitively. So instead of placing more stuff down and looking cooler. You just multiply it by 1000% each time. (it also applies to all the other stats too)
all extractors will get titanium, iron, cobalt, magnesium and silicon. T1 ore extractors can also get more iron, aluminum, irridium or sulphur depending on where you place them. T2 ore extractors will get everything that a T1 ore extractor can as well as either uranium, osmium or super alloy depending on where you place them.
If you haven't found that secret are mentioned in the text note it is in the large wreck you enter through the huge command section. It is down the right path and up the stairs to the right of all the monitors 3 full boxes of stuff
Rockets are your friend, the multipliers stack. If you send multiple pressure rockets, you'll get the T2 miner faster. Then you can mine supper alloy, uranium, & etc
I read something about secret rooms in crashed ships once you can fuel their reactors, then closed doors can be opened. I haven't had time to play in the last week so I haven't progressed past moss
@IamKibitz there is a deconstructable rock near your base under water. There you will find the body of the dead astonaut and some loot. Also there is deconstructable wall inside the biggest space ship in the desert. It is inside one of the command rooms on up the lader inside the ship
6:15 GRAB THOSE SEEDS ON THE GROUND NOW!!! They will DE-SPAWN if you exit the game, or if you wait about an hour after you first discover them. Then you're S.O.L. trying to build tree seeds or biomass/O2 rockets later.
Just a heads up kibz, the underground buildings are special, you can't build underground. And yes, there is a body but I would be thoroughly surprised if you find it without someone telling you where it is. Finally, going for the endgame stuff like the fusion cells in that top tree will take HOURS AND HOURS of standing afk even with production numbers at 500k+ for everything, even biomass. Currently it isnt worth it until more blueprints and craftables are added in my humble opinion. Edit: I personally would stop myself after setting up the fusion reactors and T1 tree spreaders if i could go back in time
Yeah the thing with the ore extractors is whatever is in the thing at the bottom is what has the greatest chance of appearing but the 5 lowest tier standard ores will still be in abundance.
You know what happens when you die in normal mode? A chest spawns where you died with the loot you dropped. And you found a loooooot of chests all around. How did they got there, huh? :P
yeah, that's cool and all, but the other astronauts didn't respawn like you do (the chests fell out of the shipwrecks, I think, your theory is more fun, I guess)
@@ArinJager1 maybe it was only that one guy who died and respawned all the time without collecting all his old death chests, except for the last time in that cave where you can find him ...
@24:34 I wonder about 96.75 micro Kelvin (.00009675 K). Not even the vacuum of interstellar space is that cold. Water melts at 273 K, for comparison. Enjoyable videos as always, thank you.
Kibz the secret room stuff is at the crash site near spawn the biggest one not the closest one to spawn the crash site that has 3 floors it's at the third floor then get in the only room at third floor pull out ur deconstruct tool walk around and check the wall :)
10:00 SPOILER ALERT: that white thing with the purple core is a FUSION GENERATOR, you'll unlock the blueprint to build your own later. HUGE AMOUNTS OF POWER, like enough "more power" to satisfy even Tim "the Tool Man" Taylor. LOL Also there is a small mine around there that you can explore and I think it's more osmium... or maybe iridium, I don't really remember. But you can only grab what's on the surface, it won't let you build an ore extractor in there. But hey, every little bit helps.
T1 miners: five regular ores everywhere + aluminium, iridium or sulfur only in their respective areas T2 miners: same as above + super alloy, uranium or osmium only in their respective areas
yes, and the icon shown when opening the chest/cabinet indicates which special ore is available there in addition to the 5 basic common ores, with "iron" indicating "no special ores besides those 5 common ores"
The fusion reactor is gonna blow your mind with the power output. And Just like I expected gonna go full Kibitz lol. The secret wall is in the big ship in the desert area passed the iridium cave
eg 30 rockets and 70 heaters for something like 0.012 mK/s (and thus also 0.012 GTi/s = 43.2 GTi/h :-) even better/easier with oxygen (0.2 ppm/s for me, and a total of 0.22 GTi/s = 0.79 TTi/h)
Or build a second and start it while the first is still taking off ... At first it was a bug that they couldn't fix quickly before EA release, but now it will stay as a feature since so many people have fun with it, and because the meteors are triggered (they get queued, for around 40+ resources per rocket) and you get the bonus in any case as soon as you push the start button. You only need to NOT relog/reload soon afterwards, or the queue as well as the uranium/iridium from meteors are cleared.
The T1 miner can gather the 5 basic materials (Iron, Titanium, Cobalt, Magnesium, and Silicon) anywhere But if you put it in specific locations it can gather specific materials like it Iridium sulfur and aluminum. You need the T2 in order to gather Uranium and Super Alloy. Also the guy who left that message, He is still around on the map, you can find him and he has some amazing stuff. But he is a pain in the ass to find without a guide.
I enjoyed this game but once you get most of the unlocks and reach the trees goal the progress to insects seems almost exponential and you just end up in a repetitive task of just building the same machines and launching the same rockets while waiting for the progress to *extremely slowly* tick away. Hopefully its just an EA symptom and more higher tier machines will get over that hump in the future.
It's an early access thing. T4 isn't the highest tier of machine, and T4 isn't even meant to supply the stage of the game we can get to -- T5 presumably will.
Things you can mine: Basic minerals: T1 miner, Iridium: T1 miner, Aluminum: T1 miner, Sulfur: T1 miner, Uranium: T2 miner. Osmium: T2 miner. Super Alloy (Yes, there is a location to mine Super Alloy): T2 miner. All nodes will also give basic minerals + the special mineral. I would recommend you build a destructo-cabinet by each miner to burn the basic minerals so you can fully empty the miners.
8:06 There may be an opportunity to find out what happened to Xiaodan... don't expect it to be easy to find though. If you do, however, make sure you have some empty spaces in your inventory.
9:49 The contents of the boxes can upgrade as you progress in the game. It might be a better idea to simply mark the boxes, leave them untouched and come back to them later in the game for better lewts.
the miner can be put at the place you found the gold chest for aluminum. the cave with.pillars for iridium the crash site with the wall is at the north west in the dessert the big wreak. past the west cave with iridium
I get the feeling he didn't go crazy so much as find message after message from previous prisoner colonizers who had failed. If it was freezing and two years from being uninhabitable for him, there must have been 25 30 other poor souls...low key horrific... Love it.
An idea to get more power is that you can remove your t1 solar panels and replace them with t2 solar panels. 40 of the t1's gave 299 and 46 t2's gave 799 so it would be a good idea. But you will need quite a bit of aluminum if you do
plonk ore extractor(s) in the aluminium land (the sparkly shiny one) - aluminium problem solved (super alloy might be more difficult, not with T2 extractors in the right spot, though)
@@ArinJager1 all the "junk ore" from alu miners and iridium miners can be used together with the alu to make a decent amount of alloy. having an advanced crafting table at iridium helps a lot, and since it is near sulfur too, a biolab to make powder for big heaters is another idea to increase heat production. all the surplus of iridium rods then can be used to make rockets.
You should put 6 T2 miners in the Iridium sand fall Cave all on the lower level setup a 3 unit building fill it with LG storage cabinets 1 for each ore and 2 for Iridium then add a Shredder unit. Start a regular collection run to all 6 T2 Miners separate each ore into a cabinet till full then shred the rest you get. Take all the Iridium back to Your main storage area and other ores as needed. All other mines from sulfur I did the same thing only smaller 1 unit and 2 cabinets and a shredder and shred everything but sulfur I used only 3 T2 miners in the sulfur area and I think the cave going from Sulfur to the Osmium Ore cave I used 4 T2 miners same building setup as sulfur. Location of your miners matter if you don't yield 8 to 10 units of ore you want from each full cabinet move the miner till you do. I get anywhere from 10 to 15 Iridium from each miner and Sulfur I get the same and Osmium too.
all the "junk ores" can also be used together with imported alu to make alloy on the spot (instead of shredding them). a biolab in the iridium cave is useful too, to make powder for heaters that i build right there (currently getting 0.012 mK/s :-).
higher tiers (and trees instead of flowers, and flowers instead of grass) produce more, but i couldn't detect any difference on biomass or oxygen when they (or also trees) are more spread out or close together on one spot. spreading them out looks nicer and populates the entire planet, but apparently having all on one spot gives you more space to move/walk/fly (and collect ores/meteors more easily) without reducing the results for terrafoming. thus i built them all at one location on a shore (to be able to access them when trees make everything impassible).
You have T3 Flower spreaders! Use those instead!! Also recycle all the lower tier stuff...if you have a tier 3 version, deconstruct anything below it and use those resources for something else! ...theres more hidden bases! *cough* super allow cave and area beyond *cough*
Without spoilers There's 1 uranium cave 3 osmium caves 1 iridium cave? A supper alloy cave A.alluminum biome Sulphure biome And everywhere else is just iron Bonus: the supper ally cave has a interesting wall, but can't be deconstructed as far as I know
11:00 if you had your regular constructor tool active instead of de-construct, you'd discover that the broken satellite is actually a SUPER LOOT CHEST full of fun treasure for you. :)
The destructible wall referred to in the bunker is in the big ship in the middle of all the sand dunes. There's a room with a lot of screens in there and one wall can be destructed for some great loot.
I could never find that stupid wall. I assume the ship you're referring to is the one where you enter through the bridge?
Yes that is the one
the location of the miners is important you just cant get uranium or osmium with a t1 but if you put them in a cave with aluminum or the sulfer area you will get those ores in those areas and so on
except for aluminium not being in a cave but huge chonkers staring in his face begging him to utilize them :D
For super alloy you need also a T2. ;) And there is a super alloy cave just in his vicinity.
That ain’t how it works it gives the common resources from the biome and puts the most common as the symbol the t2 gives rare resources from the biome
@@captain_loeffel i don't know if i've found this cave yet lol
@@freeportkid Go to the big crashed ship past the Iridium cave and keep yourself to that wall. Between the Iridium cave and the Super Alloy cave you may also find another underground "base".
Kibitz: Unlocks T2 Flower Spreader
Also Kibitz: Builds T1 Flower Spreader and puts golden seeds in it
Comments: *facepalm*
i still have some t3 vegetubes ... one for each type of flower seeds, just for display :-)
all other seeds are used for rockets or the highest level of flower (or later tree) spreaders, because they give a lot more oxygen or biomass.
I was going to comment on that. He's celebrating on how broken the T1 flower spreader is after he commented earlier about unlocking the T2 just nonchalantly.
11:00 - You missed something with the satellite. Try examining it without the deconstructor selected.
thank you, that was bugging me too
I like how you said that, no spoilers, very gentle.
Kibz, you might want to consider "recycling" the lower tiers into higher tiers. Sure, you'll have less machines that are made from more and rarer/expensive materials, and consume more energy, but!: higher tiers are just way better, so there's no point in keeping the lower tiers around (except aesthetics - like, keep one of each tier and multiples of the highest just for comarison or something, or contrast, you see... Like you really don't need the lower vegetubes now that you have flower spreader tier 2 - so why you make flower spreaders tier 1 still?! Plop the golden seeds in those tier 2 flower spreaders ASAP for MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY! The huge "spider drill" makes pressure AND heat, so the lower tier heaters, the indoor ones, are useless, unless you want to make your martian cabin cozy... Just replace the lower tiers with the higher ones as soon as you can afford to do so, OK? OK!) [only low tier stuff worth keeping around is obviously the fabricator tier 1, and the ore extractor... oh and the food grower, too, the tier 2 just grows food slightly faster, but not that much]
Also: try riding the rocket or nudging it, it's hilarious!
My rockets are acrobatic after launching them both together
@12thealchemist i don't know if there is actually a stack limit for the storms. I have launched 5 rockets in rapid succession and got 5 different storms. I did collect during them, so I am not sure if they will despawn like the super alloy storms.
@@YipperX5 direct hits on you can cost a bit of health, thus be careful when starting to collect while more meteors are coming, especially in hardmode. each rocket should give 40+ resources, thus 3-5 is the maximum amount i do. more rockets at once also can cause the meteors and boulders to stack on top of each other and make them inaccessible at first, or difficult to reach later after boulders have despawned.
Alloy-meteors despawn very quickly while uranium, iridium and osmium seem to last a while longer although not forever. if you relog/reload, they all seem to be gone immediately, including meteors that are only queued yet.
The tier upping that was a big boost for me was the uranium generator t2, you deconstruct 3 t1 to get the uranium rods and build a t2 for a massive boost in energy production.
the body of the guy where you found the base off is somewhere in the lake. you need to destroy a piece of the rock with the deconstructer tool.
I have missed this. Which lake is that ? In the end game, there is a lot of them
@@topgundk the largest one... like in the starting area (I know that you can spawn in different places, but I mean the "main/hub" area, the one that's green with moss when you get to that point... It's easiest to find the body right at the beginning - when there's no water)
@@ArinJager1 Thanks will look there. Im at the insect stage.... damm it is at a standstil...
@@ArinJager1 Explore and rocket multipliers to whatever isn't moving.
It is on the left side in the main lake where you start. It actually has better loot if you wait till it is under water. Set you tool to deconstruct and walk along the side under water and you will find it fairly quickly.
And 9:03 No, placing the T2 Ore Extractors won’t just give you automatically the nice stuff. Think of the Ore Caves as Ore Deposits, like in Satisfactory, they’re only available at that specific location and can only be extracted there. To such Luxurious Ores count: Uranium and Osmium. Everything should be able to be extracted by T1 Ore Extractors.
There is a super alloy cave as well where you can use a T2 extractor.
You open the satellite like a loot box. Left click.
the T2 extractor just has a bigger inventory and can pull up the "lux" ores as you said... other than that, it's the same (maybe it mines the basic stuff faster, too, but I'm not sure)
@@ArinJager1 In my experience T2 seems to also have a higher chance of getting the "lux" ores.
@@blacke4dawn they patch it so that t2 have a higher chance to get the target ressource
kibz: let's use the best stuff
also kibz: uses T1 flower spreader instead of T2
12:30 Come back to that big fusion reactor later, with a fusion energy core that you'll unlock the blueprint for it MUCH MUCH later... fire up the reactor and it opens some of the doors in the shipwreck that are currently locked while the power is off. But at the current phase of early access development, that energy core is the LAST blueprint you'll unlock and it takes FOREVER to get enough T.I. for it.
*You can't extract Uranium or Osmium with an Ore Extractor T1. You must get the Ore Extractor T2, which you can get by reaching a Pressure goal (blueprint).*
was going to say that but covered already in my second play through I'm nearly at them now
Some of the other ores are mineable with T1 though. Keep trying!
T1 miners:
Sulphur can be mined in the weird yellowy smokey area behind the iridium cave/ by the sandfall.
Iridium can be mined in the iridium caves.
Aluminium can be mined in the weird spikey area.
T2 does the same, but with a bigger chest, and can also do Osium, Uranium, and Super Alloyium.
They all also produce Iron, Magnesium, Titanium and Silicon.
@@Coldheart322 good info thanks
@@WolfPlaysGames2 should be only aluminum, iridium and sulfur
8:30 you asked about the guy. Yes, he's still around, and you can find him under that lake you built your base beside. Go along the wall with your deconstruct tool on. It will look like a large rock face, if you find it, and deconstruct it. You will find him inside. Along with a lot of end game loot.
Koordinates 672:3:315
if you want to find XiaoDan body he is on a hidden cave at the back of your base, basically inside the lake go around there with the dismantle option activated
The cool thing about ore extractors is that almost nearly everything can be mined. Placement of where they go matters. If you find certain ores grouped together you are likely to get that ore with the T2 extractor.
At this time in the game, the only thing that can't be mined is Zeolite - all of the other ores can be mined with T1 or T2 extractors.
T1 Miners:
Iron/Cobalt/Silicon/Magnesium/Titanium are minable anywhere
Aluminum is in the sparkly spires area
Iridium is in the big red cave near where Kibs has his base
Sulfur is in the Sulfur hills area behind the big red cave
T2 Miners:
Uranium: In the green cave where Kibs put his miner
Osmium: almost all of the Osmium caves
Super Alloy: the "golden" cave that's directly southwest of the dunes wreckage
@@lapdragon yeah I know, why I said nearly and also wanted to avoid spoiling stuff out by direct answer when a lot of the fun is finding it out on your own.
You can extraxt iridium with tier 1 miner
(And using t1 flower spreader when you have unlock the t2 is pretty fun to watch xD)
Iridium and aluminum you can get in certain locations with a t1, and t2s you need to place in specific places as well for rare resources
Not sure if you know this, you keep looking at your power production and your power consumption and seem to be doing the math in your head but there is a big "Available" display at the bottom right of the power screen that tells you exactly how much power you haven't used yet.
Just FYI, 1 tier 2 reactor puts out more energy then 3 tier 1 reactors. Its also worth getting rid of the lower level pressure drills and heaters as tier 4 puts out more then 3 tier 3.
Ore Extractors:
There are different locations for every ore which can be mined. Means you can still find Aluminum, Iridium, Osmium, Sulfur and Superalloy locations. Uranium, Osmium and Superalloy need the Tier 2 Extractor though. The Iron Extractor will become useless quite soon as it gets mined along with the other junk in every location. You will have multiple mining bases with the shredders to get rid of all the other lowtier resources which constantly clog up the miner storages.
the satellite at 11:00 is the equivalent of a chest, it can be looted just not deconstructed.
@not tellin blue and golden chests can be deconstructed yes. the satalites are like chests in that they are loot containers but they cannot be deconstructed.
The new flower spreaders you placed weren't the T2 ones. NOOOOOOOO
The Imkibitz way
Kibz you need to keep launching rockets, they add more heat, pressure, etc bonus production. You just cant advance fast without those bonus.
So you can get the 6 normal ores from placing a teir one drill on the normal ground, the iridium cave with the falling sand near the top, and the shiny rocks for aluminum. Teir 2 drills are for super alloy near the super alloy cave, uranium at its cave, and ozium at the cave near the sulfur field. Teir one drills will also collect sulfur.
Also all drills will collect the normal ores, so building a little shed near the drill locations with a big crafter and an item destroyer.
Also also, beacons and color coding are super cool!
That downed satellite can be looted, but not deconstructed
Ye, exactly.....i want to cry when ppl just walk away from loot. just click on the damn thing
@@Dumber0 I've gone back over stuff and not noticed it... The deconstruct tool doesn't give the loot warning on things you can't deconstruct... I've gotten in the habit of switching between both modes to be safe 😂
it's kinda counter-ituitive, isn't it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
8:28, there an hiden cave behind some rock that you can deconstruct in the lake infront of your base, there is some very good loot there
And BTW you have unlocked the flower spreader t2, so more flowers
Kibitz, here's some important info for the T1 Ore Extractor: The Icon in the bottom right corner under the inventory slots shows the BEST item it can mine for where it is, if you place it in the Aluminium Fields, it will show Aluminium. Same for the Sulfur Fields, Iridium Cave. The T2 Extractor can do Osmium, Uranium and Super Alloy in their respective caves. Iron is one of the common ores it can extract ontop of the best ore.
The common ores are: Iron, Silicon, Titanium, Cobalt
I was watching another streamer play this game, and apparently there are walls you can deconstruct to find hidden caches. Also, in late game, the ships with a nuclear generator, if you return and power that generator up, it reveals more sections of the ship crash
basically walk around with the deconstruct tool (the generator just opens some doors is all, there's normal loot behind, nothing really special, late game)
It was funny how you were building all those T2 flower spreaders when T3 was available. Other then Iron the ore extractors can mine aluminum, sulfur and iridium. The rare extractor does the osmium, uranium and it has a bigger storage. Highest tier is always biggest bang for resource / power so recycling lower tiers is ideal.. other then aesthetics. The fusion reactors are super OP I wouldn't obsess too much about uranium, I did the same.
but fusion reactors require the same limited(!) resource that also tree spreaders need.
thus i am building lots of nuclear reactors now (mostly from unlimited uranium rockets that also give some other bonus) to recover those limited resources.
2:30 T1 Ore Miner cannot dig for uranium, it gives you IRON instead. You need T2 for uranium. Same for the osmium and super-alloy. T1 is only good for aluminum, iridium, sulfur, and anywhere else you put it will generate iron. You will get basic minerals with ANY of them though, you might get about 20-30% of the ore that you WANT, the rest will be things like silicon, magnesium, cobalt, titanium, and iron. The T2 ore miner requires ALL THE PRESSURE to unlock it so build more drills. :)
don't forget to send rockets for iridium meteors AND PRESSURE BONUS.
The secret room is in the big ship crash site that’s off in the distance of you base. You need to climb up the ladder and deconstruct one of the walls.
T2 miner really breaks the game. Have a couple in aluminum and a bunch in iridium cave. Anything you collect that is not those gets turned into super alloy = INFINITE rockets!
That nuclear power island looks cool! A little tip for later: Don't plant your trees too close to your base and not to dense also... or you'll get a jungle like I did and have to hover into your buildings -.- Thanks for the videos 🙂
i took down all tree spreaders and built them at the shore next to each other, still getting the same amounts of oxygen and biomass, but making them into a tiny and very unpassable jungle with the tree spreaders still being accessible from the water, and lots of free areas in all other places to travel easier and faster. of course, that doesn't look as nice, but speeds up terraforming+traveling.
I like how he comments on getting the Flower Spreader T2 early on and then later completely forgets about it when making Flower Spreaders.
Kibitz, the wall they mention is in the really big ship wreck. In the lake, there is a rock face on the ground level that can be deconstructed and there is a body and a chest in there. If ya wanna see something peculiar, go into the are where the giant ship is, and explore the caves out there, there is some kind of alien structure/wall that currently has no purpose. There is also more underground stuff out there
nice work on the base. out of the other 4 guys I'm watching play this game, you've done it best by far.
1. You can mine specific ores with the T1 ore extractor, but not all of them
2. Check again the satellite, you were using the deconstruct mode
3. You have not find yet the secret room that was mentioned in the clue
4. You were so exited with the flower spreader that you didn't see that you already had the T2 unlocked
at the bottom of the lake you're building your artificial island on, if you swim along the wall opposite near the cliffs, you'll find a "Deconstruct Wreck" prompt leading to a hidden cave with some goodies inside.
You‘re still a long way from the Beta Terraformation Goal
And forget those Solar Panels, Fusion Energy is the thing now.
solar panels are so last year (they better add wind turbines, and make it so that the solar panels don't work at night, and that it matters where you put them, too)
the big nuclear is good, the fusion is expensive AF
@@ArinJager1 nuclear T2 is best since the fusion reactor seems to be better at first while really using the same (limited!) resources that are needed for tree spreaders, and thus slows you down overall. luckily, there are machines (by researching chips) to convert any crafted resources back into their components when needed later.
I think the wall you deconstructed in the first underground base was the wall that was being spoken about in the second underground base
In the spaceship with the tower is an secret wall too. In the room with the rocket engine, above a ladder.
one of the comments suggested another one, where the ship crashed in the sand dunes
thanks to this video, i found both
If you launch a few asteroid rockets at one it causes the rocks to despawn when they've finished.
Also the closest aluminum is the area with the crystals above ground where you found the golden chest. And you can mine iridium with T1
No where near enough power, I'm running on 10,000+ pushing towards fish mestone
old rules from other games: never enough power and never enough iron (or some other resources).
i have 7.5 MW from nuclear (and expanding on it) and 7.5 MW from fusion (soon to be replaced with nuclear, to build more trees) and use all that energy :-)
there is a Secret Base near Spawn you remember THE Rocks? there is a rock lookin wreck
Watching Kibz notice the T2 flower spreader be unlocked and then just completely ignore it and build the T1's hurt...
Iridium rockets will be your pressure's best friend
In my playthrough, the locker beside the last computer in the sunken base had fertilizers which I thought was Xiaodan after he died lol
when you die, you lose part of your loot in a blue chest. So all those random blue chests you find on the ground is where somebody died.
four game modes ... easy loses nothing, two medium lose part or all of the items to such chests, and hard loses the entire savegame.
and yes, there seem to have been many prisoners playing the game on medium mode, LOL.
The big cave that had iridium will yield iridium with the basic miner, the aluminum hill area will yield aluminum on the basic miner
Firing multiple rockets are the best thing for pressure as it stacks cumulitively. So instead of placing more stuff down and looking cooler. You just multiply it by 1000% each time. (it also applies to all the other stats too)
all extractors will get titanium, iron, cobalt, magnesium and silicon. T1 ore extractors can also get more iron, aluminum, irridium or sulphur depending on where you place them. T2 ore extractors will get everything that a T1 ore extractor can as well as either uranium, osmium or super alloy depending on where you place them.
If you haven't found that secret are mentioned in the text note it is in the large wreck you enter through the huge command section. It is down the right path and up the stairs to the right of all the monitors 3 full boxes of stuff
This game really does an excellent job of showing the slow transition of the Terraforming. Definitely makes me want to play.
Kibitz is excited about the t1 flower spreader, while not knowing about the t2
Excited, not existed.
@@ivotakens3441 You're welcome. May you have an awesome day.
You to
Rockets are your friend, the multipliers stack. If you send multiple pressure rockets, you'll get the T2 miner faster. Then you can mine supper alloy, uranium, & etc
I read something about secret rooms in crashed ships once you can fuel their reactors, then closed doors can be opened. I haven't had time to play in the last week so I haven't progressed past moss
"I have T2 flower spreaders!"
*proceeds to use T1 instead"
@IamKibitz there is a deconstructable rock near your base under water. There you will find the body of the dead astonaut and some loot. Also there is deconstructable wall inside the biggest space ship in the desert. It is inside one of the command rooms on up the lader inside the ship
6:15 GRAB THOSE SEEDS ON THE GROUND NOW!!! They will DE-SPAWN if you exit the game, or if you wait about an hour after you first discover them. Then you're S.O.L. trying to build tree seeds or biomass/O2 rockets later.
Just a heads up kibz, the underground buildings are special, you can't build underground.
And yes, there is a body but I would be thoroughly surprised if you find it without someone telling you where it is.
Finally, going for the endgame stuff like the fusion cells in that top tree will take HOURS AND HOURS of standing afk even with production numbers at 500k+ for everything, even biomass. Currently it isnt worth it until more blueprints and craftables are added in my humble opinion.
Edit: I personally would stop myself after setting up the fusion reactors and T1 tree spreaders if i could go back in time
Yeah the thing with the ore extractors is whatever is in the thing at the bottom is what has the greatest chance of appearing but the 5 lowest tier standard ores will still be in abundance.
You know what happens when you die in normal mode? A chest spawns where you died with the loot you dropped. And you found a loooooot of chests all around. How did they got there, huh? :P
yeah, that's cool and all, but the other astronauts didn't respawn like you do (the chests fell out of the shipwrecks, I think, your theory is more fun, I guess)
@@ArinJager1 maybe it was only that one guy who died and respawned all the time without collecting all his old death chests, except for the last time in that cave where you can find him ...
@24:34 I wonder about 96.75 micro Kelvin (.00009675 K). Not even the vacuum of interstellar space is that cold. Water melts at 273 K, for comparison. Enjoyable videos as always, thank you.
Kibz the secret room stuff is at the crash site near spawn the biggest one not the closest one to spawn the crash site that has 3 floors it's at the third floor then get in the only room at third floor pull out ur deconstruct tool walk around and check the wall :)
10:00 SPOILER ALERT: that white thing with the purple core is a FUSION GENERATOR, you'll unlock the blueprint to build your own later. HUGE AMOUNTS OF POWER, like enough "more power" to satisfy even Tim "the Tool Man" Taylor. LOL
Also there is a small mine around there that you can explore and I think it's more osmium... or maybe iridium, I don't really remember. But you can only grab what's on the surface, it won't let you build an ore extractor in there. But hey, every little bit helps.
hey jibitz not sure if you have found it but there is a secret deconstruct able wall in the starting area, it would be underwater for you now
loot chests scale with world stage fyi waiting as long as possible will get you more of the non-renewable ore for late game
T1 drills will give Iridium in the Iridium cave, Aluminum in the aluminum field near your base, and Sulfur in the sulfur area.
sulfur area aka the fart zone
T1 miners: five regular ores everywhere + aluminium, iridium or sulfur only in their respective areas
T2 miners: same as above + super alloy, uranium or osmium only in their respective areas
yes, and the icon shown when opening the chest/cabinet indicates which special ore is available there in addition to the 5 basic common ores, with "iron" indicating "no special ores besides those 5 common ores"
If you want more pressure gains, fire some iridium attracting rockets. the 1000% multiplier on rockets are permanent and can stack.
if you want more pressure, EAT SOME BEANS! (lol)
you can loot those satelites u found theres a sweet spot to click on, also always check for hiden walls
I believe the hidden room is in the ship crash site in the open sand dune area south of the Iridium cave.
This is one of the best series. Amazing work put in!
The fusion reactor is gonna blow your mind with the power output. And Just like I expected gonna go full Kibitz lol. The secret wall is in the big ship in the desert area passed the iridium cave
fusion is nice for a temporary boost, but in the long run t3 trees are more important while fusion can be replced with (lots of) nuclear.
The more rockets you send up the numbers get crazy high. Those 1000% multipliers stack and stack and stack.
eg 30 rockets and 70 heaters for something like 0.012 mK/s (and thus also 0.012 GTi/s = 43.2 GTi/h :-)
even better/easier with oxygen (0.2 ppm/s for me, and a total of 0.22 GTi/s = 0.79 TTi/h)
Kibz, try pushing the rocket from the platform as it takes off. You're welcome.
Or build a second and start it while the first is still taking off ... At first it was a bug that they couldn't fix quickly before EA release, but now it will stay as a feature since so many people have fun with it, and because the meteors are triggered (they get queued, for around 40+ resources per rocket) and you get the bonus in any case as soon as you push the start button.
You only need to NOT relog/reload soon afterwards, or the queue as well as the uranium/iridium from meteors are cleared.
The T1 miner can gather the 5 basic materials (Iron, Titanium, Cobalt, Magnesium, and Silicon) anywhere But if you put it in specific locations it can gather specific materials like it Iridium sulfur and aluminum. You need the T2 in order to gather Uranium and Super Alloy.
Also the guy who left that message, He is still around on the map, you can find him and he has some amazing stuff. But he is a pain in the ass to find without a guide.
I dont understand why you have only 300k subscribers. You deserve at least couple milions of subscribers.
Launch more of the other rockets! That +1k% bonus is permanent and STACKS!
if you look from the lake to your base, there is a right area with the big rocks. put a miner there and you will get aluminum
*watches Kibs go nuts putting T1 flower spreaders while the T2 sits on the next row* Yeah that tracks.
I think you can use T1 ore extractor on iridium
In your nearby lake you can deconstruct a rock to find something
Build more rockets for the nice multiplier that it gives you
I enjoyed this game but once you get most of the unlocks and reach the trees goal the progress to insects seems almost exponential and you just end up in a repetitive task of just building the same machines and launching the same rockets while waiting for the progress to *extremely slowly* tick away.
Hopefully its just an EA symptom and more higher tier machines will get over that hump in the future.
It's an early access thing. T4 isn't the highest tier of machine, and T4 isn't even meant to supply the stage of the game we can get to -- T5 presumably will.
Things you can mine: Basic minerals: T1 miner, Iridium: T1 miner, Aluminum: T1 miner, Sulfur: T1 miner, Uranium: T2 miner. Osmium: T2 miner. Super Alloy (Yes, there is a location to mine Super Alloy): T2 miner. All nodes will also give basic minerals + the special mineral. I would recommend you build a destructo-cabinet by each miner to burn the basic minerals so you can fully empty the miners.
8:06 There may be an opportunity to find out what happened to Xiaodan... don't expect it to be easy to find though. If you do, however, make sure you have some empty spaces in your inventory.
9:49 The contents of the boxes can upgrade as you progress in the game. It might be a better idea to simply mark the boxes, leave them untouched and come back to them later in the game for better lewts.
11:14 I wonder if that satellite has an inventory of its own? Who knows, it could be under water in the future with how crazy the weather is there...
12:51 ... the warp gate has a fusion generator? How did I miss that?! Must. Go. Back. With. Fusion. Cell. lol
14:13 The crash site way up on the hill has a secret wall... Is that the one this is talking about?
Kibitz, if you like playing this game you would really enjoy playing subnautica. Not to mention I would love to see that play through as well.
Ahh, just the thing I look forward to after a long day at work.
it is looking scarier with dead body to be search, but hey there is flowers everywhere
the big reactors in the crashed ships, they have a slot to put fuel? can you power the crash sites?
The Tier 1 Extractor can be used to collect Aluminum, Iridium and Sulphur.
the miner can be put at the place you found the gold chest for aluminum.
the cave with.pillars for iridium
the crash site with the wall is at the north west in the dessert the big wreak.
past the west cave with iridium
I get the feeling he didn't go crazy so much as find message after message from previous prisoner colonizers who had failed. If it was freezing and two years from being uninhabitable for him, there must have been 25 30 other poor souls...low key horrific... Love it.
to stack 2 4x4 add a 1x1 on, double stack and the 4x4 snaps onto 1x1.. delete them and done.
plus your making t1 flower spreaders, but you got t2
An idea to get more power is that you can remove your t1 solar panels and replace them with t2 solar panels. 40 of the t1's gave 299 and 46 t2's gave 799 so it would be a good idea. But you will need quite a bit of aluminum if you do
plonk ore extractor(s) in the aluminium land (the sparkly shiny one) - aluminium problem solved (super alloy might be more difficult, not with T2 extractors in the right spot, though)
@@ArinJager1 all the "junk ore" from alu miners and iridium miners can be used together with the alu to make a decent amount of alloy.
having an advanced crafting table at iridium helps a lot, and since it is near sulfur too, a biolab to make powder for big heaters is another idea to increase heat production. all the surplus of iridium rods then can be used to make rockets.
You should put 6 T2 miners in the Iridium sand fall Cave all on the lower level setup a 3 unit building fill it with LG storage cabinets 1 for each ore and 2 for Iridium then add a Shredder unit. Start a regular collection run to all 6 T2 Miners separate each ore into a cabinet till full then shred the rest you get. Take all the Iridium back to Your main storage area and other ores as needed. All other mines from sulfur I did the same thing only smaller 1 unit and 2 cabinets and a shredder and shred everything but sulfur I used only 3 T2 miners in the sulfur area and I think the cave going from Sulfur to the Osmium Ore cave I used 4 T2 miners same building setup as sulfur. Location of your miners matter if you don't yield 8 to 10 units of ore you want from each full cabinet move the miner till you do. I get anywhere from 10 to 15 Iridium from each miner and Sulfur I get the same and Osmium too.
all the "junk ores" can also be used together with imported alu to make alloy on the spot (instead of shredding them). a biolab in the iridium cave is useful too, to make powder for heaters that i build right there (currently getting 0.012 mK/s :-).
build the t2 flower spreaders have a bigger radius and more biomass output
higher tiers (and trees instead of flowers, and flowers instead of grass) produce more, but i couldn't detect any difference on biomass or oxygen when they (or also trees) are more spread out or close together on one spot. spreading them out looks nicer and populates the entire planet, but apparently having all on one spot gives you more space to move/walk/fly (and collect ores/meteors more easily) without reducing the results for terrafoming. thus i built them all at one location on a shore (to be able to access them when trees make everything impassible).
1:50 you showed where you were wanting to put the new nuclear plant. I'm just facepalming here Kibz.... the water is still rising.
The farting cows are being watched over by their big brothers and sisters, the farting crabs!
The control room is in the first ship on top of the hill by your landing spot.
Imagine if he actually discovery he had a t2 flower spreader.
You have T3 Flower spreaders! Use those instead!! Also recycle all the lower tier stuff...if you have a tier 3 version, deconstruct anything below it and use those resources for something else! ...theres more hidden bases! *cough* super allow cave and area beyond *cough*
Without spoilers
There's 1 uranium cave
3 osmium caves
1 iridium cave?
A supper alloy cave
A.alluminum biome
Sulphure biome
And everywhere else is just iron
Bonus: the supper ally cave has a interesting wall, but can't be deconstructed as far as I know
2 iridium caves. One in the central area, the other is in the canyon. 4 Osmium caves. You might be missing the one west of the Sulphur area.
yeah, that wall looks _suspicious_
@@ArinJager1 there are still quite a few updates ahead during the next 1-2 years ...