Ty this has been one annoying old gv lvl 5 that I had not cleared(due to having manual targetting on top of having tap timing barriers), but yeah dual luffy breezes through and glad there is no barriers on both stage 4 and 5, just pulled it off on my 4th try. Ty again and btw I used support legend franky instead of sanji too.
it's the "World Journey" Sabo wich is available in the Sugo-Medal exchange when you go in the tavern. it costs 100 medals (he will be all the way down the list), hope this helped you
Merci beaucoup, c'est passé first try 🥳
IT doesnt work, because the super Switch isnt ready at final round
Ty this has been one annoying old gv lvl 5 that I had not cleared(due to having manual targetting on top of having tap timing barriers), but yeah dual luffy breezes through and glad there is no barriers on both stage 4 and 5, just pulled it off on my 4th try. Ty again and btw I used support legend franky instead of sanji too.
Replacement for who’s who and where do you got this Sabo?
it's the "World Journey" Sabo wich is available in the Sugo-Medal exchange when you go in the tavern. it costs 100 medals (he will be all the way down the list), hope this helped you
Tsuru support replacement??
where can i get that str garp ?
In pirate king adventures exchange
As-tu une idée de qui je peux mettre à la place de garp car je n'est pas de support....
Pas possible de le remplacer malheureusement
pourquoi au boss alvida me mets 99 tours de liens quand je spe avec luffy yamato
Car tu as mis des effet d'orbes a cause de la spé de luffy yamato. Il faut utiliser un support qui met des effet d'orbes
Does it work for lvl 4?
yes better
Comment tu enlèves Hunger stage 4 stp ?
Luffy/Yamato lvl 5 hunger
pls help me how to get reiju support ??
Medal Exchange Bro 100 medals 😊
Merci pour tes teams accessibles ! on attend le lvl 5 de smoker 👀
😂 Le lvl 5 de smoker est ultra difficile bro , on attends des legendes qui vont rendre le lvl plus accessible
Good team