Fre, I love all your answers. you are the most inspiring strong woman i have ever known. you sound like you were born and raised in Western country. your confidence is awesome. Rahel , from Virginia
Richo, thanks for appreciating this icon. I feel like us Habeshas need to encourage each other! Good luck on your side. I liked you without seeing you 😍
One of competent young and vibrant female CEO in Ethiopia. She is a role model for young woman out there. Frehiwot please slow down when you talk KES BELESH LEMAWERAT MOKEREE BETEREFE BERCHEE Thank you 😊
How is she doing a great job? Don’t you live in Ethiopia or smtn I live in Addis Ababa and I’m getting 4mbps speed from 4G I’m not even getting 1MB/S how is this fast ffs
Mr. Simeneh is a Great Journalist, he asked basic question how much the customers are satisfied? Because Many had there been an other competitor they will shift.
Dear Frehiwot Thankyou for the successful work you are doing at thus challenging time !! We didn't hear anything you say b/se we are upset. Pls do another interview with another person plsss.
በርቺ። የኢትዮጵያ ትንታግ በሌሎች እንደለመደው ነው። አይችልሽም። You did outsmart him. He is gambling using people name. He did not ask the real question that needs to be asked. SLA matters.
Though your overall performance is remarkable, regarding employee retention strategy I think it's bad. the salary increment on the July month was not satisfactory, even disappointing from employee expectation of better increment. It focused on management group as they have got much better management allowance increment. But for the employee it was limited to few percentage of salary increment only, not matched with the current inflation of the country. It seems like I don't care for employee "if you want you can leave".
The most shovenistic, disrespectful question to one of the most successful Ethiopian woman in the nation, Frehiwot Tamiru.. This dam guy must apologise for his dam question. Professional success has nothing to do with being single. It will have more support to her carrier.
Stop the lie and don't compare about the past years 4g is not working properly here in burayu keta and burayu zone which is near to addis ababa lets go even the so-called broadband wifi is not working cause of over load of the server they only think about money
እግዜአብሔር ሁሉንም አሟልቶ የሰጣት ጀግና በቃ ተቋሙ በለዉጥ ሒደት ላይ እንድቀጥል በእቅድ የምትመራዉ ጀግናችን ነች እረጀም እድሜና ጤና ይስጥልን !!!!
This lady is not only intelligent, but she is beautiful! Her smile is infectious!
Fre, I love all your answers. you are the most inspiring strong woman i have ever known. you sound like you were born and raised in Western country. your confidence is awesome. Rahel , from Virginia
Richo, thanks for appreciating this icon. I feel like us Habeshas need to encourage each other! Good luck on your side. I liked you without seeing you 😍
ኢንተርኔትን በማስፍፍትሽ የኢትዮጵያን ህዝብ ከድንቁርና ወደ እውቀት ባህር እንደወሰድሺው እተማመናለሁ ; ፈረሱም ይኸው ሜዳውም ይኸው ማለት እንዲህ ነው; ከብኼርተኝነት ሽኩቻ ወጥቶ ባቀረብሽለት የእውቀት መንገድ መጠቀም የህብረተሰቡ ፍንታ ነው! ምስጋና ያንስሻል!!👏👏👏
ምርጥ ነብይ
ምርጥ አባት
ምርጥ ባል
ምርጥ መሪ
ምርጥ አፍቃሪ
ረሱል ሶለላሁ አለይሂ ወሰለም
ይሂ ኮሜት የምታንቡ ሁላቹም የአላህ ስላም እዝንት በረከት ረድኤት አይለያቹ ያስባቹት ያቅዳቹት አላህ ያሳካላቹ አላህ በስላም ለሀገራቹ ያብቃቹ ውድች እስላማዊ ጥያቄ መልስ በኢትዮጵያ አቆጣጣ ከምሽቱ አራት ሰአት አለ ኑ እንማማር የሙሀመድ ኡምኖች✅🌹እስኪ ወሬ የማይውድ
One of competent young and vibrant female CEO in Ethiopia. She is a role model for young woman out there. Frehiwot please slow down when you talk KES BELESH LEMAWERAT MOKEREE BETEREFE BERCHEE Thank you 😊
Bravo my Sister. I am proud of you, keep pushing. We will be better soon 🙏
Charismatic, orator & know her stuff well. Big respect ,sister.
My favorite lady, you doing great keep the 👏
How is she doing a great job? Don’t you live in Ethiopia or smtn I live in Addis Ababa and I’m getting 4mbps speed from 4G I’m not even getting 1MB/S how is this fast ffs
This girl is on fire she is on fire ...atwashe yelshim tirate yalew seratgna.
ፍሬ ዛሬ ተስፍና ብሩህ አለሮችን ለብሳ ነው የመጣችው ። ህልመኝነቷን;በጎ አሳቢነቷን ይገልፃል
Simanah, you are bright, smart, humble you have what it takes to be called a GREAT man!!
Sewedat- thank you Simeneh for interviewing her.
She has a well deserved place.
Mr. Simeneh is a Great Journalist, he asked basic question how much the customers are satisfied? Because Many had there been an other competitor they will shift.
ዝናሽ ታያቸው ቆንጆና የረጋች ትሁት ቀዳማይት እመቤት።
እዩኝ እዩኝ የማትል።
ምናልባት ዩኒቨርሲቲ አለመማሯና ዲግሪ ላይኖራት ይችላል , በተለያየ ምክንያት።
ይህ ማለት ግን እንደ ትልቅ ጉድለት ሊወሰድ አይገባም።
አዜብ ድግሪ የላትም፣
ውባንቺ ቢሻው ድግሪ የላትም፣
እቴጌ መነን የንጉስ ሀይለስላሴ ባለቤት ድግሪ አልነበራቸውም።
የሀይለማሪያም ደሳለኝ ባለቤት ድግሪ አላት ግን ከአዜብ በቀር ሁሉም የየራሳቸው ሚና ተጫውተዋል።
ዝናሽ ታያቸው የአሁኗ የእኛ የኢትዮጵያ ቀዳማዊት እመቤት መልካም ስራ እየሰራች ነች። በንፅፅር ዝምተኛና መልካም ትሁት ሴት ናት።
ከአንዳንድ አለብላቢት እውቅና ፈላጊ ባለድግሪ ናቸው ከሚባሉ ይልቅ ።
ሰላም ስሜነ በጣም እናመሰግናለን.እኔ አንዱ የኢትዮ ቴሌኮም ኮንትራት ሹፌር ነኝ ግን እሄው ቀን 04/8/2021 ድረስ ደሞዝ አልተከፈለንም የ07/2021 ወር ብዙ ችግር አለ ደርጅቱ ለኤጀንሲው ከፍሏል ግን ኤጀንሲው አልከፈለንም ደውለን ስንጠይቅ በቂ መልስ አይሰጡንም በየወሩ 5.6 ቀን ደውለን ስንጠይቅ አርፈ ስራ እያሉ ያስፈራሩናል እና መፍቴ አጣን።
👌 best CEO in Africa
Dear Frehiwot Thankyou for the successful work you are doing at thus challenging time !! We didn't hear anything you say b/se we are upset. Pls do another interview with another person plsss.
ፍርዬ እወድሻለሁ እኔም ልጅሽ ነኝ እሺ።
የኔ እናት ከጎንሽ ነኝ ከሚመጥነኝ በታች የስራ ደረጃ ብሰራም ነገር ግን በታማኝነት አገልጋይ ነኝ።
ለሌሎች አርአያ ሊሆኑ የሚችሉ ዜጎቻችንን እንዲህ ለማኮሰስ የሚኬድበት ሁኔታ የት እንደሚያደርሰን ማየት ነው!
it's not personal we respect her but not ethio telecom service it is the worst one 👎
Smart girl!
ሲሚነህ ጥሩ ጠያቂ ነህ:: እሶም ጥሩ አድርጋ ነው የመለሰችው:: ምናለ የፓለቲካ ቁማርተኞችን ብትጠይቅልኝ ? አንዳቸውም ከጥቂቶች በቀር ፖለቲከኞቻችን ታክስ የማይከፍሉ ነጋዲወች ናቸው ::እባክህ ጠይቅልኝ::
እዉነት ነዉ አለቃየ የራሳቸዉን ችግር ነዉ በቴሊ የሚያላክኩ በተለይ ንግድ ባንክ !
Let alone Ethiopia here in USA I get internet interruption almost every day.
Simeneh is very talented jornalist nd Frehiwot is so smart and atractive too.
ይሄ ጋዜጠኛ እንግዶችን ሲያቁርብ ልክ የእሱ ጥያቄዎች መመለስ እንደማይችሉ እያሰበ ሲዘባነን እንግዶቹ የሚያስተላልፉትን መልእክት አያደምጥም።
ሊጤን የሚገባው አስተያየት።
እንዲህ አይነቱ ባህሪ ጭራሽ ሲጨበጨብለት በጣም ይገርማል
In short , she is Genuous ! Keep it up girl !
በርቺ። የኢትዮጵያ ትንታግ በሌሎች እንደለመደው ነው። አይችልሽም። You did outsmart him. He is gambling using people name. He did not ask the real question that needs to be asked. SLA matters.
Semenhe please interview Mickey fenkel plese 🙏🙏🙏
Though your overall performance is remarkable, regarding employee retention strategy I think it's bad. the salary increment on the July month was not satisfactory, even disappointing from employee expectation of better increment. It focused on management group as they have got much better management allowance increment. But for the employee it was limited to few percentage of salary increment only, not matched with the current inflation of the country. It seems like I don't care for employee "if you want you can leave".
Le hagger mariinet yamiitiibeka nat
Ye Aggelgayiinet tiiliikiinet. Yeggebbat naat
She's briliaint & intellegent
አኔ ሐሳቤ እዚ uk ኢንተርኔት ከ18 አመት በታች ለሖኑ ሕጻናት ሰለሚጠቀሙ መጥፎ መጥፎ ነገር እንዳያዩ ይቆለፍል ሑሉንም ነገር ማየት እሚፈልግ ሰው ከ18አመት በላይ መሖኑን ፍቃድ አግኝቶ ነው እሚከፈትለት
ዲስካወንት አርጉልን ወ/ት ፍሬህይወት wifi & mobile
አንቺ አንበሳ ነሽ የኔ ቆንጆ
Pm Dr.አብይን ኢንተርቪው አርገው "በወቅታዊ ጉዳይ ላይ"
እንግዶች የተጠየቁትን ጥያቄ መልሰው ሳይጨርሱ በመሀል አቋርጦ ወደ ፍፁም ሌላ ጥያቄ መግባት ነውር አይደለም?
We ask you to interview Abiy Ahmed.
ሳትከፍይ ማስታወቂያ ሰርተሻል - በይ ስፖነሰር አርጊ😂😂😂😂😂😂
The most shovenistic, disrespectful question to one of the most successful Ethiopian woman in the nation, Frehiwot Tamiru.. This dam guy must apologise for his dam question. Professional success has nothing to do with being single. It will have more support to her carrier.
distinguished reporter one of my favorite Simeneh Bayfers.
ታድያ ዋጋው ለምን በጣም ውድ ነው
ኧረረረረ ውውው አስወራት እንዴዴዴ፣ ተሳቀን አለቅን እኮ
አትይ ካሄሆነ እዚ እየገባህ .... እንደዚ አይነት ጋዜጠኛ ነው የጠፋን እኛ ... ስለዚ ወንድሜ prank ምናምን እይ እሽ
He is a real journalist
አንችን ነበር የአ/አ ከንቲባ ማድረግ ቦታው ይመጥንሻል የሚል ግምት አለኝ
How tf is this internet fast ffs 🤦♂️
Why she is mentioning foreign days and years why she doesn’t want to use her own?
እኔምለው 4g 4g ትይናለሽ እኝ ኢነተር ኔት የምንጠቀመው ለሊት ለሊት ነው ቀን አይታሰብም ታዲያ ምንድን ነው 4g በውነት ስሜነህ ስላደንቅህ አላልፍም በደንብ ንገራት
14:38 😂😂😂Ere Ayinikin nikel
Don’t scar him mom, I know he’s great journalism but his wise too. I can tell, you are very shake hahaha just calm down, it’s not a big deal.
Fikre neshe
ኮቪድ የመጣ ግዜ ኢቴርኔት ባይኖር ኖሮ ኔትፍልክስ ባልኖረ ነበር
Maferia neh
እንደማመር 🙏
Endet endmtamre waw konjo nsh waw sewedsh eko btam.anche erasu internet service nsh.
ግን እኮ እዚህ አዲስ አበባ ቦሌ 4G ይቅርና ንፁህ 3G ብናገኝ ደስታውን አንችልም 3Mbps. በጣም ብዙ ነው:: ለምሳሌ ለኔ 500kbps በቂ ነበር:: 4GLTE-አድቫንስድ??? 300Mbps? ሌላ አዲሳባ አለ እንዴ ሲስተር?
ኧረ ስሜ ተሽኮረመመ እሳ
Stop the lie and don't compare about the past years 4g is not working properly here in burayu keta and burayu zone which is near to addis ababa lets go even the so-called broadband wifi is not working cause of over load of the server they only think about money
ይሄ ጫታም ሰካራም
በሱስ የበለዘ ጥርሱን ቢያጸዳ ጥሩ ነበር ሰው ላይ ፊጥ ከሚል።
ትዳር የስኬት ክራይቴሪያ እና ደረጃ ከሆነ አንተም ባለ ትዳር ነህ እኮ ሰክረህ ሚስትህን በዚህ ዘመን የምደበድብ ማፈርያ ሱሳም ። ጎረቤትህ ነኝ
Ante leba siyastela
This is so shameful... even worse to Walta for airing this egocentric piece
ቋንቋ መቀላቀል እውቀት አይደለም፤ ይህች ሴትዮ የአማርኛ ቋንቋን እያበላሸች እንደሆነ ተገንዝባ አርማ መናገር አለባት::
ባይገርምሽ ምርጥ ጀግና ጨዋ ሴት ናት ይሄ cop ይመስለኛል
አስተያየት የተፃፈው ለአዘጋጁ እንጂ ለእንዳንተ/ቺ አይነት የእርጎ ዝንብ አይደለም፤ cop ሳይሆን comp ቢባል አይሻልም?
የእርጎ ዝንብ አትሁኑ፤ አልተጠየቃችሁም::
@@FBelay ዋናው ላነች እንዲገባሽ ነው Language እውቀት አይደለም እንዲህ ቅናተኛና ምቀኛ ሴቶች በጣም ያበሳጩኛል የርጎ ዝብ የሆንኩት እኔ ሳልሆን በማይመለከተው ነገር የሚዘባርቅ ቅናተኛ ሰው ነው
እግዜአብሔር ሁሉንም አሟልቶ የሰጣት ጀግና በቃ ተቋሙ በለዉጥ ሒደት ላይ እንድቀጥል በእቅድ የምትመራዉ ጀግናችን ነች እረጀም እድሜና ጤና ይስጥልን !!!!