@@Thecoolestnumberone Yes, I keep. because the reason for all my doings is only them. Your feelings don't matter. I mean, by that, feeling for your comfort zone that doesn't grow you, stuck in you in the same place, and destroys you. It had nothing to do with your parents, family, or emotions. Your feelings don't matter. I mean, for only those things that don't grow you and destroy you. I don't mean becoming emotionless. And we don't. You misunderstood the quote.
@@Motivalley It doesn't matter what your talking about, your feelings are ALWAYS valid, they matter, suppressing them and deluding yourself isn't going to help anyone.
@Kookie437e it's not excuse.. Priorities of people in stone age were not same as of today. we facing the mental stress today more than any other time period.. Their concern was hunting, breeding and surviving.. Comparing both ages is foolish
This video highlights an important connection between screen time, motivation, and brain health. Fostering resilience and actively tackling challenges can significantly enhance our mental well-being and build willpower. 🧠
Timestamps 00:05 - Modern society's weakness contrasts with historical resilience. 00:33 - The anterior mid cingulate cortex responds to unwanted tasks. 00:53 - Diet affects the size of the anterior midcingulate cortex. 01:20 - The anterior midcingulate cortex is linked to willpower and overcoming challenges. 01:45 - Actively participate in life instead of succumbing to laziness. 02:06 - Reject victim mentality to foster passion and motivation. 02:31 - Overcoming personal challenges is essential to finding motivation and passion. 02:57 - Personal problems are often overlooked by others.
The shit that they’re saying is both right and also wrong at times. It’s okay to take a break, it’s okay to be weak, and it’s okay to ask for help. What you need to do is get back up again and don’t stay like that forever.
Every generation had these issues, depression anxiety. What they didn't had was the luxury to sit an moan about it. Work, work, work, do something for yourself, work on you, keep yourself busy
I mean, watching my mother die from a cut on her hand would make me depressed. I think depression is a symptom of higher intelligence. The more you understand the worse you feel. An animal that struggles with the concept of existence, what's the meaning of it is a factor that plays a huge role in depression. Then when you know you are not valued by the society you actively participate in, this further depression. There is no community, no compassion, no value in modern life. We are social animals that need to belong and feel valued. Take that away by let's say " moving data from one spread sheet to another" it will definitely cause depression. I do agree modern life adds to depression but I don't think no one ever experienced it before modern life. You have no evidence to back that, it's just theory on theory on theory
you also have no evidence to say depression is a symptom of higher intelligence. Sorry to say but that has to be one of the most stupid comments in youtube history
@@marioiglesias4850 you go tell a star fish that, oh wait you can't. you go tell a gold fish that, oh wait u can't. You go tell a jelly fish that, you go tell a plant that, Case and point, Kobe. Higher intelligence is reserved for those who can perform advanced problems solving skills, I'd place a monkey in that category, I'd place an octopus in that category. No one needs to do a research paper on such topics.
They are talking about if your girlfriend leaves you and you stay in room like a b**ch what that does not have in spartan Era and all of that shit nowadays teenagers thinking depression Is cool and they start all the bad habits you get fail that's depressed well do hard work and pass that's how it's supposed to be not the other way
because he don't see himself enough, I mean he always keep saying to himself "you're not enough, kid, you have to grind harder and harder everyday until you will be the greatest" something like that... just to grow up and become the best, I think that was what he meant.
Its a part of his mindset to keep on going, might be linked to a kind of respect for himself to not get fat again like he used to be. Motivates himself that way, to motivate a man you must simply insult him and he manages to do that himself.
Because if you are honest, and you have not really challenged yourself, you are sht. It's true. But when you really struggle for a dream, to improve, to be excellent you are no longer sht. It's the struggle that makes you valuable. We do hard things. It's not your cars, clothes, or things - it's who you are.
Everyone blames mental health then sit in their rooms cause they can’t face the real world.. damn I get sad, anxious, I jump in a car or on a bike, and play with the universe.. I don’t cry to anyone or want sympathy. Bad day 120mph fixes that. Be wreckless if you mess it up you won’t ever know anyway..
فإما نذهبن بك فإنا منهم منتقمون أو نرينك الذي وعدناهم فإنا عليهم مقتدرون فاستمسك بالذي أوحي إليك إنك على صراط مستقيم استحوذ عليهم الشيطان فأنسىاهم ذكر الله أولائك حزب الشيطان ألا إن حزب الشيطان هم الخاسرون إن الذين يحادون الله و رسوله أولائك في الأذلين ذالك عيسى ابن مريم قول الحق الذي فيه يمترون ما كان لله أن يتخذ من ولد سبحانه إذا قضىا أمرا فإنما يقول له كن فيكون و إن الله ربي و ربكم فاعبدوه هذا صراط مستقيم فاختلف الأحزاب من بينهم فويل للذين كفروا من مشهد يوم عظيم و ءاية لهم أنا حملنا ذريتهم في الفلك المشحون و خلقنا لهم من مثله ما يركبون و إن نشأ نغرقهم فلا صريخ لهم و لا هم ينقذون إلا رحمة منا و متاعا إلى حين و قالوا لجلودهم لم شهدتم علينا قالوا أنطقنا الله الذي أنطق كل شيء و هو خلقكم أول مرة و إليه ترجعون و ما كنتم تستترون أن يشهد عليكم سمعكم و لا أبصاركم و لا جلودكم و لكن ظننتم أن الله لا يعلم كثيرا مما تعملون و دخل جنته و هو ظالم لنفسه قال ما أظن أن تبيد هذه أبدا و ما أظن الساعة قائمة و لئن رددت إلى ربي لأجدن خيرا منها منقلبا قال له صاحبه و هو يحاوره أكفرت بالذي خلقك من تراب ثم من نطفة ثم سوىاك رجلا إن الذين يغضون أصواتهم عند رسول الله أولائك الذين امتحن الله قلوبهم للتقوى لهم مغفرة و أجر عظيم إن الذين ينادونك من وراء الحجرات أكثرهم لا يعقلون فاتقوا الله ما استطعتم و اسمعوا و أطيعوا و أنفقوا خيرا لأنفسكم و من يوق شح نفسه فأولائك هم المفلحون إن تقرضوا الله قرضا حسنا يضاعفه لكم و يغفر لكم و الله شكور حليم عالم الغيب و الشهادة العزيز الحكيم تلك الرسل فضلنا بعضهم على بعض منهم من كلم الله و رفع بعضهم درجات و ءاتينا عيسى ابن مريم البينات و أيدناه بروح القدس و لو شاء الله ما اقتتل الذين من بعدهم من بعد ما جاءتهم البينات و لكن اختلفوا فمنهم من ءامن و منهم من كفر و لو شاء الله ما اقتتلوا و لكن الله يفعل ما يريد و إذا مرضت فهو يشفين و الذي يميتني ثم يحيين و الذي أطمع أن يغفر لي خطيءتي يوم الدين و إني عذت بربي و ربكم أن ترجمون و إن لم تؤمنوا لي فاعتزلون فدعا ربه أن هاؤلاء قوم مجرمون قل إن الموت الذي تفرون منه فإنه ملاقيكم ثم تردون إلى عالم الغيب و الشهادة فينبئكم بما كنتم تعملون ياأيها الذين ءامنوا إذا نودي للصلواة من يوم الجمعة فاسعوا إلى ذكر الله و ذروا البيع ذالكم خير لكم إن كنتم تعلمون إنا كذالك نجزي المحسنين إنه من عبادنا المؤمنين و إن لوطا لمن المرسلين إذ نجيناه و أهله أجمعين ليس على الأعمىا حرج و لا على الأعرج حرج و لا على المريض حرج و من يطع الله و رسوله يدخله جنات تجري من تحتها الأنهار و من يتول يعذبه عذابا أليما ليس على الأعمىا حرج و لا على الأعرج حرج و لا على المريض حرج و من يطع الله و رسوله يدخله جنات تجري من تحتها الأنهار و من يتول يعذبه عذابا أليما من كان يرجوا لقاء الله فإن أجل الله لءات و هو السميع العليم و من جاهد فإنما يجاهد لنفسه إن الله لغني عن العالمين و الذين ءامنوا و عملوا الصالحات لنكفرن عنهم سيءاتهم و لنجزينهم أحسن الذي كانوا يعملون نحن خلقناكم فلولا تصدقون أفرءيتم ما تمنون ءأنتم تخلقونه أم نحن الخالقون نحن قدرنا بينكم الموت و ما نحن بمسبوقينأنا أعلم بما أخفيتم و ما أعلنتم و من يفعله منكم فقد ضل سواء السبيل إن يثقفوكم يكونوا لكم أعداء و يبسطوا إليكم أيديهم و ألسنتهم بالسوء و ودوا لو تكفرون ربنا إنك تعلم ما نخفي و ما نعلن و ما يخفىا على الله من شيء في الأرض و لا في السماء الحمد لله الذي وهب لي على الكبر إسماعيل و إسحاق إن ربي لسميع الدعاء فاتقوا الله و أطيعون و ما أسءلكم عليه من أجر إن أجري إلا على رب العالمين فاتقوا الله و أطيعون قالوا أنؤمن لك و اتبعك الأرذلون
Yeah, the Spartans and other ancient cultures were busy fighting and killing each other. Humanity is sick and if you have enough time to think about it, it's depressing.
That is a very simplistic way of thinking about these ancient cultures. Yes, they fought and killed each other. But how do you think these cultures build whole civilizations from scratch? Just by fighting and killing? Obviously not. They did many more things than that. Stoic principles are embedded in their day-to-day lives. This translated into their culture and eventually made them successful in their ways. If you talk about the Spartans, the Samurai, the Vikings. Yes, they fought, killed, and some even dominated continents when it suited them. But they were also farming, building cities, teaching children, worshipping Gods and spirits, creating knowledge, harvesting craftsmanship, exploring new lands, and so on.. Just stating that they fought and killed and therefore ''humanity is sick'' is just a very simplistic and ignorant way of looking at these sophisticated and nuanced cultures and shows that you know absolutely nothing about our history as a species. Period.
@@vk8812 agreed And if we go further than that it's a mindset that they had at the time too We can sit in our comfy lounge chairs and comment on stuff being too hard but that's exactly what this is all about Being better, being fitter, being something we aren't right now but want to be .. it starts with ourselves There was no time to think about how 'society' sucked Sure, it can suck but what are YOU doing about it?? If you want the change, then make the change It's no fault of others if you can't achieve simple things like your own health And where does that leave your own children? This is aimed at you @user-gd4ck4zb9o
I need help guys i want you to remind me that still there is a way to walk on righteous path no matter how hard it is cuz right now i have no one to talk or to say anything may you help me to remind by just 1 like
i see comments here. that people can speak soo bullshit. But for them i have to say i thing either you are too young to understand these words or you never had a taste of win in your life. Because that feeling to convert that thought into reality is lot different and last note to finish with these words can not be understand unless you practice what they said
I have a big, bright dream. I want to become a singer. My parents don't let me 😭, I really see myself in music. Please, i beg you 🙏🙏 help me somehow, I don't want to regret my whole life 😭, please help me
lemme tell you something.. if you wanna follow your passion, you should have some backup plan or kinda financial stability for that for your own okay so that you'll not rely on someone to follow that dream of yours, sometimes you have to do the things that you don't like..so as to do the things you love I hope this helps
Actually depression has existed since ancient ages don't let these narcissists be hard on you. Yeah we need to improve ourselves not at the cost of feeling bad
Boy is this some rubbish. You don't want to be happy or sleep in and relax? Alright then, go ahead. All those success guru podcasts are such an arse of an Internet phenomenon.
@@RiffShow-xe4gysalvation cannot be learned. Wisdom is not communicable. Both must be obtained through one's lived experiences and this cannot be bypassed. Attempting to do so--to obtain the knowledge of self-improvement without performing the work necessary to gain the wisdom behind it--can be considered a form of laziness.
Exactly!! These people just try to bank upon the negative feelings of an individual. Remember, each person's journey is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Embrace your individual path and purpose, and support each other along the way. Our differences can enrich our experiences and help us grow together."
I have read the „The Sword of Discipline“ by Hattori Hanzo. Its an amazing book, which helped me to pursue my goals. Stay focused & strong! You got it! 🥷🏻🥷🏻🫵🏻
Never make a permanent decision based on a temporary emotion.
There are many who profit on people making decision while emotionally hijacked, so many cultural pot holes out there!
Sounds like something a Woman would do.
Being depressed is a luxury
50 cent
lolol a wise man
Its a luxury only for few minutes not permanently get of it and stay neutral its not like you can stay happy forever but stay neutral
50 also said idk what u heard about me
@@Cornyx_of_the_Great_Swamp But a bitch cant get a dolla outta me.
Your feelings don't matter. The only thing that matters is what you DO.
Keep that same energy when your parents pass.
@@Thecoolestnumberone Yes, I keep. because the reason for all my doings is only them.
Your feelings don't matter. I mean, by that, feeling for your comfort zone that doesn't grow you, stuck in you in the same place, and destroys you.
It had nothing to do with your parents, family, or emotions.
Your feelings don't matter. I mean, for only those things that don't grow you and destroy you. I don't mean becoming emotionless. And we don't.
You misunderstood the quote.
@@Motivalley It doesn't matter what your talking about, your feelings are ALWAYS valid, they matter, suppressing them and deluding yourself isn't going to help anyone.
Only weak men think like you, a strong man does what he does what's required and with feelings backing him up.
Get it done no matter how you feel!
Sometimes, feelings are all you have. Just sayin'.........
That's a strong mind. Never fuck your feelings, use them to take you to greater heights and goals.
People in stone ages didn't had a complex society like this..
That's why you have to fuck society 🫡
thats an excuse to make you feel better though
@Kookie437e it's not excuse.. Priorities of people in stone age were not same as of today. we facing the mental stress today more than any other time period.. Their concern was hunting, breeding and surviving.. Comparing both ages is foolish
@@unknownghost535 true, id still say that our lives have more life expectancy and much more lavish than society then
Still an excuse
Something I learned early in life because of doing so many sports and learning lots of instruments as a kid: Get comfortable being uncomfortable
This video highlights an important connection between screen time, motivation, and brain health. Fostering resilience and actively tackling challenges can significantly enhance our mental well-being and build willpower. 🧠
Then why don't I get that feeling of resilience from this???
As long as all the damages and all is healed and restored back to normal. I didnt have a problem
Hallelujah Brother common sense speaking at last amen 🙏🙏🙏
00:05 - Modern society's weakness contrasts with historical resilience.
00:33 - The anterior mid cingulate cortex responds to unwanted tasks.
00:53 - Diet affects the size of the anterior midcingulate cortex.
01:20 - The anterior midcingulate cortex is linked to willpower and overcoming challenges.
01:45 - Actively participate in life instead of succumbing to laziness.
02:06 - Reject victim mentality to foster passion and motivation.
02:31 - Overcoming personal challenges is essential to finding motivation and passion.
02:57 - Personal problems are often overlooked by others.
5 pushup for every like (real boys)
Come on!
Did you do it ?
Real mens dont write this shit
Cmon bro
I am gonna do 1 push up for each like this comment gets ...
Same here
Love this I will also do the same
Thnx Guys...🗿
I’m in💪
You owe me a push up bro bro, Get It Done💪
Yes master I obey
Too much freedom, people take it for granted now
Keep liking this so I keep getting reminded.
Amen to that.
You saved me Today ❤
The shit that they’re saying is both right and also wrong at times. It’s okay to take a break, it’s okay to be weak, and it’s okay to ask for help. What you need to do is get back up again and don’t stay like that forever.
I know watching this has made me weak.
It's ganna be another sleepless night when it gets a like..
I like how he has the Akuma beads
May God Protect you ~♡
And I Pray you Have Continuos Earning and well Health .
Stay Strong..Get yourself to Order your Mind and Aware of your Heart .
Well, this is the first video that I watched after waking up. I now feel like a piece of 💩😆
Be kind.
ted talks dont change the world
Something that's always said behind a screen behind locked doors with phone dialed 91 waiting to push the other 1 lol. 👀👁
Every generation had these issues, depression anxiety.
What they didn't had was the luxury to sit an moan about it.
Work, work, work, do something for yourself, work on you, keep yourself busy
I got the right ❤
I like it! It matches the music I make 😊
Right. Fuck your feelings ❤
@@melissaklemm9976 exactly
I want y'all to keep that same energy when y'all parents pass.
Don’t beg!!!!
That’s the problem with society these days
What's the problem?
Yes they did
I mean, watching my mother die from a cut on her hand would make me depressed. I think depression is a symptom of higher intelligence. The more you understand the worse you feel. An animal that struggles with the concept of existence, what's the meaning of it is a factor that plays a huge role in depression. Then when you know you are not valued by the society you actively participate in, this further depression. There is no community, no compassion, no value in modern life. We are social animals that need to belong and feel valued. Take that away by let's say " moving data from one spread sheet to another" it will definitely cause depression. I do agree modern life adds to depression but I don't think no one ever experienced it before modern life. You have no evidence to back that, it's just theory on theory on theory
you also have no evidence to say depression is a symptom of higher intelligence. Sorry to say but that has to be one of the most stupid comments in youtube history
@@marioiglesias4850 you go tell a star fish that, oh wait you can't. you go tell a gold fish that, oh wait u can't. You go tell a jelly fish that, you go tell a plant that, Case and point, Kobe. Higher intelligence is reserved for those who can perform advanced problems solving skills, I'd place a monkey in that category, I'd place an octopus in that category. No one needs to do a research paper on such topics.
@@marioiglesias4850Look at your comment. 😂
They are talking about if your girlfriend leaves you and you stay in room like a b**ch what that does not have in spartan Era and all of that shit nowadays teenagers thinking depression Is cool and they start all the bad habits you get fail that's depressed well do hard work and pass that's how it's supposed to be not the other way
7.34k subscribers 8k+ likes 😮
5 push-ups for each like.
Easier said than done, can't do it if native american because most of us end up felons for trying
tune name in background
Linkin Park - In The End (Tommee Profitt Cover)
Neo cortex is logical brain...
1 like 5 pushups(with videoproof)
Why David Goggins said "When I looked in that fucking mirror I saw a piece of shit"?
because he don't see himself enough, I mean he always keep saying to himself "you're not enough, kid, you have to grind harder and harder everyday until you will be the greatest" something like that... just to grow up and become the best, I think that was what he meant.
Its a part of his mindset to keep on going, might be linked to a kind of respect for himself to not get fat again like he used to be. Motivates himself that way, to motivate a man you must simply insult him and he manages to do that himself.
Because if you are honest, and you have not really challenged yourself, you are sht. It's true. But when you really struggle for a dream, to improve, to be excellent you are no longer sht. It's the struggle that makes you valuable. We do hard things. It's not your cars, clothes, or things - it's who you are.
That and this don't correlate.
Everyone blames mental health then sit in their rooms cause they can’t face the real world.. damn I get sad, anxious, I jump in a car or on a bike, and play with the universe.. I don’t cry to anyone or want sympathy. Bad day 120mph fixes that. Be wreckless if you mess it up you won’t ever know anyway..
Background music is of Linkin park am i right?
@@scottk8649 yup
Let’s goo
First guy name ?
Fuk feelings in general. Anger is the way to go.
@@EternalHorizons86 your real
Lmao being angry is literally being emotional
That's probably the worst emotion.
Anger is active sadness
Sadness is passive anger
@@EternalHorizons86 cant help be human but when i say fuck feelings im just stating how i feel about feelings
I am gonna do 1 pull up for every one like this comment gets ❤
Love this
Nobody cares. Just do pull ups or not. Do you need permission or what are you trying to achieve with the comment. Attention.
That’s 3000 now. Goggins level!
Hate this.
do it without the likes
This video is not meant to be watched fully
Just (RUN DA PLAY) channel! might be the next big like changing!
2 burpee for 1 like
6 burpee now
8 burpees now
Who evers here to type 10 push ups on every like ,it would be best if you do only 10 push ups a day but do it every single day without fail
Keep that same energy when your parents pass.
per like = per sit up
Hope it helped
@@MrMotiv88 ofcs, thanks❤
go to work without your phone, its sad but its changing
فإما نذهبن بك فإنا منهم منتقمون
أو نرينك الذي وعدناهم فإنا عليهم مقتدرون
فاستمسك بالذي أوحي إليك إنك على صراط مستقيم
استحوذ عليهم الشيطان فأنسىاهم ذكر الله أولائك حزب الشيطان ألا إن حزب الشيطان هم الخاسرون
إن الذين يحادون الله و رسوله أولائك في الأذلين
ذالك عيسى ابن مريم قول الحق الذي فيه يمترون
ما كان لله أن يتخذ من ولد سبحانه إذا قضىا أمرا فإنما يقول له كن فيكون
و إن الله ربي و ربكم فاعبدوه هذا صراط مستقيم
فاختلف الأحزاب من بينهم فويل للذين كفروا من مشهد يوم عظيم
و ءاية لهم أنا حملنا ذريتهم في الفلك المشحون
و خلقنا لهم من مثله ما يركبون
و إن نشأ نغرقهم فلا صريخ لهم و لا هم ينقذون
إلا رحمة منا و متاعا إلى حين
و قالوا لجلودهم لم شهدتم علينا قالوا أنطقنا الله الذي أنطق كل شيء و هو خلقكم أول مرة و إليه ترجعون
و ما كنتم تستترون أن يشهد عليكم سمعكم و لا أبصاركم و لا جلودكم و لكن ظننتم أن الله لا يعلم كثيرا مما تعملون
و دخل جنته و هو ظالم لنفسه قال ما أظن أن تبيد هذه أبدا
و ما أظن الساعة قائمة و لئن رددت إلى ربي لأجدن خيرا منها منقلبا
قال له صاحبه و هو يحاوره أكفرت بالذي خلقك من تراب ثم من نطفة ثم سوىاك رجلا
إن الذين يغضون أصواتهم عند رسول الله أولائك الذين امتحن الله قلوبهم للتقوى لهم مغفرة و أجر عظيم
إن الذين ينادونك من وراء الحجرات أكثرهم لا يعقلون
فاتقوا الله ما استطعتم و اسمعوا و أطيعوا و أنفقوا خيرا لأنفسكم و من يوق شح نفسه فأولائك هم المفلحون
إن تقرضوا الله قرضا حسنا يضاعفه لكم و يغفر لكم و الله شكور حليم
عالم الغيب و الشهادة العزيز الحكيم
تلك الرسل فضلنا بعضهم على بعض منهم من كلم الله و رفع بعضهم درجات و ءاتينا عيسى ابن مريم البينات و أيدناه بروح القدس و لو شاء الله ما اقتتل الذين من بعدهم من بعد ما جاءتهم البينات و لكن اختلفوا فمنهم من ءامن و منهم من كفر و لو شاء الله ما اقتتلوا و لكن الله يفعل ما يريد
و إذا مرضت فهو يشفين
و الذي يميتني ثم يحيين
و الذي أطمع أن يغفر لي خطيءتي يوم الدين
و إني عذت بربي و ربكم أن ترجمون
و إن لم تؤمنوا لي فاعتزلون
فدعا ربه أن هاؤلاء قوم مجرمون
قل إن الموت الذي تفرون منه فإنه ملاقيكم ثم تردون إلى عالم الغيب و الشهادة فينبئكم بما كنتم تعملون
ياأيها الذين ءامنوا إذا نودي للصلواة من يوم الجمعة فاسعوا إلى ذكر الله و ذروا البيع ذالكم خير لكم إن كنتم تعلمون
إنا كذالك نجزي المحسنين
إنه من عبادنا المؤمنين
و إن لوطا لمن المرسلين
إذ نجيناه و أهله أجمعين
ليس على الأعمىا حرج و لا على الأعرج حرج و لا على المريض حرج و من يطع الله و رسوله يدخله جنات تجري من تحتها الأنهار و من يتول يعذبه عذابا أليما
ليس على الأعمىا حرج و لا على الأعرج حرج و لا على المريض حرج و من يطع الله و رسوله يدخله جنات تجري من تحتها الأنهار و من يتول يعذبه عذابا أليما
من كان يرجوا لقاء الله فإن أجل الله لءات و هو السميع العليم
و من جاهد فإنما يجاهد لنفسه إن الله لغني عن العالمين
و الذين ءامنوا و عملوا الصالحات لنكفرن عنهم سيءاتهم و لنجزينهم أحسن الذي كانوا يعملون
نحن خلقناكم فلولا تصدقون
أفرءيتم ما تمنون
ءأنتم تخلقونه أم نحن الخالقون
نحن قدرنا بينكم الموت و ما نحن بمسبوقينأنا أعلم بما أخفيتم و ما أعلنتم و من يفعله منكم فقد ضل سواء السبيل
إن يثقفوكم يكونوا لكم أعداء و يبسطوا إليكم أيديهم و ألسنتهم بالسوء و ودوا لو تكفرون
ربنا إنك تعلم ما نخفي و ما نعلن و ما يخفىا على الله من شيء في الأرض و لا في السماء
الحمد لله الذي وهب لي على الكبر إسماعيل و إسحاق إن ربي لسميع الدعاء
فاتقوا الله و أطيعون
و ما أسءلكم عليه من أجر إن أجري إلا على رب العالمين
فاتقوا الله و أطيعون
قالوا أنؤمن لك و اتبعك الأرذلون
Yeah, the Spartans and other ancient cultures were busy fighting and killing each other. Humanity is sick and if you have enough time to think about it, it's depressing.
That is a very simplistic way of thinking about these ancient cultures. Yes, they fought and killed each other. But how do you think these cultures build whole civilizations from scratch? Just by fighting and killing? Obviously not. They did many more things than that. Stoic principles are embedded in their day-to-day lives. This translated into their culture and eventually made them successful in their ways. If you talk about the Spartans, the Samurai, the Vikings. Yes, they fought, killed, and some even dominated continents when it suited them. But they were also farming, building cities, teaching children, worshipping Gods and spirits, creating knowledge, harvesting craftsmanship, exploring new lands, and so on.. Just stating that they fought and killed and therefore ''humanity is sick'' is just a very simplistic and ignorant way of looking at these sophisticated and nuanced cultures and shows that you know absolutely nothing about our history as a species. Period.
@@vk8812 agreed
And if we go further than that it's a mindset that they had at the time too
We can sit in our comfy lounge chairs and comment on stuff being too hard but that's exactly what this is all about
Being better, being fitter, being something we aren't right now but want to be .. it starts with ourselves
There was no time to think about how 'society' sucked
Sure, it can suck but what are YOU doing about it??
If you want the change, then make the change
It's no fault of others if you can't achieve simple things like your own health
And where does that leave your own children?
This is aimed at you @user-gd4ck4zb9o
I need help guys i want you to remind me that still there is a way to walk on righteous path no matter how hard it is cuz right now i have no one to talk or to say anything may you help me to remind by just 1 like
Begging for likes is pathetic
i see comments here. that people can speak soo bullshit. But for them i have to say i thing either you are too young to understand these words or you never had a taste of win in your life. Because that feeling to convert that thought into reality is lot different and last note to finish with these words can not be understand unless you practice what they said
This society is soo weak 🖕
"Mom look at me, I'm so sigma." Ahh comment.
10 pushups for every like ❤
I have a big, bright dream. I want to become a singer. My parents don't let me 😭, I really see myself in music. Please, i beg you 🙏🙏 help me somehow, I don't want to regret my whole life 😭, please help me
@@shanina26 bro Wdym u have a dream in music, elaborate
lemme tell you something.. if you wanna follow your passion, you should have some backup plan or kinda financial stability for that for your own okay so that you'll not rely on someone to follow that dream of yours, sometimes you have to do the things that you don't like..so as to do the things you love
I hope this helps
People here relying on the number of likes they receive on their comment to do some pushups is what i call a weak pathetic society
Cut that Cheat Khabib Out of this
100 push-up for every reply
Edit: 100
@@TogoAbbalagi let’s goo
@@MrMotiv88 100 done✅
@@TogoAbbalagi love that brother I been doing 100 everyday for about 4 weeks trust me it’s great
Then add ten for mine
Why it's always a man saying these intresting things.... Whatever the reason is... Happy at least men do think this way
For Every like I do 2 push ups along with it learn a new skill
Maybe they had the chemical balance in their brain wrong but they just had their mouth closed and they didn’t care until they forget.
Actually depression has existed since ancient ages don't let these narcissists be hard on you. Yeah we need to improve ourselves not at the cost of feeling bad
Y got feelings too yr moma feeds y since y born
10 pushup for one like
I am going to do 1 pull up for each like on this comment
so you recon the so called slaves who were forced to build the pyramids were happy 😅 depression isnt something that humans have just learnt overnight
Boy is this some rubbish. You don't want to be happy or sleep in and relax? Alright then, go ahead. All those success guru podcasts are such an arse of an Internet phenomenon.
@@RiffShow-xe4gysalvation cannot be learned. Wisdom is not communicable. Both must be obtained through one's lived experiences and this cannot be bypassed. Attempting to do so--to obtain the knowledge of self-improvement without performing the work necessary to gain the wisdom behind it--can be considered a form of laziness.
These people just try to bank upon the negative feelings of an individual.
Remember, each person's journey is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Embrace your individual path and purpose, and support each other along the way. Our differences can enrich our experiences and help us grow together."
absolute waffler, its so funny how someone can act so serious when talking so much bullshit
It's kind of stupid to equate sensitivity to passivity. Arnie, relax , sleep in. You did good.
Who cares.. pj. No one cares!!!
I have read the „The Sword of Discipline“ by Hattori Hanzo. Its an amazing book, which helped me to pursue my goals. Stay focused & strong! You got it! 🥷🏻🥷🏻🫵🏻
Khabib ruined it
I do 1000 🫸🫷 up