This message now appears on the website: "This map is intended for pkers to find eachother and clans to find other clans. Saving pointless time by hopping world to world" Maybe they could do this only on certain worlds then?
The fact that he (or someone using the mod ash account) had to manually teleport around to ban scouts just shows how cooked OSRS is and how they will never win against bots
@@TriMarko they would have to enable all kinds of cheats in an active world with live players in it. It's just much easier for them to just teleport to the area normally instead
Now all we need is for you and everyone else leaving these gta6 comments to use your 6 collective brain cells to have a bleach chugging contest. Winner gets early access to gta6
It's impressive in a way how much effort goes into stuff like this. Imagine if these people instead were working towards things like space exploration or AI. Video games are holding humanity back
Since Jagex is a British company, and Britain isn't exactly popular globally... Doesn't matter at all if they're in Venezuela, China, Russia or many other places. Literally basically only matters in North America or EU.
If this is public....imagine what the top clans/hackers are using. Not too long ago there was a "skynet" talk about clans able to see anywhere in the world.
With bots and even ai enhanced bots we're in for a shit wildy experience haha Also if they do the same thing in the wildy as the whole game with bots grabbing info they could do that over all of RS
This website will exist. Only reason it was exposed was because someone posted it on Reddit. You can be sure that there are plenty of others that only very small communities know of.
False, the bots would actually say the URL in-game when they scouted you. Owner was intentionally trying to get the word out. There are absolutely private versions of this and have been for years.
Issue is the person hosting the sites can easily replace the bots. Easier to just ban the jokers using the site. Pretty sure the bots are just reading the code the clients give on worn items so all jmods need to do is go invisible change names and wear high value equipment and any group pkers that show up out the blue give them a swift 7 day ban.
This has been a thing for years. Only difference is someone posted it publically. All big pk clans like ROT do this on a discord server. Nothing's really changed except little Timmy has access now.
So that explains all the people hanging around in Edgeville... and the pkers popping up when I went to do my clue scroll. Thankfully, it seems that my 20k risk wasn't worth enough to kill me. Good thing I cancelled my Chaos Ele task. I'm not going back to Wildy until the situation gets resolved.
@@milesjargon Hard to say, I've heard it mentioned multiple times over the span of several years. Didn't really think to mark on a calendar the first time I heard it so I'm not going to be able to give you any better estimates
This is obscene. If Jagex can't fix this I can see this leading to removal of Wilderness PvP/opt-in PvP. Nobody will go to Wilderness with any sort of risk if they're being "monitored" and broadcast like this
You can absolutely moderate this. Pretty easily really. Test out who shows up and ban them for using bots. Pretty hard to make up a reason how you know exactly where the mod is within a minute multiple times
this would only work if owner of theys bots would stupid to run all bots from his personal pc!i guess he uses few virtual servers and not all account in same location server host.virtual machines make sense,since it has very fast connection and very low dealey
@@hardscorerockkssss he is talking about people who login to pk. IMO i think a simple fix is to make it impossible to attack someone within a short period of time when logging in
Slight correction: This would only work if mods used bait accounts risking 1-150M gear and staying invisible nearby to ban them as they log in. Even then mistakes can happen.
Reminder: People were trying to argue skull tricking was intended and "skill expression" this becoming more widely used is disappointing but not unsurprising
@2vwOsrs It is a "service" intended to be used by PKers. Nobody else would care about information like this. It is not "gold farming", they aren't farming gold but information and then selling that, and the clients are PKers
I actually have seen these bots when I was doing wildy agility and this can also explain why I had a PKer world hop right on top of me when I was doing slayer.
Tbh most pkers will hop in a wildy slayer spot, that doesn't prove they were cheating. Thats like saying everyone who beats you in shooters is aimbotting
@@ericknunez8069 They can introduce wold hopping cooldown in wilderness. For example you can't world hop when you did it within 5 minutes. It would not prevent normal people world hopping (except pkers who need to world hop all the time and maybe ironmen picking up stuff in lava maze) but would stop scouting bots.
The sad thing about this, is that something like this that was just used in the normal areas of the game (non pvp worlds) would be kinda cool. Just being able to see where and what people are doing is interesting. But its Runescape, the only reason people do anything is to maximize exploitation.
Scenario 1. An uninstanced boss, someone in a clan is killing it atm, but he has to bank so he parks his alt account next to the boss. Id someone comes to kill it, he griefs the player and follows him for hours with the second account, no matter where he goes. This will happen, i've seen some toxic behaviour from people and there will be 50+ more scenarios like this.
The biggest cry babies in the game using over powered shit to kill pvmers and use the excuse bring pvp gear into the wildy never they wouldnt ever do something shady as this
It really oughta be removed from the game. It’s just a toxicity simulator. Gangs, luring, scamming. Most everything wrong with the game stems from pvp.
@thatwackycardgame5655 yea because the rampant botting and other rwt services that are actually ruining the integrity of the game will be fixed if we remove the wild. Just play your ironman or your main account that you buy gold on and pretend like you are having fun indulging your instant gratification simulator and stop dwelling in resentment because someone killed you for a spade and said mean things to you a few times. Absolutely delusional
@@runescaper5281 Put two and two together, it doesn't take much thinking. It's very obvious how they'd get your runescape name and you're on their low traffic website so they can find your IP. It won't be difficult for them to put two and two together themselves, if a user is frequently responding to their scouts information and being scouted themselves at the same time their IP is connected to their site. People have had more elaborate schemes to get GP to sell, just look at some of the things ROT did.
Im honestly, almost a 100% sure that some 'famous' youtubers use this as well. Things are about to get even worse. A month ago, I was doing a slayer task in the wilderness, got chased by the same clan 4 times to the exact same world I hopped to. Died 3 times out of 4. Figured something like this existed. Never went back to slayer in the wilderness again. Did 85 to 95 in slayer.. was going for 99 but not anymore.
Friendly reminder that this is probably what happens IRL every time you are picked up on [centralized] CCTV irl as well [in some cities], just with your personal information.
I've been saying this for years: DELETE WILDY There are plenty of pvp options without the wilderness, and they keep putting pvm content into the wilderness for people to slowly complete their drops and pets in with their rag setups.
a random PvMer goes into the wildy with an hard clue with nothing on him that he can lose. PKer: time to end this mans career! Pker: why is the wildy dead? gosh, I wonder why? because I can't even go into the wildy to do a damn clue, I hate the wildy as it is, but I have to interact with it because it seems every other step is a wildy 1.
@@papapsych2746 ...So that's still working out to at a BARE MINIMUM, 27-30 million GP a month per account... and there will be dozens, if not HUNDREDS of these accounts
welp time to turn off pvp in wildy except on pvp worlds. lower drop rates for wildy stuff on normal worlds to compensate, this shit is officially out of hand.
Wtf thats insane. I havent played in years but im a pker this would help big time cuz it takes years to find pkers in wildy. This would be insane for dmm
Reality is even if they get this removed they will just make a more private one and keep it out of the mainstream. It will always keep coming back seeming it's not in client jagex can't do anything about this so yeah wildy just got killed forever lol
Yeah but surely you can see how this being a public one is much worse right? If every single person can access that map it's gonna make the wilderness way more unbearable than a little private thing used by a clan or something.
Sorry what? Are you saying this is illegal and they could have a lawyer send a cease and desist order to the site owner? Because that is definitely not the case
So what will it do? Discords and clans have these bots and tooling for themselves. Isn’t it better to keep this shit open source so that everyone can take advantage of this rather than clans and toxic PvP’ers?
Live feed CCTV OSRS is actually so funny, this is wildly impressive in the most grim way. Died with bank yesterday and now i know how it happened so swiftly LOL
This dude could have made so much money by selling it as a private service or on public launch. Follow the C&D and walk away with what you made. I dunno what the plan is
i lost 22m worth of loot from the rogue's castle chests yesterday. I was death piling to reset all the loot on my UIM, I was swarmed at the perfect moment, thought they just got super lucky. Makes sense now. The OSRS pvp community still showing that they are the stain on the larger community.
@@freddiet8639 yeah if they weren't using this UAV bullshit I wouldn't mind, and i didn't in the moment. But to know the crazy timing they had when this was live and public leads me to believe they were using this shit.
OSRS needs to adopt the same Demonic Skull system, and Opt in/out of wilderness PVP system that RS3 has. But can't have one without the other. That way people have a choice in all of this still. This CCTV bot thing should be considered a violation of online privacy. Can't wait to see Jagex's solution.
@ Removing wildy is not what i said, opting in and out is not removing it. Its allowing the players to make their own choice. Look into the demonic skull, it allows people who use it to have a perma skull in the wildy while getting increased reward chance. Which obviously means it doesn't work when opted out of pvp. Those increased reward chances are completely diminished when opted out.
@@ubetydelig3065 I do remember what happened last time. I support removal of the wilderness. Times change, things evolve. You idiots have these nostalgia glasses permanently glued to your face thinking it's the same thing.
Still think Opt-In pvp for osrs would be a good idea, especially for stuff like this. We also already have pvp worlds and clan wars for large scale pvp battles. If clans really wanted to have large scale battles in the open wilderness then opting in would not be an issue. Then there's the whole high risk and high reward argument. Wilderness pve content doesn't really feel high reward for pve goers, its generally just an annoyance and in most cases, a waste of time.
yeah there's nothing in the wildy that's worth the time sink of getting attacked. all deep wildy pkers are garbage at the game so i never die but it's such a waste of time to tank them to the ditch or run circles with them around the obby just to reset, go back, and do it again.
never seen a better reason to remove pvp from the wildy in oldschool finally ever. just give thme worlds, minigames, events and call it a day this is what the AI age will bring adn now people know so now theres nothing we can do
I wonder if them implementing a captcha system if they detect you hopping x amount of worlds in a period of time would at least slow this down. To stop it being annoying for actual players, like Ironmen hopping to buy stuff from shops, once the captcha is done it just resets a timer for like x hours or whatever.
There is a way to fix it and it's to ban every player that abuses the website. All you need is for a jmod to make a certain account invisible to all players, have a bait account with high value camped somewhere that would get flagged by the bot and any account that immediately logs in to pk the bait account, all the jmod needs to do it to stack them out with the ban hammer
Unless the bot is using some special tool, wouldn't the account that's "invisible to all players" also be invisible to the bot(player)? Since there's no real distinction there unless they added some weird criteria too it. Like if your account is a certain combat level or has a certain amount of quest points etc. Even then would still have some false positives. Not a bad line of thinking though. Instead, I think adding some criteria to enter wilderness or detect these scouting bots would be better. The harder it is too do something the less likely people are willing to do it. Does suck for everyone else though but I'd rather have that then this be ongoing.
@@MrJarquell The invisible account is not the bait account. The method he's describing is basically just having an invisible jmod sitting next to a bait account waiting for people to log in under it.
@@recurveninja Ah I see, I initially read it as all together rather than 2 separate accounts. It still wouldn't be a great use of manpower I believe. Banning players using it isn't preventing it from happening. Or the bait account simply gets flagged to not be detected. Then they're making new bait accounts etc. etc.
I mean the bots look at the most popular spots typically. You can't just ban someone hopping worlds at chaos alter who accidentally stumbles across the same world that the jmod bait account is in. There are a ton of regular pkers who have no idea this website exists who hop worlds at black chins, chaos alter etc.. This would only work if it was somewhere that isn't a popular pking spot, and people hopping directly onto some 150m risk account in the dead areas of wilderness.
the thing you're forgetting is that an "invisible" Jmod account there is impossible. if the Jmod's invisible account is there, it's detectable, since the client and the server NEED to know where that account is currently located. We had this in Tibia as well, where mods would be invisible, but the botting client could pick this up, since they still needed to be somewhere in the game world and the server needed to know that.
I feel like wildy will keep on getting exploited untill the point where people will have no more patience and we will have pk opt out function like in rs3 haha
Glad I quit a while back. I hope I wont make the mistake of coming back The pvp in this game is and was always disgusting and so one-sided. The wilderness is just a gank-fest of people who play extremely unfair. I even remember somehow getting logged out in the widlerness slayer cave and when I logged back in, 4 people jumped me. I was killing monsters for 2-3 hours without seeing a single soul and I really felt like something was off but I couldn't find any other cases of similar issues. This wildycctv only further proves that there's nothing fair or skill-based regarding the wilderness or pvp, it's all rich people that just prey on the weak who can barely afford to defend themselves. Its just a waste of time to play it at this point. (Maybe it always was)
it IS a problem with the game though. If the game is set up in such a way that a few dozen people can ruin it for thousands of others, you can’t just HOPE that nobody takes advantage of that. You need to make it impossible.
You think the rats doing this care about the wildy being dead? A lot of these cheaters don’t even play the game and do everything they can to avoid doing so, they’ll literally just buy accounts to ahk on.
With this kind of surveilance being publicly known and available? I think the odds are in favour of opt-in pvp. No one will be able to get the mage arena capes anymore or do the high risk high reward methods. @@dylldj
People saying "Just don't go in wildy" are the type of person to say "just don't be depressed" to a suicidal person, and "tell the police everything and let them search your house if you have nothing to hide" ALSO IT ISN'T OPTIONAL IF YOU WANT BOSS LOGS/DROPS OR WANT TO DO SPECIFIC SKILLING!
@PartyhatRS yeah exactly. I think once Jagex releases their own client and if they can ban the use of runelite then we might see reduction or removal of bots completely. Then we'll get to actually see how many players there are.
best advertisment for project zanaris ever though. but i hope runelite gets on board to start tracking and prohibiting this type of data steal so easily
you know Runelite is open source right? and not just that, plenty of bot clients have their own client with a dedicated team to "fix" updates. but even if Runelite goes out of their way to "hide" the data, people already know where the data is located, so they'll just grab it anyway.
If or when Jagex took legal action against them, I guess the site owner has nothing to defend since the whole data collection method is based on rule breaking. Unless it’s again in some banana state where law doesen’t reach.
i was wondering how this 3-6man group followed me at chaos altar world too world lmao . imagine being soo bad at the game u require this amount of assistance
HCIM are getting MA2 capes every day still. Myself included. These clients have been a thing for years. You're just gonna end up being laughed at everywhere when you're 2k total maging in a ardy cape cause you're scared to take a risk on a high risk game mode lmao.
@PartyhatRS lolwut? I just find it funny people play a high risk game mode and refuse to do anything that could possibly lose status. So they do it for prestige but no one has any respect for an account without a ma2 cape.
Explains why i got jumped by two guys in level 3 wildy when killing rats on my UIM for a looting bag. Didn't lose anything cause i deathpiled but it was quite a strange experience.
Here's how to fix this: Let 'dummy' player models spawn in the map which are only visible to certain accounts. Detect if the software displays this 'dummy' account and auto ban the account
They do this sinse 2018. I am a pker in wildy and make clans use this to get ur +1. Back in the thay only they did see it and now someone opened it for everybody. Vitality uses this for a long long time. Please delete the mace out of runescape. Costed me over 5 voidwakers already.
I am also pretty sure they controll all the bots al vetion venanatus and callisto. So when they see a pker there they hop into you with about 20-80 people
This message now appears on the website:
"This map is intended for pkers to find eachother and clans to find other clans. Saving pointless time by hopping world to world"
Maybe they could do this only on certain worlds then?
Right... to find other pkers...sure...
Maybe the PVPers could PVP on their own PVP world? But where will the loot pinatas be?
This is the child like naivety that I crave back in my life.
Hmm, if only there were dedicated worlds for wildly pking or something... Wait...
just checked and it's back, i guess they made new scout bots since the old ones got banned?
Everybody gangsta until Mod Ash shows up skulled.
Mod Ash would cook everyone with a bronze dagger without j-mod hax.
The fact that he (or someone using the mod ash account) had to manually teleport around to ban scouts just shows how cooked OSRS is and how they will never win against bots
@@TriMarko they would have to enable all kinds of cheats in an active world with live players in it. It's just much easier for them to just teleport to the area normally instead
@@TriMarko Say you don't understand game development without saying you don't understand game development challenge completed.
@@iamjesus8fearme Using OSRS as an example of good game dev is laughable. The game is a patchwork of spaghetti code, hopes and duct tape
we got advanced UAV's in runescape before gta vi
Now all we need is for you and everyone else leaving these gta6 comments to use your 6 collective brain cells to have a bleach chugging contest. Winner gets early access to gta6
@@rip8009 no need to be rude buddy
A skulled ash is the RuneScape equivalent of Jason Voorhees
who ?
who ?
@@Vaikisspwnz dumbazz
@@sabbysky dumbazzz
Hehe, funny
I bet they are waiting to add a subscription charge once their site becomes popular enough.
Basic business.
@@tttriple b-but our cheat system costs money to run!
Wouldn't be surprised, site had adverts at top advertising something, goldselling or botting sites?
TH-cam videos like this are part of the advertising campaign
@@Channel-io4xu highest chance this gets them purged
It's amazing how far these clowns will go to avoid playing the game right
As long as runescape gold converts to real world money this type of shit will keep on happening
@@Patty_Brard Especially if third world countries are allowed on the server
It's impressive in a way how much effort goes into stuff like this. Imagine if these people instead were working towards things like space exploration or AI. Video games are holding humanity back
all the hours they spent learning how to cheat the game they could've spent getting better at it 🤣🤣
@@masonhales I'd bet most of the people writing this stuff are doing it on the side in their free time.
Jagex has to send a cease and desist to the domain owner.
they'll just use a shady domain provider instead. the only solution is to ban the accounts.
Commenting, so people sit on this statement abit longer.
Depends what jurisdiction the domain registrar operates in and the hosting provider, there's plenty that just ignore foreign takedown requests
that accomplishes nothing, you think clans/RWTers/vennies dont have their own bots/scouts?
what they need to do is crack down on RWT
Since Jagex is a British company, and Britain isn't exactly popular globally... Doesn't matter at all if they're in Venezuela, China, Russia or many other places. Literally basically only matters in North America or EU.
PKers are their own worst enemy. Stuff like this is what will lead to the removal of pvp outside of pvp worlds.
I hope it gets fixed somehow but i agree, even though i love the wildy
nah real pkers wouldnt do this only some looser that wants peoples money
'jagex please why is the wildy dead'
If this is public....imagine what the top clans/hackers are using. Not too long ago there was a "skynet" talk about clans able to see anywhere in the world.
Been like that for years remember old rev caves.
With bots and even ai enhanced bots we're in for a shit wildy experience haha
Also if they do the same thing in the wildy as the whole game with bots grabbing info they could do that over all of RS
lmao bro.... if there are amazing bots just think.,
This website will exist. Only reason it was exposed was because someone posted it on Reddit. You can be sure that there are plenty of others that only very small communities know of.
Rot has been using this for years. It’ll be around forever hosted on private servers
Yeah people have been doing this with discord webhooks since like 2018
this is a limited version, last year i had a dude literally track me EVERYTIME i went into the wild
False, the bots would actually say the URL in-game when they scouted you. Owner was intentionally trying to get the word out. There are absolutely private versions of this and have been for years.
The bots say the URL...
Never going into the wildy again appreciate the heads up a friend! ❤
Dont forget to wear a helmet anytime you leave the house too!
@@Salooherzstay mad lil boy 😂😂
@@keithm2362sounds like you need mommy to walk you outside with a popsicle in your hand little boy
youre a victim
@@keithm2362tell em lool
Issue is the person hosting the sites can easily replace the bots. Easier to just ban the jokers using the site. Pretty sure the bots are just reading the code the clients give on worn items so all jmods need to do is go invisible change names and wear high value equipment and any group pkers that show up out the blue give them a swift 7 day ban.
This is all over the subreddit right now, glad to see even more attention being brought to this.
Good work, Dovy.
yeah i see higher level bot scouts, they teleport immediately after they see you then 2 mins later pker shows up
Seeing God Ash pop up in the wildy was an unexpected treat
People wonder why we vote no to every single wildy update.
Wildy's been ruined for a long time lol
Didn’t know about this and was going to do make arena on my hcim that I’ve been putting off but sure as hell aren’t going to do now, thanks friend
box ur alt bud its no problem
@@osrsboostingservice2658 mage arena 2 is in nearly all multi combat zones u fin f00l
This has been a thing for years. Only difference is someone posted it publically. All big pk clans like ROT do this on a discord server. Nothing's really changed except little Timmy has access now.
Ok boomer. This is used for years..
@@Rspsand07”Some people have been doing this but the only thing that changed is everyone is doing this.” Are you silly?
So that explains all the people hanging around in Edgeville... and the pkers popping up when I went to do my clue scroll. Thankfully, it seems that my 20k risk wasn't worth enough to kill me.
Good thing I cancelled my Chaos Ele task. I'm not going back to Wildy until the situation gets resolved.
Stop being a coward and just go it aint that bad
Let the wilderness die already, nobody has fun in it aside from RuneScape gang members
gang gang
cry cry
@@Sin_Cena the only one crying will be you when no more spades to take
Singles are fun for anti pking
@@warlockengineer brother I don’t care what happens to this game either way. I’m just here to talk shit lol
This has been a thing for years btw, it's just the first time there's a free advert for it
When did you first hear about it if it’s been going on for a few years?
@@milesjargon Hard to say, I've heard it mentioned multiple times over the span of several years. Didn't really think to mark on a calendar the first time I heard it so I'm not going to be able to give you any better estimates
@@Barbaari111 Np, thanks👍🏻
This is obscene. If Jagex can't fix this I can see this leading to removal of Wilderness PvP/opt-in PvP. Nobody will go to Wilderness with any sort of risk if they're being "monitored" and broadcast like this
tbh opt in pvp would be nice could make loot harder to get if ur opt out of pvp vs opting in as a incentive for it
Just turn off PVP in wilderness in only like 3 worlds. Problem solved.
To be fair you can simply avoid staying in any worlds if you encounter another player. Plug-ins that shows player names on the minimap are OP.
Nah, leave the wilderness wild.
We had this conversation 18 years ago and it didn't turn out well for the game.
Just fix the abuse and we'll be fine.
@bertschi7 ok. Explain exactly how to fix the abuse then.
Clans been doing this for awhile, now it's just public and I'm all here for the outrage
A while
They’ve had scout bots that ping you straight to a discord with all of your gear for years. I personally just hope the wilderness dies at this point.
@@aw6822 exactly now that they're public maybe enough people will cry and something happens lol
You can absolutely moderate this. Pretty easily really. Test out who shows up and ban them for using bots. Pretty hard to make up a reason how you know exactly where the mod is within a minute multiple times
this would only work if owner of theys bots would stupid to run all bots from his personal pc!i guess he uses few virtual servers and not all account in same location server host.virtual machines make sense,since it has very fast connection and very low dealey
@@hardscorerockkssss he is talking about people who login to pk. IMO i think a simple fix is to make it impossible to attack someone within a short period of time when logging in
Slight correction: This would only work if mods used bait accounts risking 1-150M gear and staying invisible nearby to ban them as they log in.
Even then mistakes can happen.
And people wonder why I vote No to anything remotely related to the wilderness lmao.
Reminder: People were trying to argue skull tricking was intended and "skill expression" this becoming more widely used is disappointing but not unsurprising
PK'ers keep crying that "the wilderness is dead" and wonder why...
It’s not pkers doing it, it’s gold farmers using clients
We didn't do this.
@2vwOsrs It is a "service" intended to be used by PKers. Nobody else would care about information like this. It is not "gold farming", they aren't farming gold but information and then selling that, and the clients are PKers
@@2vwOsrslmaoooooooooo how delusional you can be bro
@@exantiuse497you realize some people just enjoy pking? Its the 10% of cheating a$$holes that ruin it for everyone else
Which means its jagex fault
I actually have seen these bots when I was doing wildy agility and this can also explain why I had a PKer world hop right on top of me when I was doing slayer.
Tbh most pkers will hop in a wildy slayer spot, that doesn't prove they were cheating.
Thats like saying everyone who beats you in shooters is aimbotting
This is PEAK a friend content
banning the bots can fix it, its a members world the bots don't have unlimited money to resub
Well, here comes removal of the wildness 2.0. Time to make the entire wildy a safe zone until this is fixed 😂
There is no fixing this. Its just collecting info from scouts. If you ban the bots, another one will replace it instantly
@@ericknunez8069 Captain Obvious over here lmao
captain waste of a comment space over here
@@ericknunez8069 They can introduce wold hopping cooldown in wilderness. For example you can't world hop when you did it within 5 minutes. It would not prevent normal people world hopping (except pkers who need to world hop all the time and maybe ironmen picking up stuff in lava maze) but would stop scouting bots.
@@Atomiicstarr would have been better if you actually @ the person you was talking to, but even you failed at that. Congratulations.
These guys unironically just found the perfect bot busting system. Jagex take notes...
What do you mean? Jagex already has this information and more
Fr fr.
There's scout bots all over pvp worlds at like every bank, 2 per and they hop between the pvp worlds
The sad thing about this, is that something like this that was just used in the normal areas of the game (non pvp worlds) would be kinda cool. Just being able to see where and what people are doing is interesting. But its Runescape, the only reason people do anything is to maximize exploitation.
pking is not exploitation lol. cry more please
what not even lmao thats awful, ppl could stalk others and harassing dont you think??? holy fk
@@NoBodyNoCrime758 bro log out, lol close your eyes
Scenario 1.
An uninstanced boss, someone in a clan is killing it atm, but he has to bank so he parks his alt account next to the boss.
Id someone comes to kill it, he griefs the player and follows him for hours with the second account, no matter where he goes.
This will happen, i've seen some toxic behaviour from people and there will be 50+ more scenarios like this.
PvPers and not ruïning the game for everyone challenge: impossible.
You don't have to go into the wildy ;) .. bitch
The biggest cry babies in the game using over powered shit to kill pvmers and use the excuse bring pvp gear into the wildy never they wouldnt ever do something shady as this
It really oughta be removed from the game. It’s just a toxicity simulator. Gangs, luring, scamming. Most everything wrong with the game stems from pvp.
@thatwackycardgame5655 yea because the rampant botting and other rwt services that are actually ruining the integrity of the game will be fixed if we remove the wild. Just play your ironman or your main account that you buy gold on and pretend like you are having fun indulging your instant gratification simulator and stop dwelling in resentment because someone killed you for a spade and said mean things to you a few times. Absolutely delusional
@@thatwackycardgame5655 oh shut up dork
Probably a way of getting other peoples IP's i personally wouldn't be going on a website of this nature
Use ur phone
How would they connect that to your rune scape account
@@aleco678 Oh sweet summer child..
@@lfcmike12 go on, elaborate
@@runescaper5281 Put two and two together, it doesn't take much thinking. It's very obvious how they'd get your runescape name and you're on their low traffic website so they can find your IP. It won't be difficult for them to put two and two together themselves, if a user is frequently responding to their scouts information and being scouted themselves at the same time their IP is connected to their site. People have had more elaborate schemes to get GP to sell, just look at some of the things ROT did.
Im honestly, almost a 100% sure that some 'famous' youtubers use this as well. Things are about to get even worse.
A month ago, I was doing a slayer task in the wilderness, got chased by the same clan 4 times to the exact same world I hopped to. Died 3 times out of 4. Figured something like this existed. Never went back to slayer in the wilderness again. Did 85 to 95 in slayer.. was going for 99 but not anymore.
Friendly reminder that this is probably what happens IRL every time you are picked up on [centralized] CCTV irl as well [in some cities], just with your personal information.
They check the value of my clothes and send someone to come murder me and steal it?
Moordirocks is 100 percent right, left my house the other day and a guy pulled up at my front gate and tried to voidwaker spec me😅
I've been saying this for years: DELETE WILDY
There are plenty of pvp options without the wilderness, and they keep putting pvm content into the wilderness for people to slowly complete their drops and pets in with their rag setups.
i agree! delete wildy like they did back in the day! nothing bad can happen... right?
JUST??? This shit has existed for as long as osrs has been out
Thats what someone else said too. Where did you first hear about it? I guess not on reddit, that’s for sure.
@@milesjargonthey have had scout bots that ping you with all of your gear to a PvP discord for years.
Praise the almighty Mod Ash. He has saved us again, for this day.
people are gonna see Rhys risking 12B, along with his location and world, things are gonna be fun
average player : i dont go to wildy cuz i know someone out there going to kill me
pkers : why wildy is dead?
a random PvMer goes into the wildy with an hard clue with nothing on him that he can lose.
PKer: time to end this mans career!
Pker: why is the wildy dead?
gosh, I wonder why? because I can't even go into the wildy to do a damn clue, I hate the wildy as it is, but I have to interact with it because it seems every other step is a wildy 1.
@@DarkDyllon well get gud? i dont die when i do my clues, im not sure if you just dont have the reaction to click log out or what
Damn. This the runescape version of the gov spying on people
Looks like im not going to do my mage arena 2 cape on hcim for a while lol...
These scouts are buying bonds, whos giving them the gold
😂😂😂😂 You are clueless
They only have to bond up once
@@papapsych2746 .... Once every 2 weeks or until banned and then they need to bond a new account...
@@papapsych2746 ...So that's still working out to at a BARE MINIMUM, 27-30 million GP a month per account... and there will be dozens, if not HUNDREDS of these accounts
welp time to turn off pvp in wildy except on pvp worlds.
lower drop rates for wildy stuff on normal worlds to compensate, this shit is officially out of hand.
this has been publicly available for years. just not as advanced as this is.
Wtf thats insane. I havent played in years but im a pker this would help big time cuz it takes years to find pkers in wildy. This would be insane for dmm
Reality is even if they get this removed they will just make a more private one and keep it out of the mainstream. It will always keep coming back seeming it's not in client jagex can't do anything about this so yeah wildy just got killed forever lol
True, it uses RL plugins to lookup the carried gear.
just nerf wild in every world except pk worlds and bh worlds lol let the revs roam free again
Yeah but surely you can see how this being a public one is much worse right? If every single person can access that map it's gonna make the wilderness way more unbearable than a little private thing used by a clan or something.
I have 2450 larrans keys banked on my ironman. Rest in piece.
3 words: Cease and desist.
Sorry what? Are you saying this is illegal and they could have a lawyer send a cease and desist order to the site owner? Because that is definitely not the case
@@ectobluntus It's causing damage to their IP, they're absolutely within their rights to issue a C&D.
So what will it do? Discords and clans have these bots and tooling for themselves. Isn’t it better to keep this shit open source so that everyone can take advantage of this rather than clans and toxic PvP’ers?
Live feed CCTV OSRS is actually so funny, this is wildly impressive in the most grim way. Died with bank yesterday and now i know how it happened so swiftly LOL
Na you just trash bro, crazy how everyone who died In wilderness thinks it was because of this...
brother, this has been a thing for years. you didnt get killed because of this website. youre being scouted almost all the time
This dude could have made so much money by selling it as a private service or on public launch. Follow the C&D and walk away with what you made. I dunno what the plan is
Did you ever get your golden gnome 😢
the one from 2013 no 😢 only 2017 one
@@Dovydas. Justice for dovy!
i lost 22m worth of loot from the rogue's castle chests yesterday. I was death piling to reset all the loot on my UIM, I was swarmed at the perfect moment, thought they just got super lucky. Makes sense now. The OSRS pvp community still showing that they are the stain on the larger community.
Hahahaha 1-0
That was me bro, thanks for the free loot
I mean you was in the wilderness you know the rules....
@@freddiet8639 yeah if they weren't using this UAV bullshit I wouldn't mind, and i didn't in the moment. But to know the crazy timing they had when this was live and public leads me to believe they were using this shit.
sit down kid
pvp removal in 2007 was justified. pking is dead and pkers killed it.
This is why the wilderness needs removed
People often wonder, "Why is the wilderness dead?" or "Why do they vote no on pvp-related updates?"
This. This is one of many reasons on why...
OSRS needs to adopt the same Demonic Skull system, and Opt in/out of wilderness PVP system that RS3 has. But can't have one without the other. That way people have a choice in all of this still. This CCTV bot thing should be considered a violation of online privacy.
Can't wait to see Jagex's solution.
this cctv thing has been around for years. and sure, lets remove the wilderness, do you remember what happened the last time?
@ Removing wildy is not what i said, opting in and out is not removing it. Its allowing the players to make their own choice. Look into the demonic skull, it allows people who use it to have a perma skull in the wildy while getting increased reward chance. Which obviously means it doesn't work when opted out of pvp. Those increased reward chances are completely diminished when opted out.
@@ubetydelig3065 I do remember what happened last time. I support removal of the wilderness. Times change, things evolve. You idiots have these nostalgia glasses permanently glued to your face thinking it's the same thing.
Still think Opt-In pvp for osrs would be a good idea, especially for stuff like this. We also already have pvp worlds and clan wars for large scale pvp battles. If clans really wanted to have large scale battles in the open wilderness then opting in would not be an issue. Then there's the whole high risk and high reward argument. Wilderness pve content doesn't really feel high reward for pve goers, its generally just an annoyance and in most cases, a waste of time.
Don't waste your time then and stick to kraken, that's enough risk for you.
yeah there's nothing in the wildy that's worth the time sink of getting attacked. all deep wildy pkers are garbage at the game so i never die but it's such a waste of time to tank them to the ditch or run circles with them around the obby just to reset, go back, and do it again.
If they removed the entire wildy, I wouldnt care at all
Go play cookie clicker or melvor idle pussy
Opt in wildy ftw 😂
No one asked you
lets remove free trade too?
Let’s remove weapons and armor too.
never seen a better reason to remove pvp from the wildy in oldschool finally ever. just give thme worlds, minigames, events and call it a day this is what the AI age will bring adn now people know so now theres nothing we can do
God it's shit like this that ruins the last bits of reputation pk'ing has and it's infuriating.
Oh wow, that’s kind of terrifying!
I wonder if them implementing a captcha system if they detect you hopping x amount of worlds in a period of time would at least slow this down.
To stop it being annoying for actual players, like Ironmen hopping to buy stuff from shops, once the captcha is done it just resets a timer for like x hours or whatever.
Just saw your post on Reddit lol
ayo mod ash in pk gear lol
no thats mod gash
Suddenly it all makes sense....
this is what ruins the wilderness for everyone
There is a way to fix it and it's to ban every player that abuses the website. All you need is for a jmod to make a certain account invisible to all players, have a bait account with high value camped somewhere that would get flagged by the bot and any account that immediately logs in to pk the bait account, all the jmod needs to do it to stack them out with the ban hammer
Unless the bot is using some special tool, wouldn't the account that's "invisible to all players" also be invisible to the bot(player)? Since there's no real distinction there unless they added some weird criteria too it. Like if your account is a certain combat level or has a certain amount of quest points etc. Even then would still have some false positives. Not a bad line of thinking though. Instead, I think adding some criteria to enter wilderness or detect these scouting bots would be better. The harder it is too do something the less likely people are willing to do it. Does suck for everyone else though but I'd rather have that then this be ongoing.
@@MrJarquell The invisible account is not the bait account. The method he's describing is basically just having an invisible jmod sitting next to a bait account waiting for people to log in under it.
@@recurveninja Ah I see, I initially read it as all together rather than 2 separate accounts. It still wouldn't be a great use of manpower I believe. Banning players using it isn't preventing it from happening. Or the bait account simply gets flagged to not be detected. Then they're making new bait accounts etc. etc.
I mean the bots look at the most popular spots typically. You can't just ban someone hopping worlds at chaos alter who accidentally stumbles across the same world that the jmod bait account is in. There are a ton of regular pkers who have no idea this website exists who hop worlds at black chins, chaos alter etc.. This would only work if it was somewhere that isn't a popular pking spot, and people hopping directly onto some 150m risk account in the dead areas of wilderness.
the thing you're forgetting is that an "invisible" Jmod account there is impossible.
if the Jmod's invisible account is there, it's detectable, since the client and the server NEED to know where that account is currently located.
We had this in Tibia as well, where mods would be invisible, but the botting client could pick this up, since they still needed to be somewhere in the game world and the server needed to know that.
I was trying to get my mage arena 2 cape and everytime I got to a place there was someone logging in on me. Makes sense now.
Skulled Ash 🔥☠️
Jagex would have to throw out a cease & desists to stop this
Crazy how this isn't announced on the offical osrs webpage as a warning
Acknowledging and warning players about it will only make more people visit the website
I feel like wildy will keep on getting exploited untill the point where people will have no more patience and we will have pk opt out function like in rs3 haha
Glad I quit a while back.
I hope I wont make the mistake of coming back
The pvp in this game is and was always disgusting and so one-sided. The wilderness is just a gank-fest of people who play extremely unfair.
I even remember somehow getting logged out in the widlerness slayer cave and when I logged back in, 4 people jumped me.
I was killing monsters for 2-3 hours without seeing a single soul and I really felt like something was off but I couldn't find any other cases of similar issues.
This wildycctv only further proves that there's nothing fair or skill-based regarding the wilderness or pvp, it's all rich people that just prey on the weak who can barely afford to defend themselves.
Its just a waste of time to play it at this point. (Maybe it always was)
EVscape was right when he said the problem with PvP in osrs is the players not the game
it IS a problem with the game though. If the game is set up in such a way that a few dozen people can ruin it for thousands of others, you can’t just HOPE that nobody takes advantage of that. You need to make it impossible.
RIP wilderness.
Crazy they cry the wildy is dead, and then go and do this shit and use it. Wonder why...
Crazy that skillers cry that skilling is dead, and then go ahead and use bots.
Wonder why...
Man not enough people are pking what should we do? I know let's make it so literally no one ever enters the wilderness again that'll help!
You think the rats doing this care about the wildy being dead? A lot of these cheaters don’t even play the game and do everything they can to avoid doing so, they’ll literally just buy accounts to ahk on.
Ah yes bro its the PKing communities fault, not the exploiters and botters
Hopefully they can fix this without doing something like adding a world hop cooldown like they had in the past
Even if this gets taken down publicly, people have had these secretly for a decade now
just make wildy opt-in pvp at this point
@@ElysianDivine people like you are why eoc happened
Isn't that what RS3 did with Wildy? There's no way that would pass a poll.
I will quit if that happens. Low testosterone virgins can’t ruin this game.
With this kind of surveilance being publicly known and available? I think the odds are in favour of opt-in pvp.
No one will be able to get the mage arena capes anymore or do the high risk high reward methods. @@dylldj
Why not just to play rs3 then?
Make pvp optionally, because Jagex sure as shit isn't fixing shit like this.
it is optional, don't cross the ditch.
It is optional.. Wilderness is like 1% of the game, just don't go in it? Plenty of other things to do on runescape...
Just don't go into the wilderness?
What do you need a Voidwaker for?
People saying "Just don't go in wildy" are the type of person to say "just don't be depressed" to a suicidal person, and "tell the police everything and let them search your house if you have nothing to hide"
@PartyhatRS yeah exactly. I think once Jagex releases their own client and if they can ban the use of runelite then we might see reduction or removal of bots completely. Then we'll get to actually see how many players there are.
Dovy speaking up for the players 😤
that explains why i had such a hard time doing MA2 a few days ago
World hop cooldown in the wildy would aleviate this and just make the wildy more balanced in general.
What this truely shows is how dead the wildly is lmao
best advertisment for project zanaris ever though. but i hope runelite gets on board to start tracking and prohibiting this type of data steal so easily
Project Zanaris, buy my own server just to play the game without being killed by pk bots, and wildy bug abusers while on my ironman
you know Runelite is open source right? and not just that, plenty of bot clients have their own client with a dedicated team to "fix" updates.
but even if Runelite goes out of their way to "hide" the data, people already know where the data is located, so they'll just grab it anyway.
What font are you using for your XP drops?
4:35 Like a capybara in the wilderness xD
If or when Jagex took legal action against them, I guess the site owner has nothing to defend since the whole data collection method is based on rule breaking. Unless it’s again in some banana state where law doesen’t reach.
This has to be the most broken thing after the runecrafting bots that never get banned
i was wondering how this 3-6man group followed me at chaos altar world too world lmao . imagine being soo bad at the game u require this amount of assistance
another reason im not risking status for magic cape
It shows HCIM status too so people will hunt you just to ruin your account.
HCIM are getting MA2 capes every day still. Myself included. These clients have been a thing for years. You're just gonna end up being laughed at everywhere when you're 2k total maging in a ardy cape cause you're scared to take a risk on a high risk game mode lmao.
@@LusciousD59 you got issues if you laugh at someone playstyle. and dying to a pker is a dumb way to go out
@@LusciousD59 You were the bully in middle school before you were expelled, huh
@PartyhatRS lolwut? I just find it funny people play a high risk game mode and refuse to do anything that could possibly lose status. So they do it for prestige but no one has any respect for an account without a ma2 cape.
This is the sort of shit that will make jagex disable wildy pvp.
They been doing this on deadman for years
Explains why i got jumped by two guys in level 3 wildy when killing rats on my UIM for a looting bag. Didn't lose anything cause i deathpiled but it was quite a strange experience.
Here's how to fix this:
Let 'dummy' player models spawn in the map which are only visible to certain accounts. Detect if the software displays this 'dummy' account and auto ban the account
They do this sinse 2018. I am a pker in wildy and make clans use this to get ur +1. Back in the thay only they did see it and now someone opened it for everybody. Vitality uses this for a long long time. Please delete the mace out of runescape. Costed me over 5 voidwakers already.
I am also pretty sure they controll all the bots al vetion venanatus and callisto. So when they see a pker there they hop into you with about 20-80 people