I was planning to go to a helloween party this evening just for fun no drinking, i asked a friend of mine if he wanted to come he's someone i met, he said: "I am a jahova witness i do not go to parties", then i saw this video on facebook and i got goosebumps wallahi allah gave me a sign!!
Uma Uma Jehovah Witness is a false religious cult like Islam. They do not believe in the eternal Sonship of Jesus Christ, thus they are not Christian but a cult. This video will help you understand Islam more perfectly. Watch this video: Reasons To Reject Islam - 6 - Allah Is A Liar th-cam.com/video/ClknUWvlhUw/w-d-xo.html
Thank you brother teacher. I'm a Christian but I see that the scriptures and the Koran have similar issues. Much respect. Peace be unto you. Walaikum Salam
I'm a Muslim Alhamdulellah and living in Canada. In the past two years my kids made me buy them costumes because everyone in school wear them. They've gone out trick or treating as well which they love. I didn't like the idea initially but I let them do it for two reasons. One, I wanted them to have fun. Two, I didn't see it as a religious practice. The only thing I didn't like was its expenses. After watching this video, I have a good reason not to follow it. I could spend my money on something better or more educational than yo buy expensive useless costumes. Thank you for wakening me from this stupid spell called Halloween!
You can give a 5 year old boy a real loaded gun, and he will smile and be happy. Doesn't make it safe or right does it? Plenty of other ways to make your children smile and happy
@nikto45 there are right reasons/ways to make someone happy and wrong ones. Unfortunately, I don't believe Halloween is a good way. I can see where it's going. As the children grow up to become teenagers, Halloween's innocent nature changes from "hello I'm a little pony" to parties involving sex, drugs and alcohol. If you want to prevent your kids from going that route, this is the time!!!
@nikto45 No need for insults. We can have a reasonable and intelligent discussion if you wouldn't mind. Now, firstly you are missing the point. Your understanding is shallow and one dimensional. This is an Islamic talk, meant for Muslims. Nobody is telling Non Muslims to stop their children having fun on Halloween. If we believe there is a spiritual harm to it, contrary to the commands of God, immaterial things we can't see, negative energy, sin, indirectly supporting/promoting a Satanic and unholy day (whether those celebrating it are aware of it or not both Muslim and Non Muslim) then we will inform and encourage other Muslims not to take part in it. If Non Muslims in a Non Muslim country want to celebrate it, then that's up to them. But we are free to refrain from it and we will exercise that freedom. Just like we are free to refuse to eat pork and drink Alcohol and inform people about its dangers. Secondly, I wasn't comparing guns to candy. My point was that your reply to the OP was illogical and you jumped to the conclusion that just because he stopped celebrating a pagan ritual one day out of the entire year, that immediately means he has a problem with happiness and seeing children happy. There are 364 other days in the year other than Halloween that he could make his children smile and be happy. He could give them candy and let them play dress up every other day for all you know, yet somehow you assume he is against happiness and seeing children happy just for not being a sheep brainwashed by society for not celebrating this one silly night?? Lastly the guns to candy example was meant to point out that many things can make a child or even an adult happy. That doesn't mean it's necessarily a healthy or good thing. You can feed a child a diet of nothing but Ice cream and they will love it and be happy. But would that be healthy? Of course not. One last bit of food for thought. Research how much the crime rate rises during Halloween. It is the perfect cover for all the creeps and criminals because they can blend in and nobody looks twice at them, wearing a balaclava, mask, carrying a weapon etc. Children trick or treating come into contact with all kinds of creeps, criminals and perverts. Look up news articles on razor-blades wedged into candy. I used to work security in Night clubs and Halloween nights were often the worst and most violent. Try to research and understand things before making judgements please.
@nikto45 in Canada or anywhere in the west, any social gathering that envolves mixing of sexes also envolves alcohol, drug and sex. It doesn't mean every party is like that, but the potential exists....... We are not talking about you bro relax!
I don’t usually celebrate Halloween but this year I had I weird feeling about it because I never questioned this tradition before so I decided to do some research and a friend sent me this
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته I was a Wiccan for 10 years, as my first religion (my parents are non-religious and gave me the choice to choose my faith. I chose this religion at the age of 12). So I celebrated Samhain as part of my faith. I would like to touch up on a few misconceptions: -Samhain is pronounced "sa-win" and there is no such diety called Samhain. - Samhain wasn't just about "evil spirits". The belief is that the hijab-the veil- separating the dunya from the akhira was at its thinnest on this day. So all these spirits of the dead could come and visit their living families. If you had wronged a family member they would play tricks or even do you harn. Evil spirits also would come. And that's why you dress up- so you blend in with the spirits and they cannot tell if you are a living person or a dead one. - The practice of trick-or-treating comes from when they would lay out cakes and other foods outside of their house to feed and appease their dead family. Because this was a time of asking the spirits of the dead, who are said to have the ability to see the unseen, for advice. It is also a time for ancestor worship. - In addition, there are three main forms of Satanism that I have studied. One such is the Church of Satan, which was created by LaVey in the 60's. In high school I had a friend who was a member when I was a Wiccan and they let me borrow their Satanic Bible, which was written by LaVey himself. They are hedonists (they believe the goal in life is to partake in all the endless pleasures of the dunya). Unlike the other two forms of Satanism, the Church of Satan actually believes in the entire Biblical narrative of God creating the world and the fight between God and Satan. However, they take Satan's side when it comes to the argument between him and God. They see God as oppressive because He made us with flaws and then told us if we sin due to our flaws He will punish us. But Satan says it is okay to enjoy life and enjoy what is available because that is what is in your nature- to do sin. So they see Satan as a liberator of oppression. The Satanic Bible also calls out Wiccans because Wiccans have a law of "you can do whatever you want as long as you don't harm none (part of the Wiccan Rede- testimony of faith). They think there shouldn't be limitations. That's what makes their belief so dangerous. If you cross them then they will curse you and get even somehow. However, Church of Satan Satanists do no celebrate Samhain as a holiday. - Candy in my area has been known to have needles, blades, or even drugs in it. Parents are told to check for needles and blades in the candy, or throw away any candy which may look like drugs. But that is impossible to know. I have worshiped many idols of many ancient religious. I have studied many other religions and even participated in their rituals and asked the believers of those faiths questions. I tried to become a sheikha-equivalent for Wicca (magic), and then a priestess of an Egyptian idol. I did this all before Allah chose me to become a Muslimah. Alhamdulilah. Now I want to become a sheikha so I can use my knowledge on these topics to spread awareness to the Ummah, because I see a lot of ignorance on these topics. May Allah protect us all from these evils. May He bless us for all that we sacrifice in His name, and may we return to Him when we are in the height of our imans. Ameen.
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, your story reminds me of me (different yet similar) Subhanallah, Allah (SWT) expanded our chest to contain Islam. shaitan lost a partner that day. inshallah you become a mujtahida, you got this sister! these satanic ideology’s are becoming more and more common, a believer isn’t going to spend hours studying it. since you already know it, you provide a unique perspective. Thanks for sharing.
As Salaam Alaikum Ukti and Jazak'Allah for the knowledge, the woman I married Islaamicly has a sister who calls herself Christian and holloween is a huge day for her and her family. In my later years of my life now I shake my head about it and she has 4 kids she celebrates that day with. My thing is this, if you're a Christian you have to ask yourself, if Jesus was alive now would he celebrate that day or would he teach against it. We know Nabi Isa ( aws ) would be against that day
@@TheDigitalJedi777 Waalaikumsalam and ya iyaaki, akhi. It is sad. Halloween is celebrated by anyone and everyone in the west- regardless of faith. They just see it as a fun commercial holiday and they don't understand the history or repercussions of what they do. I wish religious people would be true to their faith more and reject things like this. Funny things is you won't really find those who celebrate Samhain (Irish tradition pagans and Wiccans) celebrating Halloween with their kids. They take the holiday seriously and stick to the original celebration. I am confused on why they don't take it as an insult, as I did when I was a Wiccan. I felt like they took my serious holiday- a day of worship- and turned it into a joke. But I guess I have always been a zealot- someone who is uncompromising in their ideology- when it comes to my religious faith.
I was raised in a pagan household, I've been Muslim for many years now alhamdulillah. You're quite correct, there are some misconceptions and inaccuracies in this video and other info I've seen. Maybe you should make your own video sis 😉 it's important if we have the knowledge, to share the correct info with people. The fact Halloween has been so commercialised is a problem because it means people think it's just a bit of fun and they don't know the reality of it. When I was a kid nobody much celebrated it except our household. There were a few Jack o lanterns in windows but that was about it. Going trick or treating was a new concept mostly seen in American movies, people didn't do it where I lived. I remember being allowed to have a go at it with my friends one year and several people were offended by it. One elderly lady got very upset, saying we were following Satan. I grew up in chapel-going communities where people still had faith. They still understood Halloween was something pagan and sinful. Now every supermarket has an aisle dedicated to Halloween merch (starting sometime in August!).
@@BiddyBiccy I would make a video but I don't even take selfies with niqab on my own phone because I don't want my likeness on social media. I'll speak with my sheikha teacher about other options when I move to study under her to become a sheikha InshaAllah. It is really sad... so ignorant we are.
10 Things to escape Hell Fire: 1. Tooba: Repentance from heart 2. Istagfar: Repentance from tongue 3. Doing good deeds 4. Dua and Istagfar done by other believers for you 5. Pain & sufferings in this world 6. Azaab ul Qabar 7. Punishment and trials of the day of Judgment 8. Good deeds gifted by the loved ones 9. Intercession of our Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) on the day of Judgment 10. The Mercy of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى
When the exorcist (movie) was released in Iran, everyone thought it was funny. my father remembers everyone in the theater laughing. They were shocked by the reports from England of people feinting from terror, being taken to hospitals in ambulances. Everyone was expecting it to be terrifying, yet In West Asia it was a hilarious.
He is telling the truth about the origin of Halloween, but he is also making it seem as people in general still view it as a religious holiday. One can say that Hajj, the months of war, and umrah are pagan traditions because they were sacred times for the pagan Arabs before Muhammad claimed them for Islam. And don't tell me the Arabs were monotheistic during the time of Ishmael because there is no proof of such a claim.
@@ohnoyoudidnt.3554 I don't think she called you stupid. She is a believer she probably was raised and indoctrinated into Islam and it's practice. Indeed religion lacks proof regarding their God claims but individual adherents only believe and do as they are told. I think you should save your vehemence for Mr quick because he know that he is lying or overexegarating about holloween.
the thing that people dont understand is that rules are rules . if adam and eve obey gods rules , we will not be in the mess where in right now. they wanted to be independent and look where it got em . i dont care how many rules we have. if the creator say dont talk for a day each week to stay alive then i wont talk . people celebrate holidays like it ok. not knowing the origin . i fall short on other sins but the ones that slick side try to get me to do something that god dont like no
God knew that adam and eve would eat from the forbidden tree, this is what makes us human, we make mistakes but we learn from them and move forward positively by asking for forgiveness from the almighty
Actually, the pumpkins come from the Irish Legend of Stingy Jack. (Try Googling it) When they emigrated to America they took the tradition with them, and when they discovered pumpkins they found they were much easier to carve than the turnips they would have used back home.
I am Irish and most of the Muslim children in my area dress up for Halloween . Every year more and more Muslims are taking part in Halloween . Also this year we have been invited to my Muslim neighbours house for Christmas dinner , They are having 12 Muslim families over and 6 Catholic families , We went last year and brought a cooked turkey, we had a great time and even had them singing Christmas carols
Many Muslims do many things -- it doesn't mean they are necessarily right or that Islam condones it. If the logic is that it's fun and harmless, then that is a slippery slope. Muslims are humans like everyone else and everyone is at different levels of spirituality and knowledge. The key is not to judge or condemn but rather to EDUCATE. That is the purpose of this video and this channel. Let each individual make their own decision. God is the judge and may He guide us all to truth and wisdom. Amen and ameen.
@@thehiddenhunter6534 Only Allah can judge. You have no idea if they will be punished or forgiven because He alone knows their situation. Wouldn't it have been better to say "may Allah guide them if not may Allah FORGIVE them asap". This is the true spirit of Islam and the true spirit of the Prophet (P).
Satan knows there is one God. Islam people knows there is one God. Satan kill people and don't care about others ( wicked ) Islamic people also kill others and don't care about others ( Wicked) Satan = Islam
JazakAllah never celebrated this festival waa not part of the country i waa born in. However u may be,interested to know that india has a festival calles black 14th in November where a witch is supposed to ride a broomstick and swing on the well.
In the UK, the situation is not so bad. In any case, the last time I went out trick or treating was years ago. As a Muslim, from the angle the Shaykh is speaking in, I think it could potentially be a bad thing. However, it could also potentially be a bit of fun if done safely.
Hasnan Hussain it's not about 'done safely' do some research in to the origin of halloween instead of blindly following traditions like sheep. There is a reason why we don't follow such traditons in Islam!
Why is there more comments from non believers in Islam in the comment section than believers... you flock to the truth willingly !! So you can’t say on the day of judgement that you didn’t know!!! But you still will lie even before God.!!!
I used to listen to this Imaam lecture at our local mosque. He should do a lecture on the origins of the Pul Siraat and Mizaan. Show how Islam is influenced by Zoroastrian and Egyptian mythologies. And it would be nice to hear him do a bit about pagan Arab ideas that are Islamitised. Like the Jinn who overhear the words of heaven and report to fortune tellers.
When so called Muslim world is descending into this foolish celebration, a born American is reminding Muslims of their responsibilities. Is it not what this Ayat is taking about? 5:54. O ye who believe! Whoso of you becometh a renegade from his religion, (know that in his stead) Allah will bring a people whom He loveth and who love Him, humble toward believers, stern toward disbelievers, striving in the way of Allah and fearing not the blame of any blamer. Such is the grace of Allah which He giveth unto whom He will. Allah is All Embracing, All Knowing.
Tons of details are incorrect within the video… is this guy a scholar?! I have seen so many videos of “scholars” speak about things with such authority and be so wrong it’s embarrassing and confusing for people
Don't Islam and Judaism Christianity have the same foundation what was first? One thing I do know halloween is deep he is right, but it's spiritual meaning is not evil... It's just generally not understood, an example is this video
why not people think and find truth. life is end soon every one can see with eyes and no one can help you when you death time will come. in the day of judgement we will stand individual front in Allah (God). Allah create law and teach us right things and eveil also created by Allah and eveil teach us wrong things. All about our test. when human forget message of Allah so Allah send to us new massanger with same massage.
@@keefzcobra4616 this is not your words but others talk and you create thought. May be your mind and eyes are not open. reality of world just find your self.
Halloween is not about just wearing something scary or evil, it's a mix of every thing, 90% of people dont know the meaning of what Halloween is. This video is a one sided argument but not every thing in it is true. God gave humans free will and the will to choose, also in islam its stated that when living under a different culture you need to adhere to there customs along stick and fallow your own, I can not force anyone to become a muslim I can only teach and tell them about it and it's their choice/will to decide on if they want to fallow or convert
Moezer Yes, Muslims have to abide by the laws of the land they live in as long as they do not oppose Islamic laws and rulings. Halloween is contrary to Islamic laws. How can it not be when you are imitating the devil. That’s not hard to figure out
أعوذ بالله السميع العليم من الشيطان الرجيم من همزه و نفخه و نفثه , بسم الله أعوذ بكلمات الله التامات من غضبه و عقابه و شر عباده و من همزات الشياطين و أن يحضرون
you suporting for this misguding thing? i think you dont have much knowleg about'' blackmagic!''!!!...if you knew this you can understan what the resan we saying dont do this
toklaut and another You couldn’t be more wrong. I’ve lived in the Middle East many years, I work in healthcare and I know the truth. It’s called out and dealt with in the West. In places like Pakistan, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt and especially Khaleej, the prevalence is many times what it is in the West. It’s actually quite accepted in many Islamic countries...
Anonfcmd22 in America it is the worst. Gays are allowed to adapt kids and raise them. What is worse then that? It makes sodom and gamora look like a cakewalk
@@brotheradoomi3720 Abdullah b. Mas'ud reported that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: There is none amongst you with whom is not an attache from amongst the jinn (devil). They (the Companions) said: Allah's Messenger, with you too? Thereupon he said: Yes, but Allah helps me against him and so I am safe from his hand and he does not command me but for good.
@@brotheradoomi3720 Its also in the Quran. Mohammed had a companion a devil called Al Abayd the white one.. قال ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما في رواية عطاء إن شيطانا يقال له الأبيض أتاه على صورة جبريل عليه السلام وألقى عليه هذه الكلمة فقرأها فلما سمع المشركون ذلك أعجبهم فجاء جبريل عليه السلام فاستعرضه فقرأها فلما بلغ إلى تلك الكلمة قال جبريل عليه السلام أنا ما جئتك بهذه قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إنه أتاني آت على صورتك فألقاها على لساني It is reported from ‘Ata’ that Ibn ‘Abbas said: A devil called al-Abyad came to the Prophet (ﷺ) in the form of Jibril (Gabriel) and cast these words (i.e. the Satanic verses) upon him, and the Prophet recited them. When the pagans heard that it pleased them. Thereupon, Jibril came and asked him to rehears the revelation to him. When he reached those words Jibril said: I did not bring you these words. Someone came to me in your form and cast these words on my tongue.[3] Al-Qurtubi (d. 671/1273) writes: الأبيض، وهو صاحب الأنبياء، وهو الذي قصد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في صورة جبريل ليوسوس إليه على وجه الوحي، فجاء جبريل فدخل بينهما، ثم دفعه بيده حتى وقع بأقصى الهند Al-Abyad; he was the companion of the prophets and the one who intended to reach to the Prophet (ﷺ) in the form of Jibril to whisper to him in the garb of revelation, however, Jibril intervened and pushed al-Abyad with his hand throwing him to the farthest corner of India. And this is Al Abayd the white one and the other is Jibriel..... jinn.fandom.com/wiki/Al-Abyad
@@alhassani626 my first question to you is when have you ever seen a muslim jinn?..😂😂😂 that's pure comedy and the hadith is very specific its not talking about the quran. It's talking about Muhammad being commanded by a jinn..it says nothing about the quran idiot..lol..furthermore Muhammad was tricked once by a false Jibreel so if it happened once and he couldn't tell the difference then how are you so sure that he didn't have other false visitations. He was supposed to be a prophet but yet he couldn't tell the difference between a false angel and a real one. So since thats the case how are you so sure that the quran itself is not from a demon spirit since Muhammad couldn't tell the difference?
Hey brothers and sisters, don't concerns yourselves with the origins of a holiday we don't even recognize. We don't celebrate it, has no impact on us. So who cares if Sheikh here is telling the truth or not.
Duh, you think Muhammad was talking about the sun on the horizon of the sea. Its alot deeper than that. He was talking about the sun, in terms of space. Space is made up of matter that behaves like water, so all the planets are orbiting the sun because they are swimming, (imagine water going down the plughole). The sun is floating in matter that is denser (like muddy water) because it is heavier than any of the planets/moons. So when the Sun sets, it sets in a muddy pool.🤔🧠🥴😖🤐😶🤢🤮🤕🤬🤭🤫 Read up on Islam your missing out big time.
O we are gonna go to hell because we decided to have fun in halloween. We can go to hell for many different reasons... this is just another day only difference is people, children have fun with costumes or make ups. For some people its boring and other's enjoyable. Nothing to be so serious about. Cmon. Stop making everything haram...i ve seen many muslims eating meat that is Not halal/kosher with beard and kufi but that is ok. Gtfo! There are so many other major issues to be worried about. Focus on those.
That is the reason world is going to pay its price....we make mistakes but..by regret,and not repeating smaller to larger sins,we are going to be a good muslims..By prevention of small sins we are accepting the habbit of preventing bigger sins.
Halloween has completely devolved into a play day. There is absolutely no religious component to it anymore Kids get to put on costumes and play make believe for 1 day a year and receive candy and simply get to be kids. Do you have any idea how many kids in my hospital will never leave their beds again, never ride a bike, wear a costume, etc. Let kids be kids. Ohh...they are not begging for candy. Adults give it because they want to and understand it for what it is which is just a fun day. If religion were part of it then it wouldn't be good but it's totally secular, like fireworks on the 4th of July.
@@UmoKhadeija This maybe a bit off topic but your comment reminds me of my ex sis-in-law (non-muslim). She was tired of buying presents EVERY WEEK ... someones birthday, Anniversary, etc.. then comes Easter, Halloween, Xmas, mother's day etc... like seriously it's never ending. Alhamdulillah we only celebrate the 2 EIDS and that's a task in itself...lol... Alhamdulilah.
Samhain is Irish and is pronounced Sowan. Halloween if just a bit of FUN, something lacking in Islam and most religions. Halloween is good for personal development and creativity and fun for kids. Islam encourages hatred of others and a violent trick if there's no treaty.
Yo Austin... lighten up. Fun lacking in Islam? No... We just have different definitions of what fun is. Before I converted to Islam I had fun by getting drunk, clubbing, smoking weed, doing whatever. Now I still have fun but with certain limits… like playing basketball, video games, cow tipping, playing chicken with tractors -- like Kevin Bacon in Footloose. And as far as “Islam encourages hatred of others”… In what canonical Islamic text do we find that teaching?
@@IslamOnDemand There is no fun in Islam as I said. What fun activities you do have nothing to do with Islam, they are things many people do and you don't need religions to do them. As for drinking and other habits, they are not forced on you if you are not religious. And even the Quran says drinking is good for you and not good for you. It says don't drink before going to the Mosque. Both these verses don't ban alcohol, yet alcohol is banned in Islam. Halloween is a fun time for kids and some adults, whatever the Celtic origins, now it's just for fun, but your beliefs want to stop it. I could quote hundreds of verses to show just like your video that your religion doesn't like what non believers do or say. "Take not them (non believers) as friends, they are not your friends..." This is mentioned a few times and yes I know the context. Half the Quran is - they (non believers) say this or do that, or kill them because they are non believers and maybe broke a treaty, not during a war. Islam is all about controlling people, how to pray, when to pray, what to wear - for women, how to wash, how to control your wife, even not letting you leave Islam as you would be killed according to the teachings.
@@AustinOKeeffe Before I address all the NEW points you just raised, what about the first point? You made a very explicit accusation in your original comment: "Islam encourages hatred of others" and I specifically asked you: "In what canonical Islamic text do we find that teaching?" Don't deflect. Answer the question. Once we settle this we'll move on to the other points you've injected.
@@IslamOnDemand If you read my response you will see that I answered your question. If I had to go through many more of the examples it would take too long.
@@AustinOKeeffe You didn't quote any canonical Islamic text. Now you're being evasive. BTW this is not surprising. In fact it's typical of those whose goal is simply looking to confirm their pre-existing biases and NOT understanding the TRUTH.
@@Casey-sl1bh You don’t need to be rude to SuzanneHolmes, she’s right. Both pronunciations were considered correct in any English dictionary years ago. “Seltic” is the older standard pronunciation, “Keltic” is the newer. Why did you think the Boston Celtics have the “s” sound to begin with anyway?
It's funny that you have knowledge about holloween and it's pagan origin, yet Hajj is one the five pillars of Islam. Hajj was an Arab pagan tradition that Muhammad assimilated into his religion just as the Catholics assimilated Halloween into their tradition. Talk about confirmation bias you notice all the hits on your side but forget or conviently overlook all the misses. Religion is like that though, right?
@nikto45 Hajj was established before Mohammed (saw) and during the time of the Abraham. Jews and Christians amended their religions from the original teachings conveyed to them by Gods messengers Moses and Jesus. That is why you may feel there is similarities. The final messenger of God, Mohammed (saw) was sent to correct the deviation and re-establish the true word of God. It is sad that you failed to educate yourself in the truth of your religion and moved away. May God guide the true believer and give the unbeliever guidance. Islam is the religion that will restore peace on earth and that is why the evil among men try hard to discredit and obliterate Islam.
I really don't get it...we don't believe all these stories but it's fun! Is having fun is haram? Children's love it! Islam is not an Arabic culture! It's open for everyone.
@RUNESCAPEISLIFE S what are you talking about? Did Quran mentioned this night as devil's night? Is there a horned red devil 😈? Why a festival would stop me practicing my religion? Man, you made Islam so hard core that it's better not to practice this religion. Did you say 'Pagan ritual' let me remind you Circling around Kaba is a pagan ritual, kissing the fragments of black stone is a pagan ritual. Every religion borrowed some or most part from some other religions. Have some fun! And worship Allah. Be not afraid there's no ghost 👻 or a night of zombies😂 these are just silly stories.
@@TheAdventuresOfMontuMiah circumbulating the alkaaba is an ancient act that was started by Abraham as, remember Abraham is the father of monotheism..........as such the early arabs and other people in the middle east were practicing it not as their tradition but an Abrahamic tradition although they mixed it up with other ritual practises that were never ordained by Allah. reseach again bro.
If we all stuck to our own beliefs or ways of living/surviving and stopped bashing or trying to convert others, there may possibly be a chance that we could appreciate one another's beliefs cuz maybe all of this stuff is made up.
Soon having *fun* will be *Haram* by some Mufti. Oh you enjoyed that stand up comedian? That's Haram! You love watching football? That's devil's advocate. Oh you enjoy video games? That's already declared Haram by many scholars. I used make games, when I listened the fatwa about video game I listened carefully, and dropped my on going project (they put up a valid argument)...but now I go one step further I make Virtual Reality games...these games with half an hour session burns enough calories than running/jogging. Can't catch me now, but I am afraid soon they will provide another Fatwa Against whole Virtual Reality thing.
The issue is NOT about having fun. The issue is about BLINDLY engaging in a ritual which is rooted in shirk and all sorts of dubious "traditions". Any "mufti" who says comedy, football or games are "haram" (as blanket statements) is extreme. There are qualifications to these things. Is the comedian using profanity? Is the game promoting a haram activity? Etc. The issue is more nuanced. We need to be intelligent and practical and ask why it MAY be haram, and avoid extremism to one end or the other.
Regardless of who takes your fun away I wouldn't waste your time on what you can have now. The only time you need to concern yourself with is when God weights the heart of mankind on Judgment Day. Yes your heart will be weighed, just like mine. I am scared of death and when a man who believes in God is scared of death he fears Judgment Day and what is coming to him. May God make me a better servant for him....Ameen.
বাতাবি লেবুর ফলন If you’re not a Muslim, what do you care about fatwas and what Muslims consider Halal and Haram. Is your religion not interesting enough?
What a poor Muslim preacher! In fact, this poor guy was not qualified to teach this topic ... simply because he did not live at the origin time of Halloween at all, but he just collected, learnt, and repeated some speculations from some writers about it... Moreover, he exposed his extreme ignorance about Christianity because the Halloween day is not a religious holiday in Christianity.
@@mikemor75 - Get real! your Allah in Islam had no power to appear and incarnate in some visible creature for communication, how can this Allah know all and guide us ???
shane molloy This then opens doors to many harmful things as long as your hart is in the right place. Halloween may seem innocent but all bad habits start innocent at first.
@@siyarjoya9655 sir with all respect to islam and the prophet peace be upon him i feel different . You can dress your child as anything not only evil things . It is not now as it began . The children have fun muslims have a problem with halal foods that is fair but we should accomadade the muslim kids by getting halal treats for them . Im a firm believer god knows your hart . He kmows your intentions and he knows you teach gods ways . I respect your view i just disagree . Peace to you and yours my friend .
All Eastern religions, from Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity to Islam, including the Egyptian, Greek and Roman pantheons of gods are rooted in Sumerian religion. Read Epic of Gilgamesh, as a start.
@@darkorangesupercar743, the idea of one god comes from zoroastrianism, the whole concept of djinn comes from Arabic pagan beliefs, the concept of son of God is present in many pagan beliefs many of them are much older than any of the abhramic religions.
These guys has opinion on others but non on theirs ..remember when u point fingers at others u are pointing three fingers back to ur self..that is why the world need to fight them.......
Killing Ball Run history books, stories passed down from generations to generations and just like look it up depending on what source you trust you’ll find it
do you know about black magic...if you realy want to clear this qus..you want to know about black magic,,,,,,agin im asking why you cleprat this thing......?give me you proof
This man has no idea what he's talking about. Firstly, it's pronounced KEL-TIK, not "sel-tik". Secondly it's pronounced SOW-IN, not "sam-hain". Thirdly, the Celtic new year was NOT November 1, it was the NEW MOON which was at least a month after the autumnal equinox, and at least a month before the winter solstice, in point of fact. And Samhuinn (which means SUMMER'S END) was not the beginning of the year, it was the end of the year, at the time of the dark/invisible Moon. And it was a harvest festival, and a time to honour the ancestors, and had nothing whatsoever to do with devils/demons, etc. This video is stupid, ignorant, idiotic nonsense, in point of fact.
Well... He is actually closer to the real history of Halloween than many Christians. Despite that he has some problems with pronunciation. Beside that. First time I learned about the Celtic pre-christian Halloween tradition it was in fact spelled "Samhain". So he is not the first who think that is the name ;-)
@@No1Agge - In fact, this poor guy did not live at the origin time of Halloween, but he just collected, learnt, and repeated some speculations from some writers about it.
@@No1Agge- Moreover, this Muslim preacher exposed his extreme ignorance in attacking Christianity ... because the Halloween day is not a religious holiday in Christianity.
He has no idea what he's talking about. Samhain has nothing got to do with American or Canadian culture nor Christianity. It's a pagan holiday. But really it's so far from the meaning of today's Halloween. Also it's not to brain wash people, it's a genre of film called horror. There is nothing wrong with celebrating a cultural holiday of the place you live in. It's a great sense of community and fun. The reason the moved the date is to try and brain wash people into switching from paganism to Christianity. Terrible scare mongering in the 21st century. I feel bad for Muslim kids not being able to enjoy childhood , eat sweets and dress up as spider Man or a power puff girl. Lol groups of satanists, get a life. Utter crap.
@@kayinzaracheal3155 I call that a childhood filled with fun and imagination. While touching on ancestry traditions and celtic keeping history alive. It's once a year.
You are dumb. America or Canada has no culture. They have European roots and heritage. Its a pagan holiday of the Barbarian Celts who accepted Christianity
@@malhamaulkubra4437 lol Good thing I'm from Ireland that has important cultural structures older than the Egyptian pyramids. Definitely something to celebrate 😁 once a year with the traditions of my pagan Celtic ancestors! But then again I'm dumb so I've no idea how to dress myself in the mornings 😂 thanks
This Abdullah Hakim is telling lots of bullshit and incoherent fairy tale. Samhain traditionally is a festivity that marked a "no time" or "in between time" where the old year had ended but the new one had not yet begun. In these aproximately three weeks the quality and theme of "death" is most present (i.e. the slaughtering of stock which couldn't be fed over the winter time and the preserving of theit meat; opening an easier connection with the deceased and own ancestors i.e. in shamanic practice and divination and seaking for theit help and advice; a time of exerting practices of social cleansing with especially antisocial acting elements of the society [you may still find this in the "tricks or treats" as a threatening of the ones, unwilling to give; you may also find this quality rather dominant in the astrology sign of scorpio]. In this sense: Ask a pagan if you want substantial answers about their subjects.
@Essequibo river Amazona it's your job to prove that your imaginary friend exists since you are making that claim. of course you can't. I don't have to prove anything, I'm not claiming the existence of any supernatural creature. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Where is your evidence?
This guy talks about costumes and muslims wanting to be Americans and canadians if they live in our countries I don't see anything wrong with them wanting to assimilate maybe he needs to take of his costume and quit being hateful that's what's wrong with religion guys like this who thinks hes judge and jury over people taking there kids out to have fun
Wrong boy. Most of us Muslims are BORN here you ignoramus!! It's you individuals of the less melonated variety who are predisposed to the natural propensity, to suffer from the delusion of superiority. This is our country even more so than it is yours. (African Muslims were here 100s of years before Columbus; do your own unbiased research). We are NO less American because of our faith, we don't have to conform to anything except the laws. Celebrate your evil if you choose. Worship reindeer and a chunky guy in a red suit whilst lying to your children (most if whom are devastated when learning they'd been lied to about the Santa guy), an Easter bunny and phew.....wait you'll worship so many things I'm losing count! Go educate yourself. Free your narrow mind. Think freely.
@@rk2770 not every ones kids dress up like devils and stuff like that my kids always dressed up nice no evil stuff and went to relatives house and ate candy and have fun with family
If no other Gods exists but Allah then why would he be so insecure about humans worshiping a fake God that isn't real, much less participating in a celebration that has lacked any Pagan connotations for some 1,500 years.
And We send not the messengers except as bringers of good tidings and warners. And those who disbelieve dispute by [using] falsehood to [attempt to] invalidate thereby the truth and have taken My verses, and that of which they are warned, in ridicule. Quran 18:56 And the evil consequences of what they did will appear to them, and they will be enveloped by what they used to ridicule. Quran45:33
I was planning to go to a helloween party this evening just for fun no drinking, i asked a friend of mine if he wanted to come he's someone i met, he said: "I am a jahova witness i do not go to parties", then i saw this video on facebook and i got goosebumps wallahi allah gave me a sign!!
Masha Allah brother you must learn your Deen may Allah swt guide you Amiin
What's a johava wittness
@@MajuisanIcon @ a Christian sect
Uma Uma
Jehovah Witness is a false religious cult like Islam.
They do not believe in the eternal Sonship of Jesus Christ, thus they are not Christian but a cult.
This video will help you understand Islam more perfectly.
Watch this video: Reasons To Reject Islam - 6 - Allah Is A Liar
@@rogerw4507 verry sad how you talk youre worshipper of paul not Jesus
Thank you brother teacher. I'm a Christian but I see that the scriptures and the Koran have similar issues. Much respect. Peace be unto you. Walaikum Salam
Respect my brother
I respect you
WHAT does Darkness have in common with Light , pray tell???
You have insulted our Holy Book
Its nit spelled with the letter K unless you are an enemy to ISLAM🤔🙄🤷🏽♀️
I am not Muslim but I don't celebrate Halloween
Are you a Jehovah's Witness?
Good Job
At least u have sense
Respect. Much truth told within this talk. Prayers!!
I'm a Muslim Alhamdulellah and living in Canada. In the past two years my kids made me buy them costumes because everyone in school wear them. They've gone out trick or treating as well which they love. I didn't like the idea initially but I let them do it for two reasons. One, I wanted them to have fun. Two, I didn't see it as a religious practice. The only thing I didn't like was its expenses. After watching this video, I have a good reason not to follow it. I could spend my money on something better or more educational than yo buy expensive useless costumes. Thank you for wakening me from this stupid spell called Halloween!
You can give a 5 year old boy a real loaded gun, and he will smile and be happy. Doesn't make it safe or right does it? Plenty of other ways to make your children smile and happy
@nikto45 there are right reasons/ways to make someone happy and wrong ones. Unfortunately, I don't believe Halloween is a good way. I can see where it's going. As the children grow up to become teenagers, Halloween's innocent nature changes from "hello I'm a little pony" to parties involving sex, drugs and alcohol. If you want to prevent your kids from going that route, this is the time!!!
@nikto45 No need for insults. We can have a reasonable and intelligent discussion if you wouldn't mind.
Now, firstly you are missing the point. Your understanding is shallow and one dimensional. This is an Islamic talk, meant for Muslims. Nobody is telling Non Muslims to stop their children having fun on Halloween. If we believe there is a spiritual harm to it, contrary to the commands of God, immaterial things we can't see, negative energy, sin, indirectly supporting/promoting a Satanic and unholy day (whether those celebrating it are aware of it or not both Muslim and Non Muslim) then we will inform and encourage other Muslims not to take part in it. If Non Muslims in a Non Muslim country want to celebrate it, then that's up to them. But we are free to refrain from it and we will exercise that freedom. Just like we are free to refuse to eat pork and drink Alcohol and inform people about its dangers.
Secondly, I wasn't comparing guns to candy. My point was that your reply to the OP was illogical and you jumped to the conclusion that just because he stopped celebrating a pagan ritual one day out of the entire year, that immediately means he has a problem with happiness and seeing children happy.
There are 364 other days in the year other than Halloween that he could make his children smile and be happy. He could give them candy and let them play dress up every other day for all you know, yet somehow you assume he is against happiness and seeing children happy just for not being a sheep brainwashed by society for not celebrating this one silly night??
Lastly the guns to candy example was meant to point out that many things can make a child or even an adult happy. That doesn't mean it's necessarily a healthy or good thing. You can feed a child a diet of nothing but Ice cream and they will love it and be happy. But would that be healthy? Of course not.
One last bit of food for thought. Research how much the crime rate rises during Halloween. It is the perfect cover for all the creeps and criminals because they can blend in and nobody looks twice at them, wearing a balaclava, mask, carrying a weapon etc. Children trick or treating come into contact with all kinds of creeps, criminals and perverts. Look up news articles on razor-blades wedged into candy.
I used to work security in Night clubs and Halloween nights were often the worst and most violent.
Try to research and understand things before making judgements please.
@nikto45 And in response to your reply to Mausa Siau, yes, Halloween parties in Nightclubs have plenty of sex, drugs and Alcohol
@nikto45 in Canada or anywhere in the west, any social gathering that envolves mixing of sexes also envolves alcohol, drug and sex. It doesn't mean every party is like that, but the potential exists....... We are not talking about you bro relax!
I don’t usually celebrate Halloween but this year I had I weird feeling about it because I never questioned this tradition before so I decided to do some research and a friend sent me this
Very beneficial indeed!
Allahu Akbar
I am not Muslim, I am orthodox ☦️, but he exposed what Halloween 🎃 really celebrates
Man is speaking the Truth .. but the truth hurts .. Devil has no powers except whispers
One of the best channels on TH-cam.. Great content great wisdom. May Allah bless our scholars.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
I was a Wiccan for 10 years, as my first religion (my parents are non-religious and gave me the choice to choose my faith. I chose this religion at the age of 12). So I celebrated Samhain as part of my faith.
I would like to touch up on a few misconceptions:
-Samhain is pronounced "sa-win" and there is no such diety called Samhain.
- Samhain wasn't just about "evil spirits". The belief is that the hijab-the veil- separating the dunya from the akhira was at its thinnest on this day. So all these spirits of the dead could come and visit their living families. If you had wronged a family member they would play tricks or even do you harn.
Evil spirits also would come. And that's why you dress up- so you blend in with the spirits and they cannot tell if you are a living person or a dead one.
- The practice of trick-or-treating comes from when they would lay out cakes and other foods outside of their house to feed and appease their dead family. Because this was a time of asking the spirits of the dead, who are said to have the ability to see the unseen, for advice. It is also a time for ancestor worship.
- In addition, there are three main forms of Satanism that I have studied.
One such is the Church of Satan, which was created by LaVey in the 60's.
In high school I had a friend who was a member when I was a Wiccan and they let me borrow their Satanic Bible, which was written by LaVey himself.
They are hedonists (they believe the goal in life is to partake in all the endless pleasures of the dunya).
Unlike the other two forms of Satanism, the Church of Satan actually believes in the entire Biblical narrative of God creating the world and the fight between God and Satan. However, they take Satan's side when it comes to the argument between him and God.
They see God as oppressive because He made us with flaws and then told us if we sin due to our flaws He will punish us. But Satan says it is okay to enjoy life and enjoy what is available because that is what is in your nature- to do sin. So they see Satan as a liberator of oppression.
The Satanic Bible also calls out Wiccans because Wiccans have a law of "you can do whatever you want as long as you don't harm none (part of the Wiccan Rede- testimony of faith). They think there shouldn't be limitations. That's what makes their belief so dangerous. If you cross them then they will curse you and get even somehow.
However, Church of Satan Satanists do no celebrate Samhain as a holiday.
- Candy in my area has been known to have needles, blades, or even drugs in it. Parents are told to check for needles and blades in the candy, or throw away any candy which may look like drugs. But that is impossible to know.
I have worshiped many idols of many ancient religious. I have studied many other religions and even participated in their rituals and asked the believers of those faiths questions. I tried to become a sheikha-equivalent for Wicca (magic), and then a priestess of an Egyptian idol. I did this all before Allah chose me to become a Muslimah. Alhamdulilah.
Now I want to become a sheikha so I can use my knowledge on these topics to spread awareness to the Ummah, because I see a lot of ignorance on these topics.
May Allah protect us all from these evils. May He bless us for all that we sacrifice in His name, and may we return to Him when we are in the height of our imans. Ameen.
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, your story reminds me of me (different yet similar) Subhanallah, Allah (SWT) expanded our chest to contain Islam. shaitan lost a partner that day.
inshallah you become a mujtahida, you got this sister!
these satanic ideology’s are becoming more and more common, a believer isn’t going to spend hours studying it. since you already know it, you provide a unique perspective. Thanks for sharing.
As Salaam Alaikum Ukti and Jazak'Allah for the knowledge, the woman I married Islaamicly has a sister who calls herself Christian and holloween is a huge day for her and her family. In my later years of my life now I shake my head about it and she has 4 kids she celebrates that day with. My thing is this, if you're a Christian you have to ask yourself, if Jesus was alive now would he celebrate that day or would he teach against it. We know Nabi Isa ( aws ) would be against that day
Waalaikumsalam and ya iyaaki, akhi.
It is sad. Halloween is celebrated by anyone and everyone in the west- regardless of faith. They just see it as a fun commercial holiday and they don't understand the history or repercussions of what they do.
I wish religious people would be true to their faith more and reject things like this.
Funny things is you won't really find those who celebrate Samhain (Irish tradition pagans and Wiccans) celebrating Halloween with their kids. They take the holiday seriously and stick to the original celebration. I am confused on why they don't take it as an insult, as I did when I was a Wiccan. I felt like they took my serious holiday- a day of worship- and turned it into a joke.
But I guess I have always been a zealot- someone who is uncompromising in their ideology- when it comes to my religious faith.
I was raised in a pagan household, I've been Muslim for many years now alhamdulillah. You're quite correct, there are some misconceptions and inaccuracies in this video and other info I've seen. Maybe you should make your own video sis 😉 it's important if we have the knowledge, to share the correct info with people.
The fact Halloween has been so commercialised is a problem because it means people think it's just a bit of fun and they don't know the reality of it. When I was a kid nobody much celebrated it except our household. There were a few Jack o lanterns in windows but that was about it. Going trick or treating was a new concept mostly seen in American movies, people didn't do it where I lived. I remember being allowed to have a go at it with my friends one year and several people were offended by it. One elderly lady got very upset, saying we were following Satan. I grew up in chapel-going communities where people still had faith. They still understood Halloween was something pagan and sinful. Now every supermarket has an aisle dedicated to Halloween merch (starting sometime in August!).
I would make a video but I don't even take selfies with niqab on my own phone because I don't want my likeness on social media.
I'll speak with my sheikha teacher about other options when I move to study under her to become a sheikha InshaAllah.
It is really sad... so ignorant we are.
10 Things to escape Hell Fire:
1. Tooba: Repentance from heart
2. Istagfar: Repentance from tongue
3. Doing good deeds
4. Dua and Istagfar done by other believers for you
5. Pain & sufferings in this world
6. Azaab ul Qabar
7. Punishment and trials of the day of Judgment
8. Good deeds gifted by the loved ones
9. Intercession of our Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) on the day of Judgment
10. The Mercy of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى
Give your life to Jesus Christ first no more reason
Halloween originated in Pagan Ireland goes back to the Druids.
Subhanaallah this brother is an endowment to whatever community he's in.. BEANTOWN one love
Masha Allah Jazaakallah khair
When the exorcist (movie) was released in Iran, everyone thought it was funny. my father remembers everyone in the theater laughing.
They were shocked by the reports from England of people feinting from terror, being taken to hospitals in ambulances. Everyone was expecting it to be terrifying, yet In West Asia it was a hilarious.
Beautiful explanation about hellowen.
Now it's up to you. 🌹
hey no offence for a second I thought ur pop was Hitler
subhanallah, jazakallahu khair
Alhamdullillah, May Allah make it easy for us!
Wow what’s up with the comments 🙄😟 May Allah bless this man for telling the truth🙏
He is telling the truth about the origin of Halloween, but he is also making it seem as people in general still view it as a religious holiday. One can say that Hajj, the months of war, and umrah are pagan traditions because they were sacred times for the pagan Arabs before Muhammad claimed them
for Islam. And don't tell me the Arabs were monotheistic during the time of Ishmael because there is no proof of such a claim.
@@ohnoyoudidnt.3554 I don't think she called you stupid. She is a believer she probably was raised and indoctrinated into Islam and it's practice. Indeed religion lacks proof regarding their God claims but individual adherents only believe and do as they are told. I think you should save your vehemence for Mr quick because he know that he is lying or overexegarating about holloween.
May Allah make your faith stronger along with me. May Allah guide us to the straight path. Es selamu alejkum
the thing that people dont understand is that rules are rules . if adam and eve obey gods rules , we will not be in the mess where in right now. they wanted to be independent and look where it got em . i dont care how many rules we have. if the creator say dont talk for a day each week to stay alive then i wont talk . people celebrate holidays like it ok. not knowing the origin . i fall short on other sins but the ones that slick side try to get me to do something that god dont like no
God knew that adam and eve would eat from the forbidden tree, this is what makes us human, we make mistakes but we learn from them and move forward positively by asking for forgiveness from the almighty
I leaned a lot from this, thanks a world Sheikh!!!!
Mashaallah he has a great voice ❤❤❤
Ma sha Allah..
Actually, the pumpkins come from the Irish Legend of Stingy Jack. (Try Googling it) When they emigrated to America they took the tradition with them, and when they discovered pumpkins they found they were much easier to carve than the turnips they would have used back home.
The Irish used to use turnips and not pumpkins
I am Irish and most of the Muslim children in my area dress up for Halloween . Every year more and more Muslims are taking part in Halloween . Also this year we have been invited to my Muslim neighbours house for Christmas dinner , They are having 12 Muslim families over and 6 Catholic families , We went last year and brought a cooked turkey, we had a great time and even had them singing Christmas carols
Many Muslims do many things -- it doesn't mean they are necessarily right or that Islam condones it. If the logic is that it's fun and harmless, then that is a slippery slope. Muslims are humans like everyone else and everyone is at different levels of spirituality and knowledge. The key is not to judge or condemn but rather to EDUCATE. That is the purpose of this video and this channel. Let each individual make their own decision. God is the judge and may He guide us all to truth and wisdom. Amen and ameen.
ALL Jew Muslims Christian ARSE HOLES cult....no spiritual
They r evils an will be punished on the day of judgement. Shame on them and may Allah guide them if not may Allah destroy them asap
@@thehiddenhunter6534 Only Allah can judge. You have no idea if they will be punished or forgiven because He alone knows their situation. Wouldn't it have been better to say "may Allah guide them if not may Allah FORGIVE them asap". This is the true spirit of Islam and the true spirit of the Prophet (P).
Satans brought an enormous amount of salt in the comment section
Satan knows there is one God.
Islam people knows there is one God. Satan kill people and don't care about others ( wicked )
Islamic people also kill others and don't care about others ( Wicked) Satan = Islam
Cheerson samuel mong po wi
Satan doesn't exist. God doesn't exist. Religion is popular mythology. End of story.
MMaximuSS1975 Do we exist or is everything an illusion? If we exist, how did we get here?
@@siyarjoya9655, we don't know that religious people also don't know that they just pretend they do.
This explains why the church's celebrate Halloween.
My Allah bless you chikh
Love Truth Peace FreeDom Justice
JazakAllah never celebrated this festival waa not part of the country i waa born in. However u may be,interested to know that india has a festival calles black 14th in November where a witch is supposed to ride a broomstick and swing on the well.
@IlluminationEye So your telling me that Witches, Ghosts, Vampires and Zombies aren't Evil!?
If that's "Good" to you I wonder what "Evil" is to you!?
In the UK, the situation is not so bad. In any case, the last time I went out trick or treating was years ago. As a Muslim, from the angle the Shaykh is speaking in, I think it could potentially be a bad thing. However, it could also potentially be a bit of fun if done safely.
Hasnan Hussain it's not about 'done safely' do some research in to the origin of halloween instead of blindly following traditions like sheep. There is a reason why we don't follow such traditons in Islam!
To get into the right path you must know the direction not just by following someone
This is shaitans work
May Allah protect us
I love it and it’s like a lot more fun
Good teachings.
Why is there more comments from non believers in Islam in the comment section than believers... you flock to the truth willingly !! So you can’t say on the day of judgement that you didn’t know!!! But you still will lie even before God.!!!
Your absolutely right 👍🏽
I used to listen to this Imaam lecture at our local mosque. He should do a lecture on the origins of the Pul Siraat and Mizaan. Show how Islam is influenced by Zoroastrian and Egyptian mythologies. And it would be nice to hear him do a bit about pagan Arab ideas that are Islamitised. Like the Jinn who overhear the words of heaven and report to fortune tellers.
When so called Muslim world is descending into this foolish celebration, a born American is reminding Muslims of their responsibilities. Is it not what this Ayat is taking about?
5:54. O ye who believe! Whoso of you becometh a renegade from his religion, (know that in his stead) Allah will bring a people whom He loveth and who love Him, humble toward believers, stern toward disbelievers, striving in the way of Allah and fearing not the blame of any blamer. Such is the grace of Allah which He giveth unto whom He will. Allah is All Embracing, All Knowing.
You are so smart
Allahu akbar
Tons of details are incorrect within the video… is this guy a scholar?! I have seen so many videos of “scholars” speak about things with such authority and be so wrong it’s embarrassing and confusing for people
Want to provide examples?
Need to do more research on Celtic culture sir
Don't Islam and Judaism Christianity have the same foundation what was first? One thing I do know halloween is deep he is right, but it's spiritual meaning is not evil... It's just generally not understood, an example is this video
why not people think and find truth. life is end soon every one can see with eyes and no one can help you when you death time will come. in the day of judgement we will stand individual front in Allah (God).
Allah create law and teach us right things and eveil also created by Allah and eveil teach us wrong things. All about our test.
when human forget message of Allah so Allah send to us new massanger with same massage.
There is no Devil! Nor is there God! You are spreading hatred and suspicion here.
@@keefzcobra4616 this is not your words but others talk and you create thought. May be your mind and eyes are not open. reality of world just find your self.
I love you and you t smart
Halloween is not about just wearing something scary or evil, it's a mix of every thing, 90% of people dont know the meaning of what Halloween is.
This video is a one sided argument but not every thing in it is true. God gave humans free will and the will to choose, also in islam its stated that when living under a different culture you need to adhere to there customs along stick and fallow your own, I can not force anyone to become a muslim I can only teach and tell them about it and it's their choice/will to decide on if they want to fallow or convert
Moezer Yes, Muslims have to abide by the laws of the land they live in as long as they do not oppose Islamic laws and rulings. Halloween is contrary to Islamic laws. How can it not be when you are imitating the devil. That’s not hard to figure out
Samhain is on newmoon in november
Masha allah that’s true
Ireland this was . We worshiped nature . It was the 1 day the dead can return . We still have fires in ireland . All souls day the next day
Spirits of your family not evil spirits
They actually ask you for candy not food
banana aya playa surely you’re just making stuff up
Omar Ahmed well he said candy after
Omar Ahmed sahib candy belongs to food category 🌹
He means food is candy
Abdullah Hekum Quick?
Allahu Akbar
أعوذ بالله السميع العليم من الشيطان الرجيم من همزه و نفخه و نفثه , بسم الله أعوذ بكلمات الله التامات من غضبه و عقابه و شر عباده و من همزات الشياطين و أن يحضرون
What if we dress up for school and not trick or treat?
you suporting for this misguding thing?
i think you dont have much knowleg about'' blackmagic!''!!!...if you knew this you can understan what the resan we saying dont do this
Don’t send your daughters out dressed up scary. Marry (Sell) them to a man in his 30’s when they’re 9 or 10....
toklaut and another You couldn’t be more wrong. I’ve lived in the Middle East many years, I work in healthcare and I know the truth.
It’s called out and dealt with in the West. In places like Pakistan, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt and especially Khaleej, the prevalence is many times what it is in the West.
It’s actually quite accepted in many Islamic countries...
Anonfcmd22, you are out of your damn mind. The topic is Halloween not about selling YOUR daughter. How dumb of you!!!
Anonfcmd22 in America it is the worst. Gays are allowed to adapt kids and raise them. What is worse then that? It makes sodom and gamora look like a cakewalk
Um he is from Boston pretty sure he said he grew up in Boston. Did you really ask if they have trick or treating in Miami?
Darn, my son can’t be Spiderman and collect candy 😥
The irony of him saying children dress up as shaitan for Halloween when his own prophet said he was commanded by his personal shaitan in the hadith.
Leftsideofthebrain - Topic which Hadith?
@@brotheradoomi3720 Abdullah b. Mas'ud reported that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said:
There is none amongst you with whom is not an attache from amongst the jinn (devil). They (the Companions) said: Allah's Messenger, with you too? Thereupon he said: Yes, but Allah helps me against him and so I am safe from his hand and he does not command me but for good.
@@brotheradoomi3720 Its also in the Quran. Mohammed had a companion a devil called Al Abayd the white one..
قال ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما في رواية عطاء إن شيطانا يقال له الأبيض أتاه على صورة جبريل عليه السلام وألقى عليه هذه الكلمة فقرأها فلما سمع المشركون ذلك أعجبهم فجاء جبريل عليه السلام فاستعرضه فقرأها فلما بلغ إلى تلك الكلمة قال جبريل عليه السلام أنا ما جئتك بهذه قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إنه أتاني آت على صورتك فألقاها على لساني It is reported from ‘Ata’ that Ibn ‘Abbas said: A devil called al-Abyad came to the Prophet (ﷺ) in the form of Jibril (Gabriel) and cast these words (i.e. the Satanic verses) upon him, and the Prophet recited them. When the pagans heard that it pleased them. Thereupon, Jibril came and asked him to rehears the revelation to him. When he reached those words Jibril said: I did not bring you these words. Someone came to me in your form and cast these words on my tongue.[3]
Al-Qurtubi (d. 671/1273) writes: الأبيض، وهو صاحب الأنبياء، وهو الذي قصد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في صورة جبريل ليوسوس إليه على وجه الوحي، فجاء جبريل فدخل بينهما، ثم دفعه بيده حتى وقع بأقصى الهند Al-Abyad; he was the companion of the prophets and the one who intended to reach to the Prophet (ﷺ) in the form of Jibril to whisper to him in the garb of revelation, however, Jibril intervened and pushed al-Abyad with his hand throwing him to the farthest corner of India.
And this is Al Abayd the white one and the other is Jibriel.....
@@unitedsoulsnetwork2619 He is talking about the Qareen. Iblis is an individual just like you and me. There are muslim djinns too
@@alhassani626 my first question to you is when have you ever seen a muslim jinn?..😂😂😂 that's pure comedy and the hadith is very specific its not talking about the quran. It's talking about Muhammad being commanded by a jinn..it says nothing about the quran idiot..lol..furthermore Muhammad was tricked once by a false Jibreel so if it happened once and he couldn't tell the difference then how are you so sure that he didn't have other false visitations. He was supposed to be a prophet but yet he couldn't tell the difference between a false angel and a real one. So since thats the case how are you so sure that the quran itself is not from a demon spirit since Muhammad couldn't tell the difference?
Hey brothers and sisters, don't concerns yourselves with the origins of a holiday we don't even recognize. We don't celebrate it, has no impact on us. So who cares if Sheikh here is telling the truth or not.
Lol his pronunciation 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️ Samháin
Maxadiro somalilans
Don't forget Muhammad thinks the sun sets in a spring of water 🌅
Please give me proof from the quran.com if you are truthfool
Duh, you think Muhammad was talking about the sun on the horizon of the sea. Its alot deeper than that. He was talking about the sun, in terms of space. Space is made up of matter that behaves like water, so all the planets are orbiting the sun because they are swimming, (imagine water going down the plughole). The sun is floating in matter that is denser (like muddy water) because it is heavier than any of the planets/moons. So when the Sun sets, it sets in a muddy pool.🤔🧠🥴😖🤐😶🤢🤮🤕🤬🤭🤫 Read up on Islam your missing out big time.
O we are gonna go to hell because we decided to have fun in halloween. We can go to hell for many different reasons... this is just another day only difference is people, children have fun with costumes or make ups. For some people its boring and other's enjoyable. Nothing to be so serious about. Cmon. Stop making everything haram...i ve seen many muslims eating meat that is Not halal/kosher with beard and kufi but that is ok. Gtfo! There are so many other major issues to be worried about. Focus on those.
Who said anyone is going to Hell?
That is the reason world is going to pay its price....we make mistakes but..by regret,and not repeating smaller to larger sins,we are going to be a good muslims..By prevention of small sins we are accepting the habbit of preventing bigger sins.
Halloween has completely devolved into a play day. There is absolutely no religious component to it anymore Kids get to put on costumes and play make believe for 1 day a year and receive candy and simply get to be kids. Do you have any idea how many kids in my hospital will never leave their beds again, never ride a bike, wear a costume, etc. Let kids be kids. Ohh...they are not begging for candy. Adults give it because they want to and understand it for what it is which is just a fun day. If religion were part of it then it wouldn't be good but it's totally secular, like fireworks on the 4th of July.
Muslim celebrate two holidays only. All other holidays are false.
@@UmoKhadeija This maybe a bit off topic but your comment reminds me of my ex sis-in-law (non-muslim). She was tired of buying presents EVERY WEEK ... someones birthday, Anniversary, etc.. then comes Easter, Halloween, Xmas, mother's day etc... like seriously it's never ending. Alhamdulillah we only celebrate the 2 EIDS and that's a task in itself...lol... Alhamdulilah.
It's pronounced "keltic" not "seltic". "Seltic" is the sports team.
We pronounce it Celtic in North of Ireland.
Lol you dumb is spelt celtic, and yes he is very right, go read
@Emon Vantasa take your salty arse keltic, shmeltic my arse. Go and concentrate on something that matters functional illiterate!!!
Samhain is Irish and is pronounced Sowan. Halloween if just a bit of FUN, something lacking in Islam and most religions. Halloween is good for personal development and creativity and fun for kids. Islam encourages hatred of others and a violent trick if there's no treaty.
Yo Austin... lighten up. Fun lacking in Islam? No... We just have different definitions of what fun is. Before I converted to Islam I had fun by getting drunk, clubbing, smoking weed, doing whatever. Now I still have fun but with certain limits… like playing basketball, video games, cow tipping, playing chicken with tractors -- like Kevin Bacon in Footloose. And as far as “Islam encourages hatred of others”… In what canonical Islamic text do we find that teaching?
@@IslamOnDemand There is no fun in Islam as I said. What fun activities you do have nothing to do with Islam, they are things many people do and you don't need religions to do them. As for drinking and other habits, they are not forced on you if you are not religious. And even the Quran says drinking is good for you and not good for you. It says don't drink before going to the Mosque. Both these verses don't ban alcohol, yet alcohol is banned in Islam.
Halloween is a fun time for kids and some adults, whatever the Celtic origins, now it's just for fun, but your beliefs want to stop it.
I could quote hundreds of verses to show just like your video that your religion doesn't like what non believers do or say. "Take not them (non believers) as friends, they are not your friends..." This is mentioned a few times and yes I know the context. Half the Quran is - they (non believers) say this or do that, or kill them because they are non believers and maybe broke a treaty, not during a war.
Islam is all about controlling people, how to pray, when to pray, what to wear - for women, how to wash, how to control your wife, even not letting you leave Islam as you would be killed according to the teachings.
@@AustinOKeeffe Before I address all the NEW points you just raised, what about the first point? You made a very explicit accusation in your original comment: "Islam encourages hatred of others" and I specifically asked you: "In what canonical Islamic text do we find that teaching?" Don't deflect. Answer the question. Once we settle this we'll move on to the other points you've injected.
@@IslamOnDemand If you read my response you will see that I answered your question. If I had to go through many more of the examples it would take too long.
@@AustinOKeeffe You didn't quote any canonical Islamic text. Now you're being evasive. BTW this is not surprising. In fact it's typical of those whose goal is simply looking to confirm their pre-existing biases and NOT understanding the TRUTH.
Keltic, thats how you pronounce Celtic.
Both are correct. Keltic is the modern pronunciation. Celtic was used prior, and still is by many.
@@suzanneholmes7292no, Celtics pronounced with soft “c” is a sports team in USA” Celtics with hard “c” is the real pronunciation you imbecile
@@Casey-sl1bh You don’t need to be rude to SuzanneHolmes, she’s right. Both pronunciations were considered correct in any English dictionary years ago. “Seltic” is the older standard pronunciation, “Keltic” is the newer. Why did you think the Boston Celtics have the “s” sound to begin with anyway?
It's funny that you have knowledge about holloween and it's pagan origin, yet Hajj is one the five pillars of Islam. Hajj was an Arab pagan tradition that Muhammad assimilated into his religion just as the Catholics assimilated Halloween into their tradition. Talk about confirmation bias you notice all the hits on your side but forget or conviently overlook all the misses. Religion is like that though, right?
@nikto45 Hajj was established before Mohammed (saw) and during the time of the Abraham. Jews and Christians amended their religions from the original teachings conveyed to them by Gods messengers Moses and Jesus. That is why you may feel there is similarities. The final messenger of God, Mohammed (saw) was sent to correct the deviation and re-establish the true word of God. It is sad that you failed to educate yourself in the truth of your religion and moved away. May God guide the true believer and give the unbeliever guidance. Islam is the religion that will restore peace on earth and that is why the evil among men try hard to discredit and obliterate Islam.
I really don't get it...we don't believe all these stories but it's fun! Is having fun is haram? Children's love it! Islam is not an Arabic culture! It's open for everyone.
@RUNESCAPEISLIFE S what are you talking about? Did Quran mentioned this night as devil's night? Is there a horned red devil 😈? Why a festival would stop me practicing my religion? Man, you made Islam so hard core that it's better not to practice this religion. Did you say 'Pagan ritual' let me remind you Circling around Kaba is a pagan ritual, kissing the fragments of black stone is a pagan ritual. Every religion borrowed some or most part from some other religions.
Have some fun! And worship Allah. Be not afraid there's no ghost 👻 or a night of zombies😂 these are just silly stories.
No one is stopping you! Just don’t attribute your nonsense to ISLAM.
@@TheAdventuresOfMontuMiah circumbulating the alkaaba is an ancient act that was started by Abraham as, remember Abraham is the father of monotheism..........as such the early arabs and other people in the middle east were practicing it not as their tradition but an Abrahamic tradition although they mixed it up with other ritual practises that were never ordained by Allah. reseach again bro.
Its fun to punch u in the face wats wrong with it. Its fun lol
If we all stuck to our own beliefs or ways of living/surviving and stopped bashing or trying to convert others, there may possibly be a chance that we could appreciate one another's beliefs cuz maybe all of this stuff is made up.
Yes but halloween is devils worship
Kids dont know,,, ik they like candy, and fun not knowing what its all about
Soon having *fun* will be *Haram* by some Mufti. Oh you enjoyed that stand up comedian? That's Haram! You love watching football? That's devil's advocate. Oh you enjoy video games? That's already declared Haram by many scholars. I used make games, when I listened the fatwa about video game I listened carefully, and dropped my on going project (they put up a valid argument)...but now I go one step further I make Virtual Reality games...these games with half an hour session burns enough calories than running/jogging. Can't catch me now, but I am afraid soon they will provide another Fatwa Against whole Virtual Reality thing.
The issue is NOT about having fun. The issue is about BLINDLY engaging in a ritual which is rooted in shirk and all sorts of dubious "traditions". Any "mufti" who says comedy, football or games are "haram" (as blanket statements) is extreme. There are qualifications to these things. Is the comedian using profanity? Is the game promoting a haram activity? Etc. The issue is more nuanced. We need to be intelligent and practical and ask why it MAY be haram, and avoid extremism to one end or the other.
Regardless of who takes your fun away I wouldn't waste your time on what you can have now. The only time you need to concern yourself with is when God weights the heart of mankind on Judgment Day. Yes your heart will be weighed, just like mine. I am scared of death and when a man who believes in God is scared of death he fears Judgment Day and what is coming to him. May God make me a better servant for him....Ameen.
বাতাবি লেবুর ফলন If you’re not a Muslim, what do you care about fatwas and what Muslims consider Halal and Haram. Is your religion not interesting enough?
@@IslamOnDemand, there are mufti who claim science is haram and satanic.
What a poor Muslim preacher! In fact, this poor guy was not qualified to teach this topic ... simply because he did not live at the origin time of Halloween at all, but he just collected, learnt, and repeated some speculations from some writers about it...
Moreover, he exposed his extreme ignorance about Christianity because the Halloween day is not a religious holiday in Christianity.
May Allah guide you from your ignorance
@@mikemor75 - Get real! your Allah in Islam had no power to appear and incarnate in some visible creature for communication, how can this Allah know all and guide us ???
@@sgma4m Umm..... I don't know maybe through his *Prophets*
It's a fun time for kids and it always will be
Lies to the Kids... #Teach them the Truth please
@@brianrobinson5275 you mean it's a lie to kids like religion is to adults?
Islam is the Truth....... Peace
They are not begging its tradition
shane molloy Doesn’t the origin of these traditions bother you? Like Halloween and Valentines Day?
@@siyarjoya9655 no sir . I dont do evil . Kids just having fun . God knows your hart . He will judge you on whats in it
shane molloy This then opens doors to many harmful things as long as your hart is in the right place. Halloween may seem innocent but all bad habits start innocent at first.
@@siyarjoya9655 sir with all respect to islam and the prophet peace be upon him i feel different . You can dress your child as anything not only evil things . It is not now as it began . The children have fun muslims have a problem with halal foods that is fair but we should accomadade the muslim kids by getting halal treats for them . Im a firm believer god knows your hart . He kmows your intentions and he knows you teach gods ways . I respect your view i just disagree . Peace to you and yours my friend .
shane molloy We agree to disagree. I thank you and wish you the best
All Eastern religions, from Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity to Islam, including the Egyptian, Greek and Roman pantheons of gods are rooted in Sumerian religion. Read Epic of Gilgamesh, as a start.
What do the abrahamic religions have to do with a polytheistic religion?
@@darkorangesupercar743, the so called abhramic religion copies a lot of idea, myths, stories from other religions.
@@scpfoundation0017 like what?
@@darkorangesupercar743, the idea of one god comes from zoroastrianism, the whole concept of djinn comes from Arabic pagan beliefs, the concept of son of God is present in many pagan beliefs many of them are much older than any of the abhramic religions.
This is a form of Shirk
These guys has opinion on others but non on theirs ..remember when u point fingers at others u are pointing three fingers back to ur self..that is why the world need to fight them.......
He saying facts .. Facts .
Go check it ..if he saying truth or not .
You're a pagan smelly Hindu aren't you? Stop pretending you're a European in the comments section.
@@عابرسبيل-و5ي1س the only fact i know of is a 50 yr old raping a 9 yr old...check it out in the quran
so where is proof.....where is your proof
just google whatever he said, will you?
There is a place called
You will get your prove
Killing Ball Run history books, stories passed down from generations to generations and just like look it up depending on what source you trust you’ll find it
Idiot kid12 do research on google there’s probably some mid evil times or Roman stories that talk about it
do you know about black magic...if you realy want to clear this qus..you want to know about black magic,,,,,,agin im asking why you cleprat this thing......?give me you proof
SMH. Religion
This man has no idea what he's talking about. Firstly, it's pronounced KEL-TIK, not "sel-tik". Secondly it's pronounced SOW-IN, not "sam-hain". Thirdly, the Celtic new year was NOT November 1, it was the NEW MOON which was at least a month after the autumnal equinox, and at least a month before the winter solstice, in point of fact. And Samhuinn (which means SUMMER'S END) was not the beginning of the year, it was the end of the year, at the time of the dark/invisible Moon. And it was a harvest festival, and a time to honour the ancestors, and had nothing whatsoever to do with devils/demons, etc. This video is stupid, ignorant, idiotic nonsense, in point of fact.
Well... He is actually closer to the real history of Halloween than many Christians. Despite that he has some problems with pronunciation.
Beside that. First time I learned about the Celtic pre-christian Halloween tradition it was in fact spelled "Samhain". So he is not the first who think that is the name ;-)
@@No1Agge - In fact, this poor guy did not live at the origin time of Halloween, but he just collected, learnt, and repeated some speculations from some writers about it.
@@No1Agge- Moreover, this Muslim preacher exposed his extreme ignorance in attacking Christianity ... because the Halloween day is not a religious holiday in Christianity.
@@sgma4m It is the eve of All Saints' Day, so it is a holy day in the Christian calendar, actually. So you're just as ignorant yourself.
@@daragildea7434- Who ignored? the All Saints day (on Nov 1) and the All Souls day (on Nov 2) are different from the Halloween day (on Oct 31)
He has no idea what he's talking about. Samhain has nothing got to do with American or Canadian culture nor Christianity. It's a pagan holiday. But really it's so far from the meaning of today's Halloween. Also it's not to brain wash people, it's a genre of film called horror. There is nothing wrong with celebrating a cultural holiday of the place you live in. It's a great sense of community and fun.
The reason the moved the date is to try and brain wash people into switching from paganism to Christianity.
Terrible scare mongering in the 21st century. I feel bad for Muslim kids not being able to enjoy childhood , eat sweets and dress up as spider Man or a power puff girl. Lol groups of satanists, get a life. Utter crap.
And you call that life?your to dress like spiderman?does sweet add life to them?
@@kayinzaracheal3155 I call that a childhood filled with fun and imagination. While touching on ancestry traditions and celtic keeping history alive. It's once a year.
You are dumb. America or Canada has no culture. They have European roots and heritage. Its a pagan holiday of the Barbarian Celts who accepted Christianity
@@malhamaulkubra4437 lol Good thing I'm from Ireland that has important cultural structures older than the Egyptian pyramids. Definitely something to celebrate 😁 once a year with the traditions of my pagan Celtic ancestors! But then again I'm dumb so I've no idea how to dress myself in the mornings 😂 thanks
@@Sweenece Older than the pyramids? Says a pagan
Theres nothing wrong with Halloween
why this comment section is fill with dum pepole
the effct of hallwen is ....subtil changece ....their for you want to learn histry ...to undestan what wrong with this
This Abdullah Hakim is telling lots of bullshit and incoherent fairy
tale. Samhain traditionally is a festivity that marked a "no time" or
"in between time" where the old year had ended but the new one had not
yet begun. In these aproximately three weeks the quality and theme of
"death" is most present (i.e. the slaughtering of stock which couldn't
be fed over the winter time and the preserving of theit meat; opening an
easier connection with the deceased and own ancestors i.e. in shamanic
practice and divination and seaking for theit help and advice; a time of
exerting practices of social cleansing with especially antisocial
acting elements of the society [you may still find this in the "tricks
or treats" as a threatening of the ones, unwilling to give; you may also
find this quality rather dominant in the astrology sign of scorpio]. In
this sense: Ask a pagan if you want substantial answers about their
Hahaha.... Pitty you
Muslim who believes in imaginary beings calls out people who believe in imaginary beings. LoL
Let me guess. Science is your religion
@@siyarjoya9655 I have no religion. they are all false.
@Essequibo river Amazona it's your job to prove that your imaginary friend exists since you are making that claim. of course you can't. I don't have to prove anything, I'm not claiming the existence of any supernatural creature. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Where is your evidence?
@@F1nzu thanks for the advice, but I think I'll care about whatever the f*ck I feel like caring about.
James Scott Everybody has a religion. Maybe you don’t see it as a religion
Load of B.S.
You are doing the same things, you are scaring people, on the name of god. Yours is worst.
This guy talks about costumes and muslims wanting to be Americans and canadians if they live in our countries I don't see anything wrong with them wanting to assimilate maybe he needs to take of his costume and quit being hateful that's what's wrong with religion guys like this who thinks hes judge and jury over people taking there kids out to have fun
Wrong boy. Most of us Muslims are BORN here you ignoramus!! It's you individuals of the less melonated variety who are predisposed to the natural propensity, to suffer from the delusion of superiority. This is our country even more so than it is yours. (African Muslims were here 100s of years before Columbus; do your own unbiased research). We are NO less American because of our faith, we don't have to conform to anything except the laws. Celebrate your evil if you choose. Worship reindeer and a chunky guy in a red suit whilst lying to your children (most if whom are devastated when learning they'd been lied to about the Santa guy), an Easter bunny and phew.....wait you'll worship so many things I'm losing count! Go educate yourself. Free your narrow mind. Think freely.
Whats so fun about dressing up as a devil ..witch etc
@@rk2770 not every ones kids dress up like devils and stuff like that my kids always dressed up nice no evil stuff and went to relatives house and ate candy and have fun with family
If no other Gods exists but Allah then why would he be so insecure about humans worshiping a fake God that isn't real, much less participating in a celebration that has lacked any Pagan connotations for some 1,500 years.
And We send not the messengers except as bringers of good tidings and warners. And those who disbelieve dispute by [using] falsehood to [attempt to] invalidate thereby the truth and have taken My verses, and that of which they are warned, in ridicule.
Quran 18:56
And the evil consequences of what they did will appear to them, and they will be enveloped by what they used to ridicule.