Speech 30 | Ma. Alyanna T. Lelis | What if we were typical? (11 December 2024)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ม.ค. 2025
  • Ma. Alyanna Lelis is an 18-year-old BA Sociology student at UP Diliman, with a deep passion for service and community engagement. She has dedicated much of her time to various organizational and outreach efforts. Yanna previously served as President of both her school's and her city’s Student Council, and was also the Public Information Officer for the Bicol Regional Student Council. Currently, she is an active member of AYAN PH, Sociosphere, SALIGAN sa CSSP, and Rise 4 Education CSSP.
    Though her relationship with her siblings was challenging growing up, Yanna credits much of her achievements to the influence of her brothers and sister, and the unique dynamics their family created. Today, she shares her personal journey of growth, love, and acceptance in her speech, “What if We Were Typical?”
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