Me, as former chinese student surprised to see that the way they pronounce those number differently but has the same writing. Totally gotta learn this more
Not really. Onyomi readings to resemble chinese readings somewhat (also to note, they often times resemble old readings that are not used in modern Chinese dialects.) in the case of Kunyomi you are right@@Finity_twenty_ten
I love how the kanji for 1-3's stroke count is faithful to what numbers they're representing but by four they were like "So um, what if we made four five strokes and five four strokes ..."
Please make more video like this, the writing and reading Kanji videos. i enjoy and love to watch and learning through ur handwriting so much. thanks for your hard working. you did a very great job here. Can't wait to watch ur next videos. sending huge respect
how to differentiate right from left, 右と左 (migi to hidari) back in the olden days, people don't have a spoon, or even chopsticks, so they eat with their right hand, therefore 口 (kuchi, mouth) and they didn't had toilet paper back then. would you use your eating hand to wipe your butt? no. you'd use your left hand to get the work done, therefore エ (takumi, work) even though i learnt this for chinese, it applys here too
Me who just accept how kanji works and did it how they wrote it be like: "where we supposed to follow the same direction? " So basically! I have a Chinese mother, so as well I'm Chinese! But I didn't learn chinese- so since I'm already suffer enough, i just follow how they did it-
Thank you so very much! Every time people ask for help on how to learn Kanji and the stroke orders I tell them to follow you. I learn more by watching your videos than by reading the piles of books I have
Thank you for sharing this! I really like your wonderful hand writing and truly appreciate your hard working🥺🙏🏻. Now I’m going to keep watching your videos! Looking forward to seeing your new video!❤️ ありがとうございます!
Thanks brothers. My daughter still ini elementary school and really interesting to start learning Japanese language. Japan is one of my daughter favorite country. Maybe one days she will continue to studied in Japan. 👍🙏 Arigatoo Gozaimasu
As nossas são muito jentis e prestativa presentes .leas companhias comfidenes amigas etc a 🌼🌷 mas fácil mas forte 💪 guapo pressisa não manda ela aconselha ou cansiliadora
Parabéns esta indo muito bem só porque é um servo não se senta menos bue ium nada você é sim uma pessoa especial buer reconheçoa buer não você e todos os outros servos e servas também de todas as épocas pesso desculpas mas não penso igual gue eles devem ser separados escritos os mínimos direitos básicos respeitados a sua vida após anos de dedicação respeito lealdade mancidam gratidão a seu dono obrigada por me ouvir 👂 e me desculpe
父 in Vietnamese has many ways to say: bố, ba, cha, thầy, tía, cậu, phụ thân. 母 in Vietnamese also has many ways to say: mẹ, má, bầm, u, mạ, mợ, mẫu thân. Bố mẹ: mainly in Northern area Ba mẹ: mainly in Southern area Thầy u: mainly in Hong River Delta (I think). In some Northern and Central families previously they also call father as thầy, commonly thầy means male 先生. Cậu mợ: previous noble or rich families in Northern area, but cậu, mợ generally for maternal uncles and aunts, paternal uncles and aunts are chú, cô. Ba má, ba mẹ: mainly in Southern area. Tía má: Mekong Delta families. Mạ, bầm: Quảng Bình, Quảng Trị, Thừa Thiên - Huế (or Bình Trị Thiên) area mainly. Phụ thân, mẫu thân: previous noble or educated families.
Servos são valoroso merecem respeito e paciência para se ambientar guardo arecem adiguiridos são dedicados leas o importante guados é só fazer possível e lmpossivel para a satisfação de seu seor por favor sejam compresivos obrigada
Pin this comment, please!
For those who don't know - use Ctrl+f to find Kanjis:)
0:00 一 (いち) - one
0:11 二 (に) - two
0:24 三 (さん) - three
0:41 四 (よん / し) - four
1:05 五 (ご) - five
1:24 六 (ろく) - six
1:43 七 (なな / しち) - seven
2:03 八 (はち) - eight
2:20 九 (きゅう / く) - nine
2:40 十 (じゅう) - ten
2:55 百 (ひゃく) - hundred
3:20 千 (せん) - thousand
3:35 万 (まん) - ten thousand
3:53 人 (ひと) - person
4:07 日本人 (にほんじん) - Japanese
4:44 子ども (こども) - child
5:28 男 (おとこ) - man
5:55 女 (おんな) - woman
6:15 男の子 (おとこのこ) - boy
6:55 女の子 (おんなのこ) - girl
7:27 父 (ちち) - (my) father
7:47 お父さん (おとうさん) - father
8:25 母 (はは) - (my) mother
8:47 お母さん (おかあさん) - mother
9:30 先生 (せんせい) - teacher
10:07 友達 (ともだち) - friend
10:44 高校生 (こうこうせい) - high school student
11:42 目 (め) - eye
12:03 口 (くち) - mouth
12:21 耳 (みみ) - ear
12:45 手 (て) - hand
13:03 足 (あし) - foot
13:33 力 (ちから) - power
13:52 学校 (がっこう) - school
14:33 会社 (かいしゃ) - company
15:08 駅 (えき) - station
15:40 店 (みせ) - shop
16:03 空港 (くうこう) - airport
16:48 大学 (だいがく) - university
17:17 入口 (いりぐち) - entrance
17:49 出口 (でぐち) - exit
18:24 車 (くるま) - car
18:49 電車 (でんしゃ) - train
19:39 時間 (じかん) - time
20:28 一週間 (いっしゅうかん) - one week
21:31 毎日 (まいにち) - every day
22:05 毎週 (まいしゅう) - every week
22:49 毎年 (まいとし) - every month
23:25 今日 (きょう) - today
23:53 明日 (あした) - tomorrow
24:31 今週 (こんしゅう) - this week
25:10 先週 (せんしゅう) - last week
25:53 来週 (らいしゅう) - next week
23:33 今月 (こんげつ) - this month
27:02 先月 (せんげつ) - last month
27:35 来月 (らいげつ) - next month
28:13 新年 (しんねん) - new year
28:54 午前 (ごぜん) - A.M.
29:29 午後 (ごご) - P.M.
30:02 白 (しろ) - white
30:22 黒 (くろ) - black
30:50 上 (うえ) - above
31:06 下 (した) - under
31:22 右 (みぎ)- right
31:45 左 (ひだり) - left
32:05 前 (まえ) - front
32:32 後 (うしろ) - back
32:57 中 (なか) - inside
33:17 外 (そと) - outside
33:35 北 (きた) - north
33:55 南 (みなみ) - south
34:21 東 (ひがし) - east
34:51 西 (にし) - west
35:18 日よう日 (にちようび) - Sunday
35:59 月よう日 (げつようび) - Monday
36:39 火よう日 (かようび) - Tuesday
37:18 水よう日 (すいようび) - Wednesday
38:03 木よう日 (もくようび) - Thursday
38:45 金よう日 (きんようび) - Friday
39:33 土よう日 (どようび) - Saturday
40:16 山 (やま) - mountain
40:39 川 (かわ) - river
40:58 空 (そら) - sky
41:23 空気 (くうき) - air
41:59 花 (はな) - flower
42:23 牛 (うし) - cow
42:45 馬 (うま) - horse
43:15 魚 (さかな) - fish
43:43 貝 (かい) - shell
44:07 日本語 (にほんご) - Japanese language
44:57 中国語 (ちゅうごくご) - Chinese language
44:53 英語 (えいご) - English
46:38 新聞 (しんぶん) - newspaper
47:31 本 (ほん) - book
47:56 天気 (てんき) - weather
48:27 雨 (あめ) - rain
48:59 大きい (おおきい) - big
49:30 小さい (ちいさい) - small
49:58 新しい (あたらしい) - new
50:34古い (ふるい) - old
50:59 高い (たかい) - expensive / tall
51:30 安い (やすい) - cheap
51:56 多い (おおい) - many
52:19 少ない (すくない) - few
52:51 少し (すこし) - a few / a little
53:14 長い (ながい) - long
53:42 早い (はやい) - early
54:09 行く (いく) - to go
54:31 来る (くる) - to come
54:58 食べる (たべる) - to eat
55:34 飲む (のむ) - to drink
56:11 書く (かく) - to write
56:48 見る (みる) - to watch / look
56:17 言う (いう) - to say
57:43 立つ (たつ) - to stand
58:06 出る (でる) - to go out
58:35 入る (はいる) - to enter
58:57 話す (はなす) - to talk
59:31 読む (よむ) - to read
1:00:06 買う (かう) - to buy
1:00:42 聞く (きく) - to listen
1:01:22 休む (やすむ) - to rest
1:01:51 会う (あう) - to meet
1:02:16 上がる (あがる) - to go up
Ух спасибо большое, теперь быстро смогу перевод записать)
Thank you so much!
Спасибо большое) ありがとうございました ✨
Thank you
こんにちは、私はモンゴル人です。 私は学校で5年生から12年生までの6年間日本語を勉強しました。 学校を卒業後、ロシアの大学に入学し、ロシアで土木工学を4年間学びました。 私は日本語が大好きですが、ロシアに留学した後、言葉や漢字を忘れてしまいました。 今、私はあなたのビデオから日本語をとても快適でとても効果的に学んでいます。 どうもありがとうございました。 いつか日本に行きます.
Your Japanese is good, it has been a year and I hope your learning has been going well!
Don't use "watashi" in any phrases.
0:01 数字
3:55 人
4:09 3字熟語(?)
5:31 性別(?)
6:16 家族(?)
9:31 知り合い(?)
11:42 体
13:54 場所
18:25 乗り物
19:40 時間
30:04 色
35:20 曜日
40:18 土地(?)
41:25 自然(?)
42:24 動物
46:35 ファーン(?)
46:40 読み物
47:58 天気
48:01 ファーン(?)
49:01 物の例え(?)
49:02 プップー(?)
53:43 行動(?)
のんにゃ ヤスなろっこ そうだよ(適当)
ふりゃ_Furya ですよねぇ
m o ちょいちょいなってるww
Thanks! This is one of my favourite kanji vocabulary videos 😊
0:01 いち 0:12 に 0:26 さん 0:40 よん
1:06 ご 1:24 ろく 1:44 なな 2:04 はち
2:20 きゅう2:40 じゅう2:56 ひゃく3:20 せん
3:35 まん 3:55 ひと 4:08 日本人4:46 こども
5:30 おとこ5:55 おんな6:15 男の子6:55 女の子
7:27 父 7:47 お父さん
8:25 はは 8:48 お母さん
9:30 先 9:41 生 10:02 友 10:17 達
10:43 高 11:02 校 11:19 生
11:40 目 12:04 口 12:20 耳 12:44 手
13:03 足 13:32 力 13:52 字校
14:32 会 14:45 社 15:08 駅 15:40 店
16:04 空 16:20 港 16:48 大 15:56 字
17:18 入口17:50 出口 18:24 車 18:50 電車
19:40 時 19:58 間 20:28 ー週間
21:31 毎日22:04 毎週 22:49 毎年23:25 今日
23:53 明日24:30 今週 25:10 先週25:53 来週い
Thank you!
Though the kanji at 13.52 supposed to be 学 as in 学校(gakkō)
lets take a minute to thak this guy, this is free
Me, as former chinese student surprised to see that the way they pronounce those number differently but has the same writing. Totally gotta learn this more
Kanji is Chinese characters
They pronounce all the kanji different.
Not really. Onyomi readings to resemble chinese readings somewhat (also to note, they often times resemble old readings that are not used in modern Chinese dialects.) in the case of Kunyomi you are right@@Finity_twenty_ten
I finnaly know how to say "Japanese" in Japanese
Thank you!
Nihongo/Nippongo or Nihonjin/nipponjon
I laugh to hear "nihongo", this is very nice and funny word
@@Courdelion chin chin
@@raimu4031 nippongo is not really commonly used. Instead use nihongo
Japanese in japanese was the first thing i learned in japanese 😅 (i started learning 2 years ago)
I love how the kanji for 1-3's stroke count is faithful to what numbers they're representing but by four they were like "So um, what if we made four five strokes and five four strokes ..."
You should go see a video of comedian Atsugiri Jason titled "kanji". He seems to have same opinion.
Please make more video like this, the writing and reading Kanji videos. i enjoy and love to watch and learning through ur handwriting so much. thanks for your hard working. you did a very great job here. Can't wait to watch ur next videos. sending huge respect
I'm impressed by your calligraphy. It's so good to watch all the movements
how to differentiate right from left, 右と左 (migi to hidari)
back in the olden days, people don't have a spoon, or even chopsticks, so they eat with their right hand, therefore 口 (kuchi, mouth)
and they didn't had toilet paper back then. would you use your eating hand to wipe your butt? no. you'd use your left hand to get the work done, therefore エ (takumi, work)
even though i learnt this for chinese, it applys here too
I also like to remember the pronunciation like this. Turn エ on its side and you get H for Hidari.
@@sirpentium yea actually that is way better than my method, i'm taking that
omg this is exactly how I was thought to differentiate them in primary school as well
Me who just accept how kanji works and did it how they wrote it be like: "where we supposed to follow the same direction? "
So basically! I have a Chinese mother, so as well I'm Chinese! But I didn't learn chinese- so since I'm already suffer enough, i just follow how they did it-
I just remember it with ERO(エロ), when you say ERO, E is on left side, RO is on right side, so, ナ+エ,ロ will show you where is Left and Right.
Das ist eine sehr große Hilfe 🈳🈷️✍🏼😅👍🏼
Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland 💁🏼♀️
헐... 왠지 모르게 예쁜 글씨로 쓰는거 느긋하게 보니까 괜히 기분만 좋아지고 더 잘 외워지는 것 같아요..ㅜㅠ👍🏻
여보세요! 나는 중국인이고 궁금한데 한국인들은 아직도 한자를 알까?
요즘은 학교에서도 교육을 많이 시키지를 않아서 모르시는 분들이 많아요!!
그래도 나이가 많은 사람은 아는 사람이 많습니다~
@@alsinbad3772 Yes
@@alsinbad3772 Jungugindeuldo moreujanah 草
@@alsinbad3772 조금은 압니다 哈哈哈!
Thank you so very much! Every time people ask for help on how to learn Kanji and the stroke orders I tell them to follow you. I learn more by watching your videos than by reading the piles of books I have
Thank you for this! This is perfect for the people who wants to learn kanji
Thank you very much for posting these lessons! They help me a lot in my learning Japanese.
You have a very nice voice. あなたの声はいいです!
The fact that you make brush lifts with a rollerball is incredible
小学生と中学生の時の漢文授業みたいだ!韓国語字幕ありがとうございます~ 確かに漢字単語は韓国式で読んでも日本語と発音が似ていますね
@@mogwa1017 多分読み方?ってなってるから翻訳のこと言いたかったんだと思う
Woah... That's so clean, thank you so much!
What a steady hand. I love to see you write, so neat and clear. I learned a lot from you. 🙏🏻 thank you very much.
이 영상은 일본 한자를 배우기에 매우 좋은 영상인듯 합니다. 감사합니다, 타쿠미상!
This vodeo is good for learning Kanji. THX, Takumi-san!
0:01 0:26 3:50 5:20 9:31 13:25 17:41 23:25 28:08 30:47 31:41 33:15 34:47 35:15 40:17 43:38 44:05 47:31 48:51 52:51 56:43 1:0:36
Alhamdulillah nemu video edukasi ini di yt. Niatnya tahun depan magang kejepang. Bismillah semoga diperlancar
I'm Japanese. I am 18 years old.I failed the college exam last year. So I watch this video. Hahahahahaa
Merci beaucoup pour vos vidéos que j'ai toujours tant de plaisir à suivre.
Thank you for adding Arabic I really love your handwriting ❤️❤️❤️
I’m learning Mandarin Chinese, but I find myself watching this video :D
Bro your talent is superb . You know almost all languages!
I believe he uses a translator, but even so it's very considerate of him to take the time to add the subs so more people can understand
Dude, what do you mean "almost all languages"? lmao
The time this guy dedicated for one video is amazing. 💜
Looks like he dedicated an hour for an hour video, that's pretty good. There's 10 minute videos that take days to make.
You have a very calming voice
فعلا.و لله انت مذهل ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍😍 فعلا حفضتها سريعا
I am Japanese. I know Japanese is very difficult, but please study hard.
If Japanese kids learn Japanese, how difficult can it be? 😋 頑張りますよ🙌🏼
sure bruh
Thank you for sharing this! I really like your wonderful hand writing and truly appreciate your hard working🥺🙏🏻. Now I’m going to keep watching your videos! Looking forward to seeing your new video!❤️
Omg ネパールご🇳🇵 も 書いているですか?とてもいれしです😊
Dear Takumi-San! ありがとうございます for your lessons! They help me a lot in my learning Japanese. I'm very grateful to You!
You're actually the most amazing person ever for posting this. You've helped me so much! Thank you!
You make very helpful videos.Thanks
Otw subcribe👍👍
Tolong buatkan juga kanji n4-N1 sensei🙏
شكرا لك علي مجهودك الرائع !! ❤❤
ありがとう ございます!、takumi eres increible! Gracias!
Takumi you are amazing thank you so much!
Este vídeo es genial!! 👏👏👏. Saludos desde ARGENTINA!!! 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
一百二十四 漢字 有難う御座います
Thank u so much for your helping in the Arabic meaning
Thanks for uploading this bro
Nadie se había preocupado tanto por mi :')
He spent one hour writing for us
How is this even free he should be payed
Yeayy!!! Ini sangat bagus dengan ini saya bisa belajar bahasa Jepang dan dapat berbicara dengan teman Jepang ku
ありがとうございます ❤❤
It’s a pain to learn all pronunciations
for a single kanji, but really satisfying when your able to read it as well as understand it.
I love your vlog ..god bless u always
Thanks brothers. My daughter still ini elementary school and really interesting to start learning Japanese language. Japan is one of my daughter favorite country. Maybe one days she will continue to studied in Japan. 👍🙏 Arigatoo Gozaimasu
That's so cute! You seem like a great father
As nossas são muito jentis e prestativa presentes .leas companhias comfidenes amigas etc a 🌼🌷 mas fácil mas forte 💪 guapo pressisa não manda ela aconselha ou cansiliadora
Obrigado pelas legendas em português ♥️
I just realised that chinese and japanese are almost similar to each other.
Kanji is Chinese characters
Parabéns esta indo muito bem só porque é um servo não se senta menos bue ium nada você é sim uma pessoa especial buer reconheçoa buer não você e todos os outros servos e servas também de todas as épocas pesso desculpas mas não penso igual gue eles devem ser separados escritos os mínimos direitos básicos respeitados a sua vida após anos de dedicação respeito lealdade mancidam gratidão a seu dono obrigada por me ouvir 👂 e me desculpe
أنا حفظت الأرقام من واحد إلى عشرة
ما زلت في بداية المشوار😎
أخيرًا شخص يضع ترجمة عربية D:
شكراً جزيلاً لك 😍😀
La France on est là. 🙋♂️🇫🇷
父 in Vietnamese has many ways to say: bố, ba, cha, thầy, tía, cậu, phụ thân.
母 in Vietnamese also has many ways to say: mẹ, má, bầm, u, mạ, mợ, mẫu thân.
Bố mẹ: mainly in Northern area
Ba mẹ: mainly in Southern area
Thầy u: mainly in Hong River Delta (I think). In some Northern and Central families previously they also call father as thầy, commonly thầy means male 先生.
Cậu mợ: previous noble or rich families in Northern area, but cậu, mợ generally for maternal uncles and aunts, paternal uncles and aunts are chú, cô.
Ba má, ba mẹ: mainly in Southern area.
Tía má: Mekong Delta families.
Mạ, bầm: Quảng Bình, Quảng Trị, Thừa Thiên - Huế (or Bình Trị Thiên) area mainly.
Phụ thân, mẫu thân: previous noble or educated families.
Nice info❤
Your handwriting is super cute
I'm addicted to Japanese and your handwriting ❤️
名筆 書藝家님, 항상 應援하고 있어요~~
Great videos i likes the subtitles in portuguese , One day i will write like that
Excelente vídeo felicidades, ojala muy pronto suban mas perecidos a este.
ありがとうがざいます,たくみさん 。
Русские субтитры помогают мне учить язык, спасибо
Servos são valoroso merecem respeito e paciência para se ambientar guardo arecem adiguiridos são dedicados leas o importante guados é só fazer possível e lmpossivel para a satisfação de seu seor por favor sejam compresivos obrigada
Thank you brother from Indonesia 🇮🇩❤️
Очень приятно смотреть на это видео и узнавать слова на таком крксивом языке. Спасибо вам😊
Finally something that i can learn of
very helpful,Arigato Sensei