Drakon.Tech tutorial: the visual logical formulas


ความคิดเห็น • 2

  • @nanz2009
    @nanz2009 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    What steps do I need to follow to execute my drakon algorithm? And produce an animation that highlights the different elements in the visual logical formula algorithm?

  • @zhakimel
    @zhakimel 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    got this expr in mod_prometheus (ejabberd).. how to write it in Drakon? all same names.
    statistics([], _) ->
    statistics([StatName | StatsTail], Node) ->
    [statistic(StatName, Node), statistics(StatsTail, Node)].
    statistic(reductions, Node) ->
    {TotalReductions, ReductionsSinceLastCall} = erlang:statistics(reductions),
    metric_format("reductions_total", Node, TotalReductions),
    metric_format("reductions_since_last_call", Node, ReductionsSinceLastCall)
    statistic(schedulers_count, Node) ->
    SchedulersCount = erlang:system_info(schedulers_count),
    metric_format("schedulers_count", Node, SchedulersCount);