Fallout New Vegas Honest Hearts - A rickety porch on three legs

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 492

  • @ShamanG0M00
    @ShamanG0M00 ปีที่แล้ว +838

    I love the Honest Hearts endings because regardless of which one you choose there are always two constants; Joshua is always satisfied and Daniel is always miserable, it's hilarious.

    • @xxXXRAPXXxx
      @xxXXRAPXXxx ปีที่แล้ว

      Daniel is so fucking stupid its not even funny.
      Across all fallouts and their dlcs (3,4,nv) zion is the safest place with least harmful animals/dangers (only cazadors are present from the really deadly ones and all you have to make a few antipoisons and you will be set.Deathclaws,supermutants,Raiders,synths,big clans would be far more deadly.), you also have no radiation (so in some places tribals without pipboys would just die due to radiation poisoning also they would get radiated through food/water anyway) and like one viable way out of zion that no real army could march through (though i don;t know how white legs got through then, still fortify those places that connect to outside world and you have a fortress, a place where real civilization could be built as in safety civilization can blossom).
      TLDR Daniel is an idiot.

    • @dsc9694
      @dsc9694 ปีที่แล้ว +133

      Daniel's perspective makes it very difficult to side with him 🤷‍♂️

    • @freshlymemed5680
      @freshlymemed5680 ปีที่แล้ว +142

      @@mistermajestic829 He's a coward more than he is a pacifist. He wants to run but even in his ending where you escape Zion it shows that he kind of regretted that decision. Joshua's views are flawed too but that mostly stems from his own personal beliefs. The idea of defending your home from a band of marauding raiders however, especially in the setting of fallout, is well justified.
      There is merit to wanting to protect the Sorrows innocence, especially after reading the Survivalist's logs but if you take the entirety of fallout into account, they wouldn't have lasted. Sooner or later they would have to do this dance all over again, at best they get to run off elsewhere, at worst they get wiped out. But how long can they keep running? Maybe eventually they'll just end up getting assimilated to a different group. Its a pipedream in the grand scheme.

    • @Gameprojordan
      @Gameprojordan ปีที่แล้ว +30

      That's why nobody picks the Daniel ending. He's a whiny baby no matter what

    • @freshlymemed5680
      @freshlymemed5680 ปีที่แล้ว +44

      @@mistermajestic829 That's why the best ending is talking Joshua out of exterminating the White Legs. They learn to defend themselves but also learn mercy. Its honestly the best possible outcome as the Sorrows are no longer push overs but don't become blood thirsty savages either.

  • @FrankW_07
    @FrankW_07 ปีที่แล้ว +493

    By far the best thing in this DLC imo is the story of The Survivalist fr

    • @suckassmork2972
      @suckassmork2972 ปีที่แล้ว +33

      Says a lot about the writing in Honest Hearts. Overhyped yet underappreciated.

    • @XxDemon23xX
      @XxDemon23xX ปีที่แล้ว +5

      How did you see this 4 weeks ago?

    • @FrankW_07
      @FrankW_07 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      @@XxDemon23xX Patreon members can watch stuff early 😌✊

    • @DragonForrce14
      @DragonForrce14 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Loved his rifle too.

    • @makeitthrough_
      @makeitthrough_ ปีที่แล้ว

      It's literally the only thing of value to come out of this turd. Joshua Graham had a cool voice too I guess, but he was really badly utilized

  • @Supermutant6112
    @Supermutant6112 ปีที่แล้ว +630

    You didn't touch upon it, but the companion quests in this DLC further illustrate the difference between Joshua and Daniel in terms of morals and attitudes.
    Follows-Chalk has a quest wherein, after seeing a lot of landmarks with him, you realize he's genuinely curious about seeing the outside world; He's debating leaving tribal life to see more civilized life. He's conflicted, and asks you to ask Joshua for advice. Joshua emphasizes his preference for tribal life, but makes it clear that it's ultimately up to Follows-Chalk. The player can lie to him, or give their own input on the matter.
    Waking Cloud's quest, meanwhile, has you follow up on learning about her family by asking Daniel about it. Her husband was killed, and Daniel knows this, but willingly kept it a secret so that Cloud would be more productive. He begs you not to tell her, but ultimately the player can choose whether or not to do so.
    Joshua has his preferences, but respects that the tribals might hold different views and encourages them to make their own decisions. Daniel lies to and manipulates the tribals when he thinks it would be useful, all the while trying to convert them to his religion.
    Fuck Daniel.

    • @SeruraRenge11
      @SeruraRenge11 ปีที่แล้ว +148

      Yeah, Daniel has a stance of "no no you're getting it wrong!" when it comes to the tribes' interpretation of mormonism, while Joshua is more like "eh, close enough"

    • @Relevant_Irrelevance
      @Relevant_Irrelevance ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@mistermajestic829 absolutely right

    • @AllyMonsters
      @AllyMonsters ปีที่แล้ว +40

      @Mister Majestic Not to be rude, but you just proved Danial is evil. Him feeling conflicted over it still and struggles to keep the status-quo is just a justification, not a quantification. It'd be different, if say Danial took time revealing information to her rather then just flat out lying the whole time, or literally at least thought of any other idea and expressed it via dialog or actions as an alternative scenario he could have done. An example would be like after some time say they found her husbands dead body, but haven't confirmed the childs' death ect ect.
      But don't get me wrong. Josh is evil as well. Literally following the same path as Casar once again. Seeing tribes waging war inefficiently and fixing that problem, both as revenge and to save his own life.

    • @Umbra_Ursus
      @Umbra_Ursus ปีที่แล้ว +27

      That because, at the end of the day, they see the tribals in different ways. Joshua sees people that can think on their own, Daniel thinks of them as helpless children that shouldn't think on their own.

    • @Umbra_Ursus
      @Umbra_Ursus ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @Mister Majestic I'm chatty.

  • @crusher849
    @crusher849 ปีที่แล้ว +178

    I always side with Joshua for the simple reason of The Survivalist aka the Father in the Cave wanted his children the Sorrows to fight for their land and to defend themselves against outsiders.

    • @willlauzon3744
      @willlauzon3744 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      Exactly. Plus what happens when they run and someone else fucks with em. But I go for the mercy ending. They defend their land but know when to show mercy.

  • @165Atlas
    @165Atlas ปีที่แล้ว +195

    Growing up, this DLC was the one reference to Mormons that I had in video games. I remember thinking when missionaries came by, "those guys are gonna outlast all of us somehow"

    • @Longknife
      @Longknife ปีที่แล้ว +30

      Just to try and fill in the gap for you, the Mormons can be really good about documenting things and bookkeeping. They have extensive records on all kinds of history of themselves and others, which I imagine is why the creators chose them as the group to survive the apocalypse: when nuclear fire burns away everything, the culture most likely to survive is likely going to be the one that most meticulously cares for the *records* of it's own culture.
      So yeah, I doubt the devs just thought "lol wouldn't it be funny if those dudes survived" and instead they chose them for the sake of lore consistency and answering the question of "which US subgroup is most likely to retain it's culture to some degree after the nuclear apocalypse?"

    • @Bam_Bizzler
      @Bam_Bizzler ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@Longknife honestly makes sense

    • @youarenotmadenough655
      @youarenotmadenough655 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@Longknife church leadership heavily encourages prepping as well

    • @lukasshifflett2290
      @lukasshifflett2290 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Longknife the Mormons also as a culture practice disaster preparedness, and they tend to be more close knit than some other groups placing an emphasis on community and familiar bonds.

    • @spindash64
      @spindash64 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      As well as community rather than “every man for himself” when shit hits the fan.

  • @memphisgadfly5816
    @memphisgadfly5816 ปีที่แล้ว +120

    I've always liked Honest Hearts. But yeah, it's solidly held by the charismatic and fascinating figure that is Joshyua Graham and I actually like a lot of how you're not even the protagonist of the DLC's story, you're more like Max Rockatansky, where you stumbled on the story of these other people.
    Also, I really liked throwin tomahawks at people.

    • @benjaf1058
      @benjaf1058 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Just say Mad Max bro no one knows what a Rockatansky is

    • @memphisgadfly5816
      @memphisgadfly5816 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@benjaf1058 True, it's just that with films getting called Mad Max I thought maybe some people would get confused

    • @devinscott8680
      @devinscott8680 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      It's similar to the Champion of Cyrodill in Oblivion, you aren't the main character of Oblivion, Martin Septim is, you just help him.

    • @NativeOfTheLand97
      @NativeOfTheLand97 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If it's all the same to you.. I'll drive that tanka!

  • @JasonGodwin69
    @JasonGodwin69 ปีที่แล้ว +412

    It always bugged me the way the game treats defeating the White Legs as something not entirely morally justified. It's a necessity, they're Raiders. So what if they dress better than the Khans or Vipers? They're evil, simple as.

    • @HulkHogan69
      @HulkHogan69 ปีที่แล้ว +46

      It's just about tempering justice with mercy.

    • @DIEGhostfish
      @DIEGhostfish ปีที่แล้ว +156

      @@HulkHogan69 Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.

    • @jimbostunna
      @jimbostunna ปีที่แล้ว +63

      I think it’s fair to say it’s always sad wiping out a group. They’re not just raiders, they’re an entire culture. And while I agree they need to go, I feel sad doing so just as I feel sad wiping out the great khans.

    • @AveSicarius
      @AveSicarius ปีที่แล้ว

      They are a brainwashed (by Ulysses) group who are on the crux of extinction themselves. The tribe's that join Caesar's legion are given the option of joining them or going extinct, there is no in-between. The White Leg's themselves can't farm, they don't know how, they are too big to really live off the land, and their territory is largely pretty barren, their options at this point are join Caesar's Legion or join the NCR because their territory is slowly going to be absorbed either way. Ulysses set the White Leg's on their path, and later left them without a real path but the one he'd set them on given their lack of knowledge. This was all to kill Graham who had also radicalized the Dead Horses, while brainwashing them into foreign religion, which essentially starts a tribal war entirely as a result of Graham and Caesar with the Sorrow's trapped in the middle.
      Just because you can kill someone doesn't mean you should, and if you can stop them without killing them, why wouldn't you? Killing someone ends everything they are or ever could be. This isn't a single person, this is an entire tribe, full of men, women, and children, who could be something more if given a chance. Showing them mercy teaches them this, it gives them a different experience, and maybe they will die out anyway, but it's sure as hell a better option than what they were given. Why should commiting unnecessary genocide be seen as morally justified? Joshua is a monster just as much as Caesar is, but he uses the justification of absolute "good" and "evil" based in Christian religion.
      The Khan's themselves are morally complex as well, these are a bunch of people struggling to survive in the desert, being brutally put down by the NCR, and then being forced on the run into a desperate situation.
      It helps if you actually see these groups as people, and not enemy NPCs that exist solely to give you XP. Yes many of these groups do fucked up things, but moral absolutism is a fallacy, and this is a pretty extreme situation. If you do treat them as people and don't see an issue with wiping them out despite having the option not to, that sounds like an empathetic issue.

    • @frankfrankfrankfrankfrank
      @frankfrankfrankfrankfrank ปีที่แล้ว +82

      @@DIEGhostfish Mercy can only ever be extended to the guilty so your clever aphorism falls flat

  • @SeruraRenge11
    @SeruraRenge11 ปีที่แล้ว +175

    Sparing Salt-Upon-Wounds is so very obviously written as the "correct" choice to end the game on, which is why it has one of the highest speech checks in the game to complete. And it's for basically all the reasons you said, it's his realization that while the monster that he once was is still inside him, that doesn't mean he has to give in to what it's telling him to do. Not to mention his realization comes right after saying stuff like "I want to make my anger God's anger", which for a mormon is probably one of the most blasphemous things you can say. It suddenly puts everything into perspective for him, that while he may have pulled himself back from the brink last time, he might not be able to do it again if he lets go.

    • @MetaKaios
      @MetaKaios ปีที่แล้ว +4

      >his realization comes right after saying stuff like "I want to make my anger God's anger"
      I'm pretty sure the realization came first, and he was just working through his revelations aloud at that point. Confessing his sin, so to speak.
      Not explaining why he has to continue. Just explaining how he got to this point.

    • @benito1620
      @benito1620 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      [Sneering imperialist] "Joshua put a cap in general gooblygook". Is clearly the correct option.

    • @Meurth
      @Meurth 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Did you people even play the DLC? If you watch the ending slides, Daniel's ending is the better one. Joshua's ending causes tensions between the tribes.

    • @SeruraRenge11
      @SeruraRenge11 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Meurth Daniel's ending teaches nothing, it's moral cowardice for the sake of purity. Joshua may have caused the Dead Horses to become more warlike, but that's preferable to passivity. It means that when another group like the White Legs come, they will be able to protect themselves. Not to mention sparing Salt-Upon-Wounds DOES teach the Sorrows to be tempered by mercy.
      BUT, all of that is completely irrelevant, the entire point of the dlc means what happens to the tribes does not matter. The thematic point of the dlc is about saving Joshua's soul, everything else is secondary to that.

    • @Meurth
      @Meurth 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@SeruraRenge11 The tribes either live in harmony or in conflict, that's what I find most important. I don't really care about Joshua's soul because he's just 1 person. It's not exactly passive, in Daniel's ending you kill lots of white legs anyways to free the captured tribals, clear the sacred burial grounds and clear the road out of Zion

  • @peckneck2439
    @peckneck2439 ปีที่แล้ว +41

    My first experience with this DLC was funny. At the very beginning of it I sniped Follows-chalk by accident thinking he's the enemy. What that did was basically made me unpopular with all the factions in the entire DLC so my quest failed and turned into finding the grand staircase and a map and then just going back to Mojave which obviously made me think that the entire DLC was just a map with nothing but enemies and a single Quest lmao.

    • @dravenocklost4253
      @dravenocklost4253 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Same. Same, killed the poor guy.

    • @benappleton1561
      @benappleton1561 ปีที่แล้ว

      same thing happened with me, only I accidentally shot him with a grenade launcher.

  • @HulkHogan69
    @HulkHogan69 ปีที่แล้ว +180

    The DLC seems really short because you were supposed to view Zion as an open world asking to be explored and have taken the quests sending you out to find stuff as an excuse to spend more time poking around on your own. Sawyer has mentioned this a few times before, IIRC.

    • @chesterstevens8870
      @chesterstevens8870 ปีที่แล้ว +74

      I mean; that's all well and good, but the DLC falls into that age-old trap of creating a false sense of urgency. When you show up your caravan is immediately massacred and you get tasked by Joshua to spearhead their efforts in preparing the evacuation of Zion. Unless you're playing a character with no concept of priority, you're gonna run around and do the missions as quickly as you can; THEN you get forced into the big climactic finale, only after which can you reasonably feel free to go around and explore the map.
      It also doesn't help that there aren't that many visually distinct landmarks to check out. A handful of abandoned campsites, a buttload of caves, and some ruins that the game directs you towards anyway. For an add-on that wants you to go out and look around yourself, HR didn't do that great a job of incentivizing too.

    • @bruhvenant
      @bruhvenant ปีที่แล้ว +19

      Unfortunately doing so caused a sacrifice under such time constraints. They made it wider, but shallower. And it doesn't help that Old World Blues followed which had both more story content and a more interesting/fun world to explore

    • @SeruraRenge11
      @SeruraRenge11 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      @@chesterstevens8870 This. OWB does it a lot better because it reinforces the idea that you should take your time.

    • @lemonwithalime
      @lemonwithalime ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@bruhvenant OWB had a significantly higher budget than Honest Hearts.

    • @kekero540
      @kekero540 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      we need them to be more comfortable with having the quest giver to tell you to run around a bit

  • @DigitalApex
    @DigitalApex ปีที่แล้ว +53

    The writing in this DLC was superb. Even the terminals in the cave that Randall Clark, a character you don't even see because he died years ago, was so good and got me to admire a dude who is just a skeleton next to a duffle bag.

  • @luckyowl1681
    @luckyowl1681 ปีที่แล้ว +59

    For me, there was a different reason for choosing Graham in this DLC.
    Mainly, that I found the Survivalist Caches and finally the Survivalist himself.
    If there's anything I wish you spoke about, but understand not because it's not the focus, it's the tale of Randall Clarke. For me, that's what tipped the scales to defeat the White Legs.
    I mean, I don't need some guy on the internet to justify my liking for the backstory of the dlc locale. XD

    • @mfspectacular
      @mfspectacular ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @Mister Majestic There's no paradise for you to run to. You can ignore the world around you, but that doesnt mean itll ignore you. Talking joshua down at the end of zion's defense, you both teach the sorrows to not be pacifists while also showing them that there's a fine line between that & being a monster

    • @mfspectacular
      @mfspectacular ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @Mister Majestic ik wym, shouldve been an option to tie in clarke's audio logs if you found em all. Not far off from ullysses' logs in lonesome road

  • @nessesaryschoolthing
    @nessesaryschoolthing ปีที่แล้ว +35

    I think the best part of Honest Hearts might be coming back after the quest is over and just wandering around Zion. It really is a beautiful place. I can see why Joshua considers it holy ground.

  • @kekero540
    @kekero540 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    fun fact if you dont find the survivalists rifle before the end of the main quest one of the ememies will usually pick it up and start blasting you during it

  • @SpawnOfJenova
    @SpawnOfJenova ปีที่แล้ว +45

    Joshua Graham is easily on the short list for greatest video game characters of all time. It's such a shame that he only had a small role in New Vegas as a whole.

  • @25_Cats_in_a_Trenchcoat
    @25_Cats_in_a_Trenchcoat ปีที่แล้ว +37

    First time I played I hit the npc behind the white legs and aggro'd to every faction, killed Joshua gram and about 20 minutes into the dlc was looking at a title card thinking wtf was that.

    • @dogzilla95
      @dogzilla95 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I think that happened to me first time I played through as well lol.

    • @dogzilla95
      @dogzilla95 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I think that happened to me first time I played through as well lol.

    • @casanovafunkenstein5090
      @casanovafunkenstein5090 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yeah, same here.
      Saw him running right at me and buggered the whole DLC 😅

    • @raskov75
      @raskov75 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Same. Didn't notice that he had killed the guy shooting at me. So I waste him, everyone aggros, I stumble on Graham, kill him and get all those failed quest notices and was like, uh oh. Time for a reload.

  • @JaelaOrdo
    @JaelaOrdo ปีที่แล้ว +25

    “We warned you at Syracuse, and you persisted. You took advantage of us at New Canaan to drive us out, and like the dogs of Caesar you are, you followed us to Zion. And now you stand on holy ground, a temple to God's glory on Earth. But the only use for an animal in our temple is sacrifice!"
    - Joshua Graham
    Easily the best DLC imo because of the religious themes behind it and the story of the tribes fighting to keep their land but I’m biased being very religious and half Seminole. Keep it up with the great videos 👍🏽

    • @AveSicarius
      @AveSicarius ปีที่แล้ว +3

      It's honestly a pretty apt reflection of Native American history post-colonization. There's two tribes essentially pushed under external power's (the French and British in real life, here the New Canaanites and Caesar's Legion), with one also pushing to completely replace their tribal culture and religion with a variant of post-apocalyptic Christianity in order to "civilize" them.
      That's why it's so sad to watch Joshua justify his actions with his faith. He truly believes what he's doing is right, meanwhile he's radicalizing a peaceful tribal people who just want to be left alone, pushing the tribe's into conflict with Caesar's Legion in order, in part, to help the New Canaanites, and committing outright genocide for revenge. Morality is subjective, but I don't think many rational individuals would agree with Joshua's actions. The Sorrow's alone are just absolutely tragic, they don't even realize what's being done to them.
      Whatever happens, the true victims are the Sorrow's, and even the White Leg's were manipulated by Ulysses, promised power and land by Caesar, and pushed into a confrontation that ultimately sees most of their tribe, men, women, and children, end up dead as a result.
      Graham is honestly one of the most terrifying character's in the setting. Caesar is incredibly intelligent, a master manipulator, and has great tactical acumen combined with ruthless will, but he doesn't believe he's ordained by God, he doesn't believe in absolute "good" and "evil", and he isn't doing this for any reason but that he thinks it will better prepare the post-apocalyptic society to survive (that and personal power). Graham could easily become a far, far more dangerous leader, and he's going about it in the same way, slowly radicalizing tribal groups and bringing them together under a single banner, but the major difference is that Graham believes he has divine justification in exercising his brand of justice, that's far more dangerous than anything we've seen in the leaders of other factions.
      If we ever see a sequel to New Vegas, I think Joshua Graham would make a pretty solid antagonist. People like him, and the VA and writing make him rather persuasive, but morally speaking, the man's a monster. I feel like he could be an excellent Far Cry villain.

    • @tabby4696
      @tabby4696 ปีที่แล้ว

      I am subscribed to you, hi

    • @casanovafunkenstein5090
      @casanovafunkenstein5090 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@AveSicariusyou pretty eloquently outlined a lot of my misgivings about the factions involved in the DLC.
      I feel uncomfortable with the colonialist undertones but as you pointed out there's not really any positive outcome that doesn't involve assisting the 'good' colonists. The best you can really hope to do is damage reduction, which is realistic because you can't single handedly undo what's been done, but overall I didn't feel good about any of the options and I wasn't really sure if that was due to the intention of the writers or an oversight on their part.
      I guess Graham is an inversion of the white saviour trope but the idea that the tribe wouldn't be able to resist Caesar's imperialist ambitions without him due to being too innocent and peaceful muddies that a bit.

  • @CowToes
    @CowToes ปีที่แล้ว +28

    Joshua Graham's armor is one of the best pieces of light armor in the game. Well worth it.

    • @Gameprojordan
      @Gameprojordan ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It is the best light armor. Joshua graham's armor has an OP critical bonus to it that is too good to pass up
      Now if by "the best" you mean simply the highest raw DT it would be Sierra Madre reinforced since it has like 18 DT compared to 15 DT for Joshuah armor. But it has no bonuses at all and also weighs over twice as much (17 pounds for Sierra Reinforced vs 8 pounds for joshuah)

    • @karlbush1678
      @karlbush1678 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      HH has all my favorite gear. The Survivalist's rifle and his helmet (forgive me mama) Joshua's armor and his pistol A Light Shining in Darkness. They're all awesome.
      The Father's armor deserves honorable mention and would be my favorite armor it wasn't for Joshua's armor.

    • @Meurth
      @Meurth 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Gameprojordan I use joshua's armor until I get Ulysses' Duster, it has more crit and is a lot lighter, at the cost of -2 DT.

    • @Meurth
      @Meurth 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@karlbush1678 what's "the father's armor"?

    • @smartfella7914
      @smartfella7914 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@MeurthDesert ranger armor

  • @UnityAgainstJewishEvil
    @UnityAgainstJewishEvil ปีที่แล้ว +20

    NV and the DLCs make it really obvious that, good or bad, anything Obsidian does with Fallout is still a million times more interesting than anything Bethesda ever comes up with.

    @MrSPARTAKICK ปีที่แล้ว +35

    Your sound balancing the vast majority of the time is super good, this video included, a lot of time other people probably hope the listeners just turn the audio up a ton, but as a headphones user the sudden cut to metal at the end kinda blew out my ears. As an avid fan I just wanted to say something about it, thanks for another great video

    • @StratEdgyProductions
      @StratEdgyProductions  ปีที่แล้ว +24

      Shit, I'll have to remember to cut the compression on that track. Little too high at the end, I'll agree.

  • @SWBF2-2005IsBestStfu
    @SWBF2-2005IsBestStfu ปีที่แล้ว +4

    2 words, Randall Clark.... Reading the survivalists' logs is one of only 3 times I've ever cried at a video game, the pain that man went through, multiple times and still maintained his spirit, was beyond moving... The second time I cried at a video game was when I hiked up to the Red Gate to find Randell Clarks body, that wreath and trees that had grown up around him over time, like Zion itself knew who he was and took its turn protecting him... It was quite frankly beautiful

  • @discordmarauder
    @discordmarauder ปีที่แล้ว +4

    3:03 I fully respect your opinion now face the wall 😂

  • @nathanielgreco8851
    @nathanielgreco8851 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Daniel: “There’s an old saying that goes; if you want peace-
    Joshua: “I don’t want peace, I want problems, always.”

    • @BluexKiddo
      @BluexKiddo ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Finally someone who actually understands the Daniel vs Joshua views! Good work!

  • @eldenstinker5310
    @eldenstinker5310 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Love your videos as always. I always want to kill salt upon wounds but seeing joshua self-reflect and be more at peace with himself is quite rewarding.
    Also man this dlc reminds me of The Mission. In The Mission, there's a former slaver who redeems himself and ultimately fights for the natives who will be enslaved, and there's a missionary who teaches the natives and preaches love but can't bring himself to combat the slavers w/ violence-- so while the two characters respect each other, they end up doing different things to express their beliefs in the final battle. And there's some similar dialogue later on in the film. There's a Portuguese colonist in the movie who says the systematic massacre of the natives was inevitable and unfortunate, "We must work in the world; the world is thus", but the cardinal who reluctantly ordered the massacre says, "No, thus have we made the world. Thus have I made it." This kinda parallels the player's potential conversation with Daniel where you can basically tell him that the world is just like this and the tribals have to lose their innocence, protect their land or whatever, and daniel pretty much replies that we fucked up this world for the tribals and the world shouldn't have to be like that-- I forget the exact words and I don't feel like looking for it again. Then the movie ends with john 1:5 "The light shineth in the darkness, and the darkness hath not overcome it." and you get joshua's .45acp handgun 'light shining in the darkness' at the end of the dlc. Just thought those basic similarities were neat.

    • @reesetorwad8346
      @reesetorwad8346 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      👍 Gut-wrenching movie. The "parallels" are very obviously not a coincidence, but rather interactive-homage. (And Deniro as the Josh.) Without even looking, I'm certain that many forums have discussed this over the last decade.

  • @blueorchid1313
    @blueorchid1313 ปีที่แล้ว +47

    IMO, letting Salt-Upon-Wounds live is better because he brings the rest of the White Legs down and it lets Joshua finally move on from his trauma

    • @DIEGhostfish
      @DIEGhostfish ปีที่แล้ว

      "1v1 me fagit" is also a fun ending.

    • @nightsong81
      @nightsong81 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      The problem is, there's no reason to assume that's what the outcome will be. Real life is often complicated and has unforseeable outcomes, yes, but in fiction, a satisfying ending has to make sense. Especially in a game, where your choices supposedly determine the outcome.
      But in this DLC, your choices are to (a) let the White Legs drive the Sorrows to extinction, (b) help the Sorrows flee, which the story up to this point tells us will only delay their annihilation at the hands of the White Legs, (c) kill some of the White Legs but let the rest survive to flee, with their leader, or (d) annihilate the White Legs, ending the threat for good.
      Three of those choices lead exactly to the outcomes you'd suspect. You do the thing you meant to do, and live with the consequences, which naturally follow. Except for option (C), which is just inexplicably the "right" answer - despite it being less sure to do anything good for anyone, and essentially a moral compromise for the sake of your own conscience. A rational result for (C) is that the White Legs limp away, regroup, and remain a recurring problem for the Sorrows and everyone else - which is exactly what happened with the Khans. We even have an example in the game of that kind of result. But for some reason, in the canon ending for Honest Hearts, this choice is the best of all possible worlds, and leads to the best result.
      Is it terrible? No. Is it completely incomprehensible? No. But it isn't satisfying, because it's not the ending you chose with your actions. It's a random set of events that follows your actions, that couldn't have been predicted beforehand.
      There's no reason to assume a genocidal barbarian like Salt-Upon-Wounds will learn anything from mercy except how to nurse a grudge. There's no reason to assume that the White Legs will just go away and fall apart after being allowed to retreat from a losing battle, never troubling Zion again. There's no reason to assume the Sorrows will become overall better from learning this mixed lesson of killing your enemies, but maybe not all of them, if it means your leader's specific past traumas might come back to haunt him. But all of that happens, just because there had to be a "good" ending. None of it's completely implausible, but there's no way to say you caused it to happen. You got lucky that it turned out that way after the fact.

    • @username1660
      @username1660 ปีที่แล้ว +23

      @@nightsong81 I mean even without meta-gaming it's easy to assume the White Legs are doomed. From the information we gather before the final choice, we know:
      -You, Joshua, and the Zion tribals pretty much wipe out the White Legs's fighting force, rendering the threat they pose fairly negligible.
      -The White Legs don't have the means or knowledge to be self-sufficient.
      -The White Legs are being scouted by Caesar's Legion with their task being taking out the New Canaanites. Letting them go still means they're failures in the Legion's eyes. 'Legion was gonna roll over and assimilate what they can anyway but now they might just end up wiping out the entire remaining White Legs tribe.
      -The White Legs are not native to Zion, but the Great Salt Lake in Utah. This means that in order to go home from Zion they'd, an incredibly weakened group, have to pass through 80's territory. If Joshua & Co, don't wipe out the White Legs it's reasonable to assume other raiders will.
      Even if they escape Zion, the White Legs will still die out. There is no reason to assume the hatred will go away sure, but what's important is their ability to direct that hatred onto others has been taken from them. The White Legs are crippled by the end of Honest Hearts and no matter what happens to them in Zion, they're done.
      Though all of this is besides the point of it being satisfying. Letting the White Legs go as an ending isn't for their or your the player's benefit, but Joshua's. Tempering his rage, helping him let go of his trauma, and allowing him to set a better example for the impressionable Tribals, that's what's satisfying to me. It's not a 'mixed' lesson, it's *_mercy_* ,something even the Sorrows's 'god' provided when he let the rest of Vault 22's survivors flee. It's teaching them that there's other options than letting rage consume them.

    • @blueorchid1313
      @blueorchid1313 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nightsong81 Salt doesn't learn anything, he's just broken by his defeat and it leads to poor leadership that leads to the 80s wiping out the White Legs

    • @smartfella7914
      @smartfella7914 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@nightsong81The end of the game tells you how the white legs kill SUW for his failure and disperse into smaller raiders gangs, basically the white legs no longer exist and die off

  • @UnliveingEnd
    @UnliveingEnd ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Being merciful to the white legs means leaving people to the mercy of the white legs. I always considered wiping them out to be the good ending.

    • @AveSicarius
      @AveSicarius ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Or it teaches them to show mercy given it's been shown to them. Beating them uproots their entire cultural basis, and gives them a chance to evolve. Commiting genocide isn't protecting anyone, Caesar's Legion still exists, Joshua just wants revenge, he wants to kill every single man, woman, and child, he's just as bad as them. If you kill the White Leg's you are exactly the same as both of them.

    • @UnliveingEnd
      @UnliveingEnd ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AveSicarius Not even close. The white legs only exist to raid and kill everything around them. Exterminating them is the best and most efficient option. Not crossing your fingers and hoping some of them might change for the better. As for the legion, you can cause their downfall as well. The legion deserve the same treatment. Unless Joshua and the courier round up several hundreds or thousands of people to go raiding after exterminating the white legs, they are not as bad as the white legs or legion.

    • @AveSicarius
      @AveSicarius ปีที่แล้ว

      Dude, it's genocide, it's never justified. The Nazi's were a horrific group of political leaders who ordered the murder of millions of people. By your justification every single German man, woman, and child should have been killed because of this. The Legion isn't a single population, and is an Imperialist faction that falls apart without Caesar. That's very, very different to wiping out an already beaten tribe.
      The White Leg's were beaten, and then Joshua Graham killed defenceless women and children along with their warriors in revenge for New Canaan. You don't see that as just as wrong? Because it is, it absolutely is.

    • @DIEGhostfish
      @DIEGhostfish ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AveSicarius The duel involves restraining it to the warriors... Which is most of the adult population, but still not quite all.

    • @AveSicarius
      @AveSicarius ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yes, but Graham himself wants to kill EVERYONE and this is largely what people seem to be justifying. Also while you only duel their leader and some adult warriors, you need to think about what Graham has done during this time and what he's going to do after. So even in this case, we are still pretty much abetting genocide fairly directly.
      Plus the entire tribe is probably going to, you know, die out when you kill most of their adult population. Either way, it's pretty fucked up considering the White Leg's are already beaten. Getting rid of Salt's-The-Wound is very different to what Graham intends, and what you essentially help him go through with.

  • @trslim6032
    @trslim6032 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I really like this DLC with the sneering imperialist perk.

  • @SpecShadow
    @SpecShadow ปีที่แล้ว +47

    I liked the DLC, always doing it first every playthrough.
    They introduced not one but TWO great characters - one was so good even atheists liked him. The other is dead, but they managed to build great picture with overrated mechanics (found notes/PDAs).

    • @eliaskline5649
      @eliaskline5649 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      It's true I do like him

    • @magmat0585
      @magmat0585 ปีที่แล้ว

      I did it first because a silenced 1911 is the best holdout gun for casinos. Always found it a pain that the weapons only magically started appearing after you finished the DLC.

    • @MitchJohnson0110
      @MitchJohnson0110 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Also Joshuas armor with daniels hat is peak drip

  • @BIacklce
    @BIacklce ปีที่แล้ว +5

    "Darkmans wild national park adventure" was too wordy of a title for the DLC

  • @joseshapherd5537
    @joseshapherd5537 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I’m might be the only one who actually loves this DLC. It’s not to often that you get a story in any form of media that shows respect for more religious folks and that doesn’t deem them as a bunch of crazy religious fanatics. But instead shows them a just real people trying to live like everyone else’s.

  • @UncleBalthasarGelt
    @UncleBalthasarGelt ปีที่แล้ว +4

    You're so underated. Keep doing what you love my man, your content is quality.

  • @JFra472449
    @JFra472449 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    But you didn't talk about Sneering Imperialist. One of the best perks I've seen. But yeah, General Gobbledegook get shot in all my play throughs. One thing I hate is the, " Oh yeah, he murdered, raped, and enslaved hundreds if not thousand but we're going to show him we're the better person!", type of endings.

  • @CrazyxEnigma
    @CrazyxEnigma ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Enjoyed this one, Graham was such a compelling character. Looking forward to when you get around to the other DLCs.

  • @bjorntrollgesicht1144
    @bjorntrollgesicht1144 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Oh, because this DLC faced an impossible challenge. Fo 1 2 and to a large extent 3 were all about being alone with your thoughts in an empty world. FNV is crowded and the Courier is running on a tight schedule. Honest Hearts tried to recreate that feeling of being alone, but instead of an entire sea it had only a backyard swimming pool to work with. The feeling is there, but it's just a bite when you expect a whole huge, thick sandwich.

  • @st.dennie1149
    @st.dennie1149 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    This DLC is a difference of spiritual attunement and church attendance.

  • @HierophanticRose
    @HierophanticRose ปีที่แล้ว +4

    When I first played this DLC, I shot the first guy running towards me, which apparently had triggered the worst state, and I had to fight my way through the canyon. No story, no nothing haha. I was like "this is it? just a combat map?"

  • @jimmyd142
    @jimmyd142 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "But we can't expect God to do all the work"
    Smash cut to TurboTax ad. Amazing

  • @SAOrules
    @SAOrules ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Joshua Graham’s redemption arc is one of the best stories I’ve ever experienced in an medium.
    It speaks to how well the writing was that you have a one time character that’s this impactful using mostly dialogue alone.

  • @olivergottkehaskamp3369
    @olivergottkehaskamp3369 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Perfect start my man, had me in stitches! 🤣

  • @TESkyrimizer
    @TESkyrimizer ปีที่แล้ว +4

    To add onto the moral "dilemma" at the end there:
    Even today we live in a world where cruelty is tolerated if done by the powerful at the expense of the powerless.
    The reason the world is cruel is not because of a lack of mercy, but because of a lack of justice.
    Justice is rendered impotent by commercial and geopolitical interests. Morality takes a backseat because our leaders and industries are bribed into compliance with monsters.
    Have no mercy on the enemies of all mankind, those who consolidate power and force so as to exploit, enslave and murder your fellows. Otherwise your children and grandchildren will forever suffer for your hubris, for making the mistake of ever thinking that "mercy" was yours alone to dispense.
    Of course all sorts of atrocities can be justified with this mindset. But that doesn't mean that violence and mercy are mutually exclusive ideologies. One can be merciful to those who deserve it and exact hard justice to those who are less deserving.
    As for who gets to be the judge? A much harder question.
    But I think we can say Salt Upon Wounds deserves to die. The wasteland is filled with the graves of innocents and he is responsible for having put many of them there. If mercy is a resource to be dispensed judiciously, then he is not worthy of it.

  • @Poet482
    @Poet482 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I have a friend that's literally on vacation in Zion right now and I told her that my knowledge of that place comes from Fallout: New Vegas with the Honest Hearts expansion.
    What an... oddly specific video to see posted on the topic.

  • @williamglass2223
    @williamglass2223 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Come on, Strat! Motor pool starts at 9, I need your vid at 8 for when I’m in the shower.

  • @ArdannaL
    @ArdannaL ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I really wish Avellone would do a course or talk on narrative design and writing in video games. He's so consistently good I wonder how he does it.

    • @andrewbowen2837
      @andrewbowen2837 ปีที่แล้ว

      One of the best to ever do it

    • @ArdannaL
      @ArdannaL ปีที่แล้ว

      @@andrewbowen2837 I love his PWotR work. It's so worth following him around.

    • @stranger7131
      @stranger7131 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      No, he's overrated and Honest Hearts in particular was more of J.Sawyer's work anyway.

  • @AuspexAO
    @AuspexAO ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I thought Honest Hearts was basically, “damn this Avellone can write a character” but beyond that, it just wasn't that interesting of a scenario. Take away Graham and it's a pretty limp tribal war DLC. I know people hate Dead Money, but that one had a group of interesting companions with different outcomes, new mechanics, and a great tie in to the overall story thanks to Elijah. Personally, Honest Hearts is my least favorite story DLC, but still good enough to play (it's only comparatively weak).

    • @DIEGhostfish
      @DIEGhostfish ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Wasn't Graham more Sawyer's project? I know the survivalist was.

    • @AuspexAO
      @AuspexAO ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@DIEGhostfish You know..That's a really good question! It definitely was Sawyer's baby and I just assumed he did everything but the writing based on how he always mentions collabing with Avellone on the DLCs, but I actually can't find anything stating who wrote dialogue for Honest Hearts. Some people say Gonzales and others say Sawyer. I now assume it's not Avellone though because he Tweeted that he was responsible for work on all the DLCs with the exception of Honest Hearts.
      Hmmm, given my recent playthrough of the excellent Pentiment, I would probably say that it's Sawyer like you figured. I didn't even think of this but some of the characters in that game have a very similar tone.

    • @DIEGhostfish
      @DIEGhostfish ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AuspexAO I mean I have many issues with Sawyer simping for IRL Cook Cook but he can still write alright.

    • @AuspexAO
      @AuspexAO ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mistermajestic829 It's interesting to be sure, but worthy of an entire DLC? Would this not be just as interesting if it were a couple settlements with the single big decision bookended by maybe one or two quests? Now granted, I don't think Lonesome Road has a lot of narrative meat either (basically it's all loaded into the Ulysseys encounter, but at least that DLC has an interesting combat zone. I do like the survivalist bits, for sure, but imagine how much cooler finding those logs would have been if the locations you found them in had interesting stories or quests that lead you to them.
      I'm willing to concede that I find tribals boring in almost every video game. I don't think it's possible for humanity to backtrack in that fashion. The only game that I think pulled it off was Horizon because of the very specific scenario in that game that reset human knowledge. I've always been more of a Junktown man than an Arroyo man, basically.

    • @Meurth
      @Meurth 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@DIEGhostfish What do you mean with this, "simping for IRL Cook Cook" ?

  • @MikefromTexas1
    @MikefromTexas1 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    A review on each DLC would be awesome.
    HH was always my second-to-least favorite, so I'm interested in what you've gotta say.
    Keith Szarabajka is an amazing actor, and has worked in most Bethesda games. He's a popular Dunmer voice!
    Both Sorrows and Dead Horses DO have children, they're just away safe. That's told to you. Unless I'm misremembering?
    I've only ever heard people complain about DMs difficulty, not it being "dumb".

  • @crass340
    @crass340 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I had never seen the White Legs using shishkebabs. Most of the ones I encountered had the throwing axes and pistols.

    • @SeruraRenge11
      @SeruraRenge11 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      The White Legs scale with what level you first start the content. So if they're use shishkebab it's when you do it past level 20.

    • @crass340
      @crass340 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@SeruraRenge11 ohhh got it, I went to the DLC being level 15 i think. It was hell honestly.

  • @Potatoflesh
    @Potatoflesh ปีที่แล้ว +7

    "It always feels like a waste of a dude when a guy goes from being awesome to being a man of faith."
    The exhale from my nose would have put out a man who was on fire.

  • @McRich.
    @McRich. ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The reason I love Honest Hearts is two fold. Firstly, it explores the original elements of the first two games; the tribes. And then the Geography. It was like the Mojave but only better. As a European, you don't get stuff like Zion.

  • @Harry_S._Plinkett
    @Harry_S._Plinkett ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It really hurts to hear arguably one of the most ambitious games ever made described as “lacking artistic ambition.”

  • @thestrangechannelofjeff7426
    @thestrangechannelofjeff7426 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I use this DLC as a beginning of the game warm up. From Doc Mitchell's house I head straight for Honest Hearts I usually enter the DLC at around level 2 or 3

  • @Dizzythedes
    @Dizzythedes ปีที่แล้ว +4

    If you kill the friendly tribesman at the start, you can join the baddies

  • @GhostOfSnuffles
    @GhostOfSnuffles ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I like Honest Hearts due to the gecko reinforced leather armor upgrade and on survival there's so much fresh food around you can walk back to New Vegas with enough supplies to last for years.

  • @clockwork2943
    @clockwork2943 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I KNEW IT. They snubbed the base game for Dead Money. No spears, no Legion content, but we get Dead Money? I am mad.

  • @Hatsworthful
    @Hatsworthful ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The only reason I feel thats justified to deduct some chips from dead money's score are the collar mechanics, those can turn into a pain in the ass. Otherwise the storytelling, setting and characters are all fantastic.

  • @ShootinStickz
    @ShootinStickz ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Keep the gold coming buddy, I love these videos in this area of the gaming universe… if I may, I would love to see some content about gta vice city, San Andreas and gta 3, in comparison in this new definitive addition… I don’t know man it’s all up to yourself, just an idea!

  • @antonquintus578
    @antonquintus578 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "I'm with the invisible man over here. These bastards gotta die."
    I really love this video.
    This is the moment I subscribed.
    I also played it so I could talk down Joshua Graham.
    I also found that ending so much more satisfying.
    This whole dlc is a great example of when trying to be "good" is the most evil thing you can do.
    Starting right away by being a dick and scaring off that chem addict. You probably saved his life.-side note: I always bring him so he can be killed
    I feel like Daniel is the most selfish and evil person in the whole dlc. In the end he only ever cares about his own feelings. He doesn't understand basic math:
    Die- divided by -fight and then die-
    always equals -fight squared- !!
    Don't forget about the service the tribes of Zion would be doing for all the people in the surrounding region by decimating the white legs. No I don't mean the NCR! I mean all the other people who actually live there. The ones the desert rangers used to protect?
    I also like how it's actually a strategically viable solution. I'm 100 percent sure that if Zion was of strategic interest to the legion the place would be scoured. Thant means that if they can decisively defeat the white legs there's a chance the legion won't immediately crush them.
    It's like a double layer of not being that important to the legion. If the legion really cared about absorbing the white legs in the first place they would have done it. They are unimportant and unnecessary to Ceasar. They are probably seen as weak by the legion. If they were strong they would have already crushed the tribes of Zion. That's also why I feel the fate of the whitlegs (and eventually the 88s) would eventually be the the same. They were bypassed (but not forgotten) by Ceasar on his way to hoover dam.
    If the courier never came there I feel like Joshua would have found a way to turn back the white legs, with or without Daniel.
    Thanks for a great video!

  • @NickAndWolf
    @NickAndWolf ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love how you self-insert so much. Like "This dialog sucks but here's how I would say it instead."

  • @jesserichardson8116
    @jesserichardson8116 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I always felt like Honest Hearts was super long. It's only short if you focus solely on questing, but if you properly explore its almost a pain to get through

    • @light.jeremy01
      @light.jeremy01 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Kinda why I hate Old World Blues, getting all the sink upgrades is a tedious grind.

  • @nonya1366
    @nonya1366 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The drug trip quest that's optional and involves potentially fist fighting a bear was alright.
    Honestly there's potential for more 'tribal' quests in zion. Maybe make the last choice more meaningful by interacting more with the white legs with more than just bullets/las/plas/explosives/your hands/a severed deathclaw hands/ a biblical amount of firepower.
    Though I admit I've never really played F1 or F2, with F3 being my introduction. I do believe that there's plenty of stories to be had with F2's idea- Of interacting with not just the remnants of the wasteland, but what's arising in the aftermath. New society's whole cloth who have forgotten or cast off their "Old world blues" as it where, to put it in a philosophical asshole way.
    Or at the very least, introduce genuine doubt into wiping out the white legs in a fit of murderous prowess because their genuinely a bunch of raiders and my own opinion is that in the wasteland, you can't afford to feel too bad about people trying to kill, burn, maim, or worse. As your innocence cannot survive in the apocalypse- either by their hand or your own.

  • @Terrybogard0
    @Terrybogard0 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I followed the Story of a pre War man who went through some bad time lost many loved ones and ultimately became a ghost that protected the Canyon. By Far the Survivalist story is what made this DLC worth it to me.

  • @AveSicarius
    @AveSicarius ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Joshua Graham would probably make a pretty good antagonist if we ever see a sequel to New Vegas. He's basically in the position Caesar was originally supposed to have built his legion from. His gradually radicalizing tribals and indoctrinating them into his religion/ideology. He's not afraid to use violence to get what he wants, is vengeful to the point of genocide, and is clearly highly capable. It's easy to see him building up a fanatical religious following of converted tribals who go on to threaten the NCR in a similar way to Caesar's Legion, but with them being zealous fanatic's more than willing to die for their cause (the Legionaries are certainly indoctrinated but they aren't as outright fanatical as we see religious extremists become) as the brand of religion Graham teaches them goes well beyond what the New Canaanites intended. Meanwhile the NCRs expansion and exploitation of tribal people's for their land and resources could easily explain why the new faction turns against them.
    Joshua is also charismatic, and the writing makes him seem larger than life. People want to like him, want to agree with him, but the man is still an absolute monster, he simply justifies it with faith unlike Caesar who justifies it with some, albeit very flawed, reason.
    He'd also make a very good Far Cry villain, a bit like the cult leader in 5.

  • @jeko72
    @jeko72 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I will never stop playing this game

  • @argondrolf785
    @argondrolf785 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    They avoid the caves because of all the traps laid within them. I always assumed every trap on any cave was left by the survivalist, so they avoided them all

  • @7ampontarly748
    @7ampontarly748 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I don’t understand how anyone could side with Daniel. Even if you go to the roots of what the sorrows believe in via the Survivalist’s logs, he basically taught them to be kind but to not be a bitch if anyone fucks with them.

  • @SimoExMachina2
    @SimoExMachina2 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ricky jinxed the whole expedition. He probably has the trait with the same name from Fallout 1 and 2.

  • @CapitalTeeth
    @CapitalTeeth ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm sure we can all agree that the funny mummy man's ending is the best one. He is based af

  • @FjreHazard
    @FjreHazard ปีที่แล้ว +1

    21:04 Based cat.

    @CALL_MATE ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This was my favourite dlc because of the amazing writing and vibe of Zion

  • @versebuchanan512
    @versebuchanan512 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I don't get your beef with that one ending. Fuck the White Legs, and Josh is acting perfectly in character.

  • @Bam_Bizzler
    @Bam_Bizzler ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It's still my favorite dlc (never played lonesome road) for its moral questions and dialog alone. It just makes me think about my own stances on things everytime.
    But i always have to make Daniel sad. That is a constant

    • @lasarousi
      @lasarousi ปีที่แล้ว

      Wait why wouldn't you play every DLC? The entire downloadable content is almost essential to get the full experience.
      The lonesome road is a bit edgy but the "real ending" ties everything together in a nice little bow before the second battle for hover dam

  • @ethanrumley746
    @ethanrumley746 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Joshua Graham helped me learn to be merciful weeks before a very parallel situation came about in my life. Where my life was threatened, and then moments later I had turned things to the reverse. My whole self was burning to end the man then and there, I had every reason. I would have become a murderer over a man putting an empty gun to my head had I not been tempering myself with these sort of ideas and stories.

  • @chaserohwedder8852
    @chaserohwedder8852 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Old world blues is my favorite

  • @yourdadsotherfamily3530
    @yourdadsotherfamily3530 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    IDC what anyyyyy of you say. You can craft over 270-300 healing poultices from this DLC therefore it is a 10/10 dlc for me and my survival role playing character

  • @thefilodough8066
    @thefilodough8066 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wait, people don't like Dead Money? That one was always my favorite out of the main 4.

  • @MnemonicHack
    @MnemonicHack ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dead Money was the best DLC I've ever played, and anyone who says it's dumb is dumb themselves.

  • @jackgrove4621
    @jackgrove4621 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    lets not forget joshua grahams motivational speech

  • @kevinklein4848
    @kevinklein4848 ปีที่แล้ว

    Love the paulie walnuts clips you implemented into the video. Rip Tony Cicero

  • @captaincrit8654
    @captaincrit8654 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is an amazing review of quite possibly the MOST DLC for New Vegas, thank you

  • @jimboslice7862
    @jimboslice7862 ปีที่แล้ว

    Had Daniel been voiced by anyone else and not Vito Scaletta, I'd say fuck that homunculus

  • @nobodyjustacreep
    @nobodyjustacreep ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hey, it might be a rickety porch on three legs! But it's my rickety porch on three legs and I love it

  • @falseking989
    @falseking989 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    16:31 “I’m sure Native Americans wouldn’t train their kids to kill.”
    Oh you sweet, sweet, summer child…

    • @connorhudock1950
      @connorhudock1950 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm pretty sure he was referring to the Dead Horses and Sorrows specifically

  • @keshonhend2047
    @keshonhend2047 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've never evacuated Zion. There's only 2 achievements for New Vegas I don't have unlocked even after over 1,400 hours. I'm more likely to win 30 games of caravan in a single save than I am to even consider leaving Zion without being covered in white leg viscera.

  • @NicholasLaRosa0496
    @NicholasLaRosa0496 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I don't like how Honest Hearts pulls a black and white ending. Killing Salt-Upon-Wounds shouldn't result in a worse ending.

  • @coolnamebro7363
    @coolnamebro7363 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Fun little tidbit about Joshua's 'John to our Mathew and Mark' comment.
    Mark was taken on by Peter the apostle to be an interpreter and so wasn't one of the 12 apostles more interestingly John was the only apostle to die of old age... Meanwhile after rebuffing a king for their lust Mathew was killed. Makes you wonder what Joshua meant when he used Matthew as his stand-in.
    (Alternatively he could be saying that he is Mark since he was a interpreter in his youth, but that would make Ceaser the apostle Peter so think what you want.)

  • @Cunnysmythe
    @Cunnysmythe ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Weird, this one didn't come up in my feed and had to get it through my recommended. I always thought this DLC was rightly maligned for being short and a bit lacking somehow, though the optional side story with the survivalist stands out above almost any story in the entire New Vegas canon

  • @Wormopera
    @Wormopera ปีที่แล้ว

    I would rank the dlcs like this
    1-Old world blues, has the best writing and great jokes, not worthless or simple jokes like most Bethesda's games, but dark humor that really expands the world and had some of the best levels in the game and coolest weapons
    2- dead money, had the best characters and was the most unique experience, masterfully executed it's themes but still gave you a choice, sure you could go through the pain of getting those gold bars, but they are worth more than you can really sell unless you waist your time going to gunrunners and just wait for Days everytime you sell something, and the levels are amazing the atmosphere is masterful
    3-lonesome road, literally gives philosophy to a mailman what more could you want? One criticism you could make is that it gives your mc some backstory however you just can just say, maybe Ulysses is losing his sanity or you simply look like the guy he was after
    I consider all these three equal but good at different places, but honest hearts really just has two characters, survivor and Joshua which are amazing and their psychology is just something else but everything else in the dlc is so simplistic that it drags it down

  • @Nadodan
    @Nadodan ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I don't consider Daniel's ending the good ending. The good ending is talking down Grahm but driving out the White Legs. See Grahm and me see the real value of Zion. It's a refuge of god in the world. It's an unirradiated place, filled with clean water. If you follow Daniel in trying to 'save the sorrows soul' in this harsh world. The valley is trampled and destroyed by the White Legs, to me that's the worst ending.
    It's better to have the tribals eat the fruit of knowledge then let Eden fall to the devil. Saving Grahm's soul? That's just a bonus for a man who's been through troubled times.

  • @rotisserieprotocol3582
    @rotisserieprotocol3582 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @hatman9874
    @hatman9874 ปีที่แล้ว

    Made my Monday man keep the videos up please!

  • @Kekkakek
    @Kekkakek ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great video as always buddy!

  • @AgnumMD
    @AgnumMD ปีที่แล้ว +1

    As always, this is a great breakdown. But I have one gripe, and while I have seen others mention it, I still need to point it out too.
    Honest Hearts is as much a story of the Survivalist as it is of Joshua Graham and the modern Zion.
    It is the single most well written and moving story I’ve ever seen in Fallout if not any video game. I don’t know if it would hit me quite the same way today as it did a decade ago, as the mechanic of finding someone’s logs to piece together their story has been done to death at this point, and I was a very different person when I first encountered it. But, it is the only thing I bothered to remember and will always remember from Honest Hearts except for Joshua Graham’s endless supply of 1911s and the Bible verse he quotes about leaving Zion.
    It is the absolute best case example of “audio log” or “walking simulator” story telling though, and it intertwines with the moral questions of the active plot and the birth of the strange setting, and it is best experienced organically but intentionally as you explore the area. For your own sake, if you didn’t find the Survivalist’s stashes or didn’t bother reading his story, please do so if you ever play Honest Hearts (again).

  • @donniedewitt9878
    @donniedewitt9878 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Dead money is the best, both in gameplay, atmosphere, and story. One of the best self contained stories in the fallout franchise

  • @Javetts
    @Javetts ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Talking Joshua down is the best ending. I cared more about his character than everyone else's in this DLC combined. Him finding a meaningful measure of spiritual and personal peace to pair with his purpose will nurse him more than anything could. In such situations, I care not for the dead, but for those who still suffer. The burned man is a great narrative imo. Between that and the survivalist's story, Honest Hearts was better than all of FO3

  • @runelt99
    @runelt99 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    wait a minute, there was a good ending??? I thought it was suppost to be bittersweet of 'just run away and die' or become evil wastelander like rest of us

    • @lonewanderer1328
      @lonewanderer1328 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yeah, locked behind speech 90

    • @runelt99
      @runelt99 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@lonewanderer1328 To be fair, I only played the 'run away' ending, might be a good excuse to restart a new save....

    • @lonewanderer1328
      @lonewanderer1328 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@runelt99 Why the fuck would you listen to daniel? You must've missed the point that the white legs are after the dead horses and sorrows. THEY WILL EVENTUALLY SALT ZION AND CHASE AFTER THETRIBALS. Lmfao

    • @runelt99
      @runelt99 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@lonewanderer1328 Didn't really pay that much attention to story, thought that it was just a local conflict without any legion subtext, aside from burned man himself.

    • @lonewanderer1328
      @lonewanderer1328 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@runelt99 Well, now you know better and have a reason to play ttw

  • @kingmalak321
    @kingmalak321 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Really happy to see you doing the DLCs as well.
    Holy shit I love the lounge jazz in the background. SO GOOD!

  • @roryrousseau111
    @roryrousseau111 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love all the dlc but I was honestly excited to go with the caravan and see New Canaan. Would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit disappointed when that plan abruptly changed

  • @joeblow8982
    @joeblow8982 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    HH was the weakest DLC in my opinion. Even my very first playthrough I wasn't impressed. The entire narrative never drew me in on any level. The Survivalist was the only standout bit of story. I wanted to know about him more than I gave a single fuck about Zion or its inhabitants.
    Maybe because I'm iconoclastic? I just couldn't relate to the religious overtones on any meaningful level.

    • @joeblow8982
      @joeblow8982 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mistermajestic829 don't even have an account. Too old for that shit. Try again

    • @joeblow8982
      @joeblow8982 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mistermajestic829 that's kinda what I meant about standout. Even though there was no npc to interact with, I was more drawn to Randall's story than I was to Daniels, or Joshuas or the tribes as they existed in the present.
      I did like learning what had become of Joshua and learning more about Ulysses' ties to the tribes, but the main plot about the conflict within Zion just didn't interest me as much as most of the sub-plots and backstories. I honestly wonder if it's because of my general disdain for religion is all...

  • @yourethatmantis5178
    @yourethatmantis5178 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I do agree they kind of muck it up, but I do think the kind of dilemma I think they're trying to convey is a fun and interesting one. And it's a spiritual dilemma, which is not a common thing you see in games. The dilemma is basically "if you're a devout member of a religion that promotes pacifism and forbids murder, what do you do when confronted with an inescapable "kill or be killed" situation?". So do you stick to your faith and die? Preserving the soul at the cost of the flesh. Or do you compromise your faith and survive? compromising the soul to preserve the flesh.
    They mucked it up because they tried to portray Joshua and Daniel as equally morally gray characters and they kind of misunderstood their audience. Both Joshua and Daniel are doing what they're doing for ultimately selfish reasons. Joshua is a psychopath, who gives lip service to God, but he doesn't care much about what said God has to say. Daniel is a pacifist, who claims to be invested in the physical world around him, but the truth is he's so wrapped up in his faith that he's become blind and ignorant of everything beyond his scripture book. Joshua and Daniel seem morally equal in a void, but when you add the context (as touched upon in the video); Joshua seems justified in his actions, while Daniel comes off as wrong about everything and a bit of a bigot.
    However, when you get right down to it, the people who play these games aren't going to have many qualms about killing nameless NPCs with red health bars. While most of the people who could empathize with Daniel's, preserve the spirit, argument in any real way, generally aren't the kinds of people who play videogames.

  • @talabackland8127
    @talabackland8127 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can’t wait for the other DLC videos this was great

  • @Maxsmack
    @Maxsmack ปีที่แล้ว

    "I'm with the invisible man on this one"