Really amazing insights. I am spiritually uplifted when I watch and listen to your videos. I think you have an awesome ability to glean the messages of Jesus through your research. Thank you.
Don't fall for it. Easier to get in than out and you'll never recoup all you lose in time, finances, relationships, rationality, etc. Ultimately you'd lose your soul to a false god.
Read the Book of Mormon (free versions can be found online), compare its teachings to other truths you already hold dear, use discernment to find more truths in it, and most importantly, once you've read it, *ask God for a witness from Him about whether or not it's true.* Avoid the mainstream, "Brighamite" Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, though. It has been one of the biggest (if not the biggest) hindrances to the spreading of the Book of Mormon, because its leaders and general membership refuse to repent of past wrongs, or admit that they lost God's authority ~180 years ago. So read the Book of Mormon and cherish it as a precious record of one of the lost tribes of Israel and an indispensable companion to the Bible, but stay away from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and all its offshoots.
This is a fantastic video. Your thoughtful analysis of these teachings and what they mean for Mormon doctrine is spot on. I hear all too often that Joseph and Brigham were men of their time. Of course they had their own thoughts, opinions and biases according to their worldview and upbringing. However, when an alleged prophet of God speaks from "God's Pulpit" or in "God's Temple," only God's word should be taught. Unfortunately, when the Mormon church does something good, TBM members will all say, "Look at all of these wonderful fruits the church is producing! By their fruits ye shall know them!" Yet, when the leaders of the church do something unethical or profess teachings like Blood Atonement and racism, TBM members will excuse their behavior because, "the church is run by imperfect people." The only reason these men are infallible is because TBM members make them infallible. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I'm not here to tear down anyone's faith; but disavowed doctrines are admissions that these leaders were wrong and not inspired of God. If anyone doesn't believe me, ask yourself, does the church also preach that famous biblical figures also taught any disavowed doctrine. Even though I don't believe in the church anymore, and I haven't see all of your videos, I believe that you make the church a better place. Thank you for sharing your video.
Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I'm on the same page with you. We can't have it both ways - either the leaders are perfect, or they are not. And if they aren't, why do they require that we treat them as such?
@@MormonRescue I'm of the opinion that religion is simply a vehicle through which people can become better. As such, who am I to tell someone that they are wrong if they truly feel spiritually uplifted by their church activity and they grow to become better each day. I wish that members would see the leaders of the church as people who are simply trying to do their best with their understanding of the world, rather than worship them as local celebrities. I had a music teacher growing up who made sure to remind me that she didn't have all the answers to every question I would ever ask, but that together we could find the answers as a team. Assuming that "the debate is over" anytime a church leader or prophet speaks is unhealthy. It's important for each of us to seek out truth for ourselves and learn together.
Lol I don't know how but almost time your videos come out I have to get ready for work. So I have to watch it piecemeal or see it my next day off. But I do really enjoy them
Good job digging and finding the inconsistencies. Don't stop. And I must say it is so brave of you to express them publicly. I understand the cognitive dissonance you must have at times. Waking up was frightening for me, but you'll find truth and peace if you seek Him with all of your heart. Him. Not a tradition or system, etc. If you're ready to give up everything else and follow Him, tell Him and He will reveal Himself and truth to you.
Great video as always, Matt! I was wondering what are your thoughts on the "Lectures on Faith"? Do you think they were properly removed from our scriptures or should they still be included?
They are the Doctrine of the Doctrine and Covenants. Joseph spent a great deal of time getting them ready to be part of the scriptures. As the church drifted away from the true doctrine of Christ and forgot the Book of Mormon, these teachings no longer fit LDS NEW doctrine, so they were removed. Much like the original D&C 101 (monogamy) from the early D&C was removed by Brigham and replaced with D&C 132 (polygamy). So now we only have the Covenants or commandments as they should be known, stripped of the doctrine. The early Christians scholars in the centuries after Christ did the same thing and removed or destroyed scripture that did not fit the new way of things with Constantine. So of course they were not removed properly with a vote of the church. We are in a pile of hurt now because Joseph Smith and the Lord's true gospel were rejected by the members. We have only a dim view of what could have been, just as the early Christians only had a dim view of what transpired during the Apostles days.
@@mjr0516 I have learned that the religion I have been taught all my life came from Joseph Smith really did not. So before I throw it all out with the trash I want to sort out what Joseph was really teaching. I think the Book of Mormon is the most authentically Joseph Smith document we have so I have been using it to judge everything else. Ultimately though the Holy Ghost is the only source of truth.
@@timoaks1372 Joseph Smith was a Master Mason until the day he died. He had a Masonic temple built in Nauvoo. Freemasonry is Luciferian. The Mormon temple ceremony was taken from Freemasonry. It is the old Babylonian religion just tweaked here and there. Grab your popcorn and watch this expose of Freemasonry. Binge watch or take it in chunks. Much more interesting and truthful than the movie in the Mormon temple. Learn what Joseph Smith believed and practiced. It's not anti-Mormon, so don't be fearful to peek.
The church refuted the doctrine of blood atonement in a statement in the Deseret News in 2010: "In the mid-19th century, when rhetorical, emotional oratory was common, some church members and leaders used strong language that included notions of people making restitution for their sins by giving up their own lives. However, so-called "blood atonement," by which individuals would be required to shed their own blood to pay for their sins, is not a doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We believe in and teach the infinite and all-encompassing atonement of Jesus Christ, which makes forgiveness of sin and salvation possible for all people." I still find this too little, and too late, but nevertheless is is incorrect to say we "still have not publicly disavowed the doctrine of blood atonement." I also find it interesting that the statement first blames "church members" before "leaders" as an attempt to shift blame or distance leaders from having full responsibility. This is the typical apologetic obfuscation the church uses to white-wash its history.
'is incorrect to say we "still have not publicly disavowed the doctrine of blood atonement."' While that may be true, we have not publicly disavowed those who taught it for over 100 years, from Brigham and his presidency, all the way down to Apostle Bruce McKonkie. We still teach that those men were "prophets, seers, and revelators" and many/most of the things they implemented during those 100 years are still the fabric of the LDS church today. We still claim the priesthood authority and succession flowed from Christ, through those evil men, to our leaders today. To me, it's like being told to admire a roof on a house with a foundation in crumbles and walls falling down. The roof (today's Q15) might look stylish in their fancy suits sitting atop a pile of $100B, but what is their foundation, their claim to reign? The only reason they are in leadership today is because they are the descendants and/or proteges of Brigham and his cronies and their successors.
@@MormonRescue I actually think it is worse now than during those dark days. We cannot even SEE anymore and think we are righteous as we go to the temple. Now we are as whited sepultures, just as in the day of the Savior with a semblance of rectitude and holiness but only on the outside, for show. Laman and Lemuel felt they and the Jews of their day were righteous. They were sure of it. The Pharisees' in Jesus day attended the temple and did the outward rites believing they were righteous and God's chosen people, yet Jesus said they were of their Father the Devil. We are in the same boat now. If you speak out about the gross wickedness you are ridiculed, excluded and expelled. Not put to death yet but that will come soon too. Blood atonement and sacrifice will be the rage except it will be against the true prophets of God.
“Will someone please show me where we have seen Jesus make everyone stand, and raise their arms and swear oaths to sacrifice everything to our leaders, even our lives; anyone?” 10:47 📣💯
Thanks. Anything in particular beyond my 3 videos on polygamy?
You have some interesting thoughts. I have heard most of them before. My testimony of Christ comes from reading about him. I love the scriptures, that is where I spend most of my time. I cannot convince anyone by my thoughts, but I can only share. I respect your thoughts. I have met many of the latter day prophets, some more than others. I know that they are all dads, grandfathers, and human beings trying to do what they believe the Lord wants them to do. I have not been with them when they receive revelations so I cannot speak to that. But I believe they are concerned with all of God's children. When I read the 20th chapter of Isaiah, I was asking my self, is he really a prophet? Then I have to tell myself that I did not live then and I am not sure of everything going on. Also, could the actual writer have written everything correctly or was it the writers view not Isaiah's.
"They are all dads, grandfathers, and human beings trying to do what they believe the Lord wants them to do." I would like to believe that, too. Just like most world leaders - Trump, Biden, Putin - they are all dads, grandfathers, and human beings. But that doesn't make them right, or especially prophets. I grew up loving President Hinkley. I thought he was polished, funny, and admirable. It wasn't until recently that I learned that he personally was the man who signed off on creating super-secret shell corporations with tithing money that grew into more than $100 Billion dollars of a secret "Brethren Slush Fund." When I go back and try to see that man in the prepared speeches he gave, I have to ask myself - did he just have good speech writers and he knew that he was being deceptive and a money-hoarder? Or does he really believe that's what Christ taught? Same with the death penalty oaths in the temple. I just missed the cut-off for slitting my throat in the temple, but every one of our General Authorities have known about the secret killing tokens their whole lives. I wondered - how can they keep a straight face speaking of Christ from pulpits, while knowing the church required people to make secret death covenants? Are they decieving everyone, or are they that all-in that they think Jesus would ever contemplate such a thing? Hard to know. I think most of my local member friends are just blissfully ignorant, but I believe the higher I look up the hierarchy, there are a whole lot of people who know everything.
Thanks for your excellent presentation. I just wanted to add that you need not doubt yourself, at least that is how it sounded. We are all given the light to judge. Sometimes this judging shakes us to our foundations since what we used to believe does not fit in with the truth we are learning. Brigham Young and Joseph Smith are polar opposites on everything. So Moroni spoke to us about how to judge. "Wherefore, take heed, my beloved brethren, that ye do not judge that which is evil to be of God, or that which is good and of God to be of the devil. For behold, my brethren, it is given unto you to judge, that ye may know good from evil;.... Moroni 7 chapter. Just look at the fruits of each of these men and it is clear which fits in which place as we judge according to this scripture.
Unfortunately, I recently learned that JS never even taught from the BOM. He was also instrumental in leading people astray and in establishing new doctrine in the church not founded on the BOM.
@@mjr0516 I think you have mixed up Brigham with JS. Brigham did not read or use any scripture. He sure did change almost every belief that Joseph had, even rewriting his journals. Did Joseph use the Bible a lot more, yes of course as in those days all read the Bible and were infinitely acquainted with it. No he was not instrumental in leading people astray. Those that followed made it appear that way. Even the Follet discourse is tainted. Those that did the damage led the few that would follow west. Most did not go. I see this a lot where people try to tear Joseph and his reputation from the Book of Mormon. Like tearing Shakespeare from MacBeth. It's a package. Take JS and the Book of Mormon or throw them both out.
There was for a few years under Joseph Smith, the organized church on the earth. The members and especially top ones did not want what Joseph tried to give them from the Lord. So they rejected the Lord preferring the doctrine and teachings of men. I can hardly find a man in the early church that supported Joseph other than Hyrum and the other Smith's. Yes there were some common folks that did but among leadership no one except maybe William Marks and James Whitehead. Most were great big elders so the Lord as he always has done allowed us to choose our king instead of the organization he tried to give us. In the Bible and Book of Mormon we see the people look beyond the mark and want a king. The gadianton's love the king set up, as it is so easy to take over and corrupt. Now there are Isles of the Sea, believers who await the true Servant of the Lord to come once all that we know in this world is destroyed. Moroni and Nephi saw our day and warned us in plain language of what is coming for us the gentiles. Yes the LDS are gentiles who were given the new covenant of the Book of Mormon. Have we taken it to rescue the true covenant peoples? No. We have despised them. Just look at the priesthood ban, that denied Lehi's descendants the priesthood. They are the blacks of the USA and the Americas. Joseph Smith ordained blacks to the priesthood and made one a Seventy. After Joseph's murder the new leadership changed this 180% and banned them, even taking the priesthood from those Joseph had ordained. The Book of Mormon prophets must be rolling in their graves and calling out for the Lord to correct this and recover their ancestors.
If I return It cannot be the same as these 40 past year. I will no longer tell you the truth if i still engage in masterbation. Some things are none of your business Bishop.
Mormons don't preach and worship from Brighams journal nor more then anyone does from Calvin's or Luther's😂 we use scripture and what is officially taught from General conference just like any world religion.
You might be confusing "Brigham's Journal" with the Journal of Discourses - which are his recorded speeches at "General Conference". Throughout my entire life as a member, I've been taught that what the Brethren teach in General Conference *IS* scripture. Therefore, what Brigham and his counselors, as well all the "Prophets, Seers, and Revelators" taught that followed him, is considered scripture. Until it becomes inconvenient, and then it is just his opinion..... That realization - that those who we have always been taught are infallible, who can never lead us astray, are the very people teaching against Christ - is possibly more damning than anything else the church is doing wrong.
The LDS church leadership has created a loophole. According to Brother Haynie (April 23 GC) we preach from and worship only the words of living prophets. Words of dead prophets don't age well, I assume that includes the words of dead prophets found in scripture. Paul H. Dunn (a dead apostle) once said, "I don't care what Isaiah says, I only care what the current prophet says he says." So to your point , the LDS don't preach from or worship anything other that what the current prophets (Q15) say.
@@edtalbott564 "I don't care what Isaiah says, I only care what the current prophet says he says." (LDS General Authority Paul H. Dunn) Another church leader who hasn't read the Book of Mormon. In 3 Nephi, Jesus Christ (whom the church pretends to believe in) said: "And now, behold, I say unto you, that ye ought to search these things [the words of Isaiah]. Yea, a commandment I give unto you that ye search these things diligently; for great are the words of Isaiah." But I see what the Q15 are doing. They don't want anyone looking back at those pesky words of Christ or his true prophets. It's like a Judiciary that says, "Don't look back at laws or the constitution - things written by dead men. Only listen to our judgements and rulings today, whatever we think is right at this moment, based solely on our own ideas and prejudices." The power to corrupt in such a situation is incalculable.
@@edtalbott564 That is very false and terribly wrong teaching by that man. Jesus in the Book of Mormon said to study the words of Isaiah. He did not say ignore the words of Isaiah. Why did Lehi risk his son's lives to get the brass plates if they only needed him as a prophet? Why even have the Book of Mormon or any scripture if we only need the current church president? When I read the scriptures they are a light and rock to know if current teachings and leaders are inspired. God does not change and the scriptures are our rock and iron rod. Yet we no longer follow the word of God. So of course they do not want you reading things that go against current teachings. Just like the Catholics did in times gone by. Dumb us all down with come follow me, so no one ever will look at the scriptures that they leave out and are not allowed to be taught.
I believe the truth is the exact reverse: Jesus came and allowed the Jews (not Christians) to crucify him - with the purpose that it *end* the shedding of blood. As Alma taught in the BoM: "Therefore, it is expedient that there should be a great and last sacrifice; and then shall there be, or it is expedient there should be, a stop to the shedding of blood" (Alma 34:13) This bloodthirsty desire of Brigham and his successors has nothing to do with true Christianity - it is part and parcel of the Old Testament that they were so obsessed with, including polygamy, the mark of Cain, priesthood hierarchies, temple rituals, swearing oaths, etc, etc. They wanted to ignore Christ completely and reinstitute the Old Testament all over again.
@@MormonRescue _"I believe the truth is the exact reverse: Jesus came and allowed the Jews (not Christians) to crucify him..."_ Wait. Are you denying that the literal worship of propitiatory human sacrifice is the core tenet of Christianity? Paul created Christianity in 48 AD and this is how he put it: Romans 8:32 "He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all." 1 Corinthians 5:7 "Christ our passover is sacrificed for us." Romans 3:25 "God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement." Romans 5:8 "God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us." Hebrews 10:10 "We are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ."
@@EvilXtianity I've never pretended to be a part of the church of Paul. This scripture from the Book of Mormon sheds further light: ...All are fallen and are lost, and must perish except it be through the atonement which it is expedient should be made. For it is expedient that there should be a great and last sacrifice; yea, not a sacrifice of man, neither of beast, neither of any manner of fowl; for it shall not be a human sacrifice; but it must be an infinite and eternal sacrifice. (Alma 34:9-10) Notice how he very clearly says it is "not a sacrifice of Man" and "it shall not be a human sacrifice." Can't get much clearer than that. This is one of many reasons why the Book of Mormon is so essential to the Bible and Christianity today.
Yeah i dont believe either of them. Joseph did practice polygamy. Emma even said so in her journals. Also Brigham was never shy about allowing violence
@@defythegrid9577 watch mormonstories podcast or TH-cam channel on the subject. They go thru all of it. They mention Smith, Young, Pratt, Bennett. Also, just because something wasn't in a journal in 19th century doesn't mean it didn't happen. Many temple ordinances were kept sacred and not discussed openly, correct?
Really amazing insights. I am spiritually uplifted when I watch and listen to your videos. I think you have an awesome ability to glean the messages of Jesus through your research. Thank you.
Another great video! Thank you for presenting TRUTH!
I’m not LDS but your channel feels inspired of God and maybe The Book of Mormon is a true depiction of Christ message through the ages. Great job bro.
Don't fall for it. Easier to get in than out and you'll never recoup all you lose in time, finances, relationships, rationality, etc. Ultimately you'd lose your soul to a false god.
Read the Book of Mormon (free versions can be found online), compare its teachings to other truths you already hold dear, use discernment to find more truths in it, and most importantly, once you've read it, *ask God for a witness from Him about whether or not it's true.*
Avoid the mainstream, "Brighamite" Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, though. It has been one of the biggest (if not the biggest) hindrances to the spreading of the Book of Mormon, because its leaders and general membership refuse to repent of past wrongs, or admit that they lost God's authority ~180 years ago.
So read the Book of Mormon and cherish it as a precious record of one of the lost tribes of Israel and an indispensable companion to the Bible, but stay away from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and all its offshoots.
This is a fantastic video. Your thoughtful analysis of these teachings and what they mean for Mormon doctrine is spot on.
I hear all too often that Joseph and Brigham were men of their time. Of course they had their own thoughts, opinions and biases according to their worldview and upbringing. However, when an alleged prophet of God speaks from "God's Pulpit" or in "God's Temple," only God's word should be taught.
Unfortunately, when the Mormon church does something good, TBM members will all say, "Look at all of these wonderful fruits the church is producing! By their fruits ye shall know them!" Yet, when the leaders of the church do something unethical or profess teachings like Blood Atonement and racism, TBM members will excuse their behavior because, "the church is run by imperfect people." The only reason these men are infallible is because TBM members make them infallible.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I'm not here to tear down anyone's faith; but disavowed doctrines are admissions that these leaders were wrong and not inspired of God. If anyone doesn't believe me, ask yourself, does the church also preach that famous biblical figures also taught any disavowed doctrine.
Even though I don't believe in the church anymore, and I haven't see all of your videos, I believe that you make the church a better place.
Thank you for sharing your video.
Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I'm on the same page with you. We can't have it both ways - either the leaders are perfect, or they are not. And if they aren't, why do they require that we treat them as such?
@@MormonRescue I'm of the opinion that religion is simply a vehicle through which people can become better. As such, who am I to tell someone that they are wrong if they truly feel spiritually uplifted by their church activity and they grow to become better each day.
I wish that members would see the leaders of the church as people who are simply trying to do their best with their understanding of the world, rather than worship them as local celebrities.
I had a music teacher growing up who made sure to remind me that she didn't have all the answers to every question I would ever ask, but that together we could find the answers as a team. Assuming that "the debate is over" anytime a church leader or prophet speaks is unhealthy. It's important for each of us to seek out truth for ourselves and learn together.
@@churtle1143 Perfectly said.
Very good.
The LDS church sure puts a lot of obstacles between the believer and Jesus.
Like the commandments ?
The Mormons know Jesus
Lol I don't know how but almost time your videos come out I have to get ready for work. So I have to watch it piecemeal or see it my next day off. But I do really enjoy them
Excellent work
Good job digging and finding the inconsistencies. Don't stop. And I must say it is so brave of you to express them publicly. I understand the cognitive dissonance you must have at times. Waking up was frightening for me, but you'll find truth and peace if you seek Him with all of your heart. Him. Not a tradition or system, etc. If you're ready to give up everything else and follow Him, tell Him and He will reveal Himself and truth to you.
Great video as always, Matt! I was wondering what are your thoughts on the "Lectures on Faith"? Do you think they were properly removed from our scriptures or should they still be included?
Thanks! As far as "Lectures on Faith" - I haven't studied them enough recently to have an intelligent opinion. I need to go back and reread them :)
They are the Doctrine of the Doctrine and Covenants. Joseph spent a great deal of time getting them ready to be part of the scriptures. As the church drifted away from the true doctrine of Christ and forgot the Book of Mormon, these teachings no longer fit LDS NEW doctrine, so they were removed. Much like the original D&C 101 (monogamy) from the early D&C was removed by Brigham and replaced with D&C 132 (polygamy). So now we only have the Covenants or commandments as they should be known, stripped of the doctrine. The early Christians scholars in the centuries after Christ did the same thing and removed or destroyed scripture that did not fit the new way of things with Constantine. So of course they were not removed properly with a vote of the church. We are in a pile of hurt now because Joseph Smith and the Lord's true gospel were rejected by the members. We have only a dim view of what could have been, just as the early Christians only had a dim view of what transpired during the Apostles days.
I honestly don't think anything that came after The Book of Mormon is correct.
@@mjr0516 I have learned that the religion I have been taught all my life came from Joseph Smith really did not. So before I throw it all out with the trash I want to sort out what Joseph was really teaching. I think the Book of Mormon is the most authentically Joseph Smith document we have so I have been using it to judge everything else. Ultimately though the Holy Ghost is the only source of truth.
@@timoaks1372 Joseph Smith was a Master Mason until the day he died. He had a Masonic temple built in Nauvoo. Freemasonry is Luciferian. The Mormon temple ceremony was taken from Freemasonry. It is the old Babylonian religion just tweaked here and there. Grab your popcorn and watch this expose of Freemasonry. Binge watch or take it in chunks. Much more interesting and truthful than the movie in the Mormon temple. Learn what Joseph Smith believed and practiced. It's not anti-Mormon, so don't be fearful to peek.
The church refuted the doctrine of blood atonement in a statement in the Deseret News in 2010: "In the mid-19th century, when rhetorical, emotional oratory was common, some church members and leaders used strong language that included notions of people making restitution for their sins by giving up their own lives. However, so-called "blood atonement," by which individuals would be required to shed their own blood to pay for their sins, is not a doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We believe in and teach the infinite and all-encompassing atonement of Jesus Christ, which makes forgiveness of sin and salvation possible for all people."
I still find this too little, and too late, but nevertheless is is incorrect to say we "still have not publicly disavowed the doctrine of blood atonement." I also find it interesting that the statement first blames "church members" before "leaders" as an attempt to shift blame or distance leaders from having full responsibility. This is the typical apologetic obfuscation the church uses to white-wash its history.
'is incorrect to say we "still have not publicly disavowed the doctrine of blood atonement."'
While that may be true, we have not publicly disavowed those who taught it for over 100 years, from Brigham and his presidency, all the way down to Apostle Bruce McKonkie. We still teach that those men were "prophets, seers, and revelators" and many/most of the things they implemented during those 100 years are still the fabric of the LDS church today. We still claim the priesthood authority and succession flowed from Christ, through those evil men, to our leaders today.
To me, it's like being told to admire a roof on a house with a foundation in crumbles and walls falling down. The roof (today's Q15) might look stylish in their fancy suits sitting atop a pile of $100B, but what is their foundation, their claim to reign? The only reason they are in leadership today is because they are the descendants and/or proteges of Brigham and his cronies and their successors.
@@MormonRescue I actually think it is worse now than during those dark days. We cannot even SEE anymore and think we are righteous as we go to the temple. Now we are as whited sepultures, just as in the day of the Savior with a semblance of rectitude and holiness but only on the outside, for show. Laman and Lemuel felt they and the Jews of their day were righteous. They were sure of it. The Pharisees' in Jesus day attended the temple and did the outward rites believing they were righteous and God's chosen people, yet Jesus said they were of their Father the Devil. We are in the same boat now. If you speak out about the gross wickedness you are ridiculed, excluded and expelled. Not put to death yet but that will come soon too. Blood atonement and sacrifice will be the rage except it will be against the true prophets of God.
“Will someone please show me where we have seen Jesus make everyone stand, and raise their arms and swear oaths to sacrifice everything to our leaders, even our lives; anyone?” 10:47 📣💯
Would be great to hear your thoughts on “Plural Marriage in Kirtland and Nauvoo” from the Gospel Topic Essays put out by the church.
Thanks. Anything in particular beyond my 3 videos on polygamy?
Looks like I have 3 more videos to watch. Thanks 😁
Jesus saved me out of this cult!!! PTL!!!!
You have some interesting thoughts. I have heard most of them before. My testimony of Christ comes from reading about him. I love the scriptures, that is where I spend most of my time. I cannot convince anyone by my thoughts, but I can only share. I respect your thoughts. I have met many of the latter day prophets, some more than others. I know that they are all dads, grandfathers, and human beings trying to do what they believe the Lord wants them to do. I have not been with them when they receive revelations so I cannot speak to that. But I believe they are concerned with all of God's children. When I read the 20th chapter of Isaiah, I was asking my self, is he really a prophet? Then I have to tell myself that I did not live then and I am not sure of everything going on. Also, could the actual writer have written everything correctly or was it the writers view not Isaiah's.
"They are all dads, grandfathers, and human beings trying to do what they believe the Lord wants them to do."
I would like to believe that, too. Just like most world leaders - Trump, Biden, Putin - they are all dads, grandfathers, and human beings. But that doesn't make them right, or especially prophets.
I grew up loving President Hinkley. I thought he was polished, funny, and admirable. It wasn't until recently that I learned that he personally was the man who signed off on creating super-secret shell corporations with tithing money that grew into more than $100 Billion dollars of a secret "Brethren Slush Fund." When I go back and try to see that man in the prepared speeches he gave, I have to ask myself - did he just have good speech writers and he knew that he was being deceptive and a money-hoarder? Or does he really believe that's what Christ taught? Same with the death penalty oaths in the temple. I just missed the cut-off for slitting my throat in the temple, but every one of our General Authorities have known about the secret killing tokens their whole lives. I wondered - how can they keep a straight face speaking of Christ from pulpits, while knowing the church required people to make secret death covenants? Are they decieving everyone, or are they that all-in that they think Jesus would ever contemplate such a thing?
Hard to know. I think most of my local member friends are just blissfully ignorant, but I believe the higher I look up the hierarchy, there are a whole lot of people who know everything.
@@MormonRescuevery interesting and so true. Thank you Matt.
Thanks for your excellent presentation. I just wanted to add that you need not doubt yourself, at least that is how it sounded. We are all given the light to judge. Sometimes this judging shakes us to our foundations since what we used to believe does not fit in with the truth we are learning. Brigham Young and Joseph Smith are polar opposites on everything. So Moroni spoke to us about how to judge. "Wherefore, take heed, my beloved brethren, that ye do not judge that which is evil to be of God, or that which is good and of God to be of the devil.
For behold, my brethren, it is given unto you to judge, that ye may know good from evil;.... Moroni 7 chapter. Just look at the fruits of each of these men and it is clear which fits in which place as we judge according to this scripture.
Unfortunately, I recently learned that JS never even taught from the BOM. He was also instrumental in leading people astray and in establishing new doctrine in the church not founded on the BOM.
@@mjr0516 I think you have mixed up Brigham with JS. Brigham did not read or use any scripture. He sure did change almost every belief that Joseph had, even rewriting his journals. Did Joseph use the Bible a lot more, yes of course as in those days all read the Bible and were infinitely acquainted with it. No he was not instrumental in leading people astray. Those that followed made it appear that way. Even the Follet discourse is tainted. Those that did the damage led the few that would follow west. Most did not go. I see this a lot where people try to tear Joseph and his reputation from the Book of Mormon. Like tearing Shakespeare from MacBeth. It's a package. Take JS and the Book of Mormon or throw them both out.
If you are so adamant about the modern prophets, what is your answer? Do you believe there is not Church of Christ on the earth?
There was for a few years under Joseph Smith, the organized church on the earth. The members and especially top ones did not want what Joseph tried to give them from the Lord. So they rejected the Lord preferring the doctrine and teachings of men. I can hardly find a man in the early church that supported Joseph other than Hyrum and the other Smith's. Yes there were some common folks that did but among leadership no one except maybe William Marks and James Whitehead. Most were great big elders so the Lord as he always has done allowed us to choose our king instead of the organization he tried to give us. In the Bible and Book of Mormon we see the people look beyond the mark and want a king. The gadianton's love the king set up, as it is so easy to take over and corrupt.
Now there are Isles of the Sea, believers who await the true Servant of the Lord to come once all that we know in this world is destroyed. Moroni and Nephi saw our day and warned us in plain language of what is coming for us the gentiles. Yes the LDS are gentiles who were given the new covenant of the Book of Mormon. Have we taken it to rescue the true covenant peoples? No. We have despised them. Just look at the priesthood ban, that denied Lehi's descendants the priesthood. They are the blacks of the USA and the Americas. Joseph Smith ordained blacks to the priesthood and made one a Seventy. After Joseph's murder the new leadership changed this 180% and banned them, even taking the priesthood from those Joseph had ordained. The Book of Mormon prophets must be rolling in their graves and calling out for the Lord to correct this and recover their ancestors.
"[He] allowed us to choose our king"
"Now there are Isles of the Sea, believers who await the true Servant of the Lord to come"
I agree 100%.
👊🏼 2nd Nephi 28
If I return It cannot be the same as these 40 past year. I will no longer tell you the truth if i still engage in masterbation. Some things are none of your business Bishop.
Mormons don't preach and worship from Brighams journal nor more then anyone does from Calvin's or Luther's😂 we use scripture and what is officially taught from General conference just like any world religion.
So why not?
You might be confusing "Brigham's Journal" with the Journal of Discourses - which are his recorded speeches at "General Conference".
Throughout my entire life as a member, I've been taught that what the Brethren teach in General Conference *IS* scripture. Therefore, what Brigham and his counselors, as well all the "Prophets, Seers, and Revelators" taught that followed him, is considered scripture. Until it becomes inconvenient, and then it is just his opinion.....
That realization - that those who we have always been taught are infallible, who can never lead us astray, are the very people teaching against Christ - is possibly more damning than anything else the church is doing wrong.
The LDS church leadership has created a loophole. According to Brother Haynie (April 23 GC) we preach from and worship only the words of living prophets. Words of dead prophets don't age well, I assume that includes the words of dead prophets found in scripture. Paul H. Dunn (a dead apostle) once said, "I don't care what Isaiah says, I only care what the current prophet says he says." So to your point , the LDS don't preach from or worship anything other that what the current prophets (Q15) say.
@@edtalbott564 "I don't care what Isaiah says, I only care what the current prophet says he says." (LDS General Authority Paul H. Dunn)
Another church leader who hasn't read the Book of Mormon. In 3 Nephi, Jesus Christ (whom the church pretends to believe in) said:
"And now, behold, I say unto you, that ye ought to search these things [the words of Isaiah]. Yea, a commandment I give unto you that ye search these things diligently; for great are the words of Isaiah."
But I see what the Q15 are doing. They don't want anyone looking back at those pesky words of Christ or his true prophets. It's like a Judiciary that says, "Don't look back at laws or the constitution - things written by dead men. Only listen to our judgements and rulings today, whatever we think is right at this moment, based solely on our own ideas and prejudices." The power to corrupt in such a situation is incalculable.
@@edtalbott564 That is very false and terribly wrong teaching by that man. Jesus in the Book of Mormon said to study the words of Isaiah. He did not say ignore the words of Isaiah. Why did Lehi risk his son's lives to get the brass plates if they only needed him as a prophet? Why even have the Book of Mormon or any scripture if we only need the current church president? When I read the scriptures they are a light and rock to know if current teachings and leaders are inspired. God does not change and the scriptures are our rock and iron rod. Yet we no longer follow the word of God. So of course they do not want you reading things that go against current teachings. Just like the Catholics did in times gone by. Dumb us all down with come follow me, so no one ever will look at the scriptures that they leave out and are not allowed to be taught.
Human sacrifice is evil and the core tenet of Christianity.
I believe the truth is the exact reverse: Jesus came and allowed the Jews (not Christians) to crucify him - with the purpose that it *end* the shedding of blood. As Alma taught in the BoM:
"Therefore, it is expedient that there should be a great and last sacrifice; and then shall there be, or it is expedient there should be, a stop to the shedding of blood" (Alma 34:13)
This bloodthirsty desire of Brigham and his successors has nothing to do with true Christianity - it is part and parcel of the Old Testament that they were so obsessed with, including polygamy, the mark of Cain, priesthood hierarchies, temple rituals, swearing oaths, etc, etc. They wanted to ignore Christ completely and reinstitute the Old Testament all over again.
_"I believe the truth is the exact reverse: Jesus came and allowed the Jews (not Christians) to crucify him..."_
Wait. Are you denying that the literal worship of propitiatory human sacrifice is the core tenet of Christianity?
Paul created Christianity in 48 AD and this is how he put it:
Romans 8:32
"He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all."
1 Corinthians 5:7
"Christ our passover is sacrificed for us."
Romans 3:25
"God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement."
Romans 5:8
"God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us."
Hebrews 10:10
"We are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ."
@@EvilXtianity I've never pretended to be a part of the church of Paul. This scripture from the Book of Mormon sheds further light:
...All are fallen and are lost, and must perish except it be through the atonement which it is expedient should be made. For it is expedient that there should be a great and last sacrifice; yea, not a sacrifice of man, neither of beast, neither of any manner of fowl; for it shall not be a human sacrifice; but it must be an infinite and eternal sacrifice. (Alma 34:9-10)
Notice how he very clearly says it is "not a sacrifice of Man" and "it shall not be a human sacrifice."
Can't get much clearer than that.
This is one of many reasons why the Book of Mormon is so essential to the Bible and Christianity today.
_"This scripture from the Book of Mormon sheds further light..."_
_"Can't get much clearer than that."_
You know that Jesus is a fictional character, right?
Yeah i dont believe either of them. Joseph did practice polygamy. Emma even said so in her journals. Also Brigham was never shy about allowing violence
Can you point me to Emma's journal where she acknowledges Joseph's polygamy? I haven't seen anything like it.
@@defythegrid9577 watch mormonstories podcast or TH-cam channel on the subject. They go thru all of it. They mention Smith, Young, Pratt, Bennett.
Also, just because something wasn't in a journal in 19th century doesn't mean it didn't happen. Many temple ordinances were kept sacred and not discussed openly, correct?
@@christopherhardy8937 Lol mormon stories. Do you have any evidence or proof?
@@defythegrid9577 nope. Watch the podcast
The Church isn’t true nor is the Book of Mormon.