I just like the fact that how i feel while listening this song, the same exact feelings are also felt by other thousands of people while listening to it,
Just remembered that these two share the same voice actresses as Winona (Kotonoha) and Kahili (Sekai) in the Pokémon Masters game The song's title being "Innocent Blue" and the two being Flying type experts having a light blue motif like the Flying type logo itself is too good a coincidence lol
30% of the comment section: “Let’s just ship two people who have killed each other in multiple different timelines, that would work out for sure!” damn good remix though
Haber seamos claros, que el anime te perturba un poco, lo hace. Pero vamos que es uno de los mejores que existen. Se sale de lo habitual y la impresión que te deja lo convierte en uno de esos imposibles de olvidar. Gran anime, gran historia, gran final y gran enseñanza para los hombres y mujeres (No ser infieles y no meterse en relaciones ajenas). Que más se puede pedir, además tiene finales alternos para quien desee otro final.. En fin simplemente precioso. Además su Sountrack es su increíble.... Bueno saludos a todos ^^
Los finales alternos de los que hablas son pertenecientes a la novela visual School Days HQ, la cual es jugable y si mal no recuerdo tiene como 20 finales posible, aproximadamente.
Concuerdo, pero la franquicia nace como una serie de vídeojuegos Visual Novel H, es básicamente Hentai jugable. Puede que el anime enseñe una buena lección, pero de resto no es más que pornografía...
Amigo es un anime adaptado de un novela visual !!!!!EROGE!!!!!! (con multiples finales) lo q me sorprende es por q adaptaron este final teniendo otros muchos...( final harem, se queda con una o con la otra, etc...)... tal vez es unico por q adaptaron el final mas cruel para el prota... ejjeje
@@hamzohattori2351 I was so happy about Sekai getting chopped by Kotonoha lmao I spent the entire anime feeling sad for Kotonoha :/ fuck Makoto too, good thing the garbage died at the end.
Este anime y no solo el. La novela visual en la que se basa fueron un antes y un despues para mi. Yo no lo vi hace muchos años pero como me arrepiento, recien lo veo ahora. Incluso con su tragico final, es parte de esta gran experiencia. La novela es especial la mejor que he jugado (Superando a FSN que tambien fue increible para mi) Lo amo con toda la fuerza de mi alma. This anime and not only that, the visual novel which it is based from were a before and after for me. I didn't see it a few years ago but i regret it!. I just saw it now. Even with is tragic ending , is part of this great experience. It's special to me, the best i played. (Surpasing even a FSN who is amazing for me to.) I deeply love it with all migth of my soul.
i guess its the same reason as p0rn videos where theres a threesome among a guy, his mum and his girlfriend. or its simply because at first they were friends
いつか争いもなく誰かが傷つくこともなく写真のように2人で抱き合うような本当のハッピーエンドが彼女らの世界の中でありますように 神に祈っています
No entiendo japones
@@ありぃ-o8u そりゃ誠がおらんなら普通にハッピーエンドで終わるわな( ´Д`)
En efecto
La repuesta está en los finales alternativos
I am a pervert too
i love sekai's voice so much. i wonder if her voice actor is already a singer
I just like the fact that how i feel while listening this song, the same exact feelings are also felt by other thousands of people while listening to it,
Just remembered that these two share the same voice actresses as Winona (Kotonoha) and Kahili (Sekai) in the Pokémon Masters game
The song's title being "Innocent Blue" and the two being Flying type experts having a light blue motif like the Flying type logo itself is too good a coincidence lol
combined this op VA pokemon role is good reflection
I prefer this version over the original.
Yup same here
Beautiful had no idea they sang this song :)
30% of the comment section: “Let’s just ship two people who have killed each other in multiple different timelines, that would work out for sure!”
damn good remix though
ur prof pic gives me anxiety
It dont mind, we ll shipp those two. (Its very psycopath, i know Lmao)
Best anime for those who want to cheat their lovers
Killer Ending..
Yes , i love ending 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺☠☠☠☠☠☠💀💀💀💀👻👻👻👻👻👻
2nd animé , dbz 1st , but Kotonoha is great .
I notice the cheating after saw this anime...and inmediately cut that bitch, the relationship I mean.
@@DiegoAmsapomac Oof...
Nice boat...
Haber seamos claros, que el anime te perturba un poco, lo hace. Pero vamos que es uno de los mejores que existen. Se sale de lo habitual y la impresión que te deja lo convierte en uno de esos imposibles de olvidar. Gran anime, gran historia, gran final y gran enseñanza para los hombres y mujeres (No ser infieles y no meterse en relaciones ajenas). Que más se puede pedir, además tiene finales alternos para quien desee otro final.. En fin simplemente precioso. Además su Sountrack es su increíble.... Bueno saludos a todos ^^
Yo queria un final donde nadie salga herido y que makoto se quedara solo al final
@@richardcruz9682 definitivamente no hubiese estado mal ese final. Él no merecía a ninguna de las chicas :')
Los finales alternos de los que hablas son pertenecientes a la novela visual School Days HQ, la cual es jugable y si mal no recuerdo tiene como 20 finales posible, aproximadamente.
Concuerdo, pero la franquicia nace como una serie de vídeojuegos Visual Novel H, es básicamente Hentai jugable. Puede que el anime enseñe una buena lección, pero de resto no es más que pornografía...
Amigo es un anime adaptado de un novela visual !!!!!EROGE!!!!!! (con multiples finales) lo q me sorprende es por q adaptaron este final teniendo otros muchos...( final harem, se queda con una o con la otra, etc...)... tal vez es unico por q adaptaron el final mas cruel para el prota... ejjeje
Despite how messed up the series is. I love it to death. KotonohaxMakoto forever !!!
Kotonohasama School is too fucked up. Almost all the girls makoto liked (fucked) were related to him
@@thisguy305 One girl that isn't? Kotonoha!
no makoto doesn't deserve anyone lol
Sekai x Kotonoha forever!
This anime left a hole in my heart, that no other anime has been able to fulfill
Just your heart?
あ^~ いい歌じゃ、言葉様をすこれ!
リスナーまさと 結論:誠氏ね
「橋本環奈って控えめに言って神だよね」とピタゴラスが申しております だが断る
제목 : イノセント・ブルー (이노센트 블루)
['스쿨 데이즈' 오프닝 테마]
작사 : REM 작, 편곡 : 橋本彦士 (하시모토 히코시)
제목 : イノセント・ブルー (이노센트 블루)
['스쿨 데이즈' 오프닝 테마]
노래 : Device High
[출처] [School Days] OP - Innocent blue(이노센트 블루) [다운/듣기]|작성자 ㅋ흣
いつからか舞い降りた 私の蒼い天使よ
이츠카라카마이오리타 와타시노아오이텐시요
언제부턴가 흩날리던 나의 파란천사여
気がつけばみつめてしまう あなたの横顔ばかり
키가츠케바미츠메테시마우 아나타노요코카오바카리
정신이 들면 보고야마는 당신의 옆얼굴뿐만
Ah すれ違う微笑みに うつむくしかできずに
Ah 스레치가우호호에미니 우츠무쿠시카데키즈니
Ah 엇갈리는 웃음에 고개를 숙일수밖에 없고
背中ごしに声かけたの 今は心の中で
세나카고시니코에카케타노 이마와코코로노나카데
등에 말을건것은 지금은 마음속에서
それは雪のように降りつもった イノセントな痛み
소레와유키노요오니후리츠못타 이노센토나이타미
그것은 눈처럼 내려쌓이는 결백한 아픔
たとえ遠まわりでも このおもいは まっすぐ 届けたい
타토에토마와리데모 코노오모이와 맛스쿠 토도케타이
만약 돌아간다라도 이 마음은 바로 전해주고 싶어
ためらいに隠された すなおなキモチと勇気
타메라이니 카쿠사레타 스나오나키모치토 유우키
망설임에 숨겨진 솔직한 마음과 용기
閉ざされた 扉の鍵は 誰もが 持っているはず
토자사레타 토비라노카기와 다레모가 못테이루하즈
잠겨버린 문의열쇠는 누구나가 가지고 있을가야
Ah あなたの足跡を そっとなぞってみるの
Ah 아나타노아시아토오 솟토나좃테미루노
Ah 당신의 발자국을 살며시 덧써봐
願いがけた砂の星屑 今は小瓶に詰めて
네가이가케타스나노호시쿠즈 이마와코빙니츠메테
소원을 빈 모래의 별가루 지금은 작은병에 채워
それは波のように 絶えることなく 寄せては引く痛み
소레와나미노요오니 타에루코토나쿠 요세테와히쿠이타미
그것은 파도처럼 끊어지는 일 없이 밀고 당시는 아픔
風に砕け散った涙は そう せつなさのカケラね
카제니쿠타케칫타나미다와 소오 세츠나사노카케라네
바람에 부서지는 눈물은 애절한 조각이네
それは雪のように降りつもった イノセントな痛み
소레와유키노요오니후리츠못타 이노센토나이타미
그것은 눈처럼 내려쌓이는 결백한 아픔
やっとみつけられそう 私の恋 私だけの場所を
얏토미츠케라레소오 와타시노코이 와타시다케노바쇼오
겨우 찾아낸 나의 사랑 나만의 장소를
いつの日か飛びたってゆけ 私の蒼い天使よ
이츠노히카토비탓테유케 와타시노아오이텐시요
언젠가 날아가줘 나의 푸른천사여
[출처] [School Days] OP - Innocent blue(이노센트 블루) [다운/듣기]|작성자 ㅋ흣
Great song,and that is cool both of the voice actors sing the opening for the anime. I love this opening but didn't really the anime though.
wonder why Innocent Blue hasn't been included in Apple Music despite it's famous
the ending of this anmi made my cry
it shook me
I was really happy the fucker died, wasn't painful enough tho lol
@@hamzohattori2351 I was so happy about Sekai getting chopped by Kotonoha lmao I spent the entire anime feeling sad for Kotonoha :/ fuck Makoto too, good thing the garbage died at the end.
I always come back to listen to this song
too finished the anime sekai doesnt deserve it
I love this song very much..... really this is a heart touching song... school days ending is very very very much painful...
*Just im crying. This is anime makes me so depressed.*
Your not alone mate ! ;(
wau que canción tan hermosa ... me recuerda tiempo muy calidos
These two look like really good friends
Until someone ruins everything
Este anime y no solo el. La novela visual en la que se basa fueron un antes y un despues para mi. Yo no lo vi hace muchos años pero como me arrepiento, recien lo veo ahora. Incluso con su tragico final, es parte de esta gran experiencia. La novela es especial la mejor que he jugado (Superando a FSN que tambien fue increible para mi)
Lo amo con toda la fuerza de mi alma.
This anime and not only that, the visual novel which it is based from were a before and after for me. I didn't see it a few years ago but i regret it!. I just saw it now. Even with is tragic ending , is part of this great experience. It's special to me, the best i played. (Surpasing even a FSN who is amazing for me to.)
I deeply love it with all migth of my soul.
I really like this anime and I also like its soundtrack.If you liked this anime too !!
OMG !! no creí que hubiera uno de Kotonoha y Sekai.
En verdad Sekai cantó está canción con Makoto, mientras que Kotonoha no lo sé
@@Paloma_Scarlett_19 th-cam.com/video/FByQ4OhgdFo/w-d-xo.html
such a best girl duo in all "Days' games series
I ship them so hard!
...so hard that I stuck my dick in Sekai's blue school bag between zippers.
Ship? Well lets not get a head of our selves
この曲🎵わりと明るくて、いい😄気に入った❕好き☺️( ^▽^)
@@ディバラ-g9v 草www
Such great friends.
Cute! :D
Personal favorite anime of all time 🚫 🧢
this music gives me a heart attack because of memories from this show i think im actually going to barf (im seriously not joking)
i hope you went to therapy
@@samyamaguchi2596 indeed i did!
That hug is very Yuri
Beautiful song
@@世界西園寺-d1t お前がクソっていうな
リゼロのエミリア好きなオタク クソみたいなやり取りで草
something good about schooldays
It has a "killer" ending..
i love you its song , beautiful song
awesome video!
Thank you very much! ;u;
Que linda canción😭
うっ ううっ
Mientras tanto Makoto esta cenando con otra :'vvv Este anime me trae muchos recuerdos :'v
Buen video :)
Makoto-kun you're the boss!
supongo yo que las letras azules son de Kotonoha y las verdes de Sekai no? es que ya no recuerdo bien las voces de cada una XD
Las letras azules son de Sekai y las verdes de Kotonoha. :333 No te preocupas, tudo bien xD
Lithium Courtney Hablas español ewe
Lithium Courtney s....son las voces de ella OMG que vuelva ese anime YAAAAA GO GO GO""" por favor
+aldo ulises hernandez ya no queda mas por mostrar además están las secuelas
+Miguel Diaz las verdes de kotonoha, las azules de sekai
T_T Ahí salen abrazadas como si nada,¿POR QUÉ TUVIERON QUE MATARSE? T_T
kotonoha no se mato
+Angel Morales hubieran hecho un final donde se reconciliaran como amigas y mataran al perro de makoto entre las dos
A useless cover chanel
Sep :v
A useless cover chanel pues hay un final donde hacen un trio :v
Canelita Katy TatlNavi
Si todooos se habían traumado, enojado, ofendido, complacido ECT :v.... Pos yo me cague de la risa con ese final
♥♥♥ ♥♥♥
Haciendo ver que antes q maten a makoto ito se un sueño de sekai , makoto o la kotonoha
Nice boat
Hermosa canción😭
damn this is pretty good !
I lost my head listening this!
Good friends
If Makoto didn’t exist and these two were really close, I wouldn’t mind shipping them.
el anime puede ser un poco perturbador pero su intro es buena y rítmica :
Overflow's soundtrack should be on Spotify :(
It's funny that being silent is often the "best" option 😀
❤️❤️❤️Saionji Sekai😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
the best ❤
So cute
Damn this exists
Nice Boat
Siempre me recordará a mi adolescencia
「Grave Meister ~病ンデレラガールズ~」と呼んでおります、まあコトの発端は誠なんだけどね😩😩😩
I thought my ears are going to bleed but they sing very good
Also why they hug eachother since they're "rivals"
i guess its the same reason as p0rn videos where theres a threesome among a guy, his mum and his girlfriend.
or its simply because at first they were friends
En la portada abrazándose y después se están matando entre ellas por makoto
Esta canción todavía suena en el 2022 ❤️❤️
Ajales el Juan pooper
@@MatongaYTPHispanos ✌️
but why did they sing this cause i dont rememeber them singing this in the anime ;-;
No, they didn't sing this in anime. This is cover, I think?
This cover version of the song was only in the visual novel.
Anime: bad-written romance I like least in anime at all
Soundtrack: *That shit's amazing!*
@raymond008375 nice
Que recuerdos de esto 🥲
Please help, I'm confused. Who is green and who is blue? Sorry for sounding dumb, but I really can't tell.
@raymond008375 thank you really much