MashaAllah Sayydi, great knowledge about the unseen visitors and great guidance to keep those unseen away from us. May Allah bless you and loved ones eternally 🌹🙏🤲🤲
Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu dear Sayyedi 🌹Thank you for all these good teachings Sayyedi 🌹we need to be more aware of our surroundings, keep ourselves clean and pay attention to these important tips to be safer against these invisible creatures. MashaAllah! May Allah Azzawajal bless you eternally and your love ones 🤲🙏🌹🌹🌹
Assalamualaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu Beloved Ya Seyyidi 🌹. MADAD YA SEYYIDI 🌹..May Almighty bless all of us to be firm in this NAQSABANDI Thareeqa forever.. Insha Allah.. Jazakallahuhaira Dearest Ya Seyyidi 🌹
Ameen Sayyedi Shukran 🧿🕊️🌹 Ya Habibullah Salalahu Alahi Wa Salaam InshAllah 🕊️ we find protection and goodness and be forgiven Astagifirullah InshAllah Sayyedi Shukran 🧿🌹🕊️🙏
Shukran Sayyidi🌹🙏
JazaakAllahu khairan ya Sayyidi for the knowledge. May Allah swt bless you and the whole tareeqa eternally .
Ameen Inshallah
Alhamdulillah I would love to have a shower before I enter my house one day insh Allah
Inshallah Please email
Alhumdulillah 🌹
MashaAllah Sayydi, great knowledge about the unseen visitors and great guidance to keep those unseen away from us. May Allah bless you and loved ones eternally 🌹🙏🤲🤲
Ya Al Hayul Qayum
Please email!
Subhan Allah
Jazzak Allah
Beautiful pearls of wisdom from the blessed heart of our Sayyedi Sheikh Alhumdolilah wa Shukran'lilah 🙏
Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu dear Sayyedi 🌹Thank you for all these good teachings Sayyedi 🌹we need to be more aware of our surroundings, keep ourselves clean and pay attention to these important tips to be safer against these invisible creatures. MashaAllah! May Allah Azzawajal bless you eternally and your love ones 🤲🙏🌹🌹🌹
Jazzak Allah khairan for this great video 🙂
Assalamualaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu Beloved Ya Seyyidi 🌹.Madad Ya Seyyidi 🌹..Divine wisdom.. Subahanallah...
SubhanAllah thank you for sharing
Thank you for important information
السلام علیکم ورحمۃ اللہ وبرکاتہ
جزاک اللہ ۔
انہتائی اہم معلومات عنایت فرمائی ۔
❤❤help we are definitely in need.Yah Allah subughanaAllah.❤❤
Assalamualaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu Beloved Ya Seyyidi 🌹. MADAD YA SEYYIDI 🌹..May Almighty bless all of us to be firm in this NAQSABANDI Thareeqa forever.. Insha Allah..
Jazakallahuhaira Dearest Ya Seyyidi 🌹
You can not be blessed while saying Madad cheikh. This is a great chirk. Madad is from allah only
Gaza duas
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Ameen Sayyedi Shukran 🧿🕊️🌹 Ya Habibullah Salalahu Alahi Wa Salaam InshAllah 🕊️ we find protection and goodness and be forgiven Astagifirullah InshAllah Sayyedi Shukran 🧿🌹🕊️🙏
How to protect and save our electronic devices we use , personally and and at home
Please email
Narcissistic CR of My work organization made me kickoff, termination did without any purposes😅😅😅
Assalamualaykum wa Rahmatallah, please email!
Sheikh help me
Only allah can help you. The quran is an instant relief so fprget people and attach to allah through the quran
Exsample one gillon bio fuel burning 100 miles area energy efficiency coverage
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