Sleep in 可不是「睡裏面」的意思!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
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    S:Hello, everybody, welcome to Morning English, this is Summer.
    B:Hello, Guys, this is Blair. 欢迎大家收听早安英文。
    S: 贝贝, Do you make your bed every morning?
    B:Emm, no, I mean why bother.
    S:哈哈哈,我今天就因为这个问题跟我朋友争了好一会,那我想法跟你一样,why bother。
    S:Hahaha, now you don't act like a Virgo. 那刚刚说到这个 make bed. make 制作,bed 床,很多同学会翻译成 做床,那其实不对,make bed 其实是铺床。
    B:做床那难度也太高了,to neatly arrange the sheets, blankets, and bedspread on the bed,把床单,毯子,被罩,铺铺好,而不是乱糟糟的一团,就是 make the bed.
    S: 哎,一说到bed,我就困了,最近的天气实在是太适合睡觉了。
    B:哈哈哈,since you like it so much, why don't we make it our topic today. 那今天就来和大家聊聊和睡觉相关的哪些表达吧。
    S:hahaha, great!
    B:嗯,那咱们先来说说睡懒觉,睡懒觉很多同学会翻译为 oversleep. 那其实不太对
    S:Yeah,oversleep means to sleep longer than you intended 本来没打算睡那么久,没想到睡过头了。就你是不小心睡过的。
    B:Yeah, for example, I overslept and missed the bus. 我睡过了头,没搭上车。而我们说的睡懒觉,你就是故意睡久点,故意不起床,那这个要怎么表达呢?
    S:Well, then you can use sleep in,大家平常比较熟悉的搭配是,sleep in bed 睡在床上,或者 sleep in a room 在房间里睡觉,但如果 sleep in 后面什么都不加的话,则表示“睡懒觉”。
    B:Yes, to sleep late intentionally, intentionally 表示故意的,故意不起床,那也就是睡懒觉了。for example I always sleep in on weekend mornings. 周末早上我总会睡懒觉。
    S: Or we can use this one, lie in, l-i-e 躺的那个单词,那这个短语和 sleep in 比较类似,lie in bed 是躺在床上”,如果后面什么都不加的话,就表示睡懒觉。
    B:对,那如果 lie in 中间加了连字符,就变成了一个名词,那就表示 睡懒觉 这件事情了
    S:Let's see a few examples, Don t wake me up tomorrow. I want to lie in. 明天早上别叫我起来,我想睡懒觉。
    B:Or you can say, I m going to have a lie-in tomorrow. 明天我要睡个懒觉。lie in 做名词使用。
    S:Exactly, 虽然睡懒觉一般是周末的福利,但是在早安,我觉得我们真的还蛮幸运的,you never have to worry about oversleeping.
    B: Yeah, that's the best part. 我自从来早安上班以后,每天早上的闹钟就形同虚设了,因为早安是没有固定工作时间的,你可以早点来,然后早点下班,也可以晚点来,睡懒觉,但是就晚点下班了。
    S:Yeah, 所以从来不用担心睡过头或者 早高峰,cuz you'll never be late.
    B: 诶,那这种比较弹性的工作时间,我们可以怎么用英文表达呢
    S:Well, you can simply just say: flexible working hours. flexiable f-l-e-x-i-b-l-e. 表示灵活的,有弹性的,所以这种弹性工作时间就是 flexible working hours.
    B: Flexible working hours, great. 那咱们在公司吃完饭,一般还得午休一会嘛,我知道这个肯定不能用sleep了,then how should we say that?
    S: 没错,午休确实不能用sleep, 因为午休时间一般比较短,then we can use this one, nap, n-a-p, it's a short sleep, especially during the day 表示白天的小睡,打盹
    B:对,那一半固定搭配是 have a nap or take a nap, for example, we usually have a little nap after lunch. 我们一般午饭后都小睡一会儿。
    S:对, 所以午休时间,就是nap time, 每次贝贝吃完饭,就会收拾好自己的午睡小床,then we know, ok, it's nap time, lights off, and everybody have a good rest.
    B: 哈哈,是的,咱们办公室的小伙伴就是在睡午觉这点上保持着高度的一致啊,反正就是敌不动,我不动
    B:哈哈可太对了,那除了nap之外,我们也可以用这个词,snooze,s-n-o-o-z-e,it means to have a short light sleep, especially during the day and usually not in bed 也是指在白天的小睡,打盹, 一般不睡在床上。
    S:对,所以take a snooze 也可以描述很多人午睡的状态,一般是趴在桌子上或者是靠在椅子上休息一会,a short light sleep. 比较短,比较轻的睡眠。
    B:诶,summer , 那你会不会白天睡多了,晚上睡不着啊
    S:No, i don't need to worry about that, 失眠在我这是不可能发生,一沾枕头就着,一觉到天亮。
    B:你这睡眠质量确实羡煞很多人啊,不过失眠是真的超痛苦了,那咱们来说说失眠吧,how do we say that in English?
    S:Well, there are actually different ways to say this. 首先要看是哪种失眠,有些可能是偶然一次,比如白天咖啡喝多了,或者午睡睡太久了,那这种失眠,我们可以说 I didn't sleep a wink last night. 我昨天一夜没合眼。
    B:wink 是眨眼的意思,not sleep a wink 意思就是一整夜连眼睛都没眨一下,这当然是一种夸张的说法,意思就是,我一晚上没合眼,完全无法入睡
    S:for example: -Why are you so sleepy?你怎么这么困?I didn t sleep a wink the whole night. 我一整夜都没合眼。
    B: 对,有些失眠可能是这段时间太累了,身体不舒服,造成的,那这种就可以说 Have trouble sleeping. I've been having trouble sleeping lately. 我最近睡眠不好。
    那就有个专门的词汇来表达这中情况了,Insomnia i-n-s-o-m-n-i-a, the condition of being unable to sleep
    B:是的,那一半搭配是 suffer from,suffer from insomnia,She has been suffering from insomnia for 2 years. 她睡眠不好已经持续两年了。
    B:Yeah,for me it's one of the most important things. 睡不好我就会特别的grumpy.
    S: 那今天就跟大家分享了各种跟睡觉相关的表达,你都记住了吗?可以用今天的表达在评论区造句哦
    S:That's all for today's podcast. This is Summer, Bye~
    B:This is B, See you next time, bye~

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