I mean heck, if that ends up being a thing, I'm going to go on paternity leave every year. I'll "identify" as pregnant in the 9th month and just about to go into labour xD
I love when the they/them with long hair says "what about women who can't have children?" Matt didn't say that women are humans who can or do have children. He said women are people who have female reproductive organs.
@@arekpetrosian4965 easier that way because some women are born without reproductive organs or like, no vaginal opening and needs to be made surgically
Yes exactly. So what they’re implying is that we need to be sympathetic to this “spectrum” of womanhood by agreeing that infertile women are still women even if they can’t reproduce. What they’re missing is that they’re saying that unless you jump through all their categorization hoops, that you’re the one implying that infertile women are somehow lesser. Of course what we’re saying is that womanhood isn’t defined by outcomes such as having children, or roles such as the vacuumer (it’s in the episode…), but is instead a fact. By treating the categories of women and men as anything other than biological fact when focusing on the idea of “gender” only water down and lessens their meanings. Which we only can assume is their ultimate goal.
We all were like "sure sure, trans women are women, mhmm ok ok, we will be polite". Little did we know they were speaking literally! And mistook everyone's grace for consensus! We have given an inch culturally and they took a mile
In Finland they are trying to pass the law that you can switch your gender legally just by.. sending the form to authorities. Jokes have been made that it's wonderful way to avoid army, just change your gender to female before 18 and change back after 30 (men have compulsory army or civil service, women do not)
I believe in Virginia you can legally change how you identify with a few phone calls and you're sorted by that afternoon (unsure of accuracy though tbh)
Matt Walsh actually had the best response to the anxiety tweet etc. He says that he gets abused on Twitter and so forth all the time but it doesn’t give him anxiety because he knows what he stands for is right and true and moral. He takes their anxiety as a sign that what they stand for actually has no weight behind it. That what they stand for is all about their narcissism and their need for everybody, absolutely everybody, to validate their worldview.
Extreme ideologues are not narcissists. The aim of neo-Marxism is to deconstruct Western civilization. These far-left extremists believe that gender is a social construct based on 'white-Western hegemonic oppression'. 1
Western civilization is under a massive ideological attack. 2500 years of staggering progress under major threat. And at this crucial moment in human history, we have people like you dangerously mischaracterizing this as nothing more than narcissism. 2
@@AntonyRG1 I wouldn’t say the person was “dangerously mischaracterizing” anything, and I wouldn’t say “people like you”, as he has done nothing wrong in the comment.
I have experienced the exact same thing. no man actually knows what it's like to be a woman, what it's like to experience horrifically painful periods, childbirth...and no amount of plastic surgery/treatments can change that
Mine are too and abnormally heavy. Sometimes I can feel that pain into my thighs. My last cycle really hurt. They will never know what that feels like nor do they have to spend thirty or forty plus years dealing with this monthly. There's also the headaches, cramps, bloating, painful tender breasts, backache, and mood swings. They don't have to worry about endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, cervical or ovarian cancer, miscarriage, complicated pregnancies or complications related to child birth.
Seriously, if you’ve got those problems, give keto a serious try… pcos is often part of it snd can be reversed with a low carb diet… also, the one time in my life I reduced salt was awful, the worst cramps I had ever had, maybe something as simple as that can help…
I agree, trans women get the best of both worlds I think, strength, don't get period cramps and mood swings, also not a candidate for cervical cancer. Kinda unfair. Cherry picking
Struggling with infertility or problems with your reproductive organs can be an EXTREMELY devastating problem for a woman...so the fact that these people use this to try and bolster their position is DISGUSTING and immoral. They make me feel sick.
Matt was right. They're boiling womanhood down to wearing a costume. Wearing makeup or a dress does not make you a woman. Many women do neither, this doesn't make them not women nor does it make them men. If your 4 year old son picks up a dolly he's not declaring himself a girl and your four year old daughter isn't claiming to be a boy by playing with a toy truck.
Male Feminist/"Binary Expert": A woman is a person who does womanly things. Me: Describes biological aspects of a woman Male Feminist/"Binary Expert": REEEEEEE...
I was a "boyish" girl, as a kid, loved to climb trees, and play in the mud, and i was obsessed with dinosaurs and archeology. And here I am, 26 years old, taking care of a 1 year old as a nanny, and can't be any more feminin.
Truly! Women have been fighting for decades to be seen as more than a stereotype - boobs and Barbie dolls, makeup and glitter, heels and dresses, airheaded, ditzy and weak. And now a whole new crop of men came along and said, "Nope that's what you are as a person, and it's mine now. I am you." And idiot women cheer them on. I think femininity is beautiful, not just the stereotypes of it. And I think masculinity is beautiful, too, and not just the stereotypes of it. I'm the joyful homeschooling mom of three adorable, mud-covered, superhero-loving tomboys and one twirly princess who's obsessed with space and volcanoes. I fear what would be shoved down their throat if they darkened the door of a public school.
Feminist: "So yeah, we're marching for the rights of women everywhere." Reporter: "What are you hoping to accomplish?" Feminist: "What?" Reporter: "What do you hope to accomplish by ditching work to march in the streets with your nipples out?" Feminist: "I decline to answer. As a man, you could never comprehend our purpose." Reporter: "Do you know your purpose?" Feminist: "...w-we fight for women's rights?" Reporter: "Okay, one final question. What is a woman?" Feminist: "...you're canceled."
@@Englandforever555 life must be difficult being unable to recognise a joke. A joke is rarely an explanation. Also, try writing so it makes sense. e.g. "A male explaining about feminism?! Sit down, fool." May it's that you don't understand what these mean: - : , . or where they should go. I'll assume you're not a native speaker or that you haven't graduated primary school. There are resources to help if you're interested.
Speaking as a biological female with a uterus left non-functional due to disease, it personally makes me sick to hear terms like "birthing person" which essentially drags all females back down to whether or not the baby oven works. Something females have fought against for literal centuries, and we were finally making some ground. A good friend of mine asked me why it's such a thing to me, and I outlined a fairly recent occurrence. My mother was an army Sargeant, she was literally trained how to kill, very efficiently, and yet, while waiting for a ferry dock to open, she had to sit in her car for almost 3 hours in the smallest hours of the day in a very bad part of Seattle, Washington. I stayed on the phone with her, ready to call for help at the first sign of something I didn't like. I then asked my male friend if he and his former service member father would be so jumpy in the same circumstance. He was silent for a moment, and then admitted they wouldn't. This is not to say that men are in any less danger in that situation, but the result of that danger is radically different for men and women. Once he understood that, he knew why this upsets me so much. And finally, as someone whose uterus was DESTROYED by endometriosis... no, a period is not "cravings." Those... things, claiming such, can get bent. Heartfelt.
I understand. I have endo with PCOS on my one remaining ovary they did not remove. It's degrading to be spoken of in this manner and as a farmer who breeds animals I don't even speak of my animals this way. I believe this affects masculinity as well if men can just claim to be women. Then what is a man?
I'm old enough to remember Sandra Fluke, and "women are more than just baby makers!" Fast forward a few years. "The only difference between men and women is baby making!" Tried to warn you.
Asking to define a woman so easily breaks the non-binary argument. They say "I can't define it, everyone has their own definition". Yeah well I can. And my definition can be applied to literally every person who has ever existed. If you can't define a woman then how do you know you are or aren't one? Why does the word exist if it's just some made up word that doesn't mean anything? The best part of defining women and men on their preproduction traits is that it still leaves people open to be what they want. You can wear make up, put on dresses, and still be a man. More power to you. Doesn't mean men and women don't exist.
Real men stand for real women...hell, we don't care if that's a hill we'll die on. (And trust me, a lot of these slacktivists want us to die. Too many of them say so.)
i'm a woman and will happily call out this bullshit whenever possible. These people have no right comparing themselves to me when they will never understand or experience the struggles I go through. Its insulting
Exactly, as men we aren't allowed a voice without being labelled as sexist, transphobic or racist just for respectfully expressing our opinion. But as we all know they only shout these accusations because they have no reasonable argument so they just hurl their slurs and villainise us.
So, according to the weirdos, a woman is "nothing", is something that is both ambiguous and subjective, amorphous and nothing in itself. They've done in a few years what the imaginary patriarchy couldn't manage in millennia, credit where it's due. Great video as always, Syd.
@@parrotshootist3004 absolutely. Funny thing about lies an BS is that you always end up watching them collapse on themselves. Truths will always be truths, no matter how much support lies have in their short lifetimes.
Don't stop talking about this, you're always on point. If we don't talk about it, 0.6% of the population decides what everyone else should believe and except.
the agenda relies on the sympathy of people with no backbone. you can feel sympathy for people with actual dysphoria and support support for them if you want but that doesn't mean you are obligated to give them everything they ask for just because they ask for it
@niatas A small percentage do. It’s a trauma response. And it’s the only trauma response where the field of psychology tells the victim it’s ok to be self destructive instead of encouraging healing.
Haha. So let me get this right. Back when they feminised the absolute _hell_ out of Men & pushed the 'Feminist Agenda' literally *all* of you Women were like "You go girl 👏" "Girl Power 💅 " & demonised all Men that spoke out against it Yet you bring up *no backbone* ? After your past? Ha. Yet you all wonder why all the 'Men' outside are Face Diapered up, Muzzled like a Sheep & use QR Codes 🤣
@niatas leaving out a word is not a grammar mistake, it’s an electronic communication mistake and people only tend to point those out when they literally have nothing substantive to defend their stupid comments with
Matt really tickled my soul with his rebuttal to the question about a woman who can't reproduce not being a woman because of that inability.... When Matt explained it's genetic and down into our bones. The simplicity of that reply was fcking savory 😌
By the logic of the useful idiots we don't really know if King Tut was a man women or leprechaun because we can't ask him what he identified as. Delusional people
@@wm1958 it's the stuff that makes you laugh out loud and cry internally, because they're being absolutely serious and this is real life. Twilight Zone was child's play, the actual trip into insanity and horror is happening now lol.
@@wm1958 The idea of transgenderism may be much older than 100 years. It could be that there were always "deviants" and that people were often suspicious about "gender impostors." Men, in particular, would often treat with scorn and contempt people who displayed feminine characteristics. It's only now in the modern era that transgender people are finally asserting themselves.
Womanhood isn't a feeling , personality trait , dress code or lifestyle. It's about being a female human , having female organs , chromosome , and being born as one.humans having 2 sexes isn't a political statement , it's a scientific fact and should be treated as one.
Replace womanhood with the word femininity and it does make sense. You could be a man that has feminine feelings, feminine personality traits and dresses in a feminine way. But women or women down to our DNA code. I remember when I studied anthropology and we studied the difference measuring the distance between the ischium on the pelvis of a man and a woman. I don’t know how they were personally identifying 2 million years ago but the difference of sex is very clear in the bones.
Please don't leave out the most important part, WE GIVE LIFE FROM OUR WOMB!!! Women have wombs, some have genetic mutations, but MEN NEVER HAVE WOMBS. 😂 Trans men can give birth because they were born as a women!!! This isn't rocket science people hahahaha! Crazy!
“Birthing Person” is one of the more offensive terms I’ve ever heard. So are they saying that biological women are only here to procreate? Sounds like some straight forward misogyny to me. “Get back in the kitchen, take your shoes off and squeeze out a pudding person once a year”.
Sounds like it would be straight out of A Handmaids Tale...which is ironic because the left love referencing that as a prophesy against religion when they're the ones fulfilling it.
What is worse is when they call we women 'menstruators' or 'persons with a cervix.' Why don't they just go the whole hog and call we women c*nts and have done with it, because that is what they seem to be saying.
It is condescension masquerading as intellectualism. A woman doesn't need to get fucked to be a woman (nun), a woman doesn't need to be able to have kids to be a woman (post menopausal/infertile), a woman doesn't need to have long hair, nails, etc to be a woman (tomboys/dykes). And a man doesn't need to have tattoos, be bald, or be muscular to be a man, respect is another thing but at its core that man who is neither of those things is still a man. Matt Walsh is right, these people are lost. They can't define woman yet want to be a woman so bad.
Not to mention the fact how that would sound if you called a real woman a "birthing person" and that woman was unable to have children, even if she wanted to. But I'm sure since that doesn't push their agenda, it would be ok in their eyes.
I've been following gender woo for years now and I've still no idea how people manage to be so full of themselves that they expect others to reorganize their language and their entire conceptual world based on something like "non-binary gender." There was an article in my local paper about a woman who says that people still mistake her for a female person "just because I've given birth to four kids". Like, the shock and horror of being considered a woman because you've carried four babies to term inside your womb.
Because many people around them go along with their delusions, encouraging them. They have confidence that there'll be enough people/insitutions/policies to defend their delusions against anyone willing to state the obvious.
I hate it when you have to fill in a form and it asks "are you the same gender as assigned at birth" No one assigns your gender at birth, its totally up to chance whether a boy or girl is formed and born
Exactly, you're born one or the other with the requisite biological equipment to fulfill the rolls of your birth gender. What these people are dealing with is mental and they need help, not surgery!
I don't IDENTIFY as a woman, I simply AM one. There's no thinking required, it doesn't matter how I feel about it. I don't have to justify anything - and if you DO have to justify it, then you already aren't.
If you simply are a woman, then why can't I claim I know who I am, even if I was born with a penis. My confusion came from other people telling me I wasn't a woman. Here's the thing, if you don't know what it's like for your body to not match your gender, then why would you tell me I'm wrong. I know very well. I experienced it.
@@cassascorner611 Your body has a gender at birth, at death it will still be the same... You can change your bodyparts but not your DNA. Please explaine to my why my beard will not stop growing when i start indentifying as a woman... I understand you are confused about your gender and maybe your sexuality, that's ok. Just please don't ask me to change my understanding of basic biology because it doesn't fit your current idea of what you are.
@@cassascorner611 if you were born with a penis then you are NOT a woman. It does not matter what you think you are. I think I’m a tree. But the TRUTH is that I’m a man.
@@jeffreygroen9191 The problem isn't that I don't understand my sex. I was born male. The problem is you think sex and gender are the same. They're not. I know because I experience that myself. That's like telling a color blind person "you're not color blind. You're just confused." But it's more likely that you have no real experience on the topic and aren't willing to accept that other people don't share your experience.
@@Rob-zv1oz But do you think you are a tree or are you using a stupid example to prove a point. Are you a tree, because I can treat you like a tree, but that's not what you want, is it? So your point is wrong. If you wanted me to call you doctor. I would. I wouldn't ask for credentials, and go find whether it's true or not. Because I would respect your wish to be addressed as such. You lack understanding about my experience and then disrespect my needs solely because of your ignorance. Expect to be called out for it.
I'm a molecular biologist and I'm disgusted by this phenomenon. How am I supposed to teach students about female DNA, chromosomes, development of an embryo, you name it! Pure rage.
I have a family member who is a paramedic. They have rightly asked how are we supposed to diagnose a person properly when their birth certificate indicates a different biological sex than they were born as and they are not allowed to contradict them, "Sorry maam, your prostate is inflamed".
Lol this is what gets me. Illnesses actually do happen to identify with genders. Someone with prostate cancer going to see a cervical cancer specialist would be laughed out of the office.
To be fair they still use female and male the same way they have always been used. I do think intentional modification of words (like man and woman) is usually done for the purpose of historical equivocation, but they did leave some words alone for discussing biology.
@@ZIbroweed Just wait for the 11th edition of the Dictionary of Newspeak and all these distinctions will be gone - we are already seeing TRAs declare that ‘transwomen are female’.
I had a dear friend that was a cross dresser. He said some days he liked to express his feminine side and dressed appropriately (for him at those times). This was in the 60's. Ralph was just part of our group however he dressed. He never claimed to be female. He enjoyed boxing and demonstrated his skill to jerks who gave him shit. I could more easily accept people who feel feminine (which they may be able to describe) rather than demanding that they ARE women.
yeah the crucial difference between the two is that feminine & masculine describe general traits & male/female describe biology this distinction is being blurred by those gender activists
Women already do this with male clothing too. I myself own a mans suit and like to dress in a masculine presenting way but majority of the time I'm hyper feminine with floral dresses and frills. Just looking back at the 70s/80s when androgynous dressing and men wearing makeup was fashion (where I'm from in the UK anyway) and no one second guessed it. Todays society is overthinking personal style wayyy too much.
Non-binary is simply androgyny . Androgyny or someone who lives androgynous is not a gender. I can accept transwoman as a separate gender ( a male who identifies and lives as a woman, *and* medically taking hormones). But this attempt to erase biological sex is dangerous. When I was younger we called them cross dressers (men who dress as women but are NOT transsexual) now ...theyre all the same category. Cross dressing men still may be sexually attracted to women so they dont need to be included in private women spaces. Transvestism is not a gender . We've had for centuries ...its nothing new , people are just trying to redefine everything and own the language so they can control society. (refer to M. A. P.s) 🙄
Yes, they were called cross dresses or transvestites. But only because before they didnt have the technology of hormone taking and sex changing. I honestly wish it stayed that way
The fact that men and women are biologically different is actually quite beautiful, both genders have to work together to help each other with our weaknesses, it works so perfectly and has worked for centuries!
Biological men who claim to be women that experience periods is like saying a plate with a pile of frosting is a cake because cakes have frosting and therefore this plate has a cake on it. Like...honey, no, that's not how this works
Trans women who take hormone therapy have some period symptoms due to the estrogen in their body. This is a scientific fact. I personally wonder if it is more prevalent because of the talk of periods. If trans women had no the concept of menstruation, would they have such symptoms? Maybe. Tbh, maybe hard to measure.
@@treefrog1018 Those are menstruation-LIKE symptoms. You cannot have a symptom of mensing without ever having had a uterus with endometrial sloughing about every 28 days, on average.
I got mistaken for a boy well into my teens. After that, people thought I was a butch lesbian. Was it uncomfortable for me? Yes. Was my problem to deal with and no-one else's? Also, yes.
@@jellyfishi_ So having a label that doesn't apply to you means that someone lacks self honesty or isn't thinking? Somehow it seems that you're missing the idea that not all people think and feel exactly like you.
I was called "miss" well into my thirties and it's now happening again with the covid masks despite cutting my hair short xD Was i asked if i was gay or straight up approached with the most wild proposals by other males? Yes Fortunately outside of my early teens it really never bothered me much, it quickly became a funny quirk but i guess that's simply difference in character, circumstances etc So yeah i completely agree with you, though i feel like in some places of the world and for some people it might actually become a problem you need help with
Eastern Lights, Life is complex and our individual desires are not always the same which is quite understandable. Who we are attracted to and why is a private decision and, although I can't say for sure, I suspect that it has been that way since the dawn of mankind. There are men that have feminine features and there are women that have masculine features. Neither is a "must be" for that is not the way physiology works. The world has benefited from an untold number of people, past and present, that preferred their same-sex in their relationships with others. The glaring problem today comes from the small percentage of mostly men that want to take what they can from areas that have historically been set aside strictly for women and young girls. They suffer from narcissistic behavior and they are very, very selfish with little to no regard to those that they hurt or that will be hurt in the future. I pitty young girls working hard in a field of sports toward scholarships for they will be overshadowed by stronger boys setting records that will stand until another stronger boy sets a new one using his girl name.
I just gave birth do my baby 2 months ago, the muscles in my groin area have not healed, my abdomen has stretchmarks, my boobs hurt from breastfeeding my baby... and now I'm on my period. Hearing biological men represent womanhood is beyond insulting.
You’ve managed to contribute to the future of our society and survive one of the most physically demanding feats we can accomplish. Ty and hang in there. My baby is 5 and I promise it gets easier. Lots of love to you and your family 💗
Because, right now, men and - specifically - white men are vilified and specified as "the problem" - why would anyone want to identify as the problem, the enemy. Kids are literally being taught that they are bad and evil because of some inherited guilt from their race or gender. Perhaps that is why they are desperately trying to escape what they are?
Think of it like this: the only way trans men get laid is if women don't exist and/or if men can't tell the difference anymore. If every step goes in that predictable direction, it explains everything.
@@CataclysmDM Good point. So vilifying men does not bring inner peace for feminists? So in the end the snake bites its own tail? How (un-)predictable. Good thing is that this their own problem. We "bad" men are out of it. They are destroying our manhood, now they have "migrants" and need to redefine womanhood themselves. How fitting.
The problem is that a lot of people grow up not being told “NO” when they spew nonsense. We need to bring back “NO” because constantly catering to an insanely small portion of humans is detrimental to our planet.
So if i said "no" to you would you accept that? Or do you mean to say that these "small portion of humans" need to be told no? Sounds kinda sus don't you think?
I agree, I hate when I hear parents of young kids "we dont tell them no to anything" "we dont use the word no in our house" like really? If you 4 year old says they want ice cream for breakfast, you're going to let them? If you 7 year old want to jump off the top of the climbing frame, you'll let them jump and break a limb?
I can not imagine being told by someone who has never been a woman or experienced all the complexities of being a woman that I am not a woman, but a label, or tool only used for birthing another human. This upsets me to the core, its like we are in a never ending battle for being ourselves in a world that was designed to have 2 genders. 3,4,5 is definitely a crowed.
Those people are mentally ill. You cannot have a rational discussion with a delusional person. They will scream to be heard and ignore anything you have to say. I believe this is part of the problem affecting the behavior of our young women today. How do you navigate the world when the things that make you special and unique are stripped away? What are these young women left with?
Most women don't care about transgender women being women sports and other female spaces. Go to this TH-camr called "One Topic At A Time" channel and watched his videos, and you will understand why transgender women being allowed in women spaces isn't going to cause any problems. Reddit groups like "Witches vs. Patriarchy" are very popular with feminists, and they all support transgender women being allowed in women sports and other female spaces.
@@smokexsmoke99 I have yet to meet even one woman who agrees with this transgender movement. I don't think it is most women, but a few activists making a lot of noise.
I'm still cheering for Matt Walsh. He sat up there all alone, the audience was against him, everyone on the stage, no clue what ol' Phil thought. Matt was the perfect person to have up there, because the man is CALM. And he was prepared. And yet the ....er... other folks who were fully supported? They're "having nightmares"?
Exactly one man came into a room full of people against him and did a 1v2, yet he still managed to remain calm, make his argument, and answer all their questions.
I always love how articulate Matt Walsh is. He really knows how to get his point across. The ideologies and the agendas that the left has are the real nightmares. Only some twisted people see logic and "basic truth" as Matt puts it as "nightmares."
He's literally had people threaten to rape him and his family for comments he made and yet they're the ones having nightmares. Beautiful and brave. Stunning.
The best thing said is that these people want to appropriate Womanhood and turn it into just a costume that can be worn. For all the ways they say that LGBTQ+ people say they're being dehumanized, they're doing that very thing to women.
TheyThem are doing it to us all. And its about time we All say us all that its not ok... Same as Feminists for decades have been attacking Manhood and Masculinity and Family as "Toxic" to stand and lift together and support eachother, that rather than giving a 3rd Option to those that want it, They seek to take Away those things belonging to others. And that to disagree with said politics gets one laybeled as who know what sort of phoibist of the week..., especially if one is anything kind of anything that isn't them. *even if someone were to be but not as Loud as them. Its not people are not allowing themthey to do what theythem want to do , but that said groups want to continue to take away rights and words from all of Us....
@@ZGuy0fSci men having been attacking "womanhood" since there was humans on this earth. So it is about time you stop making out the light shines from your asses. Thank you and good morning, I am now off for my breakfast. Ta-ta.
Gender identity has nothing to do with LGB. You are wrong when you put LGB in your comment. Trans activists attack LGB people, especially lesbians, because they refuse to accept men who identity as women in their beds. They call lesbians all sorts of slurs, terfs, vagina fetishists, etc. Most of these men who identify as women and want to erase biological sex from the picture are actually heterosexual men, autogynephilic men. So, it would be apprrciated if people stopped putting LGB when they speak of gender ideology and transactivism.
Exactly, knowing trans individuals cat natural born women fish, gave me BIG RED MISOGYNY FLAGS. like how rude is that? Natural women, bio women suffer so much already only to be humiliated by a man saying he’s a woman, that’s insane.
Ethan is a transgender man (biologically female) so the fact that he couldn't even say that a woman is an adult human female to me is outrageous and disgusting. Don't even get me started on Addison a man sitting there in woman's clothes, high heels with acrylic nails and wearing make up. We used to call this type person an transvestite.
"If a woman can't have kids, is she a woman..." is really a stupid question and a null argument to the question what is a woman. A broken car is still a car.
Erasure of women absolutely is happening and it’s really weird, to me. These same people are the ones who are constantly whining about how horrible it is to be a woman and how badly they’re treated. If being a woman is such a horrible plight, why do they want so badly to be women?
I actually see a lot of MtF asserting that being a woman is better for the simple fact they receive more attention-whilst glossing over the unpleasant nature of that attention, of course.
for the same reason that being non-white in america is so dangerous that everyone's trying to do it. It's a lie, a farce. They know that women are privileged, and they're trying to get some of that sweet sweet privilege.
Logic: a printer that ran out of ink is still a printer. a mango tree that is old and no longer bears fruits, is still a mango tree. A house that no one lives in, is still a house. Therefore, lack of functionality does not negate the original identity. Applying logic to the argument of: what about women who cannot have babies or had hysterectomies? Answer: A woman that ran out of eggs (either due to menopause or due to oophorectomies), is still a woman, because even though her female organs lost their functionality, it doesn't change that she has/had female organs.
Exactly, people trying to bypass that logic with 5th dimensional logic are simply buffoons. (Fyi, using 5th dimensional as the term for cuckoo/crazy ideas to avoid YT filters. Lord knows they'll be on a spree. 🙄)
"both of you need therapy and one of you needs a shower" was the funniest thing I've heard in a while. I fell off my chair and broke a few of my son's lego creations. Damn you Sydney!
I believe she's making a refference here to an epic rap battle, Stalin vs Rasputin: near the end of this rap battle, both Lenin and Gorbachev appear to berate *both* Stalin and Rasputin, and that exact line (you 2 need yoga) is said by Gorbie towards Lenin and Stalin, whereas "you need a shower" was dirocted at Rasputin, of course
My womanhood has been stolen by men parading and appropriating my struggles. Next level misogyny. They've deminishes my organs, they've deminishes my experiences, they've deminished the sacredness of being able to bring life into the world, they've dissolved my existence to mean it's nothing.
This is also just as bad as the crap I went through in the 90s when I entered the workforce barely out of high school and not even 18 and the male interviewer said and I quote why should I bother training you when you will just get up and leave and become an incubator. Total insult one I was not interested in sex remotely or becoming a mother, two I was super intelligent and only wanted to begin my career. I wish I had stormed out of the interview and said thank you no thank you I don’t want to work for a company that holds these attitudes. Instead I was forced to stay for it and cop the bullshit. These days I’d rip them a new arsehole if they tried that move.
@@Dancestar1981 imagine trying to compare saying "when discussing pregnant people, we should acknowledge that not all pregnant people are women" to saying "women are just incubators"
To use a little of their language to throw it back at them. You can't just culturally appropriate womanhood because you are having a tough time being a man.
I am one of the most easy-going, understanding and non judgemental people you could ever meet. You could tell me that you identify as an eggplant from an alien planet and I wouldn't bat an eyelash. I can't pretend to know what it feels like to truly believe that you were born in the wrong body or that you don't really know who or what you identify as. But that is, in my opinion, a personal dilemma that one needs to figure out, and not society's responsibility to make that person feel better about themselves. I hope that makes sense as I am not at all trying to be harsh or insensitive. Therapy exists for a reason. Just saying.
Remember when everyone claimed to be gluten intolerant and you could tell if someone really was because they weren't going into Italian restaraunts only to be a giant dick to the waitstaff for not having gluten free gluten based food? Now consider that what you are observing here is the same thing.
Imagine being so fragile that someone disagreeing with you could send you into an anxiety ridden depression induced spiral. Yet still ready to spit extreme hate and vitriol for someone should they get the pronouns wrong…
It comes of never having stepped outside your bubble, never having your ideas challenged; of the bizarre but prevalent opinion that disagreeing with someone is somehow hating them. If your wrong about something, and I make the effort to correct you that is not hate. Ask any Parent. Well any parent over 50, for it seems to me we have raised a generation of stunningly fragile young adults.
I, for one, really do not want women to be erased. I, as a straight biological man, happen to like women a lot. Not just with this, but with other things as well, of changing the meaning of words or things is getting so bad it's almost like words only mean what each person says they mean. That is not good for society.
Put like that it reminds me of babylon, noone actually knows what anyone else is saying anymore because you don't know what meanings they have for words
We have stoped explaining reality with language and started to bend reality with language. And that is a veeery slippery slope. Luckly its a self repairing process... the question is, what will survive.
Yeah, liking women aside, I really don't want to pass the days thinking is my sis or my daughters (in a possible future) will have to enter a bathroom and find a dude on a wig and dress.
Its always a joy to hear how you articulate things in your unique humor. Praying for you and your brave and moral fight to protect our basic truth that has been since humanity.
As a woman I have given birth to twins. I carried them both in my womb. As a woman I breastfed and nurtured them together. As a woman I've lost a baby to miscarriage, I gave birth to our dead baby. A man cannot do these things, experience them or even understand the depths of joy and suffering such intimacy with children can bring. You cannot choose to be a woman or choose to be a man, but you can choose to seek help when your identity becomes lost to yourself. I pray our culture will begin helping gender confused and transexual people in honesty and love.
@@lasthopehope1211 it's funny you say that! I've been ignoring my comment replies all day because I have feminists screaming at me about what feminism is and how everyone needs to be one. 😂
I'm kind of tired of being labeled "Cis". I never filled this out on a form my entire life, never once heard this in person, yet I keep getting a label tacked on me by the mental. I remember we were once just called Male and Female.
I am a naturally born woman, and prefer to be called one. respect should go both ways and so if we are to respect others with their pronouns, they should respect us if we do not wish to go by "cis" woman/man you know? I have found that we often have to explain why we don't prefer cis woman and that is baffling considering the respect i hand out without question.
Anyone having trouble defining woman, here's one right here. A magnificent one, I'd like to add. Nice to see you again, Sydney. No one can erase women like you, though they will try.
I feel you and I‘ve been down that road for more than 30 years. Now I‘m in another hell which is called menopause. I suffer immensly and often wish I had my period back because there were days inbetween the periods where I didn‘t suffer. So, stay strong young sister and all the best.
YUP. I am seeing my gyno this year about possible endometriosis, and I would give my left foot to not go through another period ever again. I only feel "normal" maybe seven days out of my cycle. Stabbing pains like a bread knife filleting my uterus for three solid weeks....just no. If they ever felt what we ACTUALLY go through during our periods, they wouldn't be so ignorant and downright stupid to "desire" a menstrual cycle.🤦
Exactly, if I could give away my pain and suffering, I’d be happy to. They can have at it. But cravings and moods are merely the tip of the iceberg of our suffering.
I love your logic. If you put a group of people in a room and asked someone to go in and separate them, it would be easy to have the males on one side and the females on the other. As a son of a mother, the husband of a wife, the father of two daughters, and the brother of six sisters I find this whole argument insulting to all women.
This is a challenging one for me. I have a lot of friends who self-identify as "non-binary" and have gender dysphoria. Most of them are female with a fully functioning female reproductive system. I always want to have empathy for individuals so I changed my language to suit their feelings. After a while I started to feel like my womanhood didn't matter. I started talking about my menstrual cycle as being related to my womanhood and it angered (triggered) my friends. This was the last straw for me because all of these people are female and know what it is like to menstruate. So how can they erase womanhood so easily? Just because they have personal problems with being a woman. Its sad. Also- I think a hot take would be talking about how endocrine-disrupting chemicals put into beauty products/food/water/everything are actually dysregulating people's hormones from a young age and might be a part of people having gender dysphoria. The solution isn't always to scrap your gender, it may be to remove toxins from your life and stop listening to so much media...
As a "baby" radfem (cuz im still learning), you're talking about exactly what we talk about. I know ppl don't like labeling themselves a feminist, much less rf, but just talking to them can offer insight. Or try reading Andrea dworkin or Mary daly
I have often wondered this too. Many plastics release estrogen mimicking hormones when heated, and we now have at least 2 generations growing up eating their food like this, not to mention the chemicals in everything else. Not to be reductive though, as there is of course much more to the story that would not being attributed to chemical loading. There has been transgender people since time immemorial, but traditional cultures had a place for them as shamans etc. I think the prevalence of this is just a litmus test of how sick our world has gotten. We can totally support trans people without pandering to delusion. They need to be provided with compassion and support but not fantasy and pandering.
As a 37yo CIS woman I really don't see the problem with all of this. Being a woman or a man is something someone made up long time ago and I think all this people do is to redefine some old fashion thoughts that we, as a humanity, have accepted without really thinking about it. Just because words exist doesn't mean we have to keep using forever. What I mean with this is that all the word "woman" has bought to my life are obligations from media, family and friends. In order to be femenine you have to wear makeup (spend time), wax (so painful), spend money on creams and skincare, wear uncomfortable shoes, uncomfortable clothes... Really??
If I said that I identify as a Black Man. First of all I'd be labeled at crazy, because it would be crazy. But also there would be an uproar. Because it would make all the struggles black people have faced in history meaningless, and it would offend people. Its called culture appropriation (even if you wear certain clothing). How is this any different. Same principles apply.
This is affecting both biological women and men. I heard someone say, that a woman who identifies as a man is more of a man than my sons and husband. I am deeply offended. Not only is it degrading and erasing women, it is attacking men and their inportance in the scheme of things. I have raised 2 beautiful boys and 2 wonderful daughters. How dare these people insult them in such away.
I get tired of all the Trans-men who always feel the need to tell you how trans they are. The trans man on this interview clip looks like he has truly embraced what it means to walk through life being perceived by others as a MAN. When people think you're just a cis-gender man, nobody gives a damn about your thoughts or feelings. For many, being Trans seems like a convenient way to get themselves special attention.
I am glad to know one mtf trans as a good friend. To them it was a personal choice, not anyone else's business. To me, they're the same wonderful person as before, but currently happier than before. No pushing it into anyone's face. No victimhood. Just living life. In this case, yeah I think it was a good choice for this person. And nobody else's business.
@@sneezyfido yep, I would never try to tell anyone who to be, but once I saw something about how unfair it is that tampons are only marketed to women and I just thought bro if you need a tampon, just stuff it down your drawers and stfu about it. I mean did you just transition so you could bitch at tampon companies for not making you feel special?
You see, we used to call Tomboy a girl who does typical boy things and likes typical boy stuff (still very popular in anime, btw) What I find nore ironic is that them Trans activists basically walk back the years of Feminists fighting against gender roles. You like to wear dresses and make-up? Well, that's a very woman thing to do, so you must be a woman! The Left's greatest enemies are their lack of self awareness and functioning brain cells
I love when they try and say "chest feeding" "person who gives birth" etc doesn't hurt women- it only includes trans women and helps trans women. Who TF decided turning the words "woman" and "mothers" into slurs doesn't hurt women? Because no
I can tell you've never had that discussion. Because the real reason behind these terms are for trans men. It's so when someone who looks like me but pregnant or their chest is leaky comes in doctors have a way of talking to them that doesn't make them uncomfortable. So no women should ever have to hear these terms unless she asks the medical staff to use them for some reaosn.
@@amosiren survival, until the industrial revolution, was hard work for EVERYONE but a few lucky rich people. Women repeatedly turn your noses up at other women who actually live out the feminine role faithfully.
@@adamwalker2377 sure some do, but just as many men want their woman to make a mini them AND pay half the rent/mortgage. Personally, I blame the state, it's a ruse to break down the family in order to gain more control over the people, and by god it's workin ain't it?
@@AngelJah-f4d Those terms aren't meant to be used specifically for cis women, nor are they meant to be used outside of specific relevant circumstances, nor are they supposed to be used for a known individual who has expressed any preference for a different term in reference to themselves, which can absolutely be "woman." As for that mess of accusations you share, a lot of those claims are debunked -- with sources being cited on where the info is coming from, in this video: th-cam.com/video/6Avcp-e4bOs/w-d-xo.html
@@AngelJah-f4d Correct, it doesn't need anything added to it, unless you're specifying a specific type of woman. Same with man. same with pretty much any other noun. Tall woman, blonde woman, Puerto Rican woman, beautiful woman, trans woman, cis woman. All of it is just descriptors to specify a more specific group.
You are 1000% right. It boggles my mind how insulting these people are when laying out their logic. They're using gender to identify their fashion tastes. If someone can call themselves a woman by putting on a skirt and makeup and that's it, then isn't that just devolving womanhood to clothing and aesthetics? What does that mean for women who don't wear makeup and wear suits-- doesn't that logic deem them to not be women? It'd make so much more sense (and be far, far easier) if we just said "women and men are terms to define sex, wear whatever the hell you want because it's a free country." Plus, it's taking away time and attention that could be devoted to issues relating to transgender people, and instead convolutes and polarizes the political arena so no progress is actually made. They're like the students you had in every classroom who nitpicked and argued with the teacher on everything, so nothing ever actually got taught.
The hypocrisy runs deep. Parts of leftist ideology says that gender is a social construct and that there are no inherent differences between men and women while other parts of the ideology express their change in gender by expressing and emulating what are typically seen as feminine/masculine physical traits and characteristics. The two ideas are incongruous with each other. Did someone say mental gymnastics?
@@nathangoicoa564 One of the worst ones is "Genderfluid." To see people say their gender changes randomly and at no will of their own, then actually changing their appearance based on that is... for lack of a better word, stupid. It's one of those things that's so idiotic on a rudimentary level, I can barely put words to it. It's exhausting just to see, let alone do. Of course, they can't save themselves the time and energy spent on victimizing themselves, because then what would they do? Take steps to better their future and financial standing, negating THAT part of their victim complex? It's amazing how simple all of their problems are to fix if they would just stop fabricating that they're oppressed and helpless.
Really well put. Someone who I loved growing up, and still do, is Eddie Izzard. Hilarious, intelligent, and cross-dressed. He was a prime example that a man could dress however he pleased and could still be accepted in society. As far as I know, he has never blurred the line of BEING woman, he just enjoys looking like a woman. What happened to that? It was totally fine for that to happen
The problem is that these people are seriously convinced that they are not causing any harm, and therefore you should be okay with them identifying however they want. And the truth is, I want to be okay with that. And for a long time, everyone was. The problem is that for them to live their fantasy in exactly the way they want, they are creating loopholes in our society that others have, unfortunately, taken advantage of to devestating results. From violent offenders identifying as women to be put in a female prison, to competing in sports that are taking limited numbers of scholarships away from woman. Speaking of sports, we keep talking about making a space for trans people, but we're not. We're just letting them take women's spots. And I think it's because the universities don't want to fund more athletic scholarships and networks don't want to allocate promotional money to promoting trans sports as its own thing. It's the million dollar coprerations calling the shots. Well, I don't know about you, but I can't think of anything more transphobic than throwing them in women's sports just to save a few thousand dollars.
@@mycatwilleatyou7569 Ha, sorry to break it to you, but Izzard’s hopped on the loony bandwagon. Just last year he came out as trans and “she/her” and in permanent “girl mode”. This is why you can’t give these people an inch.
I’m a woman. The only time I’ve ever FELT like a woman was when I gave birth to my 2nd child (unassisted vbac in the back of my minivan). That was an empowering moment. No man can ever do that, or take that away from me.
I'm a man and the only time I felt like a woman was when this spider popped it's birth sac open and hundreds of little spiders came out. For about five seconds, I danced around on my tippy toes, flapping my hands. It was not empowering at all, in fact, several years later, I am ashamed that my friend witnessed my non binary moment.
I one time had a poo too big for my booty hole, I reckon that's the closest I will ever get to what you got to experience. In all seriousness woman mostly can give birth, and that is beautiful, would never dream as a man of trying to take that away from woman, along with all the other biological traits woman Have that men don't, the empathy, the agreeableness, when we talk human acts, and acts of kindness, these are acts that woman's biological make up let's them be so much better at than men and I think it's disgusting men try to take that away especially after all many centuries of oppression woman are just beginning to break free from. I am proud of your second birth.
@Sonic Hedgehog woman are more inclined to be kinder and empathetic, biologically, fact. Biology impacts psychology just as much as external sources. Go do some research a simple Google search along the lines off, are woman kinder than men, will return some peer reviewed scientific results. And yes i have heard of jesus, and I believe he is the son of God just as much as believe trans woman are real woman, now away and play with traffic.
@Dorito Reiss: you felt like Serena Williams!!! When is your next ace? Your next Grand Slam? How are you doing in the world of tennis? Do you ever have any fears about a transwoman coming into your toilet or bathroom to steal your baby . . . or your reproductive potential, your uterus?
I love how these people are traumatized by being questioned. Every decision I make is questioned.... literally every one. When your a man having every one of your decisions questioned just means..... you have a girlfriend or wife.
Largely I think that this falls into the category of things to resist: Don't accept, don't ignore, don't put up with, and never tolerate. I believe it is basically the fringe of society trying to get attention and standing in the culture. It is up to us, the sane, to assertively declare that they are wrong and we do not accept their ideologies. Keep up the good fight Sidney!
this was someone's else comment but my english dictionary is poor so i just like to use it to state my opinion as well Here's the thing, their lack of principles, lack of consistency and complete disdain for truth is why they are on top. That's why we are under their thumb, why we are constantly having to try to justify ourselves within their moral framework, which protip isn't a moral framework at all, but a sophisticated system of demoralisation. You cannot reason with these people, because they only understand one thing: power. Everything else is either means to that end, or an obstacle. And guess what? They are right. That's why they are winning. Commonsense people need to stop apologising, that's the first thing. Stop being defensive, stop trying to argue with them, because they will force you to fit into their moral framework. Stand up for what is right and tell them to go fuck themselves.
Imagine being a kid being raised gender neutral and you want to pick your gender... And you start asking questions to know your options. What is a man and what is a woman is a good start. Then imagine not getting answers.
Immanuel Kant would call the argument "A woman is anyone who identifies as a woman" a miserable tautology. It's circular. It explains nothing. It does not even attempt to explain something. It dodges the issue entirely, yet still expects you to take it seriously. Asinine.
It makes me laugh that someone (obviously not a woman) thinks that cravings ang being more emotional equates to having a period. Forgetting totally about the bleeding, the cramps and the pain. Nevermind the bloating, headaches, nausea and many other symptoms that we have every month. To be honest cravings and overt emotions sounds more like post J session munchies to me.....
If the label "transphobic" means that I don't like being lied to and being told who to see how, then I accept the label. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and when they force me to see something I don't see (a man as a woman) I refuse to comply. If someone has the right to be delusional about being a woman, I have the right not to see him that way. Sydney I salute you
I never really thought of it this way but I agree with you. I think this is also erasing masculinity and I feel that there has been concerted effort to erase masculinity from actual men for quite some time. If you think about it , most of the feminists you’ve met were probably the most masculine women you’ve ever met. And their husbands are the least masculine straight men you’ve ever met. Interesting but it’s exhausting.
They aren’t erasing masculinity at all. Instead they are making everyone masculine. Their is some effort to make men less masculine don’t get me wrong but let’s be real here. There’s way more push for women to be manlier with the guise of still calling it femininity and then erasing classic female behaviour and labeling it bad. Basically they want everyone to be the same gender which is basically men. But not calling it masculinity.
Yes, yes and more yes. I considered myself a true feminist, but after meeting these gals, I did not want to be associated with the term anymore. Not only would they lose their minds when I mention the sexist issues MEN face in society and the horrible double standards of new wave feminism (isn't fighting for both men and women the whole point?), but they would question my choice to be with an Arab man, because he's as hetero as they come and doesn't subscribe to these norms? Ideas? I don't even know what to call it. On the other hand, their partners are the most submissive, passive gents I almost felt bad for them. I swear I have more testosterone than these guys! I 100% agree that this culture is trying to erase masculinity. Being raised by a typical Eastern European father and thinking about how safe I felt as a child, its scary to think of children not having such a support system. An entire generation with mommy/daddy issues is coming.
You are very right. If they are erasing women, it’s just as bad for men! And just and demeaning and just as upsetting. Men are bashed constantly, traditional male behavioir is called “ toxic” and they ( Liberal Leftists) are trying to make those behaviors bad, and even in some cases criminal.
I'm a gay man, and when I was in high-school (back in 2010), I started wearing makeup and girls clothes to school for a couple years. Back then we just called it cross-dressing or being 'androgynous', and not for ONE SECOND did I expect any of my classmates, family etc, to see me as a woman! Neither did any of the people i knew who cross-dressed. I intrinsically knew that my experience had nothing in common with that of a WOMAN, because how could it? These trans activists are a scourge on society, it's truly mindblowing how much traction they've gained in recent years.
@@kissme1518 No…you’re really not. That logic would say that if all biological males identified as women tonight at midnight then at 12:01 the planet 🌎 would b without any men. Billions of penises but no men! Sure…that’s logical! 😂😂
@@gruges2068 Good job trans people make up a small proportion of society, and there will literally never be a day where every man on the planet transitions to a woman. Stop producing ridiculous hypotheticals to excuse your transphobia.
The sad thing is, there are very limited spaces on the internet that you can express how you feel about how you were born without getting attacked :') I am a woman and feel like it erases all the pain experienced being a woman, all the misogyny against us, the fight for our rights. Many people who are trans I feel just make it impossible to express ourselves without hurting them in some form or another. I feel like womens rights are becoming reversed as more men are taking up our space... again. It's upsetting and we are just supposed to accept it.
I’m really really glad I live on ‘TERF’ Island, as people are calling it, where we are trying to fight this crap, tooth and nail as we say. Keep up the good work Syd.
I love that Sweet Daddy Walsh is getting so much publicity out of this. It's basically the same stuff he says every day on his show: Reality and truth exist whether or not you approve of them. Sweet Baby Gang for life. PS: Daily reminder to put your damn shopping carts back.
Hey! I'm a woman with mild gender dysphoria. If "woman" is nothing, I guess I should go ahead and let go of all my unease at being one. Phew! What a relief. I have a question though... Currently I'm leaking iron, and it hurts in my tummy box. What is happening to me? Am I going to die?!!
I don't know how old you are but there've been a lot of observations of a recent sudden spike in "gender dysphoria" among teen girls. Back in my day this was just a teen phase where girls were adapting to their changing bodies as well as becoming more aware of the societal reactions to their more adult-like feminine appearance and the pressures of beauty standards, attractiveness etc. Then we grew up and got our bearings. Now, I suspect, girls experience this same phenomenon and think this is what is meant my gender dysphoria, confusing themselves into thinking they do not "identify as" a woman...? Ugh... But if a woman is whatever you want it to be then, as you rightly say, there can't be any dysphoria, so that's great news!
I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m sick of ppl hijacking my gender snd making a mockery of it. I’ve been suffering through womanhood since 12yrs old. It’s way more than wearing a dress and slapping on a gloss.
They stepped outside their epistemic bubble and discovered they don't have the intelligence or reasoning to defend their position and weren't treated with the overwhelming acceptance and adoration they expected.
I had to take a moment to thank you for your videos. You help keep me sane 😊. I am an old school feminist and this entire issue makes me crazy. I am so happy more young women,like yourself, are starting to speak out on this. Thank you for helping me to find some humor along the way. ❤
To me it basically boils down to this.... Parts of society are bolstering the delusions of some of the emotionally and mentally disturbed members of society. I find it disheartening and despicable. It would be like telling someone that is going to jump of a building to see if they could fly, "Of course you can. Spread your wings and soar."
My experience is that the ones I know who claim a different gender identity being born male or female had significant trauma in their lives. That they need mental health counseling and this is a maladaptive coping mechanism for internal issues. The fact society is allowing this is concerning. Be open and understanding to mental health but still have boundaries. You wouldn't allow someone with anger issues to break everything you own so why would you allow people to redo hospital sheets to now be "what do you identify as?" and "what gender were you born as?" . NO!
It’s funny, the moment the long haired NB activist responded to Matt’s definition of women, i knew immediately what their argument was going to be. It’s NPC dialogue, activists all seem to read from the same script.
Yes "they" all do the same thing and respond with the same words and actions, just like a programmed NPC because that is what they are. These people has been brainwashed and programmed, that is why they do and act the same so they are in fact real life NpC´s...
It’s really interesting to me that it’s usually male-to-female transgender people or biological males who identify as something else always heading this discussion.
Yes. Because they are men. I will not generalize men, but most men are easier at putting their needs before others without feeling any burden. Most women keep themselves to themselves, feel that they can't take the lead without first proving themselves. This is also what creates the so called wage-gap: men demand raises more easily then women, hence they can eventually make more money for semi-the same job. These men show this male aspect: they demand their place. They are in every aspect of their behaviour still men, hence the way they take the spotlight with more ease. Almost every trans man I have seen keeps the reserved and shy-er attitude that women have. Even though many trans claim to be the other sex, in 99% of the cases their behaviour and attitude shows their actual biology..
Men aren't remotely threatened by female to male trans people, because women are essentially not dangerous. So men have no need to defend their actual or ideological territory.
I mean, what even is the point of words :)
Yay for a new video from Sydney;
Pretty useful when playing Upwords 😉
Greetings from an ex-teacher in Florida. Love you!
There is none. Sorry for the human race anyways....
"Birthing person" is such a disrespectful term to use for a woman. It's like they're talking about a tool instead of a person.
Isn't calling someone a "birthing person" reducing that person to her genitalia, which exactly what they claim to NOT want to do?
Honestly It just sounds like a very weird way to describe a woman giving birth
YES. We aren't merely incubators. And hell, I am not a "birthing person, as I cannot have kids! So, by THEIR definition, I am not female...🤦🤦🤦
There was also a recent article calling women 'people who menstruate'
@@Lilly-hk6qn That explains the term “menopause.” You are basically becoming a man because your menstruation is paused. 🤔😂
I hadnt heard "self-identify as pregnant" before. 🤦🏼♂️ Pregnant is a state of being. You either are or you aren't.
But what if you just ate a ton of food? Can't you have a food baby?? 😂🤣😅
Imagine if you’re pregnant but don’t identify as pregnant...
@@bluorb Lol. Does that make people taking a shit people in labour?
To be or not to be... pregnant
I mean heck, if that ends up being a thing, I'm going to go on paternity leave every year. I'll "identify" as pregnant in the 9th month and just about to go into labour xD
I love when the they/them with long hair says "what about women who can't have children?" Matt didn't say that women are humans who can or do have children. He said women are people who have female reproductive organs.
A vagina 😂✌️🇺🇸
Keep it simple: Those born with the "XX" chromosome.
@@Macheako Well, you know according to The Lancet publication, it's "Bodies with Vaginas".
@@arekpetrosian4965 easier that way because some women are born without reproductive organs or like, no vaginal opening and needs to be made surgically
Yes exactly. So what they’re implying is that we need to be sympathetic to this “spectrum” of womanhood by agreeing that infertile women are still women even if they can’t reproduce. What they’re missing is that they’re saying that unless you jump through all their categorization hoops, that you’re the one implying that infertile women are somehow lesser.
Of course what we’re saying is that womanhood isn’t defined by outcomes such as having children, or roles such as the vacuumer (it’s in the episode…), but is instead a fact. By treating the categories of women and men as anything other than biological fact when focusing on the idea of “gender” only water down and lessens their meanings. Which we only can assume is their ultimate goal.
We all were like "sure sure, trans women are women, mhmm ok ok, we will be polite". Little did we know they were speaking literally! And mistook everyone's grace for consensus! We have given an inch culturally and they took a mile
Yep for sure. Now some will go the mile to cut off their inch 🤣😒🙄
Typical men attitude...
More like a light year
Yep back to shaming them to suicide because how dare they think they can understand the deep experience of womenhood.
So technically in Canada you could just self-identify as pregnant to get maternity leave? That would be hilarious
In Finland they are trying to pass the law that you can switch your gender legally just by.. sending the form to authorities. Jokes have been made that it's wonderful way to avoid army, just change your gender to female before 18 and change back after 30 (men have compulsory army or civil service, women do not)
I believe in Virginia you can legally change how you identify with a few phone calls and you're sorted by that afternoon (unsure of accuracy though tbh)
“You’re Pregnant!?”
“I’m a little nauseous, yah.”
Actually no, the Canadian maternity leave policy states that, it is offered to biological (and surrogate) mothers.
How fiendishly clever!
Matt Walsh actually had the best response to the anxiety tweet etc. He says that he gets abused on Twitter and so forth all the time but it doesn’t give him anxiety because he knows what he stands for is right and true and moral. He takes their anxiety as a sign that what they stand for actually has no weight behind it. That what they stand for is all about their narcissism and their need for everybody, absolutely everybody, to validate their worldview.
There's an irony that claiming being attacked and feeling anxiety is stereotypical female behavior of using crocodile tears.
Extreme ideologues are not narcissists. The aim of neo-Marxism is to deconstruct Western civilization. These far-left extremists believe that gender is a social construct based on 'white-Western hegemonic oppression'. 1
Western civilization is under a massive ideological attack. 2500 years of staggering progress under major threat. And at this crucial moment in human history, we have people like you dangerously mischaracterizing this as nothing more than narcissism. 2
Exactly. They/them: "OMG, they're gonna know I'm a FRAUD! I'm so STRESSED!"
@@AntonyRG1 I wouldn’t say the person was “dangerously mischaracterizing” anything, and I wouldn’t say “people like you”, as he has done nothing wrong in the comment.
Sometimes my periods are so bad I want to die. It's incredibly ignorant for a man to say he knows what it's like to be a woman.
I have experienced the exact same thing. no man actually knows what it's like to be a woman, what it's like to experience horrifically painful periods, childbirth...and no amount of plastic surgery/treatments can change that
Or pms that makes u turn into a completely different woman
Mine are too and abnormally heavy. Sometimes I can feel that pain into my thighs. My last cycle really hurt.
They will never know what that feels like nor do they have to spend thirty or forty plus years dealing with this monthly.
There's also the headaches, cramps, bloating, painful tender breasts, backache, and mood swings.
They don't have to worry about endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, cervical or ovarian cancer, miscarriage, complicated pregnancies or complications related to child birth.
Seriously, if you’ve got those problems, give keto a serious try… pcos is often part of it snd can be reversed with a low carb diet… also, the one time in my life I reduced salt was awful, the worst cramps I had ever had, maybe something as simple as that can help…
I agree, trans women get the best of both worlds I think, strength, don't get period cramps and mood swings, also not a candidate for cervical cancer. Kinda unfair. Cherry picking
Struggling with infertility or problems with your reproductive organs can be an EXTREMELY devastating problem for a woman...so the fact that these people use this to try and bolster their position is DISGUSTING and immoral. They make me feel sick.
Matt was right. They're boiling womanhood down to wearing a costume. Wearing makeup or a dress does not make you a woman. Many women do neither, this doesn't make them not women nor does it make them men. If your 4 year old son picks up a dolly he's not declaring himself a girl and your four year old daughter isn't claiming to be a boy by playing with a toy truck.
Male Feminist/"Binary Expert": A woman is a person who does womanly things.
Me: Describes biological aspects of a woman
Male Feminist/"Binary Expert": REEEEEEE...
I was a "boyish" girl, as a kid, loved to climb trees, and play in the mud, and i was obsessed with dinosaurs and archeology. And here I am, 26 years old, taking care of a 1 year old as a nanny, and can't be any more feminin.
No not a Costume.
They want to kill Womanhood and Parade around in the Skin, receiving accolades from the Destroyers.
@@Deekay1958 a dark but apropos diagnosis.
Truly! Women have been fighting for decades to be seen as more than a stereotype - boobs and Barbie dolls, makeup and glitter, heels and dresses, airheaded, ditzy and weak. And now a whole new crop of men came along and said, "Nope that's what you are as a person, and it's mine now. I am you." And idiot women cheer them on.
I think femininity is beautiful, not just the stereotypes of it. And I think masculinity is beautiful, too, and not just the stereotypes of it. I'm the joyful homeschooling mom of three adorable, mud-covered, superhero-loving tomboys and one twirly princess who's obsessed with space and volcanoes. I fear what would be shoved down their throat if they darkened the door of a public school.
*New age feminist marches in women's march*
Reporter : "What is a woman?"
Feminist : "......."
Feminist: "So yeah, we're marching for the rights of women everywhere."
Reporter: "What are you hoping to accomplish?"
Feminist: "What?"
Reporter: "What do you hope to accomplish by ditching work to march in the streets with your nipples out?"
Feminist: "I decline to answer. As a man, you could never comprehend our purpose."
Reporter: "Do you know your purpose?"
Feminist: "...w-we fight for women's rights?"
Reporter: "Okay, one final question. What is a woman?"
Feminist: "...you're canceled."
No such thing as a new age feminist, educate yourself
@@TeamFriendship8600 a Male explaining about feminism, sit down fool...
@@Englandforever555 life must be difficult being unable to recognise a joke. A joke is rarely an explanation.
Also, try writing so it makes sense. e.g. "A male explaining about feminism?! Sit down, fool."
May it's that you don't understand what these mean: - : , . or where they should go. I'll assume you're not a native speaker or that you haven't graduated primary school. There are resources to help if you're interested.
@@rodiusmaximus 👈 thinks he's a Gladiator
. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .
Speaking as a biological female with a uterus left non-functional due to disease, it personally makes me sick to hear terms like "birthing person" which essentially drags all females back down to whether or not the baby oven works. Something females have fought against for literal centuries, and we were finally making some ground. A good friend of mine asked me why it's such a thing to me, and I outlined a fairly recent occurrence. My mother was an army Sargeant, she was literally trained how to kill, very efficiently, and yet, while waiting for a ferry dock to open, she had to sit in her car for almost 3 hours in the smallest hours of the day in a very bad part of Seattle, Washington. I stayed on the phone with her, ready to call for help at the first sign of something I didn't like. I then asked my male friend if he and his former service member father would be so jumpy in the same circumstance. He was silent for a moment, and then admitted they wouldn't. This is not to say that men are in any less danger in that situation, but the result of that danger is radically different for men and women. Once he understood that, he knew why this upsets me so much. And finally, as someone whose uterus was DESTROYED by endometriosis... no, a period is not "cravings." Those... things, claiming such, can get bent. Heartfelt.
My uterus doesn't function properly either.
I find the birthing person term quite degrading.
My uterus works very well, and I too find it degrading. Motherhood is the greatest thing I've ever chosen, but I'm a woman, not a "birthing person".
I understand. I have endo with PCOS on my one remaining ovary they did not remove. It's degrading to be spoken of in this manner and as a farmer who breeds animals I don't even speak of my animals this way. I believe this affects masculinity as well if men can just claim to be women. Then what is a man?
@@Lizzard2060 A miserable little pile of secrets™
I'm old enough to remember Sandra Fluke, and "women are more than just baby makers!" Fast forward a few years. "The only difference between men and women is baby making!" Tried to warn you.
Asking to define a woman so easily breaks the non-binary argument. They say "I can't define it, everyone has their own definition". Yeah well I can. And my definition can be applied to literally every person who has ever existed. If you can't define a woman then how do you know you are or aren't one? Why does the word exist if it's just some made up word that doesn't mean anything? The best part of defining women and men on their preproduction traits is that it still leaves people open to be what they want. You can wear make up, put on dresses, and still be a man. More power to you. Doesn't mean men and women don't exist.
I'm grateful that there are WOMEN like you, Sydney. We need more WOMEN like you to call out this bullshit!!!
Hopefully it stops soon
Real men stand for real women...hell, we don't care if that's a hill we'll die on. (And trust me, a lot of these slacktivists want us to die. Too many of them say so.)
i'm a woman and will happily call out this bullshit whenever possible. These people have no right comparing themselves to me when they will never understand or experience the struggles I go through. Its insulting
Hopefully going forward when women (continue to) call this stuff out they aren't accused of hating (or not appreciating) men.
Exactly, as men we aren't allowed a voice without being labelled as sexist, transphobic or racist just for respectfully expressing our opinion. But as we all know they only shout these accusations because they have no reasonable argument so they just hurl their slurs and villainise us.
So, according to the weirdos, a woman is "nothing", is something that is both ambiguous and subjective, amorphous and nothing in itself. They've done in a few years what the imaginary patriarchy couldn't manage in millennia, credit where it's due. Great video as always, Syd.
Even more hilarious when you realise feminists created this as critical theory attacks on And for gender and equality.
@@parrotshootist3004 absolutely. Funny thing about lies an BS is that you always end up watching them collapse on themselves. Truths will always be truths, no matter how much support lies have in their short lifetimes.
😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭 so fucking true
good take
Welcome to an extreme version of relativism
I don't IDENTIFY as a woman, I simply AM a woman. Biologically. Which is the only definition that actually matters.
exactly, it's why there's no need for the word/prefix "cis," but they needed a word for normalcy, to justify their non-normalcy
If you stand in the name of truth, then you are my ally. Let's all stand united against the tyranny of the left.
@@silverletter4551 This is not a left/right issue.
@@laurieharper1526 Sure. It's an issue of globalists.
@@silverletter4551 Of course it is. How silly of me not to see it...
Wow, that person said Walsh gave them nightmares after the debate, yet I’m getting nightmares after seeing that thumbnail picture of em.
Don't stop talking about this, you're always on point. If we don't talk about it, 0.6% of the population decides what everyone else should believe and except.
make it 0.567823% now
the agenda relies on the sympathy of people with no backbone. you can feel sympathy for people with actual dysphoria and support support for them if you want but that doesn't mean you are obligated to give them everything they ask for just because they ask for it
@niatas A small percentage do. It’s a trauma response. And it’s the only trauma response where the field of psychology tells the victim it’s ok to be self destructive instead of encouraging healing.
Haha. So let me get this right. Back when they feminised the absolute _hell_ out of Men & pushed the 'Feminist Agenda' literally *all* of you Women were like "You go girl 👏" "Girl Power 💅 " & demonised all Men that spoke out against it
Yet you bring up *no backbone* ? After your past? Ha. Yet you all wonder why all the 'Men' outside are Face Diapered up, Muzzled like a Sheep & use QR Codes 🤣
@niatas no asked you to post on public forum. You want to prove your ignorance and idiocy with out correction, post on a private forum.
@niatas leaving out a word is not a grammar mistake, it’s an electronic communication mistake and people only tend to point those out when they literally have nothing substantive to defend their stupid comments with
@@samhand8270 iv also noticed over the years the ones who point it out also sucked in English class when they were/are in school.
Matt really tickled my soul with his rebuttal to the question about a woman who can't reproduce not being a woman because of that inability.... When Matt explained it's genetic and down into our bones. The simplicity of that reply was fcking savory 😌
By the logic of the useful idiots we don't really know if King Tut was a man women or leprechaun because we can't ask him what he identified as.
Delusional people
@@wm1958 it's the stuff that makes you laugh out loud and cry internally, because they're being absolutely serious and this is real life. Twilight Zone was child's play, the actual trip into insanity and horror is happening now lol.
@@wm1958 The idea of transgenderism may be much older than 100 years. It could be that there were always "deviants" and that people were often suspicious about "gender impostors." Men, in particular, would often treat with scorn and contempt people who displayed feminine characteristics. It's only now in the modern era that transgender people are finally asserting themselves.
This is madness. I will never go along with this ideology. Being a real man and a real woman is so beautiful.
Womanhood isn't a feeling , personality trait , dress code or lifestyle. It's about being a female human , having female organs , chromosome , and being born as one.humans having 2 sexes isn't a political statement , it's a scientific fact and should be treated as one.
Replace womanhood with the word femininity and it does make sense. You could be a man that has feminine feelings, feminine personality traits and dresses in a feminine way. But women or women down to our DNA code. I remember when I studied anthropology and we studied the difference measuring the distance between the ischium on the pelvis of a man and a woman. I don’t know how they were personally identifying 2 million years ago but the difference of sex is very clear in the bones.
Please don't leave out the most important part, WE GIVE LIFE FROM OUR WOMB!!! Women have wombs, some have genetic mutations, but MEN NEVER HAVE WOMBS. 😂 Trans men can give birth because they were born as a women!!! This isn't rocket science people hahahaha! Crazy!
We, men, only plant the seed into the womb.
“Birthing Person” is one of the more offensive terms I’ve ever heard. So are they saying that biological women are only here to procreate? Sounds like some straight forward misogyny to me. “Get back in the kitchen, take your shoes off and squeeze out a pudding person once a year”.
Sounds like it would be straight out of A Handmaids Tale...which is ironic because the left love referencing that as a prophesy against religion when they're the ones fulfilling it.
What is worse is when they call we women 'menstruators' or 'persons with a cervix.' Why don't they just go the whole hog and call we women c*nts and have done with it, because that is what they seem to be saying.
It is condescension masquerading as intellectualism. A woman doesn't need to get fucked to be a woman (nun), a woman doesn't need to be able to have kids to be a woman (post menopausal/infertile), a woman doesn't need to have long hair, nails, etc to be a woman (tomboys/dykes). And a man doesn't need to have tattoos, be bald, or be muscular to be a man, respect is another thing but at its core that man who is neither of those things is still a man. Matt Walsh is right, these people are lost. They can't define woman yet want to be a woman so bad.
I guess I am a impregnation person
Not to mention the fact how that would sound if you called a real woman a "birthing person" and that woman was unable to have children, even if she wanted to. But I'm sure since that doesn't push their agenda, it would be ok in their eyes.
I've been following gender woo for years now and I've still no idea how people manage to be so full of themselves that they expect others to reorganize their language and their entire conceptual world based on something like "non-binary gender." There was an article in my local paper about a woman who says that people still mistake her for a female person "just because I've given birth to four kids". Like, the shock and horror of being considered a woman because you've carried four babies to term inside your womb.
Because many people around them go along with their delusions, encouraging them. They have confidence that there'll be enough people/insitutions/policies to defend their delusions against anyone willing to state the obvious.
Honestly you literally can’t be mad at people not knowing your personal gender identity unless you run around with flags and pins telling people
Non-binary gender makes as much sense as non-color paint.
@@Selvarin technically non colored paint is a real thing it's called a clear coat and goes on cars normally after painting them
@@Selvarin Did you mean non-color colored paint?
I hate it when you have to fill in a form and it asks "are you the same gender as assigned at birth" No one assigns your gender at birth, its totally up to chance whether a boy or girl is formed and born
Exactly, you're born one or the other with the requisite biological equipment to fulfill the rolls of your birth gender. What these people are dealing with is mental and they need help, not surgery!
Everyone is born as either a boy, girl or in come cases intersex. Those are the only 3 options.
I mean technically it's up to the sperm but yes the 'assigned at birth' does my nut in
@@veroniquecastel9582Yep exactly. There’s no such thing as “gender assigned at birth”. Your gender is simple what you are.
I don't IDENTIFY as a woman, I simply AM one. There's no thinking required, it doesn't matter how I feel about it. I don't have to justify anything - and if you DO have to justify it, then you already aren't.
If you simply are a woman, then why can't I claim I know who I am, even if I was born with a penis. My confusion came from other people telling me I wasn't a woman. Here's the thing, if you don't know what it's like for your body to not match your gender, then why would you tell me I'm wrong. I know very well. I experienced it.
@@cassascorner611 Your body has a gender at birth, at death it will still be the same...
You can change your bodyparts but not your DNA. Please explaine to my why my beard will not stop growing when i start indentifying as a woman...
I understand you are confused about your gender and maybe your sexuality, that's ok. Just please don't ask me to change my understanding of basic biology because it doesn't fit your current idea of what you are.
@@cassascorner611 if you were born with a penis then you are NOT a woman. It does not matter what you think you are. I think I’m a tree. But the TRUTH is that I’m a man.
@@jeffreygroen9191 The problem isn't that I don't understand my sex. I was born male. The problem is you think sex and gender are the same. They're not. I know because I experience that myself. That's like telling a color blind person "you're not color blind. You're just confused." But it's more likely that you have no real experience on the topic and aren't willing to accept that other people don't share your experience.
@@Rob-zv1oz But do you think you are a tree or are you using a stupid example to prove a point. Are you a tree, because I can treat you like a tree, but that's not what you want, is it? So your point is wrong. If you wanted me to call you doctor. I would. I wouldn't ask for credentials, and go find whether it's true or not. Because I would respect your wish to be addressed as such. You lack understanding about my experience and then disrespect my needs solely because of your ignorance. Expect to be called out for it.
I'm a molecular biologist and I'm disgusted by this phenomenon. How am I supposed to teach students about female DNA, chromosomes, development of an embryo, you name it! Pure rage.
Science is sexist. Haven't you heard the news?
I have a family member who is a paramedic. They have rightly asked how are we supposed to diagnose a person properly when their birth certificate indicates a different biological sex than they were born as and they are not allowed to contradict them, "Sorry maam, your prostate is inflamed".
Lol this is what gets me. Illnesses actually do happen to identify with genders. Someone with prostate cancer going to see a cervical cancer specialist would be laughed out of the office.
To be fair they still use female and male the same way they have always been used. I do think intentional modification of words (like man and woman) is usually done for the purpose of historical equivocation, but they did leave some words alone for discussing biology.
@@ZIbroweed Just wait for the 11th edition of the Dictionary of Newspeak and all these distinctions will be gone - we are already seeing TRAs declare that ‘transwomen are female’.
I had a dear friend that was a cross dresser. He said some days he liked to express his feminine side and dressed appropriately (for him at those times). This was in the 60's. Ralph was just part of our group however he dressed. He never claimed to be female. He enjoyed boxing and demonstrated his skill to jerks who gave him shit.
I could more easily accept people who feel feminine (which they may be able to describe) rather than demanding that they ARE women.
yeah the crucial difference between the two is that feminine & masculine describe general traits & male/female describe biology this distinction is being blurred by those gender activists
Women already do this with male clothing too. I myself own a mans suit and like to dress in a masculine presenting way but majority of the time I'm hyper feminine with floral dresses and frills. Just looking back at the 70s/80s when androgynous dressing and men wearing makeup was fashion (where I'm from in the UK anyway) and no one second guessed it. Todays society is overthinking personal style wayyy too much.
@@Oopsydaisie is there a difference between a woman wearing a man's suit & a man wearing a woman's dress...?
Your mate is AGP..
@@stephenparry6811 aside from the fact that in present day society it's against the social norm? Not that I know of, no.
Non-binary is simply androgyny . Androgyny or someone who lives androgynous is not a gender. I can accept transwoman as a separate gender ( a male who identifies and lives as a woman, *and* medically taking hormones). But this attempt to erase biological sex is dangerous. When I was younger we called them cross dressers (men who dress as women but are NOT transsexual) now ...theyre all the same category. Cross dressing men still may be sexually attracted to women so they dont need to be included in private women spaces. Transvestism is not a gender . We've had for centuries ...its nothing new , people are just trying to redefine everything and own the language so they can control society. (refer to M. A. P.s) 🙄
hey bud!
@@vaughnjames397 hey Vaughn. Long time no see...😘
Also it's make everyone who is not perfectly okay with all the stereotypes of feminity and masculinity thinks they are non binary like
Yes, they were called cross dresses or transvestites. But only because before they didnt have the technology of hormone taking and sex changing. I honestly wish it stayed that way
The fact that men and women are biologically different is actually quite beautiful, both genders have to work together to help each other with our weaknesses, it works so perfectly and has worked for centuries!
Only centuries? It's worked for at least thousands of years, if not millions.
More like half a billion years, that's the age of our species, but i get what you mean
@@lobsterminion693 A thousand years is ten centuries. A million years is ten thousand centuries. OP's statement still applies.
@@MonkeyJedi99 It's basically worked for lots of weeks.
@@majorramsey3k Indeed!
Biological men who claim to be women that experience periods is like saying a plate with a pile of frosting is a cake because cakes have frosting and therefore this plate has a cake on it. Like...honey, no, that's not how this works
Honestly, I don't think anyone can truly define what is a woman except for what was established for far longer than transgenderism exist.
Trans women who take hormone therapy have some period symptoms due to the estrogen in their body. This is a scientific fact. I personally wonder if it is more prevalent because of the talk of periods. If trans women had no the concept of menstruation, would they have such symptoms? Maybe. Tbh, maybe hard to measure.
@@treefrog1018 Those are menstruation-LIKE symptoms. You cannot have a symptom of mensing without ever having had a uterus with endometrial sloughing about every 28 days, on average.
@Arvin ant ah yes, mother nature's finest fuck up in its glory. Coz really, why specify that bowls and uterus ain't exactly the same thing?
And they’re the same men that are misogynistic lol the irony
I got mistaken for a boy well into my teens. After that, people thought I was a butch lesbian. Was it uncomfortable for me? Yes. Was my problem to deal with and no-one else's? Also, yes.
@@jellyfishi_ So having a label that doesn't apply to you means that someone lacks self honesty or isn't thinking? Somehow it seems that you're missing the idea that not all people think and feel exactly like you.
I was called "miss" well into my thirties and it's now happening again with the covid masks despite cutting my hair short xD
Was i asked if i was gay or straight up approached with the most wild proposals by other males? Yes
Fortunately outside of my early teens it really never bothered me much, it quickly became a funny quirk but i guess that's simply difference in character, circumstances etc
So yeah i completely agree with you, though i feel like in some places of the world and for some people it might actually become a problem you need help with
And that's one of the biggest underlying problems here - people think that their peace of mind is everyone else's responsibility but their own.
Eastern Lights, Life is complex and our individual desires are not always the same which is quite understandable. Who we are attracted to and why is a private decision and, although I can't say for sure, I suspect that it has been that way since the dawn of mankind. There are men that have feminine features and there are women that have masculine features. Neither is a "must be" for that is not the way physiology works. The world has benefited from an untold number of people, past and present, that preferred their same-sex in their relationships with others. The glaring problem today comes from the small percentage of mostly men that want to take what they can from areas that have historically been set aside strictly for women and young girls. They suffer from narcissistic behavior and they are very, very selfish with little to no regard to those that they hurt or that will be hurt in the future. I pitty young girls working hard in a field of sports toward scholarships for they will be overshadowed by stronger boys setting records that will stand until another stronger boy sets a new one using his girl name.
@@smartypantspod Gasp! Ouch! Nailed it, bravo!!!
I just gave birth do my baby 2 months ago, the muscles in my groin area have not healed, my abdomen has stretchmarks, my boobs hurt from breastfeeding my baby... and now I'm on my period. Hearing biological men represent womanhood is beyond insulting.
You’ve managed to contribute to the future of our society and survive one of the most physically demanding feats we can accomplish. Ty and hang in there. My baby is 5 and I promise it gets easier. Lots of love to you and your family 💗
The trans movement seems to exclusively take away from women. It is such a strange version of misogyny.
It seems so but why? How comes no trans-men doing the same for manhood? Is it because manhood is "evil" and thus taboo?
Because, right now, men and - specifically - white men are vilified and specified as "the problem" - why would anyone want to identify as the problem, the enemy. Kids are literally being taught that they are bad and evil because of some inherited guilt from their race or gender. Perhaps that is why they are desperately trying to escape what they are?
Think of it like this: the only way trans men get laid is if women don't exist and/or if men can't tell the difference anymore. If every step goes in that predictable direction, it explains everything.
Lemme clarify, "the only way once-had-a-dick-now-has-a-surgery people can get laid..."
@@CataclysmDM Good point. So vilifying men does not bring inner peace for feminists? So in the end the snake bites its own tail? How (un-)predictable. Good thing is that this their own problem. We "bad" men are out of it. They are destroying our manhood, now they have "migrants" and need to redefine womanhood themselves. How fitting.
Please never stop talking about this.
The problem is that a lot of people grow up not being told “NO” when they spew nonsense. We need to bring back “NO” because constantly catering to an insanely small portion of humans is detrimental to our planet.
I love that..."we need to bring back NO" ...🙄.😂😅
To quote a song by They Might be Giants. "No is no. No is always no. When they say no it means a thousand times no."
Extraordinarily detrimental.
So if i said "no" to you would you accept that? Or do you mean to say that these "small portion of humans" need to be told no? Sounds kinda sus don't you think?
I agree, I hate when I hear parents of young kids "we dont tell them no to anything" "we dont use the word no in our house" like really? If you 4 year old says they want ice cream for breakfast, you're going to let them? If you 7 year old want to jump off the top of the climbing frame, you'll let them jump and break a limb?
Im so with you. I've had enough. Thank you for talking about this. Im a woman and kind of pissed. Buck Angel is a gift!
I can not imagine being told by someone who has never been a woman or experienced all the complexities of being a woman that I am not a woman, but a label, or tool only used for birthing another human. This upsets me to the core, its like we are in a never ending battle for being ourselves in a world that was designed to have 2 genders. 3,4,5 is definitely a crowed.
We’ve been called chest-feeders, birthing person, person with vagina, bodies with vagina. 😏
As a man, I feel for you..I really do. You seem smart and level headed but your surrounded by idiots and delusional people.
Those people are mentally ill. You cannot have a rational discussion with a delusional person. They will scream to be heard and ignore anything you have to say. I believe this is part of the problem affecting the behavior of our young women today. How do you navigate the world when the things that make you special and unique are stripped away? What are these young women left with?
Most women don't care about transgender women being women sports and other female spaces. Go to this TH-camr called "One Topic At A Time" channel and watched his videos, and you will understand why transgender women being allowed in women spaces isn't going to cause any problems.
Reddit groups like "Witches vs. Patriarchy" are very popular with feminists, and they all support transgender women being allowed in women sports and other female spaces.
@@smokexsmoke99 I have yet to meet even one woman who agrees with this transgender movement. I don't think it is most women, but a few activists making a lot of noise.
I'm still cheering for Matt Walsh. He sat up there all alone, the audience was against him, everyone on the stage, no clue what ol' Phil thought. Matt was the perfect person to have up there, because the man is CALM.
And he was prepared.
And yet the ....er... other folks who were fully supported? They're "having nightmares"?
Exactly one man came into a room full of people against him and did a 1v2, yet he still managed to remain calm, make his argument, and answer all their questions.
I always love how articulate Matt Walsh is. He really knows how to get his point across. The ideologies and the agendas that the left has are the real nightmares. Only some twisted people see logic and "basic truth" as Matt puts it as "nightmares."
All hail the Sweet Daddy!
He's literally had people threaten to rape him and his family for comments he made and yet they're the ones having nightmares.
Beautiful and brave. Stunning.
Matt is The Man. Unwavering, courageous, and correct.
The best thing said is that these people want to appropriate Womanhood and turn it into just a costume that can be worn. For all the ways they say that LGBTQ+ people say they're being dehumanized, they're doing that very thing to women.
TheyThem are doing it to us all. And its about time we All say us all that its not ok... Same as Feminists for decades have been attacking Manhood and Masculinity and Family as "Toxic" to stand and lift together and support eachother, that rather than giving a 3rd Option to those that want it, They seek to take Away those things belonging to others.
And that to disagree with said politics gets one laybeled as who know what sort of phoibist of the week..., especially if one is anything kind of anything that isn't them.
*even if someone were to be but not as Loud as them.
Its not people are not allowing themthey to do what theythem want to do , but that said groups want to continue to take away rights and words from all of Us....
@@ZGuy0fSci men having been attacking "womanhood" since there was humans on this earth. So it is about time you stop making out the light shines from your asses. Thank you and good morning, I am now off for my breakfast. Ta-ta.
Gender identity has nothing to do with LGB. You are wrong when you put LGB in your comment.
Trans activists attack LGB people, especially lesbians, because they refuse to accept men who identity as women in their beds. They call lesbians all sorts of slurs, terfs, vagina fetishists, etc.
Most of these men who identify as women and want to erase biological sex from the picture are actually heterosexual men, autogynephilic men.
So, it would be apprrciated if people stopped putting LGB when they speak of gender ideology and transactivism.
Exactly, knowing trans individuals cat natural born women fish, gave me BIG RED MISOGYNY FLAGS. like how rude is that? Natural women, bio women suffer so much already only to be humiliated by a man saying he’s a woman, that’s insane.
Ethan is a transgender man (biologically female) so the fact that he couldn't even say that a woman is an adult human female to me is outrageous and disgusting. Don't even get me started on Addison a man sitting there in woman's clothes, high heels with acrylic nails and wearing make up. We used to call this type person an transvestite.
"If a woman can't have kids, is she a woman..." is really a stupid question and a null argument to the question what is a woman.
A broken car is still a car.
Especially weird considering all woke organizations are the one calling women "purple with vaginas" or "birthing people" 😅
Erasure of women absolutely is happening and it’s really weird, to me. These same people are the ones who are constantly whining about how horrible it is to be a woman and how badly they’re treated. If being a woman is such a horrible plight, why do they want so badly to be women?
I actually see a lot of MtF asserting that being a woman is better for the simple fact they receive more attention-whilst glossing over the unpleasant nature of that attention, of course.
@@savannahm9943 Found the feminasty.
They want victimhood virtue points. Remember, victimhood & virtue signals are the currencies in the feminist/marxist utopia.
for the same reason that being non-white in america is so dangerous that everyone's trying to do it.
It's a lie, a farce. They know that women are privileged, and they're trying to get some of that sweet sweet privilege.
Being a victim is incredibly profitable if you can wield it correctly.
Logic: a printer that ran out of ink is still a printer. a mango tree that is old and no longer bears fruits, is still a mango tree. A house that no one lives in, is still a house. Therefore, lack of functionality does not negate the original identity.
Applying logic to the argument of: what about women who cannot have babies or had hysterectomies? Answer: A woman that ran out of eggs (either due to menopause or due to oophorectomies), is still a woman, because even though her female organs lost their functionality, it doesn't change that she has/had female organs.
A 2 legged dog is still a dog
Absolutely!! You make a great point.
Exactly, people trying to bypass that logic with 5th dimensional logic are simply buffoons. (Fyi, using 5th dimensional as the term for cuckoo/crazy ideas to avoid YT filters. Lord knows they'll be on a spree. 🙄)
That is a fantastic counter point, so simple yet it would blow these "trans" peoples minds if it was used in a debate or discussion with them
Bravo 👏
I agree with you 100%. I have started ignoring them. This, too, will pass. Truth always prevails!
"both of you need therapy and one of you needs a shower" was the funniest thing I've heard in a while. I fell off my chair and broke a few of my son's lego creations. Damn you Sydney!
I believe she's making a refference here to an epic rap battle, Stalin vs Rasputin: near the end of this rap battle, both Lenin and Gorbachev appear to berate *both* Stalin and Rasputin, and that exact line (you 2 need yoga) is said by Gorbie towards Lenin and Stalin, whereas "you need a shower" was dirocted at Rasputin, of course
did you rebuild the legos?
My womanhood has been stolen by men parading and appropriating my struggles. Next level misogyny. They've deminishes my organs, they've deminishes my experiences, they've deminished the sacredness of being able to bring life into the world, they've dissolved my existence to mean it's nothing.
Suck it up butter cup , were'd you think feminism would end up , and it will get worse if we don't end this nonsense.
No they haven't
This is also just as bad as the crap I went through in the 90s when I entered the workforce barely out of high school and not even 18 and the male interviewer said and I quote why should I bother training you when you will just get up and leave and become an incubator. Total insult one I was not interested in sex remotely or becoming a mother, two I was super intelligent and only wanted to begin my career. I wish I had stormed out of the interview and said thank you no thank you I don’t want to work for a company that holds these attitudes. Instead I was forced to stay for it and cop the bullshit. These days I’d rip them a new arsehole if they tried that move.
@@Dancestar1981 imagine trying to compare saying "when discussing pregnant people, we should acknowledge that not all pregnant people are women" to saying "women are just incubators"
@TheDarkZone Ooo so edgy, careful you don’t cut yourself on that edgy comment
“And when everyone’s a woman,
No one will be”
-Syndrome, ‘The Incredibles’
Hehe, yeah
Yep, been saying that for some time, it fits so perfectly.
That movie is much more based than more people realize
@@kcirtapelyk6060 it's what happens when movies have any semblance of thought up into them. Baseism naturally comes through deliberation.
Wait do they actually say that in the movie?? 😮
To use a little of their language to throw it back at them. You can't just culturally appropriate womanhood because you are having a tough time being a man.
I am one of the most easy-going, understanding and non judgemental people you could ever meet. You could tell me that you identify as an eggplant from an alien planet and I wouldn't bat an eyelash. I can't pretend to know what it feels like to truly believe that you were born in the wrong body or that you don't really know who or what you identify as. But that is, in my opinion, a personal dilemma that one needs to figure out, and not society's responsibility to make that person feel better about themselves. I hope that makes sense as I am not at all trying to be harsh or insensitive. Therapy exists for a reason. Just saying.
If I could only upvote this a thousand times... This is exactly how I feel.
Remember when everyone claimed to be gluten intolerant and you could tell if someone really was because they weren't going into Italian restaraunts only to be a giant dick to the waitstaff for not having gluten free gluten based food?
Now consider that what you are observing here is the same thing.
Imagine being so fragile that someone disagreeing with you could send you into an anxiety ridden depression induced spiral. Yet still ready to spit extreme hate and vitriol for someone should they get the pronouns wrong…
yes Matt Walsh is fragile
It comes of never having stepped outside your bubble, never having your ideas challenged; of the bizarre but prevalent opinion that disagreeing with someone is somehow hating them. If your wrong about something, and I make the effort to correct you that is not hate. Ask any Parent. Well any parent over 50, for it seems to me we have raised a generation of stunningly fragile young adults.
If you set yourself up so that you fall into shambles every time you are required to face reality, then you're going to have a bad time.
Imagine having no empathy? Well, you don’t need to imagine that. You know it well.
Being trans is literally not a delusion tho.... And thinking you're a different gender makes you a different gender because gender is about identity
I, for one, really do not want women to be erased. I, as a straight biological man, happen to like women a lot.
Not just with this, but with other things as well, of changing the meaning of words or things is getting so bad it's almost like words only mean what each person says they mean. That is not good for society.
Put like that it reminds me of babylon, noone actually knows what anyone else is saying anymore because you don't know what meanings they have for words
We have stoped explaining reality with language and started to bend reality with language.
And that is a veeery slippery slope. Luckly its a self repairing process... the question is, what will survive.
social media is what is not good for society
Yeah, liking women aside, I really don't want to pass the days thinking is my sis or my daughters (in a possible future) will have to enter a bathroom and find a dude on a wig and dress.
Its always a joy to hear how you articulate things in your unique humor. Praying for you and your brave and moral fight to protect our basic truth that has been since humanity.
As a woman I have given birth to twins. I carried them both in my womb. As a woman I breastfed and nurtured them together. As a woman I've lost a baby to miscarriage, I gave birth to our dead baby. A man cannot do these things, experience them or even understand the depths of joy and suffering such intimacy with children can bring.
You cannot choose to be a woman or choose to be a man, but you can choose to seek help when your identity becomes lost to yourself. I pray our culture will begin helping gender confused and transexual people in honesty and love.
Lmao your profile name will trigger a lot of will ,...😂🤭
@@lasthopehope1211 it's funny you say that! I've been ignoring my comment replies all day because I have feminists screaming at me about what feminism is and how everyone needs to be one. 😂
Sorry for the lost of your child. Stay strong.
@@notafeminist7642 lol
I’m sorry for your loss but that doesn’t give you the right to police other’s bodies
I'm kind of tired of being labeled "Cis". I never filled this out on a form my entire life, never once heard this in person, yet I keep getting a label tacked on me by the mental. I remember we were once just called Male and Female.
"Cis is a work used to marginalize normal people"-Norm Macdonald, paraphrased.
These kind of "folks" hate normality so much they could never say "normal male/female"
We still are we don’t need the cis label never did never will
I am a naturally born woman, and prefer to be called one. respect should go both ways and so if we are to respect others with their pronouns, they should respect us if we do not wish to go by "cis" woman/man you know? I have found that we often have to explain why we don't prefer cis woman and that is baffling considering the respect i hand out without question.
Anyone having trouble defining woman, here's one right here. A magnificent one, I'd like to add. Nice to see you again, Sydney. No one can erase women like you, though they will try.
7:50 they are showing they are victims. Funny that they volunteered and didn't know that truth will smack them in the face.
Studio audiences are like seals, they clap when they are told.
If you notice the clapping is cued when the catch phrases are dropped.
It couldn’t be more staged in their favour and they got destroyed.
I wish all a period entailed was cravings and moods. That would be so much better than the hell I experience every month.
I feel you and I‘ve been down that road for more than 30 years. Now I‘m in another hell which is called menopause. I suffer immensly and often wish I had my period back because there were days inbetween the periods where I didn‘t suffer. So, stay strong young sister and all the best.
I feel ya. Endo and ovarian cyst sufferer here
I don't even get cravings during my monthly. Just extra depression and pain.
YUP. I am seeing my gyno this year about possible endometriosis, and I would give my left foot to not go through another period ever again. I only feel "normal" maybe seven days out of my cycle. Stabbing pains like a bread knife filleting my uterus for three solid weeks....just no. If they ever felt what we ACTUALLY go through during our periods, they wouldn't be so ignorant and downright stupid to "desire" a menstrual cycle.🤦
Exactly, if I could give away my pain and suffering, I’d be happy to. They can have at it. But cravings and moods are merely the tip of the iceberg of our suffering.
I love your logic. If you put a group of people in a room and asked someone to go in and separate them, it would be easy to have the males on one side and the females on the other. As a son of a mother, the husband of a wife, the father of two daughters, and the brother of six sisters I find this whole argument insulting to all women.
More importantly it's insulting to God. He created them male and female. One or the other, not both.
Shouldn't men claiming to be women be considered cultural appropriation? How is this not ever brought up???
To be fair, cultural appropriation is pretty idiotic itself in most cases. "You can't dress like that - only people with my skin shade can wear THAT!"
Wow, I didn't realize I can cancel my period by controlling my mood and cravings. Why didn't someone tell me that years ago?!
It's simpler than that, just identify as a man. Problem gone.
do not confuse gender with sex. there are 5 known sexes and 52 known genders up to date.
This is a challenging one for me. I have a lot of friends who self-identify as "non-binary" and have gender dysphoria. Most of them are female with a fully functioning female reproductive system. I always want to have empathy for individuals so I changed my language to suit their feelings. After a while I started to feel like my womanhood didn't matter. I started talking about my menstrual cycle as being related to my womanhood and it angered (triggered) my friends. This was the last straw for me because all of these people are female and know what it is like to menstruate. So how can they erase womanhood so easily? Just because they have personal problems with being a woman. Its sad.
Also- I think a hot take would be talking about how endocrine-disrupting chemicals put into beauty products/food/water/everything are actually dysregulating people's hormones from a young age and might be a part of people having gender dysphoria. The solution isn't always to scrap your gender, it may be to remove toxins from your life and stop listening to so much media...
As a "baby" radfem (cuz im still learning), you're talking about exactly what we talk about. I know ppl don't like labeling themselves a feminist, much less rf, but just talking to them can offer insight. Or try reading Andrea dworkin or Mary daly
I have often wondered this too. Many plastics release estrogen mimicking hormones when heated, and we now have at least 2 generations growing up eating their food like this, not to mention the chemicals in everything else. Not to be reductive though, as there is of course much more to the story that would not being attributed to chemical loading. There has been transgender people since time immemorial, but traditional cultures had a place for them as shamans etc. I think the prevalence of this is just a litmus test of how sick our world has gotten. We can totally support trans people without pandering to delusion. They need to be provided with compassion and support but not fantasy and pandering.
This is hard for you? Wow… I have lost all faith in humanity… just wow
bingo bango bongo this this this holy crap this.. everything! right here!
As a 37yo CIS woman I really don't see the problem with all of this. Being a woman or a man is something someone made up long time ago and I think all this people do is to redefine some old fashion thoughts that we, as a humanity, have accepted without really thinking about it. Just because words exist doesn't mean we have to keep using forever.
What I mean with this is that all the word "woman" has bought to my life are obligations from media, family and friends. In order to be femenine you have to wear makeup (spend time), wax (so painful), spend money on creams and skincare, wear uncomfortable shoes, uncomfortable clothes... Really??
If I said that I identify as a Black Man. First of all I'd be labeled at crazy, because it would be crazy.
But also there would be an uproar. Because it would make all the struggles black people have faced in history meaningless, and it would offend people. Its called culture appropriation (even if you wear certain clothing). How is this any different. Same principles apply.
Why would it be crazy?
@@MEGATONHAMMA they're probably anything but
It's happening
Girl, trans people exist but you can't change your race. I know you mean well with your comment but there's better ways to express your opinion.
This is affecting both biological women and men. I heard someone say, that a woman who identifies as a man is more of a man than my sons and husband. I am deeply offended. Not only is it degrading and erasing women, it is attacking men and their inportance in the scheme of things. I have raised 2 beautiful boys and 2 wonderful daughters. How dare these people insult them in such away.
I get tired of all the Trans-men who always feel the need to tell you how trans they are. The trans man on this interview clip looks like he has truly embraced what it means to walk through life being perceived by others as a MAN. When people think you're just a cis-gender man, nobody gives a damn about your thoughts or feelings. For many, being Trans seems like a convenient way to get themselves special attention.
I am glad to know one mtf trans as a good friend. To them it was a personal choice, not anyone else's business.
To me, they're the same wonderful person as before, but currently happier than before.
No pushing it into anyone's face. No victimhood. Just living life.
In this case, yeah I think it was a good choice for this person.
And nobody else's business.
@@sneezyfido yep, I would never try to tell anyone who to be, but once I saw something about how unfair it is that tampons are only marketed to women and I just thought bro if you need a tampon, just stuff it down your drawers and stfu about it. I mean did you just transition so you could bitch at tampon companies for not making you feel special?
You see, we used to call Tomboy a girl who does typical boy things and likes typical boy stuff (still very popular in anime, btw)
What I find nore ironic is that them Trans activists basically walk back the years of Feminists fighting against gender roles. You like to wear dresses and make-up? Well, that's a very woman thing to do, so you must be a woman! The Left's greatest enemies are their lack of self awareness and functioning brain cells
You can shove the ‘cis man’ moniker where the sun doesn’t shine, that’s in the ass, all the way up! I am a MAN, my wife is a WOMAN, END OF!
I love when they try and say "chest feeding" "person who gives birth" etc doesn't hurt women- it only includes trans women and helps trans women. Who TF decided turning the words "woman" and "mothers" into slurs doesn't hurt women? Because no
I can tell you've never had that discussion. Because the real reason behind these terms are for trans men. It's so when someone who looks like me but pregnant or their chest is leaky comes in doctors have a way of talking to them that doesn't make them uncomfortable. So no women should ever have to hear these terms unless she asks the medical staff to use them for some reaosn.
Women did that by shaming mothers who don't have careers (i.e., doesn't act masculine).
"You're a SAHM? Oh, that's nice..."
@@adamwalker2377 no the state and pos men did that love- women have done nothing but try and SURVIVE, since the beginning of time
@@amosiren survival, until the industrial revolution, was hard work for EVERYONE but a few lucky rich people.
Women repeatedly turn your noses up at other women who actually live out the feminine role faithfully.
@@adamwalker2377 sure some do, but just as many men want their woman to make a mini them AND pay half the rent/mortgage. Personally, I blame the state, it's a ruse to break down the family in order to gain more control over the people, and by god it's workin ain't it?
It kind of hurts, I myself am a young lad and to know that being a woman is being reduced to a label, a costume...
But it's not. Trans folks are seriously confused why people keep saying this. It's not a costume.
It's unacceptable activism this attempt to destroy womanhood, to trample it down into meaning nothing,
@@AngelJah-f4d Those terms aren't meant to be used specifically for cis women, nor are they meant to be used outside of specific relevant circumstances, nor are they supposed to be used for a known individual who has expressed any preference for a different term in reference to themselves, which can absolutely be "woman." As for that mess of accusations you share, a lot of those claims are debunked -- with sources being cited on where the info is coming from, in this video: th-cam.com/video/6Avcp-e4bOs/w-d-xo.html
@@AngelJah-f4d You don't even know what "cis" means, do you?
@@AngelJah-f4d Correct, it doesn't need anything added to it, unless you're specifying a specific type of woman. Same with man. same with pretty much any other noun. Tall woman, blonde woman, Puerto Rican woman, beautiful woman, trans woman, cis woman. All of it is just descriptors to specify a more specific group.
Even if you only have the skeleton of a person left, you can still see if it's a woman or a man because of (among other things) the pelvic bone..
You are 1000% right. It boggles my mind how insulting these people are when laying out their logic. They're using gender to identify their fashion tastes. If someone can call themselves a woman by putting on a skirt and makeup and that's it, then isn't that just devolving womanhood to clothing and aesthetics? What does that mean for women who don't wear makeup and wear suits-- doesn't that logic deem them to not be women? It'd make so much more sense (and be far, far easier) if we just said "women and men are terms to define sex, wear whatever the hell you want because it's a free country." Plus, it's taking away time and attention that could be devoted to issues relating to transgender people, and instead convolutes and polarizes the political arena so no progress is actually made. They're like the students you had in every classroom who nitpicked and argued with the teacher on everything, so nothing ever actually got taught.
The hypocrisy runs deep. Parts of leftist ideology says that gender is a social construct and that there are no inherent differences between men and women while other parts of the ideology express their change in gender by expressing and emulating what are typically seen as feminine/masculine physical traits and characteristics. The two ideas are incongruous with each other. Did someone say mental gymnastics?
@@nathangoicoa564 One of the worst ones is "Genderfluid." To see people say their gender changes randomly and at no will of their own, then actually changing their appearance based on that is... for lack of a better word, stupid. It's one of those things that's so idiotic on a rudimentary level, I can barely put words to it. It's exhausting just to see, let alone do.
Of course, they can't save themselves the time and energy spent on victimizing themselves, because then what would they do? Take steps to better their future and financial standing, negating THAT part of their victim complex?
It's amazing how simple all of their problems are to fix if they would just stop fabricating that they're oppressed and helpless.
Really well put. Someone who I loved growing up, and still do, is Eddie Izzard. Hilarious, intelligent, and cross-dressed. He was a prime example that a man could dress however he pleased and could still be accepted in society. As far as I know, he has never blurred the line of BEING woman, he just enjoys looking like a woman. What happened to that? It was totally fine for that to happen
The problem is that these people are seriously convinced that they are not causing any harm, and therefore you should be okay with them identifying however they want. And the truth is, I want to be okay with that. And for a long time, everyone was. The problem is that for them to live their fantasy in exactly the way they want, they are creating loopholes in our society that others have, unfortunately, taken advantage of to devestating results. From violent offenders identifying as women to be put in a female prison, to competing in sports that are taking limited numbers of scholarships away from woman.
Speaking of sports, we keep talking about making a space for trans people, but we're not. We're just letting them take women's spots. And I think it's because the universities don't want to fund more athletic scholarships and networks don't want to allocate promotional money to promoting trans sports as its own thing. It's the million dollar coprerations calling the shots. Well, I don't know about you, but I can't think of anything more transphobic than throwing them in women's sports just to save a few thousand dollars.
@@mycatwilleatyou7569 Ha, sorry to break it to you, but Izzard’s hopped on the loony bandwagon. Just last year he came out as trans and “she/her” and in permanent “girl mode”. This is why you can’t give these people an inch.
I’m a woman. The only time I’ve ever FELT like a woman was when I gave birth to my 2nd child (unassisted vbac in the back of my minivan). That was an empowering moment. No man can ever do that, or take that away from me.
I'm a man and the only time I felt like a woman was when this spider popped it's birth sac open and hundreds of little spiders came out. For about five seconds, I danced around on my tippy toes, flapping my hands. It was not empowering at all, in fact, several years later, I am ashamed that my friend witnessed my non binary moment.
I one time had a poo too big for my booty hole, I reckon that's the closest I will ever get to what you got to experience. In all seriousness woman mostly can give birth, and that is beautiful, would never dream as a man of trying to take that away from woman, along with all the other biological traits woman Have that men don't, the empathy, the agreeableness, when we talk human acts, and acts of kindness, these are acts that woman's biological make up let's them be so much better at than men and I think it's disgusting men try to take that away especially after all many centuries of oppression woman are just beginning to break free from. I am proud of your second birth.
There is no bond or power greater than motherhood.
@Sonic Hedgehog woman are more inclined to be kinder and empathetic, biologically, fact. Biology impacts psychology just as much as external sources. Go do some research a simple Google search along the lines off, are woman kinder than men, will return some peer reviewed scientific results. And yes i have heard of jesus, and I believe he is the son of God just as much as believe trans woman are real woman, now away and play with traffic.
@Dorito Reiss: you felt like Serena Williams!!! When is your next ace? Your next Grand Slam? How are you doing in the world of tennis?
Do you ever have any fears about a transwoman coming into your toilet or bathroom to steal your baby . . . or your reproductive potential, your uterus?
I love how these people are traumatized by being questioned. Every decision I make is questioned.... literally every one. When your a man having every one of your decisions questioned just means..... you have a girlfriend or wife.
Or you have the wrong girlfriend or wife.
@@kitalalaris or you have a girlfriend or wife that cares enough to help you make the right decision.
They never grew up from primary school and that is terrifying because this breed of "folks" will have voting rights soon
Yep, that’s true, we do this! I’m a wife, and a mother with 4 girls - we all do this.
Imagine living such a sheltered life that simply having your beliefs questioned gives you nightmares, and yet claiming to be oppressed.
Largely I think that this falls into the category of things to resist: Don't accept, don't ignore, don't put up with, and never tolerate. I believe it is basically the fringe of society trying to get attention and standing in the culture. It is up to us, the sane, to assertively declare that they are wrong and we do not accept their ideologies. Keep up the good fight Sidney!
this was someone's else comment but my english dictionary is poor so i just like to use it to state my opinion as well
Here's the thing, their lack of principles, lack of consistency and complete disdain for truth is why they are on top. That's why we are under their thumb, why we are constantly having to try to justify ourselves within their moral framework, which protip isn't a moral framework at all, but a sophisticated system of demoralisation.
You cannot reason with these people, because they only understand one thing: power. Everything else is either means to that end, or an obstacle.
And guess what? They are right. That's why they are winning.
Commonsense people need to stop apologising, that's the first thing. Stop being defensive, stop trying to argue with them, because they will force you to fit into their moral framework. Stand up for what is right and tell them to go fuck themselves.
Imagine being a kid being raised gender neutral and you want to pick your gender... And you start asking questions to know your options. What is a man and what is a woman is a good start. Then imagine not getting answers.
Immanuel Kant would call the argument "A woman is anyone who identifies as a woman" a miserable tautology. It's circular. It explains nothing. It does not even attempt to explain something. It dodges the issue entirely, yet still expects you to take it seriously. Asinine.
Logic is not the activist’s strong point.
As a liberal atheist, Matt Walsh has become one of my favourite people to follow this year. That says a lot.
No, you can't be something because you feel like you are. That is completely illogical. You are correct, ma'am
It makes me laugh that someone (obviously not a woman) thinks that cravings ang being more emotional equates to having a period. Forgetting totally about the bleeding, the cramps and the pain. Nevermind the bloating, headaches, nausea and many other symptoms that we have every month. To be honest cravings and overt emotions sounds more like post J session munchies to me.....
Oh my god, just had a great idea: self-identify as a pregnant woman for the next 30 years and enjoy the benefits of maternity leave!
sign me up lol
If the label "transphobic" means that I don't like being lied to and being told who to see how, then I accept the label. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and when they force me to see something I don't see (a man as a woman) I refuse to comply. If someone has the right to be delusional about being a woman, I have the right not to see him that way.
Sydney I salute you
I never really thought of it this way but I agree with you. I think this is also erasing masculinity and I feel that there has been concerted effort to erase masculinity from actual men for quite some time. If you think about it , most of the feminists you’ve met were probably the most masculine women you’ve ever met. And their husbands are the least masculine straight men you’ve ever met. Interesting but it’s exhausting.
They aren’t erasing masculinity at all. Instead they are making everyone masculine. Their is some effort to make men less masculine don’t get me wrong but let’s be real here. There’s way more push for women to be manlier with the guise of still calling it femininity and then erasing classic female behaviour and labeling it bad.
Basically they want everyone to be the same gender which is basically men. But not calling it masculinity.
Yes, yes and more yes. I considered myself a true feminist, but after meeting these gals, I did not want to be associated with the term anymore. Not only would they lose their minds when I mention the sexist issues MEN face in society and the horrible double standards of new wave feminism (isn't fighting for both men and women the whole point?), but they would question my choice to be with an Arab man, because he's as hetero as they come and doesn't subscribe to these norms? Ideas? I don't even know what to call it. On the other hand, their partners are the most submissive, passive gents I almost felt bad for them. I swear I have more testosterone than these guys! I 100% agree that this culture is trying to erase masculinity. Being raised by a typical Eastern European father and thinking about how safe I felt as a child, its scary to think of children not having such a support system. An entire generation with mommy/daddy issues is coming.
You are very right. If they are erasing women, it’s just as bad for men! And just and demeaning and just as upsetting.
Men are bashed constantly, traditional male behavioir is called “ toxic” and they ( Liberal Leftists) are trying to make those behaviors bad, and even in some cases criminal.
@@anja1410 In truth most women who identify as feminists are really just misandrists.
@@onegoodjoe Yes they really are and they're proud of it too! Scary 😦
I'm a gay man, and when I was in high-school (back in 2010), I started wearing makeup and girls clothes to school for a couple years. Back then we just called it cross-dressing or being 'androgynous', and not for ONE SECOND did I expect any of my classmates, family etc, to see me as a woman! Neither did any of the people i knew who cross-dressed. I intrinsically knew that my experience had nothing in common with that of a WOMAN, because how could it? These trans activists are a scourge on society, it's truly mindblowing how much traction they've gained in recent years.
im glad i heard that from you 🙏🏼
"what you want to do is appropriate women, appropriate womanhood, and turn it basically into a costume that can be worn"
there was a drag queen who said it best, "I'm a man in a dress, I'm a psychological Woman"
And this is what trans people say! lol
I do have a problem with that. You are a woman as long as you identify as one. You don't need a costume or surgeries.
@@kissme1518 No…you’re really not. That logic would say that if all biological males identified as women tonight at midnight then at 12:01 the planet 🌎 would b without any men. Billions of penises but no men! Sure…that’s logical! 😂😂
@@gruges2068 Good job trans people make up a small proportion of society, and there will literally never be a day where every man on the planet transitions to a woman. Stop producing ridiculous hypotheticals to excuse your transphobia.
The sad thing is, there are very limited spaces on the internet that you can express how you feel about how you were born without getting attacked :') I am a woman and feel like it erases all the pain experienced being a woman, all the misogyny against us, the fight for our rights. Many people who are trans I feel just make it impossible to express ourselves without hurting them in some form or another. I feel like womens rights are becoming reversed as more men are taking up our space... again. It's upsetting and we are just supposed to accept it.
Well too bad girl bc yknow the feminist(the third wave) like this
I’m really really glad I live on ‘TERF’ Island, as people are calling it, where we are trying to fight this crap, tooth and nail as we say. Keep up the good work Syd.
I love that Sweet Daddy Walsh is getting so much publicity out of this. It's basically the same stuff he says every day on his show: Reality and truth exist whether or not you approve of them. Sweet Baby Gang for life.
PS: Daily reminder to put your damn shopping carts back.
Yes to every friking thing here..... lmfao. Including that last bit.
Personal Accountabilty is not that hard. . .
what is a woman?
easy, female human.
In the future this will be viewed as the most ridiculous time in history. Where billions of people were bamboozled by the fringe few.
They don't want equality, debate or recognition. Just attention, worship and never being questioned.
And they get none from me, if they force attention they get to pick up their teeth.
Hey! I'm a woman with mild gender dysphoria. If "woman" is nothing, I guess I should go ahead and let go of all my unease at being one. Phew! What a relief. I have a question though... Currently I'm leaking iron, and it hurts in my tummy box. What is happening to me? Am I going to die?!!
the term gender dysphoria is offensive because there are no genders
I don't know how old you are but there've been a lot of observations of a recent sudden spike in "gender dysphoria" among teen girls. Back in my day this was just a teen phase where girls were adapting to their changing bodies as well as becoming more aware of the societal reactions to their more adult-like feminine appearance and the pressures of beauty standards, attractiveness etc. Then we grew up and got our bearings. Now, I suspect, girls experience this same phenomenon and think this is what is meant my gender dysphoria, confusing themselves into thinking they do not "identify as" a woman...? Ugh... But if a woman is whatever you want it to be then, as you rightly say, there can't be any dysphoria, so that's great news!
We all die eventually but do see a doctor of some kind.
The LGBTQ community is messing up big time with this issue. You can't erase/insult women and expect any kind of support in return.
If that's true why aren't the other swimmers staying on the starting blocks?
Kind of a weird world when "woman" and "biological woman" mean two different things....
I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m sick of ppl hijacking my gender snd making a mockery of it. I’ve been suffering through womanhood since 12yrs old. It’s way more than wearing a dress and slapping on a gloss.
Sydney .. our voice of reason in this clusterfk we're in.
The "trauma" they experienced after the show tells me everything I need to know. They are broken people.
Their "gender" is a veil to hide how much they hate themselves and desperately want to be someone else then work on who they are. It's easier.
They stepped outside their epistemic bubble and discovered they don't have the intelligence or reasoning to defend their position and weren't treated with the overwhelming acceptance and adoration they expected.
I had to take a moment to thank you for your videos. You help keep me sane 😊. I am an old school feminist and this entire issue makes me crazy. I am so happy more young women,like yourself, are starting to speak out on this. Thank you for helping me to find some humor along the way. ❤
To me it basically boils down to this.... Parts of society are bolstering the delusions of some of the emotionally and mentally disturbed members of society. I find it disheartening and despicable. It would be like telling someone that is going to jump of a building to see if they could fly, "Of course you can. Spread your wings and soar."
Great articulation of the issue. Spot on
@@maloriejohnson8373 thanks
so instead you encourage them to jump off a building because theyre mentally insane? There are 2 sides to this coin and neither side is good
@@TheWorldEnd2 ?
My experience is that the ones I know who claim a different gender identity being born male or female had significant trauma in their lives. That they need mental health counseling and this is a maladaptive coping mechanism for internal issues. The fact society is allowing this is concerning. Be open and understanding to mental health but still have boundaries. You wouldn't allow someone with anger issues to break everything you own so why would you allow people to redo hospital sheets to now be "what do you identify as?" and "what gender were you born as?" . NO!
It’s funny, the moment the long haired NB activist responded to Matt’s definition of women, i knew immediately what their argument was going to be. It’s NPC dialogue, activists all seem to read from the same script.
Yes "they" all do the same thing and respond with the same words and actions, just like a programmed NPC because that is what they are. These people has been brainwashed and programmed, that is why they do and act the same so they are in fact real life NpC´s...
It’s really interesting to me that it’s usually male-to-female transgender people or biological males who identify as something else always heading this discussion.
Yes. Because they are men.
I will not generalize men, but most men are easier at putting their needs before others without feeling any burden. Most women keep themselves to themselves, feel that they can't take the lead without first proving themselves. This is also what creates the so called wage-gap: men demand raises more easily then women, hence they can eventually make more money for semi-the same job.
These men show this male aspect: they demand their place. They are in every aspect of their behaviour still men, hence the way they take the spotlight with more ease.
Almost every trans man I have seen keeps the reserved and shy-er attitude that women have. Even though many trans claim to be the other sex, in 99% of the cases their behaviour and attitude shows their actual biology..
@@MddHound that’s why Ethan didn’t say much
@@MddHound Your comment is provocative, as in it’s provoking thoughts. I appreciate you.
Men aren't remotely threatened by female to male trans people, because women are essentially not dangerous. So men have no need to defend their actual or ideological territory.
Remember. This gynocentric society deems women as good and men as evil. So men are attacked in every corner, no matter what.