I was looking for advice about how to play with black against the Bird's opening and this content has been very helpful. At 4:18 when white plays the bad move Ne5, rather than taking the knight and exchanging queens, black is winning with Qxh4+. Stockfish gives -6.54. I'm not a master like yourself, but, following the engine line, it looks like black gets to castle queen side and develop quickly while white's position remains cramped and white lost his rights to castle because after the check, white's king goes to d2. This also creates a potential target if black's rook ends up on the d file skewering the king and queen.
I think developing the knight to F6 and then move it to E4 next might be okay? Another 'anti bird defense' I recently discovered is the Langheld gambit ✌️
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Kings Gambit
I was looking for advice about how to play with black against the Bird's opening and this content has been very helpful.
At 4:18 when white plays the bad move Ne5, rather than taking the knight and exchanging queens, black is winning with Qxh4+. Stockfish gives -6.54. I'm not a master like yourself, but, following the engine line, it looks like black gets to castle queen side and develop quickly while white's position remains cramped and white lost his rights to castle because after the check, white's king goes to d2. This also creates a potential target if black's rook ends up on the d file skewering the king and queen.
Fantastic video! I killed this opening (Birds) after watching this!
At 4:14 White move Bg5 instead of taking pawn on h4 or advance pawn on g4.....
What if my opponent is Henry Bird himself and knows all the traps? How will I win? :(((((
Henry bird probably didn’t know all these traps, he didn’t play this opening too often himself
Love it. But. For white players that REALLY know what they're doing, there must be better lines.
The strongest Gambit is From's Gambit. You can checkmate a strong player in 5 moves.
1st yay
when black moves pawn to e 4 white takes and the black moves pawn to d3 and then white moves queens pawn to d4?
I think developing the knight to F6 and then move it to E4 next might be okay? Another 'anti bird defense' I recently discovered is the Langheld gambit ✌️
You're black, idiots
You're black, idiots
You're black, idiots
You're black, idiots