Can u help me ? I get bluescreen mostly while gaming,I clean the fan and then everything is alright for 10-20 days then the bluescreen returns and I do the same.Why it bluescreens
Leave the side cover off will help run cooler, maybe you need a better video card or maybe if your video card is not built into the board, you can get a better fan for the card. Your blue screen is most likely being caused by overheating. Good Luck
Drake Darkstar Yeah, well if you have a built in (onboard) video then there will be another chip about the size of a silver dollar, make sure that chip is clean using a tiny bit of rubbing alcohol. one little fingerprint will create heat. also make sure the heat sink behind the cooling fan for the processor is clean. maybe get a can of air.
Well I looked for the videocard and I think I found it,also I clean the heat sink and the fan of the processor along with the PSU fan but not that much ,because I don't have can of air,I don't think they are for sale in my country,but I can always use the old way.What is a rubbing alcohol?
Thanks to this video, I was able to fix the problem with our Dell Inspiron 1750. Kept getting the blue screen, and I had no idea what to do. The problem turned out to be with the Symantec Endpoint Protection program!! Got rid of it, and now the laptop works great so far! Thank you so much!!
Mine won't even open in safe mode. :( It starts to, but then just throws me back to normal start up, and either a black screen or this BSOD!! Don't have the disc it came with or another computer - at my wits end here!!???
Ended up having to 'restore to factory settings'. Was the only way around this!! Have had a lot of trouble with it crashing and running slowly since, but I'm starting to sort it out now and it's running a bit better.
this guy knows exactly what he is saying he is very wise he knows computers and he knows how to operate and fix blue screen of death and I appreciate your help thank you so much sir you guys have a good day hopefully this all works for you
I just wanted to take the time to thank you for your help. The video actually helped me to get passed the blue screen that my computer kept having, and now I saved all my files before it goes down again. Hopefully not soon! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!
This is really happening to me for over 2 months now and I didn't even bother when it comes to gaming I'm starting to bother the crash I was gonna head over to PC Express where I bought my computer but then suddenly I didn't give up hope finding a fix for this and this came up thank you very much for this helpful video!
A continued beep is usually a problem with the video device. if it is a separate video card try making sure it is seated in the connection to the board well, push down toward the motherboard and wiggle it back and forth slightly. if it is an on-board video make sure the memory sticks are plugged in (seated) well. could also be a build up of dust in your machine, it tends to build up around the memory and cpu fan.
If you have an nvidia card they have a good scan on the website that will give you the latest driver, if it is an ATI card you will have to look under support and drivers for the latest version. You could also make sure you exit out of all other running programs before you play, and if your running norton for anti virus it can mess you up.
This was a very informative video. I would offer this ... Instead of just deleting the file then going to the trash to delete it again if you hold the shift key & press delete it will save you the task of deleting the file a 2nd time.
While at the safe mode screen try the option for (last know good configuration) this That error is because a file in the configuration is messed up (corrupt) if you could run a system restore you could be fixed but if it will not start even in safe mode than you may have to run a complete repair install of your operating system or you could place your hard drive into a working pc as a secondary drive and run a scan on it using chkdsk.
That error usually occurs when you have a problem with your registry files. try running a chkdsk scan on your system. go into my computer and right click on Local Disk or C:\ drive, choose properties, go into the tools tab and click on error checking. check the setting to auto fix bad sectors, it will ask you to restart and then it will run the scan.
If you can start up in safe mode you could create a new user account then start normal and go into that new account, if you can not do that then you may need to reinstall windows, you could try using the F10 or F11 key when you first turn it on that may bring up a recovery options.
Usually a bad device, could be graphics or network, audio etc. try upgrading your video driver and then move onto sound device, you may get lucky and simply starting in safe mode and then restart normal can fix registry problems.
Thank you for the reply! Although I figured out what the problem was. I opened the side of my computer and everything was covered in dust, not a little, there was like mountains of the stuff, it was choking up the motherboard. So I cleaned it out, switchted it on, works perfectly! yay!
Use F8 to get to the safe mode option screen, when you are there you should see an option to turn off or disable the auto restart feature, then the blue screen will stay up.
No, When you open or run programs they are temporarily stored in your memory, when a pc crashes or is shut down it dumps programs out of memory so you DON'T lose data.
You will have to read your stop error code on the blue screen and google it for more info, but it sounds like it could be overheating, make sure your fans are clean, and the inside is free from dust.
Also if it says unmountable boot volume, then your hard drive may be bad, also you will have to connect your hard drive to a working computer using a usb connector and let it scan the drive for errors, using chkdsk utility, that will fix most errors.
some trojans, viruses also put files in the registry---sooo check that out also and when searching-go to control panel-open folder options then uncheck"hide system folders and protected operating systems"--that way your search will be more complete--run the search after that--delete the trojan--then go back to control panel---folder options and set all back to "default'--ty and gl
You have to read the stop error code at the bottom and see if it list a file name near the top or a possible cause, then google the stop error code for more info
sometimes your keyboard will not work to access safe mode if it is a usb keyboard. you may need to check your hard drive cable make sure it is plugged in good or put your hard drive into a working pc and run a chkdsk scan on it. you can use a usb adapter.
That is usually a hardware problem, Un able to tell what device may be bad or driver. does it say anything at the top of the blue screen like a file name or a cause? you may get lucky and just run a chkdsk scan. GO into My Computer, right click on your c:\ drive or local disk, choose properties, then click on the tools tab and choose the error checking option, choose to auto fix bad sectors. it may ask you to restart before the scan.
It could be that your pc is getting to hot, check for a dust build up on your cooling fans inside the pc. if it is clean and still does it then see if there is an updated driver for your video.
This problem may occur if there is a conflict between Windows XP SP1 and the display adapter drivers that are currently installed. To resolve this problem, start your computer in Safe mode, remove the display adapter, rename the .inf files that are associated with the display adapter drivers, restart your computer in Normal mode, and then update your display adapter drivers. With BSOD you need to take a closer look on the error code I noticed the code is: 0x00000050 from here you can search it on the web. Result coming from Microsoft is accurate that resolve the issue.
While you are at the safe mode option screen look for a setting to turn off (auto restart) then the blue screen will stay up so you can read the stop error code, then you can investigate further,
go into My Computer, right click on your c:\ drive or local disk, choose properties, then click on the tools tab and choose the error checking option, choose to auto fix bad sectors. it may ask you to restart before the scan
on your blue screen it should list a file name near the top, you would want to start up in safe mode and delete that file, also using msconfig you may be able to turn the program off causing the problem.
Sounds like you need to scan the hard drive, start up in safe mode and login, go into My Computer, right click on your c:\ drive or local disk, choose properties, then click on the tools tab and choose the error checking option, choose to auto fix bad sectors. it may ask you to restart before the scan.
You need to re install your video driver, download it from the website of who made your pc, like dell or hp etc. you might also look under windows update in the optional category.
Your hard drive is either going bad or just the software is corrupt, but your PC can not read it properly, you could place your hard drive into a working pc as a secondary drive using a usb connector or plug it into the cdrom cable inside. and run a chkdsk scan. the working PC will most likely scan and repair it automatically.
Thank you for your help. I installed firefox and it messed up my drivers. after watching this video i was able to choose another option to reset my sytem to an earlier date and it took the blue screen away. Thanks again.
First I would install the latest windows media player, 11 I think, and make sure your pc is clean inside from dust, clean all the fan blades. if those are clean then try swapping out your memory, also read the stop error code at the bottom of the blue screen and google it for more info.
While you are at the safe mode screen look fro the option to turn off auto restart, then you can read the blue screen and tell me what it says for a stop error code and if it list a file name at the top or a cause. if that is not the problem then make sure your cooling fans are clean it could be just overheating.
Try to boot it up from a usb pen that contains something like Ubuntu and if it works that way, your problem is one of the following: 1. HDD/SSD broken (check for SMART status in the BIOS) 2. Problems with your Windows CD/instalation/... If it's 2 the answer is obvious: Format and reinstall! (try to use the linux pendrive to format completely!)
While you at the safe mode screen look for the option to turn off or disable the auto restart feature, then your blue screen will stay up and you can read the stop error code.
You must have been missing the standard vga driver, which you need anyway even with the other one, so your blue screen may be fixed, you will have to go to the website of who made your pc, look under support and downloads for your new driver, or if it is an nvidia card go to there website and they have a scan that will give you the latest driver.
I got it on my win 2000 and i had to buy a new computer to fix it by your video thank you but we have a new aswell now so anyway thanks a lot for your help
If now(two weeks later) you still have this, then it would be a defective driver, overheating CPU, or something to do with the power supply which somebody else pointed out.
I get all kinds of blue screens, sometimes not for a week. But recently after turning my computer on it just crashes in like 1 minutes. I've installed windows completely once and it still blue screened. It's pretty random when it comes, sometimes when watching a stream from the internet or a video, sometimes when I play a game. It's really annoying especially when you're playing a game like League of legends where you must play the hole game before ending it. Thanks if you even read this :)
Thanks alot. The thing I needed to do was like this, Uninstal my graphicscard(geforce gt msi 610} reboot my computer he askedfor an update of the latsest version I installed it and now !! My p work GREAT!! again thank you very much :) PS. it was on windows 7 64 -bit
Thanks for the reply. So you're saying that this "Blue Screen" is not a virus and therefore it's safe for me to use my computer freely? Btw, i think the problem was something i have recently installed, because i used the "Restore my computer to an earlier time". I think that's the reason. Maybe.
You can prove it to yourself (not recommended) by pulling out a RAM stick while your PC is on. You'll get the BSOD cause the PC recognises that something's wrong with the RAM setup. Whether it's different brands/types in the same channel, or pulling one out while the PC is on, the same principle is at play.
That code leads to a problem with the hard drive, you need to scan it for errors, if you cant start the pc even in safe mode than you will need to put your hard drive into a working pc and let that pc scan it. if you can get a hold of a usb adapter then hook it up that way is best.
Sounds like it could be a new software or device you have recently installed, or it could just need to be cleaned maybe the cooling fans are dirty.. buy a can of air. if it happens again write down the stop error code near the bottom of the blue screen.
It may or may not be bad but it does indicate a problem, Next time the blue screen comes up, read the top portion and see if it list a file name and a cause, and read the stop error code at the bottom. I need to know what it says to help further.
Start up in safe mode. create a new user account and start up normal then log into that new account. Your system registry is most likely messed up, a new user account may work where the old one will not.
You will have to connect your hard drive to a working PC either with a usb adapter cable or plug it directly into the working pc's cdrom cable, and manually delete the file tcpip.sys and let the working pc scan your hard drive with chkdsk. and all will be well . or reinstall windows.
you will not lose all yoru data if when you run the reinstall you choose the REPAIR option, I assume you are running XP? if so it will search for a previous version already installed and give you the option to repair it.
I concur with BetaFlux. Having a lot of crap on your hdd will not cause it to BS. Save your vids, pics and docs on a removable usb drive, then do some hdd maintenance. Make sure you have M$'s M.S.E. installed and also run the M$ Malicious Software Removal tool. After that, open my comp, rt click on your C drive and select tools. Then run the error check utility. Also run defrag. You will also want to run disc cleanup. After this, if your still having trouble, you'll have to start diag ondrivers.
Having a bunch of crap saved will slow your system down but should not cause a blue screen unless your hard drive is going bad, what does your stop error code read on the blue screen? that will help track down the root cause.
If you are reforamating and the bsod pops: it's the cd's problem (if you bought a scratched cd get a pirate install and use your serial number - technically your doing it by the book). Reparing is another matter... Make a backup and reformat if you keep getting the bsod!
I uninstalled the video driver in this video because in the computer I used to show this had the video driver causing the problem. it was listed in the blue screen, your blue screen may list a different file name.
I had a trojan from a porn site called pornswift & I got the blue screen of poo.I've never typed in a porn site.I just did a factory reset & am hoping it sticks.So far it's ok. I had to do it twice to get sp1.Good video BetaFlux.I like how you get straight to the point in your video's w/out yaking about unneces-scary bs through out them.I'm subbing.Hi safe mode people! Do a factory reset & get out.I did it in safe mode w/networking.To heck w/it! lol
reboot is automaticaly. I recommend updating drivers and or software. Checking your RAM with different software and doing a HDD check. Contact the company that build the pc or motherboard for more info they help you out more then i can.
guys..that may be possibly problems occured in RAM, hard disk bad sectors and sometimes some system file corruption in C: drive... so u need to check ur harddisk using tuneup utilities or some recovery tools...more than that reinstall OS...or simply check RAM replaciing working fren'z RAM....
Your hard drive is most likely dying, check the cables but you will most likely have to read your hard drive from a working pc using a usb adapter or plug it into the working pc's cd rom cable you mite be able to get your data from it.
Win7 I have three hard drives in my computer and all had the same problem, it took me a long time to find the cause, I had run the memory test several time it said no problem, in the end I decided to remove the silver battery short out across the terminals put in new one, when I started it up it checked the memory in a different way and said there was a problem with one of my memory strips even told me which one, removed that memory, I do have 4 in there, haven't had the problem since.
Your pc can not find your hard drive, you will need to check your hard drive cable make sure it is plugged in good ro put your hard drive into a working pc and run a chkdsk scan on it. you can use a usb adapter.
This seems to be the only video I can find that addresses how to repair BSOD. A few months ago, I found a video of yours that was about 9 or so minutes long that worked for me but I can't find it on here. I have the BSOD after updating to Free AVG 2013. Any suggestions? Thanks
if you are running windows 7 just hold F8 while the system is booting , it will lead you to advance booting screen and just choose the last known good configuration and it will run smooth like it never happened :D worked for me
meaning early this morning between 11pm and 2am of Thursday this morning 10 10 13 allow your computer to do the work you do not need too force F8 when you see to please start up regularly you will need too hit hit repairs for reinstalling restoring your computer this make take a couple of hours do not turn off the computer until it has restore windows and files completely sucessful
Well I'm kind of wondering if one of your external devices are causing the blue screen if its happening with both computers, sometimes a bad usb cable like the one going to a printer can cause your pc to crash. could even be the monitor cable or keyboard. let me know what the stop error code is on the blue screen if you get it again.
Wow. 2006...
Can u help me ? I get bluescreen mostly while gaming,I clean the fan and then everything is alright for 10-20 days then the bluescreen returns and I do the same.Why it bluescreens
Leave the side cover off will help run cooler, maybe you need a better video card or maybe if your video card is not built into the board, you can get a better fan for the card. Your blue screen is most likely being caused by overheating. Good Luck
BetaFlux Thanks
BetaFlux but my videocard is built in the motherboard what do I do?
Drake Darkstar Yeah, well if you have a built in (onboard) video then there will be another chip about the size of a silver dollar, make sure that chip is clean using a tiny bit of rubbing alcohol. one little fingerprint will create heat. also make sure the heat sink behind the cooling fan for the processor is clean. maybe get a can of air.
Well I looked for the videocard and I think I found it,also I clean the heat sink and the fan of the processor along with the PSU fan but not that much ,because I don't have can of air,I don't think they are for sale in my country,but I can always use the old way.What is a rubbing alcohol?
Thanks to this video, I was able to fix the problem with our Dell Inspiron 1750. Kept getting the blue screen, and I had no idea what to do. The problem turned out to be with the Symantec Endpoint Protection program!! Got rid of it, and now the laptop works great so far! Thank you so much!!
When I choose safe mode it goes back to the blue error screen, please help
Mobile app 😝 You’re six years too late
OMGPandaYT Pretty sure it was my parents PC I was helping them fix, I got it runnin good 👏🏻
Mine won't even open in safe mode. :( It starts to, but then just throws me back to normal start up, and either a black screen or this BSOD!! Don't have the disc it came with or another computer - at my wits end here!!???
Ended up having to 'restore to factory settings'. Was the only way around this!! Have had a lot of trouble with it crashing and running slowly since, but I'm starting to sort it out now and it's running a bit better.
How do you restor it to factory settings I want to try that and see if it works
This is like Discovering An Untouched Historical Monument, That has been Sitting for Ages:)
wow. it is 2016 entering 2017.
this guy knows exactly what he is saying he is very wise he knows computers and he knows how to operate and fix blue screen of death and I appreciate your help thank you so much sir you guys have a good day hopefully this all works for you
I just wanted to take the time to thank you for your help. The video actually helped me to get passed the blue screen that my computer kept having, and now I saved all my files before it goes down again. Hopefully not soon!
Thank you thank you thank you!!!!
This is really happening to me for over 2 months now and I didn't even bother when it comes to gaming I'm starting to bother the crash I was gonna head over to PC Express where I bought my computer but then suddenly I didn't give up hope finding a fix for this and this came up thank you very much for this helpful video!
Thanks a lot . I restored my system because of your video . Even Microsoft site couldn't helped me out .
Thank you so much! My computer was stuck for a 7 weeks I was looking and looking for videos then i found you thank god!
This was the most helpful video on blue screen i have ever seen or could hope for. Thank you kind Sir.
this is the most helpful BSOD fix video i have seen so far.thank you!!
Dark Lord Azazel
A continued beep is usually a problem with the video device. if it is a separate video card try making sure it is seated in the connection to the board well, push down toward the motherboard and wiggle it back and forth slightly. if it is an on-board video make sure the memory sticks are plugged in (seated) well. could also be a build up of dust in your machine, it tends to build up around the memory and cpu fan.
If you have an nvidia card they have a good scan on the website that will give you the latest driver, if it is an ATI card you will have to look under support and drivers for the latest version. You could also make sure you exit out of all other running programs before you play, and if your running norton for anti virus it can mess you up.
Terrific video, even a while after posting. Thank you for doing so :-)
This was a very informative video. I would offer this ... Instead of just deleting the file then going to the trash to delete it again if you hold the shift key & press delete it will save you the task of deleting the file a 2nd time.
While at the safe mode screen try the option for (last know good configuration) this That error is because a file in the configuration is messed up (corrupt) if you could run a system restore you could be fixed but if it will not start even in safe mode than you may have to run a complete repair install of your operating system or you could place your hard drive into a working pc as a secondary drive and run a scan on it using chkdsk.
That error usually occurs when you have a problem with your registry files. try running a chkdsk scan on your system. go into my computer and right click on Local Disk or C:\ drive, choose properties, go into the tools tab and click on error checking. check the setting to auto fix bad sectors, it will ask you to restart and then it will run the scan.
If you can start up in safe mode you could create a new user account then start normal and go into that new account, if you can not do that then you may need to reinstall windows, you could try using the F10 or F11 key when you first turn it on that may bring up a recovery options.
Thanks a million Betaflux for a great tutorial, you rock!!!
Usually a bad device, could be graphics or network, audio etc. try upgrading your video driver and then move onto sound device, you may get lucky and simply starting in safe mode and then restart normal can fix registry problems.
Thank you for the reply! Although I figured out what the problem was. I opened the side of my computer and everything was covered in dust, not a little, there was like mountains of the stuff, it was choking up the motherboard. So I cleaned it out, switchted it on, works perfectly! yay!
thanks a lot cuz i fixed my computer becuz of your video, if u didnt post this video i wont be typing this right now.
this really helped alot thanks bro, this fixed all my problems and my pc is now working perfect thanxs so much man much appreciated
I watched the video a bit kept pressing f8 then I figured it out! THANK YOU SO MUCH :)
If you can't get the computer to start anything, or open in safe mode, you may need to replace the processor. Worked with me.
If not try replacing the RAM, it may be corrupted or to small to load your computer.
how do u replace ram plz.?
Use F8 to get to the safe mode option screen, when you are there you should see an option to turn off or disable the auto restart feature, then the blue screen will stay up.
No, When you open or run programs they are temporarily stored in your memory, when a pc crashes or is shut down it dumps programs out of memory so you DON'T lose data.
You will have to read your stop error code on the blue screen and google it for more info, but it sounds like it could be overheating, make sure your fans are clean, and the inside is free from dust.
check this video this guy is glowing up you might like it
you have to take the side cover off and use a soft paint brush to clean the blades, get a can of air to clean the rest.
Thank you !!!! Thank you !!!! Thank you !!!! Could not have fixed this without ya! i am VERY appreciative of your video!!
Also if it says unmountable boot volume, then your hard drive may be bad, also you will have to connect your hard drive to a working computer using a usb connector and let it scan the drive for errors, using chkdsk utility, that will fix most errors.
some trojans, viruses also put files in the registry---sooo check that out also and when searching-go to control panel-open folder options then uncheck"hide system folders and protected operating systems"--that way your search will be more complete--run the search after that--delete the trojan--then go back to control panel---folder options and set all back to "default'--ty and gl
That depends on what your blue screen says, the stop error code at the bottom and if it list a cause or file name near the top.
You have to read the stop error code at the bottom and see if it list a file name near the top or a possible cause, then google the stop error code for more info
sometimes your keyboard will not work to access safe mode if it is a usb keyboard. you may need to check your hard drive cable make sure it is plugged in good or put your hard drive into a working pc and run a chkdsk scan on it. you can use a usb adapter.
That is usually a hardware problem, Un able to tell what device may be bad or driver. does it say anything at the top of the blue screen like a file name or a cause? you may get lucky and just run a chkdsk scan. GO into My Computer, right click on your c:\ drive or local disk, choose properties, then click on the tools tab and choose the error checking option, choose to auto fix bad sectors. it may ask you to restart before the scan.
It could be that your pc is getting to hot, check for a dust build up on your cooling fans inside the pc. if it is clean and still does it then see if there is an updated driver for your video.
YESSS You're right I think it's about Motherboard stuff. After I re-install video driver it's work great ! thank you very much
This problem may occur if there is a conflict between Windows XP SP1 and the display adapter drivers that are currently installed.
To resolve this problem, start your computer in Safe mode, remove the display adapter, rename the .inf files that are associated with the display adapter drivers, restart your computer in Normal mode, and then update your display adapter drivers.
With BSOD you need to take a closer look on the error code I noticed the code is: 0x00000050 from here you can search it on the web. Result coming from Microsoft is accurate that resolve the issue.
While you are at the safe mode option screen look for a setting to turn off (auto restart) then the blue screen will stay up so you can read the stop error code, then you can investigate further,
go into My Computer, right click on your c:\ drive or local disk, choose properties, then click on the tools tab and choose the error checking option, choose to auto fix bad sectors. it may ask you to restart before the scan
on your blue screen it should list a file name near the top, you would want to start up in safe mode and delete that file, also using msconfig you may be able to turn the program off causing the problem.
Sounds like you need to scan the hard drive, start up in safe mode and login, go into My Computer, right click on your c:\ drive or local disk, choose properties, then click on the tools tab and choose the error checking option, choose to auto fix bad sectors. it may ask you to restart before the scan.
You need to re install your video driver, download it from the website of who made your pc, like dell or hp etc. you might also look under windows update in the optional category.
Your hard drive is either going bad or just the software is corrupt, but your PC can not read it properly, you could place your hard drive into a working pc as a secondary drive using a usb connector or plug it into the cdrom cable inside. and run a chkdsk scan. the working PC will most likely scan and repair it automatically.
Thank you for your help. I installed firefox and it messed up my drivers. after watching this video i was able to choose another option to reset my sytem to an earlier date and it took the blue screen away. Thanks again.
First I would install the latest windows media player, 11 I think, and make sure your pc is clean inside from dust, clean all the fan blades. if those are clean then try swapping out your memory, also read the stop error code at the bottom of the blue screen and google it for more info.
I don't know if this is too much but can you do the same video with subtitles? It helps me to follow the direction and read them at the same time.
While you are at the safe mode screen look fro the option to turn off auto restart, then you can read the blue screen and tell me what it says for a stop error code and if it list a file name at the top or a cause. if that is not the problem then make sure your cooling fans are clean it could be just overheating.
Try to boot it up from a usb pen that contains something like Ubuntu and if it works that way, your problem is one of the following:
1. HDD/SSD broken (check for SMART status in the BIOS)
2. Problems with your Windows CD/instalation/...
If it's 2 the answer is obvious: Format and reinstall! (try to use the linux pendrive to format completely!)
While you at the safe mode screen look for the option to turn off or disable the auto restart feature, then your blue screen will stay up and you can read the stop error code.
You must have been missing the standard vga driver, which you need anyway even with the other one, so your blue screen may be fixed, you will have to go to the website of who made your pc, look under support and downloads for your new driver, or if it is an nvidia card go to there website and they have a scan that will give you the latest driver.
I got it on my win 2000 and i had to buy a new computer to fix it by your video thank you but we have a new aswell now so anyway thanks a lot for your help
thanks helped me as i removed my dysplay driver in safe mode it sorted my problem.
Great video! My studio tower just bluescreened on me for the first time, so I hope I can fix it like this. Thanks!
If now(two weeks later) you still have this, then it would be a defective driver, overheating CPU, or something to do with the power supply which somebody else pointed out.
I get all kinds of blue screens, sometimes not for a week. But recently after turning my computer on it just crashes in like 1 minutes. I've installed windows completely once and it still blue screened. It's pretty random when it comes, sometimes when watching a stream from the internet or a video, sometimes when I play a game. It's really annoying especially when you're playing a game like League of legends where you must play the hole game before ending it.
Thanks if you even read this :)
I think that may be an error with your display device!
Check whether you monitor is alright or not
Thanks alot. The thing I needed to do was like this, Uninstal my graphicscard(geforce gt msi 610} reboot my computer he askedfor an update of the latsest version I installed it and now !! My p work GREAT!! again thank you very much :) PS. it was on windows 7 64 -bit
Thanks for the reply. So you're saying that this "Blue Screen" is not a virus and therefore it's safe for me to use my computer freely?
Btw, i think the problem was something i have recently installed, because i used the "Restore my computer to an earlier time". I think that's the reason. Maybe.
That depends on what your problem is, what does the blue screen say for a stop error code at the bottom and does it list a file name at the top
You can prove it to yourself (not recommended) by pulling out a RAM stick while your PC is on. You'll get the BSOD cause the PC recognises that something's wrong with the RAM setup. Whether it's different brands/types in the same channel, or pulling one out while the PC is on, the same principle is at play.
Bad memory, could be just a build up of dust around your memory stick (module) if you have more than one stick of memory try taking one out at a time.
Also, I have another system that occasionally hijacks my search engine when i click a result. I don't have money to fix this! Thanks for your help!
That code leads to a problem with the hard drive, you need to scan it for errors, if you cant start the pc even in safe mode than you will need to put your hard drive into a working pc and let that pc scan it. if you can get a hold of a usb adapter then hook it up that way is best.
Sounds like it could be a new software or device you have recently installed, or it could just need to be cleaned maybe the cooling fans are dirty.. buy a can of air. if it happens again write down the stop error code near the bottom of the blue screen.
It may or may not be bad but it does indicate a problem, Next time the blue screen comes up, read the top portion and see if it list a file name and a cause, and read the stop error code at the bottom. I need to know what it says to help further.
Start up in safe mode. create a new user account and start up normal then log into that new account. Your system registry is most likely messed up, a new user account may work where the old one will not.
You will have to connect your hard drive to a working PC either with a usb adapter cable or plug it directly into the working pc's cdrom cable, and manually delete the file tcpip.sys and let the working pc scan your hard drive with chkdsk. and all will be well . or reinstall windows.
Depends on what problem you have, Some might be in the windows, tho it can be a hardware problem : ) But yes you can.
you will not lose all yoru data if when you run the reinstall you choose the REPAIR option, I assume you are running XP? if so it will search for a previous version already installed and give you the option to repair it.
Try going to windows update and see if there is a new driver for your network driver, look under optional drivers.
I concur with BetaFlux. Having a lot of crap on your hdd will not cause it to BS. Save your vids, pics and docs on a removable usb drive, then do some hdd maintenance. Make sure you have M$'s M.S.E. installed and also run the M$ Malicious Software Removal tool. After that, open my comp, rt click on your C drive and select tools. Then run the error check utility. Also run defrag. You will also want to run disc cleanup. After this, if your still having trouble, you'll have to start diag ondrivers.
Having a bunch of crap saved will slow your system down but should not cause a blue screen unless your hard drive is going bad, what does your stop error code read on the blue screen? that will help track down the root cause.
If you are reforamating and the bsod pops: it's the cd's problem (if you bought a scratched cd get a pirate install and use your serial number - technically your doing it by the book). Reparing is another matter... Make a backup and reformat if you keep getting the bsod!
you will have to google your stop error code to get more info on your blue screen also it may list a file name near the top or a cause
You will have to reinstall windows or put your hard drive into a working computer using a usb adapter cord to run a chkdsk scan on it.
I uninstalled the video driver in this video because in the computer I used to show this had the video driver causing the problem. it was listed in the blue screen, your blue screen may list a different file name.
I had a trojan from a porn site called pornswift & I got the blue screen of poo.I've never typed in a porn site.I just did a factory reset & am hoping it sticks.So far it's ok. I had to do it twice to get sp1.Good video BetaFlux.I like how you get straight to the point in your video's w/out yaking about unneces-scary bs through out them.I'm subbing.Hi safe mode people! Do a factory reset & get out.I did it in safe mode w/networking.To heck w/it! lol
reboot is automaticaly. I recommend updating drivers and or software. Checking your RAM with different software and doing a HDD check. Contact the company that build the pc or motherboard for more info they help you out more then i can.
when you are at the safe mode option screen look fro the option to turn off auto restart, then you can read your blue screen stop error code
You Are A Very Very Very Big Genius man
yes thats right so when you restart it will run. it should ask you if thats what you want to do.
guys..that may be possibly problems occured in RAM, hard disk bad sectors and sometimes some system file corruption in C: drive... so u need to check ur harddisk using tuneup utilities or some recovery tools...more than that reinstall OS...or simply check RAM replaciing working fren'z RAM....
Your hard drive is most likely dying, check the cables but you will most likely have to read your hard drive from a working pc using a usb adapter or plug it into the working pc's cd rom cable you mite be able to get your data from it.
Win7 I have three hard drives in my computer and all had the same problem, it took me a long time to find the cause, I had run the memory test several time it said no problem, in the end I decided to remove the silver battery short out across the terminals put in new one, when I started it up it checked the memory in a different way and said there was a problem with one of my memory strips even told me which one, removed that memory, I do have 4 in there, haven't had the problem since.
Your pc can not find your hard drive, you will need to check your hard drive cable make sure it is plugged in good ro put your hard drive into a working pc and run a chkdsk scan on it. you can use a usb adapter.
Go into the safe mode option screen, look for the option to turn off or disable the auto restart feature. then the blue screen will stay up.
if there is no file name listed then it may not be a file, it may be an error, read the stop error at the bottom and research that.
This seems to be the only video I can find that addresses how to repair BSOD. A few months ago, I found a video of yours that was about 9 or so minutes long that worked for me but I can't find it on here. I have the BSOD after updating to Free AVG 2013. Any suggestions?
if you are running windows 7 just hold F8 while the system is booting , it will lead you to advance booting screen and just choose the last known good configuration and it will run smooth like it never happened :D worked for me
Was it brand new? most likely had a bad memory stick or hard drive, you should be fine once they fix it.
I dont like Norton, and it tends to slow your system down, I would install the free edition of avast anti virus and run a scan with that.
meaning early this morning between 11pm and 2am of Thursday this morning 10 10 13 allow your computer to do the work you do not need too force F8 when you see to please start up regularly you will need too hit hit repairs for reinstalling restoring your computer this make take a couple of hours do not turn off the computer until it has restore windows and files completely sucessful
Actually in one blue screen, there was a file reference ntfs.sys. I'm guessing this is the damage to the file structure you mentioned.
Well I'm kind of wondering if one of your external devices are causing the blue screen if its happening with both computers, sometimes a bad usb cable like the one going to a printer can cause your pc to crash. could even be the monitor cable or keyboard. let me know what the stop error code is on the blue screen if you get it again.