The Unicorn Gundam design won it for me. It made the idea of a plain white mobile suit look cool. It had a unique transformation, abandoning the usual jet to robot mode. It had one of the most emotional and badass reveals of all Gundams. It stood out with its height and destructive power. It changes lights like a Xmas tree.
Absolute cinema.
진짜 유니콘 출격씬은 언제봐도 쌉 명장면임
The Unicorn Gundam design won it for me.
It made the idea of a plain white mobile suit look cool.
It had a unique transformation, abandoning the usual jet to robot mode.
It had one of the most emotional and badass reveals of all Gundams.
It stood out with its height and destructive power.
It changes lights like a Xmas tree.
3:59 R.I.P Sensei
7:00 학생들도...R.I.P...
from here 16:04, everything is ABSOLUTE CINEMA
Hiroyuki sawano the absolute Goat
3:59 never really understood the weight of this scene until now
this gundam is what got me into UC. also Hathaway
16:36 *Unicorn Gundam: Launch!* 17:15
Gundam + Hiroyuki sawano = 🔥🔥🔥
17:07 緩緩飄出來的感覺好霸氣
Damnn i miss non CGI Gundam..
최고의 건담 출격장면중 하나 16:22
존나 간지나네
Akhirnya unicorn Gundam muncul juga
우주세기 건담 세계관 기체들은 핵동력이라서 콜로니내부에서 터지니까 핵이터진거처럼보이는거구나
방매아저씨영상이랑 퍼건 정주행하고나서 다시보니까 새롭다
핵융합엔진이라 터지면 전술핵수준의 폭발이 일어나죠.
It's just peak
이렇게 수준높은 우주세기 작품 많이 나오면 좋겠다 갠적으로 F91이전이나 이후 이야기나 크로스본시리즈 애니로 너무 보고 싶음
You guys remember a time when Gundam animation was hand drawn? Unlike a certain new movie with it's garbage cgi.
10.你到底在搞什麼 光說了一堆好像很了不起的話 結果還不是甚麼都做不到嗎 奧黛莉是為了阻止戰爭才去見你的 你不是擁有那樣的力量嗎 大家還有明天的計畫 還有下禮拜的計畫 那根本就... 不是人的死法啊 至少我母親 我母親她是不會這樣的 她至少會更加嚴格的
11.人和動物是不同的 不能對人的死亡置之不理 但是我們大人 造成了過多無意的流血 在吃垮了地球之後 只能往宇宙找尋出口 現在人們必須要自律並且取回尊嚴 為了要活用百年前所編織的希望
12.藉由內含的可能性 將人之所以為人的力量和溫柔 示於世界
13.只有人類擁有神明 超越現在的力量... 名為可能性的內在的神明 來到這裡 你還有那份想法絕不動搖的自信嗎 她所背負的東西很沉重 想和她一同前行 就必須要有接下全世界重量的覺悟
14.自信和覺悟什麼的...我沒有 只是我想成為對她需要的人而已
15.但隨著使用方法的不同 也可以給這個宇宙世紀帶來光明
16.不要畏懼 只要相信自己內含的可能性 並且盡你所能 自然會開拓出一條道路
17.不需要去在意過錯 只要能認錯 並且記取教訓就行了
이래저래 말이 많긴 해도
볼때마다 뽕 차는 작품.
私はこの動画に「いいね!」をした 1000 人目の人です 🥰🥰
💥💫👍⚡ está chida
16:36 👌👌👌
유니콘도 브금 개쩔지
리디 마세나스! 5:47
ㅇㅣ건 못참지~~~~~
가능성의 짐승..
유니콘 출격씬 뛰어넘는게 나오려나
변신장면 연출 브금 다 씹사기였어