Get away from all your issues for 46 minutes and 5 seconds.... Title suggested by *Connor RK800* thank you for your inspiration! Comment your titles for next week! Lastly, new viewers SUBSCRIBE now so you don't miss out!
Among the best things that happened to me as an adult is my encounter with Synth Wave. Make everything more beautiful, more meaningful, happier and enjoyable.
I've been listening to your mixes now for like 5 or 6 months now haha, I'm really starting to love chillwave/synthwave music! Flights of fancy is such a banger of a song!
this video got me through one of the toughest creative processes i've ever been through, and helped me come out of it with something i'm immensely proud of. so, thank you for that.
Your mixes have some of the best flows and transitions between the songs I've ever heard. I'm finding new music to fall in love with every time I listen. Thank you so much for uploading these!
Was this unlisted for a bit? I swear I've wanted to hear Fractal Man for a minute, but aint been able to get it up. Thanks for making this un-private again! (That is if I got this right, I'm feeling nutz.)
and here i thought that the artwork seemed very familiar and it's one of my favorite artists - beeple. love his illustrations and short futuristic animations are really cool. and what could be better accompanying reading sci-fi novel than such a fitting mix.
Thank you for uploading this, and thanks to all the amazing artists involved in making everything in it. It was just what i needed this evening to feel better. Love from sweden
"I've seemed to have stumbled across these ancient relics, a spectacular ritual but I'm just passing through, my time here is limited, I must get to the end of this simulation, it's been fun, but I'm going home."
You're my favorite artist by far i can relax and chill to when ever i feel like i can grind out to some amazing music. you're the guy i've picked up recently and it makes me feel so much better doing so :) Keep it up!
INTERLINKED A fractal man lighted by a bright glowing, from within a crystal ship, growing Cells interlinked within cells interlinked Within one music And, beautifully distinct Against the dark, a song playing along Longing that I in life could find, Some kind of link and interlink, some kind Or correlated pattern in the name, Plexed artistry, and something of the same Pleasure in it as they who play have found Unfound, I long to be interlinked Prototype, anomaly I live on, on I fly In flights of fancy in the reflected sky *Inspired by 'A Pale Fire,' 'Blade Runner,' Astral Throb, and beeple's art.
An idea for your next music mix inspired by the artwork for the PROTOTYPE mix which reminds me of the video for the producer City of Pyramids' 'Outrun' track. The INTERLINKED mix could begin with their 'Outrun' and end with their Feedback Loop track 'Interlinked.' I feel, in the Synthwave community, interlinked. INTERLINKED
Whenever i am looking for a nice warm pile of good feces, this is where I come. Good feces! Keep up the great work! Love the fact all is unique and original.
@@eliemaamary8679 It does! But instead of being vile and unorthodox with the use of profanity like "good shit" I'd rather refer to it as feces becuase I find it more it makes other people, like the first person who made a comment on my post, to question life and other things such as who I am even though they know nothing about me.
@@user-mr9dc4zn6t Words, words, words. Slanders, sir: for the satirical rogue says here that old men have grey beards, that their faces are wrinkled, their eyes purging thick amber and plum-tree gum and that they have a plentiful lack of wit, together with most weak hams: all which, sir, though I most powerfully and potently believe, yet I hold it not honesty to have it thus set down, for yourself, sir, should be old as I am, if like a crab you could go backward.
Flights of Fancy - and several other tracks in this mix sound like ripoffs from the turrican soundtrack, but then slower. You should credit Chris huelsbeck.
Get away from all your issues for 46 minutes and 5 seconds.... Title suggested by *Connor RK800* thank you for your inspiration! Comment your titles for next week! Lastly, new viewers SUBSCRIBE now so you don't miss out!
just what I needed on a sunday night so much emotion in the first song love it
title suggestion for next week: P R O G R A M
Astral Throb title suggestion for next week: Utopia
I’ll through out a few titles:
snow, winter, or cold
Among the best things that happened to me as an adult is my encounter with Synth Wave. Make everything more beautiful, more meaningful, happier and enjoyable.
Everything works so well in these mixes. The artwork, the title, the opening song all the way to the finale.
This is THE best synth wave channel!
I've been listening to your mixes now for like 5 or 6 months now haha, I'm really starting to love chillwave/synthwave music! Flights of fancy is such a banger of a song!
my heart is throbbing amidst the silence of the heavens!
this video got me through one of the toughest creative processes i've ever been through, and helped me come out of it with something i'm immensely proud of. so, thank you for that.
Your mixes have some of the best flows and transitions between the songs I've ever heard. I'm finding new music to fall in love with every time I listen. Thank you so much for uploading these!
Enchanting album, kudos Astral Throb! 🎶
This is unbelievable as I color grade my footage. I'm achieving such incredible levels of flow. Thank you Astral Throb.
Another amazing mix! Some proper tunes on this 🙌🙌🙌
Astral your channel is amazing - you deserve so much more love!
Absolutely flawless!
I’m feeling a bit sick but listening to this makes me feel better, love the mix man keep it up!
What a wonderful way to start the morning.
Was this unlisted for a bit? I swear I've wanted to hear Fractal Man for a minute, but aint been able to get it up. Thanks for making this un-private again! (That is if I got this right, I'm feeling nutz.)
The artwork is awesome
Here for my daily listen of this mix. Anyone else?
I now have 12:45 at night and once again I do not go to bed waiting for your release.
I'm so glad to hear you.
Nice refreshing mix! Helps get through the winter
a real gem.
Awesome Comp. Well done!
Thank you so much for featuring one of my tracks on this amazing playlist, much appreciated fam! 💜
Dude. Wowzers. How much fun was it having that track come together?! Nice job!
Great bass line and chords progression.
You're the best 💗 I love you
Thank you for the amazing mix, as always!
A new Astral Throb mix - what a great way to start my day!
saint seduce - Graphene i want to cry
and here i thought that the artwork seemed very familiar and it's one of my favorite artists - beeple. love his illustrations and short futuristic animations are really cool.
and what could be better accompanying reading sci-fi novel than such a fitting mix.
Very nice!
Thank you for uploading this, and thanks to all the amazing artists involved in making everything in it. It was just what i needed this evening to feel better. Love from sweden
Incredible as always!
12:22 gave me a feeling of eve
One of my favourite channels!
12:22 what a jewel!!
Sounds good played at 1.25 speed as well!
GOD I love this channel.
just lovely
Love it! This makes me love life more
So this channel ♥️
I appreciate the mix😎
My favorite
Just clutched 4 hours of homework to the tune of your content, keep up the good work!
Really digging this mix, thanks for the tunes.
thank you for this and other playlists.
Such a delightful album, love every bit of it. Thank you Astral Throb
Very elegant and beautiful mix, thank you.
Great mix, thanks for all your mixes, they really help me with my legal research
Hot in winter make you warm like a water
good vibe
Did this go down for a while?? I remember looking for it and not being able to find it! So glad i found it now either way :)
I'm diggin' this
I wish the eleven lines acted as an equalizer to this mix. Get on it. You'll be a star. Don't thank me. Thank you.
freakin love this stuff!!
"I've seemed to have stumbled across these ancient relics, a spectacular ritual but I'm just passing through, my time here is limited, I must get to the end of this simulation, it's been fun, but I'm going home."
You're my favorite artist by far i can relax and chill to when ever i feel like i can grind out to some amazing music. you're the guy i've picked up recently and it makes me feel so much better doing so :) Keep it up!
Prototype is one of my fav games! And I love this mix!
Top quality, thanks so much!
thank you AT
love u astral throb
love u too
Great sound..
C.H.I.L.L ♥
A fractal man lighted by a bright glowing,
from within a crystal ship, growing
Cells interlinked within cells interlinked
Within one music
And, beautifully distinct
Against the dark, a song playing along
Longing that I in life could find,
Some kind of link and interlink, some kind
Or correlated pattern in the name,
Plexed artistry, and something of the same
Pleasure in it as they who play have found
Unfound, I long to be interlinked
Prototype, anomaly
I live on, on I fly
In flights of fancy
in the reflected sky
*Inspired by 'A Pale Fire,' 'Blade Runner,' Astral Throb, and beeple's art.
An idea for your next music mix inspired by the artwork for the PROTOTYPE mix which reminds me of the video for the producer City of Pyramids' 'Outrun' track.
The INTERLINKED mix could begin with their 'Outrun' and end with their Feedback Loop track 'Interlinked.'
I feel, in the Synthwave community, interlinked.
That's a blast !! thanks !!
Escalating @ 200mph! Cheers!
You should make a SoundCloud !! - Amazing stuff
that first track.. Maximum Love - Dream Getaway... holy shit
I'm really glad to be able to add this to my music playlist :)
(and sorry for my clumsy English)
it's not clumsy at all what are you saying lmao
Me inspira :D
wow im early but i love the mix!
This mix got me pregnant.
Whenever i am looking for a nice warm pile of good feces, this is where I come. Good feces! Keep up the great work! Love the fact all is unique and original.
Forgive my intrusion, but doesn't feces mean poop? And if it does, are you implying that you enjoy warm piles of excrement? So many questions.
I Feel like this person doesn't speak English, and asked a friend how to say "Nice music" and his friend pranked the heck out of him.
@@eliemaamary8679 It does! But instead of being vile and unorthodox with the use of profanity like "good shit" I'd rather refer to it as feces becuase I find it more it makes other people, like the first person who made a comment on my post, to question life and other things such as who I am even though they know nothing about me.
@@Circus-and-Circuits Nah, it's pretty common to say that something's "good shit". They were just trying to be a little more high-brow about it.
@@user-mr9dc4zn6t Words, words, words.
Slanders, sir: for the satirical rogue says here
that old men have grey beards, that their faces are
wrinkled, their eyes purging thick amber and
plum-tree gum and that they have a plentiful lack of
wit, together with most weak hams: all which, sir,
though I most powerfully and potently believe, yet
I hold it not honesty to have it thus set down, for
yourself, sir, should be old as I am, if like a crab
you could go backward.
Can I use this in gaming videos?
For next video, may I suggest "Manifold"?
20 seconds in and... O_O
the quality sounds good to me listening at 1080p, although im pretty sure youtube killed the quality man.
Flights of Fancy - and several other tracks in this mix sound like ripoffs from the turrican soundtrack, but then slower.
You should credit Chris huelsbeck.
so simple, it causes srsly braindamage
beef Toyota
I opened my third eye
Want to know how?
*I listened to this mix with my eyes closed*
Dang, that first track really sucked me in
Any EVE online players listening to this?
Hmmm... how about the title "Synapse" for the next mix :)