Our Savior's Lutheran Church Sunday School to Go: God keeps promises

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ธ.ค. 2024
  • God’s Promise to Abram: God keeps promises
    Anti-Racist books for kids: www.niahouse.or...
    Based on Spark Family Magazine, Vol. 4 No. 4
    1) Song: Psalm 25
    2) What is the opposite of old?
    The Bible is divided up into two great big sections. We call the first section The Old Testament.
    What do you think we call the second section?
    The New Testament is filled with stories about Jesus and about the early church that believed in and followed Jesus. The Old Testament is all about God’s faithful people before Jesus was born.
    3) At the very beginning of the Bible, there is a book called Genesis. We have amazing stories in Genesis, like God’s creation of the world, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and Noah. We also meet a man and woman named Abram and Sarai.
    God makes great big promises to Abram and Sarai. Sometimes the Bible calls a promise a “covenant”
    What promises do you make?
    Why is it important to keep promises?
    4) In today’s story, Abram will be AMAZED at what God tells him and shows him.
    What does your face look like when you’re amazed?
    5) Listen to the Story
    6) Song: Be Bold!
    7) Drawing Fun! Did you know that you are a child of God? Yes, you! Did you know that every person you meet is a child of God? That’s amazing! There are so many of us, that we are like the twinkling stars in the sky. Cut star shapes out of construction paper. One for each member of your family. On each star, draw a member of your family. Then you can punch a hole through them and use a thread to hang them up to remind you that every member of your household is a child of God.
    8) Older Kids: Start by reading the rest of the story. In your Bible, read Genesis 15:1-12 and Genesis 15:17-18.
    What does God promise to Abram?
    What does the word, “Promise” mean to you?
    9) Song: Jesus Loves Me
    10) On a clear night this week, go outside and look up at the stars with a grown up. Try to find 5 interesting things.
    End with prayer.
    Dear God, thank you for the stars in the sky and the friends all around us. Amen.

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