Hmmm, maybe the terms "shadow side" and "downside" mean something different to him, but I'm shocked to hear Mark describe learning to trust God as the downside to working for God's kingdom (around 8-9 minute mark). I'm sure he finds great delight in trusting the Lord, but it would've been reassuring to hear him express it. Though I'm only at the 10:00 mark, so maybe it's still coming... hope so.
Pastor Mark will be sorely missed at College Park Church.😢 We love him!
Hmmm, maybe the terms "shadow side" and "downside" mean something different to him, but I'm shocked to hear Mark describe learning to trust God as the downside to working for God's kingdom (around 8-9 minute mark). I'm sure he finds great delight in trusting the Lord, but it would've been reassuring to hear him express it. Though I'm only at the 10:00 mark, so maybe it's still coming... hope so.
Timestamps seem to be a tad off. E.g. at 21 minutes he's talking about why he choose the job but that's timestamped for 23 minutes
Exciting News
😲🤨 [ Sorry. I am not mature enough to comment on this. ]