For those who don't know why two soldiers are singing two different songs and why the rest is just saying "lalala", when the "Marcha Real" was adopted in 1770 it didn't have an official lyrics (And it still doesn't), in 1927 Eduardo Marquina created an unofficial version to be play in Royal events, and in 1928 the dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera commission José María Pemán to write another version (That's the second one you hear and the later edited version will become the Francoist Anthem), at that time their was also another version used by the Carlist (Fundamentalist christians who suported a different branch of the Monarchy, Franco successfully won their support)
There is one version which is being used today, insn't it? I studied most of elementary education in a school founded by spanish inmigrants. Every Monday we sang both my country's anthem and the anthem of Spain.
@@puesvale7348 isnt that simple. Better is just an ideology also. Due to circunstances we can say what its better or not. second republic was a period of good things and also a lot of chaos and bad things but what they do (franco) its just valorable in an industrial way and the order that was needed(and not in that way). But nothing more, if ideologies makes you weak tell that to hitler who was thinking about to make germany stronger being such a monster. Also he creates his own vision of socialism that were good in some terms and bad almost in everything.(compared with other views of socialism) Extreme right wing makes you strong without any ideology just strategic and doing what they think its neccesary without no care about life and zero complains. Weak its just a term also, we were almost erradicated and I talk by expirience my family was involved at the two sides. The idology of win its an ideology itself and isnt always good and i think there are many things to argue. Also franco was an allie of usa and hitler so.. (its curious how they dont show this at films but well usa at the films talks about the liberation of auswitch and they werent who liberare berlin.. they arrived 3 days later than ussr also they dont do much at ww2 just in some places and sell weapons to put themselfs at top at zero risk) one thing is strategy and also ideology, sometimes they are mixed and sometimes not. If you see the origins ofjew states at middle east the true intention was to keep control of the region using excuses about what happened at ww2 europe and usa was loosing the power there. Ussr dont allow religions in some periods to advance into a non fundamentalist system of belief..but they restititued later to reunify.Ussr also was the creator of the first jew-oblast integrated in his region (they were atheists but respect belivers of islam christians (ortodox or non)catholics and jews. Maybe being atheist they tryina reunify the country showing respect (despite they dont put freedom of beliefs at the first due they consider religions opresive) but what startegy do you think theyre pretending putting a newjewstate practically being independent? Respect to them. Maybe ideals its just a thing but just what we have. You know how many people died at spain those days due to religion war (killing atheists, atheists algo done bad things but not in the scale religion was fighting about supremacy) or hunger? They persued all the leftist and also other rightwing people or relugiobs that weren catholics. Also in russia at 1917 they fight for freedom and they canalize that hate to kick the tzars that was a good thing . The thing is Ideology makes you weak or strong but isnt good at all the point that everything is valid, as i say here in spain was horrible what they were pretending as in germany or italy
@@puesvale7348 the point of the new religion states or religious regions is: middle east was strategic but syberia? They were allies of chinese so.. whats the point ? Maybe just ideals..Maybe isnt power as occidental (search about the situation of all im describing, europe and usa was loosing the power in syria and iran). Maybe ussr was doing that for startegic manners also but its difficult to say that.. ideology makes you strong or weak depending of the situation (context). Not always do what makes you stronger its a right thing to do. Ussr do many things based on ideals others for strategic manner and the ideology was created being critic with the system itself. Ideals make them stromger to fight with first world countries in front of them (they also do things based just in strategy and not so good also depending on context) now the world are moved without ideology itself just money. Do you think thats better?
@@YMeDoyElLujazo Desertor no. Si aprendo un idioma es para usarlo, porque si tengo la suerte o destreza para hablar múltiples idiomas sería estúpido no usarlos. Yo estoy orgulloso de saber español por lo bello que es, pero tampoco me voy a cerrar a otras lenguas por eso.
Que no tienen acento los mejicanos... Las tonterías que hay que leer. El español es el idioma de los españoles, que convirtieron el latín en una lengua nueva a lo largo de los siglos, más años que los que tienen los nuevos estados hispanoamericanos. Los dialectos de España son los originales, desde el castellano, al acento gallego, pasando por el andaluz y los demás. Y luego están otras variantes del español, hablado en países que heredaron el español y que no es originario de allí; que se alejan en mayor o menor medida del patrón canónico que es el español a secas, el neutral, el original. El español es patrimonio cultural de los españoles, y el resto de los hablantes solamente lo tomaron prestado.
Spain is truly an interesting country and it’s history is just as unique as it’s legacy and determined men who fought for it. I went to Barcelona in 2019 and I found beauty and a comfort like in my own home country. Love and many blessings from Germany 🇩🇪 🤝🇪🇸❤️
@@xeon39688Catalonia is part of the Kingdom of Spain, back in the day it was part of the Crown of Aragon but since the marriage of Ferdinand the Catholic with Isabel the Catholic, is part of Spain. Learn geography and history. VISCA CATALUNYA. VIVA ESPAÑA. VIVA EL REY. 🇪🇸❤️💛❤️
@The_Jaguar_ Knight You'd be surprised, our national anthem has not any lyrics at all. There was one during the former fascist dictatorship but none in democracy. Greetings from Spain.
@The_Jaguar_ Knight Spain's national anthem has never had official lyrics as it's a military March, get educated before throwing shit out of your sorry excuse for a mouth
Casi nadie conocía la letra, uno la cantaba de una manera, otro la cantaba con otra letra, otro no se sabía ni la melodía y silbaba, y al final acaban todos haciendo la la la la la la la... y se acabó. Eso es España.
en realidad todos los q decian "lalala" se sabian la letra. la marcha real como su nombre indica era una MARCHA. No un himno. Aunq los borbones lo usaron como himno tras prohibir el primer himno español (el himno de riego, q es el q luego reusaron los republicanos) la marcha real jamas tubo letra hasta q franco, tras tomar el poder, hizo q una de las 3 versiones no oficiales q existian pasase a ser la oficial. Y eso ocurrio cronologicamente despues de este punto en el tiempo, asi q tecnicamente lo q estan cantando es correcto pq lo incorrecto es decir q tiene letra oficial en ese momento.
The irony is that this was probably a left-wing movie but this scene strongly evokes Spanish patriotism. I loved it! Even though I am a proud Portuguese! Abrazo a mis hermanos Espanoles!
El director trata de ridiculizar al bando nacional porque tienen un himno sin letra y nadie la conoce por lo que solo pueden tararearla... pero consigue el efecto opuesto
Fun fact: the Spanish flag was white with a red Borgoña cross. But after some difficulties to recognize on the sea (France had also a white flag) Charles III decided to change it for the Navy to the red and yellow design, much visible. Years later was assumed by all Spanish forces and made national flag. I sounded like Sheldon Cooper in Fun with flags😂😂😂😂😂
we had to sing advance australia fair every lunch time at school so i know the entire first part, but i swear half the people i know didn't even know that it had a second part.
Is because there is no official lyrics for the spanish national anthem even the current official one has none. Thats why people sing different versions
@Sheputster nuestro estado no es más que el continuismo del estado franquista, ilegítimo, que surgió de un golpe de estado sobre un régimen democráticamente constituido.
@Emmanuel Rodríguez you will carry your last name until your death and it always will remind you your true nature, no matter how much you want to LARP as an anglo or a french.
@Emmanuel Rodríguez In my opinion why is your sure name Spanish? I think you delete your Sure-name if you don’t like Spanish language and then why have that Rodriguez surename?
I love the Castilian spanish. It actually makes you sound like a war veteran unlike Mexican spanish which makes you sound like a 10 year old. And I'm Mexican.
Sí, estudio español en mi insti (soy inglés) y aprendemos español castellano. Creo que es como inglés del Inglaterra y inglés inglés de los estados- castellano y mexicano. Jesús 😂 Mi cabeza se duele 😂
@@elantintelectual no es capaz de defender lo suyo tejas Arizona las Californias etc y va a construir u imperio y conquistando a otros . Extraña manera de hacerlo
@@j.f1963 stfu gringo que cha haces hablando webadas que ni entiendes. Ni sabes ni pincho de tu historia de verdad y vienes a callar a los descendientes hispanos. Gracias a nosotros es que tu pais existe
The glory of Spain, born under the banner of the Cross of Burgundy, made Spain the first global empire in the world history. The Burgundy Cross flag was so feared and respected by the Dutch, French, English, and Ottomans. With that flag Spain conquered the world and the seas.
I often come back to this video for how good the acting is. Imo everybody singing differently portrays the confused feelings prevalent during a civil war (ik the spanish anthem is sung without lyrics now)
Not even close, there's another movie that has an actor that really looks like Colonel Astray. Astray looked more 'consumed' by war, and his age of course, than the actor in this movie. Still, not a bad job!
Aquí un español que da todo el apoyo al MRE de Puerto Rico, no existen hijos lejanos hermano, Puerto Rico debe decidir su futuro que no puede seguir ni un minuto más en la humillación estadounidense, si deciden independencia les apoyaremos, por supuesto, pero si ojalá decidieran volver a casa, les esperamos con los brazos abiertos. Un abrazo a nuestros hermanos Puertorriqueños.
Saludos hermano desde España. Ojalá llegue el día de la independencia de los Yankis q los consideran no dignos. Libres de decidir su futuro, x cierto si quisieran retornar a España como siempre fueron en su día, otros españoles más, aquí estaríamos encantados de recibirles de nuevo a su casa. Juntos somos más fuertes.
@Alejandro De La Vega É um bom filme, melhor do que se vê em tempos. Entretanto, não é um filme factível, há uma forte romantização ao ponto de mudar muitos acontecimentos da Insurreição Espanhola apenas em prol da trama. O desenvolvimento do protagonista deixa um pouco a desejar, mas, de resto, é um bom filme. Recomendo.
@@R4in46 Es una nación hermosa, donde hay múltiples culturas diferentes que podrían ser países enteros, pero que permanecen unidos por el bien de nuestro pasado común, aunque no lo conozcan muy bien. Amo mucho a mi país.
This is not a country video! Go to national anthem!. this is a movie! Here is a true link because dialogue ruins you and us.
Saludos desde Polonia En Polonia tenemos una larga tradición de resistencia anticomunista, y en 1920, encabezados por Józef Piłsudski, entre otros, derrotamos a Lenin de la URSS. En 1939-46, los polacos lucharon contra los fascistas alemanes y ucranianos que asesinaban a polacos y judíos. En 1939-1947 (1963) los polacos lucharon contra la URSS comunista Había gente en la República Popular de Polonia que estaba en huelga contra los comunistas y socialistas ("Solidaridad"). Niesety después de 1989, el comunismo no se derrumbó y luego "las sanguijuelas rojas codician Polonia", escondiéndose bajo los lemas Catolicismo, Nación, Unión Europea. Pero durante tres años en el parlamento polaco (7%) existe "Konfederacja Wolność i Niepodległość", que a veces es controvertido pero pro-polaco. In Poland, we have a long tradition of anti-communist resistance, and in 1920, led by Józef Piłsudski, among others, we defeated Lenin of the USSR. In 1939-46, Poles fought against German and Ukrainian fascists who were murdering Poles and Jews. In 1939-1947 (1963) Poles fought against the Communist USSR There were people in the Polish People's Republic who were on strike against the communist and socialists ("Solidarity"). Niesety after 1989 communism did not collapse and then "red leeches lust for Poland", hiding under the slogans Catholicism, Nation, European Union. But for three years in the Polish parliament (7%) there is "Konfederacja Wolność i Niepodległość" which is sometimes controversial but pro-Polish.
I know Castilian spanish is not well liked but whether you like it or don't like there's nothing you can do about the fact that this is pure spanish, authentic spanish.
All Spanish is authentic Spanish, "castillian Spanish" as you call it is as good as any other Spanish. We are one and we have 1 language. Spaniards come from all over the world.
0:42 They must have placed the flag of the Cross of Burgundy, the authentic Spanish flag, symbol and identity of Spanish power. It was the flag that inspired fear in the French, the English, the Dutch, the Ottomans, when Spain was the greatest power in the world and the absolute owner of the seas. It was the flag that flew on the Spanish galleons on the high seas, the ships of the royal navy, fled when they saw that flag waving from the top of the masts.
Con tudo respeto, se voce chega a conhecer um dia a historia das ilhas Canarias non disse mais nunca "arriba España"... A historia é a mesma que en America do Sul, os espanholes feçeron a mesma massacre con os povos nativos. Pra nos formar parte do estado espanhol 500 anos depois naô é uma coisa pra sentir orgulho. (disculpas pelo mio portugués imperfeto)
Perdão nobre amigo eu realmente não conheço a história das Ilhas Canárias, portanto não quis ofender os habitantes nativos. Minhas sinceras desculpas e congratulações ao povo Canário.
@@autoreverse3296 Muito obrigado pela sua comprensaô, naô tenhe nada que disculpar, é normal que a gente no mundo naô conheça a história do nosso pequeno pais, nenguém pode saber tudo... Acá deixo un video que faz un resume de nossa história, se voce entende um poco de espanhol vai poder apanhar alguma coisa. PAZ!!!
Spain ( the government) and the people couldn't agree wich lyrics to choose for their anthem so they decided to just sing without lyrics like this : 1:50 (This is kinda one of the motives we still have no lyrcis!)
Ya han pasado mas de 60 años. La vergüenza y presión internacional no deberían ser un impedimento para cantar la letra, al igual que Alemania se limita a cantar el último párrafo de Deutschlandlied
Mi español y muy malo, soy italiano. Los apoyamos en la guerra civil, siempre hemos sido hermanos. Una cara una raza - en italiano, una faccia una razza. Viva Spagna viva l'Italia 🇮🇹🇪🇦🇪🇦
Excuse me! This is not a spanish national anthem video! This is a movie not a national anthem. If you want a real national anthem go find it on youtube video. The link here!
Éljen a Magyar! From Spain. Keep your beautiful and patriotic country safe. Don´t make Budapest become Bruxelles. I want to swim calmly again it the Gellert Hotel and dinner in a delicious étterem.
@@angelolarte1201 ya pero en España también fue ocupada y conquistada por muchas civilizaciones, fenicios , griegos , romanos , suevos , visigodos, arabes , ataques de razias vikingas , ataques de piratas berberiscos , y 10 o 15 años de ocupación con Napoleón , es asi y no veras a los españoles generar polémica por su historia , entiendo tu comentario , pero al final es simple y cansino !!!! Cuando muchas veces hablo con hermanos hispanoamericanos muchos han sido enseñados a responder lo mismo : si jaja ja los españoles se robaron el oro y violaron a nuestras mujeres , y punto de mas de 300 años de ocupación española esa es la única respuesta de la mayoría de hispanoamericanos ...
@@angelolarte1201 se enseña pero , quizá por patriotismo hablan mas como el fin del imperio español con la guerra de España contra eeuu cuando perdimos Cuba , Puerto rico , Filipinas , y las islas marianas y Guam . Pero los que sabemos mas de historia , reconocemos que España dejo de ser potencia de primer orden cuando perdimos el continente americano con las independencias de toda la América española desde los Angeles (California) hasta la punta de chile y Argentina !!!! Yo como apasionado ala historia te recomiendo el canal del doctor Don Patricio Lons gran hispanista Argentino el cual te abrirá los ojos de la gran historia de nuestros antepasados, que aunque nos separe un océano, compartimos !!!! Un saludo de un hermano Valenciano y Español !!!!
@@angelolarte1201 tengo un amigo que se llama Edgar que vive en Valencia en el estado de Carabobo !! Espero que mejoren las cosas en su país y disfrute de nuestra historia sin rencores y haga aprender a los demás que su herencia común con la madre patria es una cosa buena de la que no hay que avergonzarse, al contrario debemos estar orgullosos!!!
Sadly they don't fuckin care about us anymore after enslaving us for 3 centuries. That is why it is a good choice that we removed Spanish from our official language.
My father was born in La Coruña and always told stories about the Spanish Civil War. I believe he would be happy to watch this film. Unfortunately, he died in 2016... Mi padre nació en La Coruña y siempre contaba historias sobre la Guerra Civil Española. Creo que estaría feliz de ver esta película. Desafortunadamente, murió en 2016...
1:52 for me represents that doesn't matter how many republics create the spanish people and nation are gonna come back to the old days a great Spanish Kingdom with Yellow and Red.
What are you saying? These cowards cost Italy's war effort in WW II and w/o Italy would never had beaten the Communist then mocked Italian soldiers for ONE lost battle they were part of.
@@Inoffensive_name Were they fascists? The rebels were made up of several factions, only one, the Falange, was openly fascist. It would be better to refer to them as nationalists. Yes, Franco identified with Fascisist policies after the war, but at this point he was still a conservative monarchist.
Probably the fact that the republic was still in control of most of the country and the coup against it was just beginning, such not having time to take all flags of the republic down
Quisiera tomarme el tiempo para decir lo orgullosa que estoy de ser descendiente de un país tan bonito como lo es España, pa arriba hermanos españoles, desde Cuba 🇪🇸🤝🇨🇺
Гордится надо не национальностью, а личными поступками. В 21 веке глупо гордится тем, для чего ты лично ничего не сделал. Ты родился уже таким какая у тебя национальность и раса. Все люди произошли от одинаковых предков из Африки. Это научный факт. Ему миллионы лет. А "нациям" всего 200-400лет. Что ничтожно. Будь умнее. Ты хомо сапиенс, а не националистическая обезьяна!
Aparte te dicen latino son estupidos para no saber donde viene el origen de este idioma que es: ibero romance no latino romance. NO SOMOS LATINOS SOPENCO
I love how the actor playing Franco actually looks like him.
His ghost still haunts spain possibly possession.
How's the civil war?
@@pashauzan the civil war in America is over, it ended in 1865
@@barthoekstra6760 You didn't just take my comment seriously, did you?
@@pashauzan yes i did, i responded seriously because it is a fact!
The actor portraying Franco looks more Francisco Franco than the real Francisco Franco.
Yes lol
I'm fucking dying lmao
For those who don't know why two soldiers are singing two different songs and why the rest is just saying "lalala", when the "Marcha Real" was adopted in 1770 it didn't have an official lyrics (And it still doesn't), in 1927 Eduardo Marquina created an unofficial version to be play in Royal events, and in 1928 the dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera commission José María Pemán to write another version (That's the second one you hear and the later edited version will become the Francoist Anthem), at that time their was also another version used by the Carlist (Fundamentalist christians who suported a different branch of the Monarchy, Franco successfully won their support)
correction: the one that starts with gloria gloria was used in the reign of Alfonso XIII
@@kaiseradolphushanshohenzol4064 Yes that’s what I meant in 1927 during Alfonso XIII reign
@@Yannis1a My bad didnt pay attention/
@@kaiseradolphushanshohenzol4064 Miguel Primo de Rivera was a dictator but as the Prime Minister of Alfonso XIII
There is one version which is being used today, insn't it? I studied most of elementary education in a school founded by spanish inmigrants. Every Monday we sang both my country's anthem and the anthem of Spain.
They even got Francisco Franco to play himself
This scene made me want to do two things:
- See the whole film.
- Play vanilla or modded Hearts of Iron 4 as Nationalist Spain.
@@severussnape1676 y tanto que tienes razón
@@severussnape1676 como los fans de harry poter que dan vergüenza a toda la humanidad
@@gammadion Ella es cómo yo, mi nueva heroínas y hermana Española :) Viva España
@@alexandrapdlh9559 Asi nos va XD
@@alexandrapdlh9559 eres idiota
When you unify Spain in Europa Universalis IV.
More appropriate would be winning Spanish Civil War as Nationalist Spain in HOI4
When you stay as a great power in Vicky 2.
paradox studio gamer gang have arrived
@@szexmaster Gamer ideology mah dude
1939-1975 Anthem:
1975 forward: NANANANA
@@RhyliezthUniverse well of course
fuck franco
@@flavivsaetivs5738 Fuck you!
@@RhyliezthUniverse it's a civil war so it wouldn't have been better if the republicans had won. Ideologies make us be weak.
@@puesvale7348 isnt that simple. Better is just an ideology also. Due to circunstances we can say what its better or not. second republic was a period of good things and also a lot of chaos and bad things but what they do (franco) its just valorable in an industrial way and the order that was needed(and not in that way). But nothing more, if ideologies makes you weak tell that to hitler who was thinking about to make germany stronger being such a monster. Also he creates his own vision of socialism that were good in some terms and bad almost in everything.(compared with other views of socialism) Extreme right wing makes you strong without any ideology just strategic and doing what they think its neccesary without no care about life and zero complains. Weak its just a term also, we were almost erradicated and I talk by expirience my family was involved at the two sides. The idology of win its an ideology itself and isnt always good and i think there are many things to argue. Also franco was an allie of usa and hitler so.. (its curious how they dont show this at films but well usa at the films talks about the liberation of auswitch and they werent who liberare berlin.. they arrived 3 days later than ussr also they dont do much at ww2 just in some places and sell weapons to put themselfs at top at zero risk) one thing is strategy and also ideology, sometimes they are mixed and sometimes not. If you see the origins ofjew states at middle east the true intention was to keep control of the region using excuses about what happened at ww2 europe and usa was loosing the power there. Ussr dont allow religions in some periods to advance into a non fundamentalist system of belief..but they restititued later to reunify.Ussr also was the creator of the first jew-oblast integrated in his region (they were atheists but respect belivers of islam christians (ortodox or non)catholics and jews. Maybe being atheist they tryina reunify the country showing respect (despite they dont put freedom of beliefs at the first due they consider religions opresive) but what startegy do you think theyre pretending putting a newjewstate practically being independent? Respect to them. Maybe ideals its just a thing but just what we have. You know how many people died at spain those days due to religion war (killing atheists, atheists algo done bad things but not in the scale religion was fighting about supremacy) or hunger? They persued all the leftist and also other rightwing people or relugiobs that weren catholics. Also in russia at 1917 they fight for freedom and they canalize that hate to kick the tzars that was a good thing . The thing is Ideology makes you weak or strong but isnt good at all the point that everything is valid, as i say here in spain was horrible what they were pretending as in germany or italy
@@puesvale7348 the point of the new religion states or religious regions is: middle east was strategic but syberia? They were allies of chinese so.. whats the point ? Maybe just ideals..Maybe isnt power as occidental (search about the situation of all im describing, europe and usa was loosing the power in syria and iran). Maybe ussr was doing that for startegic manners also but its difficult to say that..
ideology makes you strong or weak depending of the situation (context). Not always do what makes you stronger its a right thing to do. Ussr do many things based on ideals others for strategic manner and the ideology was created being critic with the system itself. Ideals make them stromger to fight with first world countries in front of them (they also do things based just in strategy and not so good also depending on context) now the world are moved without ideology itself just money. Do you think thats better?
*Being Spanish and dominating the English language makes me feel good after seeing a video in Spanish with English subtitles*
Habla en tu idioma, desertor
@@YMeDoyElLujazo Desertor no. Si aprendo un idioma es para usarlo, porque si tengo la suerte o destreza para hablar múltiples idiomas sería estúpido no usarlos. Yo estoy orgulloso de saber español por lo bello que es, pero tampoco me voy a cerrar a otras lenguas por eso.
In that case, anything you'd change in the subs?
@@professionalsimpdestroyer4135 Pero havlas ingles no Españ tienes excusa...
@@Cantreachthestars nope
1:08 Dont ask Ronaldo what he is doing in 1939
Gloria Gloria Man Unita
@@rule.burmannia 😭😭
@@GamerSytheYT Why r u crying lil bro?
@@rule.burmannia bro I think u better get up from that rock cuz this nowadays 😭 means laughter
The one with the hurt eye is Jose Millán Astray, the father of the spanish legion
Good Hoi4 general
Millán is my surname lol
Un gran hombre. Y un gran soldado
I can't help but always read his name as ashtray
I love the sound of pure Castilian Spanish.
Much better than how mexicans speak 🤢🤮 don't be offended I'm south american
@@rexchiliae Nah, los Mexicanos ni tienen acento, pero al fin y al cabo el Español europeo es el original así que...
@@rexchiliae doesn’t matter if you are South American still offensive
Que no tienen acento los mejicanos... Las tonterías que hay que leer. El español es el idioma de los españoles, que convirtieron el latín en una lengua nueva a lo largo de los siglos, más años que los que tienen los nuevos estados hispanoamericanos. Los dialectos de España son los originales, desde el castellano, al acento gallego, pasando por el andaluz y los demás. Y luego están otras variantes del español, hablado en países que heredaron el español y que no es originario de allí; que se alejan en mayor o menor medida del patrón canónico que es el español a secas, el neutral, el original. El español es patrimonio cultural de los españoles, y el resto de los hablantes solamente lo tomaron prestado.
When you win the spanish civil war in HOI4
Spain is truly an interesting country and it’s history is just as unique as it’s legacy and determined men who fought for it. I went to Barcelona in 2019 and I found beauty and a comfort like in my own home country. Love and many blessings from Germany 🇩🇪 🤝🇪🇸❤️
My ancestors are German, Spanish and French. God save our European lands and peoples!!!
@@xeon39688Catalonia is part of the Kingdom of Spain, back in the day it was part of the Crown of Aragon but since the marriage of Ferdinand the Catholic with Isabel the Catholic, is part of Spain. Learn geography and history. VISCA CATALUNYA. VIVA ESPAÑA. VIVA EL REY. 🇪🇸❤️💛❤️
🇩🇪🤝🇯🇵🤝🇮🇹🤝🇷🇴🤝🇭🇺🤝🇧🇬 axis back
La la la la laaaaa la la la laaaa la la
@The_Jaguar_ Knight You'd be surprised, our national anthem has not any lyrics at all. There was one during the former fascist dictatorship but none in democracy. Greetings from Spain.
@The_Jaguar_ Knight poor bastards...
@The_Jaguar_ Knight Spain's national anthem has never had official lyrics as it's a military March, get educated before throwing shit out of your sorry excuse for a mouth
Spanish anthem doesn't have lyrics
Casi nadie conocía la letra, uno la cantaba de una manera, otro la cantaba con otra letra, otro no se sabía ni la melodía y silbaba, y al final acaban todos haciendo la la la la la la la... y se acabó. Eso es España.
Entonces que viva ESPAÑA que vivan los nacionalistas!!!!!! jajaja...
No te confundas, era la bada sonora lo del "Lalala"
Maquinote, el himno de España no tiene letra, cada uno estaba cantando una versión no oficial.
Ya ya ..pero ganaron. Jajajaja
en realidad todos los q decian "lalala" se sabian la letra.
la marcha real como su nombre indica era una MARCHA. No un himno. Aunq los borbones lo usaron como himno tras prohibir el primer himno español (el himno de riego, q es el q luego reusaron los republicanos) la marcha real jamas tubo letra hasta q franco, tras tomar el poder, hizo q una de las 3 versiones no oficiales q existian pasase a ser la oficial. Y eso ocurrio cronologicamente despues de este punto en el tiempo, asi q tecnicamente lo q estan cantando es correcto pq lo incorrecto es decir q tiene letra oficial en ese momento.
The irony is that this was probably a left-wing movie but this scene strongly evokes Spanish patriotism. I loved it! Even though I am a proud Portuguese! Abrazo a mis hermanos Espanoles!
Patriotism for Franco really
@Alejandro De La Vega Not anymore
You are completely right. They like always try to generate hate, and its a pride
El director trata de ridiculizar al bando nacional porque tienen un himno sin letra y nadie la conoce por lo que solo pueden tararearla... pero consigue el efecto opuesto
Ay dios mio la ñ
Fun fact: the Spanish flag was white with a red Borgoña cross. But after some difficulties to recognize on the sea (France had also a white flag) Charles III decided to change it for the Navy to the red and yellow design, much visible. Years later was assumed by all Spanish forces and made national flag.
I sounded like Sheldon Cooper in Fun with flags😂😂😂😂😂
La bandera que no se reconocía en el mar no era la de Borgoña, era la de los Borbones que era su escudo sobre un fondo blanco
Looks like it has the colors of a communist flag.
White Flag and France, name a more perfect duo.
@@kie-skatemods4141, red and yellow are very visible on the sea, that’s was the reason. In 1785 there was no communism so I doubt it.
@@umkemesic the white comes from the pope, catholic nations used white on their flags like Italy, Ireland or France.
1:57 el dandy de joven
Por el rey Franco, por España y don Santiago Bernabéu
Jaja clavao
Ahí lo llevas, cómo silbaba de chiquillo
As an Australian I approve. None of us know the words to our anthem either.
I know the lyrics to mine
But Marcha Real has a lot of different lyrics and no official one
@@ΠαῦλοςΠαυλίδης-χ7θ learn something new every day
I always thought it was Waltzing Matilda. Lol
we had to sing advance australia fair every lunch time at school so i know the entire first part, but i swear half the people i know didn't even know that it had a second part.
they sing with the coordination of a birthday party, but by God it warms my heart
Viva Espana
Is because there is no official lyrics for the spanish national anthem even the current official one has none. Thats why people sing different versions
Viva Catalunya!
It’s España, with an ñ
@@serdartas162 y lo hará, dentro de España
@@serdartas162 yok niye katalanları destekliyorsun
2:07 I believe thats Admiral General Aladeen training in Spain in preparation for his rule in Wadiya
That is very Aladeen
You're Aladeen! Or maybe you're Aladeen. Hmm, in which case you will be arrested and executed for blasphemy against our great general and commander!
@@BFP2021 thanks for Aladeening me, man. That was so very Aladeen of you.
@@medassistph be careful is against aladeen to aladeen in an
Aladeen manner.... ;-)
Man, he is a very Aladeen man, no homo
This scene convince me to watch the whole movie and I wasn't disappointed.
The "Marcha Real" is still our Spanish anthem, just as we remain a kingdom
Under communism, unfortunately.
@@maciejkowski100 si JAJAJAJ Buen chiste, ya veo las nacionalizaciones de eléctricas y bancos, paleto. This guy is a far right fanatic.
@Sheputster jajajaja
@Sheputster nuestro estado no es más que el continuismo del estado franquista, ilegítimo, que surgió de un golpe de estado sobre un régimen democráticamente constituido.
@Sheputster buen troll estás hecho tú
Me gusta hablar español y creo que es un idioma hermoso.
@Emmanuel Rodríguez I speak English but I prefer Spanish
Universal hermano viva España y Argentina muerte a los comunistas
@Emmanuel Rodríguez you will carry your last name until your death and it always will remind you your true nature, no matter how much you want to LARP as an anglo or a french.
@Emmanuel Rodríguez In my opinion why is your sure name Spanish? I think you delete your Sure-name if you don’t like Spanish language and then why have that Rodriguez surename?
My Grandparents and Parents: *speak spanish
Me: why'd you did not teach me -_____-
grandparents and parents: *yu no face*
why yu no use the internet then?!
@@elsoplaveleros yeah hahaha, that's what they say...
I tried but its impossible hahaha, wish me luck
@@mikhailjoshuapahuyo1431 good night good luck.
@@elsoplaveleros good night
¿De dónde eres? / Where are you from?
I love the Castilian spanish. It actually makes you sound like a war veteran unlike Mexican spanish which makes you sound like a 10 year old. And I'm Mexican.
Northwestern mexican Spanish is cool, but southern is ugly, but we can’t deny Castillan is way better 🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️
@@BRIAN09157 yeah, the south they speak like anime girls and in the north they speak like drunk people who are always mad.
@@browhat4697 hahahaha I’m northwestern I I CANT DISAGREE 😂😂😂,Southern accent is like if they were singing
Castilian Spanish sounds like shit. I like andalucian or extremaduran spanish
Sí, estudio español en mi insti (soy inglés) y aprendemos español castellano. Creo que es como inglés del Inglaterra y inglés inglés de los estados- castellano y mexicano.
Jesús 😂 Mi cabeza se duele 😂
"Recuerda España, que tu registe el Imperio de los Mares"
"Remember Spain, that you ruled the Empire of the Seas "
México pronto un imperio que tenga a España en unos de los más territorios conquistados
@@elantintelectual wtf JAJAJAJAJA
@@elantintelectual no es capaz de defender lo suyo tejas Arizona las Californias etc y va a construir u imperio y conquistando a otros . Extraña manera de hacerlo
Recordemos que Hernán cortes conquisto México con 500 españoles , sigue soñando manito JAJJAJAJJAJ
Until England
Aquí un Colombiano muy orgulloso de mi sangre Española, que viva la madre patria. 😊
This video spanish civil war. Ooh! You support Fascist Franco
@@rogersmister6760 Stfu dude
He's just saying that he's proud of his spanish heritage.
@@j.f1963 stfu gringo que cha haces hablando webadas que ni entiendes. Ni sabes ni pincho de tu historia de verdad y vienes a callar a los descendientes hispanos. Gracias a nosotros es que tu pais existe
@@mariocorahua3708 Pero si soy hispano. De hecho, le respondía a un gringo que decía que no debía estar orgulloso por su patria xd
makes me want start a nationalist revolution
So you can lose again? 😝
@@c3aloha The nationalists won This time we will bury the communists. None shall survive.
@@c3aloha the nationalists won
@@c3aloha The Nationalists won, and they’re winning in Europe in the present day
Incluso el comunista español se levantará de nuevo. ¡Porque creo en el comunismo!
The glory of Spain, born under the banner of the Cross of Burgundy, made Spain the first global empire in the world history.
The Burgundy Cross flag was so feared and respected by the Dutch, French, English, and Ottomans.
With that flag Spain conquered the world and the seas.
Portugal was the world's first global empire, not Spain.
Spain was a mediocre empire
@@artofkraneoxiii5335 evidence?
@@artofkraneoxiii5335 nop
Grettings from Poland Spanish brothers ❤️
Red army will come again, and this time will do a better work...
@@ildottore7032 begon red
@@ildottore7032 first death than red
@@theapplewaifu5395 I think I have a solution that will make everyone happy
@@ildottore7032 hey, speaking about ethnic cleansing and then you will deny it, would you? Lol rojos...
I often come back to this video for how good the acting is. Imo everybody singing differently portrays the confused feelings prevalent during a civil war (ik the spanish anthem is sung without lyrics now)
Le puse esto ha mi gato ahora es un león roji amarillo🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸
Love Spain from Poland! 🇵🇱❤️ 🇪🇸
And we love Poland!!!
I love your profil picture
@@jlb.9024 y GRANDE ESPAÑA!
Hmmm! This is not true national anthem. You want to support Franco and Fascist? Here’s a true national anthem and this video is a movie
That's a beautiful anthem.
The actor portraying Colonel Milan Astray (one arm, one eye) looks more like Colonel Astray than the real Colonel Astray.
All Spanish men have their doppelganger in the same Spain... it´s true...
Not even close, there's another movie that has an actor that really looks like Colonel Astray. Astray looked more 'consumed' by war, and his age of course, than the actor in this movie. Still, not a bad job!
Very original comment bro
@@llFerbll which movie?
@@tompor561 I don't remember the name, sorry... :c
Madre España, saludos de tu hijo lejano de Puerto Rico. No te olvidamos
Un abrazo desde España.
Aquí un español que da todo el apoyo al MRE de Puerto Rico, no existen hijos lejanos hermano, Puerto Rico debe decidir su futuro que no puede seguir ni un minuto más en la humillación estadounidense, si deciden independencia les apoyaremos, por supuesto, pero si ojalá decidieran volver a casa, les esperamos con los brazos abiertos. Un abrazo a nuestros hermanos Puertorriqueños.
Saludos hermano desde España. Ojalá llegue el día de la independencia de los Yankis q los consideran no dignos. Libres de decidir su futuro, x cierto si quisieran retornar a España como siempre fueron en su día, otros españoles más, aquí estaríamos encantados de recibirles de nuevo a su casa. Juntos somos más fuertes.
Puerto Rico el país con más orgullo y resistencia del Caribe, saludos desde España.
@@pedroviriato9356 la antigua Nueva España quiere tornar hacer España 🇯🇪 también saludos de Guadalajara
I’m Mexican American and i’m proud of my Spanish heritage long live the monarchy Viva España
ahuevo un mexa
@@santiagochavarreric3683 porque pones un emoji de tu rostro?
@@valogayosso9836 eres español
Mexico was against Franco
Soy brasileño, pero mis abuelos eran españoles. Abrazos desde Brasil. Gran pelicula. ¡Viva España!
@Alejandro De La Vega É um bom filme, melhor do que se vê em tempos. Entretanto, não é um filme factível, há uma forte romantização ao ponto de mudar muitos acontecimentos da Insurreição Espanhola apenas em prol da trama. O desenvolvimento do protagonista deixa um pouco a desejar, mas, de resto, é um bom filme. Recomendo.
Cómo es Brazil?
@@R4in46 Es una nación hermosa, donde hay múltiples culturas diferentes que podrían ser países enteros, pero que permanecen unidos por el bien de nuestro pasado común, aunque no lo conozcan muy bien. Amo mucho a mi país.
Muchas gracias, saludos desde Barcelona 🇪🇸❤️🇧🇷
Como se llama esta película ?
Viva el Rey, viva España y viva la Hispanidad!!!
Saludos desde Argentina.
Viva España, viva el Rey, viva el Orden y la Ley!
Pin, pan, toma lacasitos
Viva !!
Andate a Madrid realista
@@alanmonteros6432 ¿¡!?
@@alanmonteros6432 y vos andate a Pekin comunista
The parts about the nationalists was way more fun and interessting than the ones with the whimpy director
Finally a subtitle scene!
🎶Gloria a la patria que supo seguir sobre el azul del mar el caminar del sol ❤️ saludos desde arg🇦🇷 !! conmovedora estrofa y que tan cierta es !!
This is not a country video! Go to national anthem!. this is a movie! Here is a true link because dialogue ruins you and us.
Saludos desde Polonia
En Polonia tenemos una larga tradición de resistencia anticomunista, y en 1920, encabezados por Józef Piłsudski, entre otros, derrotamos a Lenin de la URSS.
En 1939-46, los polacos lucharon contra los fascistas alemanes y ucranianos que asesinaban a polacos y judíos.
En 1939-1947 (1963) los polacos lucharon contra la URSS comunista
Había gente en la República Popular de Polonia que estaba en huelga contra los comunistas y socialistas ("Solidaridad").
Niesety después de 1989, el comunismo no se derrumbó y luego "las sanguijuelas rojas codician Polonia", escondiéndose bajo los lemas Catolicismo, Nación, Unión Europea. Pero durante tres años en el parlamento polaco (7%) existe "Konfederacja Wolność i Niepodległość", que a veces es controvertido pero pro-polaco.
In Poland, we have a long tradition of anti-communist resistance, and in 1920, led by Józef Piłsudski, among others, we defeated Lenin of the USSR.
In 1939-46, Poles fought against German and Ukrainian fascists who were murdering Poles and Jews.
In 1939-1947 (1963) Poles fought against the Communist USSR
There were people in the Polish People's Republic who were on strike against the communist and socialists ("Solidarity").
Niesety after 1989 communism did not collapse and then "red leeches lust for Poland", hiding under the slogans Catholicism, Nation, European Union. But for three years in the Polish parliament (7%) there is "Konfederacja Wolność i Niepodległość" which is sometimes controversial but pro-Polish.
Lo malo es que algunos les ofende
VIVA 🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦
Viva hispano america
@@jechu21pro7ellos son de izquierda no?
I know Castilian spanish is not well liked but whether you like it or don't like there's nothing you can do about the fact that this is pure spanish, authentic spanish.
All Spanish is authentic Spanish, "castillian Spanish" as you call it is as good as any other Spanish. We are one and we have 1 language. Spaniards come from all over the world.
*My patriotism on this got Intensifies*
I'm Indonesian 🇮🇩❤
I Love Spain 🇪🇸🦅
Indo hadir 😂
Indo hadir bang
Salken Semua! 💖
Nice to hear that. 👍
I don't know if the Spanish flag and an eagle make a very good combination.
0:42 They must have placed the flag of the Cross of Burgundy, the authentic Spanish flag, symbol and identity of Spanish power. It was the flag that inspired fear in the French, the English, the Dutch, the Ottomans, when Spain was the greatest power in the world and the absolute owner of the seas.
It was the flag that flew on the Spanish galleons on the high seas, the ships of the royal navy, fled when they saw that flag waving from the top of the masts.
Meu avô era natural das ilhas canárias! Viva Espanha. Arriba España! Grande povo espanhol!
Con tudo respeto, se voce chega a conhecer um dia a historia das ilhas Canarias non disse mais nunca "arriba España"... A historia é a mesma que en America do Sul, os espanholes feçeron a mesma massacre con os povos nativos. Pra nos formar parte do estado espanhol 500 anos depois naô é uma coisa pra sentir orgulho.
(disculpas pelo mio portugués imperfeto)
Perdão nobre amigo eu realmente não conheço a história das Ilhas Canárias, portanto não quis ofender os habitantes nativos. Minhas sinceras desculpas e congratulações ao povo Canário.
@@autoreverse3296 Muito obrigado pela sua comprensaô, naô tenhe nada que disculpar, é normal que a gente no mundo naô conheça a história do nosso pequeno pais, nenguém pode saber tudo... Acá deixo un video que faz un resume de nossa história, se voce entende um poco de espanhol vai poder apanhar alguma coisa. PAZ!!!
@@pereakaperegrino_tv Espanha matou foi pouco
@@pereakaperegrino_tv VIVA A ESPANHA!!!!!
Arriba España, greetings from Poland.
Viva España!!!
@Max RV Los comunistas no son el pueblo!
Viva España! Pero la de todos, no la de divid españa entre buenos y malos y fusilarlos durante 40 años
@Max RV communists rape nuns, kill priests, burn churches. fuck the people.
Love your chanel! Слава России from Spain))
@@kafon6368 "fuck the people" And who will you rule then? Or what will you rule? There's no nation without peopñe
Watched the film yesterday after seeing this clip. Excellent film.
grande rispetto per la Spagna !!!!
Grazie Italia!!
@Edoardo Rosa Grazie amico, viva L Italia.
Girls come to Spain 🇪🇸: Let's buy Churros
Boys come to Spain 🇪🇸:........
Spain ( the government) and the people couldn't agree wich lyrics to choose for their anthem so they decided to just sing without lyrics like this : 1:50 (This is kinda one of the motives we still have no lyrcis!)
Ya han pasado mas de 60 años. La vergüenza y presión internacional no deberían ser un impedimento para cantar la letra, al igual que Alemania se limita a cantar el último párrafo de Deutschlandlied
Yep and before the Euro 2020 match, Spanish players did not sing when their anthem was played so I noticed.
This is awesome, God bless the kingdom of Spain. 🇪🇸
@@End-Result si
@@End-Result shut up
Mi español y muy malo, soy italiano. Los apoyamos en la guerra civil, siempre hemos sido hermanos. Una cara una raza - en italiano, una faccia una razza. Viva Spagna viva l'Italia 🇮🇹🇪🇦🇪🇦
Arriba España! Viva la Italia! hermanos.
Porci fascisti pederasti pigliainculo
@@marcoatlante1247 Spiritus santus
@@marcoatlante1247 non ha detto nulla di fascista
@@ascaro1885 Ripassati un po di storia, in particolare la guerra civile spagnola.
I took 2 years of Latin and im proud to say that i understood the words Lu, Gloria, Patria and Re
Long life spain 🇪🇸 from Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦
As a Colombian i find this so beautiful ❤️
POV: it's 2021 and you just got this video recommended to you
I am Russian and I watch this video over and over again.
From a Spanish guy, I love Russia!
During the second world war, Spanish volunteers fought the Russians!
@@DavBlc7 There were also Russians from the former White Army that supported Franco.
¡Viva España! ¡Una grande libre! ¡Viva al Cristo Rey!
That guy lighting the cigarette and then immediately putting it out, that's so real lol
Los patriotas chilenos 🇨🇱 descubrimos nuestra cabeza para saludar en respetuoso silencio a nuestra Madre Patria 🇪🇸
Excuse me! This is not a spanish national anthem video! This is a movie not a national anthem. If you want a real national anthem go find it on youtube video. The link here!
Viva! From Hungary! 🇭🇺🇪🇦
Úgy van!
Éljen a Magyar! From Spain. Keep your beautiful and patriotic country safe. Don´t make Budapest become Bruxelles. I want to swim calmly again it the Gellert Hotel and dinner in a delicious étterem.
@@alejandrosotomartin9720 If you don't want Budapest to become Bruxelles then fuck off from here and never visit. Thanks!
@@udcunf5866 what??
@@joepaddy7239 what do you not understand
I consider la marcha real as one of the very best anthems
Our country, our bond, our hymn (the Royal March)! VIVA ESPAÑA!!! SPAIN FOREVER!!!
Arriba España! Arriba la Hispanidad! Mi respetos desde Filipinas ✋🇪🇸🇵🇭
¡¡¡Arriba la hispanidad!!! Saludos desde España a nuestro, desgraciadamente, hermano perdido las Filipinas!
@@albertoj.tomates2553 Espero que haya fuertes lazos entre España y Filipinas. También con otros países hispanos.
@@Excalibur-ri8rm Igualmente, un placer contactar con otro ferviente defensor del panhispanismo.
Gracias hermanos hispano-filipinos !!!!!!
Saludos desde Argentina hermano!!
"oro y sangre" l'unica bandiera della spagna
@@angelolarte1201 supongo que te reiras de lo ignorante que eres no?
@@angelolarte1201 sois muy simplistas , cuando lo único que reseñáis del paso de España en su imperio fue la de coger oro !!!!!
@@angelolarte1201 ya pero en España también fue ocupada y conquistada por muchas civilizaciones, fenicios , griegos , romanos , suevos , visigodos, arabes , ataques de razias vikingas , ataques de piratas berberiscos , y 10 o 15 años de ocupación con Napoleón , es asi y no veras a los españoles generar polémica por su historia , entiendo tu comentario , pero al final es simple y cansino !!!! Cuando muchas veces hablo con hermanos hispanoamericanos muchos han sido enseñados a responder lo mismo : si jaja ja los españoles se robaron el oro y violaron a nuestras mujeres , y punto de mas de 300 años de ocupación española esa es la única respuesta de la mayoría de hispanoamericanos ...
@@angelolarte1201 se enseña pero , quizá por patriotismo hablan mas como el fin del imperio español con la guerra de España contra eeuu cuando perdimos Cuba , Puerto rico , Filipinas , y las islas marianas y Guam . Pero los que sabemos mas de historia , reconocemos que España dejo de ser potencia de primer orden cuando perdimos el continente americano con las independencias de toda la América española desde los Angeles (California) hasta la punta de chile y Argentina !!!! Yo como apasionado ala historia te recomiendo el canal del doctor Don Patricio Lons gran hispanista Argentino el cual te abrirá los ojos de la gran historia de nuestros antepasados, que aunque nos separe un océano, compartimos !!!! Un saludo de un hermano Valenciano y Español !!!!
@@angelolarte1201 tengo un amigo que se llama Edgar que vive en Valencia en el estado de Carabobo !! Espero que mejoren las cosas en su país y disfrute de nuestra historia sin rencores y haga aprender a los demás que su herencia común con la madre patria es una cosa buena de la que no hay que avergonzarse, al contrario debemos estar orgullosos!!!
❤️ Italy-spain ❤️
Hermanos mediterráneos x siempre
Los mejores paises del mundo
@@Alex-uq3my segai ichi!
@@saramartin7284 🤞🏻❤️
What a beautiful anthem...
Love from S.Korea
🇪🇸 🙏 🇰🇷
Living in South korea sucks
Without Spain, the Philippines we know today should not exist 🇪🇸⚔️🇵🇭
They raped and ransacked the country but youre still proud of it?? Youre sick.
It's only a historical fact
@@medassistph You are a liar, perhaps a muslim one
Sadly they don't fuckin care about us anymore after enslaving us for 3 centuries. That is why it is a good choice that we removed Spanish from our official language.
whith navigator portugese who discover philipnes fernao de magalhaes in a spanish boats
Abrazo, hermanos españoles, de parte un mexicano.
Un abrazo mi hermano, que viva la Hispanidad fuerte y unida.
Viva la hispanidad desde la ciudad Novohispana de Guadalajara, arriba España 🇯🇪
Gracias hermano, viva la HISPANIDAD!
Gran película viva España!!🇪🇦
Para ser la típica película revisionista está bastante buena pero se notan las costuras al final
¿Cómo se llama la película?, quiero verla!!
@@isoptera-RCpS ¿cómo se llama la película?
@@alejandroalmiron6400 Mientras dure la guerra
My father was born in La Coruña and always told stories about the Spanish Civil War.
I believe he would be happy to watch this film.
Unfortunately, he died in 2016...
Mi padre nació en La Coruña y siempre contaba historias sobre la Guerra Civil Española.
Creo que estaría feliz de ver esta película.
Desafortunadamente, murió en 2016...
Great scene! If you could share the film that this belongs to, I would love to watch it in its entirety. Shouldn't be too hard to find
@@kored8688 Thanks for sharing!
@@Thermopylae2007 Well, the title was both in the name of the video, and in the description, so...
I hope you understand what this scene represents?
@@texx1985 what does it represent?
Viva Espanha! 🇧🇷 🇪🇸
Viva, hermano del Brasil.
Soy mexicano y amo ser descendiente español gracias España por ser descendiente de tus raíces 🇲🇽❤️🇪🇸
NO mame we tenga dignidad
@@HIDHIFDB x2 wtf y este que acaso no conoce su historia?
@@sannainhs7234 La leyenda Negra no cuenta como historia 😏
@@guillermo982 Cómo hermano? La conquista no es historia?
@@sannainhs7234 La Conquista si , pero la leyenda negra no
0:29: when the boss tells a joke and you feel obliged to laugh
"That every one just do whatever they want?"
That's pretty much what they were doing during the anthem haha
Ironicly, TH-cam recomended it vie push up while i was listening to some spanish songs from the civil war and franquist eras.
Ain't that whacky?
Thats how youtube works dumbey dumb
They have lovely singing voices.
Spain's national anthem is one of my favourite anthems.
The spanish anthem Is One of the most beautiful anthem in the world, much love from Italy. ♥️🇮🇹
Vivan todas las Españas península e hispanoamérica!!!
Arribaa colombia y todo la hispanidad
@@josedavidcunalatamorante9672 reunifiquemosnos
@@josedavidcunalatamorante9672 lamentablemente
Amigo nuestras naciones son hermanas
@@andrescamiloparedesdiaz815 no.
Viva hispano america
Arriba Espana ! Love from France 🇨🇵❤️🇪🇸
1:52 for me represents that doesn't matter how many republics create the spanish people and nation are gonna come back to the old days a great Spanish Kingdom with Yellow and Red.
Simplemente Hermoso
me emociona siendo yo chileno
los españoles deberían recuperar la grandeza que tiempo atrás ostentaron
España e Hispanoamérica somos uno.
@JM Fernández Gracias
Kultowa scena! Tak się zmienia ustrój!
Pora u nas
Gloria to Spain!
From an Italian brother 🇮🇹❤️🇪🇸
What are you saying? These cowards cost Italy's war effort in WW II and w/o Italy would never had beaten the Communist then mocked Italian soldiers for ONE lost battle they were part of.
¡¡¡Viva la Hispanidad, viva el Rey y nuestra santa Fe Católica.!!! 🇯🇪🇪🇦🇨🇱
Tu si que sabes arriba españa viva franco viva el rey
Ser parte de una Iglesia corrupta que vende la gracia de Dios? Jamas!
@@fernandoaitortv5205 franco fue un dictador asesino asi que viva de que.VIVA EL REY,franco esta muy bien muerto.
I am not spanish, but can’t help to be filled with pride watching this ☺️
Very easy not to feel pride when watching fascists engage in state worship
They are fascists who got help from the nazis, no pride to be held here....
@@incognitoiguana6174 As opposed the the Republicans who got their help from Stalin, one of history's greatest mass murderers?
@@Inoffensive_name Were they fascists? The rebels were made up of several factions, only one, the Falange, was openly fascist. It would be better to refer to them as nationalists. Yes, Franco identified with Fascisist policies after the war, but at this point he was still a conservative monarchist.
I love how the other officer immediatelly understands what is going down and asks for the song to be sang
El Lema de los Nacionales y los Republicanos era basicamente: Tu tira pa delante y a ver que sale que no podemos cagarla mas de cualquier modo
No hay nada más español que eso
Igualito que hoy
Los republicanos eran los nacionales, los fascistas eran sublevados
Wait but isn't it weird that the flag of the republic was waving at 01:47? Like can anyone please explain if there's any symbolic meaning?
Probably the fact that the republic was still in control of most of the country and the coup against it was just beginning, such not having time to take all flags of the republic down
È per stare a significare che ormai l epoca della repubblica spagnola era finita, e che dato che è alle loro spalle non la guardano
Quisiera tomarme el tiempo para decir lo orgullosa que estoy de ser descendiente de un país tan bonito como lo es España, pa arriba hermanos españoles, desde Cuba 🇪🇸🤝🇨🇺
Гордится надо не национальностью, а личными поступками. В 21 веке глупо гордится тем, для чего ты лично ничего не сделал. Ты родился уже таким какая у тебя национальность и раса. Все люди произошли от одинаковых предков из Африки. Это научный факт. Ему миллионы лет. А "нациям" всего 200-400лет. Что ничтожно. Будь умнее. Ты хомо сапиенс, а не националистическая обезьяна!
@@kotnapromkecala boca comuna
No hagan caso al ruso la viven cagando hasta tienen nazbols.
Hoy en dia ademas mira son estupidos por eso cuando iban a la luna morian.
Aparte te dicen latino son estupidos para no saber donde viene el origen de este idioma que es: ibero romance no latino romance.
The only national anthem without official lyrics... With or without them, it sounds beautiful.🇪🇸
Respect from georgia 🇬🇪