Might try the IPA next . Any advice how I can get my beer to hold a head better? Last brew (golden ale) was well carbonated but no head, not sure why. Cheers mate :-)
Fair call on the head retention. I think I even said in my brew review for the Golden that I didn't feel head retention was the best for that kit. I found the head retention on the IPA a lot better. And the description that comes for the IPA notes the use of wheat malt for improved head. Suggestion from @AndyThom is fair - Maltodextrin can help foam stability. Will also add to the body of the brew. It's a non fermentable starch that is tasteless. If you use Maltodextrin I would add it when you mix your wurt - you can disolved some in a cup of boiling water first. Good guidance again with Andy on the amount - potentially consider the lower end of the range for your first go.
Might try the IPA next . Any advice how I can get my beer to hold a head better? Last brew (golden ale) was well carbonated but no head, not sure why. Cheers mate :-)
50 - 100g of maltodextrin may help
Thanks Andy, can I add that to any brew e.g. an IPA ?
Fair call on the head retention. I think I even said in my brew review for the Golden that I didn't feel head retention was the best for that kit. I found the head retention on the IPA a lot better. And the description that comes for the IPA notes the use of wheat malt for improved head. Suggestion from @AndyThom is fair - Maltodextrin can help foam stability. Will also add to the body of the brew. It's a non fermentable starch that is tasteless. If you use Maltodextrin I would add it when you mix your wurt - you can disolved some in a cup of boiling water first. Good guidance again with Andy on the amount - potentially consider the lower end of the range for your first go.
Thanks Russel, so if I do an IPA next add 50g maltodextrin dissolved in hot water to the brew barrel before topping up to 23 litres yeah? Graeme :-)
Or would you say the IPA doesn't need it?