No. That’s arrogance, selfishness, and stupidity. Also, a lack of respect towards the young soldier standing guard for his King. What is wrong with these people?
With very, very few exceptions (at least as far as what I've seen on YT), tourists treat these guards as if they were static displays -- mannequins! -- at a museum. If they really need to get that photo with the guard, then they should very politely ask for permission then thank them afterwards. Jezz!
It's like the case of the guard on horseback, it's as if the guard had ridden a dinosaur for the stupid crowd to hold the reins and appear in front of their friend's camera. Hahahaha
How would these tourists react if some stranger started touching them ? Poor horses, poor guards. How do they put up with this intrusion ? Mega respect.
I agree!!! Watching these videos some of these people are rude!! One is taking a picture and someone just walks up there and doesn't wait until they are done! Very selfish people 🥺
The attitude on it. The face on it was priceless. Thinking she could do what she wanted to do. Total lack of respect Respect to the guard for moving just before her photo was taken. 😂❤
It's shocking that people can't respect the fabulous job that this guard is doing. And the look on her face indicates she has no understanding that what she did was wrong.
Zato jer misli svojom židovskom glavom i misli da može sve radit kako ju je volja, a ona nije jedina jer sam primjetila da pogotovo Židovi vole provocirati kraljevsku gardu i konje i da puno drugih su bez imalo poštovanja prema kraljevskoj gardi kao da nisu ljudi, a moguće da su fulali muzej voštanih figura sa živim ljudima i fali im malo zapravo puno poštovanja prema ovim vojnicima i konjima.
No she didn’t understand she said in Hebrew “what happened what he is doing “? And by the way ,in our religion she is not allowed to touch another man, I am asking for your forgiveness and apologies in the name of all Israel for her rude behaviour its not acceptable even in our country to interfere soldiers in their job or worse touch them, the Israeli citizens will not allow her, we respect our soldiers 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@@zoecochavi5562 naravno ne govorim za sve Židove jer imam prijatelje jevreje i koji su također reagirali na ovakvo nepoštivanje prema kraljevskoj gardi čak im je bilo neugodno kada sam im pokazala par snimaka gdje se još koliko shvaćam po odjeći ortodoksni židovi ponašaju neprimjereno, a cijeli svijet zna koliko ulažete u vojsku i da ste svi dužni odslužiti vojni rok i muškarci i žene, te je tim više bilo ovo preneugodno za gledati. Da se razumijemo nemam ništa protiv Židova, ali imam protiv politike Izraela prema Palestini i svemu što se ponovo razbuktalo od 11.mjeseca prošle godine u Gazi. Ubijanje civila od toga 100 000 ubijene djece stvarno to je genocid, koji svijet gleda kao neki film, a film nije već OKRUTNA, BEZĆUTNA ISTINA!
She missed THE LOOK! But then she nearly lost her nose as the Guard turned, haha!!! And had the nerve to think that he had done wrong, not her. Good capture Buska!
It's about time these tourists understand these are kings' guards and need respect, It's shocking on how much these poor guards and horses get shown disrespect by these fools.
People make me sick , manners cost nothing , a simple please may I take a photo beside you , most guards give a slight nod ( yes I asked and got a nod twice ) stand apart with your hands to yourself , get a photo and say THANK YOU , he’s a working guard not a photo prop for ignorant tourists , how dare she touch him , she got what she deserved , he face was priceless and she deserved it , big respect to that guard ☺️
I agree. I approached a mounted guard at this very place and asked him if I could approach him and his horse. I was shocked to get a nod in the affirmative.
It’s not just incredibly rude and disrespectful, it’s creepy! Getting in his personal space like that, she’d be screaming her head off if a stranger came up beside and started trying to touch her hair!
Lady with the blue turban thing.... you are not allowed to touch the King's Guard and because you did the Guardsman decided your photo shoot was at an end!! 😅
@@barbaraaldam204• Apparently two foreign dignitaries complained about the guards shouting, so they were silenced. Some of them are now starting to shout again. Personally, I wish the guards were allowed to show these unbelievably ignorant tourists that their swords are not toys.
She has no manners. This lack of respect is disgusting! Asking for permission to take a photo doesn't cost anything and a thank you shows good manners. Do not touch the guards uniform! I liked the guard's reaction; glad he went before she could take her photo. She is so stupid; she didn't understand why he left.
You know if a stranger started fooling around with those things they were wearing on their heads they would have completely lost it. Those two were totally clueless!
The look of astonishment on her face when she realises that there is a real person inside that uniform - or was she thinking 'How dare he walk away when I'm having my picture taken with him.'
I really believe that some of these tourist think that these guards are put their purely for their entertainment, don't they realize that they are real soldiers!
I as an American have more respect for anyone who serve in the military no matter were they are from . My grandfather was in the airforce for 32 year's retired major. If I were to visit the UK i surely wouldn't touch anyone soldier, that is very disrespectful when visiting someones home they are working they have a museum were you can get yourself educated when visiting. If they yell at you don't be alarmed it is for your own safety and read the signs when they say don't touch the reins the horses and soldiers go through enough now days dealing with to much silliness its dangerous for you and them if they get spooked. We don't need anyone to get hurt. They have families and lifes . This is a privilege to go visit other countries so have respect. And thank you for you're videos Buska I think what you and your buddys are doing is great it helps a bunch especially for thier families to see how they are doing. When they don't have time to visit. Love from Texas ❤. Thank you for their service.
I come from a long family history of military service, 4 generations, in fact and that includes my dad. I would never show disrespect to the guards and soldiers. Thank you to all of you for your service. Other people are so closed minded that they don't want to be educated.
My father was at Dunkirk in ww2 and very proud of all things military as am I. It's so very sad and unfair the way in which these majestic guards are treated with disrespect.
Thank you for telling me... My father who's long passed now lost an eye there and suffered from the trauma of it. After the war he was given the role of Corps of Commissionaire. I doubt very much that there are many of them left nowadays as if my father had still been alive he would have been 102 years old. I was 32 when he passed of cancer. I'm in my early sixties now.@@kerryquinn6218
Manners and respect don't feature on her agenda. Did she expect the Guard, to ask her permission to move? She was greatly disappointed! Well done to the Guard.
Otra cosa tengo que decir. Tenga la delicadeza de decir gracias. Estoy contenta de que mi hijo haya salido del ejército. La gente no se merece lo que ellos hacen por nosotros. Cada vez que miro a estos muchachos me vienen ganas de llorar. Soportan muchas cosas y estas personas que no los respetan.
Merci et bravo madame ! Moi aussi , cela me fait mal pour ces hommes !! Ce n’est pas de l’ignorance …… mais la pure méchanceté !!!ce qu’ils doivent ressentir en leur fort intérieur ! Je hais ce public !! Monique 🇫🇷
Ma veramente, c'è gente così ignorante 🥺la polizia , dovrebbe tutelare queste guardie ,che sono costrette a subire tutta sto ignoranza,ma la colpa è della Corona e del governo...questi turisti portano soldi e dunque....
The guard showed much patience and didn't even got a thank you. And he did the right thing turning his back to that rude woman for touching is tassel. And she was so clueless. Unbelievable.
I have only recently started watching these videos. How long has all this impertinent behaviour been going on, disrespecting the guards? Years maybe, getting worse now that everyone has a phone to take photos of anything and everything.
Last time I was at horse guards which was about 2018 they were grabbing the reins then. Then it was the Kings Troop doing holiday relief. It is bad that they have to put up with it.
@@carolineberry3169• They were still doing that until a few weeks ago when new signs were put up telling people not to touch the reins. Of course some still do. It's time to put up notices to not touch the guards either, and there should be consequences for doing so.
Different level rudeness. I wish these soldiers had more designed out cover. They are utterly exposed to abuse and attack. The time has come to stop exposing them to these idiots. Barriers.
It amazes me how people think it's OK to touch the King's Guards. Newsflash, they are on duty hands off. Please respect them ❤ They are serving our country and deserve respect 😊
The look on that woman's face when the soldier moved was priceless in a cheap way. I wonder if she would do that to the troops were ever she comes from. No she wouldn't. so don't do it here.
I know it's really weird. I've seen it a lot. 🤔 Like that woman who threw her glove over the chain divider?? and expected the guard to pick it up. An older Scottish soldier came up and gave her and her husband proper shit!
If you look, there have been so many of all sorts that are disrespectful. That you would single out Israelis says a hell of a lot more about you than about Israelis
Actually,the ultimate distespect was shown by an Israeli couple,who blatantly dropped a glove in full expectation that the guard pick it up and return it.Yes,lots of people show distespect but the look on that woman’s face spoke of ultimate entitlement and her behaviour was indicative of maximum contempt for the guard and all he stands for.
Trying to reason with some people is an exercise in futility. Making then have to pick up their teeth from the ground would make things very, very clear.
Has she never heard of personal space? How would she feel if a stranger came up and stood next to her and crowded her and brushed up against her and touched her headwear? I don’t think she’d be too happy. I feel so sorry for him being subjected to that. I understand the appeal of getting ones picture taken with them but it has got to be their most hated duty. There ought to be a outline around the guards and mounted guards that nobody is allowed to pass.
I noticed most of the tourists are Indian, Chinese, Russian, Middle Eastern, or Latin American. Imagine the consequences if they touched a guard in their own country
The absolute arrogance from the woman in the pink T-shirt.. OMG, she stands to close to the guard and then has the audacity to try and touch the helmet’s plume. Then pulls a face because the guard finished his static guarding. I don’t think some of these people realise that these guards are active and highly trained soldiers. And are there to protect the king and crown…and not for people touch them or their horse or uniform.
The woman who touched the soldier's plume was an ignoramus and disgusting!! I live in America and would never dream of treating the guards in such a disrespectful manner!!!
Pure ignorance!
No. That’s arrogance, selfishness, and stupidity. Also, a lack of respect towards the young soldier standing guard for his King. What is wrong with these people?
They only think about themselves! That's what's wrong with them.
Well done guard 😊❤
Those beanie cap people have provided some of the rudest clips I've seen
Disgusting lack of respect for that Trooper. He deserves another medal from putting up with the crowds.
With very, very few exceptions (at least as far as what I've seen on YT), tourists treat these guards as if they were static displays -- mannequins! -- at a museum. If they really need to get that photo with the guard, then they should very politely ask for permission then thank them afterwards. Jezz!
Big Miss entitlement. Lack of respect for sure.
It's like the case of the guard on horseback, it's as if the guard had ridden a dinosaur for the stupid crowd to hold the reins and appear in front of their friend's camera. Hahahaha
Так ему за это уже медаль повесили...два раза за одно и то же не дают.😉😂🎉
Those clowns dont deserve any respect
She deserved that reaction from the Guard. Her ‘affront’ is laughable.
yea she was insulted that he
he should shouted at her to show her up, she was acting all affonted as if she did nothe=ing after she touche his helmet plumes,
Yep, she's like 'How dare he walk away from me in that way!?!?'. 🤦♀
😂😂😂 love it, she’s so annoyed! He’s a solider not a tourist photo op!
He loves it
How would these tourists react if some stranger started touching them ? Poor horses, poor guards. How do they put up with this intrusion ? Mega respect.
Exactly! It's Horse Guards not Disney!
He is NOT a toy soldier and it is a uniform, NOT a costume!
I’d flip out. And probably flip them off. And maybe give them a good shove.
I agree!!! Watching these videos some of these people are rude!! One is taking a picture and someone just walks up there and doesn't wait until they are done! Very selfish people 🥺
especially from people that know better. But act like dumb bells in publicl
The attitude on it. The face on it was priceless. Thinking she could do what she wanted to do.
Total lack of respect
Respect to the guard for moving just before her photo was taken. 😂❤
Thank you for calling it an it because that thing wasn’t human
It's shocking that people can't respect the fabulous job that this guard is doing. And the look on her face indicates she has no understanding that what she did was wrong.
Zato jer misli svojom židovskom glavom i misli da može sve radit kako ju je volja, a ona nije jedina jer sam primjetila da pogotovo Židovi vole provocirati kraljevsku gardu i konje i da puno drugih su bez imalo poštovanja prema kraljevskoj gardi kao da nisu ljudi, a moguće da su fulali muzej voštanih figura sa živim ljudima i fali im malo zapravo puno poštovanja prema ovim vojnicima i konjima.
No she didn’t understand she said in Hebrew “what happened what he is doing “? And by the way ,in our religion she is not allowed to touch another man, I am asking for your forgiveness and apologies in the name of all Israel for her rude behaviour its not acceptable even in our country to interfere soldiers in their job or worse touch them, the Israeli citizens will not allow her, we respect our soldiers 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Of course you're forgiven. You don't need to apologize for your entire country. Thank you for offering some explanation. @@zoecochavi5562
@@zoecochavi5562 naravno ne govorim za sve Židove jer imam prijatelje jevreje i koji su također reagirali na ovakvo nepoštivanje prema kraljevskoj gardi čak im je bilo neugodno kada sam im pokazala par snimaka gdje se još koliko shvaćam po odjeći ortodoksni židovi ponašaju neprimjereno, a cijeli svijet zna koliko ulažete u vojsku i da ste svi dužni odslužiti vojni rok i muškarci i žene, te je tim više bilo ovo preneugodno za gledati. Da se razumijemo nemam ništa protiv Židova, ali imam protiv politike Izraela prema Palestini i svemu što se ponovo razbuktalo od 11.mjeseca prošle godine u Gazi. Ubijanje civila od toga 100 000 ubijene djece stvarno to je genocid, koji svijet gleda kao neki film, a film nije već OKRUTNA, BEZĆUTNA ISTINA!
@@sandramarcic1058Are you a Serb?
Some people are so so thick , it’s amazing they get through there day to day life
not thick.....they are always trying it on....
see how far they can push....
She missed THE LOOK! But then she nearly lost her nose as the Guard turned, haha!!! And had the nerve to think that he had done wrong, not her. Good capture Buska!
Yes she did neatly lose her nose 😂
They are just idiots...
Don't get me going...again !
I've watched the clip several times just to see her reaction. It's priceless 😂😂. Gotta ❤love the guard
The guard deserves a medal for putting up with the public
Totally agree .
I agree ☝️
“Gallantry Under Public Exposure” Medal.
It's about time these tourists understand these are kings' guards and need respect, It's shocking on how much these poor guards and horses get shown disrespect by these fools.
People make me sick , manners cost nothing , a simple please may I take a photo beside you , most guards give a slight nod ( yes I asked and got a nod twice ) stand apart with your hands to yourself , get a photo and say THANK YOU , he’s a working guard not a photo prop for ignorant tourists , how dare she touch him , she got what she deserved , he face was priceless and she deserved it , big respect to that guard ☺️
I agree. I approached a mounted guard at this very place and asked him if I could approach him and his horse. I was shocked to get a nod in the affirmative.
Very smart & respectful.
Congratulations on being the Kings guard, you must feel so proud. Fantastic patience sir
This people forget that just because he’s standing there doesn’t mean he have to put up with it. He’s on duty and needs to be on alert for anything.
It’s not just incredibly rude and disrespectful, it’s creepy! Getting in his personal space like that, she’d be screaming her head off if a stranger came up beside and started trying to touch her hair!
nobody would try to touch her
Exactly!!! There's no way I could deal with that every day.
😢eu morreria no primeiro dia de trabalho
Ok, she gets the award for rudest tourist ever! How could she be so ignorant? Does she treat members of the Israeli army with such contempt?
Would never happen it would be ended in a flash, so she does it overseas where she thinks she is special, guess what lady your not!
Of course not.
Lady with the blue turban thing.... you are not allowed to touch the King's Guard and because you did the Guardsman decided your photo shoot was at an end!! 😅
Was she Israeli? She'd have been a soldier herself in her youth if that was the case. They all do National Service in their late teens.
@@jayawilder3835 So what if she was a soldier she was rude.
I'm amazed she didn't get shouted at. She deserves it
The guard was probably afraid that he'd say something that he'd later regret.
They only seem to shout very occasionally now days,I think the order came down to stop shouting at tourists
@@barbaraaldam204• Apparently two foreign dignitaries complained about the guards shouting, so they were silenced. Some of them are now starting to shout again. Personally, I wish the guards were allowed to show these unbelievably ignorant tourists that their swords are not toys.
@@Sandy-n4nafraid because his bosses are her people
The look on her face, like she’s insulted because he moved. How can people be so ignorant!
Maybe she has never been told, no you can't, in her life. But the look on her face was priceless. Glad he went before she could get her photo
@@barbaraaldam204 if as he has ever asked someone for a date...shes been told NO
I have to wonder, if a stranger came up beside her and Touched her Headscarf!
She has no manners. This lack of respect is disgusting! Asking for permission to take a photo doesn't cost anything and a thank you shows good manners. Do not touch the guards uniform! I liked the guard's reaction; glad he went before she could take her photo. She is so stupid; she didn't understand why he left.
Agree! And I don't know how she changed facial expressions...that makeup it so thick 😆
Just the fact that she made that horrid face…like what the hell’s wrong with you to the trooper. That was rude and he was such a gentleman.
What is wrong with people? The guard is a human being. Keep your damn hands to yourself. 🤬🤬🤬
The very patient and handsome young guard, God bless you. These tourists are obnoxious. Not a one said thank you.
Saying "Thank you" these days seems to be quite an effort!!
You know if a stranger started fooling around with those things they were wearing on their heads they would have completely lost it. Those two were totally clueless!
I think you mean “classless” 😂
@@shirleyanneyoung955. I think she means both.
Yes, what if someone started touching her husbands hat. They would lose it.
That has to be the worst yet. The guard dealt with her perfectly without uttering a word.
I bet that he muttered a few things under his breath! Lol
He probably didn't want to shout at her in case what he was actually thinking came out of his mouth !
@@kathellison8084omg I laughed out loud at this 😂🤣
She had a look on her face as if to say " why did he move. I didn't get my picture yet ! "
i feel really sorry for these guards, having to stand there surrounded by all those idiots 😮
The look of astonishment on her face when she realises that there is a real person inside that uniform - or was she thinking 'How dare he walk away when I'm having my picture taken with him.'
God bless The Kings Guards !!! much respect !!!
I really believe that some of these tourist think that these guards are put their purely for their entertainment, don't they realize that they are real soldiers!
This is truly disgusting. I miss social distancing. I can’t stand people breathing down my neck or bumping up against me in lines. It’s so gross.
He is a real young man, a real soldier not an unfeeling statue!!
Exactly and the tourists are too self centered and ignorant to understand that.
The guards deserve a pay raise for having to deal with rude idiots while on duty.
And a gold star for the patience of a saint!
Nothing like being pawed by a complete stranger....the look he gave her was priceless👀
Sheer impudence! How someone can believe it's okay to touch another person like that boggles the mind!
@@hoolydooly5072 She should be responsible for herself. She's supposed to be an adult!
Profound ignorance. To a soldier? In his face rudeness?! Even touching is uniform! His headgear. She wasn’t even aware of herself - or him.
I love how personally affronted she was. As if he was supposed to be her mate or something.
I wonder how she would feel if a complete stranger went around touching that thing on her head
Any respectable person wouldn’t go within a foot of her.
@ToddWraith-qu8nl not even a Barge Pole.🙄
I as an American have more respect for anyone who serve in the military no matter were they are from . My grandfather was in the airforce for 32 year's retired major. If I were to visit the UK i surely wouldn't touch anyone soldier, that is very disrespectful when visiting someones home they are working they have a museum were you can get yourself educated when visiting. If they yell at you don't be alarmed it is for your own safety and read the signs when they say don't touch the reins the horses and soldiers go through enough now days dealing with to much silliness its dangerous for you and them if they get spooked. We don't need anyone to get hurt. They have families and lifes . This is a privilege to go visit other countries so have respect. And thank you for you're videos Buska I think what you and your buddys are doing is great it helps a bunch especially for thier families to see how they are doing. When they don't have time to visit. Love from Texas ❤. Thank you for their service.
What a long service your grandfather had, such a privilege to have him in your family. Best wishes from Northern Ireland.
I come from a long family history of military service, 4 generations, in fact and that includes my dad. I would never show disrespect to the guards and soldiers. Thank you to all of you for your service. Other people are so closed minded that they don't want to be educated.
My father was at Dunkirk in ww2 and very proud of all things military as am I. It's so very sad and unfair the way in which these majestic guards are treated with disrespect.
@@Sandy-n4n My grandfather was there although I didn't know that until long after he had died.
Thank you for telling me... My father who's long passed now lost an eye there and suffered from the trauma of it. After the war he was given the role of Corps of Commissionaire. I doubt very much that there are many of them left nowadays as if my father had still been alive he would have been 102 years old. I was 32 when he passed of cancer. I'm in my early sixties now.@@kerryquinn6218
Manners and respect don't feature on her agenda. Did she expect the Guard, to ask her permission to move? She was greatly disappointed! Well done to the Guard.
Shocking behaviour!
Big lady with hat please don't touch ....well done guard ....thankyou for your service ❤❤
Otra cosa tengo que decir.
Tenga la delicadeza de decir gracias.
Estoy contenta de que mi hijo haya salido del ejército.
La gente no se merece lo que ellos hacen por nosotros.
Cada vez que miro a estos muchachos me vienen ganas de llorar.
Soportan muchas cosas y estas personas que no los respetan.
Merci et bravo madame ! Moi aussi , cela me fait mal pour ces hommes !! Ce n’est pas de l’ignorance …… mais la pure méchanceté !!!ce qu’ils doivent ressentir en leur fort intérieur ! Je hais ce public !! Monique 🇫🇷
Ma veramente, c'è gente così ignorante 🥺la polizia , dovrebbe tutelare queste guardie ,che sono costrette a subire tutta sto ignoranza,ma la colpa è della Corona e del governo...questi turisti portano soldi e dunque....
Who do these ignorant people think they are,it makes me very angry
They probably think that they'll above the rest!! 😠
This was almost as good as watching Arnie bite tourists.🤣
Maybe the guards should be allowed to bite people. 😂😂😂
@@letmebetheoned5648Nah, they probably taste bad too! The guards have enough to put up with.
@@mtnmagic1998 you’re probably right. 😂😂😂 allowing guards to start lopping off hands?? 🤷🏼♀️😂
@@letmebetheoned5648 Used to be done in the middle ages so can't be all bad can it?🤣
That trooper didn’t earn his medal to have ghouls invading his personal space
The guard showed much patience and didn't even got a thank you. And he did the right thing turning his back to that rude woman for touching is tassel. And she was so clueless. Unbelievable.
Her crowd always are the rudest of tourist.
Their rudeness and entitlement was why E Europe didn’t want them back post war.
Ignorance doesn't excuse her rudeness. Would she walk up to any stranger on the street and touch their hat? He is a soldier. Respect that!
She knew she was wrong they way she non chalantly did it then ignored it when he looked at her. Full grown woman acting like a child.
She is shocked, where she comes from, cozying up to someone must be fine. So rude.
Well that was uncalled for, maybe it’s just her!
I would've been happy to tell her why@@danieljette7409
I have only recently started watching these videos. How long has all this impertinent behaviour been going on, disrespecting the guards? Years maybe, getting worse now that everyone has a phone to take photos of anything and everything.
Last time I was at horse guards which was about 2018 they were grabbing the reins then. Then it was the Kings Troop doing holiday relief. It is bad that they have to put up with it.
@@carolineberry3169• They were still doing that until a few weeks ago when new signs were put up telling people not to touch the reins. Of course some still do.
It's time to put up notices to not touch the guards either, and there should be consequences for doing so.
They could put up signs 6ft tall with flashing lights around some would still not see them !
Different level rudeness. I wish these soldiers had more designed out cover. They are utterly exposed to abuse and attack. The time has come to stop exposing them to these idiots. Barriers.
It amazes me how people think it's OK to touch the King's Guards. Newsflash, they are on duty hands off. Please respect them ❤ They are serving our country and deserve respect 😊
The "Why did he do that" look. 🙄😬
Their rudeness and bad manners are breathtaking!
Wow her face when he walked away 🤣
The look on that woman's face when the soldier moved was priceless in a cheap way. I wonder if she would do that to the troops were ever she comes from. No she wouldn't. so don't do it here.
I'm from USA and we have a personal space we call the bubble . Don't get within 3ft of us or your in our bubble. These tourist would drive us nuts.
Just love the look on the guards face that he gave her. Lol
Lets face it. You wouldn't want that thing cozying up to you.
So arrogant these people !! If he came up to her and touch her headscarf a stranger she would kick off.. show respect and back off !
Oh, the look on her face . . . Bravo, guard.
What beautiful clear pictures. The best I've seen. Thank you. 🇦🇺
Thats a BIG no-no got the "death stare 2" how dare she 😮
So many people treat these guards like they're animals in a zoo. Boundaries people. Treat others the way you want to be treated!!!
I have seen many Israeli tourist's act rude and ignorant to the guards here on TH-cam.
yes that's true, I saw a video with young Israelis, I was shocked
I agree as well!
Yws, so have I.
I know it's really weird. I've seen it a lot. 🤔 Like that woman who threw her glove over the chain divider?? and expected the guard to pick it up. An older Scottish soldier came up and gave her and her husband proper shit!
They treat him like he’s a statue. It must be very frustrating.
And nerve racking.
Complete and unwarranted disrespect by that woman, wth does she think she is?!
Keep your mauling hands off!
Watched soo many of the Israeli tourists being disrespectful, if you look back there have been soo many..
Who's the worst; the orientals, the Americans, or the Israeli crowd?
Please understand we're not all like that! She was *very* disrespectful.
If you look, there have been so many of all sorts that are disrespectful. That you would single out Israelis says a hell of a lot more about you than about Israelis
Actually,the ultimate distespect was shown by an Israeli couple,who blatantly dropped a glove in full expectation that the guard pick it up and return it.Yes,lots of people show distespect but the look on that woman’s face spoke of ultimate entitlement and her behaviour was indicative of maximum contempt for the guard and all he stands for.
@@FionaRoperStill doesn’t mean all Israelis.
Dá nos nervos ver como os turistas tratam os guardas, como se fossem bonecos de cera. Deveriam conhecer e respeitar a cultura dos países que visitam.
I agree with you 💯%!!! people now a days don't think about no one but themselves 🥺
Perhaps a signpost reading "Do Not Touch The Guards!" is in order...
Most of the rudeness towards the guards is by her kind. Plenty of video's to prove it.
The troopers spend an awful lot of time and work keeping their uniforms immaculate. It’s not to be touched by some claw like that
OMG the pure SELF CONTROL of these guards is AMAZING 🎉❤
Most of them are well behaved, then there's the jerk!
Thx, Buska! 😊😊
Is Arnie okay?
It’s nice when the tourist says TY to the guards.
Trying to reason with some people is an exercise in futility. Making then have to pick up their teeth from the ground would make things very, very clear.
Definition of a tourist...One who takes their body on holiday, but has very likely left there brain at home.
I'm not sure some tourists realise they are actual guards and not just a photograph attraction 😂
It must be so humiliating for these poor guards to have to stand there and let all these pictures be taken.
Has she never heard of personal space? How would she feel if a stranger came up and stood next to her and crowded her and brushed up against her and touched her headwear? I don’t think she’d be too happy. I feel so sorry for him being subjected to that. I understand the appeal of getting ones picture taken with them but it has got to be their most hated duty. There ought to be a outline around the guards and mounted guards that nobody is allowed to pass.
I noticed most of the tourists are Indian, Chinese, Russian, Middle Eastern, or Latin American. Imagine the consequences if they touched a guard in their own country
It's not fair to expect The Kings Soldiers to go through that crap every day.
Just rewatching this two weeks on . . . and I realise I've never wanted to smack a face so hard as this one.
So many Israeli tourists are rude to our wonderful guards/soldiers
Tourists who come to London nowadays
are so bloody rude!!! Why can’t they show
more respect to the King’s Guards???
I would hope that the Senior Staff MOD or Army will View this Footage These Soldiers are at Risk in this Position.
This man is holding a sword and is young and fit. What would make you think it is okay to touch him?
The absolute arrogance from the woman in the pink T-shirt.. OMG, she stands to close to the guard and then has the audacity to try and touch the helmet’s plume. Then pulls a face because the guard finished his static guarding. I don’t think some of these people realise that these guards are active and highly trained soldiers. And are there to protect the king and crown…and not for people touch them or their horse or uniform.
The woman who touched the soldier's plume was an ignoramus and disgusting!! I live in America and would never dream of treating the guards in such a disrespectful manner!!!
Lots of respect 👊
Why do we put our Guards into this situation where they have to endure such disgusting disrespect from a multitude of crass foreigners. Terrible!
Sir, I feel for you. ✌🏼
I was waiting and ,,, I knew it!!!!
Not very often that a Brit steps out of line, if ever in fact. Says alot about the people coming to the UK
tell that to the Italians at the Colloseum.
The Spanish might have a few words to say about the manners of British tourists. Lol.
I think the Brits do their fair share of disrespectful behaviour in other countries.
An honest toothless smile made me smile as well.
"What's with HIM? I'll scowl as hard as I can." 😄
Those soldiers are doing a job, and yet every member of the public treats them as if they are a tourist attraction
...and she looked even disappointed! 😅🤦♀️
What ever happens ,to have matter ,by keeping your hands to your self are you looking for trouble , respect the king guard
Simply confirms for me that ignorance abounds in every race, color, creed, ethnicity, nationality.