Narcissism is one of the subjects I always wondered how our society can be exposed to get awareness. I am glad to learn the correct terminology in Amharic. I personally came across narcissism and the disorder in recent times, therefore I felt like there must be lots of people out there who are not aware of the major issues that we are facing in our society due to this problem in families, friendship, at work and marriage. I appreciate the fact that narcissism is addressed and people can be get the knowledge of this trait to be able to handle and deal with it.
You are great Tigist. I really appropriate your program. Your program is one of the Top rated and really useful for the society. You are giving a therapy for many. Thank you for your guests too. All are great professionals. Please keep it up and come as frequently as possible. Thanks.
Interesting piece.. Tons of thanks. I reality am impressed with the host girl. She is professional enough. Could you please share me Ato Petros's( psychiatrist) contact (email or mobile).
እህቴ ሰአትሽ አነሰ ከልቤ ነዉ የምወድሽ ሰአቱ ትንሽ እንኳን ብትጨምሪልን
ቲጂዬ በጣም ነው የምወድሽ ፕሮግራሞችሽ በጣም አስተማሪ ናቸው
ትይግስት በጣም በጣም አድነቂሽ ነኝ ወደ ኢቢኤስ እንኳን በደህና መጠሽ ፋጠሪ ይጫምርልሽ
Narcissism is one of the subjects I always wondered how our society can be exposed to get awareness. I am glad to learn the correct terminology in Amharic. I personally came across narcissism and the disorder in recent times, therefore I felt like there must be lots of people out there who are not aware of the major issues that we are facing in our society due to this problem in families, friendship, at work and marriage. I appreciate the fact that narcissism is addressed and people can be get the knowledge of this trait to be able to handle and deal with it.
I really like this show. Tg keep it up!
በጣም ነዉ የገረመኝ ስለኔ ቤት በጣም ይገርማል ስለኔ ትዳር የምትናገሩ ነዉ የመሰለኝ አስተምሮኛል አመሰግናለሁ !ግን ምን ባደርግ ይሻለኛል ቲጂዬ መፋትሄ ካለዉ ንገሪኝ ተባረኩ
you described 100% about my life . teach us how to survive with this kind of person
You are great Tigist. I really appropriate your program. Your program is one of the Top rated and really useful for the society. You are giving a therapy for many. Thank you for your guests too. All are great professionals. Please keep it up and come as frequently as possible. Thanks.
ፒተር በጣም ጎበዝ መምህሬ ነበረ ፣በርታልን
በጣም ነዉ የገረመኝ ስለኔ ቤት ትዳር የምትናገሩ ነዉ የመሰለኝ አስተምሮኛል አመሰግናለሁ !ግን ምን ባደርግ ይሻለኛል ቲጂዬ መፋትሄ ካለዉ ንገሪኝ ተባረኩ
አመለካከታችን አንድነታችንን ያጠነክራል !
በጣም አስተማሪ ፕሮግራም ነዉ በርቱልን👏
Great program. Thank u
እጅግ በጣም እስተማሪ ነው በጣም እናመሰግናል
በጣም ነው የማመሰግነው
i like this kind of personality
Tg betam wesagn negerochn nw yemetaneshew tnx.
Tg konjoo I appreciate your ideas and your thoughts on the topic
የኔ የ2አመት የቤቴ ታሪክ ነው አምላክ ስለሚወደኝ ነኝ አውቶኛል🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
የኔደሞ 18 አመት
ስው የሚቀይረው የገዛ ባህሪው ስለ ባህሪ ከአንበሳና ከነ ብር ማወቅ ይቻላል
ትግስት እዬ አክባሪሽ አድናቂሽ ነኝ
" ሁለት እስሳዎችን በእኩል ብናሳድጋቸው ሁለቱም በፍቅር መኖር ይችላሉ "
I really like this show...keep it up 👌👈
ኢቢኤስ ትዉልድ ለማነጽ ትልቅ ዋጋ ከሚከፋሉት የእርቅ ማእድ አዘጋጆች እህታችን አንዳ ነሸ እኔ በምትሰጪው ሀሳቦች ብዙ ተምሬያለሁ በቴሌቪዥን መለኮት ያየሁሸ ለት ለራሴ እሰኪገርመኝ ባዶ ቤት የቦረኩት ልክ ሀገሬ ገብቼ ከቤተሰቤ የተቀላቀልኩ እሰኪመሰለኝ ቴሌቪዥኑ የሰአቱ ጉዳይ ይታሰብበት አናሳ ነው ላንቺ የጠየቅሻቸውን ሁላ ቢከፋሉሸ ላንቺ ይገባሻል ።
" ወንድንና ሴትን መለየት የሚቻለው በሴክሳዊ ፆታ ነው '
ይሄ የኔም ቤት ታሪክ ነው
እኔም ቅርብ ሰው ኣውቃለሁ 😂
Where is their practice
finally i found my proplem! my GOd im so shocked
Interesting piece.. Tons of thanks. I reality am impressed with the host girl. She is professional enough.
Could you please share me Ato Petros's( psychiatrist) contact (email or mobile).
please help me to contact you am in the same situation am not in the country but i really need your help to save my marriage.
Grum new yebelete mawok enfelgalen
There is so many you tube videos about NPD
" Formality For Weeding "
ታዲያ ዶክተር አብይ ፐርሰናል ዲስኦርደር ችግር የለበትም ላለማለት እንችላለን እንዴ????
what do you thinking about him??
What about you ? You need a doctor too but dr Abiye is no personal disorder are you crazy
wow this is big teach please contact to me
እዚህ ቤት ያላቹ ደንሩኝ
Please stop ehh... ehh..ehh...ehh ..... sound
Please እ እ አትበይ
ሠብሥክራይብ አርጉኝ እመልሣለሁ
በጣም ነዉ የገረመኝ ስለኔ ቤት ትዳር የምትናገሩ ነዉ የመሰለኝ አስተምሮኛል አመሰግናለሁ !ግን ምን ባደርግ ይሻለኛል ቲጂዬ መፋትሄ ካለዉ ንገሪኝ ተባረኩ