I had a former friend in college who liked to drive drunk. He was studying law and used to brag about how he could get any DUI expunged from his record. Didn't care that other people are put in danger. Didn't want to let a DD drive because he "isn't a pussy" and is "totally good to drive." Sadly, I've see this attitude from a lot of other people. See what happens in the long run too. It is 100% irresponsible, selfish, and stupid. The attitude is more like "Fuck your life and your family. My convenience and fun is more important."
It's interesting to actually hear someone from Europe say they learned something about America. I often hear "America sucks" or something like that, so thank you friends from across the pond.
Rashad Crump Same. But as he said in the beginning: It is by far not as as easy as it seems to be. Obama has so many limitations and most people don't realize this. He can't do more than he's allowed to.
CLP yeah I know. That's why I said if he actually had the power to change it. I would register to vote just so I could vote for him. Sadly things like this getting fixed in America isn't going to happen for a long time.
Operate170 doesn't he have to have political background of some sort before he can run for prez? Gotta at lease be a senator or mayor or something like that first before he can run right?
Drift0r is incorrect about funding education. Education in the US is not bad because of lack of funding, but because of bad teaching practices. Various states and cities have tried dramatically increasing funding for schools, and that didn't make their students perform better. One of the most famous examples of that experiment was Kansas City. In fact, as a whole, the US has tripled spending per student since the 1970s, and yet test grades remain consistently low. Obviously it isn't lack of funding causing this. The one largest contributor to bad education in the US is the teacher unions, which make it impossible to fire a bad teacher. The teacher unions are also big proponents of the standardized tests and common core. On the plus side, as a lifelong teetotalist (meaning someone who doesn't drink coffee, black/green tea, or alcohol), I agree with the drunk driving segment. It is simply asinine to drink something that is used medicinally to kill micro-organisms. Alcohol destroys your liver.
I believe that is partially correct. Obviously a lot of this is oversimplified. There isn't one specific thing that is causing everything, unless you count apathetic attitudes, which in one form or another has caused most problems. That and greed.
The zero tolerance thing is spot on, in my high school we were told at a school assembly by an assistant principle that if someone attacks us we may not defend ourselves and that we have to wait for a teacher to stop the attacker from hurting us. I think that this is not ok at all, because they are teaching us to be totally dependent. We won't always have people to stop fights for us, I think that it is a terrible idea to tell students to just take it until someone else stops them.
Same here, I had three friends suspended for assault. What were they doing? Slapping each-other's hands. The parents all pressed charges and went to court for it. It's a load of bullshit.
These types of videos are the reason the sub to drift. No biased opinions. Well thought out and spoken. Doesn't just talk about CoD 24/7. And definitely not like other you tubers who nut hug developers for their own personal advance and advertising/monetization . Applause to you driftor, a solid, honest youtuber.
***** You're right, although it's a very well substantiated opinion, in most cases. I think what the guy meant is that it's not deceptive; Drift0r lays out the evidence for his points, and he's clearly mature enough to consider contrary points of view and correct himself when necessary. Even if he says things you disagree with (and there are certainly things he says that I don't agree with) you can't help but respect his attitude.
Wow, I realised a lot about the U.S in this video. Here in Australia, drink driving is a huge deal, we have campaigns against it on TV etc and if caught, you will loose your license and cop a fine. Also, in terms of education, we have a youth allowance that allows university students to get fortnightly payments, they also give you a $1000 payment at the start of each uni semester to pay for books. Its a very good system
I completely agree with the increased gifted funding. This is not a brag on myself, but I was always great in school. I impressed every single teacher I had until 8th grade, I never once got a B, I was the leader in every activity... I genuinely loved school. I got an extremely high score on the Gifted and Talented test twice. I got a perfect score on a variety of standardized tests multiple times. Despite all of this, I was *never once* put into a gifted class, not because I wasn't good enough, but because I was never presented with the opportunity. All of the focus throughout my schooling was put into the kids who were stupid. They were the ones awarded with certificates for "improvement" even though there was no possible way for me to improve even if I wanted it. It became the norm for me to have the answers, so teachers wouldn't call on me, instead picking some kid who didn't participate to "teach him a lesson." So naturally, I began to lose interest in school. Freshman year my grades declined, not significantly so, but I got a few B's. I felt like I was part of a machine built to drag kids through the system. My teachers generally disliked me because I was smarter than them and would point out their mistakes, so they retaliated by grading me more harshly on my papers and quizzes (my math teacher would mark a complicated calculus problem wrong if I forgot to put a checkmark next to the solution). I stopped sharing my ideas in class, and stopped leading in group projects. I had absolutely no reason to do well in school, so sophomore year, my grades dropped even further, and I got my first C. Now, in Junior year (I've since recovered and my grades are back), while doing a ton of research online about what I want to do in college, I've discovered that my classes have taught me nothing. The things I'm interested in, like computer science and entrepreneurship, *aren't even classes at my school*. I have to take online courses in addition to my normal schoolwork, (which is extremely rigorous by the way because I'm trying to get my IB diploma) just to be up to speed when I take them in college! There's my little rant, hopefully this was interesting to people from other countries, or even some of you here in the U.S. P.S. The standardized tests in high school are total bullshit, they're incredibly easy and not an accurate representation of knowledge. The CAHSEE (California High School Exit Exam) was the EASIEST TEST I'VE EVER TAKEN IN MY LIFE. I feel bad for the kids that barely pass, don't go to college, and then are completely unprepared for the real world.
Just took the PARCC assessment in New Jersey.....total friggin BS. It pertained to nothing that we learned this year at ALLL. PARCC stands for Performance Assessment in Readiness for College and Careers.
Wtf that is seriously fucked up. I remember when I tried to get into a gifted program, they didn't pick the kids that had the highest grades or most achievements, they had a lottery for the kids to get in because there weren't enough classrooms. Now, granted there was a minimum GPA you had to have to get into the lottery, but just the fact that they even had to have a lottery in the first place is absolutely ludicrous.
Just The Tip The exact same thing happened to me over here in Ontario. I'm in 10th grade (Sophmore) and up until 9th Grade(Freshman year) My grades were impeccable. I was always the smartest in all my classes, no matter the subject and I was probably the only kid in my school that gave mmy teachers hope, as almost every other kid in my grade were the biggest group of morons. During this time however, I was never picked to do anything by the teachers, and hated by some of them, because I have been smarter than them. The worst part is, I have a OQRE test coming up (A test that I take in french were if I fail the test I can't graduate) and my teacher has not given us anything to study or read or anything, and the test is THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hear all the time that the American education system is horrible, but Canada's seems worse, considering we have to take this BS test.
In my algebra 1 class, during a lesson there was one concept and it said "This is an antiquated skill which has no use in the curriculum but is often seen on standardized testing" so I totally agree.
Fact check please! False statistics are one of THE MOST misleading things you can possibly say. People see numbers and they think calculation, not imagination.
DallenRex So a USC Study is unreliable? Which study meets your approval then? The numbers are clear...The US spends enormous amounts of money, and gets piss-poor results. Why would anyone want to invest more money into a broken system without actually trying to fix it first?
Did you know the NYPD would technically have one of the highest costing military's if it became its own country, so yeah over here in Scotland we spend our money on universal health care much like canada
Drift0r, how did you get so adept when it comes to knowledge of U.S. laws? That's really impressive in my opinion, as I don't really ever see people that know as much as you, let alone 30% of what you just talked about.
It's sad that some of the most brilliant people in the world haven't come to these conclusions, but an average citizen like Drift0r can give ideas that can potentially save the country. When that's the case, there's obviously something very wrong.
Well, unfortunately these college professors who have a lot of power are a bunch of socialist idiots who think they're the smartest people in the country.
+SirSteyr so wait Kojima talking about the war economy in MGRR was a parallel to the US, you guys better not let a Mr. Armstrong be senator then I think it's best not to have the state of the world decided by a fist fight, though it would be better for the world overall than current wars
I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda scared to watch this because I have a lot of respect for you, Drift0r, and I pretty much agree with everything you say. But I'm a very conservative Republican and I don't know what you are haha. I'm not gonna lose any respect for you either way, but still. Here goes... I'm gonna watch it haha
I grew up Republican, went Libertarian in college. Quickly realized that any oath or loyalty to a party over one's true self is dishonest and bad for us all. Am independent now. I share different beliefs from many sides but an not a neutral party.
Drift0r what about the students that have trouble learning no matter what method you use... because it sounds like you would only want smart people to go to school and it doesnt seem fair
"So, do you know how to do taxes, apply for jobs, apply for loans, etc?" "No, but I sure can tell you about the Pythagorean Theorem!" Completely agree with your stance on the education system.
It seems as though Drift0r has put some serious thought into this. Maybe being President was his back up career choice if the whole engineering thing didn't work out...
Drift0r, you are so smart! All of your videos I watch, they all have this different feeling then I have when I watch other youtubers. Your commentaries and subjects of what you talk about always amaze me! I would definitely vote you for president in Belgium! Can't wait for part 2!
Maybe, but in theory the Indian one is actually the best. It's straight up a fundamental right, and there are prerequisites for the quality of the schools and teachers. In practicality, really good education is still pretty expensive, but we're on the right path.
824kblakers Well yes, but education is not only a right, but a directive principle as well, and is compulsory to all children from ages 6-14 and is provided entirely free with most costs from the state (you will have to buy stationery and notebooks, but they too are provided extremely cheap by the state.). So in theory, it really is quite amazing.
The perspectives that Drift0r takes, remind me of some of the rants on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. This was a good commentary on society, but I was confused with his stance on education, pre-university. Was he talking about public or private schools? What is the common core? Should the US change over to the metric system, so we do not have to waste time with fractions? Can anyone click on part 2, I can't?
I’m putting this here so people can see it. The zero tolerance policy fucked me over. I got in trouble for defending myself because no one else would and I didn’t want a broken nose and a concussion and I got suspended for 3 weeks and the other kid who started it gave me a concussion didn’t get in trouble because he was black. I don’t understand what’s wrong with defending yourself.
The current public school system needs to be completely re-worked. The calendar needs to be changed to a year round system instead of what we have right now. The current system was made so that during the Summer, children could help their parents farm. But things have changed, we don't have an entire population of farmers anymore. Several schools have shown improvement with a year round system. Also it's better for teachers as they don't have to find a 2nd job for the summer.
I agree completely with you, but i just wanted to clarify about your comment about teachers getting summer jobs. Some teachers might have summer jobs, but they get paid for being a teacher monthly regardless of whether its break or not.
lol you wanna get rid of the only thing kids look forward to every year? Kids will become disinterested and others will become working machines. Kids need time to grow, learn, and gain experience. You can't have them in school all the time, it prevents their growth.
Aaronspark7 Disagree completely. If breaks did not exist for colleges (or reduced loads since I'm taking a summer class), I might never have the opportunity to comfortably balance college and a part-time job because of how time-consuming college is for me. A year-round college would be impractical for some people like me, who don't want to stay in college for countless years and get their life moving. In addition, breaks are welcome after the stress of college, and kids should have it as well. Just because they can work all year, doesn't mean they should.
Patrick Casella not really, a year round system would probably reduce the average time in school during week. So instead of going to school from 7am - 3pm 5 days a week. It could be something like 10 to 3pm for 4 days a week.
Hey Driftor, thanks for "standing up" for Puerto Rico and thanks for all the good thoughs you have to share with us! I really don't know you out of your videos but I can be sure that you are a brilliant person in everyway. Thanks again for all the good stuff you do. Peace.
Drift0r I love you man. Your ghost stories, I hope you make more because they are entertaining as a zoo. Also your in-depth series has really brought out the logic of me in my COD/other fps games game play. Thank you for being so awesome, I love you.
Wait, in the US it's all multiple choice tests? Can someone explain to me if this is 100% true or it's only a small portion of tests that are multiple choice, like how does that work in subjects like English?
***** I'm in Ireland and I just finished second level education, the only multiple choice I did in my final exams was a small portion of my geography exam, and some of my music listening exam. Can you explain to me how English works? Like I had to write pages and pages of essays in my two English exams.
It sucks but... eh. Would you rather have an oral exam? ;) By that I of course mean a student standing in front of the entire class answering questions the teacher throws at them. What did you think I meant? (I'm sorry I can be a horrible person at times.)
writing tests are standard here in germany, we all see multiple choice tests (see maybe 1 a year, if at all) as pure easy mode. as Mr skittles said, you get the answer written down for you, and if you payed half attention in class you can easily pick the right one
Literally everything you said was common sense (except one) and it's shocking that our politicians have still failed to catch on. You seriously only need two brain cells to rub together to figure this stuff out lol. Tho i do disagree about the "no child left behind" stance you took, but hear me out. i agree that we should put emphasis on unlocking the full potential of gifted kids, BUT we should also focus on helping kids who struggle to catch up. We have the resources to do both. Your mistake is thinking that we dont. My understanding of the NCLB program is that it is poorly constructed, but we should still do our best to make sure that no child does get left behind.
I do agree with the DUI thing, except that harsher punishments rarely make a difference. It has to be more about the way drunk-driving is perceived in the community, and this has to be done some way like through ads and such. HOWEVER. I have heard that if you get a single DUI in the US you get your voting rights taken away. I'm not sure if this is correct, but if it is, that's complete and total bullshit. Drinking and driving is stupid as hell, but it's nowhere near stupid enough to warrant the removal of one of the basic rights that most of the people are supposed to have. As for education; multiple choice answers in tests should be taken completely away. They are way too easy to pass (25% chance in each question to get it correct, sometimes a higher chance) and the students can pass the test through sheer luck alone even if they don't know anything about the subject. I know this for a fact because I passed a Biology exam in High School with the highest marks in my class by guessing every question (although this was an IB-Biology exam, which could be a little different). If we really want to get into the science of teaching and pedagogy, the whole fashion of teaching that goes on in 99% of schools in the whole world right now is very inefficient, and the whole system of a group of students coming into a class and being taught by a single teacher needs to be redesigned.
Yeah I'd say it is stupid enough to remove there basic rights considering every time they do it there's a chance they could kill or seriously injure others. I'd say give first timers 1 month in jail, every time after that a year or two.
I got a DUI (I know I'm the spawn of satan) and I was given alcohol and drug treatment for 1 year. And it honestly changed my life, I haven't drank since and my life has drastically improved in every single aspect. I don't drink or smoke pot anymore because of it. If I was sent to jail after my first offense I can guarantee that would not be the case. I obviously have a bias in this but I don't believe jail should be given for first timers
Gg Your one of the lucky ones then. Most people don't get the luxury of treatment. If you're sent to jail it gives you the fear factor of not wanting to go back so you don't drink and drive again,
I do agree that I am fortunate. I'm sure it varies by state but most people here (Washington) get treatment for their first offense. Mine was outpatient too so it's significantly less expensive
Videos like these are why I am still subscribed to you Drift :) Even though I am Canadian, still found it interesting to watch. Hope videos where you express your thoughts and opinions come more often, am not too interested in In Depth since it's been a while since I've bought a new CoD. Keep it up!
If you want to get rid of "No Child Left Behind" and the standardized testing, would you also get rid of the "scientific method?" Sorry if that question sounds like I'm being confronting. I am not.
No. This is an issue associated with the Cobra Effect. Using standard tests and the scientific method to evaluate students sounds like a great idea. Unfortunately, humans a both brilliant and lazy. The schools and teachers stopped teaching normally.any schools only teach thr kids how to pass the standardized tests. They end up learning very little.
Drift0r Thanks for the reply. I look forward to your next video in this series. I am very interested on your stances on immigration and defense. Oh! And please talk about your stance on Iran and it's nuclear program. It's a hot topic right now and one I am interested in.
Everything Drift0r said about education is right. -Just cause ur good at taking tests, doesn't mean ur actually smart. If u can't use skills and knowledge u obtained to try and make a contribution to society, or try to solve society's problem's in some way, ur useless. -Yes, professors whose job is to actually teach need more pay. I'm in college right now, but I can tell u all that I learned so much more from a good private high school than I am learning now in a college. Explanation is very simple: these professors don't know how to teach. Just cause ur an expert in what u research, that doesn't mean ur a good teacher. Drift0r, we need more ppl like u in society.
Drift0r, you shouldn't call yourself an independent anymore. Most of your arguments fall to the right and instead of being afraid of being ridiculed for being a Republican, embrace it. Yes, the party system is failing, but time and time again polls show that an independent will never win. I speak from experience, I go to college, which is of course spilled over with liberals, and instead of hiding that I am conservative, I wear it like a badge
I wouldn't say I'm republican because of the party corruption (not just republican corruption but both sides), but I vote Republican for the most conservative name on the ballot. I'm proud I'm a conservative, even though I'm classified by a good amount of people as an idiot or bigot or racist or whatever they are calling us now thanks to the media. But, this is a multi part series, and his next part may have very liberal policies.
Preston, I agree with you 100%. I too am time and time again ridiculed for being a Republican and am called racist quite often just because of my political ideological views. It's really hypocritical because they claim to be the accepting ones, but when someone doesn't agree with everything they say, they put labels on us and blast us any chance they have. The mainstream media does this a lot
The reason he said independent is that it was Ron Paul I think or whoever the famous independent politician you guys have that he voted for last time and he has mentioned he disagrees strongly with certain republican philosophies again outdated info probably but still info PS sorry if talking about the independent sounded dismissive my country has a lot of parties so I only remember the two main ones for my southern neighbor and the crazy group who loves earl grey
I wish you talked more about our corrupt police force, gun rights and more freedoms in this country. If you see this please check out Adam Kokesh and the FREEDOM Line if you're actually interested in the overall welfare of this nation.
Or the corrupt military and how signing your name on a piece of paper and doing what politicians tell you to do whether it be kill children in Afghanistan is correct and just despite the true nature of their intent... Money
ZombiePhoenix07 theres a reason why american troops do what they do in the middle east and its just a matter of deciding who lives. Who do you prefer to die if you were over there,a child carrying a bomb or your american soldiers. A reason why they have to kill so many people is because of fucking extremists over there and believe it or not those extremists do a lot of harm to children and women who live with them too. Most soldiers(not all) but most join the military because they want to protect their country and they are willing to risk their lives for the people back home.
PLEASE. THIS IS WHY PARTIES NEED TO GO THE HELL AWAY. you get a level headed guy like drift with no party association, you get views that actually work. Honestly you hit the nail on the head with every point you brought up. I wish more people could see this video
the issue with education is that government sucks. government is bad at everything. you said it yourself, you like our college education system, but dislike highschool and below. it's because colleges are run privately, while the government runs highschools and below. it would be a waste of money to use more government spending on trying to make our kids less stupid. instead, stop spending government money on it completely, allow school to be privatized, and then then kids WILL end up smarter. the obvious issue with this is that school will actually cost money for parents to send their kids. so poorer family may not be able to afford it, but we live in an age where the sum of human knowledge is at our fingertips. kids can easily be homeschooled for pre - 5th grade. another way to combat the proposed issue above, is to not change anything. allow the highschools to be mediocre but free, and for the competitive education to be earned at college.
Privatized education just creates a massive gap in income inequality. Only the wealthy and those born wealthy have access to good education while those born poor are unfairly restricted access to education and become doomed to generational failure. It just creates a giant class system. And no home schooling is a horrible proposal for a solution because many parents need to be busy working and making money, not also being the expert teacher that everyone deserves, not enough time in the day for that.
unfairness is subjective. it's so "unfair" how people want to others to pay for a provided service. there is no way, no matter what you think that the government will somehow make public education good. either we live with mediocre k-12 and competitive colledge, or have free everything and let it all be mediocre, or privatize it all and see that compettive education works wonders. i vote we do nothing and stop complaining.
cooldes4593 You say "there's no way" the govt. can proivde free education and have it be of good quality yet that's what plenty countries in Europe are currently doing. They also have higher rated education then the US.
It's videos like these that really make me appreciate your intellect driftor, which is why I found it amusing at how fitting your job as an engineer fits with your intelligence. As a British citizen who's sixteen with extremely important life changing exams in may/june, hearing about the education system in America is really interesting and also makes me appreciate the education system that I'm currently in. At present, our university system is extremely expensive and it leaves everyone in massive debts when they come out of it, but I feel that university itself is a waste of money, as the majority of courses that I know of are unable to give you practical skills or knowledge that will help you to progress in the increasingly competitive world of today. I agree heavily with both your views on no taxation without representation and on the seriousness with which people should take the offence of DUI. I like the idea that people in DC should be able to vote as at the end of the day they are still governed by the same national laws as every other state, laws put into place by congress and the senate who were voted in by the rest of the country! DUI isn't taken seriously enough across the world. Okay, so you may get hone perfectly safely after being absolutely smashed in a bar ten minutes earlier, but it's the risk that you're taking with not only your own life but the lives of other people that make those who DUI naïve and selfish people.
Lol his first action is day light savings time. I can see the headlines now "New president solves crisis surrounding daylight savings. Next he plan to remaster mw2. What an American hero."
I'm 14 and and don't know much about politics and government but damn driftor is an amazing speaker. I love listening to his stories and explanations, like his old series where explains a crazy dream he had once. Driftor if you're reading this plz make more videos like this and keep up the good work
Hey Driftor i am really impressed with your points mentioned in the video. Never thought a gamer could spend so much effort and actually make good points about real life problems. Really glad i subscribed and had the honor of watching this video and btw, i really agree with your stance on U.S. education. I moved to California from an Asian country, and omg the tests here are a joke, while most American students (sorry, no offense) think it's really hard or something. To get an A for classes in Singapore you need at least a 75% and it's freaking hard since there are ZERO multiple choice questions, and people rarely manage to. I don't study for tests (other than history due to memorization) and i get A's. An A in the US seems really insignificant since it really isn't that difficult to get it. So enough rambling and i just wanna say you make VERY good arguments about the US education man :)
I totally 130% agree with you on the education and zero policy stuff. I'm in one of my schools honors classes (basically the kids who got at least 1 b on their last year report card) and the teachers sometimes just let us have free days in order to let the other classes catch up to us. We didn't even learn anything in English (we did work during the first 2 months of school) and now there's only 45 days left until school ends. Throughout my elementary and 6th grade years, the teachers have even been teaching us the test and saying "This will be on the DCAS so make sure you learn it" instead of teaching us useful information we can use in life. I would even say I have learned more watching TH-cam in the past 6 months than I have in the last 2 years I've been in school. Also, about the zero tolerance thing, you can get suspended for up to a week for having cough drops with you at my school
I completely agree with you about standardized testing. We had to take the Parcc test here in nj and in my school very few people took it seriously and everyone else either opted out or wrote out an episode of a childhood show (it isn't required to pass it so you can graduate). And a Neighboring town, 70% of students opted out of taking the Parcc test.
Dude honestly with the testing, our tests are like always multiple choice, except math of course, but its so easy. They give a study guide and its basically the test. For me, the challenging part is actually the homework lol
What is also flawed about the education system is that if a child has trouble learning something a certain way, the approach is not to try another method, it is to continually shove the same method that doesn't resonate with them down their throats until they finally get it, which often times, they will not, and will pick it up in a matter of seconds with a way of learning that works for them.
You should check out Australian TAC road safety ads they are brutal. In 1989 the road death toll was around 750 and when the TAC ads came around that exact year the average death toll on roads since then is around 300. They cover more then just drink driving but also speeding, driving on drugs, and driving while sleepy.
You are probably one of the most intelligent gaming channel i've seen to date and you NEVER seize to impress me! I totally agree with what you said, hope that there will be a second part or something ^_^
It aggravates me that insanely smart people like driftor have so many good solutions to this country's problems but really can't do much about it. This video is why driftor is my favorite youtuber tho
Drift0r, I think that you should definitely try to do something with this. You were so convincing about the stuff and honestly you should get into contact with some kind of education director, you have good ideas.
I have a short story about a zero policy thingy put into effect. So once in middle school these group of kids were playing some pushing game where they marked out a circle and tried to push each other out, like sumo wrestling. Well, one kid was about to be pushed out and he put all of his desperate energy into one push, and pushed the other kid onto the ground (accidentally). I was watchin with some friends when a teacher came over and saw the kid lying on the ground and gave ALL of us lunch detentions for the next day, even the kid crying on the ground
I really agree with your beliefs, the reason I went homeschooled in fifth grade is because I am considered a gifted student and I was just pushed through the system, thank you for voicing your beliefs driftor.
Now in Mississippi, we do computer test even though its multiple choose we still have to read the passage and write a essay at the end of each section.
Another thing, when I attended Brooklyn College, one professor told us right at the start of the semester, "stay if you want, leave if you want, you'll all get passing grades regardless." Half the class stood up and left. I kid you not. What the hell?
Drunk driving isn't even the main problem, I think driving while tired or exhausted is even worse. The amount of people that fall asleep for upto 5 secs is really high.
In Sweden, our school is free, even at University level (you have to pay for the books though at Uni.). Regarding the drinking and driving. Your driving license is in allmost every case taken from you. If you have over 1‰ alcohol in your blood you risk two years in prison and two years without your license. Under 1‰, your license is taken for one year. (Source: The Swedish Transport Administration).
Your the first person to talk about their political views and not irritate me. Your views are more factual then someone saying I believe this just because. I truly think that if at least some of your ideas were to become reality this country would improve. Can't wait for part two.
I wish there was a way to like this video more than once. I completely agree with you on the drunk driving issue it REALLY should be taken more seriously. Great video Drift0r
Sadly here in Australia our stupid government now want to de-regulate universities so now they can charge whatever they want putting us in your situation. ):
I agree With Drift0r's stance on drunk driving, but the way he addresses it almost sounds personal.
His mother was an alcoholic, refer to the suicide and draw my life videos.
Watched those some time back. Guess I never made the connection that there was probably drunk driving involved somewhere down the line.
Lord Moflombi As well as i can remember, I think his father drank and drove.
I had a former friend in college who liked to drive drunk. He was studying law and used to brag about how he could get any DUI expunged from his record. Didn't care that other people are put in danger. Didn't want to let a DD drive because he "isn't a pussy" and is "totally good to drive." Sadly, I've see this attitude from a lot of other people. See what happens in the long run too. It is 100% irresponsible, selfish, and stupid. The attitude is more like "Fuck your life and your family. My convenience and fun is more important."
Drift0r I totally agree, Drunk Driving is stupid, thanks for the quality content man! Make more of these because they are super interesting!
As a British citizen, I felt I learnt quite a lot about the way many things run in America from this video. Good work Drift!
Im german, same for me.
I'm american :(
Im a dog
Um from Liverpool/widnes in Britain
It's interesting to actually hear someone from Europe say they learned something about America. I often hear "America sucks" or something like that, so thank you friends from across the pond.
If you could run for president and actually be able to make these changes in America, I'll register to vote.
Rashad Crump Same. But as he said in the beginning: It is by far not as as easy as it seems to be. Obama has so many limitations and most people don't realize this. He can't do more than he's allowed to.
CLP yeah I know. That's why I said if he actually had the power to change it. I would register to vote just so I could vote for him. Sadly things like this getting fixed in America isn't going to happen for a long time.
Wait for him to turn 35, and ask again, I suppose.
Operate170 doesn't he have to have political background of some sort before he can run for prez? Gotta at lease be a senator or mayor or something like that first before he can run right?
Rashad Crump Yeah, true. But you don't really have to. You just need political influence if you want to have a chance.
Drift0r is incorrect about funding education.
Education in the US is not bad because of lack of funding, but because of bad teaching practices. Various states and cities have tried dramatically increasing funding for schools, and that didn't make their students perform better. One of the most famous examples of that experiment was Kansas City.
In fact, as a whole, the US has tripled spending per student since the 1970s, and yet test grades remain consistently low. Obviously it isn't lack of funding causing this.
The one largest contributor to bad education in the US is the teacher unions, which make it impossible to fire a bad teacher. The teacher unions are also big proponents of the standardized tests and common core.
On the plus side, as a lifelong teetotalist (meaning someone who doesn't drink coffee, black/green tea, or alcohol), I agree with the drunk driving segment.
It is simply asinine to drink something that is used medicinally to kill micro-organisms. Alcohol destroys your liver.
I believe that is partially correct. Obviously a lot of this is oversimplified. There isn't one specific thing that is causing everything, unless you count apathetic attitudes, which in one form or another has caused most problems. That and greed.
The zero tolerance thing is spot on, in my high school we were told at a school assembly by an assistant principle that if someone attacks us we may not defend ourselves and that we have to wait for a teacher to stop the attacker from hurting us. I think that this is not ok at all, because they are teaching us to be totally dependent. We won't always have people to stop fights for us, I think that it is a terrible idea to tell students to just take it until someone else stops them.
MrMustangRider lol basically same, If I beat up some punk who started a fight with me I'm pretty sure my parents would be proud of me
Same here, I had three friends suspended for assault. What were they doing? Slapping each-other's hands. The parents all pressed charges and went to court for it. It's a load of bullshit.
Wow...that was really well thought out, well researched, and articulated. Absolutely spot on Drift!
These types of videos are the reason the sub to drift. No biased opinions. Well thought out and spoken. Doesn't just talk about CoD 24/7. And definitely not like other you tubers who nut hug developers for their own personal advance and advertising/monetization . Applause to you driftor, a solid, honest youtuber.
***** You're right, although it's a very well substantiated opinion, in most cases. I think what the guy meant is that it's not deceptive; Drift0r lays out the evidence for his points, and he's clearly mature enough to consider contrary points of view and correct himself when necessary. Even if he says things you disagree with (and there are certainly things he says that I don't agree with) you can't help but respect his attitude.
Wow, I realised a lot about the U.S in this video. Here in Australia, drink driving is a huge deal, we have campaigns against it on TV etc and if caught, you will loose your license and cop a fine. Also, in terms of education, we have a youth allowance that allows university students to get fortnightly payments, they also give you a $1000 payment at the start of each uni semester to pay for books. Its a very good system
I completely agree with the increased gifted funding. This is not a brag on myself, but I was always great in school. I impressed every single teacher I had until 8th grade, I never once got a B, I was the leader in every activity... I genuinely loved school. I got an extremely high score on the Gifted and Talented test twice. I got a perfect score on a variety of standardized tests multiple times. Despite all of this, I was *never once* put into a gifted class, not because I wasn't good enough, but because I was never presented with the opportunity. All of the focus throughout my schooling was put into the kids who were stupid. They were the ones awarded with certificates for "improvement" even though there was no possible way for me to improve even if I wanted it. It became the norm for me to have the answers, so teachers wouldn't call on me, instead picking some kid who didn't participate to "teach him a lesson." So naturally, I began to lose interest in school. Freshman year my grades declined, not significantly so, but I got a few B's. I felt like I was part of a machine built to drag kids through the system. My teachers generally disliked me because I was smarter than them and would point out their mistakes, so they retaliated by grading me more harshly on my papers and quizzes (my math teacher would mark a complicated calculus problem wrong if I forgot to put a checkmark next to the solution). I stopped sharing my ideas in class, and stopped leading in group projects. I had absolutely no reason to do well in school, so sophomore year, my grades dropped even further, and I got my first C. Now, in Junior year (I've since recovered and my grades are back), while doing a ton of research online about what I want to do in college, I've discovered that my classes have taught me nothing. The things I'm interested in, like computer science and entrepreneurship, *aren't even classes at my school*. I have to take online courses in addition to my normal schoolwork, (which is extremely rigorous by the way because I'm trying to get my IB diploma) just to be up to speed when I take them in college! There's my little rant, hopefully this was interesting to people from other countries, or even some of you here in the U.S.
P.S. The standardized tests in high school are total bullshit, they're incredibly easy and not an accurate representation of knowledge. The CAHSEE (California High School Exit Exam) was the EASIEST TEST I'VE EVER TAKEN IN MY LIFE. I feel bad for the kids that barely pass, don't go to college, and then are completely unprepared for the real world.
Just took the PARCC assessment in New Jersey.....total friggin BS. It pertained to nothing that we learned this year at ALLL. PARCC stands for Performance Assessment in Readiness for College and Careers.
Wtf that is seriously fucked up. I remember when I tried to get into a gifted program, they didn't pick the kids that had the highest grades or most achievements, they had a lottery for the kids to get in because there weren't enough classrooms. Now, granted there was a minimum GPA you had to have to get into the lottery, but just the fact that they even had to have a lottery in the first place is absolutely ludicrous.
Thresh Kill What were they on? Imagine if college was like that, just a minimum GPA requirement and then a big lottery. Our country would be fucked.
Just The Tip The exact same thing happened to me over here in Ontario. I'm in 10th grade (Sophmore) and up until 9th Grade(Freshman year) My grades were impeccable. I was always the smartest in all my classes, no matter the subject and I was probably the only kid in my school that gave mmy teachers hope, as almost every other kid in my grade were the biggest group of morons. During this time however, I was never picked to do anything by the teachers, and hated by some of them, because I have been smarter than them. The worst part is, I have a OQRE test coming up (A test that I take in french were if I fail the test I can't graduate) and my teacher has not given us anything to study or read or anything, and the test is THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hear all the time that the American education system is horrible, but Canada's seems worse, considering we have to take this BS test.
I know he can't spell more than that I just used the one word for an example
In my algebra 1 class, during a lesson there was one concept and it said "This is an antiquated skill which has no use in the curriculum but is often seen on standardized testing" so I totally agree.
JHUB for Vice President
Yes. Ozzy and Bumi for presidential pet.
Jhub would be Michelle.
He could appeal to exotic audiences and gain lots of publicity for the campaign by eating batches of wasabi live.
Lord Moflombi yes, yes. He could raise money for charity on helping Shiba Inus.
nearly a decade later and this is still the most forward thinking candidate lmao
2% of our budget is on education.... Military spending is 55%
Murica as they say
Fact check please! False statistics are one of THE MOST misleading things you can possibly say. People see numbers and they think calculation, not imagination.
DallenRex So a USC Study is unreliable? Which study meets your approval then? The numbers are clear...The US spends enormous amounts of money, and gets piss-poor results. Why would anyone want to invest more money into a broken system without actually trying to fix it first?
Did you know the NYPD would technically have one of the highest costing military's if it became its own country, so yeah over here in Scotland we spend our money on universal health care much like canada
Rambo JR And free uni's!
"I want to get rid of no child left behind"-Driftor 2015
Drift0r, how did you get so adept when it comes to knowledge of U.S. laws? That's really impressive in my opinion, as I don't really ever see people that know as much as you, let alone 30% of what you just talked about.
Schoolhouse Rock
Drift0r side note,but you forgot to talk about how black people or only worth 3/5's of a white person...
Drift0r have you been watching cgp grey? ;)
Drift0r I remember that as a kid it was fun education, they really need to bring back Schoolhouse Rock!
Adrian Buček hahahahahaha :D
It's sad that some of the most brilliant people in the world haven't come to these conclusions, but an average citizen like Drift0r can give ideas that can potentially save the country. When that's the case, there's obviously something very wrong.
Well, unfortunately these college professors who have a lot of power are a bunch of socialist idiots who think they're the smartest people in the country.
It's because of republicans. In all seriousness
GhostPro78 College professors aren't republican...
GhostPro78 Typical democrap logic. Blame all your problems on republicans.
Caleb Carrigan I'd consider myself an independent, but most people would label me as a conservative.
Fixing the education should be your first priority, and using wayyyy less on military and war things. As an european this seems logical.
Without soldiers, guns, etc. we are defenseless against other countries.
DannyBlazor Because you are getting attacked all the freaking time yeah, theres always countries invading the US... Happy opposite day.
Exactly, they only try to take other countries. It may be there want for power that makes their military spending so high.
+SirSteyr so wait Kojima talking about the war economy in MGRR was a parallel to the US, you guys better not let a Mr. Armstrong be senator then I think it's best not to have the state of the world decided by a fist fight, though it would be better for the world overall than current wars
Before you can say anything about the U.S you should probably take a U.S history class.
Old Drift0r videos...nostalgia...
I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda scared to watch this because I have a lot of respect for you, Drift0r, and I pretty much agree with everything you say. But I'm a very conservative Republican and I don't know what you are haha. I'm not gonna lose any respect for you either way, but still. Here goes... I'm gonna watch it haha
I hope Ben Carson wins 2016
Tanner Bellah That's sad.
I grew up Republican, went Libertarian in college. Quickly realized that any oath or loyalty to a party over one's true self is dishonest and bad for us all. Am independent now. I share different beliefs from many sides but an not a neutral party.
Drift0r what about the students that have trouble learning no matter what method you use... because it sounds like you would only want smart people to go to school and it doesnt seem fair
Drift0r I actually went into this video thinking the same ways and for the same reasons you do
"So, do you know how to do taxes, apply for jobs, apply for loans, etc?"
"No, but I sure can tell you about the Pythagorean Theorem!"
Completely agree with your stance on the education system.
Always wanted to see this.
You are painfully right.
Holy crap, I'm glad that I don't go to school in America...
Mount B. youre so lucky life for highschool graduates is hell itself and makes no sense at all
Not all high schools are as bad as he makes them sounds but most of the good ones are way to expensive for the average person to afford.
Americas schools are fucked up
High school is free in Norway👌
High school is free in America too
It seems as though Drift0r has put some serious thought into this. Maybe being President was his back up career choice if the whole engineering thing didn't work out...
I want part 2, agreed with what you say!
Drift0r, you are so smart! All of your videos I watch, they all have this different feeling then I have when I watch other youtubers. Your commentaries and subjects of what you talk about always amaze me! I would definitely vote you for president in Belgium! Can't wait for part 2!
I'm SO happy I live in Finland. We have one of the best education systems in the world and it's ALL FREE.
All free except for the fact that the taxpayers pay for it..
***** true but you have taxes in the us too. And on top of that you pay 200k dollars for your college studies
Maybe, but in theory the Indian one is actually the best. It's straight up a fundamental right, and there are prerequisites for the quality of the schools and teachers. In practicality, really good education is still pretty expensive, but we're on the right path.
Aryan poonacha in Finland we also have high quality teachers. All teachers all the way from elementary school have studied in universities
824kblakers Well yes, but education is not only a right, but a directive principle as well, and is compulsory to all children from ages 6-14 and is provided entirely free with most costs from the state (you will have to buy stationery and notebooks, but they too are provided extremely cheap by the state.). So in theory, it really is quite amazing.
"Keep daylight savings time, eliminate normal time!" - My Presidential Campaign.
The perspectives that Drift0r takes, remind me of some of the rants on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. This was a good commentary on society, but I was confused with his stance on education, pre-university. Was he talking about public or private schools? What is the common core? Should the US change over to the metric system, so we do not have to waste time with fractions? Can anyone click on part 2, I can't?
Pt 2 hasn't been released yet ^_^
I’m putting this here so people can see it. The zero tolerance policy fucked me over. I got in trouble for defending myself because no one else would and I didn’t want a broken nose and a concussion and I got suspended for 3 weeks and the other kid who started it gave me a concussion didn’t get in trouble because he was black. I don’t understand what’s wrong with defending yourself.
Drift0r as a subscriber since your MW3 days I can firmly say that you are by far one of THE best teachers I've ever had in my entire life!
The current public school system needs to be completely re-worked. The calendar needs to be changed to a year round system instead of what we have right now. The current system was made so that during the Summer, children could help their parents farm. But things have changed, we don't have an entire population of farmers anymore. Several schools have shown improvement with a year round system. Also it's better for teachers as they don't have to find a 2nd job for the summer.
I agree completely with you, but i just wanted to clarify about your comment about teachers getting summer jobs. Some teachers might have summer jobs, but they get paid for being a teacher monthly regardless of whether its break or not.
lol you wanna get rid of the only thing kids look forward to every year? Kids will become disinterested and others will become working machines. Kids need time to grow, learn, and gain experience. You can't have them in school all the time, it prevents their growth.
Disagree completely. If breaks did not exist for colleges (or reduced loads since I'm taking a summer class), I might never have the opportunity to comfortably balance college and a part-time job because of how time-consuming college is for me. A year-round college would be impractical for some people like me, who don't want to stay in college for countless years and get their life moving.
In addition, breaks are welcome after the stress of college, and kids should have it as well. Just because they can work all year, doesn't mean they should.
Patrick Casella not really, a year round system would probably reduce the average time in school during week. So instead of going to school from 7am - 3pm 5 days a week. It could be something like 10 to 3pm for 4 days a week.
Driftor you have an amazing perspective dude!
The American President has limited power... That's just what Obama wants you to think... DUN DUN DUN ( The suspense is real)
Hey Driftor, thanks for "standing up" for Puerto Rico and thanks for all the good thoughs you have to share with us! I really don't know you out of your videos but I can be sure that you are a brilliant person in everyway. Thanks again for all the good stuff you do. Peace.
I would definitely vote for you as president and I'm not even from America
Drift0r I love you man. Your ghost stories, I hope you make more because they are entertaining as a zoo. Also your in-depth series has really brought out the logic of me in my COD/other fps games game play. Thank you for being so awesome, I love you.
Wait, in the US it's all multiple choice tests? Can someone explain to me if this is 100% true or it's only a small portion of tests that are multiple choice, like how does that work in subjects like English?
About 80-90% of tests are multiple choice where i live in the US
Only the standardized tests are 100% multiple choice, but not for English. Regular tests are like 40% multiple choice at most.
In state its 40% multiple choice 30% short answer 30% essay (New York)
***** I'm in Ireland and I just finished second level education, the only multiple choice I did in my final exams was a small portion of my geography exam, and some of my music listening exam. Can you explain to me how English works? Like I had to write pages and pages of essays in my two English exams.
Makin Bacon Ah okay. 40% multiple choice is still alot. What's the passing percentage there? It's only 40% here I think it's higher for you.
I can't describe how perfect this commentary is, you nailed every single point perfectly. I agree with everything you said during this video
Except the writing tests;) ΓΦΓ
It sucks but... eh. Would you rather have an oral exam? ;)
By that I of course mean a student standing in front of the entire class answering questions the teacher throws at them. What did you think I meant? (I'm sorry I can be a horrible person at times.)
Writing tests really show what you know. Getting multiple choices is like being reminded what the answer is.
writing tests are standard here in germany, we all see multiple choice tests (see maybe 1 a year, if at all) as pure easy mode. as Mr skittles said, you get the answer written down for you, and if you payed half attention in class you can easily pick the right one
You have kids, right?
drift, this video was amazing. i agree with you on so many points and the section about drunk drving gave me chills.
Political Dinosaur sounds like some weird indie rap duo.
"i dont feel bad for him though because he threatened to beat me up one time" 😂😂😂😂
Literally everything you said was common sense (except one) and it's shocking that our politicians have still failed to catch on. You seriously only need two brain cells to rub together to figure this stuff out lol.
Tho i do disagree about the "no child left behind" stance you took, but hear me out. i agree that we should put emphasis on unlocking the full potential of gifted kids, BUT we should also focus on helping kids who struggle to catch up. We have the resources to do both. Your mistake is thinking that we dont. My understanding of the NCLB program is that it is poorly constructed, but we should still do our best to make sure that no child does get left behind.
You definitely need to do more of these episodes! And I totally agree with your point on drunk driving!!
Drift0r you got some good ideas...BUT Porta Rico has voted NOT to be a state, Other then that I'd vote for a Drift0r/Saizen13 ticket. lol
This was really well made, Drif0r! I'd love to see more of videos similar to this!
I do agree with the DUI thing, except that harsher punishments rarely make a difference. It has to be more about the way drunk-driving is perceived in the community, and this has to be done some way like through ads and such.
HOWEVER. I have heard that if you get a single DUI in the US you get your voting rights taken away. I'm not sure if this is correct, but if it is, that's complete and total bullshit. Drinking and driving is stupid as hell, but it's nowhere near stupid enough to warrant the removal of one of the basic rights that most of the people are supposed to have.
As for education; multiple choice answers in tests should be taken completely away. They are way too easy to pass (25% chance in each question to get it correct, sometimes a higher chance) and the students can pass the test through sheer luck alone even if they don't know anything about the subject. I know this for a fact because I passed a Biology exam in High School with the highest marks in my class by guessing every question (although this was an IB-Biology exam, which could be a little different). If we really want to get into the science of teaching and pedagogy, the whole fashion of teaching that goes on in 99% of schools in the whole world right now is very inefficient, and the whole system of a group of students coming into a class and being taught by a single teacher needs to be redesigned.
Yeah I'd say it is stupid enough to remove there basic rights considering every time they do it there's a chance they could kill or seriously injure others. I'd say give first timers 1 month in jail, every time after that a year or two.
I got a DUI (I know I'm the spawn of satan) and I was given alcohol and drug treatment for 1 year. And it honestly changed my life, I haven't drank since and my life has drastically improved in every single aspect. I don't drink or smoke pot anymore because of it. If I was sent to jail after my first offense I can guarantee that would not be the case. I obviously have a bias in this but I don't believe jail should be given for first timers
Gg Your one of the lucky ones then. Most people don't get the luxury of treatment. If you're sent to jail it gives you the fear factor of not wanting to go back so you don't drink and drive again,
I do agree that I am fortunate. I'm sure it varies by state but most people here (Washington) get treatment for their first offense. Mine was outpatient too so it's significantly less expensive
Mine was also knocked down to reckless driving which I'm sure is a factor
Amazing video Dritor , totally agree with every point!
Bro, is Advanced Warfare that dead?
***** Praise David.
JD - Realest TH-camr! Sub to this Beast
Videos like these are why I am still subscribed to you Drift :) Even though I am Canadian, still found it interesting to watch. Hope videos where you express your thoughts and opinions come more often, am not too interested in In Depth since it's been a while since I've bought a new CoD. Keep it up!
If you want to get rid of "No Child Left Behind" and the standardized testing, would you also get rid of the "scientific method?"
Sorry if that question sounds like I'm being confronting. I am not.
No. This is an issue associated with the Cobra Effect. Using standard tests and the scientific method to evaluate students sounds like a great idea. Unfortunately, humans a both brilliant and lazy. The schools and teachers stopped teaching normally.any schools only teach thr kids how to pass the standardized tests. They end up learning very little.
Driftor say hi to me PLZ u would make my day :D
Would you ever go to Australia or have you been there?
Drift0r Thanks for the reply. I look forward to your next video in this series.
I am very interested on your stances on immigration and defense.
Oh! And please talk about your stance on Iran and it's nuclear program. It's a hot topic right now and one I am interested in.
The scientific method is also not representative of how scientists operate, so yeah, I hope they do.
Operate170 I do believe it was at one time. But that goes back to the Enlightment era.
Everything Drift0r said about education is right.
-Just cause ur good at taking tests, doesn't mean ur actually smart. If u can't use skills and knowledge u obtained to try and make a contribution to society, or try to solve society's problem's in some way, ur useless.
-Yes, professors whose job is to actually teach need more pay. I'm in college right now, but I can tell u all that I learned so much more from a good private high school than I am learning now in a college. Explanation is very simple: these professors don't know how to teach. Just cause ur an expert in what u research, that doesn't mean ur a good teacher.
Drift0r, we need more ppl like u in society.
Drift0r, you shouldn't call yourself an independent anymore. Most of your arguments fall to the right and instead of being afraid of being ridiculed for being a Republican, embrace it. Yes, the party system is failing, but time and time again polls show that an independent will never win. I speak from experience, I go to college, which is of course spilled over with liberals, and instead of hiding that I am conservative, I wear it like a badge
I wouldn't say I'm republican because of the party corruption (not just republican corruption but both sides), but I vote Republican for the most conservative name on the ballot. I'm proud I'm a conservative, even though I'm classified by a good amount of people as an idiot or bigot or racist or whatever they are calling us now thanks to the media. But, this is a multi part series, and his next part may have very liberal policies.
Preston, I agree with you 100%. I too am time and time again ridiculed for being a Republican and am called racist quite often just because of my political ideological views. It's really hypocritical because they claim to be the accepting ones, but when someone doesn't agree with everything they say, they put labels on us and blast us any chance they have. The mainstream media does this a lot
The reason he said independent is that it was Ron Paul I think or whoever the famous independent politician you guys have that he voted for last time and he has mentioned he disagrees strongly with certain republican philosophies again outdated info probably but still info
PS sorry if talking about the independent sounded dismissive my country has a lot of parties so I only remember the two main ones for my southern neighbor and the crazy group who loves earl grey
Glad to see college/post-college kids that are conservative. Liberal media is everywhere and are plaguing the minds of teens.
"I want to get rid of standardized testing" You sir, are a genius.
Drift0r I wish you became president completely on how you will change our educational system *tears roll down face, you the real mvp.
I wish you talked more about our corrupt police force, gun rights and more freedoms in this country. If you see this please check out Adam Kokesh and the FREEDOM Line if you're actually interested in the overall welfare of this nation.
Or the corrupt military and how signing your name on a piece of paper and doing what politicians tell you to do whether it be kill children in Afghanistan is correct and just despite the true nature of their intent... Money
ZombiePhoenix07 theres a reason why american troops do what they do in the middle east and its just a matter of deciding who lives. Who do you prefer to die if you were over there,a child carrying a bomb or your american soldiers. A reason why they have to kill so many people is because of fucking extremists over there and believe it or not those extremists do a lot of harm to children and women who live with them too. Most soldiers(not all) but most join the military because they want to protect their country and they are willing to risk their lives for the people back home.
He did a video a couple of years back talking about gun laws in the US. It's a three part series. You should check those out.
PLEASE. THIS IS WHY PARTIES NEED TO GO THE HELL AWAY. you get a level headed guy like drift with no party association, you get views that actually work. Honestly you hit the nail on the head with every point you brought up. I wish more people could see this video
the issue with education is that government sucks. government is bad at everything. you said it yourself, you like our college education system, but dislike highschool and below. it's because colleges are run privately, while the government runs highschools and below.
it would be a waste of money to use more government spending on trying to make our kids less stupid. instead, stop spending government money on it completely, allow school to be privatized, and then then kids WILL end up smarter.
the obvious issue with this is that school will actually cost money for parents to send their kids. so poorer family may not be able to afford it, but we live in an age where the sum of human knowledge is at our fingertips. kids can easily be homeschooled for pre - 5th grade.
another way to combat the proposed issue above, is to not change anything. allow the highschools to be mediocre but free, and for the competitive education to be earned at college.
Wow, very well said.
cooldes4593 buddy that cost alot of money too tho
Privatized education just creates a massive gap in income inequality. Only the wealthy and those born wealthy have access to good education while those born poor are unfairly restricted access to education and become doomed to generational failure. It just creates a giant class system. And no home schooling is a horrible proposal for a solution because many parents need to be busy working and making money, not also being the expert teacher that everyone deserves, not enough time in the day for that.
unfairness is subjective. it's so "unfair" how people want to others to pay for a provided service.
there is no way, no matter what you think that the government will somehow make public education good. either we live with mediocre k-12 and competitive colledge, or have free everything and let it all be mediocre, or privatize it all and see that compettive education works wonders. i vote we do nothing and stop complaining.
cooldes4593 You say "there's no way" the govt. can proivde free education and have it be of good quality yet that's what plenty countries in Europe are currently doing. They also have higher rated education then the US.
It's videos like these that really make me appreciate your intellect driftor, which is why I found it amusing at how fitting your job as an engineer fits with your intelligence. As a British citizen who's sixteen with extremely important life changing exams in may/june, hearing about the education system in America is really interesting and also makes me appreciate the education system that I'm currently in. At present, our university system is extremely expensive and it leaves everyone in massive debts when they come out of it, but I feel that university itself is a waste of money, as the majority of courses that I know of are unable to give you practical skills or knowledge that will help you to progress in the increasingly competitive world of today. I agree heavily with both your views on no taxation without representation and on the seriousness with which people should take the offence of DUI. I like the idea that people in DC should be able to vote as at the end of the day they are still governed by the same national laws as every other state, laws put into place by congress and the senate who were voted in by the rest of the country! DUI isn't taken seriously enough across the world. Okay, so you may get hone perfectly safely after being absolutely smashed in a bar ten minutes earlier, but it's the risk that you're taking with not only your own life but the lives of other people that make those who DUI naïve and selfish people.
Lol his first action is day light savings time. I can see the headlines now "New president solves crisis surrounding daylight savings. Next he plan to remaster mw2. What an American hero."
You're views on education are word for word exactly what I believe. Drift0r you're a smart guy.
I'm 14 and and don't know much about politics and government but damn driftor is an amazing speaker. I love listening to his stories and explanations, like his old series where explains a crazy dream he had once. Driftor if you're reading this plz make more videos like this and keep up the good work
I was so scared about this video, but when you said get rid of no child left behind i said, "driftor for president!" Out loud at 2 in the morning! Lol
Hey Driftor i am really impressed with your points mentioned in the video. Never thought a gamer could spend so much effort and actually make good points about real life problems. Really glad i subscribed and had the honor of watching this video and btw, i really agree with your stance on U.S. education. I moved to California from an Asian country, and omg the tests here are a joke, while most American students (sorry, no offense) think it's really hard or something. To get an A for classes in Singapore you need at least a 75% and it's freaking hard since there are ZERO multiple choice questions, and people rarely manage to. I don't study for tests (other than history due to memorization) and i get A's. An A in the US seems really insignificant since it really isn't that difficult to get it. So enough rambling and i just wanna say you make VERY good arguments about the US education man :)
I totally 130% agree with you on the education and zero policy stuff. I'm in one of my schools honors classes (basically the kids who got at least 1 b on their last year report card) and the teachers sometimes just let us have free days in order to let the other classes catch up to us. We didn't even learn anything in English (we did work during the first 2 months of school) and now there's only 45 days left until school ends. Throughout my elementary and 6th grade years, the teachers have even been teaching us the test and saying "This will be on the DCAS so make sure you learn it" instead of teaching us useful information we can use in life. I would even say I have learned more watching TH-cam in the past 6 months than I have in the last 2 years I've been in school.
Also, about the zero tolerance thing, you can get suspended for up to a week for having cough drops with you at my school
I completely agree with you about standardized testing. We had to take the Parcc test here in nj and in my school very few people took it seriously and everyone else either opted out or wrote out an episode of a childhood show (it isn't required to pass it so you can graduate). And a Neighboring town, 70% of students opted out of taking the Parcc test.
Great commentary that's logical and to the point. Please continue this series. It's refreshing.
This commentary really addresses some key issues in this country. This was very good
Your dream education system sounds like Scotland's, I honestly can't complain about it after watching this
Drift0r is an Engineer, that means he solves practical problems. *drinks beer*
Dude honestly with the testing, our tests are like always multiple choice, except math of course, but its so easy. They give a study guide and its basically the test. For me, the challenging part is actually the homework lol
What is also flawed about the education system is that if a child has trouble learning something a certain way, the approach is not to try another method, it is to continually shove the same method that doesn't resonate with them down their throats until they finally get it, which often times, they will not, and will pick it up in a matter of seconds with a way of learning that works for them.
Someone give this man medal, Drift0r you really need to be president.
Great stuff Drift0r! I'm really grateful for these videos.
The only thing keeping you from running from office is the fact that it costs about a billion dollars to run for president.
Do more of these! I really enjoyed listening to your views.
I'd vote for you if you ran for president Drift0r! Some great ideas man, and I'm not even American. Keep it up man.
You should check out Australian TAC road safety ads they are brutal. In 1989 the road death toll was around 750 and when the TAC ads came around that exact year the average death toll on roads since then is around 300. They cover more then just drink driving but also speeding, driving on drugs, and driving while sleepy.
You are probably one of the most intelligent gaming channel i've seen to date and you NEVER seize to impress me! I totally agree with what you said, hope that there will be a second part or something ^_^
It aggravates me that insanely smart people like driftor have so many good solutions to this country's problems but really can't do much about it. This video is why driftor is my favorite youtuber tho
So, when are you running?..
You've got my vote!
You should truly run for president. My whole family seen thiis video, and would back you up all the way.
I've always agreed with basically everything Drift0r has said. It amazes me on how much we think alike.
Drift0r, I think that you should definitely try to do something with this. You were so convincing about the stuff and honestly you should get into contact with some kind of education director, you have good ideas.
I'd give up 4-8 years of watching your videos if it meant you would become President.
Driftor,this video made me like you way more than before. Like I really really like you. I want to give you a hug right now.
I have a short story about a zero policy thingy put into effect. So once in middle school these group of kids were playing some pushing game where they marked out a circle and tried to push each other out, like sumo wrestling. Well, one kid was about to be pushed out and he put all of his desperate energy into one push, and pushed the other kid onto the ground (accidentally). I was watchin with some friends when a teacher came over and saw the kid lying on the ground and gave ALL of us lunch detentions for the next day, even the kid crying on the ground
I really agree with your beliefs, the reason I went homeschooled in fifth grade is because I am considered a gifted student and I was just pushed through the system, thank you for voicing your beliefs driftor.
This was absolutely amazing. Please, more videos such as this.
Now in Mississippi, we do computer test even though its multiple choose we still have to read the passage and write a essay at the end of each section.
But nonetheless it still doesn't help us at all
Another thing, when I attended Brooklyn College, one professor told us right at the start of the semester, "stay if you want, leave if you want, you'll all get passing grades regardless." Half the class stood up and left. I kid you not. What the hell?
Very interesting idea, I don't remember this being done on YT. As always, great video.
Drunk driving isn't even the main problem, I think driving while tired or exhausted is even worse.
The amount of people that fall asleep for upto 5 secs is really high.
In Sweden, our school is free, even at University level (you have to pay for the books though at Uni.). Regarding the drinking and driving. Your driving license is in allmost every case taken from you. If you have over 1‰ alcohol in your blood you risk two years in prison and two years without your license. Under 1‰, your license is taken for one year. (Source: The Swedish Transport Administration).
Your the first person to talk about their political views and not irritate me. Your views are more factual then someone saying I believe this just because. I truly think that if at least some of your ideas were to become reality this country would improve. Can't wait for part two.
Make more of these please, they're the most interesting kinds of videos that you produce.
I wish there was a way to like this video more than once. I completely agree with you on the drunk driving issue it REALLY should be taken more seriously. Great video Drift0r
hahahahaha "if you drink and drive, i hope you get hurt" driftor.....such a troll. funniest part of this video
Sadly here in Australia our stupid government now want to de-regulate universities so now they can charge whatever they want putting us in your situation. ):