And how he actually pulled off some technique that contributed to Madara’s defeat behind the scenes lol. The whole lesson would be that a guy with an ordinary aesthetic and subtle maneuvering can (and probably should) topple the flashiest in a ninja world.
The build-up of Madara's legend to his actual entrance is a masterpiece. Despite everything we knew about him he still managed to exceed the expectations.
Well, thats because we didnt know a lot. This is a very speciffic naration style where you got a lot of info about character, but its mostly empty. We know he was kind of the big deal for Uchiha and was on par with strongest leaf shinoby ever lived, but since we seen Hashirama in 1st season, it didnt look a lot, al his feats and legacy wasnt so big by the scale of late shippuuden. And at this point madara enters the stage. You fully except him to be big, like Kage-level, probably a bit stronger. And when you get 2 meteors on the head. If you look back at all dirrect and indirrect info we had up to this moment - we never could scale how strong actually Madara and Hashirama were. Madara's introduction is the same as if you know you friend will bring his feiend one day to meet you, and this friend goes to a shooting range, and wears blue socks. And you fully expect dude with a handgun. But then day comes and your dor just gets blasted away, and 2m jacked monstrocity with minigun in one hand and rocket launcher in other one. And yes, he wears blue socks indeed. We were ready for WHAT Madara is. We werent for the SCALE of it. And thats what created such effect. That, and absolute flex of animation and fight what came after.
@@DarkBlackGod14 Not everything is about power scaling tho. We knew Madara was a big deal in their world. We knew how his name alone awoke fear in many who knew of his power. That's all we needed tbh; He was there to be an absolute monster of a bygone era...just to come back and show off why his name elicited the response it did.
For sure especially when you see that mad ass giant thousand arm Buddha he does but then they screw up the whole act bringing Kaguya in to ruin the feud
@@calisthetics Ninja don't even need an "origin story". i cannot recall even one person going: "i wonder where the ninja and ninjutsu come from" much less questioning the tailed beasts.
Madara uchiha is a monumental character in the history of mankind, the way kishimoto created him, his philosophy, and ideals written with such thought and care. A enemy to reality frfr
It's still the biggest miss all of anime that madara the character that was being hyped for hundreds of chapters got robbed of his spot as the final villain and got replaced by the worst villain in the franchise 😭
😂😂😂 monumental in history of mankind is stupidity. He was great antagonist and you praise Kishimoto when he totally screwed it up not having him the final adversary
Bleach lesser known? Man I'm getting old. And as a complete beatdown my boi Grimmjow in volume 24 absolutely takes the cake. But for single moment, Dangai Ichigo grabbing Aizen by the face will always be peak AFAIC
Yeah Ichigo not understanding how a facepalm works was divine. Especially when Ichigo decided to keep a tally of every bit of disrespect Aizen gave him including stopping his theme with his bare hands and return it, killed me.
@@Metalhammer1993 He did the same thing to Ulquiorra. Ulquiorra in his second release palmed him in the face so bad it shattered his mask. Then Vasto Lorde Ichigo does the same and drags him through a wall Broly style 😂
keep in mind, madara kept up with their pace. He started with taijutsu since the alliance was fighting with taijutsu. Then when they started using weapons like the paper bomb and kunai, he started grabbing and using their weapons. When temari started using jutsu, then he started using jutsu, and finally when they hit him with garra and naruto’s special jutsu, then he starts using his special jutsu too. He didn’t sweat even a bit he was just flexing the entire time 😂
Speaking of the Ichigo vs Grimmjow fight (1) someone on that animation team went all out and opened all ten gates cause seriously, both Ichigo and Grimmjow are so fluid and expressive in that fight and the linework and feel just *chef kiss* Bleach has its hit and miss for animation but damn if some of these fights didn't have quality for back then Also animators knew Grimmjow was hot and had to give him quality lol
Shanks' re-introduction by one-shotting someone who beat an Emperor has to be up there. The aura was so immense that it felt like he came from another anime
Bro that grimmjow fight brought me to my emotional knees more than ichigo, I felt that ass whipping in my soul, madara vs shinobi alliance is webster's definition of violation
Tropes that ALWAYS miss (for me) - 1. Incest Relationships / Sister Complexes 2. Hot girls falling desperately in love with generic/no-personality MC just because he said "hi" or "thank you" 3. The "Noble" or "Elite" class. They're the anime/manga version of vegans. Their entire personality is just telling people how they're Nobles REPEATEDLY. 4. MC or prominent side character that constantly SCREAMS EVERYTHING 5. Characters without a specific power enrolling in schools ONLY for that specific power anyway... If you don't have magic, why tf do you insist on saying you'll be the best magician ever?! Can't you enroll in any other school or just pursue something you CAN do? Aaaaand that's my list of pet peeves, sorry! 😅
One I hate as well is main characters being surrounded by the finest women in the planet and not even batting an eye at them with no explanation. It’s so unrealistic, I don’t like characters being madly in love either but for the topic of romance to not even come up doesn’t sit right with me
@Chadius_Thundercock Yes! This is so annoying. Especially since 99% of the time they're "just an average high school kid," yet these guys can't tell a girl likes them when they're literally throwing themselves at them? Or when these isekai girls are begging to get with them, but they just shrug them off like "you silly joker!" Whatever... none of them would hesitate for a second irl 🤣
@@Rennnix Oh man, it's been a while since I watched any of that. Yes, it annoyed the hell out of me back then, but mostly Asta never shutting the hell up with his screaming
3 of my favourite violations in anime are most likely 1. Jogo sweeping 3 powerful sorcerers in no time 2. Trunks obliterating main villain of last saga and his father, who is considered same power 3. Giorno performing 7 page beatdown against Cioccolata and throwing him into garbage truck afterwards
my favourite characters gotta be "the strongest" type characters.they aren't actually the strongest and there are probably others that can beat them, but the way they are shown in their media really just shows that they are that guy.
The most important thing for these is the build up, the overwhelming power of the character has to feel deserved, and the act of the opponent getting beat down feels cathartic or badass, even if it's the hero being beat.
If you check Hunter x Hunter it's crazy what Togashi did because in the climax of both of the main cast stories he used a negative build for Gon AND Kurapika, which is insane. So that's pretty different than most anime tropes, typically
@@Hiddenphantom9999Yeah I agree I actually came here to comment this. I didn't even know about the first two but Ichigo vs Grimjow (I thought) was super memorable to anyone who's ever seen Bleach
Another, a bit similar trope that I love, is entrance with a big feat of power, usually used to escalate the scale of the conflict. It was undermined by the adaptation, but my favorite one was whitebeard’s entrance to the marine ford. Guy just appears in the middle of enemy’s main bay, with all of the possible weapons pointed at him and his ships. Then he slowly walks to the figurehead of the moby dick, greets sengoku who looks like he’s about to shit himself, assures ace that he will be saved, and then proceeds to break the fabric of the fucking reality with his fists, surrounding entire island with tsunami walls. And he does it all fucking smiling. I really want to see how WIT will handle this scene in the upcoming remake. Sure, I will need to wait years for it, but it will be a worthwhile wait.
Another "trope" which is really more of an obligatory scene in most anime, would be the "rage" scenes. It falls into the category of violation since that's what happens as a result of the rage - but there's just something quite nice about it. You already showed Levi vs Zeke, but there are lots of awesome scenes like that.
One thing nobody talks about in bleach fight is how grimjaw is the polar opposite of ichigo here, if you invert the colour orange you get light blue the colour of grimjaw’s here, he wears a white robe with black insides opposite of ichigo’s black with white, grimjaw is battle hungry and fights for the heck of it and ichigo needs a strong reason to fight other than the heck of it. It’s amazing how they mixed that in, where both ichigo’s and grimjaw’s Bankai/release being this concentrated retsu around them skyrocketing their base stats.
Man, back in the day when it was revealed that the real Madara was resurrected, it had the entire Naruto community in a straight choke hold. The rest of the series from there on out was wondering what he was gonna do next. A fantastic Shonen villain. Sadly was ruined by Kaguya at the end, a final showdown between him at full power vs Naruto and Sasuke with their new powers, is a heavily missed out on opportunity.
The most recent example i can think of is Garp using Galaxy Impact to destroy Blackbeards base, it's kind of the opposite of the Survey Corp/Levi vs. Beast Titan/Zeke fight, with one person destroying a group of people
the grimmjow vs ichigo fight for me was sooo good i for real was jumping on my seat for the first time while watching anime on this moment (long time ago ofc so i got other jumping off seats moments)
100% agree. Naruto is _the_ best with fighting and choreography 🔥 Imo Kakashi & Team Asuma vs Hidan & Kakuzu is underrated in its excellent choreography, insanely scary stakes and combination of IQ & Battle IQ
Was anyone else caught off guard when he called Ichigo vs Grimjow unknown? I didn't even know the first two but Ichigo vs Grimjow 1 is probably one of the most memorable fights from Bleach to me
one fight i love that is LITERALLY a violation is luffy vs blueno in enies lobby. bro went gear 2nd and just started piecing blueno UP, not a single moment for him to breathe.
The most disrespectful part of the Grimmjow fight was that he used his hands against the MC's sword. 😂 What's worse is that he had his own sword strapped but didnt bother to draw.
The Grimmjow v Ichigo scene might not look crazy now, but when it came out it was MINDBLOWING! The animation was the next step back then, and really took me by surprise. Gave Grimmjow a total Vegeta vibe (seeing as he's still around well after, I can see why) Bleach may have gotten a bit hit or miss after the Soul Society Arc, but it still regularly had peak moments like this.
First episode of Bleach I ever watched was that one sided beat down. Like 16 years ago on toonami with my sister. Created a fan for life. Grimjow is a Peak rival especially for ichigo.
One of my fav tropes that I hope you mention some day is side characters somehow standing their ground. Litterally in this vid is one of my fav examples with that one dude going toe to toe with fucking Madara for a sec with his sword
a lesser known anime called undead unluck introduced a powerful character by having him single handely fight the strongest MF's in the verse. and he was holding back.
one of my favorite troupe is where the character is cursed with no innate talent no powers on power system and sayd "f it im finna be strong anyways" and decides to go full punches and kicks.
Orsted vs Dead End is probably the best modern example of this trope, Bind went so hard on that episode that it managed to stand out even in Mushoku Tensei S1, one of the best animated anime ever.
"They dont want to just beat you to a pulp, *they want to inflict true despair into your soul.*" *Shows Ulquiorra "killing" Ichigo the second time* I see what you did there
Adam Smasher completely destroying David is probably my favorite version of this, At that point David has like the best cyberware we’ve seen and is stronger than he’s ever been (albeit he is going insane using it) and Adam Smasher just dominates David the whole fight
If I were to make a Top 5 anime beatdowns (no order): - Hiei Vs Bui - Brago Vs Zofis' Millenium Mamodos - Kid Buu Vs Vegeta - Hao Vs X-Laws - Mustang Vs Envy
This might be your way to get a bunch of followers. I’d keep doing this until you exhaust the idea and go into anime video essays on other troupes and themes. You have the voice for it
Thinking about it, I feel like Gon was holding back a bit with Neferpitou as to prolong their suffering rather than just killing them outright. It was clear Gon vastly outmatched them, but I feel like they took quite a while to die.
Do not lose your composure, do not break your stance, stretch out your awareness, and do not let your guard down for even a second. -ulquiorra cider Grim was the front, Ulquiorra was the real fucking menace imo. Dude was anti-energy a gawd dam singularity.
Orsted vs Rudeus is also a crazy beatdown. Later on Orsted will also do many more beatdowns worse than even the Rudeus one. People literally pee after seeing him, bro's that scary.
Madara was brutal, need to watch Naruto. I remember that scene it was epic. I dropped Naruto at the time because it was filler and slow, also liked the dub. But danm Madara was a scared oponent by all. It was crazy.
Another one is 'The monster in" trope. Which is over used and many are misses. The miss just gets lost in the grandeur of flash. Only a few have used it well and to the degree that it seems necessary or non contriving to overall story. Yu yu hakusho is a good example of it well done. Although it had to sum it up a bit too fast
That guy keeping up with madara needs a full filler arc including a detailed description off all his training, upbringing and kenjutsu techniques
And how he actually pulled off some technique that contributed to Madara’s defeat behind the scenes lol. The whole lesson would be that a guy with an ordinary aesthetic and subtle maneuvering can (and probably should) topple the flashiest in a ninja world.
The build-up of Madara's legend to his actual entrance is a masterpiece. Despite everything we knew about him he still managed to exceed the expectations.
We expected a beast and got a MONSTER.
Damn right
Well, thats because we didnt know a lot. This is a very speciffic naration style where you got a lot of info about character, but its mostly empty. We know he was kind of the big deal for Uchiha and was on par with strongest leaf shinoby ever lived, but since we seen Hashirama in 1st season, it didnt look a lot, al his feats and legacy wasnt so big by the scale of late shippuuden. And at this point madara enters the stage. You fully except him to be big, like Kage-level, probably a bit stronger. And when you get 2 meteors on the head.
If you look back at all dirrect and indirrect info we had up to this moment - we never could scale how strong actually Madara and Hashirama were.
Madara's introduction is the same as if you know you friend will bring his feiend one day to meet you, and this friend goes to a shooting range, and wears blue socks. And you fully expect dude with a handgun. But then day comes and your dor just gets blasted away, and 2m jacked monstrocity with minigun in one hand and rocket launcher in other one. And yes, he wears blue socks indeed.
We were ready for WHAT Madara is. We werent for the SCALE of it. And thats what created such effect. That, and absolute flex of animation and fight what came after.
@@DarkBlackGod14 Not everything is about power scaling tho. We knew Madara was a big deal in their world. We knew how his name alone awoke fear in many who knew of his power.
That's all we needed tbh; He was there to be an absolute monster of a bygone era...just to come back and show off why his name elicited the response it did.
Respect for the guy who was brave enough to lead the shinobi and also the guy that asked roger where the one piece was
Yeah his name is Ask D. Question.
And the best part of the guy who lead the shinobi alliance in some frames after the fight it looks like he survived but in the background
Honestly, the Madara vs. Alliance made me more hyped for hashirama than anything. My first thought was, " hashirama BEAT THIS guy?". 😮
For sure especially when you see that mad ass giant thousand arm Buddha he does but then they screw up the whole act bringing Kaguya in to ruin the feud
@Henbot yea, the whole alien storyline ruined it for me. There were so many better ways to explain the ninjas' origin. Aliens just seem so outta place
@@calisthetics Ninja don't even need an "origin story". i cannot recall even one person going: "i wonder where the ninja and ninjutsu come from" much less questioning the tailed beasts.
@vla1ne that's true. But in this case, they DID give ninjas an orgin, and there were better ways to do it.
@@vla1ne Kaguya was set up since the original series, but they could've and should've just left it at that.
Madara uchiha is a monumental character in the history of mankind, the way kishimoto created him, his philosophy, and ideals written with such thought and care. A enemy to reality frfr
It's still the biggest miss all of anime that madara the character that was being hyped for hundreds of chapters got robbed of his spot as the final villain and got replaced by the worst villain in the franchise 😭
Kishimoto is good at writing when he wants to be Madara for example but than you have Kaguya
Lmfao. No.
😂😂😂 monumental in history of mankind is stupidity. He was great antagonist and you praise Kishimoto when he totally screwed it up not having him the final adversary
He took over the show!
Bleach lesser known? Man I'm getting old.
And as a complete beatdown my boi Grimmjow in volume 24 absolutely takes the cake. But for single moment, Dangai Ichigo grabbing Aizen by the face will always be peak AFAIC
Yeah Ichigo not understanding how a facepalm works was divine. Especially when Ichigo decided to keep a tally of every bit of disrespect Aizen gave him including stopping his theme with his bare hands and return it, killed me.
Right? Could you imagine.
Bleach is not only 1 of the Big 3, but also back in the public eye due to the TYBW adaptation
Damn right
@@Metalhammer1993 He did the same thing to Ulquiorra. Ulquiorra in his second release palmed him in the face so bad it shattered his mask. Then Vasto Lorde Ichigo does the same and drags him through a wall Broly style 😂
@@brando_05 I guess paying back disrespect is pure instinct to Ichigo😂😂😂
Grimmjow is just so RAW energy
He wants all the smoke
Damn right.
I swear bakugo is inspired by grimjow and vegeta😂
I'm a simple man; I see Grimmjow in the thumbnail, and I click.
A fellow man of culture
Hollow Ichigo v Ulquiorra is another example of this, still go back to that fight every few months
That entire Ulquiorra fight from the moment he released his sword really, it just was Ichigo getting stomped till he went hollow
Love how you mention the drip in Bleach because all of Kubo's characters tend to be dripped the fuck out.
The secret reason the show is called Bleach: some of the cleanest fits across all of anime, period
Kubo was actually a fashion designer before becoming a mangaku that's why his characters fits are always so amazing
keep in mind, madara kept up with their pace. He started with taijutsu since the alliance was fighting with taijutsu. Then when they started using weapons like the paper bomb and kunai, he started grabbing and using their weapons. When temari started using jutsu, then he started using jutsu, and finally when they hit him with garra and naruto’s special jutsu, then he starts using his special jutsu too. He didn’t sweat even a bit he was just flexing the entire time 😂
So madara is mahoraga
Speaking of the Ichigo vs Grimmjow fight (1) someone on that animation team went all out and opened all ten gates cause seriously, both Ichigo and Grimmjow are so fluid and expressive in that fight and the linework and feel just *chef kiss* Bleach has its hit and miss for animation but damn if some of these fights didn't have quality for back then
Also animators knew Grimmjow was hot and had to give him quality lol
Fr even as a youngun i could tell that they really cooked there. It was clear to tell by how the blood looked
@@whit3dant3best bleach fight right there. Both of them were equal not one side fight it was lengthy and beautifully animated
I still grin when I remember that Aizen shut down the Music of the hero with one finger...and then bang.
Man if only that sword stood up a little longer we will never truly know how strong that one guy from Naruto was
peak wasted potential
Grimmjow my fav out of the three
Madara against the shinobi alliance was a Dynasty Warriors fight.
Kishimoto’s pen was setting the each panel with Madara Uchiha ablaze
4:58 is just crazy and heavy to disgest. The way the clouds just disappear because of the meteor.. you think to yourself "you must be kidding"....
Bro told Levi “now look directly into the camera“ jumpscare ass shot LoL!
3:08 Madara be beating the alliance like it's Dynasty Warriors
Shanks' re-introduction by one-shotting someone who beat an Emperor has to be up there. The aura was so immense that it felt like he came from another anime
He was doing side quest under the name gildarts 😂
@@TheElunico000LMAAOO 😂
@@TheElunico000 Nah that is Shank’s long lost twin brother. 😅😅
3:27 the guy in this scene is probably stronger than the 5 kage, he was just lacking in plot armor.
Bro that grimmjow fight brought me to my emotional knees more than ichigo, I felt that ass whipping in my soul, madara vs shinobi alliance is webster's definition of violation
Tropes that ALWAYS miss (for me) -
1. Incest Relationships / Sister Complexes
2. Hot girls falling desperately in love with generic/no-personality MC just because he said "hi" or "thank you"
3. The "Noble" or "Elite" class. They're the anime/manga version of vegans. Their entire personality is just telling people how they're Nobles REPEATEDLY.
4. MC or prominent side character that constantly SCREAMS EVERYTHING
5. Characters without a specific power enrolling in schools ONLY for that specific power anyway... If you don't have magic, why tf do you insist on saying you'll be the best magician ever?! Can't you enroll in any other school or just pursue something you CAN do?
Aaaaand that's my list of pet peeves, sorry! 😅
One I hate as well is main characters being surrounded by the finest women in the planet and not even batting an eye at them with no explanation. It’s so unrealistic, I don’t like characters being madly in love either but for the topic of romance to not even come up doesn’t sit right with me
All of those are just Black Clover (trash ahh anime)
That’s all Black Clover 😭
@Chadius_Thundercock Yes! This is so annoying. Especially since 99% of the time they're "just an average high school kid," yet these guys can't tell a girl likes them when they're literally throwing themselves at them?
Or when these isekai girls are begging to get with them, but they just shrug them off like "you silly joker!" Whatever... none of them would hesitate for a second irl 🤣
@@Rennnix Oh man, it's been a while since I watched any of that. Yes, it annoyed the hell out of me back then, but mostly Asta never shutting the hell up with his screaming
3 of my favourite violations in anime are most likely 1. Jogo sweeping 3 powerful sorcerers in no time 2. Trunks obliterating main villain of last saga and his father, who is considered same power 3. Giorno performing 7 page beatdown against Cioccolata and throwing him into garbage truck afterwards
my favourite characters gotta be "the strongest" type characters.they aren't actually the strongest and there are probably others that can beat them, but the way they are shown in their media really just shows that they are that guy.
The overly confident?
@@franckize nah, just a character whos really emphasised as the strongest
@@personname-fw9jq like in a Aizen type of way? Or Escanor type of way?
@@franckize im thinking something like gojo
@@franckize Wasn't Escanor literally the strongest though?
Grimmjow has the coolest character design in anime, change my mind
I mean, almost every character Kubo cooked could be the best designed in manga😂 guys a masterchef
No, wonder of u does
But sadly his released kinda ass
The most important thing for these is the build up, the overwhelming power of the character has to feel deserved, and the act of the opponent getting beat down feels cathartic or badass, even if it's the hero being beat.
If you check Hunter x Hunter it's crazy what Togashi did because in the climax of both of the main cast stories he used a negative build for Gon AND Kurapika, which is insane. So that's pretty different than most anime tropes, typically
Hunter x Hunter subverted a lot of expectations one of which being the main character not fighting the main boss at its end.
Ichigo vs. Grimmjow IS NOT unknown
True lol.
You right it isn't. But Compared to Levi and Madara's Fight it's a lot less known which was the point I was tryna get across.
@@Mugen01 I guess it depends on who you ask, honestly. That was one of the most serious fights in Bleach.
@@Hiddenphantom9999Yeah I agree I actually came here to comment this. I didn't even know about the first two but Ichigo vs Grimjow (I thought) was super memorable to anyone who's ever seen Bleach
@@mr.okanefan3218there’s no way bro, Levi and madara were both glazed across the internet
Another, a bit similar trope that I love, is entrance with a big feat of power, usually used to escalate the scale of the conflict. It was undermined by the adaptation, but my favorite one was whitebeard’s entrance to the marine ford. Guy just appears in the middle of enemy’s main bay, with all of the possible weapons pointed at him and his ships. Then he slowly walks to the figurehead of the moby dick, greets sengoku who looks like he’s about to shit himself, assures ace that he will be saved, and then proceeds to break the fabric of the fucking reality with his fists, surrounding entire island with tsunami walls. And he does it all fucking smiling.
I really want to see how WIT will handle this scene in the upcoming remake. Sure, I will need to wait years for it, but it will be a worthwhile wait.
Fr, immediately locks me in when I see a new character show a different lvl of power that the mc can’t handle
Grimmjow deserved more screen time.
All of these are cold, iconic moments. Hell, I rewatched that AOT episode a few days ago just for that beatdown. But Grimmjoy was THAT GUY.
Great video man. I loved it especially Madara's part.😆😆
Another "trope" which is really more of an obligatory scene in most anime, would be the "rage" scenes. It falls into the category of violation since that's what happens as a result of the rage - but there's just something quite nice about it. You already showed Levi vs Zeke, but there are lots of awesome scenes like that.
One thing nobody talks about in bleach fight is how grimjaw is the polar opposite of ichigo here, if you invert the colour orange you get light blue the colour of grimjaw’s here, he wears a white robe with black insides opposite of ichigo’s black with white, grimjaw is battle hungry and fights for the heck of it and ichigo needs a strong reason to fight other than the heck of it. It’s amazing how they mixed that in, where both ichigo’s and grimjaw’s Bankai/release being this concentrated retsu around them skyrocketing their base stats.
Roy Mustang Lighting Envy up was legendary…
Grimmjow 🔥🔥
Man, back in the day when it was revealed that the real Madara was resurrected, it had the entire Naruto community in a straight choke hold. The rest of the series from there on out was wondering what he was gonna do next. A fantastic Shonen villain. Sadly was ruined by Kaguya at the end, a final showdown between him at full power vs Naruto and Sasuke with their new powers, is a heavily missed out on opportunity.
Ngl a line from Bleach abridged that i so wish was canon was Grimmjow telling Ichigo "I'm gonna use your skull as a beer mug"
The most recent example i can think of is Garp using Galaxy Impact to destroy Blackbeards base, it's kind of the opposite of the Survey Corp/Levi vs. Beast Titan/Zeke fight, with one person destroying a group of people
Grimmjow has always been one of my favourite characters in anime and it started right there with him kicking the s**t out of our boi ichigo
The best example of this for me is Roy mustang incinerating lust, Damn That shit was Fire.
Subscribed ✅💪🏽
the grimmjow vs ichigo fight for me was sooo good i for real was jumping on my seat for the first time while watching anime on this moment (long time ago ofc so i got other jumping off seats moments)
100% agree. Naruto is _the_ best with fighting and choreography 🔥
Imo Kakashi & Team Asuma vs Hidan & Kakuzu is underrated in its excellent choreography, insanely scary stakes and combination of IQ & Battle IQ
Was anyone else caught off guard when he called Ichigo vs Grimjow unknown? I didn't even know the first two but Ichigo vs Grimjow 1 is probably one of the most memorable fights from Bleach to me
Sukuna is called son of Grimmjow for a reason
one fight i love that is LITERALLY a violation is luffy vs blueno in enies lobby. bro went gear 2nd and just started piecing blueno UP, not a single moment for him to breathe.
U have maddd potential to be be big trust me bro
Thank you man, just gotta be consistent with it 🫡
Bro, the Bleach one should've been Ichigo grabbing Aizen by the face and then no diffing him in that wasteland. Absolute violation
The most disrespectful part of the Grimmjow fight was that he used his hands against the MC's sword. 😂
What's worse is that he had his own sword strapped but didnt bother to draw.
The Grimmjow v Ichigo scene might not look crazy now, but when it came out it was MINDBLOWING! The animation was the next step back then, and really took me by surprise. Gave Grimmjow a total Vegeta vibe (seeing as he's still around well after, I can see why)
Bleach may have gotten a bit hit or miss after the Soul Society Arc, but it still regularly had peak moments like this.
First episode of Bleach I ever watched was that one sided beat down. Like 16 years ago on toonami with my sister. Created a fan for life. Grimjow is a Peak rival especially for ichigo.
One of my fav tropes that I hope you mention some day is side characters somehow standing their ground.
Litterally in this vid is one of my fav examples with that one dude going toe to toe with fucking Madara for a sec with his sword
a lesser known anime called undead unluck introduced a powerful character by having him single handely fight the strongest MF's in the verse. and he was holding back.
Respect you have a sendo pfp so I like you
Gotta represent the goat
Grimmjow really used Ichigo's face as speed bag.
one of my favorite troupe is where the character is cursed with no innate talent no powers on power system and sayd "f it im finna be strong anyways" and decides to go full punches and kicks.
kid buu's intro, kid buu vs heaven, and kid buu vs vegeta was nastywork
Madara is built different and the way he embarrassed the five kage is crazy fr🔥
Grimmjow came to his town and said "I am The problem." I love Ichigo but this was one of the most legendary violations in anime history.
Orsted vs Dead End is probably the best modern example of this trope, Bind went so hard on that episode that it managed to stand out even in Mushoku Tensei S1, one of the best animated anime ever.
"They dont want to just beat you to a pulp, *they want to inflict true despair into your soul.*"
*Shows Ulquiorra "killing" Ichigo the second time*
I see what you did there
Shanks vs Kidd now on the list
Madara really decided to put the emphasis on the "Uchiha" Massacre
w grimjow take
Adam Smasher completely destroying David is probably my favorite version of this, At that point David has like the best cyberware we’ve seen and is stronger than he’s ever been (albeit he is going insane using it) and Adam Smasher just dominates David the whole fight
Here's another shonen trope idea for you: Elders being the GOAT. Whitebeard, Yamamoto (Bleach), Bang/Silver fang, just to name a few.
If I were to make a Top 5 anime beatdowns (no order):
- Hiei Vs Bui
- Brago Vs Zofis' Millenium Mamodos
- Kid Buu Vs Vegeta
- Hao Vs X-Laws
- Mustang Vs Envy
Ichigo just catching Grimjows sword later with zero effort makes that initial fight go that much harder tbh
Idk about Grimjow vs Ichigo, but Aizen breaking the 4th wall by literally stopping Ichigos THEME SONG?!
That was nasty
no roy vs envy mention is OUTRAGEOUS
Drip is an unspoken trope from jjk to yuyu its crazy
Bro Levi went so crazy!!!!
This might be your way to get a bunch of followers. I’d keep doing this until you exhaust the idea and go into anime video essays on other troupes and themes. You have the voice for it
i lowkey fw your vids
8:30 Reiatsu is pronounced "rayshi" btw
nice video
Thinking about it, I feel like Gon was holding back a bit with Neferpitou as to prolong their suffering rather than just killing them outright.
It was clear Gon vastly outmatched them, but I feel like they took quite a while to die.
my favorite types of fights tbh
Do not lose your composure, do not break your stance, stretch out your awareness, and do not let your guard down for even a second. -ulquiorra cider
Grim was the front, Ulquiorra was the real fucking menace imo. Dude was anti-energy a gawd dam singularity.
i can't watch a single yt video without finding jujutsu kaisen clips so i'm leaving for later a lot of videos to don't be spoiled
Madara literally asked the presidents if they wanted it on easy or medium difficulty
Orsted vs Rudeus is also a crazy beatdown. Later on Orsted will also do many more beatdowns worse than even the Rudeus one. People literally pee after seeing him, bro's that scary.
Let’s not forget that Hirako Shinji then turns the tide on Grimmjow and proceeds to humiliate him in turn
Talking about bleach violations, when hollow ichigo had the most stoic character after aizen QUAKING in his boots when he fired off a real cero
Well if Ichigo vs Grimmjow is unknown, I must seriously reconsider my conception about popular anime.
People don’t talk about Grimmjaw because it like older then majority of anime fans now 😂
there's a reason why madara's gif is popular
some quick humbling:
-Giyu vs Rui
-Deku vs Muscular (round 2)
Deku vs Overhaul after he gets to use OFA at 100% 🥶
Are we not gonna talk about that time when aizen absolutely destroyed the gotei 13 including yamamoto in karakura town?
When madara ask the 5 kage if his clone should use susanoo was devious
Surprised Vegito vs Buu wasn’t mentioned when talking about people getting VIOLATED
Genkai beating up on the great suzaku was a pretty nice ass beating. Broke like all his ribs because his very nature pissed her off.
I understand the criticism that Giorno is kind of a mary sue, but damn did he have some of the best beatdowns in all of Jojos
Madara was brutal, need to watch Naruto. I remember that scene it was epic. I dropped Naruto at the time because it was filler and slow, also liked the dub. But danm Madara was a scared oponent by all. It was crazy.
Levi taking down beast titan is my top 3 with an argument for top 1. Such a beautiful, chilling fight
Another one is 'The monster in" trope. Which is over used and many are misses. The miss just gets lost in the grandeur of flash. Only a few have used it well and to the degree that it seems necessary or non contriving to overall story. Yu yu hakusho is a good example of it well done. Although it had to sum it up a bit too fast