Due to all respect mr madebo is great analysts on current situation ..I can share on points that are discussed on …..but Bety push on hard talk little bit for warm up!thank you
No sense of self reflection. The claim the reason of the defeat of the government of the failed state of Ethiopia is because the TDF is supported by satellite intelligence is beyond shame. Ethiopia got Drones from Turkey, UAE, China and got full support from Eritrea and even Somalia gave whatever it could master. There is no hope for Ethiopia with this kind of thinking.
Very informative and revealing interview with Betty Tesfaye as always. You are doing a great job Betty. I wish the other confused so called Oromos journalists follow the same national approach you are pursuing. Well done!
Why is this guy being interviewed on this show? He is like a political chameleon and an intellectual dwarf. He is a fascist. His track record clearly shows that he is a liar, imposter, and shallow. Very disappointed by Betty! How dare she present this guy to us?!
The funny thing about this man is that he was one of those people who took Egyptian money and now his lecturing about sovereignty....what a joke When he was in the opposition to the weyane regime he was seeking the western intervention and also he was based in eritrean which one of the biggest enemy of the country he claimed of fighting for so thank you but no thank you!!!
Where there's no justice, there cannot be peace, and where there is no peace there cannot be any kind of positive development. It is simple common sense.. That is what Ethiopia is all it's existence and will continue that way unless it changes itself for better. It's a cursed empire that must be dismantled. I thought Mr Madebo was a person who had been struggling for democracy and equality, and now turned out to be power greedy person as his boss BN. Very disappointing.
Efrem mandebos G7 have had only amhara 75 soldiers in eritrea but their alliance Tdpm( led by molla asgedom) had more than 2000 tigrai soldiers, now he telling that ethiopian defence force was being dominated by tegaru
Bettyyou are funny how can you invite poletical immature man.i know you are fllowing the Ethiopian calture when some people repeats his name any ignorant is poletician in Ethiopia
Why the government let this woman exacerbate base conflict between people by asking sensible questions?? Kkk democracy malet new ??? Ethiopia Selam yeminesa democracy??? Kkk zugubat beka!!!
Ye Abiy Ahmed weshet ena ye Derg kerit Shinefet alemekebel. Ye genbot 7 ye Eritrean kiteregna Abay enday gedeb Sitesera geze yalefebeh ye Derg kiret. Betam yasazenegn ye Derg kirit kemekabrachew kofersh eneza kenezeh Ke zeb mar yegegnal. ? Lela sirafelgi befeteresh geta Be media. Ye mililik kiret batameben Ye meret also.
I believe,the regional leadership of Amhara was& is very poor....less coordination....no well organized planning.....the TPLF ites told that they will soon march & make them pay....they did what they told....so sad!
Well done bettisha keep it up🙏🙏 inviting individuals with different political ideology makes others good in understanding politics of our country.
በዚ ከጋጣሚ ቤቲ ሾው እስከዛሬ ካቀረባቸው ጥቂት ጥሩ አመለካከት ካላቸው ግለሰቦች አንዱ ኤፍሬም ማዴቦ ነው! በዚ ቀጥይ ቤቲ
Hi Betty
Well done for exposing this kind of people keep up the good work!!
እናመሰግናለን ።
ኦሮሞ ነኝ፣
አቶ አፍሬም በዓለም አቀፋዊነት ፓለቲካ እና ኢኮኖሚ ሰጦ መቀበል መልካም ነው,ከሀያል ሀገር ጋር መቃቃር ውጤቱ የከፋ ሊሆን ይችላል , ቀድሞ ወደ ምስራቃዊ ፓለቲካ አዘነብለን 17 ዓመት አልሞላም ሀገሪቱ ከነበራት ቁመና ተሸረፈች, አሁንም ወደ ብዙ መሸራረፎች ልትሄድ አፋፍ ላይ ነች , ለዚህም ተጠያቂዎቹ ምዕራብያውያን ብቻ ሳይሆኑ ከልክ ያለፈ አክራሪ ኢትዮጵያዊነት ነው , በአሁኑ መንግስት ከሚለው ውጭ ሌላ አመለካከት አለ ወይ? ከንግድ ሜዲያዎች እስከ መንግስት የሚዘገቡት ዜናዎች ውይይቶች የአንድ ወገን የአንድ ብሔር ብቻ መሆናቸው ግልጽ ነው ሀገሪቷ ውስጥ አንድ ብሔር ብቻ ነው ያላት የሚመስለው አማራ \ኢትዮጵያዊነት. አክራሪ አጀንዳቸውን እንደፈለጉ ይረጩታል ዘፋኝ ሳይቀር ለሰላም ዘፈነ ተብሎ ዕርቃነስጋውን ነው የበሉት , ደርግ በየቦኖ ውሀ ስር በኢትዮጵያዊነት ስም ኤርትራን ትግሬን ኦሮሞን ሱማሌን ሲገድል ለኢትዮጵያዊነት ስለሆነ መልካም ነበር ነገሩ ማለት ነው? ያ ወቀት አሁን ተመልሶ እየመጣ ለመሆኑ ብዙ ምልክቶች አሉ ማጋለጥ ማዋረድ ሰይጣናዊ ስም መለጠፍ ትክክለኛ የኢቲዮአክራሪ ምልክቶች ናቸው ልዩነቱ ዓ ም ብቻ ነው , ስለሊቢያ ኢራቅ ሰላልከው የሀያላን መንግስትን ጥቅም በተዘዋዋሪ መንገድ ለሞግዳት ምክረዋል በተለይ ሊቢያ,
ቻይና እና ሩሲያ ኢትዮጵያ ያላት ዓይነት የማንነት የራስን በራስ የማስተዳደር የህዝቦች ጥያቄዎች አሏቸው,
ለዚሁም ነው አብይን የሚደግፉት, አክራሪ ኢትዮ\አማራ ሊሂቃን የሚፈልጓት ኢትዮጵያ የዛሬ 31 ዓመት አብቅቶላታል የአንድ ብሔር ስነልቦና ቋንቋ ባህል ስነጽሁፍ No more አያልን ነው,ኦሮሞ በፍላጎት እንጂ በጉልበት መቼም ኢትዮጵያዊ አይሆንም ,ለሆኑትም አዝንላቸዋለው ,የኋላ ኋላ ያጎበደዱላት ኢትዮጵያ ከረፈፍ ጋሎች የሚል ሰም ነው የሚያከናኑባቸው ,ምክንያቱም ለኢትዮ\አማራ ሊሂቃን መቼም የጠራህ ስለማይመስላቸው።
እንደዚህ ዓይነቱ ደደብ ሰዎች ናቸው ሀገራችንን አሁን ላጋጠማት ችግር የዳረጓት ።
The very peculiar behaviour of coward guys is to externalize their failure.
thank you Betty. The right person for the right interview. Ato Ephrem is a real Ethiopian.
ብዙ ኦሮሞ መስለው ኮሜንት የሚፅፉ አጋሜዎች አሉና እየተጠነቀቃችሁ👍
Anybody has the right to comment.ባንተ ቤት ኦሮሞ ስለራሱ መናገር አይችልም ሌላ ሰው ነው የሚናገርለት እንደማለት ነው።
@@tafessetesso6582 አማራ መስለው ኮሜንት የሚያደርጉ አጋሜዎች አሉ..how about that ? does it help with your complex?
Hello Betty 👋 keep up. It is good to hear different ideas from different political figures. 😀
አሁን ምርጥ.ሰው.አቀረብሽ.በርቺ
Due to all respect mr madebo is great analysts on current situation ..I can share on points that are discussed on …..but Bety push on hard talk little bit for warm up!thank you
የሚትሰሪው ሁሉ ልቡ ንፅህና እውነት ለሚወድ ሁሉ አስተማሪ ነው ጠቃሚ ነው
ቤቲ ሄደሽ ሄደሽ ዳገቱ መውጣት አቃተሽ ? ይገርማል ፠ሰው የት ነው ያለው ???? እረ ስለእግዚአቢሄር ሰው ፈልጉ፠
ቤቲ በርቺ እንዳታቋርጭ ምንም እንዳትፈሪ ይህ ሀገር ብብዙ ሌቦችና ተላላኪዋች የተ ሞላ የሸረኞችና የምቀኞች ሀገር ነው::
Welcome bety ❤️💚❤️💚❤️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌼
አቶ ማዴቦ ምርጥ ሰው
Betty is enough smart, rational minded and prefect in all.
I am proud of you.
Our hero wellcome
እናንተ የድሮ ዘመን የአማራ የትግሬ የኦሮሞ የጉራጌ የሲዳሞ...ፖለቲከኞች እባካችሁ በቃ ከኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ገለል በሉ እናንተ የዘራችሁት መርዝ ነው ሃገራችንን ሰላም እየነሳ ያለው በፈጠራ ወሬ ትውልዱን የመረዛችሁት እናንተ ናችሁ #nomore!!!
Betty I have a very serious question for you .why are you always choose those OROMO enemies for interview for Ethiopia affairs?
Betty 💚💚💚
Betiyie it's been long time since I stop watching ur programme because to me u r working below ur capacity and I want to see the previous Betty
ማዴቦ ማለት ቁጥር ሁለት ሉሙጥ ማለት ነው።
ለካ ይህች ሃገር የተሸከማት ማን ነበር? ደካሞች ምእራባውያን ለተራበው ህዝብ ንብረቱን ዘርፋቹህ እህሉን አቃጥላቹህ ለረሃብ የዳረጋችሁት ህዝብ እርዳታ እንስጠው መንገዱን ክፈቱ የሚሉት
No sense of self reflection. The claim the reason of the defeat of the government of the failed state of Ethiopia is because the TDF is supported by satellite intelligence is beyond shame. Ethiopia got Drones from Turkey, UAE, China and got full support from Eritrea and even Somalia gave whatever it could master. There is no hope for Ethiopia with this kind of thinking.
ልብ ያለው ልብ ይበል
ጆሮ ያለው ይስማ
ዘረኝነት ሁላችንንም ወደ ማንወጣው አዘቅጥ ውስጥ ከቶናል
ይሕ ጦርነት ካላሸነፍን
ኤፍሬም ከጠቀሳቸው አገሮች 80 እጥፍ በበለጠ ስቃይ ውስጥ እንገባለን።
Smartly explained, too much for Agame and Shenee to understand
I'm oromo!
Agame is a district name ,typical Eritrean narrative demonizing tegaru as agame ,
Why do you use misleading title? Isn’t this unprofessional?
በእውነት ቤትሻ ከአንዱ ሰው እኔ ነኝ ወላህ ቤትሻ በጣም ነዉ ቅር ያለኝ በፍት በስሜት መንፈስ ነበር የምመከትሽ አሁን ግን በስሱ ነዉ የምከታተልሽ
አማራን ሊያዳክም ነው ? ሚለው ጥያቄ ለታዲዯስ ታንቱ ነበር መቅረብ የነበረበት እውነተኛ መልስ ታገኚ ነበር
መምህርት መስከረም አበራን እስቲ ጋብዣት
bettye enkwan dehena metashi interview maderegeshi melkam hono sewuyew gen bezum ?
ካልጠፋ ሰው ይሄን ልጋጋም, ነውረኛ ሰው ለምን እንደጋበዝሺው አላቅም።
አንተን ምን እንበልህ ዝቃጭ /ባንዳ
Very informative and revealing interview with Betty Tesfaye as always. You are doing a great job Betty. I wish the other confused so called Oromos journalists follow the same national approach you are pursuing. Well done!
አንቺ ስነልቦናሽ የተቀማሽ ዛር ውላጅ እድሜሽን ሙሉ መርዝ መርጨት እርሱ ምንም የማይገናኝ አማራን ሊያዳክም ብለሽ መለጠፍ እባብ እርግብ ነው ካንቺ
ይሄ ሰውየ የመደመር መጽሃፍ ብቻ ነው እንዴ ያነበበው፡ኣብዪ ኮ በኣመሪካን ነው ወደ ስልጣን የመጣው።
Why is this guy being interviewed on this show? He is like a political chameleon and an intellectual dwarf. He is a fascist. His track record clearly shows that he is a liar, imposter, and shallow.
Very disappointed by Betty! How dare she present this guy to us?!
ወይ ሰው ሞት አነሰው አሉ ለቤቲ ነው
The funny thing about this man is that he was one of those people who took Egyptian money and now his lecturing about sovereignty....what a joke
When he was in the opposition to the weyane regime he was seeking the western intervention and also he was based in eritrean which one of the biggest enemy of the country he claimed of fighting for so thank you but no thank you!!!
Mafereya, etendeqdeq Hedena Endaygabu aderge, #TDF + #OLA 💪💪✊🏽
አንተም እስኪ ዝመት ቆለጥ እራስ የጁንታ ፈረስ አንተን ጋልቦህ ከገባ በኅላ ቂጥህን ሲበዳህ ልክ ትገባለህ ገገማ
ቤተልሔም መልካም ሥራ
ለስልጣን ሥትሉ ነውለሰው አዝናችሁ አይደለም እያንዳኝንዳችሁ ሌባ ሁላ ጤናማ መስላችሁ ስትቀርቡ ይገርማል የወደቀ እንጨት ምሳር ይበዛበታል አሉ ለፍላፊዎች
I'm sorry, was this guy a leader of some sort? He sounds incoherent.
Where there's no justice, there cannot be peace, and where there is no peace there cannot be any kind of positive development. It is simple common sense.. That is what Ethiopia is all it's existence and will continue that way unless it changes itself for better. It's a cursed empire that must be dismantled. I thought Mr Madebo was a person who had been struggling for democracy and equality, and now turned out to be power greedy person as his boss BN. Very disappointing.
I'm oromo!
Exactly like you said they get only 3% for the last election
Wel come Bettye konjo
ሰውየው በምርቃና ሙድ ነው ሚታወራ ከእውቀት ነጻ ነው ሚመስለው።በቲ ግን በጥያቄሽ ትንሽ ወረድሺብኝ ኣስተካኪዪ
ቤቲ ደግሞ እስቲ ነቃ ነቃ እንበል ካማንም ውሸታም የገንዘብ ለቃቃሚ አንቺ ትሻያለሽ እኮ ሰላም ሁኚ!!!!!!!!!
you have to support the govnt.
Ethiopia ezh kews wist enditgeba yaderegut ginbot 7 ke esayas gar Abyn bemagenaget Hewatn enatifa maletachew new
Efrem mandebos G7 have had only amhara 75 soldiers in eritrea but their alliance Tdpm( led by molla asgedom) had more than 2000 tigrai soldiers, now he telling that ethiopian defence force was being dominated by tegaru
ከመርዘኛና ፀረ ኦሮሞ ህዝብ አቋም ካለው ሰው ጋር ይኸን ውይይት ማድረግሽን እንደባከነ ጊዜ ነው የምቆጥረው። ሀገሪቷ የምትፈርስ ከሆነ ቀንደኛ ተጠያቂ ይኸ ሰው ነው።
ጁንታ ወይ የጁንታ ደጋፊ ካልሆንክ ሙሉ ቃለመጠይቅ አዳምጠው።
ኦሮሞ ነኝ!
ጁንታ ማለት ትርጉሙን አንተ ብቻ ሳትሆን አብይም አያውቀውም ጉግል ገብተህ እይ .
Bettyyou are funny how can you invite poletical immature man.i know you are fllowing the Ethiopian calture when some people repeats his name any ignorant is poletician in Ethiopia
እውነት ቤቲ ያምርብሻል ደግሞ ጀግና ነሽ እኔ እንጃ ህቁን እኮ ቁጭ ነው የምታደርጊው ማንንም ልቅቅም ትበልጫለሽ እንጂ አታንሽም እሺ ብቲ!!!!!!!!!!
ከምር ፕሮግራምሺ ሱስ ሆነኝ
Shame on you both! This is recorded in the struggle of the people of Tigray and Oromo.
Well come Betty.
Where have you been still todey?
አንች ሚጥሚጣ ስወድሽ !!
ጋዜጠኛዋ መስቀለኛ ጥያቄ መጠየቅ ነበረብሽ ደምባራ የ ሆነ Interview
Why the government let this woman exacerbate base conflict between people by asking sensible questions?? Kkk democracy malet new ??? Ethiopia
Selam yeminesa democracy??? Kkk zugubat beka!!!
wleshetam Sewoche
some sacrify for the home land, some are concerned about their hair color.
''ኢትዮዽያ ከምእራብ ጋር ነው እየተዋጋች ያለችው'' ቤቲ ታፈሰ . እየነፈሰብሽ መጥተሻል።
እውነት አፈረጠችው አደል እነ እውነት ህርሙ
ድምጽ ጥራት አለ ቤቲ
rspact ephran madibo
👉👉👉Anchi HAHEYA Nekersa. Lenegeru 🍌 beletsh Adegesh TEGAB Alechel ALESH!!
Ende dero zemme emilesh yale edayimeselesh...TEDEFIYALESH!!
ይሄ ቅሪላ ሽማግሌ...ደህና ሃሳብ እንዳለው!!
You can't deny #Tigraygenocide
Amara meche new dekama yalneberechew?
Ere beti betam ashashileshal tenagro eskichers eyetebeksh newu tiru newu yegazitegninet behiri yizeshal beka edewulalehu eshi
አይ ቤቲ🤔 የብልጽግና አሽቋላጭ ሆንሽ🤔
Denaz jedhiin.
Gobez lij
betty magna
የጠላ ቤት ወሬ ነው ወይስ Interview ? "በፕሮፓጋንዳ የተበለጥነው " ከምእራባውያን ጋር ነው የምንዋጋው ነው ያልሺው 😂 .. ከእናንተ ጋር ከመኖር አሁንም 1000 ግዜ ትፍረስ !!
Seteshenefu Efertamoch 🤭🤭🤭
Ye Abiy Ahmed weshet ena ye Derg kerit
Shinefet alemekebel. Ye genbot 7 ye Eritrean kiteregna Abay enday gedeb
Sitesera geze yalefebeh ye Derg kiret.
Betam yasazenegn ye Derg kirit kemekabrachew kofersh eneza kenezeh
Ke zeb mar yegegnal. ?
Lela sirafelgi befeteresh geta
Be media. Ye mililik kiret batameben
Ye meret also.
በክት ምናገባህ ስለአማራ
ዋንኛ አገር ኣታራማሽ.
Bety seems to be very pasive
Saboontu teenya nuuf jiraadhu
Every governmental power is in the hand of Amhara . Do you think Amhara government is working against it's own power ? What kind of question is this ?
I believe,the regional leadership of Amhara was& is very poor....less coordination....no well organized planning.....the TPLF ites told that they will soon march & make them pay....they did what they told....so sad!
The one hu mes Ethiopian Amhar or North Rijn
Anche rasu junta nesh.gem
አቤት ውሸት የሚጠበቅ ነው ሁሌ ስትዋሽ ኖረሃል ውሸታም
what is this fool talking?
ቤቲ አትሸወጂ ከቻልሽ እንደ ኡቡንቱ ሁኚ ይህማ ስዩም ተሸሞም ይነግረናል
ኤፍሬም ማዴቦ አነተ ውሸታም የደርግ ርዝራዥ የአብይ ውትፍ ነቃይ ዝም ብለህ ልጅህን አታሳድግም ለካ ያች ኤርትራዊ የልጅህ እናች በጥዋቱ ዘወር በል ያለችህ እውነትዋን ነው ገገመኀ።
ኤፍሬም ማዴቦ አነተ ውሸታም የደርግ ርዝራዥ የአብይ ውትፍ ነቃይ ዝም ብለህ ልጅህን አታሳድግም ለካ ያች ኤርትራዊ የልጅህ እናችት በጥዋቱ ዘወር በል ያለችህ እውነትዋን ነው ገገማ።
ማውራት እንጂ መዋጋት ብቃት የላችሁም።
ሰውዬው ንግግር ይችላል እንጂ እውነታን ከማወቅ የጸዳ ነው። ለነገሩ የሁሉም ትምክህተኛ ባሕርይ ነው። ወሬ አያስፈልግም። ፊንፊኔ እንገናኝ። ድል ለTDF and OLA. ቤቲ ግን ወደ አንድ ወገን ማጋደሉን ተዪው። ምንም አያደርግልሽም።
jetteeree Yaataaboree Yaa Warra Waanyoo
ቤቲ ዛሬ ወራዳ ሰው ያቀረብሺው ።
ጉራጌ ሸቀጥ ሲሸቅጥ እንጂ ፖሎቲካን ሲተነተን አያምርበትም
ሌባ አንተ ሞተ ሸቃጭ
አንተ እራስ አሽባሪ ነው እምትመስለው
ምናባቱ ያስፈራራናል ይሄ ራሱ ስውር ጁንታታ ነው
Hay bet beka sew atash?
ይህን ድንጋ ራስ ምናለ አፉን ብታዘጉት አፉን ባይከፍት ይሻላል