thanks man, i got a little bit more energy now and my fever is lower, but it's still there. I'm not gonna start streaming yet, but I'll keep up with videos on here as much as i can
@@refi350 temporary flight in one room is dogshit and is the battery equivalent to a hanged man card Just pick up a good item that comes with flight or just dont fly at all you can still win the game like that
Something to remember to make life easier on runs that aren't going well or if you just don't want to hit them all is that if you have flight and the bombs, you don't need to hit the switches for the second knife piece. You can just fly over and bomb it twice like normal for those doors.
@@jumbology if he killed mother first and then used the R key, he gets the completion mark for Mother and could also do another completion mark in a single run, basically saving time in future runs since he’s going for completion marks. In the video, he used the key immediately and only got one completion mark out of it
@@boblobgobstopper13214 yes but he had two hearts and would probably have died next floor, maybe even before getting to mother. one mark is better than none ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I mean chaos has almost no downside. All possible item pools are better than regular treasure or boss room. You either get the same decency item or much better. Only thing is that you should go for angel, he gives items for free and you definitely won’t be pleased by breakfast for 1 red heart trade
That’s a fun run to get. It gets even better if you find the infinity sign item. The one that makes shots go off one side of the screen and come back in on the other side.
@@zhianvideos9453 person who likes anthromorphic (human shaped) animals. Typically with a "fursona" (anthro animal) and/or a fursuit (anthro animal, but as a suit they wear). Often portrayed as sexual, cringe, or constantly saying "OwO" or "UwU" although not typically the case. Try decoding that and you`ll get your answer
Gotta love how Albino basicly took everything that made Brets Isaac videos good, picked up mods that did those things and then simply ride the fame wave.
@@lordqwertythepyromancer3458 Yes Brett actually did some a lot of editing. To make moments feel cool or impressive, Albino uses mods to make moments funny instead of doing the work.
>Guppy floor 2
>still complaining
That's our albino
Well he is a god at rng
@@robuxyyyyyyyyyy4708 that’s because he gives up on all the runs that don’t give good rng
@@kingtreedede7303 He's also won the lottery 10 times apparently
Yeah... Kinda hard to say if someone has good rng when they reset any run that doesnt....
@@kingtreedede7303 if i wake up in the morning and dont win the lottery i go back to bed
Albino at the end of the boss, max hearts and 999 damage: "Any doubters?"
Him using r key before he killed mother hurt me on a physical level
-2 IQ play
to be fair he was very low health he could have died if he fucked it up
@@FrazzleFlib yeah but he could have waited until he was about to die
Was looking for this comment
3:23 That wasn't a request....
*That was a promise*
This is such good foreshadowing i can't help but be amazed.
1. used r key before mother fight
2. didn't take perfection while got a bird's eye
wtf dude
doing a little bit of trolling
yeah but he would have lost the perfection quickly
Cry about it
balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls
@@NotAlbino sussy balls
Yes the pale Norwegian man has uploaded again
I mean, have you seen a tanned Scandinavian?
Well... In thebinfl say he is from spain, still being european (sorry my first lenguage is spanish)
@@psyko2137 yes I think
As a Scandinavian man myself we are in fact incredibly pale naturally
being from the norse area=super pale
"need more damage"
-chat member who doesn't believe in DPS
"Only big number I care is damage number"
-Some room-temperature-IQ guy"
why did you take my table
@@YeyTheFurry he took mine too
Albino hope you are feeling better, i assume that uploading a video means that you are a little better. Take care man
wait what happened with him
@@KindaCoolChris he posted on community post about having a fever and being in bed for two days.
thanks man, i got a little bit more energy now and my fever is lower, but it's still there. I'm not gonna start streaming yet, but I'll keep up with videos on here as much as i can
@@NotAlbino albino infested???
@@NotAlbino make the fever mald albino PogFish 👍
Just dont use chaos when looking for planetariums
Learned the hard way
Dont forget about Rosary beads either i got a bible in the planetarium once
I don't know why you hate bible so much. It's a good item. /s
@@refi350 temporary flight in one room is dogshit and is the battery equivalent to a hanged man card
Just pick up a good item that comes with flight or just dont fly at all you can still win the game like that
@@fallpen8868 bro that was sarcasm.
@@refi350 sure.
Technically Chaos is also F tier at the same time, if you think about it.
Chaos is F,E,D,C,B,A and S tier all at the same time.
@@FrayedWires2 That’d average to about C tier
nah you're thinking of death certificate, it is every letter of the alphabet
@@gordonfreemanthesemendemon1805 Death certificate is any combination of letters you want.
Chaos would be tier "YEAH!!! WAIT NO NO NO AHHHHHHH"
17:53 бляяяяяя. Это замечательно. Я могу слушать это снова и снова
@@ascendddd смотрят пажилое видево
stop speaking vodka
@@kalosz96 make me
Это же серега орал
early morning lets go. one thing to keep me happy during this oregon heat wave
Yea man this heat wave sucks
Sayin hi from Cali
Also I haven't slept yet
it was 117 in Gladstone last Sunday, fucking insane
heatwave finally ended over her for us in portland
@@obamaisnotreal i think its down to 90 something not great but much better than 110+
114 yesterday, supposed to be 116 today! Washington state ere'
Something to remember to make life easier on runs that aren't going well or if you just don't want to hit them all is that if you have flight and the bombs, you don't need to hit the switches for the second knife piece. You can just fly over and bomb it twice like normal for those doors.
Американцы: у нас самое большое количество матов
Россияне: 17:47
хоть кто-то русский
@@g.e.w.p6075 ага,сам всегда не могу найти под такими видео русских и сам пишу что-то 😅
Mom's heart swearing in Russian is the funniest thing i have seen today.
With the amount of rare secret room items chaos kinda got indirectly buffed
1:19 seeing the Peter caught me off guard and gave me a coughing fit, nice
4:05 did this man have guppy's tail and yet he turned down guppy's eye.......
I would love to see how chat freaking rioted 🤣🤣🤣
This is why chaos is needed in runs. It makes them so much more chaotic.
"every 60 seconds in africa, a minute passes"
“Hmm yes, the floor here is made out of floor”
Albino:”I’m good at tboi!”
Also albino:*doesn’t take perfection*
I haven't learnt my lesson to stop putting my volume to max and then watching Albino
Bruh got so excited, he forgot he could have killed mother and then R'd for an easy Beast run
i dont know much about repentance but why is everybody saying he should've killed mother first?
@@jumbology if he killed mother first and then used the R key, he gets the completion mark for Mother and could also do another completion mark in a single run, basically saving time in future runs since he’s going for completion marks. In the video, he used the key immediately and only got one completion mark out of it
@@boblobgobstopper13214 yes but he had two hearts and would probably have died next floor, maybe even before getting to mother. one mark is better than none ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@@swifttt he had two hearts meaning he could take one hit and r key out if he’s not confident
@@boblobgobstopper13214 true
3:39 ladies and gentlefolk, this is peak level design
Other games wish they had obstacles like that
Also nice profile pic
7:30 what a way to start a day ❤
Why does Albino always instantly use R Key when he gets it. It’s actually starting to piss me off...
@@mikipiker Mald :(
@lego git gud
@lego git gud
Mad + bald = Mald
Albino finding twisted pair (q4 item) :”ooooooo hello “
Albino finding red key(q3 item) :”AAAUGHHHH”
another day, another vid where Albino commits war crimes
>complains about not having keys
>refuses to buy key
Amazing Albino content
I swear, this game hears you sometimes and gives you what you want or need...
"This is where I'd put my keys...
Dude when i want to laugh my ass off i just go to albino thanks for being a living legend
it's 2:50AM looks like I'm going to bed at 3:10AM
imagine if albino took a+.. with bird's eye and conjoined!! literally could've melted mother with no competition
Bird's eye ignores conjoined
@@greatestgrasshopper9210 not cool
Why are you booing me, I'm right!
@@greatestgrasshopper9210 u are cool, but edmund makes me wanna become my money
Ah yes, the item that replaces all of my item, devil, angel rooms with burgers, tremendous
I feel like albino would reset our existence if he had the chance for better RNG
I mean chaos has almost no downside. All possible item pools are better than regular treasure or boss room. You either get the same decency item or much better. Only thing is that you should go for angel, he gives items for free and you definitely won’t be pleased by breakfast for 1 red heart trade
18:58 who else noticed the sentence in the chat? xD
The thing is that u could have waited to use the r key after defeating mother
he had 2.5 hearts, too risky
albino how long did you hold r this time
14:49 got me laughin 🤣🤣🤣
Risk is not taken into factor here at Albino's channel.
actually, as indicated by his name, he is, in fact, Not Albino
Love the Isaac arc of Albino
Im Brazilian, and i love this this guy's content
So if you weren't Brazilian you'd hate his content?
@@kash9418 ...
come to brazil
@@Kritzomega lol you're the one that mentioned your nationality when it's unrelated
@@saaros yup
This was certainly one of the items of the run
17:49 is that Michael Gira's voice when he kills the heart?
its dababy's voice but really stetched out
@@jiedimo787 oh okay makes sense
Im kinda new to tboi, how did albino knew there was a Chaos @ 5:30 ?
16:55 "now I'm going to starve!"
17:39 tfw you kill mom before your sub alert ends
Your Isaac videos are fantastic and I've watched them all. I don't even play isaac, I just like watching it.
No, it's not "Blyaaaa" and doesn't sounds like, it's "A puull uuuuuup"
with Chaos I've found R Key in one of the 4 chests in The Chest floor, I couldn't believe it
Bruh I’m new to this channel and I was watching near my parents, once the intro of Phub came on things got awkward.
This is my first time watching, but what I’m getting is that this man is the xqc of the binding of Isaac community
This has demolished the doubter population
after a bad day , Alibino save me once more
That’s a fun run to get. It gets even better if you find the infinity sign item. The one that makes shots go off one side of the screen and come back in on the other side.
Albino that intro is based ngl
R Key is just the best word significate, Like the Clone in Enter The Gungeon, I love it
never thought i would need a gaming pc to play a former flash game
This is why I get chaos every time I can.
Someone knows the mod he uses for the item’s description plz ?
the name is literally item descriptions
Albino you should try enter the gungeon its the same genre as binding of isaac and its really good
looking back at this
it's hard to see albino with no moustache
The fact he skipped a tinted rock on the first floor in the item room
Hope you're better today :)
4:08 he had guppy’s tail and guppy’s collar. He missed guppy’s eye 😅
Dababy : i pull up
Albino : RUSSIANS !
3:43 what happened to his edens soul?
Whats the mod called that plays the ''WOW!'' sound when picking up items?
mmmm funny norwegian man has posted, i have been blessed
(gets Guppy transformation)
My brain: *_FURRY_*
@@zhianvideos9453 person who likes anthromorphic (human shaped) animals. Typically with a "fursona" (anthro animal) and/or a fursuit (anthro animal, but as a suit they wear). Often portrayed as sexual, cringe, or constantly saying "OwO" or "UwU" although not typically the case.
Try decoding that and you`ll get your answer
@@briishcabbage568 you must have been like 15 when you wrote this lmao
@@illuminati955 Around 12. I was, and still am, stupid.
please someone tell me whats the outro song name
20 minute albino vid I'm gonna coom
yo new malding of issac: regirth looks great
Cannot believe he doesn’t have the amogus mother ending
What mod is he using? (The one that tells him what he gets on the next sacrifice room play and stuff)
Item description mod :) it shows item effect and what you sac room is doing next
its 7 am damn albino its early this morning
argentina's hour
The "intro" at the beginning my parents were there
Already feeling better? Nice!
what a mod with blyaaaaaat` on death of It Lives?
I need all sound mods that Albino have!
What did u use edens souls on? Why wouldnt you save it for the devil deal???
For Years i am wondering where Albino gets his Meme Assets. Like is there somekind of Libary or Subreddit for some unusual memes?
That's some fooking Dream luck RIGHT THERE!
why didnt you do mother then r key or you alr have the unlock?
Gotta love how Albino basicly took everything that made Brets Isaac videos good, picked up mods that did those things and then simply ride the fame wave.
I care to disagree, brett has far more energy, self awareness, and editing to set his isaac content apart from the rest
Becides, every Isaac content creator rode the fame train of this game
@@lordqwertythepyromancer3458 Yes Brett actually did some a lot of editing. To make moments feel cool or impressive, Albino uses mods to make moments funny instead of doing the work.
I remember getting R key and then just fucking dies over a bomb.
You are very entertaining and funny, I'm gonna subscribe. Also that run was insane
Hey Bro IDK if you will see this, but when mother charges at you after you changes rooms it doesn't do damage FYI
14:50 magic WHAT skin?
this man actually paid edmund off jfc
Achievment unlocked!
*Inside rage*
Beat the game as samson without taking damage
1:46 scratch that, we need vtuber albino
What is that clip at the end?! I watched this video like, 5 times and I never saw it until now wth?!
6:00 what do you mean by "ughh" Bob's brain is briliant ofensive item if you use it wisely especially with BFFS
keyboard or controller ?
Is this just all of the dlc packs or are some of theses mods ?
Yesterday I got Mutant Spider and Brimstone in a Boss Room because of Chaos
Furthering his R key addiction the video.