We simply cannot have fun and nice things. Whenever there is unorthodox build popping up they nerf the shit out it just to point out that it's not how they meant it to play, play like they want you to play or don't play at all
@@1360reaper1360 Ye, I know that, but adding more atk speed is in most cases just overkill, since the only case it could really matter is on 1v1s and you would normally win those anyways. It's a small buff, but not a noticeable one
@@xDieGoVAx Nah its big for on-hit champions scaling. Before you were forced to branch into tank items after hitting the cap. You can now scale better with a 5th item that compliments build better
@@jacktweddle3995 You reach the 2.5 cap on yi quite easily with his R, botrk and guinsoo along with LT, and with the domination runes changes, HoB is not that good now, so that cap change is interesting on him. It wont break the champ, it was just some joking, but is interesting. Also take into consideration that atk spd on yi helps both in dmg and survivability, since more autos means more Qs and invulnerability
@darkweeman133 because you can win lane at level 1 by bush cheesing him and he no longer wins with PTA/ignite into a lot of champions. You chunk or kill him, have wave control, and he can't play.
Don't worry Jayce enjoyers. Jayce will get adjusted again in 1.4. Phreak said as much. Their aim is for his dmg build to be equal or better than in 1.2.
Yea Jayce otp here, hes such a hard champ to pilot and tank build makes it abysmally easier so I understand this, but I guess 58% winrate Gwen top goes untouched..typical.
@@whoissterling The aim is to get back gwen top and urgot to pro plays aswell as nasus mid could be as we saw last season , actually good so that players foorce to change their champ pool a bit we are done of jayce op and ksante and ambessa each game , now gwen and urgot and nasus could be added and we will have different builds and stuff coming out from pro players , REMEMBER THOSE PATCHS ALWAYS AIM TO PRO PLAY AND HIGH ELO CHALL FOR PRO PLAYERS LOL , SO IT'S JUST MAINLY FOR PRO AND STREAMERS in the end
@ I get it, but there is little skill expression in the champs you’re naming, making for a bland/stale matchup..one would assume isn’t good for viewership
Thank god for the bounty change cause being fr it just became a hunt for the best player and if you had a team that you were just massively carrying it felt so much worst giving a 1k shutdown to their teammates so hopefully this makes life a lot better
When will you guys make an app? The website is nice but launching a browser on phone to watch is rough. I watch at home when I can but I work alot and am not able to get a whole lot of time at my pc these days 😒 so watching these on my lunch or breaks is my best shot to focus on what I'm learning
@@redttdgjird8011 Still enough to be a pain in the ass. He's not fun to face, it's really easy to mess up against Warwick and cant be able to put a foot outside of your turret.
You only max E second on Evelynn if you're bad at Evelynn. Max W second has been better for ages and now they're just forcing you to max E second, again completely missing the entire point of why she's bad rn.
There is different ascpets for adcs, zoning, positioning, kiting and such. If you're completely new and want to learn playing ADC i recommend caitlyn for positioning and zoning, jinx is harder to adapt since you need to swap between weapons and learn her rocket range for pokes. Also keep in mind, when playing adcs like mf or ashe you're very vulnerable (mostly against assasins) because of lack of mobility skills or cc, so you need good support when playing them. Everything being said, jinx is very strong and dependable so learning her is a great idea BUT I don't recommend playing adc in this game. It requires a lot of skill and knowledge yet your strength always depends on how your team gives you opportunities or protects you.
@@fenry_edits Ive been playing about 2 months now and adc and support are the only roles I've felt comfortable with. I know some basics like how to kite(definitely could be better, and also farming.) But yes, I am noticing how dependent the role is on literrally every other role. Like if mid does bad, the jungle will be there to help, along with the supp. Bots doing bad? supp will perma roam, leaving you 1v2 lmao. idk still enjoy it though. sorry for the rant >_
So the issue with adc is the games are generally already snowballed out of control by the time they can build enough of items to do anything meaningful. So riot addressed this by increasing the AS cap which ADCs generally cant build to touch because games are already over. I dont understand this at all. They buffed end scaling for a role thats entire problem is they dont have time to scale
They always show strange tier lists-according to statistics, Yorick is ranked #1 in both jungle and top roles for ranked games. Yet, they didn’t even think to include him in the jungle list.
How is one of the highest pick-rate top laner (Jax) B tier??? Almost every tierlist I’ve seen this season has Jax is S / A Tier because he can be picked in almost any team comp and be useful.
>deletes honour rewards >deletes ranked rewards >deletes level up capsules >deletes weekly hextech chests >deletes mastery chests >nerfed "events" over time (showcases used to give capsules, and minor events gave 1-2+ chests/orbs) >daily mission got nerfed >battlepass infinite grind lost all its minuscule value (yeah, old pass grinding past the end was too slow/worthless) "GUISE!! THE NEW PASS IS X10 BETTER, WE PUTTING ALL THESE SYSTEMS THERE" (proceeds to forget some of these features) >KEKW new "buffed" pass is WAY worse than the already shitty old pass
Couldn't agree more with midlane OP tier. Syndra Q, Mel Q and Hwei EE are the most undodgable skills in the entire game. You cannot dodge these reactively, you have to anticipate them and dodge before the cast. IMO broken
do you even know what you're saying? if every skillshot was dodgeable on reaction skillshots would be pointless. the entire point of fast skillshots is that you need to predict them and space properly. if you misposition against any champion, you should be punished accordingly. it's not "broken," it's how the game is supposed to work.
that has more to do with being predictible, than moving unpredictible. it may hit quick, but can be sidestepped if you move in a way that makes them misjudge where your going to be on damage pop. they are skillshots, i prediced allot of people with varis q max charge max range, people are easy to read at times, those champs take advantige of that.
"niche" "fiddle" "hec" these words do not belong together in a sentence. wtf lmao those champs have lived in the jg for over a decade. the post-Arcane players are insane lmao
Dark harvest buffs are completely misinterpreted for champs like Graves. 2 dmg per stack increase is NOTHING. You don't really get more than 1 stack/min, so that's only 40 extra dmg while electrocute massively outtempoes it early and therefore unlocks more opportunities as well as guaranteed multiple procs in fights. Graves going Dark Harvest was ALWAYS BAIT.
@@willamdafoe9300 Go check how many stacks you get in your games by 30 minutes and see how much dmg you are getting compared to Electrocute, and how much early-mid game dmg you lost for those peanuts.
couldnt the attack speed cap buff have an impact on jax aswell since his passive increases his AS aswell? up to the build ofc. but maybe with bork + rageblade?
18:47 Melee? I know he plays like melee supports, but he's actually a ranged support. A mistake like this does makes me question your validity as a good source of LoL guides.
Can thresh shoot? can he fire a gun? No if he cant hit you from the standard ADC range then he's not a ranged support, He's a melee support always has and always will be.
@@unknown-Stride0There are different types of ranges in the game. Thresh is ranged. Another example is that Rakan has a much higher AA range than most melee champs but he is still a melee champ.
@@unknown-Stride0 Sivir throws a boomerang, Kalista throws spears, Draven throws axes, Thresh throws a sickle on a chain. And regarding your attack range argument, Thresh's is bigger than Yuumi's and the same as Morgana's, both being ranged supports.
@ivanmarkovic4169 After 4 days I gotta disagree. Maybe my opinion doesn't matter since I'm Rek'sai onetrick but I rly miss the Prowlers Claw days with HoB. But now after the patch I've been running a crit build I saw one Master player playing even before the buffs and I've been rly enjoying it. The Conq more bruiser is much safer and might be better overall, but HoB for my playstyle just fits better. But can't tell about other champs I never enjoyed HoB Vi for example
was looking for this comment tbh, riot did not mention them in the system changes rather in the bug fix and qol changes for some reason,so not a lot of people are aware of it yet
@ im almost convinced they did it this way to avoid players outraging due to true damage historically being a touchy subject turns out its not big buffs to any champion, really- small buffs yes but nothing crazy
right? zyra has fully taken over the meta. electrocute buff will be huge for her too. 20 extra dmg on her lvl 3 all-in is massive. comet zyra will not be a thing anymore
the support tier list seems very of. I would 1000% put Poppy in OP tiers along with Lulu. Swain in the last tiers in unbelievable. Ashe may be C tiers now but definitely wasn't considering how OP the bloodsong was. She definitely suffers from it's nerf. I'd put Soraka in low S actually, over both Senna and Zyra that are nowhere close in impact to the others of the list like Milio and vel koz. Ultimately, I see nautilus at the edge of the B tier, and I wonder why he sits so low. I'm playing him over leona currently, I see him currently ad a strong pick than her. Am I missing ?
stop playing hipster "it's good in pro" champs lmao. aphelios and kalista have been dog tier forever because riot can't figure out how to balance them without them being perma in pro.
who ever did samira's buff is such BS. how you gon say "for games where going in would get you insta killed, we're upping your auto attack speed" BUT, the FKIN BUFF IS ON HER DASHH!! which literally to use, she has to dash in to insta die... so WTF riot. get outta here man
Can we get a garen nerf, he is giga strong even in top elo, nerf his e shred or/and regen early game. If they can do changes to sett regen, atleast do it to garen
Where is Yorick at on the jungle tier list, Release maiden has never been this op you can relese maiden as jungler to force other team to go deal with her giving you 5 vs 4 situations or do it pre objectives if they dnt deal with her she takes towers inhib etc. if they do well then you have an advantage at objectives remember maiden actually doesnt do that much dmg its your ghouls which do and you can raise them from junglecamps on your own, it can be hard to play High elo, but for nubs like me Yorick is actually good, have a look at how Ninetales plays it eventhough he got 130 ping he was GM last year or close to it and OTP Yorick jungle.
4:22 u saying that “mages arent even good right now” is sooooo funny and stupid. mages are the BEST state they have ever been and just look in UGG, all challenger level adcs are MAGES. do the math
i know right it’s enough that theyre op mid lane and adc already we don’t need them to be strong on sup aswell dealing almost most dmg in the game as sup = good nerf!!
Man riot really gonna fuck up the support role for a few weeks. oh well time to take a break bloodsong and zz will get buffed soon im calling it now. Enchanters are already broken
Well.. Ad Shaco is not going to get so much power actually anyways, hail of blades buff is not enough for him, cuz Shaco needs more Ad, no more att speed for 3 basics, and the Ad items are in a really weak spot right now... so, keep playing Ap Shaco, is the best
@@naalex132 Maybe bc u r Bronze or Silver but that champ is just toxic for the game and at even skill Mel will win every matchup, the only champ who counters her being champ with really high skills ceiling its not fair that a noob champ where u cant miss anything, ur always safe with the huge Q range being of the longest in the game and her W which is a Zonya +++++ who counters 90% of the CC and with the passive its just feels like thanos prime in lane
You guys in this video keep saying that it is weird that Riot is nerfing the damage Support items, but they have stated over and over that they don't agree with how much damage is coming out of the Support role. Support should generally be Tanks and Enchanters. Utility based gameplay. That is why it is called the "Support" role. For proof of what I am saying, check out Phreak's most recent Patch Preview video and skip to the Support items section. He explains clear as day that they don't like even more DPS coming out of the Support role.
Elec buff should help a lot. Only thing he needs is the bug that Norak fixed and then reverted and then said he would fix again last patch but didn’t. So hopefully it is ACTUALLY fixed this time.
Wednesday morning at 4 am per region (depends on time-zones in that region) like usual, every single time. The coming Wednesday obviously. A patch occurs every 2 weeks.
Rank Up Fast At ➡www.skill-capped.com/lol#tierlistS13
zakzak nerf helps us not get oneshot by lux support combo, so the nerf makes sense
Do you guys do Wild Rift?
this Jayce nerf just proves that riot is unable to:
1. address the real problems in the game's balance
2. do math
this dumbo is a nightmare to balance, mostly because of phase rush.
Hard to balance mentioned as the above
We simply cannot have fun and nice things. Whenever there is unorthodox build popping up they nerf the shit out it just to point out that it's not how they meant it to play, play like they want you to play or don't play at all
lol cope Jayce enjoyer. Deserved nerf
@@joshpompeo2119 I didn't play a single game with it
Analists: Atk spd cap change is not big deal.
Master Yi: Hold my Guinsoo
Warwick is slept on with it. As his passive alone on W gets him up to 2.50.
@@1360reaper1360 Ye, I know that, but adding more atk speed is in most cases just overkill, since the only case it could really matter is on 1v1s and you would normally win those anyways. It's a small buff, but not a noticeable one
what about the true damage buffs? they got removed?
@@xDieGoVAx Nah its big for on-hit champions scaling. Before you were forced to branch into tank items after hitting the cap. You can now scale better with a 5th item that compliments build better
@@jacktweddle3995 You reach the 2.5 cap on yi quite easily with his R, botrk and guinsoo along with LT, and with the domination runes changes, HoB is not that good now, so that cap change is interesting on him. It wont break the champ, it was just some joking, but is interesting. Also take into consideration that atk spd on yi helps both in dmg and survivability, since more autos means more Qs and invulnerability
Teemo nerf is actually huge. Certain champs can just all in level 1 now.
u can all in with every champ, there's just better "all-iner". Oh and going all in while being a range is.. not really fun for the opposite side.
teemo not being able to match all ins at level 1 is bad because...?
@darkweeman133 because you can win lane at level 1 by bush cheesing him and he no longer wins with PTA/ignite into a lot of champions. You chunk or kill him, have wave control, and he can't play.
@@burritogod59 oh noo... Now.. Who cares? Fk teemo anyways
@@burritogod59 So they're nerfing cheese? Why is that bad?
Don't worry Jayce enjoyers. Jayce will get adjusted again in 1.4. Phreak said as much. Their aim is for his dmg build to be equal or better than in 1.2.
I'm so tired, of every developer scheduling changes so far into the future
Yea Jayce otp here, hes such a hard champ to pilot and tank build makes it abysmally easier so I understand this, but I guess 58% winrate Gwen top goes untouched..typical.
@@whoissterling rito just cannot see the real problem. tank items are cheap and broken :)) better nerf champions...
@@whoissterling The aim is to get back gwen top and urgot to pro plays aswell as nasus mid could be as we saw last season , actually good so that players foorce to change their champ pool a bit we are done of jayce op and ksante and ambessa each game , now gwen and urgot and nasus could be added and we will have different builds and stuff coming out from pro players , REMEMBER THOSE PATCHS ALWAYS AIM TO PRO PLAY AND HIGH ELO CHALL FOR PRO PLAYERS LOL , SO IT'S JUST MAINLY FOR PRO AND STREAMERS in the end
@ I get it, but there is little skill expression in the champs you’re naming, making for a bland/stale matchup..one would assume isn’t good for viewership
Cho’Gath in the OP tier, never thought I’d see the day.
Jinx Passive doesn't care about late game with the attack speed cap, this will matter for her sooner than other/most adcs.
My jinx gets stronger with every patch..
Mel has a literal 95% ban rate, yet Riot not touching her? 🤨
Skins, Arcane.
She was hotfix nerfed, still quite strong, but significantly less since release
Touching her without her consent would be illegal btw...
All new champs have a high ban rate
She would just W
Thank god for the bounty change cause being fr it just became a hunt for the best player and if you had a team that you were just massively carrying it felt so much worst giving a 1k shutdown to their teammates so hopefully this makes life a lot better
When will you guys make an app? The website is nice but launching a browser on phone to watch is rough. I watch at home when I can but I work alot and am not able to get a whole lot of time at my pc these days 😒 so watching these on my lunch or breaks is my best shot to focus on what I'm learning
bro just watch it on the youtube app
Holy mother of god please Riot Warwick has been op in top for like the last century.
But you dont see him that much
@@redttdgjird8011 Still enough to be a pain in the ass. He's not fun to face, it's really easy to mess up against Warwick and cant be able to put a foot outside of your turret.
@@DamnFury idk man, the only champion i play on top is Vayne so >_
They don’t nerf him so that he can be usable in high elo probably
actual devil
0:16 a ocean dragon spawning in a chemtech rift
Tryndamere about to be crazy
You only max E second on Evelynn if you're bad at Evelynn. Max W second has been better for ages and now they're just forcing you to max E second, again completely missing the entire point of why she's bad rn.
Trundle players are winning this patch! Increase in max atk speed is an underrated plus
Learning ADC with ashe. But thinking of getting jinx and learning her. Would that be a good trade?
There is different ascpets for adcs, zoning, positioning, kiting and such. If you're completely new and want to learn playing ADC i recommend caitlyn for positioning and zoning, jinx is harder to adapt since you need to swap between weapons and learn her rocket range for pokes. Also keep in mind, when playing adcs like mf or ashe you're very vulnerable (mostly against assasins) because of lack of mobility skills or cc, so you need good support when playing them. Everything being said, jinx is very strong and dependable so learning her is a great idea BUT I don't recommend playing adc in this game. It requires a lot of skill and knowledge yet your strength always depends on how your team gives you opportunities or protects you.
@@fenry_edits Ive been playing about 2 months now and adc and support are the only roles I've felt comfortable with. I know some basics like how to kite(definitely could be better, and also farming.) But yes, I am noticing how dependent the role is on literrally every other role. Like if mid does bad, the jungle will be there to help, along with the supp. Bots doing bad? supp will perma roam, leaving you 1v2 lmao. idk still enjoy it though. sorry for the rant >_
So the issue with adc is the games are generally already snowballed out of control by the time they can build enough of items to do anything meaningful.
So riot addressed this by increasing the AS cap which ADCs generally cant build to touch because games are already over.
I dont understand this at all.
They buffed end scaling for a role thats entire problem is they dont have time to scale
I am a Jhin main, I don't really benefit from the attack speed buff.....but I do benefit from the dark harvest, but so does so many others too..
I gotta say, the insane work this channel puts and delivers ASAP is insane.
They always show strange tier lists-according to statistics, Yorick is ranked #1 in both jungle and top roles for ranked games. Yet, they didn’t even think to include him in the jungle list.
How is one of the highest pick-rate top laner (Jax) B tier???
Almost every tierlist I’ve seen this season has Jax is S / A Tier because he can be picked in almost any team comp and be useful.
I just wanna say these tierlists and ban suggestions are just the best. Well done and thanks
Support damage off of 1 item and support item was insane. A rare W nerf adjustment from riot
>deletes honour rewards
>deletes ranked rewards
>deletes level up capsules
>deletes weekly hextech chests
>deletes mastery chests
>nerfed "events" over time (showcases used to give capsules, and minor events gave 1-2+ chests/orbs)
>daily mission got nerfed
>battlepass infinite grind lost all its minuscule value (yeah, old pass grinding past the end was too slow/worthless)
"GUISE!! THE NEW PASS IS X10 BETTER, WE PUTTING ALL THESE SYSTEMS THERE" (proceeds to forget some of these features)
>KEKW new "buffed" pass is WAY worse than the already shitty old pass
congrats on the 1 mil subscribers :)
3sh is ranged not melee, I get that he is frontlane but that doesn't change his modifiers
Couldn't agree more with midlane OP tier. Syndra Q, Mel Q and Hwei EE are the most undodgable skills in the entire game. You cannot dodge these reactively, you have to anticipate them and dodge before the cast. IMO broken
As a kata main I totally agree you guys should all play these champions more
@@mynthicsas an Hwei main Im happy to play against every kata main on the this planet
do you even know what you're saying? if every skillshot was dodgeable on reaction skillshots would be pointless. the entire point of fast skillshots is that you need to predict them and space properly. if you misposition against any champion, you should be punished accordingly. it's not "broken," it's how the game is supposed to work.
I hate Mel's kit it's so frustrating to play against (I'm also bad at the game but still)
that has more to do with being predictible, than moving unpredictible.
it may hit quick, but can be sidestepped if you move in a way that makes them misjudge where your going to be on damage pop.
they are skillshots, i prediced allot of people with varis q max charge max range, people are easy to read at times, those champs take advantige of that.
I always loved niche junglers like fiddlesticks, hecarim and gwen. It's nice to see them finally climbing up into the S tier
niche? fiddlesticks?
Skillcapped just late to the party (as usual). Gwen has been strong for many patches.
"niche" "fiddle" "hec" these words do not belong together in a sentence. wtf lmao those champs have lived in the jg for over a decade. the post-Arcane players are insane lmao
@@dylancleveland niche doesnt mean new... fiddle has a unique playstyle compared to the other junglers. I dont know why hec and gwen too tho
As a yorick jg i can say my pick Is real nich
The Viego nerf hits very hard the triforce (sheen calculates from base ad) crit build, I expect to see more kraken into bruiser Viego
Dark harvest buffs are completely misinterpreted for champs like Graves. 2 dmg per stack increase is NOTHING. You don't really get more than 1 stack/min, so that's only 40 extra dmg while electrocute massively outtempoes it early and therefore unlocks more opportunities as well as guaranteed multiple procs in fights. Graves going Dark Harvest was ALWAYS BAIT.
Dark Harvest is for the late game, I'm not changing Dark Harvest for anything I feel its power in the late game.
@@willamdafoe9300 Go check how many stacks you get in your games by 30 minutes and see how much dmg you are getting compared to Electrocute, and how much early-mid game dmg you lost for those peanuts.
@@YannickOkpara-d5l Bro I check my damage every game I'm always first or second most damage never changing it period.
@ You being good doesn’t mean your rune choice is good, mate 🤦🏽♂️
Yeah Graves will likely just go Elec now if he goes Dom. DH is just a buff for champs like Karthus.
couldnt the attack speed cap buff have an impact on jax aswell since his passive increases his AS aswell? up to the build ofc. but maybe with bork + rageblade?
Attack Speed cap increased to 3?
Tryndamere will now be OP, maybe even Hail of Blades will be a thing.
hard nerfing teemo's early game is ridiculous when riven's q was triple buffed
1:15 *laughs in Kogmah and Twitch*
Realm spike nerf is probably to make up for power gained from mage support with buffed domination runes
so with the adc's who get an AS buff from kit (xayah, kog, trist). i still think they are gonna get moved up
mazl not being s tier is wild 51 win rate for plat + should be in op if its for lower elos
why address swain as supp when he's s tier apc and a tier mid?
how does viego base ad affects him
Wheres my vlad VGU
Wheres the shield cut on grievous wounds?
Can we nerf base damage and hp dmg scaling so that tank items work again for tanking?
Urf is going to finish next patch?
18:47 Melee? I know he plays like melee supports, but he's actually a ranged support. A mistake like this does makes me question your validity as a good source of LoL guides.
Can thresh shoot? can he fire a gun? No if he cant hit you from the standard ADC range then he's not a ranged support, He's a melee support always has and always will be.
@@unknown-Stride0There are different types of ranges in the game. Thresh is ranged.
Another example is that Rakan has a much higher AA range than most melee champs but he is still a melee champ.
@@unknown-Stride0 Nilah has shorter range. Is she melee? Thresh counts as ranged for items.
@@unknown-Stride0 Sivir throws a boomerang, Kalista throws spears, Draven throws axes, Thresh throws a sickle on a chain. And regarding your attack range argument, Thresh's is bigger than Yuumi's and the same as Morgana's, both being ranged supports.
Didn't know thresh was melee
he's not
You guys are underating master yi
Good for Yi players 😎
How do you think wukong nerfs hit him in top lane? His position didn't change in the tier list
Kassadin only A is crazy..
yeah he should be C
The mel w is just counters all of the ults.
Ezreal should definetely be higher than B tier
Nice username bro
How is Fizz B tier he has the best waveclear and Roam potential, super mobile and outplay potential with Q E zhonyas and above average damage
What about Rek'sai and Hail of Blades?
its not good anymore rly i try also on vi but not good for jg best rune is concqueror i think hail and electro need to buff more but ok
@ivanmarkovic4169 After 4 days I gotta disagree. Maybe my opinion doesn't matter since I'm Rek'sai onetrick but I rly miss the Prowlers Claw days with HoB. But now after the patch I've been running a crit build I saw one Master player playing even before the buffs and I've been rly enjoying it. The Conq more bruiser is much safer and might be better overall, but HoB for my playstyle just fits better. But can't tell about other champs I never enjoyed HoB Vi for example
are the true damage changes not coming yet? namely precision tree damage amping true damage
I think they are, but not 100% sure. SkillCapped often misses easy things.
was looking for this comment tbh, riot did not mention them in the system changes rather in the bug fix and qol changes for some reason,so not a lot of people are aware of it yet
@ im almost convinced they did it this way to avoid players outraging due to true damage historically being a touchy subject
turns out its not big buffs to any champion, really- small buffs yes but nothing crazy
@marcito12345 yeah it's less than 5% dmg even late late game but still might be the reason for wining or losing a game tbh
17:10 why is Vayne put in S category?
Because Skillcapped rarely think about matchups or ease of execution
Because skill capped is terrible lmao
Mage supports are very present right now. Not sure where they got the info from that they aren’t. There’s mage supports every other game.
right? zyra has fully taken over the meta. electrocute buff will be huge for her too. 20 extra dmg on her lvl 3 all-in is massive. comet zyra will not be a thing anymore
the support tier list seems very of.
I would 1000% put Poppy in OP tiers along with Lulu.
Swain in the last tiers in unbelievable.
Ashe may be C tiers now but definitely wasn't considering how OP the bloodsong was. She definitely suffers from it's nerf.
I'd put Soraka in low S actually, over both Senna and Zyra that are nowhere close in impact to the others of the list like Milio and vel koz.
Ultimately, I see nautilus at the edge of the B tier, and I wonder why he sits so low. I'm playing him over leona currently, I see him currently ad a strong pick than her. Am I missing ?
Who is a counter to Kayle? I thought it would Irelia, but I absolutely dominated against her as Kayle.
The Irel was bad. Most champs counter Kayle if they play well and abuse Kayle’s early game.
Nasus is by far Kayle's biggest counter, he beats her at every moment of the game and there's nothing that can be done...
that jax gameplay looks familiar
shaco support A tier is crazy
Attack speed buffs, did they notice Trundle and Yi?
will the kat mains ever get a crumb 🥺
they did like half a year ago
@ she’s literally in the worst spot, she used to be so fun but you can only really build her burst or a really bad ad kat
Isnt Tank jax op now?!
Kindred should be s-op when playing good he is just dominating
The dark harvest soul damage 9 -> 11
All my ADC mains being in the lowest tier is heart breaking.. 😭
stop playing hipster "it's good in pro" champs lmao. aphelios and kalista have been dog tier forever because riot can't figure out how to balance them without them being perma in pro.
@ I play them cuz I like their gameplay. And I don’t play ranked exclusively. It’s mainly Ashe, Smolder, and Kalista.
My primary ADC is Jhin though.
who ever did samira's buff is such BS. how you gon say "for games where going in would get you insta killed, we're upping your auto attack speed" BUT, the FKIN BUFF IS ON HER DASHH!! which literally to use, she has to dash in to insta die... so WTF riot. get outta here man
Thresh the "melee" support
Welp let’s see Mel stay at an insanely high ban rate
so no qiyana buffs in the end...
Can we get a garen nerf, he is giga strong even in top elo, nerf his e shred or/and regen early game. If they can do changes to sett regen, atleast do it to garen
You guys are forgetting Lillia, bet me she's great
i miss warmogs mundo
Jungle teemo should now be C tier.
Where is Yorick at on the jungle tier list, Release maiden has never been this op you can relese maiden as jungler to force other team to go deal with her giving you 5 vs 4 situations or do it pre objectives if they dnt deal with her she takes towers inhib etc. if they do well then you have an advantage at objectives remember maiden actually doesnt do that much dmg its your ghouls which do and you can raise them from junglecamps on your own, it can be hard to play High elo, but for nubs like me Yorick is actually good, have a look at how Ninetales plays it eventhough he got 130 ping he was GM last year or close to it and OTP Yorick jungle.
4:22 u saying that “mages arent even good right now” is sooooo funny and stupid. mages are the BEST state they have ever been and just look in UGG, all challenger level adcs are MAGES. do the math
he’s talking about mage supports in the context of a mage support item. You kinda left out a huge detail lol
i know right it’s enough that theyre op mid lane and adc already we don’t need them to be strong on sup aswell dealing almost most dmg in the game as sup = good nerf!!
I’m here just for the Garen updates 😂😎
Noooo Nasus is still C tier, he isn't good enough for B!!!
Man riot really gonna fuck up the support role for a few weeks. oh well time to take a break bloodsong and zz will get buffed soon im calling it now. Enchanters are already broken
Why is Kayle S tier? Isn't she a late game Champion?
How is heimerdinger *SUDDENLY* top tier for low elo? Heim hasn't been viable for se v er al seasons.
Another patch and still no Varus in the top tierlist....
Why shaco b tier? Same for Evelyn...
Well.. Ad Shaco is not going to get so much power actually anyways, hail of blades buff is not enough for him, cuz Shaco needs more Ad, no more att speed for 3 basics, and the Ad items are in a really weak spot right now... so, keep playing Ap Shaco, is the best
4:12 Sums up being a league of legends player.. LIKE WHY DO THEY CHANGE SOME SHIT.. they should add a reason to every balance cus damn bruh
No way is jax B tier. Just have a look at his win rates in Master+ and how many see how Jax mains are in top 100
The math you guys did for jayce alone is trophy worthy lol
When will the Patch drop?
Wednesday morning like every single patch.
When this patch incoming ? 🤔
Wednesday morning like usual.
mel should be delted from
the game
Mel's awesome, love playing her and not that hard against her
@@naalex132 Maybe bc u r Bronze or Silver but that champ is just toxic for the game and at even skill Mel will win every matchup, the only champ who counters her being champ with really high skills ceiling its not fair that a noob champ where u cant miss anything, ur always safe with the huge Q range being of the longest in the game and her W which is a Zonya +++++ who counters 90% of the CC and with the passive its just feels like thanos prime in lane
make sure you know how to spell first
Just play Naafari, dodge her stun and dive her constantly - EASY
her winrate is below 49%
Samira change is useless
Hell yeah brother
You guys in this video keep saying that it is weird that Riot is nerfing the damage Support items, but they have stated over and over that they don't agree with how much damage is coming out of the Support role. Support should generally be Tanks and Enchanters. Utility based gameplay. That is why it is called the "Support" role. For proof of what I am saying, check out Phreak's most recent Patch Preview video and skip to the Support items section. He explains clear as day that they don't like even more DPS coming out of the Support role.
Rengar hit with the shaft again😢
Elec buff should help a lot. Only thing he needs is the bug that Norak fixed and then reverted and then said he would fix again last patch but didn’t. So hopefully it is ACTUALLY fixed this time.
Nah, wukong still Op tier for sure
Wdym most low elo supps weren't abusing bloodsong? I climbed from bronze to eme last split and saw engage supps building it constantly lmao
Nasus buffs 😔
rek sai buff?
Thresh is ranged.
wtf onlyy 4-5 AD champs on S tier Adc tier list???
Mages are always busted. They just outrange alot of marksmen
You all got cocky and I'm gonna continue to spam Miss Fortune.
When does this go live?
Wednesday morning at 4 am per region (depends on time-zones in that region) like usual, every single time.
The coming Wednesday obviously. A patch occurs every 2 weeks.