I was on the fence about picking this up but your review has somewhat swayed me into grabbing one. But two concerns remain. One is the flipper opening. My fingers have kind of stiffened up so I generally carry only autos or assisted opening flippers, thumb studs are no go. It appeared the flicker action might have been a bit finicky or sluggish, is that the case? Then about the lock up. You showed moving the knife up and down to close the blade? But does it lock up tight? I know we’re talking a $60 dollar knife here but anyway. Guess I’m looking at this more for the fun factor than an EDC knife. And BTW, I don’t have IG so guess I can’t snag the $5 off code if I decide to go for it? Thanks for the review in any case.
Love the video! Can't wait to get your new one in hand!
Looks great! ... Knives are tools and tools should inspire joy from use or carry.
I was on the fence about picking this up but your review has somewhat swayed me into grabbing one. But two concerns remain. One is the flipper opening. My fingers have kind of stiffened up so I generally carry only autos or assisted opening flippers, thumb studs are no go. It appeared the flicker action might have been a bit finicky or sluggish, is that the case? Then about the lock up. You showed moving the knife up and down to close the blade? But does it lock up tight? I know we’re talking a $60 dollar knife here but anyway. Guess I’m looking at this more for the fun factor than an EDC knife. And BTW, I don’t have IG so guess I can’t snag the $5 off code if I decide to go for it? Thanks for the review in any case.