Mandy Patinkin has had the privilege to speak many powerful statements by great writers in his career. To know that he is deeply aware of what he is saying is a gift.
Well said. To supplement the emotional appeal, I'd like to add some numbers. In the entire wold (excluding war zones), terrorists have killed about 400 people per year mostly in the middle east. In less than one decade, the US killed 120,000 innocent Iraqi civilians, and those numbers don't include the destabilization we caused. To them, we are the terrorists. Also, what he's saying ties in to the classic issue of vengeance versus justice. It has been nearly a thousand years since the two were interchangeable. Let's not go back.
Wow mr. Patinkin... You never cease to amaze me with your humanity. I have no words other than God Bless you in your work , and I hope you can get all that you need for your love and hope of humanity
+Joseph Scally Looking beyond that requires more than sharp resasoning skills. It requires logic,intellect, it requires not pandering to fear and hate, it requires,pure common sense. He's totally right. Every single bomb,all the moronic rhetoric coming from the right..not just in america but around the world ONLY achieves one thing. It acts as recruitment for radical right wing Islam. Period..full stop. Its not even open to debate. Its fact. You cannot bomb an ideology, but to the right wing blood thirsty in america and elsewhere,and the money spinning war machine , facts don't mean shit. War is good business for many and they wrap it in faux patriotism and sell it to morons who cant see past their nose.
+Mustafa M .....that would appear to be the road we're on....whether it be the inevitable effects of climate change, the also inevitable major solar storm, or terrorism - the latter two of which could have catastrophic consequences for the power grids and consequently all associated nuclear reactors ("say goodnight, Gracie"...) ......which is why I'm glad I decided long ago to not have any children of my own.....I imagine the guilt would be a constant companion
I came on here to find something to release me from the disturbing and disgusting news that "Princess Bride" was Cruz's fave movie. Instead, I found this inspired response. Thanks, Mandy.
+Richard Rowe to be frank "bombs" in the solution of the problem is analogous to chemotherapy at best. They can kill bad people and you can minimize the collateral damage but there will always be collateral damage. They can be part of the solution but making them the only solution is devastatingly counterproductive.
+James Bauer Actually, James, that's how most all violence is solved. No war was won with kind words or roses. They are all won by violence. It's a terrible truth, but it is the truth and to ignore it is to your own peril. As Shakespeare wrote "Above all else, be true to thine own self."
Cassie Marsh But what you describe doesn't actually "solve" anything... it is a means to an end - a "temporary fix." If it solved violence, there wouldn't be war...
I am reminded of Reagan's misunderstanding of "Born in the USA" and Trump's unauthorised use of "Rockin' in the Free World" in their respective campaigns, both excellent examples of politicians missing the point and "loving" a thing because they're heard a few lines that support their rhetoric.
+Golgotha_Mythos69 United we stand divided we fall, yet we let ourselves be divided everyday in the us vs them mentality of thej R and the D; We apply all the labels to ourselves gender, race,economic social class, and we go in the ring to fight out who is right. Us vs them. We are divided and can never stand. The truth is we are all just people trying to find the same things in life. Lets take a step back and unify as Humans. Be yourself label free.
James Strong I agree with your sentiment, but the facts show it is those of us with LIBERAL paradigms that fight for that ideal in America. All you have to do is look at the way congress obstructs the prez (because he's black) for overwhelming evidence. If you really want to dissolve these partisans, than it's your duty as a republican (assuming you are one) to find that common ground and compromise. The truth is, the country has drifted SO FAR to the right since the Reagan era and ESPECIALLY in the post 9/11 era, that there are FAR more folks on the far right who act self-righteous and are incapable of compromise or reason. My comment was only to point out that it is right-wing politicians who "get confused" about Art.....which leans hard to the left, for the most part.
But Mr Patinkin, ask the people who are being slaughtered by ISIS if the "revenge business" is over for them. Ask the little girls who have been kidnapped out of their parents' arms and sold into sexual slavery. Ask the six- and eight-year-olds of both sexes what it is like to be chain-raped until they bleed, and then raped again and again until they bled to death. Ask the homosexual men who have been thrown off the roofs of buildings not quite high enough to kill them, and who were left in the street to bleed to death from their injuries. Ask the Assidi mothers who have been fed the flesh of their murdered babies. Ask the Christians who have been crucified--ask these people if the revenge business is over. And don't forget to ask them if, when they are dead, they would like someone to go into the revenge business in their memories.
+Audrey Mosello Well, let's consult the holy book of Islam to find out when it ends: Quran (8:39) - "And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion is all for Allah" So there you go. Those who truly follow Islam (it's not a race, it's not an ethnicity, it's not a gender, it's a SET OF BELIEFS AND PRINCIPLES) will not stop fighting and killing until there is no more religion outside of Islam. You can't solve that kind of insanity with diplomacy. They believe this. Any muslim who does not feel this way is not following their principals or their prophet. Consider someone who invades your home with a weapon. You say "please, tell me what you want so you can leave us alone. I'll give you anything you ask." He says "I want your family to believe in my god like I do. If you don't want to, I have to kill you and your family because I don't believe you have the right to live if you don't believe." Are you unreasonable to take that person's life or at least take him completely out of commission? I don't think so.
Audrey Mosello I was hoping to avoid a discussion with you. Your "Revenge won't bring them back" is one of the saddest platitudes ever. Since you do not know what a "platitude" is, I give you the dictionary definition: "a flat, dull, or trite remark, especially one uttered as if it were fresh or profound." It is something you think is deep and brilliant but you have never actually pondered; a bumper-sticker slogan for the dull-witted. You are not a thinking person. And don't give MrNoelJMIS that crap about what's in the Bible because you have never read the Bible, any more than you have read the Quran. The Bible is a descriptive document in many places, not a prescriptive one. The writers reported that certain things happened, not that their god ordained them. But since you think that Hebrews Gone Wild (over the rape of their sister, for example) is a nice thing to condemn the Bible over, perhaps you should tell us what the brothers should have done? Smile and spread the peace? You're a bigger barbarian than the brothers who exacted revenge.
Audrey Mosello Saluki was a bit harsh in his accusations, but he makes the same point that I would. The TEACHINGS of the Bible are to love your neighbor as you love yourself and to spread God's undeserved love to every person. There are many verses about how failure to show that love indicates that the person has no fellowship with God. Crusades, Westboro Baptist, etc are people who demonstrate such deviation from the teachings. Even Jesus asked forgiveness for those who were nailing him to the cross. In contrast, Mohammed was a barbaric warrior with many wives (some underage, one only 9 years old) who commanded his followers to kill all who disagree with Islam- there is no indication that these commands had a limited time period. If you look at fully muslim countries, there is mayhem and atrocities galore- against women, gays, children...and it's all supported by the Quran. This is the difference between a peaceful person who tells about the terrible things he went through (the Bible) and a violent person who tells other to do terrible things in his name (Quran.) But go ahead, look for yourself!
It's his opinion on this subject and he has a right to it. He may even have a little more of a right to it since Mr Cruz is using quotes from a character he has played in the past. When someone (like a politician) does this, it will make people think that he endorse his views unless he otherwise speaks up.
I am going to guess that these comments were prior to December 2nd when a young man who was a follower of Islam, who had a wonderful job, a nice home and all the other opportunities the Mr. Patankin (and all of us) wishes (for everybody) and still that man and his bride went on a shooting spree.
Good message, Mandy P. We actually did have a “Peace President” for about four years, but he was sadly replaced with a WW3 president, or so it seems. And by the way, we absolutely love Princess Bride in our house. All the characters are gems.
"I've have been in the revenge business so long, now that is over I don't know what to do with the rest of my life" Yet at the end of the movie Inigo Montoya agreed to take on the Dread Pirate Roberts role.
+M Rivera actually he never did actually agree or say he was going to accept the position, only gave a facial expression indication Wesley's proposal was of interest. .
+Yifat Cohen Our culture bullies people to shame of believing the whole of life which is to seek out God with all of our might. We've thrown out God's ways which is what had made our country great. Each generation sees less and less purpose - ISIS is filling that void for some - what a shame.
+Brian Shaw there are plenty of ways to get a sense of belonging. Family structure, good communities, meaningful work... And yes, faith too. I agree that a stronger sense of belonging is missing in the US. Could be for sheer size, could be because the family net us broken. Either way.. Just giving in to ISIS is not the way to restore it.
Jobs for terrorists? I have great appreciation for Patinkin's massive talent and great accomplishments in his chosen craft. But, he displays extreme naivete here and I find it disturbing and saddening.
+cowglow Ugh! no kidding! A beautiful message and the camera man is doing the moral equivalent of standing behind him giving him bunny ears with his fingers. Way to distract the viewer!
+John V .... hardly even noticed.... so many "interview" clips these days have some kind of annoying, over-loud, electro/techno "soundtrack" that I have no problem with a restless cameraman. Can always close the ol' peepers.
I watched it again, to see if you are onto something with the emotional enhancement. I think on the peek of the speech, yet, but in the beginning it's a bit distracting. thank you for sharing! Cheers
What a lovely man. How sad that his thoughts and beliefs are so naive, so far removed from reality that what he is suggesting is something that could only work in a movie! If he looks again at the lines he is quoting; Montoya doesn't know what he is going to do now that he has finally got his revenge - true. But does he say that he regrets killing the monster who murdered his father? No, he does not! I would interpret it differently to Mandy - the character is saying - at the moment I don't know what to do but now that justice has been served I can BEGIN a new phase of my life ... and it can be a good one!
The big problem is not neither Republicans nor Democrats understand why ISIS exists. Watch the video "Why do people become Islamic Extremists?" You will find that it is the upper middle class that is embracing ISIS, not the poor and unemployed. When we overlay our own, Western concerns and politics onto ISIS, the solutions look like ones we create in our own country, but these are not the answer. Patkin gives a good message, but his solution for ISIS is not correct. We have to educate ourselves and ignore politics for a solution.
I loved the movie and Inigo Montoya because there was no profanity, it had a happy ending and it was pure fantasy. Unfortunately we don't live in that world. Every single member of ISIS has 6 fingers.
To put it simply for those of you who sit behind your keyboards sipping latte and have never been in a life threatening situation; there IS such a thing as the boogie man. there are people in this world who want to kill for no good reason and they cannot be persuaded otherwise. peace is a great concept, but a handshake, hug, or smile will not save your life when you meet a person who feels no remorse for ending your life. now the true question becomes clear; are you peaceful enough to give up your life, or your children's lives and be tortured to death without protest?
Considering I have two Marine sons who, like their parents, don't think imperialist invasions of other peoples' lives & countries make for a helpful environment to peace...I'd say your simplistic rhetoric isn't much of an answer either.
usmcholmans I seriously doubt your sons have ever been in harm's way if they have that attitude, but dont try to wear the glory that your sons earned by becoming Marines, youre not wearing the uniform. It sounds like you have no clue what the usmc is all about; (winning wars) maybe read some marine corps history. It is obvious that you know nothing about the global situation. (Probably too busy sipping latte) Maybe you should buy a ticket to Iraq or Syria and go on a hugging campaign to prove us all wrong. It's obvious that you're a troll and that you're full of shit. Have a nice day!
Jerimiah 10:23......." It does not belong to man, who is walking, even to direct His own step!" Those inspired words from our creator.....says it ALL!! We were NEVER created to rule over is not in our makeup.....our DNA. When Adam and Eve disobeyed GOD'S direct order they quite clearly told GOD....." We dont WANT.....or NEED your direction in our lives!!" Thus began a centuries long "court case" unseen by human eyes whose closing arguments are ALMOST OVER according to Bible Prophecy. The court case is a simple one........with humanity and Eternity hinging on the final verdict! The plaintif....rebellious angel satan the devil ACCUSES our Creator of making Humans in such a way that we do not need GOD'S council and direction to fare well in life.. ( that is called "free will" by the way ) The defendant: our Creator Jehovah GOD claims that even though He lovingly endows EVERY Human with free will.....we still NEED Him for a happy successful life! Simply put....... Jehovah GOD has allowed thousands of years to go by with little to no interference from Him in order to settle this important legal case! During this time of little interference from our Creator.....Every form of government devised by the most intellegent, well meaning men and women has been tried. Some governments have had SOME positive impact on Its citizens..... others have had DISASTROUS results!!! However.....what the decent ones along with the corupt evil ones share in common is this.......Neither has been able to erase old age and death.......illness.......totally eradicate poverty.....crime.....murder....etc.etc.etc. The bottom line is this.........the universal court case is ALMOST OVER......the evidence is OVERWHELMING.....HUMANS NEED GOD'S PERFECT DIRECTION and INFLUENCE in OUR DAILY AFFAIRS in order to have successful....happy.....everlasting lives on a paradise Earth!! ( something GOD'S Kingdom government promises to do.....SOON! Revelation 21:3,4 ) If you would like to learn more about these promises.....please visit JW.ORG
He says this is just politics, true, but does he realize that there are Republican candidates who are against going to war? Like Rand Paul. Maybe, some should stop the knee jerk reaction to label repubs, we are good and intelligent people
everybody would love peace... but peace is not what is gonna make this surge stop. love and flowers and good music... not going to stop it... they are preying on us thinking that. these radicals will only stop; by being stopped. its a shitty part of life.. but nature is not without battle... it will never ever stop... it is part of the animal kingdom, and it is part of our kingdom... the threat is real right now... and choosing to ignore it; may be just as bad as siding with it. *you protect your cubs, you protect your herd... at all costs....
This was said graciously and (I believe) sincerely, but it is also sadly naive. Mr. Patinkin seems to ignore that the majority of those "beautiful Moslems" he valorizes (and certainly almost the entirety of groups like ISIS) would enslave (at best) or exterminate (at worst) him for the simple crime of being a Jew. To pretend that the only reason ISIS (or to be fair, any number of other terrorist organizations, and not only the Islamic ones) can recruit is because their potential adherents cannot find a good job shows an ignorance (willful or otherwise) of these groups and what they represent, and more frighteningly what their members embrace. Mr. Patinkin is an extremely talented performer, and we are fortunate to have him. It is perhaps sad that the great gifts that he has been blessed with do not include any real understanding of the world in which he lives.
Smart fellow. But, defense is not your forte sir. To paraphrase Gen. Mattis; your enemy decides when the war is over, you may want it to be over, you may wish it was over, but until the enemy is through fighting and peace is found, the war is not over.
I agree. Pretty sure if you asked a radical Muslim, the last thing they would want is the west bringing in their jobs, their style of education, and "all the best" the western world has to offer. In fact, I am pretty sure we've never, ever tried any of those things before! Never! Can you believe that? Yeah, Wisdom is some good stuff. Send in some more imperialists! That'll calm all the radical Muslim terrorists right on down!
Mandy, your character in the movie is motivated purely by vengeance, as are most Hollywood characters. Admit what you have promoted. You have been an "image of the beast" that promotes an anti-Christ agenda of vengeance instead of forgiveness. Sure, you had regret in the end, but your character was vengeance incarnate. "Do not judge, oh man, for you do the very same things'.
I love the movie! I really don't see any genius in his statement though. He's just saying something that's politically correct. The fact is, being PC and being correct aren't the same thing; if it were, we wouldn't have two different words for it.
1845Raven IF he were just blowing smoke I could understand your opinion. The thing is, he’s not. He isn’t just yapping an ideal, he absolutely practices what he preaches. As a private citizen he has volunteered to help people adjust to life in America, and has supported refugee programs. Not just throwing money. He has volunteered his time, helping families, feeding people. He knows of what he speaks. His words are needed now more than ever.
Mandy proves he has a fundamental misunderstanding of both how the world works, and of Islam. Been a wealthy and famous actor his whole life though, so not surprising the real world escapes him.
The terrorist towelheads just need some more western imperialism to calm them down. We obviously never tried giving them jobs, education or a better way of life. Never, ever. This plan is foolproof!
Thank you for your service to the arts and humanity, Mr. Patinkin.
Mandy Patinkin has had the privilege to speak many powerful statements by great writers in his career. To know that he is deeply aware of what he is saying is a gift.
Well said. To supplement the emotional appeal, I'd like to add some numbers. In the entire wold (excluding war zones), terrorists have killed about 400 people per year mostly in the middle east. In less than one decade, the US killed 120,000 innocent Iraqi civilians, and those numbers don't include the destabilization we caused. To them, we are the terrorists.
Also, what he's saying ties in to the classic issue of vengeance versus justice. It has been nearly a thousand years since the two were interchangeable. Let's not go back.
how does this only have 50K views. this should be setting records
Because most of mankind is too busy believing in lies.
Wow mr. Patinkin... You never cease to amaze me with your humanity. I have no words other than God Bless you in your work , and I hope you can get all that you need for your love and hope of humanity
THIS is yet another reason to love and respect this man even more. 🙌🏽🙌🏽💙💜
Takes guts to make statements like this these days. And that's saying something. *Tips Hat* to Sir Patinkin
Looking at the comments, I am not at all surprised that some only understand violence and war. Looking beyond that requires sharp reasoning skills.
Bingo! !
The world seems headed towards horroble chaos. I hope I can find a safe place for myself and family
+Joseph Scally Looking beyond that requires more than sharp resasoning skills. It requires logic,intellect, it requires not pandering to fear and hate, it requires,pure common sense. He's totally right. Every single bomb,all the moronic rhetoric coming from the right..not just in america but around the world ONLY achieves one thing. It acts as recruitment for radical right wing Islam. Period..full stop. Its not even open to debate. Its fact. You cannot bomb an ideology, but to the right wing blood thirsty in america and elsewhere,and the money spinning war machine , facts don't mean shit. War is good business for many and they wrap it in faux patriotism and sell it to morons who cant see past their nose.
+Mustafa M .....that would appear to be the road we're on....whether it be the inevitable effects of climate change, the also inevitable major solar storm, or terrorism - the latter two of which could have catastrophic consequences for the power grids and consequently all associated nuclear reactors ("say goodnight, Gracie"...) ......which is why I'm glad I decided long ago to not have any children of my own.....I imagine the guilt would be a constant companion
+Joseph Scally
There's a reason why they're called "knee jerk" reactions. Because they always begin and end with jerks.
I came on here to find something to release me from the disturbing and disgusting news that "Princess Bride" was Cruz's fave movie. Instead, I found this inspired response. Thanks, Mandy.
Or to put it another way: You can't build bridges with bombs.
+Richard Rowe Pretty much..
+Richard Rowe to be frank "bombs" in the solution of the problem is analogous to chemotherapy at best. They can kill bad people and you can minimize the collateral damage but there will always be collateral damage. They can be part of the solution but making them the only solution is devastatingly counterproductive.
+Richard Rowe
you can't solve violence with violence
+James Bauer Actually, James, that's how most all violence is solved. No war was won with kind words or roses. They are all won by violence. It's a terrible truth, but it is the truth and to ignore it is to your own peril. As Shakespeare wrote "Above all else, be true to thine own self."
Cassie Marsh
But what you describe doesn't actually "solve" anything... it is a means to an end - a "temporary fix." If it solved violence, there wouldn't be war...
A wonderful, compassionate, wise man.
I am reminded of Reagan's misunderstanding of "Born in the USA" and Trump's unauthorised use of "Rockin' in the Free World" in their respective campaigns, both excellent examples of politicians missing the point and "loving" a thing because they're heard a few lines that support their rhetoric.
+Antoine Jameson You forgot to write REPUBLICAN before the word politicians...
I wanted to let that fact speak for itself.
Antoine Jameson Fair point.
+Golgotha_Mythos69 United we stand divided we fall, yet we let ourselves be divided everyday in the us vs them mentality of thej R and the D; We apply all the labels to ourselves gender, race,economic social class, and we go in the ring to fight out who is right. Us vs them. We are divided and can never stand. The truth is we are all just people trying to find the same things in life. Lets take a step back and unify as Humans. Be yourself label free.
James Strong I agree with your sentiment, but the facts show it is those of us with LIBERAL paradigms that fight for that ideal in America. All you have to do is look at the way congress obstructs the prez (because he's black) for overwhelming evidence. If you really want to dissolve these partisans, than it's your duty as a republican (assuming you are one) to find that common ground and compromise. The truth is, the country has drifted SO FAR to the right since the Reagan era and ESPECIALLY in the post 9/11 era, that there are FAR more folks on the far right who act self-righteous and are incapable of compromise or reason.
My comment was only to point out that it is right-wing politicians who "get confused" about Art.....which leans hard to the left, for the most part.
There is so much goodness and beauty in this world...Thank you, Mandy, for your contributions!
This is the real way to approach life.
I love 'The Princess Bride'. I've seen it at least 15 times.
I support 90% of what he said. If we are to set an example for the world, it better be a good one.
But Mr Patinkin, ask the people who are being slaughtered by ISIS if the "revenge business" is over for them. Ask the little girls who have been kidnapped out of their parents' arms and sold into sexual slavery. Ask the six- and eight-year-olds of both sexes what it is like to be chain-raped until they bleed, and then raped again and again until they bled to death. Ask the homosexual men who have been thrown off the roofs of buildings not quite high enough to kill them, and who were left in the street to bleed to death from their injuries. Ask the Assidi mothers who have been fed the flesh of their murdered babies. Ask the Christians who have been crucified--ask these people if the revenge business is over. And don't forget to ask them if, when they are dead, they would like someone to go into the revenge business in their memories.
+Saluki Revenge won't bring them back. We need to stop perpetrating violence. Where does it end?
+Audrey Mosello Well, let's consult the holy book of Islam to find out when it ends:
Quran (8:39) - "And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion is all for Allah"
So there you go. Those who truly follow Islam (it's not a race, it's not an ethnicity, it's not a gender, it's a SET OF BELIEFS AND PRINCIPLES) will not stop fighting and killing until there is no more religion outside of Islam. You can't solve that kind of insanity with diplomacy. They believe this. Any muslim who does not feel this way is not following their principals or their prophet.
Consider someone who invades your home with a weapon. You say "please, tell me what you want so you can leave us alone. I'll give you anything you ask." He says "I want your family to believe in my god like I do. If you don't want to, I have to kill you and your family because I don't believe you have the right to live if you don't believe." Are you unreasonable to take that person's life or at least take him completely out of commission? I don't think so.
Read the bible. You will find many times things there they are equally disturbing.
Audrey Mosello
I was hoping to avoid a discussion with you. Your "Revenge won't bring them back" is one of the saddest platitudes ever. Since you do not know what a "platitude" is, I give you the dictionary definition: "a flat, dull, or trite remark, especially one uttered as if it were fresh or profound." It is something you think is deep and brilliant but you have never actually pondered; a bumper-sticker slogan for the dull-witted. You are not a thinking person. And don't give MrNoelJMIS that crap about what's in the Bible because you have never read the Bible, any more than you have read the Quran. The Bible is a descriptive document in many places, not a prescriptive one. The writers reported that certain things happened, not that their god ordained them. But since you think that Hebrews Gone Wild (over the rape of their sister, for example) is a nice thing to condemn the Bible over, perhaps you should tell us what the brothers should have done? Smile and spread the peace? You're a bigger barbarian than the brothers who exacted revenge.
Audrey Mosello Saluki was a bit harsh in his accusations, but he makes the same point that I would. The TEACHINGS of the Bible are to love your neighbor as you love yourself and to spread God's undeserved love to every person. There are many verses about how failure to show that love indicates that the person has no fellowship with God. Crusades, Westboro Baptist, etc are people who demonstrate such deviation from the teachings. Even Jesus asked forgiveness for those who were nailing him to the cross. In contrast, Mohammed was a barbaric warrior with many wives (some underage, one only 9 years old) who commanded his followers to kill all who disagree with Islam- there is no indication that these commands had a limited time period. If you look at fully muslim countries, there is mayhem and atrocities galore- against women, gays, children...and it's all supported by the Quran. This is the difference between a peaceful person who tells about the terrible things he went through (the Bible) and a violent person who tells other to do terrible things in his name (Quran.) But go ahead, look for yourself!
It's his opinion on this subject and he has a right to it. He may even have a little more of a right to it since Mr Cruz is using quotes from a character he has played in the past. When someone (like a politician) does this, it will make people think that he endorse his views unless he otherwise speaks up.
Mandy Patinkin shares wisdom for the ages - 💝
*_"I have been in the revenge business so long, now that it's over, I do not know what to do with the rest of my life."_*
Mandy has HEART.
It Sounds Good. But who's gonna pay for all of that? The American People?
It would be a hell of a lot less than we spend on war.
The camera moving from side to side is very annoying .....please don't do it again ....Thanks
If you are ferocious in battle, be magnanimous in victory.
I am going to guess that these comments were prior to December 2nd when a young man who was a follower of Islam, who had a wonderful job, a nice home and all the other opportunities the Mr. Patankin (and all of us) wishes (for everybody) and still that man and his bride went on a shooting spree.
❤ wholeheartedly agree! Thank you, sir 😇
Trying to talk sense to Ted Cruz?
Now there's an die-hard optimist.
Wow Saul, I didn't realise you were so humanitarian, I love you more now Saul
Good message, Mandy P. We actually did have a “Peace President” for about four years, but he was sadly replaced with a WW3 president, or so it seems.
And by the way, we absolutely love Princess Bride in our house. All the characters are gems.
couldn’t have said it better myself! Thank you Mandy!
"I've have been in the revenge business so long, now that is over I don't know what to do with the rest of my life" Yet at the end of the movie Inigo Montoya agreed to take on the Dread Pirate Roberts role.
+M Rivera actually he never did actually agree or say he was going to accept the position, only gave a facial expression indication Wesley's proposal was of interest. .
How do you explain Western kids who have everything, joining ISIS?
+Yifat Cohen Brain damage
+Kenny Kuykendall you think?
+Yifat Cohen Our culture bullies people to shame of believing the whole of life which is to seek out God with all of our might. We've thrown out God's ways which is what had made our country great. Each generation sees less and less purpose - ISIS is filling that void for some - what a shame.
+Brian Shaw there are plenty of ways to get a sense of belonging. Family structure, good communities, meaningful work... And yes, faith too. I agree that a stronger sense of belonging is missing in the US. Could be for sheer size, could be because the family net us broken. Either way.. Just giving in to ISIS is not the way to restore it.
+Yifat Cohen Lack of understanding and misguided thoughts. Religion is a powerful thing.
Very good, well done
Jobs for terrorists? I have great appreciation for Patinkin's massive talent and great accomplishments in his chosen craft. But, he displays extreme naivete here and I find it disturbing and saddening.
Woooh Camera Man!
+cowglow yeah - let's give everyone motion sickness.
+cowglow Ugh! no kidding! A beautiful message and the camera man is doing the moral equivalent of standing behind him giving him bunny ears with his fingers. Way to distract the viewer!
+John V .... hardly even noticed.... so many "interview" clips these days have some kind of annoying, over-loud, electro/techno "soundtrack" that I have no problem with a restless cameraman. Can always close the ol' peepers.
+cowglow I thought he did a great job. Enhanced the emotion of the video
I watched it again, to see if you are onto something with the emotional enhancement. I think on the peek of the speech, yet, but in the beginning it's a bit distracting. thank you for sharing! Cheers
Thank you.
What a lovely man. How sad that his thoughts and beliefs are so naive, so far removed from reality that what he is suggesting is something that could only work in a movie! If he looks again at the lines he is quoting; Montoya doesn't know what he is going to do now that he has finally got his revenge - true. But does he say that he regrets killing the monster who murdered his father? No, he does not! I would interpret it differently to Mandy - the character is saying - at the moment I don't know what to do but now that justice has been served I can BEGIN a new phase of my life ... and it can be a good one!
i was waiting for a sanders endorsement.
Right on Mandy!!!
The big problem is not neither Republicans nor Democrats understand why ISIS exists. Watch the video "Why do people become Islamic Extremists?" You will find that it is the upper middle class that is embracing ISIS, not the poor and unemployed. When we overlay our own, Western concerns and politics onto ISIS, the solutions look like ones we create in our own country, but these are not the answer. Patkin gives a good message, but his solution for ISIS is not correct. We have to educate ourselves and ignore politics for a solution.
+legisnuntius Thank you for bringing some FACTS to this debate of hot air.
I loved the movie and Inigo Montoya because there was no profanity, it had a happy ending and it was pure fantasy. Unfortunately we don't live in that world. Every single member of ISIS has 6 fingers.
+Jeff Ho Like Goliath?
+Douglas Withington Thanks, I haven't watched the movie in a long time :)
+Jeff Ho Very well said!
+Jeff Ho No profanity? You forget one of his lines.
"I want my father back you son of a bitch!"
Little long in the tooth to be naive Mandy
Where in the movie the princess bride, is the line I’ll tell you the truth and its up to you to live with it......?
Here here, Mandy!
To put it simply for those of you who sit behind your keyboards sipping latte and have never been in a life threatening situation; there IS such a thing as the boogie man. there are people in this world who want to kill for no good reason and they cannot be persuaded otherwise. peace is a great concept, but a handshake, hug, or smile will not save your life when you meet a person who feels no remorse for ending your life. now the true question becomes clear; are you peaceful enough to give up your life, or your children's lives and be tortured to death without protest?
Considering I have two Marine sons who, like their parents, don't think imperialist invasions of other peoples' lives & countries make for a helpful environment to peace...I'd say your simplistic rhetoric isn't much of an answer either.
usmcholmans I seriously doubt your sons have ever been in harm's way if they have that attitude, but dont try to wear the glory that your sons earned by becoming Marines, youre not wearing the uniform. It sounds like you have no clue what the usmc is all about; (winning wars) maybe read some marine corps history. It is obvious that you know nothing about the global situation. (Probably too busy sipping latte) Maybe you should buy a ticket to Iraq or Syria and go on a hugging campaign to prove us all wrong. It's obvious that you're a troll and that you're full of shit. Have a nice day!
I suggest you try that rhetoric on the south side of Chicago and taking care of your own land before jumping into someone else's.
I love you, Mandy!
Jerimiah 10:23......." It does not belong to man, who is walking, even to direct His own step!" Those inspired words from our creator.....says it ALL!! We were NEVER created to rule over is not in our makeup.....our DNA. When Adam and Eve disobeyed GOD'S direct order they quite clearly told GOD....." We dont WANT.....or NEED your direction in our lives!!" Thus began a centuries long "court case" unseen by human eyes whose closing arguments are ALMOST OVER according to Bible Prophecy. The court case is a simple one........with humanity and Eternity hinging on the final verdict! The plaintif....rebellious angel satan the devil ACCUSES our Creator of making Humans in such a way that we do not need GOD'S council and direction to fare well in life.. ( that is called "free will" by the way ) The defendant: our Creator Jehovah GOD claims that even though He lovingly endows EVERY Human with free will.....we still NEED Him for a happy successful life! Simply put....... Jehovah GOD has allowed thousands of years to go by with little to no interference from Him in order to settle this important legal case! During this time of little interference from our Creator.....Every form of government devised by the most intellegent, well meaning men and women has been tried. Some governments have had SOME positive impact on Its citizens..... others have had DISASTROUS results!!! However.....what the decent ones along with the corupt evil ones share in common is this.......Neither has been able to erase old age and death.......illness.......totally eradicate poverty.....crime.....murder....etc.etc.etc. The bottom line is this.........the universal court case is ALMOST OVER......the evidence is OVERWHELMING.....HUMANS NEED GOD'S PERFECT DIRECTION and INFLUENCE in OUR DAILY AFFAIRS in order to have successful....happy.....everlasting lives on a paradise Earth!! ( something GOD'S Kingdom government promises to do.....SOON! Revelation 21:3,4 ) If you would like to learn more about these promises.....please visit JW.ORG
Bravo, sir
unfortunately those people joining isis, a bunch were well off people that have gone to join
He says this is just politics, true, but does he realize that there are Republican candidates who are against going to war? Like Rand Paul. Maybe, some should stop the knee jerk reaction to label repubs, we are good and intelligent people
+Tia Moore Not all of us tho, and that's who hes talking to.
So prevalent today more than ever.
everybody would love peace... but peace is not what is gonna make this surge stop. love and flowers and good music... not going to stop it... they are preying on us thinking that. these radicals will only stop; by being stopped. its a shitty part of life.. but nature is not without battle... it will never ever stop... it is part of the animal kingdom, and it is part of our kingdom... the threat is real right now... and choosing to ignore it; may be just as bad as siding with it. *you protect your cubs, you protect your herd... at all costs....
I looked for this comment!! XD
I think we should try again. I would vote for him then, and now. #PatinkinforPresident2020
This was said graciously and (I believe) sincerely, but it is also sadly naive. Mr. Patinkin seems to ignore that the majority of those "beautiful Moslems" he valorizes (and certainly almost the entirety of groups like ISIS) would enslave (at best) or exterminate (at worst) him for the simple crime of being a Jew. To pretend that the only reason ISIS (or to be fair, any number of other terrorist organizations, and not only the Islamic ones) can recruit is because their potential adherents cannot find a good job shows an ignorance (willful or otherwise) of these groups and what they represent, and more frighteningly what their members embrace.
Mr. Patinkin is an extremely talented performer, and we are fortunate to have him. It is perhaps sad that the great gifts that he has been blessed with do not include any real understanding of the world in which he lives.
Brilliant response
So beautiful a line.
monotheism is not gorgeous, it's the most insane thing to believe possible
Oh, that’s beautiful.
Smart fellow. But, defense is not your forte sir. To paraphrase Gen. Mattis; your enemy decides when the war is over, you may want it to be over, you may wish it was over, but until the enemy is through fighting and peace is found, the war is not over.
Wisdom is good stuff.
I agree.
Pretty sure if you asked a radical Muslim, the last thing they would want is the west bringing in their jobs, their style of education, and "all the best" the western world has to offer.
In fact, I am pretty sure we've never, ever tried any of those things before! Never! Can you believe that? Yeah, Wisdom is some good stuff. Send in some more imperialists! That'll calm all the radical Muslim terrorists right on down!
This is so shallow and silly. Feel sorry for Ted Cruz
I love you Mandy!
I love this man.
*mic drop*
loved the movie!!
What are you, Mandy? A rabbi or something? ;). Hm. I love you.
I like Mandy, but he is oversimplifying things here.
Mandy, it sounds like you should be endorsing Rand Paul.
When did Obama become a bearded Jewish man?
It's not the lack of jobs or opportunities that causes terrorist attacks. It's their fundamental views on the world itself and religious beliefs.
Mandy, your character in the movie is motivated purely by vengeance, as are most Hollywood characters. Admit what you have promoted. You have been an "image of the beast" that promotes an anti-Christ agenda of vengeance instead of forgiveness. Sure, you had regret in the end, but your character was vengeance incarnate. "Do not judge, oh man, for you do the very same things'.
Agent Gideon!!!
I love the movie! I really don't see any genius in his statement though. He's just saying something that's politically correct. The fact is, being PC and being correct aren't the same thing; if it were, we wouldn't have two different words for it.
1845Raven IF he were just blowing smoke I could understand your opinion. The thing is, he’s not. He isn’t just yapping an ideal, he absolutely practices what he preaches. As a private citizen he has volunteered to help people adjust to life in America, and has supported refugee programs. Not just throwing money. He has volunteered his time, helping families, feeding people. He knows of what he speaks. His words are needed now more than ever.
Mandy proves he has a fundamental misunderstanding of both how the world works, and of Islam. Been a wealthy and famous actor his whole life though, so not surprising the real world escapes him.
The terrorist towelheads just need some more western imperialism to calm them down. We obviously never tried giving them jobs, education or a better way of life. Never, ever.
This plan is foolproof!
What up with this camera movement
wow hes pretty corny