If you can't afford designer bags and feel a certain way about expensive designer bags, then don't watch this video. Like do you read a video title before clicking on it? The title makes it clear that the video will be about designer bags. I find these types of videos very helpful and although I can't afford these bags yet, I know one day I will. I wanted to know which designer bag was truly worth my hard-earned money and one that I would get the most out of. That being said, if you're reading this, thank you for sharing this video with us and please make more videos like this. Maybe kislux is your next choice?
Mashaalla, mashaalla hilwa🎉🎉🎉 always watching your vlogs...have a good day and GOD bless always.❤
@@IreneIgoy thank you always dai sa supporta
Wow Casio! Another great vlog Bai! Nice kaayo ang mga jewelry. Ayos Bai!
@@mavbrag daghan kaayo salamat sa walay sawang supporta sa akoa mga videos.
Watching ❤️
Thank you always dai sa support.
informative channel great work
@@grindingcoconuts hi, Thank you for the compliment ❤️😊
Wow nice
Thanks 😊
If you can't afford designer bags and feel a certain way about expensive designer bags, then don't watch this video. Like do you read a video title before clicking on it? The title makes it clear that the video will be about designer bags. I find these types of videos very helpful and although I can't afford these bags yet, I know one day I will. I wanted to know which designer bag was truly worth my hard-earned money and one that I would get the most out of. That being said, if you're reading this, thank you for sharing this video with us and please make more videos like this. Maybe kislux is your next choice?
Thank you