Thank you, once again, Penn Museum, for making these wonderful lectures available to we mere, uneducated yayhoos. I assure you, finding a decent lecture on early Mesopotamia that doesn't include Zachariah Sitchin (sp?) is refreshing. I've watched this particular lecture at least 15 times
RIGHT??? I almost want to pay a developer-techie-geek to design a bug to chew up every bit of content on the internet that conflates ANNUNAKI with bloody ALIENS just so I can do some decent research without so much tabloid b-s to dig through! Wouldn't THAT set their paranoid little conspiracy-crazed minds into a roil, ha ha!
lol "The (Aliens/Government/Illuminati/WTF ever) wiped All of our 'Secret Truth' content!!" No. Just a nerd who doesn't want to deal with bloody "genetic-manipulating scientist" b-s every time I want to read about Ningishzida, damn it!
What an informative and well-presented talk! Thank you for recording and uploading it. To answer the first question (44:54): I've lived in the Middle East for a decade and have come across Muslims who have read the epic of Gilgamesh and even told the children the story. But, of course, this is not a widespread phenomenon.
Three questions from the audience, only? That's it?! I have so many and would love to learn more from his other videos. If anything, I just want to remark on how the speaker kept me on the edge of my seat when Ea's plan began to unfold and the meaning behind his scheme took shape. It blew me away to know that so long ago, storytellers were thinking of plot twists and loop holes comparable to the clever tricks writers come up with today. One would expect literature to be much more primitive the farther back we go but there is something oddly familiar about the structure and format of these captivating tales.
I'm interested in the similarities between the story of Lugalbanda being left in a cave on his way to war, and the story of Philoctetes, written by Sophocles more than 1,000 years later. Both heroes are left in a cave by their peers on the way to a major seige/war and later catch up to help win. Both Aegean/Mesopotamian folk tales.
much of the greek pantheon and mythic tales derive from the earlier more eastern cultures, a bit like christianity derives from paganism and so is largely a continuation of that tradition which is rather ironic.
Comparative mythology is interesting like that. Did the previous story inspire the other, continue from it, or is there an inherent tendency for these tropes and archetypes to appear in tales from all cultures? Without a direct link, it is hard to say one or the other. My favorite comparative mythology is mother and father progenitors deities that are torn apart or killed by their offspring and made to become the sky and the earth. It makes me wonder if sometime early in human history, before migration, our humble small population broke apart from a few tribes rebelling against a parent-like ruler or patriarch and matriarch.
I'd say the bull-man represented the bull of heaven. It would make more sense that Anzu would try to bring down the bull of heaven, if he goes after any figure.
During the time of the Gutians invasion, Lagash was spared and became a satellite city, thus the lack of mention in the list of ruling cities is obvious, the city was perhaps considered an enemy of the latter Sumerian dynasties and the change of the fortune of Anzu was by the Sumerians which was emphasised by the Babylonians. Just a thought.
I have read the available texts from Lagash in the period preceding Sargons rise, as they deal with the earliest legal proclamations of human rights known to exist. Now these texts seem to me to describe injustice resulting from monopolies on river front access. Others may read the text differently, however to me the text describes a system of human exploitation that arose due to overpopulation and increasingly vicious social divisions. Not only are the rights of women and children proclaimed as protected by the legal reforms in Lagash, the practice of using blind people to pump water was condemned. Now, this interests me, because Herotodus said that the Scythian's would simply blind their slaves, and leave them in tents to churn milk and weave cloth. Irrigation, the engine of the Mesopotamian economy, required water to be "lifted" by human driven pumps, from the river to the irrigation ditches that spread out from the river. One suspects that the rulers were blinding their "subjects" to stop them running away, as life as a human pump was surely tedious. In any case, the legal reforms speak of huge social unrest at emerging caste systems that were offending the moral conscience of the people. Lagash was the flashpoint. After Lagash, and the rise of law in the world of men, we see the rise of Sargon, the first king of many cities. I ask myself, how does Sargon rise? How does this low born cup bearer to the ruling caste rise, and why are his reforms welcome throughout the many cities of old Sumer? Sargon is the first king. I find no literature beforehand that speaks of kingdoms, only cities with rulers, and the people of the wilderness. You become king by your own hand, by bringing law to the people. It was Napoleons way, and Caeser's, too. What law did Sargon have to bring, to unite the people of Sumer, but the reforms of Lagash? I see the manifest disdain for Lagash, in the later records, as being an expression of fear at the echo of caste revolt and rebellion, which would naturally have terrified the new heirs of a rich, and increasingly overpopulated and rebellious, empire.
Could we understand ANZU's name as AN- sky and ZU, knowledge ? In this case, Anzu would be an intermediate between the god ANU and the human beings : he would be the guardian of ANU's divine knowledge. This would explain why the ruler in La figure aux plumes has two feathers on his head : he has the custody of birds divine wisdom, knowledge. Thank you very much Mr Tinney for this interesting lecture.
I like your break-down, but is that what -Zu means? How about in like AB-ZU? What would "AB" be, like Water, maybe? Then "KI-ZU" could be Earth Knowledge, and "EN-ZU" could be Air Knowledge...I'd enjoy that break-down!
I do not have the keys, I only know "a grasp of cuneiform" but what I have understood thanks to René Labat and his Manuel d'épigraphie akkadienne is that AB means "father" so AB-GAL (the fabulous creatures half fish, half men who came to Sumer sent by ENKI) means litteraly "great father" and AB-ZU could signify "father of the knowledge". When you know that ENKI, the "lord of the Earth" is the civilizing god in the Sumerian pantheon, it makes sense. EN-ZU (combination I am not aware of, but I am no specialist) could mean "lord of the knowledge" because EN means lord, ruler... The old pictogramme ZU is a triangle with a sort of ladder inside. Knowledge is clearly bound to climbing a mountain ! The BUZUR-ABGAL (wise) is drawn as a head (SAG) crossed by a ladder, one can understand therefore that the ladder is the symbol of knowledge seen as an ascension. The symbol is stlll alive in masonry for example.
About ENZU... In Les inscriptions de Sumer et d'Akkad, F.Thureau-Dangin translated in French the stele of the vultures (La stèle des vautours) and he mentions Enzu's big net, p.33 (le grand filet d'Enzu,). It is on the web. The net is a tool for hunting, fishing etc... but it is also the metaphore for grid-pattern, the base of the methodic organization of a territory and a society. The net is a symbol of power, of domination seen as strength but also as knowledge, science. It is associated to Enlil (p.31of the same book) and to Shamash in the Etana legend in which the snake complains because the eagle killed his babies "Shamash, your net is the vast Earth". Knowledge (ZU) is logically bound to the net (SA or ŠUŠ-GAL), therefore ENZU's weapon is logically a net.
The higher sea levels shown on his first map confirm another amazing fact: the Red Sea was also higher. If you read Exodus and try to make the timeline match modern geography, its an imperfect fit. But move the sea shore closer to Goshen, and now its an easy fit.
Damn! This reminds me in a big way of a lot of those modern day cowboy tales. Namely: Pootie Tang! You know what I mean!? If you watched that movie you would know what I'm talking about, that's right!
Also possibly the ROK from 40 days 40 nights of sin bad. Anzu being able to breathe fire and water. RoK being attributed to the Phoenix. And quite possibly the chimera from Greek.
Destiny for example would be like a 24-hour day we can't speed it up or slow it down but fate would be that we can turn our clocks forward or backwards
6:20 i am reminded of the massive statues in the brit museum when i see the bulls with male heads ...cherubim were guards ...not cherubs. [only problem it has no wings]
If you're still in need a year later, here's a few resource sites:
I know right? You don't doodle as you might your school notebook when you are Carving Out of Stone. The art of Illuminating Manuscripts might have spoiled modern historians. Cuz I don't believe ANY ancient art--from cave drawings to Carved Stone stories, even to the Temple art of Dynastic Egypt had put in "just filler". This was both, Incredibly labor-intensive work, and ALSO Sacred work!
That is Funnyyyyyyyyyyyyy…. I Reacted The same way... to the Letter... ha h ha hhaha aaaaa Maji works like Dat ok... Also... When Gilgamesh and Enki Do Seek UM" BA BA",,, it Ain't Wa Wa" it is Ba Ka ka Ba.... see what im sayin. Dali's Teaching says um BA BA might well be Translated by Phonetic" association in the Spell"-ing so Ba" is Ka Animated Spirit Avatar.. of The Chee or Life force as Spark... Incarnate of Ka.. Ba to Ka and Back,,, Reincarnation of Souls in the Deuat" Anu in the Abzu... or Halls of Amanti… Thoth must Have Been Enoch or Enki as Mama was Eve so all the Religions are Corrupted by Local Colloquial Gibberish vs Lingua Franca of the Original Authors. a Repeat of the same story forever yet never the Same players by Name... As a Writer... we find 1` Plot... we take a Journey... on That Principle we find Every Hierophants Journey... to Find our own Soul Value. 33 Plots reduce into 1 we take a Trip and Never Leave the Pharm.
No filler. Why say 'wavy vortexes' and then not research further? Like look into electricity and technology? It looks like a lazy and shallow (non scientific) approach to me.
I lost it at 37:38, I though Ninurta was little ways from the Anzu to use a sword or? And if he could cut the Anzu's wings, why not also the head while he was at it?
I think the part man-part beast creatures are totemic remnants of pre-deity times when the people were still animist. Each deity has an animal with them. I think the anthropomorphic images of gods slowly separated from their original elemental forms of animals, and the animals were kept with them as some kind of 'power' representation. The bull, being a form of An, is represented as a chimara of An with a human face, and the body of a bull, says how strong he is as he fights off Anzu.
It’s sad how people who are unfamiliar with Sumerian mythology/religion insist upon projecting their own modern prejudices (or conspiracies) upon it. Read it for what it is and what it says. We will never understand it in its original context as we are not Sumerian, it is just the attempt of a Bronze Age people to understand their world. There is nothing else to it, and these people did not intend it to be anything else.
one on each wrist. cuz He's that serious about telling time. It's the symbol of Venus, the 5-pointed flower. It was not a clumsy time-traveler who forgot to remove his Rolex when he posed for the Stone-Carving-Portrait of His battle with the Anzu.
The Norse gods also had trouble with a giant bird❗ The Bird & Loki ~ stole Idunn and her basket of apples of her realm.⚡ Shapeshifting was all the rage, back in the day.🐙 LO.KI 🗝 🗝 Anunnaki
In ancient cosmology the bird is always at the top with the serpent at the bottom. Even in ancient Americans the natives used totem poles with the bird on top.
@@AngelicVexation Happy Thorsday ⚡ . Odin said Mankind was made from Wood... Morning Wood - Ash and Elm Æ Adam and Eve Æ Compare your fingerprints with woodrings.
C. Noble Scorpio is also associated with both the serpent and the eagle as the tail strikes from above while the creature scurries , “silence is golden” Osiris quote comes to mind for the Scorpio ♏️ . Aka heavens venom.
it look to me like when he talks about feathers,that he means on ships with sails,and arrows are representing army on land..someone was using mythology and hidden messages to teach humans around the world history,astronomy,agroculture,medicine and many more things..they tried to stay hidden for some reason,but they left clues.. these people are always connected with sea navigation (spirals and wavy lines),sun and stars worshiping,snake or dragon(secret knowledge,wisdom),horses play important role,they are master stone builders and great warriors..
What is the spelling in that talking battle mace? When pronounced, would it sound _anything_ like "Mjolnir"? 45:47 Yup. In several cultures, writing changed the game entirely. "Spelling" was Magic. And the Constellations were "letters" and story elements which were recycled over and over to tell the histories of what happened in both the natural and human world. And every culture made stories using these elements and the elements did actually "travel". You can see them being repeated on opposite sides of continents and oceans. The story about Anzu's wing-tips is very Astrological/'nomical. But I'm at a phase in my studies when everything seems astrological...
Maji is Palindromic... Phonetic annunciation is Key,,, Frequency modulation and Amplitude is Key we Sing our Spell" as to be in Harmony or well,,, Dissonance with Nature,,, Basically,,, Subjective of Object by Definition We May as Well Be,,, Speaking in Tongues. or Babylon. Action at a Distance vs self Determination of Our own Path... Caused Fait vs Destiny,,, Choose Very Well Guardian. Find Peace Within.
Look into The Heavens and into the Heart of All Creation... See The Mind of God"... Metabolizing within us and Without us. We Are The Children of The Sun... let There Be No Dark Star within Our Heart. Shine Brightly my Brothers... were all Palindromic Repeats... That is Maji. White vs Black 101#
is That Maji Not Logical Logolia. we can Reduce all Caused Effects to the First un caused cause of All Effect we see Animated. as an infinity of infinite moments of Palindromic Repeats... Darkness was and Thought was and will to Be is yo Answer... or well Not to Be is yo Fiction of Facts in yo own Hero's Journey to yo own soul. Do unto Others is Law. we do it all unto ourself Bra.
See our Star as a Proton... conjugating Ions or Electrons "Trons" as Metabolizing within a Cell within a Cell,,, i/o,,,, in & out... Black to white Spin left spin right... up down in Vector 360 Degrees... it is Quantum Mechanic's 101#. Bang... Happens by Induction of information from Light compressed into Matter or Darkness or a Black Hole. all of it" as a Palindromic Repeat... CRISPR" ok... DNA Read Write Code by Spark induction as Frequency Modulation & amplitude. Spin up Right Quark. Ha ha h ha h h haaaaaaaaaaaaaa it is in Ordo. Guardian.
In the battle the resonance of Anzu's shilde was discovered and the missiles were set to the same resonance, penetrating Anzu's shield. The mountain vaporised and Anzu was defeated.
Brilliant Deduction of yo induction of Premise... Draco/Homo ET Clone v Homo... Cannibals eating our Progeny... as Baal War ships Prepare fo War. see it . Read Thoth. what you know will shine inside your Heart... Be The Light we are. Guardian.
The question towards the end of the video was asked if the Anzu bird carried on to any other civilizations. The Knights of Templer adopted Anzu as Baphomet.
Hello Dr. Steve Tinney, there is a graphic attached to this tweet that you might be interested in. The Avars of the Caucasus are a very ancient people who speak a variety of agglutinative languages related to Turkish. The Avars may have occupied a much larger territory in very ancient times including Sumeria and Avaris in Egypt. Anzu lived in the Mountains.
I find it odd that no context for the lion bird god is given, in so far as this region was populated by lions ( somewhat smaller in stature than the African variety ) at that time and of course, they are now extinct in the middle east.One apex predator losing out to another, and perhaps its last residual haunts being in the uplands. Perhaps that is common knowledge amongst the audience, but I doubt it. The kings legitimised their reign by partaking in an orgy of slaughtering lions as an act of status. Raptors, on the other hand would have stripped the corpses bare of flesh as part of the funary ritual and partic after battles. Anyhow, regardless, very interesting talk. Thanks
I am from Iran, I wanted to tell a story from Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, which has become a reality today with my discoveries and some archaeologists in the past. The son of Marduk, the ancient god, named Shah Zahhak or Ajidhak, who sits on the throne after killing Marduk and rules for 1000 years. . He must have heard it, so what do I want to add to it? I found signs of coins, seals, etc., which are undoubtedly related to 1,300 to 3,000 years BC. Maybe they will help you. All the symbols are only Satan and that's it. Shah Zahak, a man sometimes an antichrist with one eye and a snake on his shoulder, has become such a joke in this era that there was no place where I did not find a sign of him on a grave or a temple after knowing the signs. And where can I send you photos?
No offense, of course, but the last bit about attacking Enzu's wings seems readily clear to mean, attack the wings of his armies (as you attack up the mountain), such that Enzu will draw the arrows 'towards him, holding down the center of his forces...' as you noted.
Wouldn't it be great if a cuneiform description of these creatures or beings, made them less mythical and more believable. I try to correlate the technology narrative with the images but there is very little to hook on to. The wearing of a device on the wrist, the intertwined snakes/DNA, and the clutching of a lion, like it was a house pet intrigues me. The quadruped 'gods' are amazing, but if as depicted, could only be fed like cattle. An explanation could be, that they were meant to be purely a representation of the god of whatever King happened to be ruling a city, that they could be 'wheeled' out on occaisions or be part of a baggage train in event of war or a change in the seat of power. A quadruped statue would be more stable to manoeuvre.
Those beasts of Legend were REAL- despite this slanted , archaic , painfully Mainstream stance that its all symbolic & could not possibly be based on the reality of the time
Hologram depiction ( Blue Wings) of a Lion type creature with a humanish body,they use the blue hologram to decieve there dinner which is probably us humans.
At 2851 in the video the tablet of Destinies it is probably more like a star chart and no the only not he did not control the planets they just started them Destiny versus faith faith you can control it comes about by making a decision or law or something for the heart's will occurring but Destiny like planets in orbit or neither we nor they have control over and belongs in the realm of the creator of all it's the big planetary motion
The winged lion faced demon that stole the role of god from Bel. Continued on as Pazuzu of the Babylonians. YAHldabaoth of the Gnostics, Aion(Kronos/Saturn - God of Time)of the Mithraics, Serapis of the Greco-Egyptians and continued today in the representation of the winged Lion of Judah. In King James's "Daemonologie", it states Yahweh utilizes his demons as a "rod of control/correction" to those that stray from his will. Just as the Babylonians utilized Pazuzu to exorcise demons, Judeo-Christians utilizes Yahweh/Shemhamforash. Aleister Crowley worshipped Shemhamforash aka Yahweh. 🤔 In the Ars Goetia, Shemhamforash is the head of the 72 demons. 🤔 Yahweh = Anzu/Pazuzu under a different guise. Now an egregore, the egregore of the ELite that all the Abrahamic Religions feed into and power through belief of IT as the one true "God". The Babylonian Asipu haven't disappeared, they exist in today's priesthood. This is why the Pope dresses in Asipu garb.
Keep bombing the Force, from behind our force field keep up the attack untill his shield weakens, then deliver the nuclea blow. Anzu's shield collapsed and the blow was delivered.
Amazing speaker. My backgroynd is metaphysics n i can tell that the professor had his reincarnation there. Now being said i ll give few confirmation of what i can see. The twisted plot to rewrite history was correct. Also, for those wanted to see this story in actions, its a combo of movies Avatar (by Cameron) n the god of egypt (by alex proyas) n read badga veda text. N perhaps u ll learn that "destiny tablet" is the destiny stone at the royal uk possession. It belonged to lord Shiva thats the Anu naga. The lion race held nuetral genetic n creation template while the war between the serpent n bird race fought to rule till today. The cosmo representing each race has to do with the star system where they originated. The bird "biting the bull man" means the bird race powering the bull race-alpha centurion race that arrived on earth. When this race arrived, they were already gene composed of lyran, bull, serpent. They ruled the entire planet. Look at story of Odin n the language in which is ancient tamil (souther india) language. Which story came 1st? I would say Odin 1st n he was here to genetically creating various star seeds..Sirius, cynus, orion. Modern scholar would argued that humanity came out of "africa" but its not true.
Yes the sky writing, "casting" spells, etc..that he said are correct. How? To better understand, one must possess such power to access them. The truth is out there but still we need to filter out. The Rigveda is good source to compare the Sumer too. Eventually we ll discover that the original jews came from Scotland n not current isreal state in middle east.
Everything you said is crazy nonsense. I hope nobody takes you at your word. Your loopy crazy nuts lunatic psychiatric disorder is interfear get with reality. You have no idea what your going on about ...yes humans came out of Africa. Yes evolution is real. Yes, in science there is cosmology. If you deny these your ignorant ....or just crazy.
The victors retuned with the hard drive containg the data that gave control over all operating systems that could be deployed in an attack against Enlil.
By paying close attention you'll find Gods and Monsters in most of the Graphs carrying a bag in one hand. Now, go to Egypts pictures graphs and you'll find Gods and Monsters carrying the same identical bag... Go to Göbekli Tepe and you'll find that exact bag at the top of carving. 11,000 bc 7,000 bc 5-6,000 bc... all the same carved by the same?????
This guy managed to turn an interesting topic into a very boring seminar. A tip to academics... put your egos aside with your long winded admiration of your own voices and get to the point.
I think you miss his point entirely, which is a pity. It is a rather subtle argument, but he does state it explicitly, and in my view he makes his case. That is, the same characters are adopting different roles in the myths that are presented to reinforce the legitimacy of different regimes at different times. The character of Anzu is subject to political editorial manipulation. It is not a fixed story, nor are the motives or outcomes fixed. They are used as tools in the political life of the day. Now this is very boring and anti-woo, because it forces us to accept that story and myth have no real claim to unchanging veracity through the ages, and so they are simply not worth much, as testament to factual events. The best we can do, when searching for truth and history in myth, is to try and filter what is manifestly political theatre from that which is rather "archetypal" symbolism, or shared spiritual beliefs that are chanted and sung down the ages, in the vedic tradition. Dr Kinney is doing an admirable job at this task, and it isn't fair to judge him as close minded to whatever celestial origin theory folks may wish to believe. He is just demonstrating some disciplined analysis of the evidence available. Depending on your taste, this is better stuff than the best of the woo. And I like me some woo, for sure. Who doesn't?
by Now,,, 2 years after,,, This Professor has Become His Own Monster... and Is Now,,, Either one Kind of a Fool ot The Other... When you Seek a Truth in Just all of us... All we Find is Just us. Fiat Justitia Reuat Caelum ET Non Quieta Morvere. Voxnihilly. Peace out.
Thank you, once again, Penn Museum, for making these wonderful lectures available to we mere, uneducated yayhoos. I assure you, finding a decent lecture on early Mesopotamia that doesn't include Zachariah Sitchin (sp?) is refreshing. I've watched this particular lecture at least 15 times
I almost want to pay a developer-techie-geek to design a bug to chew up every bit of content on the internet that conflates ANNUNAKI with bloody ALIENS just so I can do some decent research without so much tabloid b-s to dig through!
Wouldn't THAT set their paranoid little conspiracy-crazed minds into a roil, ha ha!
lol "The (Aliens/Government/Illuminati/WTF ever) wiped All of our 'Secret Truth' content!!"
No. Just a nerd who doesn't want to deal with bloody "genetic-manipulating scientist" b-s every time I want to read about Ningishzida, damn it!
I praise your use of the word yahoo. Definitely one of my favorite words
Speak for yourself female who doesn’t read books.
its boring without aliens
What an informative and well-presented talk! Thank you for recording and uploading it. To answer the first question (44:54): I've lived in the Middle East for a decade and have come across Muslims who have read the epic of Gilgamesh and even told the children the story. But, of course, this is not a widespread phenomenon.
Dr. Tinney you are a wonderful story teller!
I wanted to applaud at times watching this.
I love this stuff, I wish I could go back in time and study this stuff.
Intelligently spoken.
Thank you.
Marvelous. Made my day.
Love this thank you so much
This guy was excellent
Three questions from the audience, only? That's it?! I have so many and would love to learn more from his other videos. If anything, I just want to remark on how the speaker kept me on the edge of my seat when Ea's plan began to unfold and the meaning behind his scheme took shape. It blew me away to know that so long ago, storytellers were thinking of plot twists and loop holes comparable to the clever tricks writers come up with today. One would expect literature to be much more primitive the farther back we go but there is something oddly familiar about the structure and format of these captivating tales.
This guy is awesome. Listened to some of his lectures 3-4 times.
@Sarah Asaad Yes, I have and I absolutely love the tale. So much character development!
"This is the best Anzu out there, yeah."
Who is this guy? Such provocations.
Native American thunderbird hits close to home.
I'm interested in the similarities between the story of Lugalbanda being left in a cave on his way to war, and the story of Philoctetes, written by Sophocles more than 1,000 years later. Both heroes are left in a cave by their peers on the way to a major seige/war and later catch up to help win. Both Aegean/Mesopotamian folk tales.
much of the greek pantheon and mythic tales derive from the earlier more eastern cultures, a bit like christianity derives from paganism and so is largely a continuation of that tradition which is rather ironic.
Comparative mythology is interesting like that. Did the previous story inspire the other, continue from it, or is there an inherent tendency for these tropes and archetypes to appear in tales from all cultures? Without a direct link, it is hard to say one or the other. My favorite comparative mythology is mother and father progenitors deities that are torn apart or killed by their offspring and made to become the sky and the earth. It makes me wonder if sometime early in human history, before migration, our humble small population broke apart from a few tribes rebelling against a parent-like ruler or patriarch and matriarch.
+kevina6587 spot on.
I feel like scholars in Comparative Mythology are given too-tight constraints for the observations which are drawn.
@@DamienZshadow 👏👏👏👏👏
@@lullabi3234 👏👏👏👏👏
I'd say the bull-man represented the bull of heaven. It would make more sense that Anzu would try to bring down the bull of heaven, if he goes after any figure.
Check the inadvertent telling 32:45 that the Anzu is actually Enlil himself.
@@nishuee9349 that would make no sense, Anzu stole tablets from him in cuneiform stories.
@@xxBooda91xx And you reckoned I don't know that already?
This is The ANnUnaki...
I'm really enjoying these - thank you for uploading! I was wondering - did the Sphinx lecture happen, and if so, will it be up soon?
During the time of the Gutians invasion, Lagash was spared and became a satellite city, thus the lack of mention in the list of ruling cities is obvious, the city was perhaps considered an enemy of the latter Sumerian dynasties and the change of the fortune of Anzu was by the Sumerians which was emphasised by the Babylonians. Just a thought.
I have read the available texts from Lagash in the period preceding Sargons rise, as they deal with the earliest legal proclamations of human rights known to exist. Now these texts seem to me to describe injustice resulting from monopolies on river front access. Others may read the text differently, however to me the text describes a system of human exploitation that arose due to overpopulation and increasingly vicious social divisions. Not only are the rights of women and children proclaimed as protected by the legal reforms in Lagash, the practice of using blind people to pump water was condemned. Now, this interests me, because Herotodus said that the Scythian's would simply blind their slaves, and leave them in tents to churn milk and weave cloth. Irrigation, the engine of the Mesopotamian economy, required water to be "lifted" by human driven pumps, from the river to the irrigation ditches that spread out from the river.
One suspects that the rulers were blinding their "subjects" to stop them running away, as life as a human pump was surely tedious. In any case, the legal reforms speak of huge social unrest at emerging caste systems that were offending the moral conscience of the people. Lagash was the flashpoint.
After Lagash, and the rise of law in the world of men, we see the rise of Sargon, the first king of many cities. I ask myself, how does Sargon rise? How does this low born cup bearer to the ruling caste rise, and why are his reforms welcome throughout the many cities of old Sumer?
Sargon is the first king. I find no literature beforehand that speaks of kingdoms, only cities with rulers, and the people of the wilderness.
You become king by your own hand, by bringing law to the people. It was Napoleons way, and Caeser's, too. What law did Sargon have to bring, to unite the people of Sumer, but the reforms of Lagash?
I see the manifest disdain for Lagash, in the later records, as being an expression of fear at the echo of caste revolt and rebellion, which would naturally have terrified the new heirs of a rich, and increasingly overpopulated and rebellious, empire.
Could we understand ANZU's name as AN- sky and ZU, knowledge ? In this case, Anzu would be an intermediate between the god ANU and the human beings : he would be the guardian of ANU's divine knowledge. This would explain why the ruler in La figure aux plumes has two feathers on his head : he has the custody of birds divine wisdom, knowledge.
Thank you very much Mr Tinney for this interesting lecture.
I like your break-down, but is that what -Zu means?
How about in like AB-ZU?
What would "AB" be, like Water, maybe?
Then "KI-ZU" could be Earth Knowledge, and "EN-ZU" could be Air Knowledge...I'd enjoy that break-down!
I do not have the keys, I only know "a grasp of cuneiform" but what I have understood thanks to René Labat and his Manuel d'épigraphie akkadienne is that AB means "father" so AB-GAL (the fabulous creatures half fish, half men who came to Sumer sent by ENKI) means litteraly "great father" and AB-ZU could signify "father of the knowledge". When you know that ENKI, the "lord of the Earth" is the civilizing god in the Sumerian pantheon, it makes sense.
EN-ZU (combination I am not aware of, but I am no specialist) could mean "lord of the knowledge" because EN means lord, ruler...
The old pictogramme ZU is a triangle with a sort of ladder inside. Knowledge is clearly bound to climbing a mountain !
The BUZUR-ABGAL (wise) is drawn as a head (SAG) crossed by a ladder, one can understand therefore that the ladder is the symbol of knowledge seen as an ascension. The symbol is stlll alive in masonry for example.
One more "detail", BUZUR means "secret".
The BUZUR-ABGAL is the "great father of the secret"...
About ENZU...
In Les inscriptions de Sumer et d'Akkad, F.Thureau-Dangin translated in French the stele of the vultures (La stèle des vautours) and he mentions Enzu's big net, p.33 (le grand filet d'Enzu,). It is on the web.
The net is a tool for hunting, fishing etc... but it is also the metaphore for grid-pattern, the base of the methodic organization of a territory and a society. The net is a symbol of power, of domination seen as strength but also as knowledge, science.
It is associated to Enlil (p.31of the same book) and to Shamash in the Etana legend in which the snake complains because the eagle killed his babies "Shamash, your net is the vast Earth".
Knowledge (ZU) is logically bound to the net (SA or ŠUŠ-GAL), therefore ENZU's weapon is logically a net.
The net can also represent a “tight nit” community. As we are all connected one way or another
As an Assyrian: there are a few stories that survive until this day, which is The Epic of Gilgamesh. However, some others as well.
The higher sea levels shown on his first map confirm another amazing fact: the Red Sea was also higher. If you read Exodus and try to make the timeline match modern geography, its an imperfect fit. But move the sea shore closer to Goshen, and now its an easy fit.
Thanks so much for this. Can you do more on Mesopotamia, preferably with Dr. Tinney? It's been a while.
The lion-headed flying fish, the lion-butted gryphon...
Looks like a bat to me
Damn! This reminds me in a big way of a lot of those modern day cowboy tales.
Namely: Pootie Tang!
You know what I mean!? If you watched that movie you would know what I'm talking about, that's right!
Wadda ta, my damie?!
@@christopherdiedrich40 Sepotown!
@@1Knoche11 Sa da tay!
where did the red hared 6 didget giants come from,or the elongated head race.?.
Lion-headed + wings like eagles + god of thunderstorms = storm dragon of destruction
So families who have winged lions on Shields and coats of arms may be related?
Oh, and symbols of winged lions are worldwide.
Also possibly the ROK from 40 days 40 nights of sin bad. Anzu being able to breathe fire and water. RoK being attributed to the Phoenix. And quite possibly the chimera from Greek.
Anzu lives and travels the forests before he's unceremoniously killed. And reminds ME of the Book of Gilgamesh [?] Thank you
Wonder if there's any connection between Sumerian God Anzu and Abkhazian God Anzwa?
Destiny for example would be like a 24-hour day we can't speed it up or slow it down but fate would be that we can turn our clocks forward or backwards
6:20 i am reminded of the massive statues in the brit museum when i see the bulls with male heads ...cherubim were guards ...not cherubs.
[only problem it has no wings]
Got to know, are there written transcripts, or web pages of this presentation. I need this, really I do.
If you're still in need a year later, here's a few resource sites:
oh and don't leave this out. Updated regularly with new research:
@@lullabi3234 he ded
I don't think Sumerians put "Just filler" anywhere, in anything, ever.
I know right?
You don't doodle as you might your school notebook when you are Carving Out of Stone.
The art of Illuminating Manuscripts might have spoiled modern historians.
Cuz I don't believe ANY ancient art--from cave drawings to Carved Stone stories, even to the Temple art of Dynastic Egypt had put in "just filler".
This was both, Incredibly labor-intensive work, and ALSO Sacred work!
What?!? You think the Sumerians didn’t have lettuce 🥬?
That is Funnyyyyyyyyyyyyy…. I Reacted The same way... to the Letter... ha h ha hhaha aaaaa
Maji works like Dat ok...
When Gilgamesh and Enki Do Seek UM" BA BA",,, it Ain't Wa Wa" it is Ba Ka ka Ba.... see what im sayin.
Dali's Teaching says um BA BA might well be Translated by Phonetic" association in the Spell"-ing so
Ba" is Ka Animated Spirit Avatar.. of The Chee or Life force as Spark...
Incarnate of Ka.. Ba to Ka and Back,,, Reincarnation of Souls in the Deuat"
Anu in the Abzu... or Halls of Amanti… Thoth must Have Been Enoch or Enki as Mama was Eve so
all the Religions are Corrupted by Local Colloquial Gibberish vs Lingua Franca of the Original Authors.
a Repeat of the same story forever yet never the Same players by Name...
As a Writer...
we find 1` Plot...
we take a Journey...
on That Principle we find
Every Hierophants Journey... to Find our own Soul Value.
33 Plots reduce into 1
we take a Trip and Never Leave the Pharm.
jā carter try wise up channel 👁
No filler. Why say 'wavy vortexes' and then not research further? Like look into electricity and technology? It looks like a lazy and shallow (non scientific) approach to me.
Anzu bites the carcass of the bull to get trapped by the serpent in Etana"s story
5:46 who is he fighting son!? Lmao
0:43 is that Artifact a product of Egypt!!? Lmao
I lost it at 37:38, I though Ninurta was little ways from the Anzu to use a sword or? And if he could cut the Anzu's wings, why not also the head while he was at it?
A question was- "Does Anzu Travel"? Shall we ask Seven Macaw of the Popovu?
I think the part man-part beast creatures are totemic remnants of pre-deity times when the people were still animist. Each deity has an animal with them. I think the anthropomorphic images of gods slowly separated from their original elemental forms of animals, and the animals were kept with them as some kind of 'power' representation.
The bull, being a form of An, is represented as a chimara of An with a human face, and the body of a bull, says how strong he is as he fights off Anzu.
Parece que son piezas de las cuevas de los tayos #Ecuador, esas piezas como egipcias con alas..
What about the king list before the flood you never mentioned that,and how long they all lived. There is more to this story.
It’s sad how people who are unfamiliar with Sumerian mythology/religion insist upon projecting their own modern prejudices (or conspiracies) upon it. Read it for what it is and what it says. We will never understand it in its original context as we are not Sumerian, it is just the attempt of a Bronze Age people to understand their world. There is nothing else to it, and these people did not intend it to be anything else.
What conspiracies? And the old myths changed from village to village. People in their own country put their own Interpretations on things as well.
26:50: does Ninurta have a wrist watch?
one on each wrist.
cuz He's that serious about telling time.
It's the symbol of Venus, the 5-pointed flower.
It was not a clumsy time-traveler who forgot to remove his Rolex when he posed for the Stone-Carving-Portrait of His battle with the Anzu.
@@lullabi3234 Comedy and an actual answer? Sir, you surely spoil us. *gracious bow*
The Norse gods also had trouble with a giant bird❗ The Bird & Loki ~ stole Idunn and her basket of apples of her realm.⚡
Shapeshifting was all the rage, back in the day.🐙
LO.KI 🗝 🗝
In ancient cosmology the bird is always at the top with the serpent at the bottom. Even in ancient Americans the natives used totem poles with the bird on top.
I’ve heard from someone the other day that Loki means terrible bird or something to that effect.
Ryan Truesdell they represent root or heavens. The bird or lightening bolt aways strikes from above.
Happy Thorsday ⚡ .
Odin said Mankind was made from Wood... Morning Wood -
Ash and Elm Æ
Adam and Eve Æ
Compare your fingerprints with woodrings.
C. Noble Scorpio is also associated with both the serpent and the eagle as the tail strikes from above while the creature scurries , “silence is golden” Osiris quote comes to mind for the Scorpio ♏️ . Aka heavens venom.
Dracula is in the art of the winged lion stone sculpture
Is Anzu the carrier of Marduk?
it look to me like when he talks about feathers,that he means on ships with sails,and arrows are representing army on land..someone was using mythology and hidden messages to teach humans around the world history,astronomy,agroculture,medicine and many more things..they tried to stay hidden for some reason,but they left clues..
these people are always connected with sea navigation (spirals and wavy lines),sun and stars worshiping,snake or dragon(secret knowledge,wisdom),horses play important role,they are master stone builders and great warriors..
In these images that have been handed down lies the geometry, the math, of this technology; for us to see in the21st century.
Here we have the stone age saga of stelth, rocket, data, energy barriers, deployed in a war of who knows who faught with whom.
Outremer/ultramarine, ooooooooh! That's why lapis lazuli blue is called ultramarine
What is the spelling in that talking battle mace?
When pronounced, would it sound _anything_ like "Mjolnir"?
45:47 Yup.
In several cultures, writing changed the game entirely. "Spelling" was Magic. And the Constellations were "letters" and story elements which were recycled over and over to tell the histories of what happened in both the natural and human world. And every culture made stories using these elements and the elements did actually "travel". You can see them being repeated on opposite sides of continents and oceans.
The story about Anzu's wing-tips is very Astrological/'nomical.
But I'm at a phase in my studies when everything seems astrological...
Maji is Palindromic... Phonetic annunciation is Key,,, Frequency modulation and Amplitude is Key
we Sing our Spell" as to be in Harmony or well,,, Dissonance with Nature,,,
Subjective of Object by Definition
We May as Well Be,,, Speaking in Tongues.
or Babylon.
Action at a Distance vs self Determination
of Our own Path... Caused Fait vs Destiny,,,
Choose Very Well
Find Peace Within.
Look into The Heavens and into the Heart of All Creation...
See The Mind of God"... Metabolizing within us and Without us.
We Are The Children of The Sun...
let There Be No Dark Star within Our Heart.
Shine Brightly my Brothers...
were all Palindromic Repeats...
That is Maji.
White vs Black
is That Maji Not Logical Logolia.
we can Reduce all Caused Effects to the First un caused cause of All Effect we see Animated.
as an infinity of infinite moments of Palindromic Repeats...
Darkness was and Thought was and will to Be is yo Answer...
or well Not to Be is yo Fiction of Facts in yo own Hero's Journey to yo own soul.
Do unto Others is Law.
we do it all unto ourself Bra.
See our Star as a Proton... conjugating Ions or Electrons "Trons" as Metabolizing within a Cell within a Cell,,,
i/o,,,, in & out... Black to white Spin left spin right... up down in Vector 360 Degrees...
it is Quantum Mechanic's 101#.
Bang... Happens by Induction of information from Light compressed into Matter or Darkness or a Black Hole.
all of it" as a Palindromic Repeat...
CRISPR" ok... DNA Read Write Code by Spark induction as Frequency Modulation & amplitude.
Spin up Right Quark.
Ha ha h ha h h haaaaaaaaaaaaaa it is in Ordo.
You are Looking fo Intent of Content of The Man in His Tent.
by Self Determination or well. Under a God/Spell.
Smack Down That Demon.
In the battle the resonance of Anzu's shilde was discovered and the missiles were set to the same resonance, penetrating Anzu's shield. The mountain vaporised and Anzu was defeated.
This story is stone age history, transcribed by bronze age people, listened to in 21st century; it's clear that we here the echoes of technology here.
They can decrease that they cannot control Destiny like planets in order we nor they have no control over that
So Human-Dinosaur Wars?
Brilliant Deduction of yo induction of Premise...
Draco/Homo ET Clone v Homo...
eating our Progeny... as Baal War ships Prepare fo War.
see it .
Read Thoth.
what you know will shine inside your Heart...
Be The Light we are.
U said that u don't know about the bull that india God shiva temple infront of shivalingam
The question towards the end of the video was asked if the Anzu bird carried on to any other civilizations. The Knights of Templer adopted Anzu as Baphomet.
And Anzu became the Ziz bird in the Bible
Hello Dr. Steve Tinney, there is a graphic attached to this tweet that you might be interested in. The Avars of the Caucasus are a very ancient people who speak a variety of agglutinative languages related to Turkish. The Avars may have occupied a much larger territory in very ancient times including Sumeria and Avaris in Egypt. Anzu lived in the Mountains.
Destiny lies in the hands of the creator of all we have no control
Wise up channel 👁
So... Anzu is thanos with the infinity gauntlet
If Anzu is a male character with a lion's head, which he is, why doesn't he have a mane?
Birds and Lions. Believe it or not there is a Sumerian God calling out to me just outside my window. What should I do?
I find it odd that no context for the lion bird god is given, in so far as this region was populated by lions ( somewhat smaller in stature than the African variety ) at that time and of course, they are now extinct in the middle east.One apex predator losing out to another, and perhaps its last residual haunts being in the uplands. Perhaps that is common knowledge amongst the audience, but I doubt it. The kings legitimised their reign by partaking in an orgy of slaughtering lions as an act of status. Raptors, on the other hand would have stripped the corpses bare of flesh as part of the funary ritual and partic after battles.
Anyhow, regardless, very interesting talk. Thanks
Yo. Very insightful. Great observation. I'ma keep it, if you don't mind, even if contemporary "experts" don't factor it in.
I am from Iran, I wanted to tell a story from Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, which has become a reality today with my discoveries and some archaeologists in the past. The son of Marduk, the ancient god, named Shah Zahhak or Ajidhak, who sits on the throne after killing Marduk and rules for 1000 years. . He must have heard it, so what do I want to add to it? I found signs of coins, seals, etc., which are undoubtedly related to 1,300 to 3,000 years BC. Maybe they will help you. All the symbols are only Satan and that's it. Shah Zahak, a man sometimes an antichrist with one eye and a snake on his shoulder, has become such a joke in this era that there was no place where I did not find a sign of him on a grave or a temple after knowing the signs. And where can I send you photos?
have you ever think about this. its a logo,a symbol, an emblem of a once great nation whom conquered all nation
Sut is Typhon or typhoon involved with Posidien. Dig me?
Aka EL'Oh-Him.
The Flood comes in the day of Four Suns. Hardly "filler" ...
No offense, of course, but the last bit about attacking Enzu's wings seems readily clear to mean, attack the wings of his armies (as you attack up the mountain), such that Enzu will draw the arrows 'towards him, holding down the center of his forces...' as you noted.
Checkout alcohol clouds in space.
Wouldn't it be great if a cuneiform description of these creatures or beings, made them less mythical and more believable.
I try to correlate the technology narrative with the images but there is very little to hook on to.
The wearing of a device on the wrist, the intertwined snakes/DNA, and the clutching of a lion, like it was a house pet intrigues me.
The quadruped 'gods' are amazing, but if as depicted, could only be fed like cattle.
An explanation could be, that they were meant to be purely a representation of the god of whatever King happened to be ruling a city, that they could be 'wheeled' out on occaisions or be part of a baggage train in event of war or a change in the seat of power. A quadruped statue would be more stable to manoeuvre.
Those beasts of Legend were REAL- despite this slanted , archaic , painfully Mainstream stance that its all symbolic & could not possibly be based on the reality of the time
Hologram depiction ( Blue Wings) of a Lion type creature with a humanish body,they use the blue hologram to decieve there dinner which is probably us humans.
Surely Anzu-gone-bad was a way of the Akkadians disenfranchising the Anzu-loving Lagashis?
Okay never mind, umm spoiler.
michel lagacé
At 2851 in the video the tablet of Destinies it is probably more like a star chart and no the only not he did not control the planets they just started them Destiny versus faith faith you can control it comes about by making a decision or law or something for the heart's will occurring but Destiny like planets in orbit or neither we nor they have control over and belongs in the realm of the creator of all it's the big planetary motion
based on a real big bird of pray????
Assyrian spirits in my body get hurt by demon. We catch him for get hurt
Slow, but nothing is perfect. The subject was covered well.
Could ANZU be made evil for rebellion. Wanting humanity free as it was before the annunki kingship and the wars they love
Anzu = Continent/Country
The winged lion faced demon that stole the role of god from Bel. Continued on as Pazuzu of the Babylonians. YAHldabaoth of the Gnostics, Aion(Kronos/Saturn - God of Time)of the Mithraics, Serapis of the Greco-Egyptians and continued today in the representation of the winged Lion of Judah. In King James's "Daemonologie", it states Yahweh utilizes his demons as a "rod of control/correction" to those that stray from his will. Just as the Babylonians utilized Pazuzu to exorcise demons, Judeo-Christians utilizes Yahweh/Shemhamforash. Aleister Crowley worshipped Shemhamforash aka Yahweh. 🤔 In the Ars Goetia, Shemhamforash is the head of the 72 demons. 🤔 Yahweh = Anzu/Pazuzu under a different guise. Now an egregore, the egregore of the ELite that all the Abrahamic Religions feed into and power through belief of IT as the one true "God". The Babylonian Asipu haven't disappeared, they exist in today's priesthood. This is why the Pope dresses in Asipu garb.
It's our cosmology. The notion that our ancestors were more primitive than we are is a false notion. They had way more knowledge than we have,
Force fields, missiles instead of a place not even the gods could breach, even using missiles.
Keep bombing the Force, from behind our force field keep up the attack untill his shield weakens, then deliver the nuclea blow. Anzu's shield collapsed and the blow was delivered.
Amazing speaker. My backgroynd is metaphysics n i can tell that the professor had his reincarnation there. Now being said i ll give few confirmation of what i can see. The twisted plot to rewrite history was correct. Also, for those wanted to see this story in actions, its a combo of movies Avatar (by Cameron) n the god of egypt (by alex proyas) n read badga veda text. N perhaps u ll learn that "destiny tablet" is the destiny stone at the royal uk possession. It belonged to lord Shiva thats the Anu naga. The lion race held nuetral genetic n creation template while the war between the serpent n bird race fought to rule till today. The cosmo representing each race has to do with the star system where they originated. The bird "biting the bull man" means the bird race powering the bull race-alpha centurion race that arrived on earth. When this race arrived, they were already gene composed of lyran, bull, serpent. They ruled the entire planet. Look at story of Odin n the language in which is ancient tamil (souther india) language. Which story came 1st? I would say Odin 1st n he was here to genetically creating various star seeds..Sirius, cynus, orion. Modern scholar would argued that humanity came out of "africa" but its not true.
Yes the sky writing, "casting" spells, etc..that he said are correct. How? To better understand, one must possess such power to access them. The truth is out there but still we need to filter out. The Rigveda is good source to compare the Sumer too. Eventually we ll discover that the original jews came from Scotland n not current isreal state in middle east.
Everything you said is crazy nonsense. I hope nobody takes you at your word. Your loopy crazy nuts lunatic psychiatric disorder is interfear get with reality. You have no idea what your going on about ...yes humans came out of Africa. Yes evolution is real. Yes, in science there is cosmology. If you deny these your ignorant ....or just crazy.
"My backgroynd is metaphysics" comedy gold
@@maikmost8589 I know right
The victors retuned with the hard drive containg the data that gave control over all operating systems that could be deployed in an attack against Enlil.
By paying close attention you'll find Gods and Monsters in most of the Graphs carrying a bag in one hand. Now, go to Egypts pictures graphs and you'll find Gods and Monsters carrying the same identical bag... Go to Göbekli Tepe and you'll find that exact bag at the top of carving. 11,000 bc 7,000 bc 5-6,000 bc... all the same carved by the same?????
I've seen presentations on this theme also.
There's something there.
The game has a prize. So what does legend say of bag?
Anzu = Anuz
This guy managed to turn an interesting topic into a very boring seminar. A tip to academics... put your egos aside with your long winded admiration of your own voices and get to the point.
How about you translate gods to planets. Stuff might make more sense. √ out The Electric Universe. Long Live Velikovsky!
I think you miss his point entirely, which is a pity. It is a rather subtle argument, but he does state it explicitly, and in my view he makes his case. That is, the same characters are adopting different roles in the myths that are presented to reinforce the legitimacy of different regimes at different times. The character of Anzu is subject to political editorial manipulation. It is not a fixed story, nor are the motives or outcomes fixed. They are used as tools in the political life of the day.
Now this is very boring and anti-woo, because it forces us to accept that story and myth have no real claim to unchanging veracity through the ages, and so they are simply not worth much, as testament to factual events.
The best we can do, when searching for truth and history in myth, is to try and filter what is manifestly political theatre from that which is rather "archetypal" symbolism, or shared spiritual beliefs that are chanted and sung down the ages, in the vedic tradition. Dr Kinney is doing an admirable job at this task, and it isn't fair to judge him as close minded to whatever celestial origin theory folks may wish to believe.
He is just demonstrating some disciplined analysis of the evidence available. Depending on your taste, this is better stuff than the best of the woo.
And I like me some woo, for sure. Who doesn't?
I wish the guy would stop making bad jokes
How much do U know
Mostly nothing just filler
Go home
@tonmy cas ii see your another crazy one
by Now,,, 2 years after,,,
This Professor has Become His Own Monster...
and Is Now,,,
Either one Kind of a Fool ot The Other...
When you Seek a Truth in Just all of us...
All we Find is Just us.
Fiat Justitia Reuat Caelum
ET Non Quieta Morvere.
Peace out.
Woe upon The Wo Man...
Find Peace Within
Do Unto Others is Law
That is in Ordo
i call my Arrow's Feathers top My Heart.
Caused Fate Becomes our own Destiny
Choose our Fate very Well.